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great group from the 50's...... The Danleers
Name: Lanny Harris () on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 22:00:18
E-Mail: Fourwindspub@juno.com
Class: '62
City and State: Salt Lake City, Ut
Message: Alan Hauge and I had a friend that was somewhat unpredictable. His name was Raymond Wheeler. One day Raymond and a friend decided to go shooting up in the desert. He drove his beat-up '51 Plymouth to a nice secluded place to shoot. BTW, these were high powered rifles. Raymond thought it would be cool to shoot a bullet through his doors i.e. in one and out the other. He took careful aim and stopped just before he pulled the trigger. He decided to roll down the windows because he thought the impact would blow them out. After rolling down the windows he took carefull aim and shot a hole right through both doors. You already know what happened, don't you? On the way home it got cold so they rolled up the windows to see two big holes in the door windows. I had to borrow that car for work for awhile and man did I get the stares!
My name is really not Lanny Harris, although that's what everyone knows me as. You see, when this girl I liked, by the name of Patty Lee, asked me my name I thought it would be cool to give her another name. The first name that came to mind was Lanny Harris, who was a buddy of one of my older uncles. When the photos for the yearbook was taken I had to sign my name Lanny Harris lest I blow my cover. To this day, I'm called Lanny instead of Jim Raines.
After I got out of the Navy in '65 I worked at different jobs around. Finally in '68 I was out of work and my girl (different one) left me so I was feeling kinda lost when a news flash came over the TV, "The North Koreans Hi-jacked the USS Pueblo!" Two days later I was in Long Beach waiting for orders. I put in for a Destroyer, like I was on before, but they decided that I should go to Viet Nam and be on a Riverboat in the Mekong delta. I still enjoy the posts that have Hawthorne's history. Thanks for listening Lanny
Name: Kelley () on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 21:12:24
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay,Oregon
Message: Well I'm glad there is a fruiter to go along with out lebenise readers..sort of a bonding thing i guess. I sure glad "I'm just a natural women" I wonder if that will make people treat me DIFFERENT. Remember this is all in jest...I don't want to get anything going here Like Gomez says Takillya
Name: Pat Stark () on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 16:22:53
E-Mail: rnbsls@concentric.net
Maiden: Phillips
Class: 1959
City and State: Santa Rosa, Ca
Message: I went to Hawthorne Elementary then onto H.H.S for 4 great years, it was the best years of my life. I have been living in Santa Rosa Ca since 1964, we are 50 miles north of San Francisco, I lost contact with my 2 best friends about 20 years ago right after our 20th reunion. The three of us were always together, football games, high school functions, etc. If anyone knows the whereabouts of Carleen Tunnell and Bonnie Beinert, both class of 1959 please let me know, other great friends were Linda Cook, Danny Delp, Jim Stillwell, and Nancy Morton. My Email is rnbsls@concentric.net
Pat (Phillips) Stark
Name: Mike Backus () on Tuesday, June 26, 2001 at 15:59:55
E-Mail: michael@backusstudio.com
Class: '74
Message: Gee, I guess that really WAS the last word, wasn't it? What are you going to do with your extra time now, John?
Had a great time at Sears Point Raceway in Sonoma this weekend for the Winston Cup race. Also thanks to Glenn Crist HHS63 for making the arrangements for Janet and I and her family. We all had a great time.....AND we're BACK!!!
Name: Gary Nelson () on Friday, June 22, 2001 at 00:03:50
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Message: OK you guys, final word.
In 1998 I sold a "real" 66- 427 Cobra for $100,000 less than we paid for it, it was a documented car, it had 19,000 original miles on it. We paid a lot of money for it because it was "original" and were told it had value. When we went to sell it. it took two more years to get rid of it. It sat in a Cobra dealers shop and drew a crowd all that time but no one wanted it- for any price. Economy was good, didn't even get an offer. They all bought the newer- better reproduction models. Everyone talks about how great they were but all anyone ever does is hype the proported "value" and try to sell them at a profit. That's what we did- and we lost. Yea, sour grapes I know.
