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Here's one you haven't heard in a LONG time....... Jimmy Rodgers
Name: Debbie Washburn () on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 05:20:27
E-Mail: drivemsdazy@aol.com
Maiden: Johnston
Class: 72
City and State: Incline Village NV
Message: Dan Johnson, you said your sister graduated from Morningside High. By chance would she have known Bob Oates? We went out for quite a while, I was working at Sir Georges Smorgasboard (I was 15 but told them I was 16 and got the job), quit there and went to work for the new Sizzler on Hawthorne Blvd. I was either a Junior or Senior (can't remember that long ago!). I quit my job at Sizzler and went to work at Northrop Credit Union, the pay was 10cents more an hour! Bob made me buy a car as he picked me up and took me to school, picked me up from school and took me home to change clothes for work, took me to work and then picked me up. Why would I want a car I asked!!! He said he was tired of running a taxi shuttle, after all I was almost 18! Well I got my car, a 1962 V.W. After I got it he fixed it up for me and then I bought a 1969 V.W. that was thrashed but Bob was great with auto body work and he fixed that one up and painted it Baby Blue. Oh what fun I had then. I think he wished at the time that he hadn't talked me into this being independent thing! If your sister happens to know Bob or his whereabouts I would like to thank him for all he did. Thanks to everyone that keeps this web site going. It's so good to be able to go back and remember "the good ol days". Anybody remember Marty's Market on 120th? we used to use our lunch money to buy candy on the way to York St. School. Red hot toothpicks, pixie sticks, the cigarettes that blew out smoke. Oh what fond memories.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 02:46:16
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Honolulu, HI
Message: Okay folks I have to tell you about my weekend (short version). Had lunch at Planet Hollywood sitting outside with a couple of my friends. As we were people watching we noticed a very overweight woman with her I guess husband. It looked like she wanted her pic taken so that Planet Hollywood was in the background. She sat on a wall that was about 2 feet off the ground. And her husband was squatting down to get her picture. Then all of a sudden her hands went up and she fell backwards into the planter. The thing was that she was also stuck between a palm tree and the wall. I was watching people and they were going ballastic. SO many people taking her picture. Her husband reacted kind of slow but finally got to her and tried to get her out. No way Jose! She was wedged big time. As funny as it looked I guess it was awkward. Anyway it just so happen that a cop came by and now 4 people are trying to get her out. After at least 15 minutes no luck. To make a longer story shorter the cop must have called the fire department and they came and busted out the wall of the planter. Everyone at Planet H and others cheered. It was just something that happens in Hawaii. It also happened at Tequilla Willies when i was a bouncer there. A girl was drunk and got stuck between the toilet and the wall. Sorry for being so long. I have to tell you what I did today. But I will tell it tommorrow. It was the most fun I have had in years. Aloha
Name: DALE CRAIG () on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 01:04:57
Class: 76
City and State: HAWTHORNE CA
Name: LARRY BILLER () on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 01:00:33
Class: 1967
Message: One month ago we moved across town here to an old
Portland house which is located just a few blocks
from a street with a strikingly familiar ring to
it. It's called HAWTHORNE, and just East of us is
what is referred to as the HAWTHORNE district.
Just thought I'd share that.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 00:44:19
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: manhaddem bechs
Message: HOWDY!
LEEROY dunt danz wit nose budy butz BEULAH. Ans dats da truf.
Name: Maureen 'Mo' Trott () on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 00:09:49
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: INFORMATION PLEASE! Not to let JudyWudy down, I went to our Engineering Dept. to see what information they could get me on the Tract Names and or Districts. These are the Tract names that were listed in an old surveyors book. They were: BELLE VIEW, BURLEIGH, FAIRFAX PARK, HAWTHORNE ACRES, INGLEDALE ACRES, NORTH MONOTA GARDENS LAND, TOWN OF HAWTHORNE, VAN AUKEN, THEN THEY WENT INTO NUMBERS. Judy, the section we lived in was VAN AUKEN and the name of the street was originally WALLACE STREET. Rather then list all of the old/new street names here, if anyone wants to know what their street name was or what tract they were in, just ask and I'll post on a want's to know basis. This way, I won't have a long(er) feedback....OK
Name: Walter Holt () on Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 23:54:19
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Chris Prewitt... Let me see, if I tried to find and list all of the “B” side hits I would probably get run out of CTown. So I think I will just list the ones from Haytowns Favorite Sons that I found on Brian Wilson’s web site. I am including only the “B” sides that were listed as making the charts, since once again I’m sure most of CT would not want all of their B side Singles listed. So Here They are: “409” B side to “Surfin Safari’ reached #76, “Shut Down” B side to “Surfin USA” reached #23, “Little Deuce Coupe” B side to “Surfer Girl” reached #15, “In My Room” B side to “Be True To Your School” reached #23, “Don’t Worry Baby” B side to “ I get Around” reached # 24, “The Man With All The Toys” B side to “Blue Christmas reached #3(Christmas Charts), “Please Let Me Wonder” B side to “Do You Want To Dance” reached #52 & “God Only Knows” B side to “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” reached #39. Doris, once before you asked me about music from the 40s & 50s. I ran across a great site that lists all of the top 40 from 1930 to present along with the lyrics so I will Email you with that web site address. Later Cougs
Thanks Walter....
