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Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 19:55:26
Name: Paavo Ogren
E-Mail: paavo.ogren@cannonassoc.com
Class: 1980
Message: Cougars Rule
Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 15:51:09
Name: Janice Mastropaolo
E-Mail: emeraldbay@earthlink.net
Maiden: Dorman
Class: 1974
Message: I was just reading through the lastest feedback pages when I read Loretta Morelli Cuiper's comment on her cousin, Vince Schiavi. I remember Vince from Hawthorne Police Dept. We worked together, ( I worked in "Records") from 1974 till I left in 1979. Great guy! What's he up to these days?
Note: Hi Janice, Vince is still doing the HPD thing, I'm told. I don't think he'll ever retire. I remember Vince when he worked for Food Giant Market, or was it Market Town in those days.
Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 10:02:04
Name: Russell Jacobsen
E-Mail: jakejude@aol.com
Class: 1960
Message:hey, hood,i don't do this with my clothes on, its too much fun.can you all
picture this bald guy sitting in front of his comp.naked? but i'm in excellent
shape! if you turn me upside down.robin its great to hear from you and hell
yes i would like to talk to you about hunter hancock, johnnie otis, art laboe( the father of the oldies but goodies). those were the best times of our lives, well maybe not quite the VERY BEST times, but close. give us a jingle,would love to hear from you.
Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 09:30:24
Name: Vickie Arestegui
E-Mail: arstgui@aol.com
Maiden: Arestegui
Class: '84
Message: Happy Spring to all! Yes, this is the one with memories of the stables, big T, and the marshland of the future Lucky store development. I now have another question. Does anybody remember the name of the "farmer's market" type of store on Hawthorne blvd? I remember the old "Dal's antiques" store was very close to it and it was not as far off as the old "Olde Towne" shopping area. (I remember the giant Dal's statue and the old ferris wheel at Olde Towne) I remember it too had a statue of a farmer pig with a straw hat!! Okay, I am wide awake at this early hour and I have not been drinking!! Oh yeah, does anybody remember the old "Green Farms BBQ"? It use to be on the corner of 140 and Hawthorne Blvd. Just a few requests to jog the memories of original South Bay residents. Thanks for the input!
Note: Vickie, Yes I remember all these places. I did love Green Farms BBQ too. I was on 132th and Hawthorne when it closed for good about 4 years ago. Does anyone else remember these places?
Sunday, March 14, 1999 at 01:02:53
Maiden: SCIME
Class: 68
Note: Hi Carol, Frank Romano(HHS61) is working on that end of it. We're trying to keep the price down so we can use the extra money for a slot machine or two. I will post it as soon as we know anything.
Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 23:30:25
Name: Sharon MacDonald
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: I remember being in Mr. Garza's Latin class and spending one class taping a play in Latin while wrapped in improvisational togas. Then we ate pizza (they spoke Latin in Rome and Rome is in Italy, so pizza.....) while we played the tape back.
Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 18:58:36
Name: Linda Evans
E-Mail: neilnlinda@acn.inc
Maiden: Linda Stonebraker
Class: 89
Message: Aloha all my fellow classmates!
Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 09:22:20
Name: Cal Kappen
E-Mail: ekap@worldnet.att.net
Class: 59
Message: I want to say thank you John. I find myself on the Cougar site all the time.
I was very pleased to see Robin Hood checked in. I sent him an email.
Once again thanks. Even if you don't here from us, we are here. Cal
Note: Thanks Cal for the praise on the site. Yes I know you're all out there, and I do appreciate the note. Don't go away. :o)
Friday, March 12, 1999 at 22:26:01
Name: Roni Kobel
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Actually, Monsignor Redahan (or Munsi PJ, as we called him), was an old softie. A very wonderful man. The only reason I avoided his confessional is that I knew he would recognize my voice!! Wouldn't want him to know the grievous sins of a little Catholic school girl!
Friday, March 12, 1999 at 17:52:30
Name: Ted Gioia
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: Whoa! If I could hold time in a bottle . . . twenty years later it would smell much like this amazing web site.
More thoughts and recollections:
(1) Johnny Otis -- he is now growing apples and selling organic apple juice up in Sebastopol, California. He still performs music now and again. One of my prized possessions is an autographed copy of his autobiography.
(2) Father Redahan -- Sometime in the middle of my tenure at St. Joseph's ((1963-71), Father Redahan was promoted to the status of Monsignor. Promotion neither went to his head, nor softened his pious Irish Catholic demeanor. The good Monsignor was so tough in the confessional, that people would wait for ages for another priest rather than sit in the box with him.
(3) Mighty Fines -- I was amazed to learn from a previous post that these strange sandwiches (made from a mysterious hot meat, diced and mixed in a sickly sweet red sauce) were being sold at the HHS Cafeteria in 1961. Geeez, they were still selling them to us in 1975. (Might even have been the same warmed over sandwiches.)
