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Hawthorne High's only ZEKE. Chris Montez
Married to LA Radios KRTH Chaz Kelley
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 21:53:00
E-Mail: wholt48@msn.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Ah yes Katie I do remember you as being a little shy but quite a party animal along with another of your classmates by the name of Cherie Beam. I believe you might have attended a couple parties I had when my parents were out of town in late 64 & early 65 on 137th St across the street from Mike Sokols House. I remember most of us got our under age alcohol at Art's Market on Inglewood Ave.
Lots of Colt 45 & sloe Gin....Who else remember the Drag races the Highway Patrol & many of us used to stage on the 405 fwy before it opened??.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 21:48:06
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: A South Bay poem:
There is a place at the end of a street in El Segundo where my feet are surrounded by sand as I climb up a tall dune with a special friend.
To the north one can see the Santa Monica mountains, to the west a treatment plant, to the southwest lies Manhattan, Hermosa, Redondo and Catalina Island in the distance at the tip of Palos Verdes.
When the sun shines, the water glistens like glass and a warm breeze sooths the heart, and beautiful sunsets brings one to different worlds.
Very sexy poem Don.......uh, lose the treatment plant part though.
Name: Laura Porter () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 21:24:04
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
City and State: Hemet, CA
Message: Hey John....Petey mentioned the Irish Den in one of her posts...If memory serves me....that pub was owned by one of Cougartown's own in the late 70's at least...the Ledesma family including Phil, Paul and Pete. Can anyone else substantiate that?
I can't but I bet someone can.
Name: Doris () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 20:33:28
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: 1957
City and State: Twin Falls, Idaho
Message: JOHN! One of the feedbacks has me wondering. Were there any new names posted today to "the list" of attendees for PROM NITE 2001. The last name my list tells me is Judy and Michael Storie; is that correct?
Also, the Manhattan Marriott still does NOT have a block of rooms for us, is that correct?
Thanks for the anticipated update.
Doris, Yes, we do have rooms blocked and Judy will be along shortly to tell you about it. I've added a couple of new names to the list today. HHS61 Frank Romano and teacher, Julianne Dicus.
Name: Kell () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 18:46:33
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: cur
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay,Oregon by the ocean and bay and slough
Message: John, I didn't find my way home from EVERY bar in Haw. The cops took me home a few times!!!!lol. That picture is very famous. The belt, for those of you who missed the picture the fisrt time, was made by Petey.The place is my backyard on 133rd st. The event was the biggest party 133rd had ever seen. I told all the neighbors so everyone knew. Cars were parked on lawns. neighbors driveways etc. all okay by the neighbors. Jim Schroeder call it mini woodstock, unfortunately for me, getting it going was so much for me I went to bed early and missed most of it. Petey mentioned Babs drive through. Well that changed names and was owned in the early 80's by a camel jockey. He knew Janet Porter and I very well he had the coldest beer in town, it really was, we would drive up no words said we'd get what we wanted and be on are way. Great customer service!!!!! Happy Birthday to My Big Brother Chuck Currie November 14th.
Happy Birthday to Ctown's own "Duke of Boss" Chuck Currie. Chuck, let us know you're still out there.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 17:55:23
E-Mail: ingridl@fdgdesign.com
Class: 74
Message: I have to chuckle. Checking in to Feedback helps me put things into perspective. The media would have us believe that the most important current topic to be discussed would be the election returns in Florida. Not so, for those trusty Cougars posting here! There's more people talking about the Jane Fonda debacle that happened over 20 years ago, and more people talking about the current college football standings, than we have discussing the state of the electoral college. I guess that just goes to show what's REALLY important to the average American today. I have to laugh. The media keeps referring to the "Crisis" or the "Impending Crisis" resulting from not having a President Elect at this time. Seems to me that we need to wait for all the votes to be counted, and we're not in the habit of having to wait for anything. Just my two cents, ya know.
Yeah I know....if the Dawgs beat the Cougs and the Beavs beat the Quackers, The Huskies go to the BIG Game. Whaddayathainkathat Ingrid?
Name: Anita Young () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 17:33:42
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Hey, is it just me or did a bunch of today's feedback get lost somewhere? Has my webtv finally bit it....Tom Burroughs, I can relate totally to not being able to read the prom attendee's list. And yes, John, on webtv, we can read the alumni list ( well, most of them, until they get too long and this dumb thing can't scroll anymore). Can't wait to get my new monitor so I can finally be hooked up to a "real computer" again. How right for the new millenium. I need to play frisbee, I think, with this webtv.
So, am I right about the feedback from earlier being toast or what?
Anita, the feedback is there on my computer. RE the Alumni List: Can you read the list of new New Arrivals in the upper right hand corner of the page?
