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"Dedicated to Prom Night 2001"The Danleers
Name: Kelley & Lisa () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 21:49:28
E-Mail: whosaidthiswasgoingtobefun.com
Maiden: Currie/Graham
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay/Ramona
Message: We thought that Pat Burris should have been the prom king, and Judy, it wasn't rigged my famous CT butt. I was thrilled to be in the company of my best friend Kelley who just happened to know every single cheer ever yelled at the football games in previous years - go Kelley go. The room at the Hacienda Hotel smelled like the room from The Shining. We really did not mind the silverfish until we realized they had collars with licenses. We did thank the folks at the front desk for turning us on to Glade Scented Candles, we really loved the lilac scent. The front desk personnel were from The Shining. All in all it was a wonderful weekend and we really want to sincerely thank everyone who put this event together. Peace and love, Kell and Lisa
Geez, outside of that Mrs Kennedy, how was the Limo Ride? I'll remember you two the next time we need some Cougartown public relations for an event. Sorry too about clipping that other part out but we may want to have another Homecoming event and might need some people to show up.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 20:58:03
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Class: 71
City and State: LA,CA
Message: I thought I would share a moment from the past.
Forty years ago today:
Royal Court Honored At Murdock Field
Smiles, thunderous applause and tears of joy greeted the announcement made by BRUCE GRIFFIN, ASB president, which revealed the student body’s choice of BETTY BELL as Hawthorne High’s 1960-61 Victory Queen. Elected as class princesses were Barbara Sam, Maridel Johnson, Janet Frantz, Carol Coombs, and Sandra Caselli.
The girls seemingly brought good luck to the football team as Leuzinger was ungraciously defeated 26-0 that night at El Camino. Escorts for the evening ceremonies were CRAIG FARLOW, GARY MYKKANEN, MIKE GRAVES, RICHARD LITTLE, KOENRAAD DE BRUYKER and TOM DE FRANCISCO.
Gifts that were given to the Queen at the assembly were donated by several local merchants: The Boston Store, Jan’s Jewelry, A-1 Office Supplies, Moore’s Jewelry, Melody Music, and Ryan’s Jewelry. The cars used at the football game were on loan from Butler Buick, Afton Studebaker, Kenneth Chevrolet, and Keefer Plymouth Agency while the Queen’s Thunderbird was furnished by the Robert Smiths of Hawthorne.
Coach Plum’s charges displayed a new style of offense which proved to be the winning factor in Friday night’s game as winless Leuzinger was easily dumped, 26-0. Over 4,000 enthusiastic homecoming fans witnessed the one-sided victory which now gives the Cougars an undisputed second place berth in Bay League standings. Hawthorne quickly took control of the game, scored in every quarter, and rolled up an impressive 227 yards rushing while LHS was held to a minus six yards by the Cougar’s tough defensive unit. This vengeful attack was led by Royal Lord who collected ten tackles and was one of the key reasons Leuzinger was limited to only three first downs while Hawthorne made 16.
Franz Russell had quite a night as the junior halfback continuously knifed through LHS’s line for 121 yards gained and two touchdowns.
Democrats And Republicans Vie For Student Favor
Demos maintain that country faces era of greatest peril and GOP asserts United States enjoys peak of prosperity.
Flirting – Colleen Horne
Blushing – Mary Ann Walton
Chewing gum – Dorothy Pratt
Busy – Helga Tossman
Courteous – Jim Gross
Together – Royal Lord and Carol Wickwire
Making assignments – Miss Clark
Pestering – the Banbadji brothers
Smiling – Mr. Nyman
Quiet – Eddie King
In a hurry – Mr. Means
Alums invited to meeting
While HHS doesn’t have any vine or moss covered buildings to show that it has been in existence for some time, it does have something else to prove that it has reached maturity. According to Mr. Capelouto the first alumni general meeting in the history of HHS will be held on Tuesday, November 1, 1960 at 7:30 PM in Nyman Hall.