We finally sold it to a drug dealer in Argentina somewhere. The suspension was hard, the seats forced you to sit sideways in the corner instead of behind the steering wheel, the shift was reversed making it awkward to shift, it was loud, it smelled of oil and gas, you burned your leg on the side pipes when you got out of it, basically, in my opinion (even though I realize it was supposed to be a street use- race car) it was and is still highly over rated. Sorry Carroll, or who ever you are. That's my opinion.
I would rather have the $100,000 we lost or a nice Helm's Bakery Truck.
P.S., Carrol Shelby: I also like your Chili.....
Thanks Gary......wish you were coming down for Prom Night.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 19:14:46
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Houston, TX
Message: By pure accident, I just discovered that my old freshman basketball coach (and Y counselor) Jerry Scott (HHS, class of '71?) has a son Josh Scott who pitched at Baylor University in '99 and '00. Of course, Josh's uncle is 1986 Cy Young Award winner Mike Scott (HHS class of '73?). One of the websites has a photo of Josh -- he is the spitting image of his Dad and Uncle. (Josh's Auntie Sue is a class of '77, and was a gymnast and scorekeeper for the aforementioned freshman basketball squad).
Name: Eric Henderson () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 19:04:22
E-Mail: webdesigner217@flashmail.com
Class: 42
City and State: Los Angeles
Message: Hello.
Iım a new business development manager working with
a Los Angeles based Internet design firm.
I was searching through the Business & Shopping section
of the Yahoo web directory (www.Yahoo.com)
and came upon your site.
Our company would like to offer our services to
enhance your internet site, our prices our competitive
and our work is professional. By replying to this email
we can send you more information as well as links of our
many satisfied customers.
Eric Henderson
Thanks Eric, Not sure I want to do business with an Internet design firm who thinks this is an email instead of a form mail. Thanks anyway......
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 18:20:34
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA`
Message: Well, according to my calendar, it's the first day of Summer. I haven't had a chance to look at CT for awhile. Our school office has been a zoo. Yesterday was the last day of school, there's a little rest in sight now. I couldn't make Pink's cuz I had to waitress that night. But I thought of all you hot dog crazies out there, wish I coulda gone. I'm really looking forward to the reunion on the 11th. I'm gonna head down to the beach on Monday with my kids and dog and enjoy the water. My little pup I got in Dec. is now over 75 lbs. John, I gotta get my dues in, I PROMISE to put it in the mail tomorrow. Here's wishing everyone a wonderful summer, happy reunions, fantastic prom and good get togethers. God bless ...
No problem Deb, have a great reunion.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 15:42:01
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: Lotto fever has hit! 10 years ago April 17, 1991 the lottery was going over 100 mill'. Sharon and I had donated to the fund when it got high, I would put in $5 for my secret numbers that were bound to win, that day I bought $5 worth of quick picks and Sharon got into a pool at work. Each giving $5. That night about 8:30 I called her to check in, and they were all laughing. They had won!! There were about 30 people who got 3 numbers about .20 cents, she asked how I did and I told her "I didn't know the numbers", in those days they had 6 numbers and a bonus number, 7 total. Well she started reading them off, I got that one, I got that one...She finally read back 8 numbers and I thought oh "Poop" she didn't even know ! A friend at work had overheard this and thought I needed help, both our faces were red, him from the excitment, mine from the anger. Sharon gave me heart attack reading me the wrong numbers. My friend suggested we call his wife, "Miss Lotto Queen" who knew every number of every drawing, we got her on the phone and she said "you read me your numbers". I had them all except the 1st one. I started shaking, not a pretty site. I drove to the liquor store where I bought them, the place was packed with people checking their numbers. I gave my "Quick pick" to Abdul and his eyes went WIDE and said "you'd better sign this one"! I had stopped drinking in January of that year. When I came home from work that night my son handed me a beer and I said " no I don't drink! Sharon said if I didn't drink after that I better never drink again!! That night everyone was spending the money that we didn't have yet, we didn't even know how much. That morning my sister Barbara called and said my son Randy was on the radio with "Mark and Brian" who thought it was me and telling them about the bills I had...I turned on the radio and heard that" 34 people had picked 5 numbers plus the bonus and won $254,886.00 each"
Good Cougs!!!
