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More Rock and Roll from 1958. Chuck Berry
Name: Laura Porter () on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 16:45:41
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
City and State: Hemet, CA
Message: As far as Girl Scout Troops go Senior Troop 116 rocked! Our leader was Carole Dee Duvall and our troop traveled internationally including Europe, Mexico and Canada. We also covered a significant part of the US too. Our motto was "Troop 116 doesn't just sell cookies". I'm a Cadette leader now after being my daughter's Brownie and Junior Leader and we too are planning a trip to Europe for the girls when they reach high school. Speaking of high school....my daughter will attend Hemet High School (HHS) next year and their colors are scarlet and gold!! Better get my pom-poms out of the memory box.
Name: Petey () on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 16:45:18
E-Mail: johnnybegood.com
Maiden: Honduras
Class: 1972
City and State: Land of Quack
Message: John I have a feeling Napster is here to stay. We now have over 3000 files and I see no end, as long as I can think of what to download next. I get 10 songs at a time. We then create some bitchen CD's. My son and I love it. He just heard the whole soundtrack to the play HAIR. Now I know a new form of punishment. Last time he was in trouble I told him, "it's John Denver for you young man".
Liz up here in Oregon, Ralph Nader Rules. And Kell, Big Al has more sites like Napster for you. Later my woofs.
Name: Bill Jensen () on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 15:30:59
E-Mail: william.jensen
Class: 63
City and State: 90250
Message: John, I understand that one of the Beatles said during an interview that if Rock & Roll wasn't called Rock & Roll, it would have been called Chuck Berry. Hey, I really like the early classic sound of Chuck's "Betty Jean". Thanks for the musical entertainment that we can enjoy while on CT.
Chuck is my all time favorite Rock and Roller. I'll add a new "Chuck" when I change the page.
Name: Carol Shih () on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 14:07:41
E-Mail: Carol.Shih@juno.com
Maiden: McClintick
Class: 75
City and State: Saratoga, CA
Message: So nice to see you back on cougartown, Polly!
I, too, was a brownie and a girl scout, and was also a brownie and girl scout leader.
Have some very fond memories of being a scout and leading the scouts. One of the funniest as a leader was the girl who got her waist length hair caught in the tent zipper...
Change of subject...anyone have an email address or phone number for Karen Laird HHS 75?
Name: Bill Jensen () on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 12:51:07
E-Mail: william.jensen@trw.com
Class: 63
City and State: 90250
Message: Polly, thanks for the information about Dr. Demento. I have just checked out his web site. It's cool. There is a college radio station in the valley that has some good programming. The station is KCSN on 88.5. Unfortunately, this station not very strong and some of you may not be able to receive it. Most of the week is classical, with a variety on weekends. If you can receive this station, you will find that late on Friday nights there is 2 hours of surf music. During the weekend, there are various programs. Some very old country, back hills music, Cajun music, etc.
Ray Shelley mentioned old radio programs. On Sunday afternoons, KCSN re-broadcasts some of the old classic shows, such as the Jack Benny Show. Then there is KNX. They broadcast some of the old drama shows. In fact, on my way to the homecoming party, I listened to the Lone Ranger.
Name: betsy wright () on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 11:30:18
E-Mail: bettsann@aol.com
Maiden: watts
Class: 76
City and State: scottsdale, arizona
Message: Sue King: I thought I would post this here so everyone could read: Mike Dowell lives in Tampa, last time I talked to him, but have no email.
Jon lives in North Carolina, sells hardwood floors. I know my sis stays in touch with Teri occasionally, and now that I have relocated, need to find her, I think in Prescott. I believe Marianne is in Colorado. I'm loving Arizona and working for WorldCom relay (phone service contracts for the deaf). Busy, but happy! Had dinner with Ms. Krislock and her daughter last week when my sister was here...
Take care, Betts
Name: Susie Russelle () on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 09:16:45
E-Mail: mustangsusie@hotmail.com
Maiden: Klingenhagen
Class: 1971
City and State: Albuquerque,N.M.