(4) Mr. Garza -- what a inspiration! He was delightfully obsessive in matters of linguistics. Almost all of the strange words and phrases I know, I learned from Ray Garza. We especially cherished any odd word that could be used as an insult For example, under Mr. Garza's tutelage, a number of us began calling Mario Estalano the "pernicious mendicant." (Almost ten years later I found myself living in the same dormitory with Mario when we were both working on graduate degrees at Stanford. He was older and wiser ... hey, but still a pernicious mendicant.)
One of my favorite stories about Ray Garza was recounted to me by a classmate. Years after graduating, this student was waiting in his car at a red light. He noticed that Mr. Garza was driving the car next to him. "Mr. Garza," he shouted, "Do you remember me?" "Oh, Steve, but of course. What are you doing these days?" "I am at college studying zoology." Just then the light turned green. Before driving off, Mr Garza chided him: "Steve, the proper pronunciation is "ZOE-ol-o-gee."
Remember, a sound lime in a sound toddy!
All the best,
Ted Gioia
Note: Great stuff Ted. Mr. Garza was a great mentor as well as an educator. I don't know anyone, who didn't like the man.
Friday, March 12, 1999 at 17:15:30
Name: Debbie Morlin
E-Mail: dmjohnson1@mail.hac.com
Maiden: Johnson
Class: 76
Message: Oh my God! Ronnie Treckman you remembered me! I have been trying to reach out to our 76 grads with no response until now! This is great! Where is everyone? Do you still attend St. Josephs church? It would me nice to see some St. Josephs alumni someday! Who have you been in contact with? Keep in touch!
Oh, I didn't tell you I met Mark Dunn at St. Josephs (Redahan Hall) one Sunday! He still looks the same and lives somewhere in Torrance. I have a few people I would love to hear from - Kathy Lynch, Tami Perius, Teresa Garcis, Pamela Miller, John Achrem, Danny Rael, Kim Buetel, Jim Ryan, any others out there? A bit of news about St. Josephs: They are renovating the convent (maybe knocking it down) for more classrooms! They bought the Korean church across the street for CCD staff etc. My daughter attended school there, but I've decided to put my son in St. Anthonys in El Segundo (not as crowded!) Ok, now come on you guys, let's hear from you!
Friday, March 12, 1999 at 17:02:36
Name: Bob Veach
E-Mail: annijoro@aol.com
Class: 72
Message: Reading these feedbacks, memories and rememberances made me start thinking of my years in Hawthorne and at HHS. Until now there was nothing out of the ordinary, except bean burgers at the snack shack.
What I remember most about HHS is that everywhere I go, I run into alumni. This started in my senior year when we would go to Loyola/Marymount College parties and most of the people there where from Hawthorne.
When I joined the Air Force and sent to San Antonio, TX, I find Dwight Coombs (RHD c/o'68). I get transferred to Rantoul, IL and I run into Larry King (fka Larry Stone c/o '72). I am at the Air Men's club and somebody (sorry I can't remember his name, only the face) from the c/o '71 recognizes my Manhattan Beach Pier T-shirt.
I go to the 5 and 10 year reunions for North Torrance High with my wife and I see Bart Hale c/o '70. I move to Long Beach and a few years later I run into Steve Hale at Lakewood Mall.
I show up for a soccer game in Lakewood and there's Art Ledoux, c/o '72, as the referree.
My wife attends a Discovery Toy party that is given by a cheerleader from the c/o '73, Cindy, who is married to a c/o '71 alum, Fred.
When I first see my new neighbors, who had moved in to the house across the street here in Long Beach, the wife looks very familiar to me. It wasn't until later that I learn from the husband that she is Jackie Nicocia, c/o '70.
Last year I attend opening day ceremonies for Patrick Henry baseball and there's Rene Umana, c/o '72.
Now I learn from reading these feedbacks that Derek Barraza, whom I have known off and on for over 10 years graduated from HHS. God, Derek, that was a surprise seeing your name and the Long Beach United EM address.
For those of you from the c/o '80 concerned about the quality of your 20 year reunion, if Derek is in charge it will be great. I have worked with him in 3 soccer tournaments and he is one if not the best administrators in volunteer program I have seen.
Now that I have embarrassed Derek, I will end this long winded story. But is this common at all high schools or just HHS? We seem to be everywhere. I know my wife hasn't run into anybody from North Torrance, but I had to remind her that I wouldn't admit to graduating from there.
Note: Bob, Now you've found this place and about 2000 more Cougs. Glad you're here man. Great story too.