Hawthorne has entered its tenth year of community service and has had seven graduation classes. Approximately 2500 students have received their diplomas during that period.
The first meeting will be organizational in nature, and plans will be made for the first activity which will be a dance.
In part from The Cougar vol. V111 no. 7
Name: Jerry Miles () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 20:48:25
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
Class: 66
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Message: Gee Sharon, I always thought Thousand Oaks was in the valley. The Conejo Valley. Don't tell me it only has 999 oaks too. It would break my heart.
No Jerry, it gets too hot in 1000 Oaks to be considered "the Valley".
Name: Janet Burkett () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 20:34:54
E-Mail: jburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: It was good to see everyone at Homecoming!
However, Chris Hood, your comment about a Cougar hall of fame hit a nerve. Last year when we went to the unveiling of the "new" Nyman Hall and saw the seats we had helped to refurbish, I was really sickened to see what they had done with old pictures from previous years. There were unnamed, dusty pictures, plaques and trophys just kind of laying around in cases in the Hall lobby. Pictures of HHS sports stars, class presidents, victory queens, etc. totally uncared for. In other words, I felt like the school didn't give a flip about it's history. My daughter teaches in a small high school which dates back to the 20's, and they still have EVERY class picture posted down the halls. Trophys from 50+ years are proudly displayed in glass cases that line the main building corridors. This small school does not have a lot of money, but it does have pride of community and history and that's what is needed. (Maybe along with a little soap and water and determination.) I think my (our) next project should be to resurrect our history and get the point across to the school, et al that this IS important, not just to us, but to the students of today and tomorrow. This is a much more important project we could ever take on than any social event we might entertain ourselves with, as far as I'm concerned. (Can you tell this is a hot button with me???)
Perhaps they don't have the pictures named because so much time has gone by, and no one knows who they are. I bet we could help resurrect the history of HHS too.
Name: John Baker () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 20:43:14
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
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Name: Barbara Johnsen () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 19:22:28
E-Mail: barbaraj@linkline.com
Maiden: Still the Same
Class: 69
City and State: Corona, CA
Message: What a GREAT place. My mind is reeling with all the Memories. Read a message that was from Wayne Dickey I went to Kindergarten with HIM and Thom. I also knew a John Baker once, stood me up on a trip to UTAH for a Job cutting concrete. I am looking for my friend Kathy Wright, has a sister named Cheryl and a brother Jerry all HHS GRADS.
Hey Where do I send the Money. SIN SEX BEER WINE WHERE IS THE CLASS OF '69!!!!!!!!
Sorry Barbara, another John Baker ....welcome aboard.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 15:41:44
E-Mail: Srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Just for the record, everyone...
Thousand Oaks is NOT in "the Valley."
Name: Ronnie Chorley () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 14:07:48
E-Mail: rlchorley@aol.com
Maiden: Thomas
Class: 72
City and State: Mesa, AZ
Message: I actually graduated from Leuzinger but went to HH. Thanks for the web page; it's great.
Thanks Ronnie, and come on back anytime.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 14:06:40
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: queen again&again&again&`~~~
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Well, how can I thank you for the title of Homecoming Queen.(& no, it wasn't fixed) I finally got my long awaited tiara..and my red cape and now I am known to my Janny as "Queen Beth"..and he's "Jeeves" the downstairs butler..seems he didn't put enough marmilade on my melba toast this morning..and now he has to pay the price.. (don't go there John)
Re: ONE SUMMER NIGHT PROM NITE.. I had a few Cougs asking about all the particulars, and Janet Burkett & I will have that info for all asap..and we'll be posting it on feedback as soon as we've narrowed down the date, place and ticket price. Then all you have to do is follow mailing instructions & get your money in to hold your ticket(s)..and it's back to the PROM this summer to dance the night away and see old friends. I'll try to post names of people purchasing tickets so that you can see if your old flames or friends are going to make it.. Also, please note that it's """not necessary""" to have a date.. come stag or come with a friend. I'm planning on having the room sectioned off so it'll be reeaaal easy to find the people from your graduating year and other old friends so don't worry about fumbling all over the room looking for your buds.. Now, back to Jeeves, seems he's spilled my tea again and has to be reprimanded once more.. IT'S GOOD TO BE QUEEN!
ps. Congrats to Don DiTomasso in his new romance.. looks like another romance between 2 reunited H.H.S. alumni - Cute gal Don.. go for it!!
