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Time for a little HHS Merry Christmas. This version was produced by our own Janet Burkett. See, I do give you credit for a couple of things. Beach Boys
Name: Jo Ann Francis Day () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 19:17:37
E-Mail: jaday1159@aol.com
Message: I went to HHS my freshman and sophmore years and then we moved to Hutchinson, Kansas. I never felt a part of Hutch High, always wish I would have graduated from Hawthorne High, which is the school I considered "my school".
Well Jo Ann, consider yourself a Cougartowner now girl. Please add yourself to the alumni list as you only had to ATTEND HHS to do so. Please add the year you would have graduated. Thanks for showing up and sorry about that Hutch High thing although I guess that too was HHS.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 19:07:12
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Yes, it's true that I've made a solemn vow to mention "PROM NITE" in all my feedbacks to keep the ball rolling.. but I swear that I'm not RAMMA LAMMA DING DONG. And let me say this about that~~~ Ramma-you won't be at PROM NITE at all if you don't buy your ticket first. I see you filling your dance card with Bob Jensen and Walter Holt.. but you'll be just another lonely gal on in the lobby at the Marriott if you don't pay up... (boy, this ain't easy)
Hey Bob Jensen.. so you hang out at the Bev. Hilton.. well, guess who has her ice cream in that hotel.. Yep, ol' "venus nipples" herself.. only I charge them and Merv Griffin too.. his only hit was "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts" (don't go there John) and so we make Coconut Cream gelato for them..(but you get yours free) how's that for paths crossing...
I'm still waiting for your money Ramma..
Tilly Noodleman.. on a quest!!
That's right Ding Dong sisters. Get your money in and thank your lucky buffalo hoof we're not charging by the ton.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 17:20:30
E-Mail: youngun39@yahoo.com or youngun97@msn.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newoldhamburgers, OR Cheesburgers?
Message: I just want to wish every Coug and Cougarette a very wonderful 2001-A SPACED ODDITY and to be careful about ramma lamma-ing any ding-dongs on New Years Eve! Could lead to nothin' but trouble.....ask Tilly Noodleman! LOL! Just funnin' ya, Judester! See y'all next year right here, or be square ( or round, or rectangular, whatever angle does it for ya)!
Thanks Anita, Same to you and yours.
Name: Walter Holt () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 16:53:07
E-Mail: IfeelIbeenjiltedanImmovinon.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Ramma Darlin You be leavin me for another man again....Bob all I got to say is; Take good care of my baaaby....Be sure to treat her gooood... And if you discover, that you dont really love her....Just send my baby back home to meeee...Yamma Honey looks like its just you an me from now on darlin... An I promise we wont be doin no ump pa pa un.. We'll just let Ramma an Bob do the ; roll out the barrel ...we'll have a barrel of of fun...stuff...So Yamma Baby get ready to burn the floor at PROM NIGHT 2001...Bye Now, Got togo Buff up my dancin shoes.
Name: Larry Biller () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 16:23:21
E-Mail: LBiller49@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Santa Monica
Class: 1967
City and State: Portland,Oregon
Message: Just want to say Happy New Year to everyone at C.T.
Back at ya' Larry. Be safe....
Name: Sharon () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 16:17:28
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach
Message: Oh my gosh, I was going to wear my multi-color sequen gown for prom night, but I've changed my mind since it appears that Ramma Lamma is planning on wearing the same dress. Guess I'll have to dig out that old poodle skirt and angora sweater. I hope Omar isn't too busy to alter them.
Everyone have a happy and safe New Year's. This year has been so much fun with all the events Cougartown has been putting on. It's probably been one of the best years since before graduation. Thanks John. I'M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO PROM NIGHT. My date and I have been taking dance lessons so watch out, we're going to tear up our 12 square inches.
Thanks Sharon, No one's had more fun than me. I will get Janet to help me with a few dance steps before Prom Night so I don't maim her to badly. Maybe I should just stick to the Twist. See you there.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 15:28:33
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Maiden: Daddy
Class: 71
City and State: Polkatown, MN
Message: Oh Ramma, Whatcha doing New Years Eve? I?ll be hanging out at the Coconut Lounge at the top of the Beverly Hilton. Look for the guy in the 30-year-old chartreuse flocked tux. Oh by the way Ramma, we only have 231 days left until the PROM not 261 days. Who?s your Daddy?
