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Saturday, February 20, 1999 at 10:47:03
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK Patty - get over to Jorge's house right now and figure out what the h--- is going on!! Tell him that's the LAST time he gets to have any margaritas when he's with us - or was that Spanada he was drinking!!?? YOU were his coach when he first appeared on this board - YOU are responsible!! And just to add a little spice to the whole thing, I think you should take Little Mensito with you!! Let the tables be turned!!
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 23:11:30
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
AKA: mensito
Class: 1973
Message: Patty, you had mentioned movies in Nyman Hall. How many times were you subjected to "Inside Daisy Clover" starring Natalie (don't call me drift) Wood?
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 22:00:10
Name: Jorge Llaves
E-Mail: Mathesh@ AOL,COM
Class: 80
Message: I am so sorry about going to pieces last night. I hardly slept. I paced the floor wondering if I could go on but about 2:oo A.M, I happened to stop in front of a mirror and looking at myself I knew a HHS COUGAR never gives up so will try to continue. If you really care just bear with me and I will try to get it out. My finger is now worn out so---- Buenos Nachos J.L.
Note: Gee Jorge, You've got my attention.
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 21:06:43
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Las Vegas huh? I would love to go. I'm afraid it might interfere with my Little League duties though. We just barely got the trip to New Orleans in prior to the start of the season. I'm managing a major team, coaching a minor team, and am also on the board serving as V.P. of the Minor League. This doesn't even count the countless games a month that I wind up umpiring. Opening day is March 13th. After that, I'm afraid my life is over for the next five months. There are over 800 players in our league, and it keeps me quite busy. We get a couple of months off for good behavior, and then we start our fallball instructional league. Hey Keith Jones, take a trip to the local library and check out a book titled "In the Country of Baseball". It was written by former major leaguer Doc Ellis, and there are several mentions of Neil Minami.
Note: OK, Seeya' in Vegas.
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 20:38:15
Name: Laura Nyce
E-Mail: nyce710@aol.com
Maiden: Magdalany
Class: 78
Message: Does anyone know what the heck happened to Hawthorne Blvd between El Segundo and Rosecrans??
I was back in town last weekend and I was amazed at all the stores that are gone and/or changed names...Very strange. I guess thats called change!!(but not for the better!)
Note: Laura, More changes to come as the "Little Onion" down by where the House of Raymond was, is going out soon.
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 20:28:11
Name: Ray Castillo
E-Mail: rcas@sprynet.com
Class: 1973
Message: Well, we made it back from the Mardi Gras! If ANY of you EVER get the chance to go, please do so. New Orleans has an air about it unlike any city I've ever been in. To experience it's ways and means certainly reminded Deb and I that this country's strength is it's diversity. Although we did party very aggresively for a few days, we also took in some of the history of the area. The tour guide at the site of the Battle of New Orleans did a truly great job of bringing the battle to life. It was explained in terms which were so vivid that we felt as though we were witnesses to the actual battle. Bourbon Street and the rest of the French Quarter was truly amazing. Thanks to Deb, (who quite possibly has the best "people skills" in the world) I was invited to sit in with a Blues Band for a tune. Our traveling partners (Chicago natives) were treated to a great rendition of "Sweet Home Chicago". The "kid" I played with was only 27 yrs. young, and was voted "Best New Blues Performer of 1998" by the subscribers of "Offbeat Magazine" which is a New Orleans periodical. His name is even classic -- "Baby Wolf" Woods. I've been playing guitar longer than this kid has been alive, and I will forever be in his debt for his grace. He took it easy on the "Old Fart". During the parades, it quite literally rains beads as the parade participants throw them from the floats. Debbie was right about not taking the binoculars too! No need, everything was up close, and personal! If any of you ever get the chance to go, please don't pass it up!
Note: Ray, Sounds like you had a great time, are you now warmed up for Las Vegas??
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 19:44:21
Name: Bill Engle
E-Mail: billengle@earthlink.net
Class: 1959
Message: Go Cougars!!
Where's Mr. Elmore? I finally finished the term paper.