Judy Wudy "Beth" DeGrazia Blomsterberg
Hail to our Cougartown Queen Judy and her King Bob Veach. They will reign as such until next October, when a new King and Queen will be drawn from a box.
I guess now that Bob (Jack Rabbit) Veach is King and Janny has been relegated to butler, the Queen will be, quite often, sneaking off to the servants quarters for a little "middle of the night" marmalade/melba toast munchy-fest. Be careful not to tarnish the Cougartown Royal Lineage. It goes clear back, a 100th of a Century, to our King Larry and Queen Sandy.
Name: Gary Lents () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 09:43:24
Class: none
Message: The Goddess for queen of hearts....then off with their heads
Name: Juan B. () on Sunday, October 8, 2000 at 00:58:45
E-Mail: mjbustois @aol
Class: 1980
City and State: Torrance
Message: COHUDA! its PAPI! I know your out there tell kalani the champ said hello. Hey Derrick HURRY UP and get those pictures posted up.
Name: gary nix () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 23:57:23
E-Mail: nixnv@hotmail.com
Class: 1970
City and State: gardnerville, nevada
Message: HELLO AGAIN JOHN....Deb and i made it back today, i wanted to say THANKS!!! to everyone who made it to the game and the party, we had a blast, john let me know about the wine thing, it was good to see everyone again!!!
Hey Gary, Thanks for the help and for coming to the weekend funfest. Nice to finally meet your better half, Debbie too. Janet and I will definitely be in touch on the Jackson trip.
Name: Larry/Loretta Cuiper () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 22:18:55
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 60/62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hello all, we had a blast last night and today at the picnic was great. A special thanks to John, Janet, Cheryl and Gary for helping with the decorating, Lupe and I were worried we would never get it decorated in time, since we both do not get out of work until 6, thank you. Also Lupe and my Larry for their help with the T-shirts and today for helping set up for the picnic (Eric too), You were wonderful to stay the whole day and to be there to clean up and a thank you to all who helped with the clean up too! To Karen, Bob Fraser and Anna, Bob Veach, nice going with those coals, at least we now know how to handle that, no fire department this time!! We did have a fun day with all of you, getting around and talking to everyone was great. Just a Great day, To all Thank You and also always a COUG!!!
Thank YOU Loretta for handling all the affairs of Homecoming and the Picnic. Sorry we couldn't stay yesterday but had prior committments. Thanks to Larry and Lupe for helping out with Tshirts and to Janet and Cheryl, and Gary and Debbie Nix for decorating the Stick and Stein. Thanks to George Stevens, the owner of the Stick and Stein, for providing our party room. Thanks to Sharon and Mom B for coming and for bringing a load of Tshirts and for our SUPER COOL Cougartown banner. Thanks to Patti Smith for providing the stereo and to Janny for the oldies CDs. Most of all thanks to all of you Cougs for attending the game, party, and the picnic. There will be pics, but I've got a few things to catch up on first.........one of them is SLEEP!!
Name: Kathy (Hubbard) Hansen () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 22:13:01
E-Mail: khansen77@aol.com
Message: Thanks, Don, for the compliment. I'll take it!
Mrs Quietzsch WAS the principal. Wonder if she still is?????