Message: Hello classmates... regarding TV shows of our youth, while on vacation to Belleville, Ill.circa
1962 or 63, we ran into two guys from Wagon Train.
I have a pic of me with the cook "Wooster" and
trail boss "Bill". Cherished pictures!!!Also we
moved to Calif. in 1956 pullin' a U-haul and drivin' a '53 Olds Rocket 88. My brother used to drive it to HHS.... Susie
Name: Kathryn Jensen-Robinson () on Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 01:21:28
E-Mail: slavekate@aol.com
Maiden: Jensen
Class: 1980
City and State: San Diego, CA
Message: Hello Monica..nice to see you posting here also. Yes Bobby you are right it was Pencil Neck Geek...I am sitting here now listening to all those demented songs....just like the old days.
Tonight I discovered Napster. Get it while it's still here!!!
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 23:53:14
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
Maiden: Norval
Class: 59
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Message: Why do I remember "Surf" cruising (and racing) a dark blue '49 olds coupe, (not a "daddies car"), sponsored by Bills Service in Manhattan Beach. Speaking of '49 Olds coupes, I just happen to own a pair of '50's. They are street cruisers, that occasionally show up at a nostalgia drag meet or two during the year. Right now I am only making the periodic San Diego Antique Drags at Carlsbad. The last few years it has been my oldest son, Robert, cousin Tom Bell (my official photgrapher) and his two sons, Darin & Troy, and sometimes my brother Jim. Neat cheering section. The red one is a 425 Olds/TH400 combination. It's 8.2:1, Isky 280, highly massaged heads and a one of a kind Edelbrock heads. I can't say it's all Olds because the Guy I bought it from put a 9 in. Ford under it. The grey (primer) one all Olds ('57 3.90 posi rear end)is a 468/400 combo, pro built engine (it came in the red car). Robert has made a few passes in the grey one. At two of the meets we had both cars, and did some "bonding". They both weigh just under 4000 lb., run on 92 unleaded, thru the mufflers, the grey one, on street tires, and I drive it there and drive it home. time slips for both cars vary from 11.79 to 11.90 in the 1/4 with speeds of 112 mph for the 425 to 116mph for the 468(in either car). BTW, Tom is doing just fine.
Hey Norval, Great stuff man and I want to see the Grey one at the next Cruise night. I love those late 40's/early 50's Olds bodys. Jim Essner and I were talking about them this morning in the barber chair.
Thanks Norval for the pics and the update on the Studebaker KING of Hawthorne, Thomas F. Bell HHS58. We love ya Tom. Get well.
Name: Ray Shelley () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 21:31:58
E-Mail: rshelley@yahoo.com
Class: '58'
City and State: Pride, Louisiana
Message: Hi John,
I had a nice visit with TB. He hasn't changed a bit. It seemed like a summer vacation rather then forty two yrs that Tom and I visited. Tom rode his motorcycle eight hours through inclement weather to visit me, then left the next morning and fought the weather back to Texas, for another eight hours. John, TB has to be a true coug.??
By the way, a lot of the early fifties graduates didn't have T.V., we listened to the radio a lot. Anyone remember some of the programs that kept us entertained??? Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Amos & Andy, just to mention a few.. My brother Tom had a great time at homecoming.. I think you have a regular with him. Thanks for letting some of us old ones connect John. Take care, stay safe. Your friend ... Ray
Hey Ray, That's what it's all about; Cougs connecting with Cougs. I know for a fact that if Tom Burroughs found a buddy in Nome Alaska, he'd figure a way to see him on a weekend. It means nothing for him to come to Cruise Night and turn right around and drive home to AZ. We love you Tom B. Keep it up.
Now on to Tom S. (Shelley). I know he had a great time at Homecoming and will definitely be at Prom Night and he doesn't even have a computer, as his was stolen a month ago. Thanks Tom and Ray for being out there. We love you guys too.......
