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Hawthorne High's only ZEKE. Chris Montez
Married to LA Radios KRTH Chaz Kelley
Name: jill () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 20:02:56
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 1977
Message: I just read about this prom, it sounds like a blast. I have two questions, is anyone from the class of 77 going, and how can I get on the committee to help plan this thing?
Hi Jill,
Yes, I'm sure we'll have people from all classes attending. Judy Blomsterberg (judywudy@att.net) is running Prom Night, so you can email her. Thanks......
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 18:36:33
E-Mail: wholt48@msn.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Don't mean to take up so much space fellow cougs.. But I forgot to ask Something... If anyone knows the whereabouts of these guys from the class of 66 I would appreciate knowing. Darryl Jones, Dale Frum & Randy Matt.(especially Randy, Last time I saw him was in Nam & would sure like to know if he made it back ok). Thanks Cougs
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 17:41:07
E-Mail: wholt48@msn.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Ok Cougars & Cougarettes... Just got back from spending the afternoon over at HHS Library going through all The Year books from the sixties....So I got ya dialed in now... τΏτ .... Took a look at mine too. Geez... Musta been comming outta my dump the Butch Wax to Hello Brylcream look. Just when did the dry look come in... Perusing those pages fellow Cougs...All I can say is "Gawd we had some babes at old HHS". How'd we let em get away..UH I got an excuse...Uncle Sam took me away.. Sharon at the Library was great in helping me. (She's a Leuzinger Gal but her sister was HHS 67). Ok class of 66 I copied the 65 JR class Pictures so Now I can place faces with names. (they wouldn't let me copy the other classes), but I still got the rest of you dialed in....Heh Heh.. For those of you who have emailed you couldn't find me, dont look in 64 El Molino Somehow I was left out (probably broke the camera or something)... Paco thanks for the Surf Pic. I quit Surfing myself about 3 Years ago after surfing since 1959 except for a few years around 81 when I got my back broke in an auto accident...Man it was getting painful...But I think I'm gonna start back up again...Yeh Woods sounds Familiar.
Name: Sylvie Nunnery () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 17:29:06
E-Mail: nunnerys@tri-countyelectric.net
Maiden: Greffe
Class: 1987
City and State: Vance, SC
Message: Hi All,
Miss you all. Anyone seen or heard from Julie L. Ladd?
Name: Anita Bonita () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 17:02:06
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Anita Mosquita
Class: 1978
City and State: Istheresomethingfishyhere?
A fun place to visit to look up your name and see what it means, where it came from and some amusing teasing nicknames for it: http://www.babynamer.com
Got turned on to that one today, and a bunch of us have been e-mailing each other back with stuff about all our names! Too funny. My favorite nickname I got out of it is: Anita Velveeta Cream Cheese, kind of has that Frank Zappa ring to it, doesn't it? Have fun, you guys! Just wanted to lighten anyone's day who just might need it! = )
Name: Mary Jo Woodring () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 16:59:57
E-Mail: willows@wizard.com
Maiden: Payne
Class: 68
City and State: Pahrump, NV
Message: Anyone from '68 remember our faculty? Sherry Mermis, Jill Sonnenberg where are you? I still keep in touch with Carolyn Chesshire (Uhlig). Love to hear from anyone from our year!
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 11:47:18
E-Mail: wholt48@msn.com
Maiden: Wallygator
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Sharon... God His name is real familiar...I have to admit in this stage of mental disorder, thats about all I can remember of people back then & More than Likely knew him. I do remember Donald damn near broke my nose once when he did a satellite kick out at me cause I dropped in on him. He didn't like people droppin in on his waves. Tell Charley I said Hi & we wont tell what the old crowd used to do to girls with their string bikinis untied. ask Charley about that one....No one can daunt their foe so.... (Memory lock) Go Cougs!