Name: RAMMA LAMMA () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 14:25:32
E-Mail: xxxxxx.com
Class: waybackwhen
Message: BOB JENSEN! I sure didn't mean to ignore your compliments to me yesterday. I just now saw your polka proposal and I want to tell you, you've got my heart and feet! You asked if I polka ... does a frog jump? Do fish have fins? Do birds have wings? The heck with ol Walter; Yamma Lamma can have him! Solves a lotta problems! Now remember, I'm the rather portly one of the Lamma-Ding Dongs! And I'll be wearing multi-colored sequined tent dress with a great beeeg old name tag so you can see it easily!!! ewww boy! Only eight and a half months till PROM NITE 2001!!! EEEWWWWIIIIEEEE!!! Shaboom, shaboom!!!
Oh I have the feeling you'll be easy to spot........
Name: YAMMA LAMMA () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 12:28:13
E-Mail: Nunyurbeezwax
Class: Looonglongago
Message: NEVER YOU MIND, JOHN BOY! That Walter has a LOT OF LIFE! You jus dont pick on my Honey!
I promise not to pick on him if you promise not to sit on his lap.
Name: Yamma, Ramma and Momma Lamma () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 12:25:54
E-Mail: SpeakingofhillIfoundmythrillonblueberryhill
Maiden: Ding Dong
Class: Longbeforemytimenottomentionyours!
Message: WALTER HONEY! It sounds like ya'lls sayin goodbye. WE can't have that! Where ya goin? Leavin' work early cuz it's Friday? Nice work if you can get it! Incidentally, Leeroy! I can make out most of what you say cuz Momma Lamma was raised in that neck a the woods, but YOUR accent is so danged thick, sometimes I have to skip 2 or 3 words. GEEZ! Get a dickshunary!
Back to you Walter Honey!!! Tell us it isn't so! You ain't goin' nowhere, are ya? I'mma countin' on that first dance (Yamma Lamma, the trim one); I'mma countin' on the second dance (Ramma Lamma, the BIG one); I'mma gonna make sure you're a nice boy to BOTH my girls (Momma, the BOSS one)! Didn't Jake mention something about a threesome ... maybe you can work something like that out on the dance floor, special for my girls, whaddayasay? And a Happy New Year to you too Walter Honey!!! CANNOT WAIT FOR PROM NITE 2001!!! eeeuwwww!
3 Walri and Walter in one square foot of dance floor??!! I don't have to go back to HHS and Mr. Wade's math class to know the pressure and heat generated from that event would be enough to melt a polar icecap. Sorry ladies, but if the Ding Dong sisters and Momma are coming to Prom Night, you're going to have to spread out......
Name: Walter Holt () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 10:11:23
E-Mail: walter_holt_hhs66@hotmail.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,Ca
Message: Fellow Cougars & Cougarettes.....As we bring to a close another year, I take the opportunity to wish all a very safe & Happy New Year. John thank you for making this web site an enjoyable event for all. Yamma/Ramma whoever you are, thank you for the laughs the past couple of days....See You all in 2001...Forever Proud to be a Cougar!!
Thanks Walter....
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Friday, December 29, 2000 at 02:14:08
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: shiloam springs, arksawas
Message: HOWDY! Sez iz dat feller Walter Holt Okes? He seams liks he bees a mite tech? Wez ots sum fres juicees wez cans sens hem, ifn youse nose wats iz meens?
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 22:10:15
E-Mail: heynowheynowheynowitsfingerpoppopintime.com
Maiden: ooohmyachinfeet
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Ramma & Lamma darlins...... There’s a thriiiill up on the hilll....Lets go lets go lets go......... Theres a thrill up on the hill ......lets go lets go lets go...There’s a house party waaaaay across town ....People commin from miiiiiles around....put on your pretty red dress.......lets go see about this mess...thats it.... babies lets git....... an go waaay up on the hill..........were gonna have a whole lotta fun...... were gonna greet the risin sun....lets go lets go lets go......eeeeeeeya everybodys gonna be there......My friends and yours from every where....ooooh what a time its gonna be......come on babies lets go see....thats it babies lets git.....an go waaay upon a hill...lets go lets go lets go
Hey Walter, Please get a life......