Name: Kathy Jensen-Robinson () on Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 23:13:58
E-Mail: slavekate@aol.com
Maiden: Jensen
Class: 1980
City and State: San Diego, CA
Message: To my dear brother Bobby, Do you remember a song during the disco era "Ain't gonna bump no more with no big fat woman"? Well it no longer applies! I bought my first pair of micro hip huggers, pants that I never could wear growing up.....and wouldn't you know it, I had to wait till I was 39 to finally wear them.
Name: nancy sargent () on Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 22:59:08
E-Mail: cricketsarge@aol.com
Maiden: rose
Class: '79
City and State: big bear lake, Ca
Message: Does anyone remember "Kiddie Land" on the corner (almost) of 120th and Hawthorne Blvd? I remember going there as a kid and really enjoying the rides, especially the "twirling buckets" and the "fishes". Afterwards we would go to Clark Drugs or sometimes the Dime Store (Kress?) for an ice cream or something to eat. How about the "Castle Dentist"? Does anyone remember him? Im sure if you ever went to HIM you wouldn't forget it! Probably my reason for sweaty palms at the dentist office, even today! (lol)
Name: Raymond Smith () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 16:19:43
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland,OR
Message: Listening to all of these car stories got me the thinking how things were when the San Diego(405) wasn't there. How does one travel in a fast pace? John, thinking of the old business and is it possible that the Boy's Scout is theeee oldest? Been around since what.....early 1900's so a outpost(is that's what you call it) should of been established sometimes in the early days of Hawthorne. Hey you 50's people. Viewing some video a few years back on some old movies and these High School kids have bonfires for/during football season. Did Hawthorne have these? When was the last one before it became illegal?
I don't know about 1900 but I can take the Scouts back to 1955. Have a great weekend Cougs......
Name: Bill Jensen () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 16:15:01
E-Mail: william.jensen@trw.com
Class: 63
City and State: 90250
Message: A good history of the Wiseburn District can be found at http://www.wiseburn.k12.ca.us/Home.htm. Steeping thru the history pages, a one room 1898 Wiseburn schoolhouse can be seen. The 1898 Schoolhouse was originally a Sante Fe Railway train depot. The following is from the above WEB page. "According to a 1960 book on the district compiled by retired Wiseburn teacher, Jack Wellington Goode. The name "Wiseburn" possibly came about as a merger of two area landowners' names. K.D. "Doc" Wise owned the farmland around the depot when it was built in the 1880's, and Sir Robert Burnett had purchased the entire Centennially Valley in 1868 from Mexican rancho owner Don Antonio Ygnacio Avila, according to Goode's book."
Name: Bob Poorman () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 16:05:17
Class: '77
City and State: Wayzata, MN
Message: The website that B.J. provided has some really good OLD pictures of Hawthorne. I guess there really is something to the Haytowne thing you hear out of our mouths from time to time. One of the pics is of Fosters with what I'm sure must be some HHS alumni. Someone must be able to put a name to one or two of them.
EXCUSE ME!!!! That's MY picture and I can put a name to ALL of them. That picture came right off the Cougartown Hangouts Page along with the Biggies picture and the Hawthorne Bowl picture. Hey Larry, you hiding any more Ctown pics on your site?Actually I did get the Biggies picture from the city......
Name: Ray Nelson () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 16:04:40
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 73
City and State: Fayetteville, Ga
Message: John,
I believe the name of that roller rink was "Rollerrama"
I think you're right Ray, Thanks....
Name: Susan Walling () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 16:00:22
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
City and State: Wine Country
Message: Not my first car, but by far my favorite was a little red '65 Corvette hard-top convertible. I haven't had as much fun on the road since that car was sold.
Does anyone remember their favorite car/road song or commercial? Here's a few that were out when I was still in diapers.
SS 396, Big Green Car, Hopped-Up-Mustang, Wild, Wild Mustang, 409, V-8 Ford Blues, G.T.O., No Particular Place To Go, Buick 59, Freeway, Two Lane Highway, Hotrod Gang, Cruisin', Radar Love, Mercury Blues, Little Deuce Coupe, Hot Rod, Radar, Lead Sled, Rockin' Down The Highway, Hey Little Cobra, Hot Rod Queen, Hot Rod Race, Dead Man's Curve, Rocket "88", Whittier Blvd., Let's Go For a Ride, Dear Dad, Little Forty Ford, '41 Ford, '64 Ford, Go Little Camaro Go, Beep Beep, Black & White Thunderbird, '54 Corvette, Gas Money.