Name: Walter Holt () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 11:13:35
E-Mail: wholt48@msn.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Gary Thanks for the Heads up On Takayama. I've driven by that museum several times and have not stopped. where's his shop at?? I need a new Long board so I can Surf at Old Farts. (For those that dont know that's San onofre beach, south of San Clemente & Trestles).. Anyone wanna hang with some old surfers our age thats the place. I went through San Clemente a few weeks ago, there were more cherry 40 & 50 Woodys then I had ever seen in any one place. They must have had a show or something..First car I owned was a 50 ford, bought it for $50 back in 62, At the time it had a flathead V8. I couldn't drive it at the time and bought it to fix it up for when I could. I spent the next 2 1/2 yrs working on that car, with the Help of Dennis Robinson HHS64 & his brother Keith HHS62. Man these guys were whizzes with rebuilding cars. We took my old ford & dropped a 390 cu, bored out to 402, dropped in an Isky 505 roller. Fenton Heads & headers. With a set of Weber Tri Power Carbs. Put in a four speed tranny with a Hurst 4 on the floor spring loader & a 410 Possie rear end. We took it down to TJ and installed Baby Button & tuck Interior & painted it Candy Apple Burgandy with 10 coats of Lacquer. Man Did I love that car. Six months after I got my license, I got on it a Little too heavy comming around a corner off Shoup, hit a wet patch, lost control & wiped out about 50 ft of a cinder block wall & totaled That car... So much for that one.. The only other car I liked more than that was my "70" 426 Cuda. I will say something for those Robinson boys they used to buy some cars that looked Like Junks & would turn them into sleepers. Rode with them many a time, with them blowing off a lot of newer Vettes & GTO's etc.. Think I'm Gonna play hooky today & drive on over to Hawthorne to reminisce a little. We are the Mighty Cougars Scarlet & Gold..... Go Cougs
Hey Walter, you just missed Sharon's feedback. See below.
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 10:53:53
E-Mail: chas@ccmaui.com
Maiden: Willis
Class: 72
City and State: Maui, Hawaii
Message: Aloha!
Walter Holt, did you surf with a guy named Charlie Quesnel? He hung with Takayama and the hermosa clan, he lived 22nd. st and went to Costa..He is still in contact with Takayama and the old surf gang..I am married to him...still surfs daily. I surfed 26 with Pam Cleeton...late 60's...early 70's.
Anyway I was just in North County (Ramona/Escondido) visiting Linda Graham Dublin class of ?? 67 ??, we went to visit Pam Cleeton. She is doing well and plans to come to the mini reunion for class of 70,71 and 72 in August 2001.
Pam looks exactly the same and I will ask John to post a picture as soon as I get it together.
Hope all is well, I have not visited CT in awhile.
Surfs up,
Sharon Willis Quesnel
Name: Eddie Braun () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 10:48:27
Class: 79
City and State: Manhattan Beach, ca
Message: Hello all, ive been in and out of town so much lately i cant figure out exactly where i do live....been catching up on the stuff on here.....pretty funny stuff i must say. Does anybody remember FOLBS toy store on haw blvd or chucks hobby shop? i spent many hours in those places wishing for all the toys, those were the days. DON DALLONS call me when you have time, im home now for a few weeks, then i leave for Hong Kong, so maybe we can have lunch......Eddie
Name: Barbara Duran () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 10:30:02
E-Mail: BJD2354@aol.com
Maiden: Duran
Class: 72
City and State: El Segundo
Message: I'd like to thank my brother Howard for letting me finally know, that I am his favorite!
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 09:45:16
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: I suppose WEBTV is better than having nothing at all. I don't like the idea of not being able to save files. There are a lot of free internet service providers out there. NETZERO, ALTAVISTA, something through YAHOO, JUNO,FREEATLAST to name a few. I think it is good to have more than one free provider in case one ISP is too slow or not working
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 09:31:40
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: sugar-mama
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: RICK MCQUITTY !! Well, I appreciate all the kudos, but to be honest, that picture is 37 years old.. However, the ROWDYS GIRLS have managed to hold on to a little fun all these years and we're still the same "Thelma & Louise" kinda gals.. We now need a boost up to pee in the sinks (if we make it in time) & this time around we're all on hormones.. We all have that 1 course,black, pesky hair on our chin that won't go away..no matter how many times we pull it out.. we don't cook, or clean.. Oh sorry, Marsha Hood mowed her backyard last weekend.. she had to buy some coveralls & a tool belt to do it, and I happen to know she keeps her lipstick, nail file, and cell phone in the slots.. She got a pair of safety goggles too, but had the lense monogrammed with her name and a butterfly and she wore her new Nordstrom sun hat too. The redeeming factor is that we pick men that don't care.. and/or learned how to cook themselves.. and so... """"IT'S OK!!!!""""".. (Robin Hood doesn't cook, so he's very thin now) I'm worried about him.
See you AUGUST 18th .. PROM NITE.
Judy Wudy... 37 years older.
Name: Gary Lents () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 08:15:41
E-Mail: new one now
Class: none
City and State: Vista
Message: Walter Holt....if you are looking for Takayama, he's down here in North County SD, and has been for years...still makes long boards, and runs the surf museum in Oceanside. Re: Rick Bollinger--graduated in 67 wrestled, and started at guard on Varsity football; but his dad took no mercy on any of us. The farm was off limits, cept for sneakers. We spent many nites hiding out there...hmmm, what were we doing???