Name: EL ROJO () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 21:31:06
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
City and State: KUNA, ID
Message: John, first of all.. I havn't been scarce, it's that, each time I feel the mood to respond to C-TOWN you're not there anymore! Jeez... it makes for long days, esspeccially on these holiday weekends. I just feel sssooo lonely! I can't hardly function! Now that that's cleared up, UCLA is still going to the TIDY BOWL! sc is still in the TOILET BOWL! But how can you say to Frank Romano that just because you're and Atheist that you have no one to talk to during sex? Whatever happened to the 3 some? Only kidding COUG'S!!! Just a little humor to kick start your New Years. I will be sitting in my big chair recovering from "gall bladder surgery" (yes they work on saturdays up here) on the 30th! And you all thought I was kidding about "a heart attack", JJ, an "auto accident", JJ, and my surgery! Hey, makes no diff. Life goes on and we're pretty tough, but probably not as tough as Frank Romano! Go Bud! But, whatever happened to all the Fowl and Rodents comments? Seems they slipped into the woods. Lyman's Dawg's are going to prevail. HEY...SLOEY... Do you take on accident case's? I would really like to know. You COUGS be cool. Happy New Year to All! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! JAKE N JUDE!
Name: Stephen Wolfe () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 21:11:01
E-Mail: agnesstephenwolfe@home.com
Class: 60
City and State: Ashland, OR
Message: Having taught in our school district for 22 years I really have gotten a clear picture of "how good" our HHS was. It would be a special adventure for me if I could connect with some of the members of the Great Class of 1960. Steve
Hey Steve, You WILL get your wish as there're lots of 60's HHSers here in Cougartown. Stay tuned.....
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 19:38:45
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Betty East...you going to Zuma with the motor home? Sounds like fun! Shouldn't be too cold. It has been in the 30's at night in Sacramento. Ok...now I am a movie star...my sister Joan and brother-in-law Van too. We were all interviewed at the state capitol by a local news station and appeared on the morning news...the subject? Road Rage...won't have to worry about that on my flight back to LAX tonight...will have to be more concerned with seat rage (cramped spaces)...well...wish me a safe flight...I'm afraid of flying especially when I have to flap my arms....
Name: Ramma Lamma () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 19:24:59
E-Mail: IcouldhavedancedallnightIcouldhavedancedallnight
Maiden: Ding Dong
Class: Eons ago
Message: OKAY YAMMA LAMMA! Forget it! Take him ... he's yours for the 1st dance, but I get the second. Ok? OK! I figured if I didn't settle this, you'd bring Mamma Lamma in on this and then we'd have to fight her for Walter Baby, too! Better this way, don't you think Yamma? I better go start getting ready for this reunion thing so I can lose a couple pounds and get into that multi-colored sequined tent dress I bought for Mamma Lamma's last wedding. Dooo Waaa! shibop shibop. OW!
A couple POUNDS??!!! A Water Buffalo should lose a couple pounds to get into your Mommas dress.
Name: Petey () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 18:24:03
E-Mail: let'stwistagainlikewedidlastsummer.com
Maiden: Honduras
Class: 1972
City and State: Orygun
Message: All this talk about Yamma had me thinking someone found our long lost friend, Kelly Yama!!! I got all excited for nothing, but he did know the meaning of "do wah diddy". And Big Kell, to this day, can still surfer stomp till sunrise. She's tuffer than a McQuitty and just as cute. Love & peace.
Name: Yamma Lamma () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 17:34:18
E-Mail: Sisterssisterstherewereneversuchdevotedsisters!
Maiden: Ding Dong
Class: solongagocan'tremember
Message: RAMMA! Please be kind ... I didn't say nasty things about YOU! And you, MISTER Holt ... I'll talk to you later! Now Ramma. How can I say this? You and I will draw straws for the first dance and then we will let Walter Honey know who the lucky girl is. And yes Walter Honey, I do still have my high school figure ... one of the lucky ones I guess. Oh never mind that I have a roadmap for a face ... my hair is the most beautiful white you've ever seen ... it's more like SILVER as in SILVER FOX! My sister, the baby whale, on the other hand does have a wrinkless face but her body of RIPPLES makes up for it! Also her lack of personality! Now dear sweet boy ... keep in mind, I spoke for you first. Oh come on August 18, 2001! I can't wait!