Name: David Rosales () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 15:07:11
E-Mail: david_r26@hotmail.com
Maiden: Rosales
Class: 1999
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Whats up to all alumni from Hawthorne and all currently attending especially all of my past teachers. Big ups to the Baseball teams. Keep playing hard. c/o 1999
Name: patty valencia () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 11:37:46
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Hiya everyone.
Miss Saal's Home Ec class - you took it for the same reason I took it, Marsha. It was REQUIRED. I made a dress - sort of. Looked like a potato sack. Once during my illustrious home ec career, I sewed my sleeve to the potato sack dress material. I had to be extricated by Miss Saal's handiwork. The only "D" I got in h.s. was from Miss Saal. I'm still puzzled as to why she didn't like me very much.
Name: Marsha Russell-Hood () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 11:07:08
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Mrs. Elaine Saal. (taught home
ec. from 1954-1972) ........Thanks for the reminder Judy. I am hoping that Mrs.Saal will be giving lessons on how to put in zippers. I can still see that ugly material I used to make a skirt in home ec. and had to take the zipper out at least 10 times......That class was so funny, some of the SIMPLE things we had to cook. I will have to let Mrs. Saal know that the only thing I have mastered is heating a can of peas. I wonder why I took that class, I was not the least bit interested in sewing and cooking.........and I haven't changed.
You took it because of NO HOMEWORK!!
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 01:48:11
E-Mail: olds 88 coupe@yahoo.com
Class: 59
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Message: I wonder where my brain has been for the past few years. I read the urban legend thing somewhere and just didn't think about it. I remember your '58, and you just put it in perspective. I didn't realize how much time you would have left to stop, if you took under 8 seconds to get to 100 mph. It could be done with a light car and drum brakes. I'm glad I came in on this one when I did.
Norv, The Cobra had disc brakes.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 01:31:59
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: John, not sure what's up but I post messages and they don't post. Oh well. Just a note. Is Carroll Shelby really on our messageboard. If so, we are truly honored by his presence. This man is living history and I for one am very proud to have him on our site. The Cobra has been a dream car of mine. That wasn't a legend about the 0-100-0. Thats real. I had a friend (can't remember his name but he had three original Cobras in Ft. Lauderdale. He would take me out in them WOW what a car. That low rumbling and the wind blowing over your face like your in the middle of a hurricane is awesome. Getting that car up to 130 was nothing. Just a quick note. My uncle had a Testarossa and he took me for a ride down Highland in Playa Del Ray along the beach and it hit 140 in 3rd gear. That was awesome too. But I would still take a Cobra over a Vette anyday. There are Vettes everywhere, you don't see the rare Cobra much.
Keith, I'm posting everything I get. I don't know what the problem is.
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 00:56:43
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
Class: 59
Message: I was just trying to imagine a new Corvette, trying to negotiate the quarter mile, wearing a pair of "Tiger Paws"
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Thursday, June 21, 2001 at 00:49:09
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
Class: 59
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Message: Two cents from the Olds guy whose drivers are chevies.
That 13.8 seconds to 100 mph evolved into the urban legend: 0 to 100 and back to 0 in 13.8 seconds.
I've seen OEM Cobras at the Nostalgia Drags. All it takes to get high elevens at 120 mph is a set of "M&H" or "MT" Street legal drag tires. Except for the tires, they are using '50's technology. I'll go back into hibernation now.
Hey Norv, I have NO IDEA what you just said in that opening line.