Name: Patti Smith () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 08:10:05
E-Mail: GrnidL80@mediaone.net
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Hi, everyone! My daughter and I went on the c/o 68 50th Birthday cruise a couple of weeks ago, and we had a ball!! It was great to hook up again with old friends (old as in a long time ago, not implying that WE'RE old in any way). I've also been chatting with Art Paton, c/o '67, lately. He's asked me to post a query: does anyone know anything about Dave Woodring, c/o 67? I noticed he's not listed anywhere in Cougartown, even the Missing List for his class. I would appreciate it if anyone could put me in touch with him. Also Lenny Fein...Art will be in the area in February, and I'd like to get some of his old buddies together for lunch. Thanks for any info.
Patti, I'm sure someone can help. Maybe Chris Prewitt, as he handles the class of 67 missing list.
Name: Susan () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 02:07:28
E-Mail: funds4kids@yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
City and State: Freezin'mybuttoffinnorthernca
Message: I've been playing catch up on Feedback and have to tell you that I've enjoyed the McQuitty 'boys' posts and I'm intrigued by the responses they received. Being a 70's person, I can attest to the fact that just about every student either knew these guys personally or knew 'of' them. After all these years, these two can still get to people the way they always did.
As for the comments about the 60's Cougars being too old to party.... I've got news for you boys! If your coming to Prom Night you better start taking your vitamins and Viagra now 'cause I've seen those wild 60's woman party and I guarantee you that they aren't called 'wild' and 'rowdy' for nothing!
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. Love ya, JB!
Hey Susan, See you at the Prom.
Name: Rick McQuitty () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 01:19:56
Class: 74
Message: I just wondered if it was appropriate to say that I think the picture of Judy Wudy, (I guess it's her Graduation picture), Is killer. I keep seeing it and I keep saying to myself, "what a beautiful woman you were back then.
I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I mean it in the best context.
As I read your witty posts, I can see that you are as beautiful on the inside as you were on the surface.
I don't know much about the "ROWDYS", but I am intrigued, and I'm trying to read up on you women.
It's things like this, that makes me want to be more of an "ambassador", to the other graduating classes.
Thank you for your "mind" Judy. I like that most about you.
Hey Rick, Could you maybe trowel it on a little thicker please, I can still see the outline of her head.
Name: Anita Young () on Thursday, November 16, 2000 at 00:12:09
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
To Kathleen (Nix) Griffin:
Yeah, you'd think a product made under the Microsoft name would be a better product than it is. I got this thing as a gift and it is better than no internet at all, although, only slightly. That's why I just can't wait to get my new monitor and fire up a "real computer". Tom Burroughs, if you are out there, maybe we should both have a webtv demolish day and have fun smashing the bejesus out of these things! Would be a load o' fun, I think!
Mickey Mathena, wish we would of known of you sooner, buddy. We had an impromptu Pacific NW Cougs get together mid-September in North Plains. Turnout could of been better, but hell, we planned what we did in a month. Not bad for a month! Petey Smith and Kelley Currie said they were thinking about doing another one in an area perhaps in mid-Oregon area, so.....well women, how about it, is that still on or what? Mickey, there are tons of us up here in the Pacific Northwest. You are definitely not alone!
Denean McFarlane McKinney....oh my gosh, where are my manners! So sorry,....thank you so much for that suggestion and trying to help, my dear. I really appreciate it, I really do. Sorry I forgot to thank you on my post! I think I found her, though. My good buddy and one of my favorite people ever, Mark Escovedo, saved the day! Thanks, Mark! You're the best!
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 23:44:14
E-Mail: jillmcfar@aol.com
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 77
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: This feedback is great. Would like to enlist a few of you cougars in a friend search. If anyone knows how I can contact Bonnie Lemar, also class of 1977, please email me. Of course, anyone who remembers me, I would love to hear from you as well. Does anyone know what became of Konnie Krislock? Now theres a teacher I would love to know what became of her. Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from any of you.
Hey Jill, Konnie will be at Prom Night next August 18. Make your plans to see her and lots of other teachers.
Name: Mary Weiler () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 20:36:25
E-Mail: pmweiler@msn.com
Maiden: Risner
Class: 1976
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Brian Cheek, Welcome to CougarTown. I remember your friend Glenn MacCarrol...I also remember the night his dad raided the house your sister and I were living in on York Street right after my graduation! Glad to hear you stuck with the Fire Departmet. Last time I saw you, you were a paramedic in Huntington Beach. Hope the rest of your family is doing well especially your mom who put up from ALOT from all of us. Where is your sister these days. Got ya beat I have four kids and one grandchild!