Name: Polly Martens () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 21:09:31
E-Mail: pmartens@mediaone.net
Maiden: Beach
Class: 74
City and State: GROUND ZERO
Message: So Some folks want a Girl Scout Rumble? PALEASE... Lets all face it for those who were in it, Girl Scouts was a real kick. I remember a troup that met at Sepulveda School, don't remember much about it. I was supposed to transfer to that troup after we moved to Del Aire. But, I got more interested in other stuff at the time, like music, art and dance. So that didn't leave much time for Scouts. Plus I was very shy at the time, so I really didn't know anybody in the troup, so I really didn't bond with anyone like I did in the Brownie Troup.
Anyway, for Bill Jensen, I really don't know you, but if you are interested. Dr. Demento, has a website with some of his music for sale and you can actually play one of his top tens. According to the website, though he currently isn't being heard in Southern California, as "there is no market." To me that is a real shame, his Sunday shows were really great to listen to on the old KMET. Anyway, I thought I would also pass on the information that Dr. Demento, also lectures from time to time at UCLA, under the extension program. In fact that was how the whole thing started, he was a professor of musicology at UCLA. And, had/has one of the largest collections of rare recordings in the United States. His lectures became so popular that the radio show was born to accomodate the interest. Wouldn't it be great if a petition drive could be started to bring back Dr. D to Southern California? Anyway I will get off my soap box, and end my history lesson.
I love Dr Demento and can't BELIEVE he wouldn't have an audience in So Cal. PETITION AWAY!!!!
Name: Diana Olsen () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 20:53:18
E-Mail: DGIRL1@earthlink.net
Maiden: Price
Class: 64
City and State: Ogden ,Utah
Message: One of these days Alice ....To the moon. The Honeymooners, Jackie Gleason was the greatest. How many of you out there rushed home to catch the daily dose of "Dark Shadows"? Oh my gosh! We couldn"t wait to see who got it in the neck next. Wow! That wasn't easy to write. Try saying that ten times fast. My two all time favorites where The Mickey Mouse Club and The Howdy Doody Show. That could be why some people think that I am a perpetual resident of "Fantasyland". Oh well, I guess it could be worse. Keep up the great work.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 20:08:11
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Hi to Ida Martinez. I think that in 1962 when Lynne Johnson and I were Juniors, we were in a gym class with you and Ruth Moore.
I have been and always will be a tv-ophile. Some more early shows I remember were Rescue 8, Cimmeron, and Wagon Train. And Jackie Gleason as Ralph Cramden was always threatening to send his wife Alice Cramden to the moon in the Honeymooners.
I'll be leaving Thursday for a week in Las Vegas at a Conference. For any Cougars there, I will be at the Las Vegas Hilton. Hey Frank Romano, what rent-a-car company do you work for again - maybe I can go to the wrong one and ask for you (ha, ha).
Name: Susan King () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 19:40:14
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Calling all Cougars! Just recently I decided to check out the website "Classmates.com" and lo and behold, my dear old friend Mariann Dowell is listed on the alumni page for the Class of 74. She is one of 4 Dowell kids (Teri 73, Mike 76 and John ?) -NOBODY HAS ANY INFO ON ANY OF THEM AND MANY OF US HAVE ASKED! Unfortunately, one needs a paid membership on that Website to collect current information on anyone who has signed in. Is there a Cougar out there who would research this for me if they are members of the site? Not that Mariann isn't worth the $29.95 to me, but.....I'd be forever grateful. Thanks!
29.95!!! It used to be 5 dollars. I think Glenn Crist is a member of Classmates. Glenn, can you help Sue out with her friend? Thanks...........
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 18:40:17
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: redondobeach
Message: I don't know much about these old television shows you guys are mentioning,...I wasn't much of a TV watcher even as a child....but last night I watched a show. Could have been called "The Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber Debate". God help us!
Name: Bobby () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 17:04:35
Class: 71
City and State: LA
Message: Susie, I thought the cookies tasted better from Troop #327 than Troop 200 didn't you think so. What do you think John? Susie, didn't Belinda Black, Betty Brown, and Donna ??? (lived on 127th facing El Segundo Bl.) belong to troop 327 also?