Kathy (Hubbard) Hansen
Name: Pat(ty) Bagby () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 20:25:37
E-Mail: disc0Pat@aol.com
Maiden: Kavanaugh
Class: the best one----1964
City and State: NYC
Message: Well, I have enjoyed reading about the fun you are all having at homecoming. I can't be there, but tonight is my 34th anniversary, which I thoroughly enjoyed, especially since a year ago, it wasn't too sure that we would have any more anniversaries. My message to all is to enjoy each other every moment while we have the time. Don't waste it with silly arguments and other nonsense, because our time here is precious. Thanks again John for the wonderful site and for reuniting so many of us. We can never repay you, but all of us should at least send in our dues as a thanks. Hi to all in the best class (1964, the first of the boomers).
Thank you Pat for being out there and for joining in and letting all your HHS buds know you're out there. That's what it's all about.
Name: Chuck () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 18:33:13
E-Mail: chasmccain@aol.com
Class: 1965
City and State: Scottsdale, AZ
Message: Spensko, where the hell are you?
Name: Juan Bustios () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 17:25:26
E-Mail: mjbustios@aol
Class: 1980
City and State: torrance,Ca
Message: THANK YOU GODDESSS for the kind words i had a great time at stick-stein hope my friend Robert didn't make you laugh to hard about the story of my MOM. Don Dallons and David Castro it was great seeing old friends take care, HEY meet you at the pepper bellie booth at manhattan hometown fair SUNDAY AROUND 2 its rite next to the entrance to the famous beer garden see ya there.
Name: Gary Lents () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 16:01:41
City and State: hastalaVISTAbaby
Message: Homecoming was fun....67 represented pretty well. Woody McCain, Mike Escalante, Jerry Skaff, Lisa Graham, Kelly Currie, Art Verduzco, Rick Sundell, and MOI! Not bad, and we covered some miles to get there...thanks to all. Hey, what happened to the Tshirts, I meant to get one???? When I met up with Artie (at Barnaby's) before the game a funny thing happened. I thought I vaguely recognized the bartender, but it took a while before we realized where...it was John Feinstein, Coug '68.
Name: Janice Mastropaolo () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 15:02:03
E-Mail: JaniceDorman@aol.com
Maiden: Dorman
Class: 1974
City and State: Dana Point, CA
Message: Ok, I just read Ingrid's feedback and it prompted me to post. (guilt trips do work)
I've had so many wonderful people come back into my life because of Cougartown. John, I am so grateful to you for creating this site.
I have recently been separated after 19 years of an unloving and abusive marriage. That outpouring of love and support from my fellow cougars has gotten me through some really rough times. I even had an e-mail from Mr. Key! Wow! Was I impressed! Made my day. I would like to encourage those who haven't sent that first contact to those we knew in school to take the plunge. Maybe we should do a "Cougar Friendship Week" where we just send a "Hi, I remember you!"
You never know what will bloom.
My Hawthorne High days were great and the school spirit can't be beat. I'm glad that it lives on in Cougartown.
I agree, and thanks Janice. If there's someone out there that you'd like to contact, but think maybe you'll do it later........CONTACT THEM NOW!!! You will NEVER regret contacting an old friend, however you could regret NOT contacting them.
Name: keith jones () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 13:55:43
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been jones
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas
Message: Back to Hawaii tommorrow. Wish I could have been at the game. Juan-dog you're the best. Our gang (Craig K, Carl C, Kurt M, Kevin F, Jimmy M, Art D)will always be true. I'll be in Hawaii for at least 2 weeks (probably more), would love to hook-up with any Coug over there. Cindy Laird.. I'll be checking into Cougartown everyday. Aloha Nui Loa
Name: Bill Sloey () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 09:46:36
E-Mail: wsloet@aol.com
Maiden: ImissedthegamebutwonderhowtheLorivs.Juanhalftimeturnedout?
Class: 69sofine
City and State: ecc
Message: I missed the events last night due to parenting requirements, BIG Thank You though for the continuing efforts for this web page, and bring almost everyone together. haha it is really amazing. Onward to the picnic.......IMACOUG
Name: Joseph Mailander () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 04:51:29
E-Mail: dbahuitclos@yahoo.com
Class: 1975
City and State: Hawthorne CA
Message: Hey '75, have a great reunion tonight! Wish I could be there but I am on vacation. I will be thinking of you and yours.