There's your hint, John.
Happy St. Patty's Day to everyone. Be safe!
How about "Hot Rod Lincoln" and "Transfusion" by Nervous Norvus....two of my all-time favorites. Also, the fairly contemporary hit "455 Rocket" by Kathy Matthea (sp) .
Name: Bill Jensen () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 15:42:47
E-Mail: william.jensen@trw.com
City and State: Ingledale Acres
Message: Yes, I live in Ingledale Acres. The area that I live in is usually referred to as Ramona. The official description does indeed come the county parcel map book. My official location is "Ingledale Acres East 40 Feet of West 80 Feet of Lot 139." I know that there are still a number of Cougars still owning property in Hawthorne. If they take a look at the property description on their property tax bills, they will find the name that was given the area where the property is located at when it was first mapped or subdivided. If you go to http://www.mayorguidi.com/earlysocial.htm, you will find an early clubhouse in Ingledale Acres near Inglewood Avenue at about 131st or 132nd. John, have you looked at this site lately? The pictures of the early business are interesting.
Well I see the Mayor of Hawthorne has been sucking pictures off of Cougartown. Don't mind the pictures so much but, in the Biggies picture, he actually took the verbage too. That's OK Larry, you owe Cougartown one now.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 15:42:43
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: I see on the Beach Boys Fanclub WEB page http://www.beachboysfanclub.com/ that there is going to be a release of "B-side" songs. "A two-CD anthology of B-sides, alternate takes and rarities (including home rehearsals), called Hawthorne California, is also due in May." I was just wondering if anyone can remember any "B-side" hits? OK Walter Holt now is your chance! I personally don't remember any but as my sister can vouch I was too cheap to purchase very many 45s.
How about Sloop John "B"......OK, I'll go now......
Name: Walter Holt () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 15:03:21
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,CA
Message: Hey Randy...Kind of a shocker when they pop up the old Photo Isn't it. Just to let you Know Prom Night is Aug. 18th our class reunion is the night before on the 17th. The info is on the reunion page here on CT. If there's anyway you can make it we all would love to see you again. BTW Harry Plotkin was one of our teachers at R.H. Dana Jr high. Also Cougars I forgot to ask you to welcome Randy's sister, Linda Matt Wallace HHS66, to cougartown. So let's give her a big welcome also. Have a good weekend Cougs. COUGAR POWER
Welcome Linda.......
Name: Doris () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 14:57:45
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
Message: DAN DYE, I know exactly what you mean about those new-fangled roller skates. About 13 years ago I bought a pair because I was going to stay with a girlfriend in California for a month. She has this huge paved driveway and I can remember putting on those suckers and thinking, "Well, tonight I'll see if there are any roller rinks around and I'll really wow them!" HA! I almost killed myself in the driveway! It definitely is NOT like riding a bike at all! I can STILL do that, but rollerskating is another animal!
Name: Bob Jensen () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 13:43:53
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Maiden: Ingledale
Class: 71
City and State: Today it's NYC
Message: Greetings from the Big Apple. John, Brother lives in the Ingledale Acre area. You will find it on the county zone maps. A bit late but my first car was a 39 Buick straight 8. The first GM car with factory turn indicators. It was equipped with "Tip Toe Hydraulic Brakes".
Hey Bob, To stop that Barge you better have SOME kind of hydraulic brakes.
Ingledale must be between Inglewood and Lawndale then??
Name: Randy Matt () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 13:26:25
E-Mail: mattseabee@hotmail.com
Class: 66
City and State: Brunswick, Maine
Message: All right, where in the world did you dig up the photo? Who is that kid anyway, were we ever that young??? To Harry Plotkin, yes I was in the Seabees for a while, (28 years), but don't let anyone know, they'll guess my age. Darn, I guess I just gave up the info myself. It's great to be a "young" 52. Walter, I would love to make it to prom nite, but it doesn't look too promising so far. Judy-Wudy, when do ticket sales end, just in case. Cougars forever (CAN DO).
That picture was dug up by your fellow classmate Jerry Miles. Thanks Jer'........ Now Prom ticket sales go on until we fill the place with Cougars and their dates. Do NOT wait to acquire your tickets as they're being slurped up every day and when they're gone, they are gone. There's no way to add more people to Prom Night unless the Marriott concedes to knock out a wall and add a room. Thanks Matt.....