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 16:07:29
E-Mail: marilynross@altavista.com
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Message: Hi MARIAN BURKEMAN, we graduated the same year but your name isn't familiar. Why aren't you in the year book? I remember the people you were looking for. Do you remember me?
Name: Bill Jensen () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 15:17:55
E-Mail: william.jensen@trw.com
Class: 63
City and State: 90250
Message: Monica, good one! Alice the Goon was one of your Uncle Bob's favorites. Here's one for anyone out there. What program am I thinking about when I say..........One of these days Alice, to the Moon.........?
Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg, THUNDERBOLT, THE WONDER COLT! I am glad that I am not the only one out here that remembers the program. Oh yes, I get the same response as you when I mention the program. Well lets go a little further. I had mentioned two programs before and you remembered one. I bet that you may know the other one also. I ask again. What was the name of the show with Mary Holiday? Mary Holiday was not the main character. Here is a hint. Jump! What was the name of the program?
Name: Laurie Kelleher () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 14:31:22
E-Mail: lauriekelleher@hotmail.com
Maiden: Bednarski
Class: 74
City and State: New York, New York
Message: John;
Thanks for this website. It brings back a lot of old memories both happy and sad. My fondest memories are of hanging out at 5th period lunch with my dear friend Cheryl Crownover. My favorite class was Mr. Williams' art class, with his famous expression "Absolute precision, razor sharp edges and no garbage on the side." I remember taking extra classes so that later on I could get out of school early to go to the beach (Manhattan Pier). Thanks to this site I am now back in touch with my childhood pal Dorene Sciortino (Eckert). Hello to All!
Thanks Laurie, Glad you've rekindled with your HHS buddies. That's what its all about. Be a Coug girl.
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 12:41:42
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Hey Susie "Klink", I'm sure troop 327 was fine, however Troop 200 at York School was the greatest. My mom and Melanie Cooper's mom (still alive and kickin') were the BEST troop leaders. 327 is #2, We were #1. Any alumni G.S. from that troop should send an e-mail to FB and prove my point! Time surely does fly by. Hope y'all are enjoying every day, Cougs. Even if I don't win the lotto tonight, I'll still be smiling (probably not as big of a smile though). Judy - thanks for all your work on the upcoming prom. I think I'll find my original gown from 71 and 72! God bless y'all ...
Hey Debra, I wonder if we could get a Girl Scout Rumble going here? Never seen one of those before. I guess you could throw those cookies at each other.
We'll see you and "whats his name" at the Prom.
Name: Monica Jensen () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 11:48:10
E-Mail: monica.jensen@adeccona.com
Maiden: Jensen
Message: Hi Uncle Bobby, Aunt Kathy and Dad!
Uncle Bob, I know I'm a youngster.. but I did catch Alice the Goon on Popeye of course. I loved her!
Love you guys, Monica
See ya guys.
Name: Susie "Klink" Russelle () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 09:25:10
E-Mail: mustangsusie@hotmail.com
Maiden: Klingenhagen
Class: 71'
City and State: Albq. N.M.
Message: Hi Cougar boys n girls... let's talk Brownie and Girl Scout troops...I belonged to troop #327 out of Del Aire park. We had THE best troop leader in Cathy Chauncey...ah, the memories... Susie
Susie, Plan on being at Prom 2001 and you can re-unite with Cathy, as she'll be one of our chaperones.
Name: Pat(ty) Bagby () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 06:47:32
E-Mail: disc0pat@aol.com
Maiden: Kavanaugh
Class: 1964
City and State: NYC-home of the subway series
Message: OK, listen up, people. I KNEW there was some reason I moved to NY. It's a subway series. Hey, the great thing is we can't lose. I love BOTH teams. Go Yanks! Go Mets!
Name: Margaret [Gordon] Moser () on Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 00:26:34
E-Mail: gordon1950@aol.com
My name is Margaret [Gordon] Moser. I went to Hawthorne Intermediate from 64-66, then moved to Medford Or. I am looking for two friends from that time. We lost contact in the 70s. They were both in the class of 70. there names are:
Lee Ann Barilla [She has a older brother Rocky.]