Name: Dewey Storie () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 16:39:10
Class: 74
Message: John, can you not find my senior picture in 74-year book? You keep showing the one from the 10-year reunion
Dewey, I look for it where it should be....I don't search the whole book.
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 15:05:14
E-Mail: wholt48@msn.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Ok Cougars ...Ya got my blood boiling on the Hanoi Jane Discussion. I think The B.t.h Should have been left to rot in Hanoi. Unfortunately at the time she couldn't be prosecuted. here is an insert from a discertation by General Westmoreland as follows:
General William C. Westmoreland - As I Saw It And Now See It.
"Needless to say, public attitudes had a major influence, not only on the conduct of the war, but it's outcome.
What were the Factors, developments, and policies that shaped the "passions of the people". There were many. It was not a declared war which made it impossible under the law to restrain people like Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark and others who successfully divided support for our idealistic commitment articulated by President Kennedy and others."
In referance to the accomplishments of General Westmoreland and our forces at that time. I was in Viet Nam during 1966 through the early part of 69. Prior to the "TET" offensive in 68 under the leadership of General westmoreland we had the fighting in Viet Nam stopped and were proceeding to cross the DMZ and invade North Viet Nam when we were stopped By the threat of the Chinese & Russia of their intervention, after that any hope in winning the war was non existant.
Here is another part of that disertation that can make us all proud:
"And as you surely know, but many do not, when South Vietnam was taken over by the North Vietnamese army, American combat troops had departed some 2 1/2 years earlier. The dedicated student and renowned expert on the Vietnamese communist, Douglas Pike has written: "The American military's performance in Vietnam was particularly impressive. It won every significant battle fought, a record virtually unparalleled in the history of warfare."
If any of you care to read this article, It can be found at:
Sorry for venting like this fellow cougars but this is a subject That I have a lot of emotions over.
Name: Walline Watson () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 13:20:29
E-Mail: wawatson1@juno.com
Maiden: Roderick /Hohenthaner
Class: 1966
City and State: Fountain Hills,Az
Message: My mother Maurine Hohenthaner worked at the student store from Jan.1968-April 1978 she is retired and living in Paradise, Ca. John,thank you for cougartown.com the web page is wonderful.
Thanks Walline
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 12:37:40
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Sharon Ritch-Stowe, I am glad you made it back to CA. I would not want to spend my days freezing in MN. It has been a pleasure to get to know you. I wish you the best with your adjustment to the South Bay. Feel free to contact me if I can be of help to you in anyway. I hope you meet some more of your friends from the class of '72. Hope to see you at more Cougartown events....Have a good week!
Name: Sharon () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 11:01:25
E-Mail: stowe37@aol.com
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 72
City and State: El Segundo, CA
Message: Since I e-mailed Cougartown back in April I have made a BIG change. I moved back to the SouthBay. I have lived out of state since the summer of 84. WOW, is it great to be back. To be near the ocean is heaven. But what is up with all the horn honking!? Did a bunch of New Yorkers move here too?
After reading some of the feedback notes, I see that I am not the only one in transition.
'Life is what happens to you when you are making other plans.'
Name: Sherry Ward () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 09:07:08
E-Mail: ecomroad@icx.net
Maiden: Rout
Class: 65
City and State: Where the natives glow in the dark
Message: Forgiving someone for their past mistakes is one thing. Pronouncing them one of the greatest women of the century is another. I cast my vote for the
urinal target!
What Sherry is talking about is.....well go here.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 09:04:28
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: politicallyincorrect!
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: John Boy, Regarding the Hanoi Jane pic.. I'm flabbergasted..& appalled. How can you be so callous and insensitive. Us ROWDYS GIRLS have been trying all weekend to hit that target from 6 feet away..so it must be a man thing.. could you give us the same, sweet pic of her (how about the flushing toilet one Sid) that us patriotic gals can do something with.. Sorry Marilyn Ross. I'll forgive Hitler before I forget Jane..after all, her "mistake" was not dropping her table napkin or using the wrong fork at a formal dinner.. My husband, and former Marine, will be glad to email ya over a story of her actions over there that might change your mind..in fact, I think it'll make you cry. Forgive her~~ I ain't that lonely yet. Belated
Happy Veteran's day girls and guys of the Military.. SEMPER FI! Thank you for the ultimate gift. Your lives for our freedom.
Just one gal's opinion.
Judy Wudy..
Just for you Judy.......the toilet version.