Actually the 0-100MPH-0 in 13.8 seconds is NOT an urban legend but absolute fact. My 58 Chevy would ALMOST do 0-100 in 14 seconds and I'm sure Carroll's Cobra was a little quicker than the 58.....on the go side as well as the stop.
I'm not saying the Z06 couldn't do it today, but it's not utilizing mid 60's technology either.
Name: Gary Nelson () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 20:54:53
E-Mail: Kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Message: John:
Not to belabor (is that a word) the point, a Z06 will do 0-60 in 4 seconds, Cobras never did that. Go to the Z06 vette web page, amazing stuff.
Probably because the 0-100MPH-0 Cobras weren't built for getting on the freeway, but for road courses. Gary, I'm not knocking the Corvette. I LOVE the ZO6. I just think you're discounting the Shelby Cobra, as it has stood as a benchmark for all to aspire to since the mid 60's. Man, that's 36 years ago. Probably why if you find a number 1 original Cobra, the sky's the limit on price.......not so with any Corvette.
Name: Carroll Shelby () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 20:25:24
E-Mail: webmaster@carrollshelby.com
Class: 63-70
Message: Gary:
A 427 Vette (top power option, tri power carbs) made 435 hp and weighed around 3,500 lbs. The 427 Cobra
SC made 550 hp from it's Ford 427 side oiler and weighed 2,800 lbs. The math is easy. The Corvette was a
nice Grand Touring car, but not a race car. GM tried to make a competitive race version of the Corvette. They
called it the Grand National. They built a tube frame, hand laid the fiberglass body to cut the weight down
by 2/3, even cast a special all aluminum 370 CID V8 engine. They never finished it. Pity. Perhaps that
Corvette would have had a chance against my Cobras and Shelby Mustangs. Perhaps not. Finally, when
you say that new Vettes only get 21 MPH, is that in the quarter mile or top speed?
Hey Carroll, In all fairness, I'm sure we all know Gary meant 21 MPG. Uhhh...... love your Chili by the way.
Name: Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 20:10:19
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: Herecometheteachers....
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: PROM NIGHT NEWSFLASH.. Thanks to Mo Trott..Rich Allen (works for HHS) sent out mass mailers to the former and current teachers of HHS. I just got a call from Mrs. Elaine Saal. (taught home ec. from 1954-1972) She'd like to attend Prom Night, but can't drive, so there's only one thing we can do..I'LL GO GET HER!! She's very excited to see so many alumni again. I'm expecting many responses from the teachers from these mailers.. and now I have ED FITE '64; just bought his ticket today... Where ya been Ed?? You were at the first cruise night..and disappeared.. see you Aug 18th.. I think this weekend I'll start looking for my prom dress.. I like to take Janny shopping with me because he never tells me my butt looks big in anything I try on.. (I heard that John!!)
Judy Wudy.. looking for an empire sytle dress.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 18:04:00
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: Happy 59th Birthday Brian Wilson.
Happy 77th Birthday Chet Atkins. Also, Bugsy Siegel was killed on this day in 1947 and Bobby Helms and Lawrence Payton (Four Tops) died on this day in 1997.
Name: Dennis Campbell () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 17:08:01
E-Mail: Campbell901@cs.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mission Viejo Ca
Message: Hey Victor, Nice to see your post, how’s it going? The last time I saw you we were on the boulevard across the street from A&W in 1960. We were all having a great time doing something crazy, when Pete Steelman a motor officer for the HPD showed riding his big black & white hog and started trying to convince you to get out of your 409 and talk to him, boy did we give the old HPD a hard time back then?
Do you remember the night we were all hanging around fosters on 133rd “like we always did” and Pete was going on a code 3 run to somewhere anyway on 133rd & the boulevard and it happened! Pete and his motor officer partner hit dead center in the middle of Hawthorne & 133rd I’ll never forget we all ran over to Pete and tried to help him by asking a lot dumb questions. Boy we were some bad kid’s back then….NOT
Hope all is going well for you and Zaccaglini family!