Hey Walter, remember the story of Jonah? The way it sounds maybe, instead of a safety pin for their corsages, a harpoon would work much better.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 17:20:00
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Maiden: arthurmurraytaughtmedancinginahurry
Class: 71
City and State: mayflowerballroom
Message: Oh Ramma;
I?m nuts for redheads. Can you polka? I just love to polka. I always liked to dance with girls with a little bulk. The ballast makes going around the floor a bit easier. People move out of your way. No more 12?X12? slow dancing for me. Give me a full figure gal anytime. We can go places you and I. So, Ramma, please save the last Polka for me. Can you guess my favorite polka song?
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 16:02:58
E-Mail: gonnagogetsomemoreBenGaytokeepupwithRammaandYamma.com
Maiden: lifeisbutadream
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,Ca
Message: Ramma darlin....You know how you an Yamma used to get me all confused at in that dark hall over at the Gunga Din. Most of the time I couldn’t tell which one I was with, an you know how you two used to switch off on me all the time. I must admit the only way I could finally tell was, Yamma would step on my toes every now an then, And of course Ramma Honey, I always thought you had the better figure to be up close with. But Don’t you worry honey I’ll get it all Figured out by PROM NIGHT.....shoo be do wop wa da
Name: Bill Jensen () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 15:23:39
E-Mail: william.jensen@trw.com
Maiden: usetobebonbonsandpeanutbrittle
Class: 63
City and State: 90250
Message: Oh! Judy! Your tasty flavors perked us up Christmas afternoon. What treats! For me, the Praline Pecan Cream was a flavor dream come true. Thanks so much.
Name: RAMMA LAMMA () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 13:33:05
E-Mail: lifecouldbeadreamsweetheart!
Message: WALTER BABY!!! Ooooh! You are a charmer, you! But let me tell you about my sister, Yamma (I'm Ramma), she's all talk! Honey, you save that first dance for ME! Not her, that silly girl! She can't dance for beans! And it was you and I who danced cheek to cheek on that 12 sq inches of floor to BM ... BLUE MOON, THAT IS!!! NOT Yamma and you!!! Can't believe you could mistake her for me! oh well. I will have to say, Yamma's body looks good (for her age!) but gawd! she's wrinkled! And has white hair! I, on the other hand, am a tad overweight, but have bright red hair and not a wrinkle to be found ... on my face, at least (of course, it could be the weight). And I can cut a rug!!!! (Of course at this weight, we might have to move the 12 square inches every so often in order to not wear out the floor).
Well Walt, there you go. Plenty of HHSers to dance with. don't get stepped on as this sounds like a buffalo herd you've come in contact with..... Have a nice time, and wear your steel toed work shoes.
Name: Betty East () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 12:14:23
E-Mail: bettye@amgen.com
Maiden: Wright
Class: 74
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: I'm getting ready to take my motorhome to the beach for the weekend to celebrate the New Year. But before I go, I want to wish everyone at Cougartown a Happy New Year! John, thank you for your tireless efforts in creating CT and keeping it going. Be safe, and remember, if you're drinking, don't drive; if your driving, don't drink!
.....and if you're drinking and must drive, do it on a golf course. Thanks Betty, have a great weekend and we'll be here when you get back.
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 10:08:31
E-Mail: breakingoutheDrSchollscornpadssoIcanputmydancinshoesbackon.com
Maiden: Wedidthemashwedidthemonstermash
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo,Ca
Message: Yamma Lamma …… Honey where you been all these years. Those were some good old times we had back then. I’ll be breakin out the ole Brylcream honey, an slickin back my hair for ya. How could I ever forget our song: Buta bomp buta bomp buta bomp bomp bomp dip da dip... bluuuue moooon...I saw you standing alone... with out a care in your heart...Yes darlin, get ready to wear out that 12 square inches of the dance floor we used to dance in for the slooow ones. Of course we might not be able to get as close as we used to honey, Gravity got a hold of me an pulled that fine chest of mine you used to love, down to my waist but dont worry we'll manage anyway....Aweema way aweema aweema way awemma way aweema way...In the jungles the mighty jungles the cougars sleep tonight…
Hey Walter, I caught a glimse of Yamma Lamma at the last Pinks run and that "Fine Chest" of hers that YOU loved so much is runnin' neck and neck with yours now. Yamma Lamma.....can you say BRA???? The 60's are over dear. Anyway, this is going to be a fun night for all, I don't care to where the body parts have migrated. Thanks Walt, and we'll see you on Prom Night.....