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 08:51:00
E-Mail: wholt48@msn.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Morning Cougs
Being new to CT, In Behalf of all of us Viet Nam Vets I would like to thank all of you who remembered & put in your Kind words on Saturday. John I especially like to thank you for the Viet Nam Page. I took a moment to view those pages on Saturday & as I expected, found some of my friends & classmates there. Your thoughts are greatly appreciated. In Regards to Hanoi Jane.. Geez I had forgotten all about her. I only want to say that it was a slap on our faces and wasn't the right thing to do at the time. However I must admit I did my fair share of protesting the war after I got back, for very different reasons then a lot of people I talked with back then, with the exception of many my fellow Vets. Once again to all of you... thanks... Enough of that. I did take my daughter & my Jeep up to Idylwilde over the week end and played in the Beautiful SNOW.. Nothing like doing Brodies In the Snow...Anyway take care for now Fellow Cougars.
Name: Lyman Moss () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 08:27:08
E-Mail: Lyman.Moss@PSS.Boeing.com
Class: 59
City and State: Everett, Wa.
Message: Hey Russ, I hope that you had a good Veterans Day,
along with all the rest of our Veterans and I agree with you 100% about Hanoi Jane; she will never live it down.
Well it is coming down to the wire and here is the
scenario; Beavers win over the Ducks, Dawgs win
over the Cougars, The Mighty Huskys go to the Rose Bowl and Win, now that sounds good to me, but if it doesn't go that way, I know that the Pac 10 team
that does go will represent us well, Lets just hope that if the Ducks go, that they will wear their White uniforms instead those Ugly Green and Black ones.
Robin, I do think that there is a Bowl Game in the the Works for at least a couple of the Pac 10 teams but not a Toilet Bowl for any of them.
John B. I know that you have been busy keeping this Great web-site going but why haven't you put a star by my name yet? If you didn't get the check please let me know and I will send another.
Take care all you Cougars.
Lyman, I received it on Oct 24. and the star was added. Go to the page a click on your refresh or reload button at the top of your browser. If anyone sent in their membership, and hasn't seen their star, please let me know as I do miss some of these.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 07:54:26
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: I recently went through a loss of someone special to me. This is in addition to the recent death of my father. I appreciate those who have shared their experience of grieving with me already and would appreciate additional support. Feel free to e-mail me regarding your experiences of grieving loss. I want to utilize all resources to get through this. Thanks!(Sometimes life is tough, but I am still here for the ride)
Name: Dewey () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 05:42:32
Class: 74
Message: John, as a LIFE MEMBER of VFW Post 2805 you have my full support of the display of the Hanoi Jane urinal sticker, but I do have to say that the one that you are displaying is not the original that I gave Dewey the bartender at the VFW in Hawthorne …but that’s OK the out come is the same
Dewey, This one is my own personal design......
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Monday, November 13, 2000 at 02:39:55
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: Kostiszak
Class: 83
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: Hi, I have not visited this site for awhile, wow lots of new people joining, cool. I wanted to say Happy Anniversary to SHANNON KEYS!! Hope you are fine, I have some very good friends whom are moving to Colorado Springs very soon from here in Portland Oregon where I now reside, they work for Intel. I will miss them but I plan to visit them there someday!! Hi to everyone in Cougartown!!! From Terrie
Name: Cindy Colby () on Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 17:57:45
E-Mail: cindymcolby@aol.com
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Message: Thanks Doris, I couldn't have said it better myself, if I do decide to grow up I hope that I stay young at heart, I figured out who that person in the mirror is "It is my MOTHER" god, what a thought. All you great people out there no matter what age, you are only as old as you feel, obviously someone has a problem with the BIG 50, most of us don't. I wouldn't go through all of that crap again for any amount of money, I am much better with a little age.
I would like to have a poster of the urinal target, that is perfect, what a piece of work. My sentiments exactly.
Off my soapbox,
Later All, Cindy
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 16:27:25
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Too close for comfort!! Go SOONERS! Still #1 Man those Aggies were tough! John, for some reason I can`t get this cheap Web TV to bring up the Prom List of attendees? Did I mention the SUN`S were in 1st. place NBA WEST? Anyone seen the defending champs? TB from AZ
Too bad those Sooners aren't good enough to play my Rose Bowl team, the Ducks, on New Years Day.
The Lakers?? Well they're just trying to make it fun for Phoenix this year. Come on back in about 75 games.
I know nothing about Web TV other than I get complaints from all their users. That list is a "Java" list like the one on the Alumni list page. Does that one work on web tv?
Name: Petey () on Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 16:25:01
E-Mail: it'sallcommingbacktomenow.com
Maiden: Honduras
Class: 1972
Message: Ahh the Irish Den and the Joker how could I forget those two watering holes. I was also able to drive through Babs Dairy on Rosecrans to purchase beer before my time. And then there was good old Felton market.