Always a Coug!
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 16:49:14
E-Mail: youngun39@yahoo.com or youngun39@care2.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: Right on, Bonnie! Have a great one, Brian. I had to defend his honor and all of Hawthorne's the other day on Pat Metheny's jazz BB. Someone put a post in there, which kind of puzzled me because it had nothing to do with jazz artist Pat Metheny's music on whether the Beach Boys Pet Sounds or the Beatles Sgt. Peppers was a better album and how Paul McCartney and other such music elite think Brian is a musical genius (which I agree, he is/was) but some of the people who responded to that thread were saying all kinds of stupid things about Brian and the Boys and so, I told them to shut up and that if they REALLY wanted to know anything about the Boys to come here to Cougartown and ask any of their high school buds the questions and they could find out the REAL stories and not all this B.S. and rumors. I see they all were too chicken to put their big mouths in here! What a bunch of losers, huh?
Name: Gary Nelson () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 16:09:02
E-Mail: kruiszn@aol.com
Class: 60
City and State: Granite Bay, CA
Carrol: (Who ever you are, is that you Dixon?)
Had a "real" 427 Cobra for a while, could never keep up with a big block vette, my 33 Ford roadster (without air but has a CD player) can still run circles around any repo Cobra around. Plus the original Cobra was the most uncomfortable car I ever drove, the newer Richard Dixon types are much more fun to drive and safer as well. And, vette's only get 21 MPH.
Judy: Cannot make the reunion but Dickie will be there and "Chickie runs" are not drag races, there is always a decision that has to be made at the end, like "do I drive off the cliff or not", or, "do I swerve to miss a head-on crash. I left those to someone else...usually in the movies.
OK, Dickie, where are you???
Gary, Early 427 Cobras: 0-100MPH-0 in 13.8 seconds. I love the Vettes, but you and I both know that was, and IS, very impressive. Love that Z06 too.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 14:57:26
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: Thank you Victor, for the memory...I forgot about ol' Curtis. I remember him starting many a race. I also remember Victor's bachelor party back in the 60's....I still have a headache! Gotta get rich again, Lotto Fever has struck.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 14:45:46
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: Boy you guys talking about racing. I remember I had a 66 Mustang with bored out 289 and Mcleod (?) racing clutch and Edelbrock Intake with a Holley and was going to race this corvette. I watching him leave the parking lot at the Castle Park and while I was watching him I hit the only light pole with a cement base at the bottom. It hit so perfectly that it bent my frame up through the floor board and pushed my clutch and brake up so far they were pressed up against the bottom of the dashboard. It total my car. I ended up selling it for parts. I saw the guy the next day and he thought I was chicken to race him till I told him what happened. Oh well. Does any of the mid-70's people remember John Howard. He had the fastest car of anyone in Hawthorne or beyond during that time anyway. He built a custom 69 Camaro Z28, replaced the whole front end with one that lifted off completely and customized the front end. It had everything you could think of took him 4 years to build. He was the Chief Engineer at Edelbrock a few years. He was so smart. Took up hill racing cause it was boring for him to just race and win all the time. What a car. Steve Harrison from my class had one of the first originally built IROC Camaros that raced on the IROC series that his dad bought him.
Name: Mike Shay () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 13:41:25
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Maiden: doubleclutch
Class: 61
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Hey Everybody,
Sounds like it's time to get Dick and Gary together for Cougartown Night at the Hyperion plant. Oh man does that bring back memories.
See ya soon,
Name: Steven Sia () on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 at 13:23:55
Class: 2001-2002
City and State: Hawthorne Ca.
Message: Well I'm Steven Sia and I'm coming to H.H.S next year and I'm gay and I wanted will I get treated differently because I'm Homosexual.
I don't know how you'll be treated but it's real nice that you let everyone know your not straight.
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