Name: George Key
E-Mail: mathesh@aol.com
AKA: Llave
Class: 1980
Message: Hi Roy Hand: It was good to see your note on the Feedback page and refresh all my wonderful memories of you good friends at Lennox High. Of course I have great memories of all my years: Leuzinger 1948-59; Lawndale 59-64; Lennox 64-72; Hawthorne 72-80. As you can see the schoolboard never did find a job I could fit into so finally I realized I would never graduate and get my diploma so I dropped out in 1980. Guess I have rubbed elbows with about 15,000 of you fine students and enjoyed every minute. Well, that's not quite true - must have aged about ten years when the teachers went on strike and all you Cougar cubs wouldn't go to class - Channel 4 nearly ruined my career. Also must admit I never got a minutes sleep the night before graduation wondering what antics you crazy kids would come up with - the all time low was the night of the streaker. But I do thank you all for the wonderful memories and for being a part of this fun feedback. It's great to see how it is growing. Reading your notes is the last thing I do at night so I go to sleep with a big smile on my face. Some nights I dream in Olympian blue and white, sometimes Cardinal red and white, sometimes Lancer blue and gold, sometimes in Cougar scarlet and gold.
What a wonderful kaleidoscope to see.
Thanks again, John-Boy, for setting this all up for our fun. Can hardly wait to go to sleep under the rainbow tonight.
Note: George Key you little "Truant" where have you been for the last two or three weeks. We WILL need a note from your parents before we can let you back in here. :o) Oh and please say you'll be making the Las Vegas reunion.
Friday, March 12, 1999 at 16:24:56
Name: Robin Hood
E-Mail: RHood10542@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: First of all what a great job you have done on this site John. This is just too much fun to have with your clothes on. Russ I'd love to talk Hunter Hancock and Johnny Otis with you but ever since I read Bill Ballance and Dr Laura did a little grunion hunting of their own , I've been a little down.:o) The pony express runs 3 times a day here in Eugene so no excuses not to hear from all my Cougar friends. Until then "Adios Mi Amigos"( I know Mr Pizzaro and Mrs Heller are proud!)
Note: Well thanks Robin and don't be a stranger, now that you know where your friends are hangin' out. OH and "Vaca Corn Tortillas" to you too. I had Mr Acosta for Spanish and he wasn't very proud....of me.
Friday, March 12, 1999 at 11:53:09
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: I remembered a Mr. Garza story which reminded me of what a gentle, fun man he was. One beautiful summer-like day it was time for my Spanish III class, but the day was simply gorgeous. Before the period started I sat down on the lawn outside the classroom just enjoying the sun and the beautiful blue sky. My friend Bobbe Hudspeth came and joined me. When the buzzer rang she got up, but I didn't. I said it was too sunny to go to Spanish. Mr. Garza came out of the classroom and looked at me with a questioning expression. I told him it was just too beautiful to go inside. He went inside, and then returned and decided that I was right and he held the class out on the lawn that day! I wish I had taken the time to visit him, he was a nice man.
Note: Here's Mr Garza at the keyboard. From L to R it's Miss Banick, Mrs. Ton, and Mr Goodfellow just clowning around. This is from the 56 El Molino (the year Patty V was born).
Friday, March 12, 1999 at 01:01:29
Name: Mike Shay
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
Message: Hello Loretta,
I remember Vince and Anna Maria very well. We called him James back then and he had an Italian accent you could cut with a knife. Anna Maria didn't say much at all. Later on, Vince was a regular at Frosties like most of the rest of us. Barbara and I got to sit next to Him and his wife at the reunion last year.
Hope to see you and Larry at the car show. Hey John how does a nice little boy from Hawthorne Christian know about Father Patrick J. Redahan??
Note: Mikey, You know very well how I knew him. He was a regular at Tanger and Weitzel Shell, where we both worked (anyone remember the Shell station on Birch and El Segundo?). I don't think you had to be a St Joseph's Catholic to know the good Father........and what are you doing up so late?
Friday, March 12, 1999 at 00:34:47
Name: Chris Prewitt
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: John and all,
I have to "Ditto" (who, under 20, remembers where that expression came from) what Janice Dorman said, "I will never forget Mr. Danny Fix. The best compliment I had..." I was working on the stage crew for a performance and I felt he was bust'n my rear end. Mr. Fix would say something to the effect "Not good enough". We would go back over it again and again. After the performance he looked at me and said, "That was perfect". It made me feel so good that I never forgot it, nor him.
Thursday, March 11, 1999 at 21:16:44
Name: Barbara Kritz
E-Mail: BKritz1014
Maiden: Pierce
Class: 60
I didn't actually graduate from Hawthorne but I went there my freshmen, sophmore and junior year. We moved away in my senior year to Ventura, but I have always considered Hawthorne High to be MY high school. I want to be kept informed of all the reunions.
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