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 19:10:13
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Ok, enough maturity. Yeah, right JOHN, sure you've been sending us email responses. You weren't dissing us. Not even any blue typed responses...boy oh boy, that was a short honeymoon. And you, Jorge, what's going on with you! Shape up Buster. What does this mean, "to be continued" What is the problem here? And, no cougar feedback RAY that declares my insensitivity to old Jorge. And, what do you mean JORGE, that I have to wait along with all of the others to find out? Who do you think you are, Michael Crichton (sp)? And INGRID, my parole restrictions don't say anything about interstate travel, only international. Now, Swifty and Ice Man may have to worry about interstate travel. And, Ray is on the run through all the states already, on his way to Orleans. And Mr. Romano, how about those of us whose names that end in two vowels and have sisters who continue making the "Viva la Raza" case every time they post. What about that huh?????? :>)As my 4 year old states at the end of her telephone messages, ahhh. welll. That's all for now.
Note: Ahhhh..........yeah, maybe you oughta back off a little on the "azucar" eh Patty. Just a suggestion you understand. :o)
Patty has just volunteered to be our Vegas reunion rep and will handle ALL the arrangements. Gee, that's great. I guess that's why they call you "Da Brains"........
Actually the reason that I've been leaving out the little blue typed responses is because I've been working late and haven't had time to join in the fun. I will be back to normal by the middle of next week.
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 17:55:16
Name: Ingrid Larson
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Maiden: Larson
Class: 74
Message: I think it's a shame that Mel's "House of Raymond" burned down a few years ago. It would be the ideal place for another local Cougar reunion. No matter when the Vegas gig is scheduled, there are going to be a number of folks who are left out. There's always those who can't afford to go, or can't get a sitter for a weekend, or because of parole restrictions, can't cross state lines (I'm wondering about that P Valencia person, in particular). So for the sake of those of us who haven't moved beyond a 50 mile radius of Hawthorne, I think a get together locally would be a cool idea. Maybe something like a Saturday picnic at El Nido Park in Torrance. We could bring stuff (like a big pot luck) and hang out for an afternoon. Whadda ya think?
Note: Ingrid, I think that's a great idea. For any of you out there who are worried about missing the mini-reunion in Las Vegas.........don't. I have the feeling there will be plenty of these little reunions throughout the year.
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 17:40:57
Name: Ingrid Larson
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Maiden: same as it ever was
Class: 74
Message: Yeah! I remember, Jeff Roy. He was a real whiz at opening combination locks. Like some kinda idiot-savant with a Rubik's cube. Not that I'm implying that he was an idiot. You're right, now that you mention it, wouldn't the Green Phantom need access to locked doors?!?
I guess we'll all find out who the Green Phantom is/was when he/she decides to admit it. Sounds like there's at least a half-dozen people who were "sworn to secrecy" about it. You'd think one of them would spill the beans.
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 13:08:59
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Message: Hi Kathleen! Welcome to Cougartown - I think Keith said it all, it is easy and fun to return to our teenage years in Cougartown, even though the visits are only brief interludes to real life. Today becomes yesterday so fast it's been good to read the different experiences that people have had because it builds the picture of our lifetimes so much more realistically. That's why I think Cougartown resonates with me, it is a chance to revisit a place we spent 4 short years, through the eyes (fingers) of the people who experienced it with us. Moreover, it is a unique chance to jointly revisit our childhood community as it was and usually only exists in our memories by reading the entries from the people who grew up with and around us. Even though we cherish lots of things about the "old" days, some of the things that we forget are the hardships imposed upon some of us by making it unacceptable or difficult to reveal things, such as disabilities. Your story was inspiring, and a subtle reminder that not everything was better about the 'good' old days.
Friday, February 19, 1999 at 07:47:52
Name: Dewey Storie
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: hahahaha John, that’s why it’s real name is America Off Line
Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 23:37:02
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: It has come to my attention that mail leaving from my cougartown.com email address and going to an aol.com email address is not being received. Jakejude, I know you've tried to contact me and I've been answering you, but you haven't been receiving it. The V's and B's I've emailed 3 times since our mini reunion and they ALL have aol.com addresses. No responses. I've written support to rectify this problem. If you have an aol.com email address and you haven't received a response from me. It's not like I haven't responded. It's the email connection.
It will be rectified. Thanks for your patience.
Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 23:11:31
Name: Jorge Llaves
E-Mail: Mathesh@AOL.COM
Message: I am so despondent and depressed tonight I should stay off the net but once read that joys are doubled for the telling and sorrows are halved so I must share my ultimate sorrow with you, (to be continued)
Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 22:56:13
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Swifty
Class: 76
Message: Kathleen, that is a truly inspiring story. Thank you for sharing that with us. Don't worry about Keith, he's pretty tough. He'll probably outlive all of us! (Okay well maybe most of us.)
Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 18:48:34
Name: Roni Kobel
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: I think the GP was that guy who could pick locks really well... what was his name? Wasn't he so good at picking locks that a lock company hired him to try to pick one of their new models? Was it Jeff Something...?
Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 16:53:07
Name: Kathleen Griffin
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: This is for Keith: Perhaps it's just the way I read your words however the last post sounded like someone who is at the end of their life. Keith, sweetie, you're a young man. Your life is still happening and it sounds like you are enjoying it to the fullest. You can't go back to yesterday and tomorrow will never arrive. Sounds like your Today is doing okay! I don't have many memories of HHS. Seems like I spent most of my high school time in the band room practicing. Reading the feedback section helps to clear away the cobwebs that clouded my youth and triggers my own memories. High School was a traumatic experience for me because of my hearing disability. My grades were so poor, I barely made it to graduation. I can only remember a few of my teacher's names but Neil Minami was one of them. I believe he was one of my history teachers. While I didn't do well in his class (He tested on his lectures, which was a bummer cause I missed half of everything he said) he was the first person to teach me critical thinking skills and I'll forever be grateful for that. I recognize many of the folks who post here, Susan B, Ronnie, Patty V. Our paths crossed many times at HHS besides when you're a cheerleader, homecoming princess, or student body president it's hard not to know of you. At any rate, I really love this web site and appreciate everyone that takes the time to share here. For the record, I did eventually get two hearing aids and went on to college where my GPA was near perfect. Hearing makes all the difference in the world!
Note: Now THAT'S a great story. Thanks Kathleen.....
Thursday, February 18, 1999 at 13:36:00
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Well. Sharon's freakin' out, what's in your coffee Swifty? I am only friends with dead legends, but I do feel like a participant and not a spectator :>). I had lunch with Elvis and Marilyn the other day. They look forward to our reunion in LV. High School memories: I remember the See's sucker sales and the delicious peanut butter cookies in the cafeteria. I remember seeing "Mr. Roberts" and "The Lorax" in Nyman Hall - that was fun. Also, wearing those tan moccasins with Levi's and layered sweaters, and carrying those hand-tooled leather pouch purses which probably cost a fortune today. Oh, I still wear Levis so that wasn't a memory stretch afterall!
Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 23:57:18
Name: Beth Meade
E-Mail: bethmeade@earthlink.net
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 75
Message: Roni, Are you the only one interested in knowing who the Green Phantom was? I was just wondering if anyone else knew. I guess I never told you because when I say I won't tell, I won't! YOU should know that, eh? Well, maybe no one ever found out? It was a big deal at the time. I remember little green feet all over Nyman Hall. Then, some of the yearbooks got marked with little green feet one year. The "culprits" almost got caught that time (was it their last?) and didn't get to mark all the yearbooks. Too bad. Cute feet.
Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 21:03:29
Name: Sharon Branigan
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: Jorge's message to Keith makes me realize that I NEVER ONCE had to be threatened with the wrath of Mr. Nelson. I've obviously done it all wrong... If only I could go back again, why, I'd do it just the way Keith did... Yes, that's right, then maybe I'd have some exciting stories to retell... And as I looked at all the concerned faces surrounding me, I'd be able to say, "Yes, you were there- you were the Scarecrow - and you were there, too- you were the Cowardly Lion...
Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 12:37:54
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been jones
Class: 76
Message: Mr. Key well thanks for the compliment (I think). I've had such a great life and I see some of my friends and how they have such "planned" lives. I enjoy doing what I want when I want. I've had the pleasure of traveling and living the "high life." Going to celebrity parties and functions not as a "viewer" but as one of the "celebrities" is something I will never forget. Working with and becoming friends with "living legends" and having the pictures to prove it and to remind me that I've done it once and I can do it again is something that keeps me going. As my close friends know, I've had some very successful business ventures that were managed wrong by the wrong people (my fault for hiring them) and now there is nothing. It's hard to come back from such failures but I'm one who never quits. I will do it again. Guaranteed. This web page is such a great place for me to put down in writing what I'm thinking. I usually don't voice my feelings this way, but doing it in this manner makes it easy. I always think about the past and my times at HHS. I stress to my daughters that they need to think about their future and what they want to do. As I was told by Coach Minami, once high school is over the time flies by. And it really does. It still feels like yesterday I was taking a test in Mr. T's class. I remember Mr. Nelson. He was big and he everyone was frightened of him. I remember visiting him sometimes. I never knew if I'd walk out alive.
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