Name: Denean McKinney () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 20:33:32
E-Mail: deneank@aol.com
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 1980
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Anita, Teri's little sister Shelly married Vince Eden from Class of 1980. They are listed on the alumni list. Shelly probably could help you. Good luck!
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 20:05:22
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: 10cents-a-dance....
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Ok... Re: Marriott Rooms for Prom Nite... got it all handled and you should be able to get your reservations under "PROM NITE" starting on Friday. The Wudy has saved the day once more... For Mickey Mathena, I'm not saying that Betty Bell is a ROWDY, but I've got plans to meet her in front of the Marriott as she will have a flask of "something" that we plan to share & she's promised to keep me picture perfect for the evening... I keep looking for Jim West to sign in. Betty says they're going to reinact the last '61 reunion..(what did those bad monkeys do anyway) Now.. I have to start the punch for PROM NITE as it needs no less than 9 months to brew.. I'm using Gordon Bell's recipe for GORDO RED?? Was that 9 days to brew..or 9 months to brew... Help Gordon..911. 911.
Judy Wudy... still on a quest.
I think it's 9 minutes.....
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 19:25:16
E-Mail: CT_Helpdesk@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Message: I did some research on Web TV. WEB TV DOES NOT SUPPORT JAVA. So there's your answer. I talked to one of their support people, and they have no plans to support JAVA in the future either. My suggestion? Get a real computer and a real ISP.
I agree......thanks Kathleen
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 19:14:57
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: Kostiszak
Class: 83
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: Don Di Tomasso I checked out your site and the Hermosa site you recommended they are both fantastic, you did a great job on your site the tribute to your father was very nice. Good job! Thank you Terrie
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 17:51:52
E-Mail: wholt48@msn.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Bill..I wonder if that set up came out of the old push button hydros Dodge & Plymouth had back in the late 50's & early 60's. I remember my dad had a push button hydro in an old 383 Dodge Dart we used to own. The other unique set up was the auto shift hydros in the, I believe, 66 & 67 chevelle SS 396. You could drop those down into 1st & they would jump shift and burn through all four gears.
Name: Mickey Mathena () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 17:30:09
E-Mail: mathena@canby.com
Class: 58
City and State: Woodburn, Or.
Message: Well, the weather isn't as white here in the valley as down in K-falls but that's OK. Over the weekend temps were running in the mid-high 20's at night. All you So. Bay people, if your getting too hot from all those 60° days you might want to think about coming up this way.
Sure seems we have a good number of Cougars living up here. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
Judy Wudy, say your mention of Betty Bell. Say hi to her for me. Haven't seen Betty since school. I've seen Betty's name mentioned here several times but nothing of her sister. Can't seem to remember her name. Was it Patti?
Name: Anita Young () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 17:19:21
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
To all Cougs out there....does anyone know where to reach Teri Painter? She came in here to feedback in July and we have e-mailed once or twice since then. She was supposed to come up here to Tualatin, OR, which is not too far from me, in late December, to let her son, Chris, see his dad. Now, when I try to e-mail her, her aol address is not working and is invalid. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have not seen Teri in over 20 years. I am really looking forward to seeing her next month, that is, if I can get in contact with her again. I'd sure hate us to miss this opportunity.
Thank you everyone.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 16:25:37
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Terrie Kostiszak, Nice "Post" pictures of the South Bay. Check out this link too
I also have some pics of the South Bay at my website http://dondt.homepage.com
Name: Bill Jensen () on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 15:51:37
E-Mail: william.jensen@trw.com
Maiden: Ol'Car
Class: 63
City and State: 90250
Message: Hey John! I thought Scavengers were those people who come out late Thursday night after I take my trash to the curb. Just kidding! Oh yeah, Sonny's Muffler Shop. Do you remember Rose Mufflers? Sorry to hear about Cecil Hall's passing. I remember at least two locations for Leddy and Hall over the years.
Did you know Paul Dunn of Carl Dunn & Son's Automotive? Paul worked for Leddy & Hall after his dad retired. Paul had a 51' Plymouth hot rod in the early 60's. It ran a modified 55 Plymouth V8. What was unique was the homemade floor shifter that Paul constructed for the manual transmission. It had a very short inline pattern and was made from a Model 'A' brake handle. The push button was for first and reverse gears. Paul gave me a first hand demonstration while drag racing. He would speed shift with out the clutch. I believe that I will never see anyone that can make a shift any faster than Paul could with that particular set-up. Does anyone know or remember a similar set-up?
Two locations was all there was for Leddy and Hall. Yes, I remember Carl Dunn too, and Les Rose. Les had the coolest 38 Chevy panel delivery. He retired about 15 years ago.
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