Jackie Black
If anyone knows were they are, please email me at gordon1950@aol.com
Both my brother and sister went to Hawthorne. My sister Shirley Gordon was in the class of 54. My brother Neal Gordon was in the class of 63. Neal didn't get all his credits then. He always talked about his years there. I can remember lots of his friends from then. They were great people. Neal died on Jan. 28,1993. he was 47. We still miss him very much.
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you,
Margaret Gordon Moser
Margaret, I'm sure someone can help you find your friends. Heck, they may be lurkers on this page. Good luck.....
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 21:50:32
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: prom-nite-menu...fishorfoul
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Boy, the "ONE SUMMER NIGHT" PROM NITE planning has kept me so busy that I don't get to go to CT as much as I use to.. but just so you know, Janet Burkett (Pearl) and I are going soon to check out the hotels and food. I'm partial to "squid on a stick" but I'm flexible (don't go there John) We'll have a lot to do, but keep your eyes on COUGARTOWN for more info as we get it.. BTW John boy.. CT feedback has kept Janny & I laughing out loud for a week.. I'm glad someone mentioned "Thunderbolt, the wonder colt" because everytime I do, I get weird looks.. Oh ya.. he flew too..sort of a horse style superman. Now, back to work for PROM NITE..
& I'm off like a prom dress again. Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg aka: Tilly Noodleman
Name: Bob Jensen () on Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 21:16:51
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Class: 71
City and State: LA,CA
Message: DO YOU REMEMBER THE YEAR …. 1954??
What were you doing during that year? Were you first learning the toe mashing art of square dancing? Or maybe you were in front of your 2nd grade classroom, “sharing” your mother’s operation or the dirty joke your father told at his last party, while bewildered children and a red-faced teacher listened. But what were those old people called “teenagers” at Hawthorne High doing to have fun?
In 1954, Hawthorne High was a new school. The football team took first in the Pioneer League with eight wins and no losses. The crowning of the first Victory Queen and Princess took place that year. The drill team was then called the Cadence Corps. All the dances were held in the Gunga Din. The rhythm that had all the “cool cats” going crazy was “Gee” by the Crows. Tiny Bradshaw had a cool jump tune called “Heavy Juice”. That year, parents were urged to pass a bond issue which would give HHS a gym, four new classrooms, a library, double the size of the locker rooms, and build an athletic field on the other side of the tracks. AS YOU KNOW, THE BOND ISSUE WAS PASSED.
The play, “our Town” made its first debut at HHS, and was a big success.
The faculty had grown from 38 to 88 and the student population from 962 to more than a doubled sum of 2000 by 1962. As the school grows, the tradition and spirit grow also. If you want to see something interesting, come back in about 10 years.
COUGAR Vol. IX no. 32 5-18-62
Hey Bob, I see you've found the Cougar Talk page.
Sue Hans, owner of this month’s heap, has a right to be proud of her wheels, as the car was formerly a record setter at the drags.
Built by Mr. Johnny Rowan, the engine is bored 60 over and balanced. The heads have been milled .030 of an inch. 4.10 gears are the feature of the rear end. The car is also equipped with a beefed Hydro.
In 1960 the four door Oldsmobile turned 79 in the quarter at Long Beach and Pomona. During this time the heap was unbeaten for six weeks straight at Lon Beach. “It was the fastest ’49 Olds, stock in Southern California,” stated Mr. Rowan, TEN trophies from various strips prove the statement.
Scavengers and painted rims add to the nosed and decked ’54 Chrysler peacock blue body. Sue has contributed a few dents herself.
Working on the four-four plan at Leed’s in Del Amo enabled Sue to buy the car. Sue, a blue-eyed Blond and tanned senior spends her spare time at the beach. “you’ll see my car parked at El Porto or 42nd,” Sue laughs. Vol.VIII no. 26 5-17-61
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