Name: Sharon Stowe () on Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 06:37:07
E-Mail: stowe37@aol.com
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 72
City and State: El Segundo
Message: I just had an HHS memory 'flash back'. One evening in 1971 a few friends and I were in a little Toyota. This was when Toyotas were the same size as VWs only square instead of round and looked like they should be wound up in the back. Anyway the driver, who shall remain nameless, decided drive on campus. (This was of course prior to the 'prison look' the school has now.) Of course we were all laughing as she drove all around campus including a trip down Hawthorne Highway. (This Toyota was really little and just fit the walkway.) After a short time, the driver tried to leave the same way we got in and Someone, either as a joke or just to hold us off until the police came, locked the gate we used to get in. The driver turned out to have a few tricks up her sleeve. If only the Toyota could have 'sucked it in a little.' She got a few little scratches...But we were able to squeeze out a walkway and escape. Good memory. If anyone else who was in the car remembers this little trip, don't name the driver, she would kill me. So much for my life of crime.
OK Mr Nelson, I have a lead on the students who came on campus in that little Toyota back in 1971. One of them lives in El Segundo.
......call me.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 22:28:47
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: I'm back...
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: I was just about to give Janny his vicks rub down..when I noticed Ricky Hawthorne's name on the new alumni list.. Rick and his family grew up on 118th St. & Felton, just a block away from me.. Hey Ricky..did you and your family of 8 kids get your PROM NITE tickets yet???!!!!! (there's another 8 tickets sold)...
Back to pretending I'm Nurse Bambie.. Now take your medicine Janny.
Judy DeGrazia-Blomsterberg
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, December 27, 2000 at 21:44:50
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: Gettin'SeriousNow!!!
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Ok..Ok... This is for Yamma Lamma Ding Dong..(can I say that?) Now that the Holidays are just about over.. it's time to get reeeal serious about our PROM NITE TICKETS. Yes, they're still on sale..and your ticket CAN'T be saved no matter how many completed forms you email to John boy.. Your snail-mailed check is the only thing that will clinch the deal.. I won't be sending out any "subliminal messages" anymore. "Time to get off the pot".. (Shakespeare) I even contacted Mr. George Keys..and he promised to try his best.. also in the process of notifying your favorite teacher, Mr. Bill Dana from Haw. Intermediate.. waiting his reponse. God knows we'll need our chaperones!! (any requests for a nun or two from St. Joe's???) Betty Bell-How does 10:00 in front of the Marriott sound..you know a promise is a promise.. "feet together" Now, for Mom Jensen (now known at Mom J) Thumbs up!! Let's get you over there on Aug 18th.. Your Jensen boys have bombarded us with all this great "never-ending blasts from the past" I've never seen people save so much memorabilia..and I'm using a bunch for PROM NITE!! I'm sure you'll love PROM NITE Mom J.. So flip open that shoe box with the clear plastic sling back high heels.. roll up your hair in a French twist.. find that diamond tiara.. suck yourself into that merry widow once more...straighten your seams, pin that safety pin to your bra in case of an emergency..and let's go!! For everyone else-make it your New Year's resolution to make some high school connections this year.. at PROM NITE!! We have people coming from all over the U.S. And I don't wanna hear ya whine if you don't go..(whew.. this isn't easy)
Now, my poor Janny's sick today..(the flu) or so he says.. but Mama knows what to do..I'll have to give him a rub down--so I'll get back to ya tomorrow..
"Coming Janny"
Judy Wudy.. aka: TILLY NOODLEMAN "getting serious about PROM NITE" don't make me come get you!!
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