Name: Dan Dye () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 12:03:30
Class: 62
Message: There was a skating rink on Rosecrans, between Crenshaw and Western in the 50's and 60's. My church used it one night a month. It was really cool to skate with a girl when I was in Jr. high. Sometimes I even put my arm around a girls waist and held both hands. If she was lucky I wouldn't trip her. The skates and roller blades we have today roll so much faster than the old wooden wheels. I remember when I used my sons roller skates about 20 years ago. Its like riding a bicycle, you never forget, Wrong, I was fine until I got to my driveway, it slopes a little, I hit so hard, I thought I would crack the driveway. I was lucky, it was late at night and no one saw me. I gave the skstes back to my son and told him there must be something wrong with his skates. Dan.
Dan, I remember that rink on Rosecrans. I think it was there into the mid 80's. Does anyone remeber the name? I don't.
Name: Bill Jensen () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 11:59:40
E-Mail: william.jensen@trw.com
Class: 63
City and State: Ramona
Message: District and Tract Names. Another one is Wiseburn! Does anyone know where the Liberty Tract is? This is cool! How about some of the other names? Where is Ingledale Acres? Oh gotta go, here comes the teacher! No it is the boss!
Hey Bill, Never heard of Ingledale acres but Wiseburn counts. Thanks....
Name: Sharon and Mikey Branigan () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 11:45:51
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: On Wednesday, my son, Mikey, and I had an opportunity to visit the "Academy of Art and Digital Animation," at Mayfair High School in Lakewood. This program was conceived and implemented by Ricki Valencia Farrell (V1). What an amazing program! Her students learn to create animated art on computers. The lab she has put together results in some amazing artwork created by high school students. We had a wonderful time viewing the digital and traditional creations by some very talented students. If anyone has a high-school age child who is an artist I would suggest you contact Ricki to find out how your child can attend her classes. I think she also has a summer program? Anyway, it was an amazing experience. Thank you Ricki!
For those of you who don't know who Ricki Valencia is, she's an HHS61 grad who got her initial art training from Mr. Clayton Williams, Hawthorne Highs first art teacher. Ricki is now a teacher at Mayfair High School, and is doing a great job with the art students of today. I can personally vouch for two of her students; Pat Shay and Tim Shay, the sons of Mike Shay also HHS61, who are wonderful artists thanks to Rickis tutelage. Thanks Sharon
Name: Camille Carpenter () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 10:55:39
E-Mail: joseema@aol.com
Maiden: Camille Saso
Class: 1959
City and State: West Hills, CA
Message: How many of you from my "era" remember the Gunga Din on Grevillea Avenue? I lived directly across the street from the club after moving from NYC. I remember the large green lawn in front all the way to the street. On Saturday nights they had dances with live music on stage and my old-fashioned immigrant parents would not permit me to go - even with my darling older cousin Mary Castiglia. So I would sit at the window and just look across at the lights, the shadows of all the kids dancing and having fun and cry my eyes out. Finally they allowed me to go, as long as I was with my cousin! I remember seeing Fats Domino in person and no one was quite sure who he was yet. I remember dancing with my first love, Ray Cowan, and having to be back home across the street at 11pm while everyone else closed the place. Then there was the Studio & Centinela Drive-In theatres with the worst frozen pizza in the universe - do any of you remember them? Hope to see you at the upcoming reunion - and sure hope we are provided name tags so we can recognize one another!
Hey Camille, I remember the Gunga Din and the Boy Scout building in front of it. Great after-game dances there too. If anyone has a picture of the place, maybe I could borrow it for the site. Thanks Camille......
Name: Doris () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 10:47:59
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Message: HARRY PLOTKIN, thanks for the boost of morale! Don't think I knew you when I went to HHS; you probably weren't old enough to teach yet! ha! I'm pretty sure I skated at the old Lawndale Roller Rink in the late 40's; never skated at the other one you mentioned. It sounded really COOL; with a fireplace yet! And TOM BURROUGHS, thank you for your input on LRRink. The name "David Hill" really rings a bell! Do you know whatever happened to him? He must have gone to Leuzinger or ??? Did he move over to the other roller rink when Lawndale's closed down? Glad to see both you and Harry will be at PROM NITE 2001. Was hoping LYMAN MOSS could make it, but just read that he wouldn't. AW, LYMAN ... COME ON!
Name: Lyman Moss () on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 10:08:18
E-Mail: lyman.moss@PSS.boeing.com
Class: 59
City and State: Everett, Wa.
Message: EL ROJO GRANDE (BIG RED) My first car was also
a 49 Ford, dark blue with flathead V8 and overdrive. I painted gray primer spots on it to make it look faster. I paid 150 dollars for it in
1959. I eventually wrecked it twice before having it hauled away to the junk yard. I won't be able to make it to the reunion but my Brother is going
to try to make it, he will have to represent me. I talked to Rich Sloan about three weeks ago, what a surprise, he sounded just the same as when we
were in High School. Good to see your post Cal, keep them coming, it is
always nice to see 59, 60 and 61 posts because those would be about the only people that I can remember.
Later Cougars.
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