Peace, Love, Me
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 16:10:02
E-Mail: marilynross@altavista.com
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
City and State: Garden Grove, CA
Message: O.K. I'm no great defender of Jane Fonda. I too was appalled at her actions. But what she did was a long time ago and she was very young. She has said many times what she did was a mistake and she didn't realize the consequences of her actions at the time. How many of you out there did something very STUPID when you were young and perhaps hurt someone very bad. How would you like it if you were never forgiven. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".
Someone hand me a rock............JUST KIDDING!!!!
Marilyn, I know of NO Armed Forces Personnel who has forgiven Jane Fonda. Might not be the Christian thing to do, but without getting too political here, neither were the Hanoi Hilton atrocities. Today is THEIR day.......the urinal target stays.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 16:08:48
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: WeekendwithCT--???
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: To ROBERTA & GLEN CHRISTMAN--So you're searching out a reunion.. PROM NITE is scheduled for AUGUST 18th at the Marriott Manhattan Beach, & is getting a great response from the 50's people..and lookin' great for the 60's too.. 70's are breaking ground like crazy. We even have some "young blood" from the 80's & 90's. Tickets have been on sale for less than 2 weeks, and we've got people coming from all over..out of state~and just around the corner.. The list grows more everyday. So go to the hyperlink on the PROM NITE banner to see who's who.. Paco Duran is in charge of CT pics- & he's never put an unflattering pic in CT yet. ~~~ ~~~ Hey~~wait a minute~~~~~isn't this Saturday??? & I'm able to get in CT??? Hey John.. you must be HOME!! Marsha and I will be over in two shakes.. if you don't open the door, we'll use the bull horn again.. Let me get one of our sardine & liver dips going.. looks like we'll party tonight... Hey Marsha.. I'll be right over to get ya.
Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg.. THE ROWDYS
UHHHH.....no actually I'm at Janet's right now and am uhhhhhh doing this by Internet Remote.......yeah that's the ticket, Internet Remote, yeah.......
Name: Doris () on Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 16:00:29
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: 1957
City and State: Twin Falls, Idaho
Message: I want to get my 2 cents in for the Veterans!! And say THANK YOU ... THANK YOU !!! You cannot be thanked enough!
And for these almost 50-yr olds who are afraid of getting "old" I want to give you a shot in the arm! 50 is grand! It's a wonderful time of life!!! I just turned 60 last Valentine's Day and I'll tell you true ... I am still 19 in my heart and mind. Have to admit, it's a bit of a shock when I see a white-haired, wrinkled old lady walking past my many mirrors -- I always wonder "Who is that woman and WHAT IN THE WORLD is she doing in MY house!"
I just feel lucky to be around! and healthy or pretty close to it! CELEBRATE LIFE! at all ages!
Love ALL you Cougs! (Yes, that means you, too, Rip ... and even Rick!)
I used to wonder what people meant when they said, "I'm still young at heart". I know now, and I guess you just have to be 50+ to understand. I too, feel real lucky not to have the aches that come with age. I also have a "stranger in the mirror". That's fine because I'm having lots more fun NOW than at 30.
If this continues I'll be positively giddy at 80.
Thanks to all the gals and guys in uniform who're out there keeping us safe so we can do what we're doing today. They don't get Veterans Day off.
Name: GLEN CHRISTMAN () on Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 15:09:29
Class: 58
City and State: Murrieta Ca
Message: Hi to anyone from the class of 58 and 59 Roberta (Lanphere) now Christman would like any information about a reunion of any kind that is planned in the future, or let us hear from any of you that might remember us. thank you Glen Christman
Hi Glen and Roberta, please go to the Reunions Page for information on the 59-60-61 Reunion in April.
Name: Robin () on Saturday, November 11, 2000 at 13:15:25
E-Mail: MegsInn.com
Maiden: Felderruster
Class: 60
City and State: Pac 10 Champville
Message: Hoody and Kelley....Megs Inn was the name of the beer bar on 133rd and Inglewood Ave. Grandpa Seematter used to take me in and sit me on the bar while he downed a few* long necks. (*few= everything is relative:o)..Russ quit whining about the weather. Its 27 here and the Ducks are ready to kick some more Calif. butt in a couple hrs whatever the temp, and in the Rosebowl bound uniforms you love to hate...by the way, what do you really think of Jane Fonda?...Puters been down for a few days John, so I had a few pages of feedback to catch up on...Good pic of Zeke...That Bubba and Lotta are quite a pair too...Only thing I found bigger than Bubbas gut and Lottas butt was Rip and Ricks egos but then us "ancient" ones shouldn't judge....Later Skaters, its Duck time..:o)
Re Hawthorne Saloons: My Dads favorite bar was Mitch Skaff's Centinela on Hawthorne Bl. and I can remember him giving me pennies to put in the peanut machines that lined the bar. Nothing more father and son-ish (I was 4) than hangin out in a bar on Saturday afternoon.
Berkeley is Duck food..........Go O's
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