John, under separate cover, I am sending you a photo taken last week at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. I am very pleased to find it here in Paris. Of course the sign commemorates the Battle of (Ted) Hastings, nearly 25 years ago, when Hawthorne High's Class of 1975 beat top ranked Loyola in the CIF playoffs, to the surprise of many. Ted Hastings made a key tackle in that game, late in the fourth to preserve the victory, and if he is at the reunion someone please buy him a Kir for me.
Let's also not forget youngster Clark Millman's field goal in that game, it proved the difference. He should have an honorary spot on the dais tonight. And also another underclassman named Rael made a heroic run early which should be celebrated.
Everybody have a grand time tonight and remember the old saying, "If you don't make a fool of yourself at your reunion, you make a fool of yourself for the rest of the year."
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 04:45:22
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: Stillthegoddess
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: After a mere 3 hours of sleep Thursday night and a day booked with clients, I was looking forward to Homecoming festivities like a patient looks forward to root canal, but there was no way out for me. I had made a commitment. I drove, hungry and tired, to Hawthorne High School with my dearest, life-long friend, Karen Considine and proceeded to have a total blast!! I love you guys so much. We cheered and whistled and yelled and laughed and shared stories with alumni from 1958 to 1999. I went, expecting to hate Juan B. but I found him to be charming and delightful.....sorry Lori.....I hugged and kissed my way through 150 people and didn't leave until the last drink was poured and the balloons were carried out. I met handsome Bob '80 and could have just gobbled him up. I shared a cigar with Mark Escalante and his brother Mike and reminisced with Jerry Skaff, Woody McCain, Karen Hare, Lupe Dominguez and the legendary, Gary Lents. It's nearly 3am and time for me to start another day booked with clients but I just had to tell everyone who made it, "Thank you" and to those who didn't.......don't miss another Cougartown event....It's worth the drive, the flight, the ride on a bus, plane, bike, canoe.....get my drift? Cougars totally RULE!!!!! Love The Goddess xoxoxoxoxoxo
I totally agree. Outside of losing the game 7-6 with 50 seconds left, the rest of the evening was OUTSTANDING!!! Thank you all for attending and I can't wait for the picnic this afternoon at Ramona Park.
Name: Robin () on Friday, October 6, 2000 at 15:29:47
E-Mail: QuackAttack.com
Maiden: Harrington
Class: 60
City and State: RB, CA
Message: Hoody...I haven't said a word since the Bruin slaughter...wore my UO shorts running one evening, and two ..no make it three guys attacked me on the beach with baby blue teddy bears while shouting "you savage beast you" ...they hit about as hard as Foster :o)..Also the therapists down here have been pulling double shifts with the Bruin and more recently the Trojan fans after getting slapped by Beaver tail last week ( I sent all my spare valium to El Roho as he is in Idaho) Glad the Ducks have a bye this week so the rest of the Pac 10 can regain some composure...Baker ,I happen to like the new Mallard Green and Black uniforms...They will look good in the Rosebowl, and next weekend when they pop another Trojan dream...(sorry Paco)...Lyman the Dawgs put up a good fight in the 4th quarter when the only starter left in the stadium was the team doctor...:o)...And come on Cougs..this isnt rain ..show your support and come to homecoming! Ill meet you at the Stick and Stein afterwards :o)....Later Skaters...
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Friday, October 6, 2000 at 13:10:30
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oak Hills, CA.
Message: RE: Lori & Juan- You both need tho keep your personal thing off CT and do it with personal e-mail.
I agree.......
Name: LORI () on Friday, October 6, 2000 at 13:01:14
Name: Patti Smith () on Friday, October 6, 2000 at 12:32:41
E-Mail: GrnidL80@mediaone.net
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: John, is there a contingency plan for Homecoming in case of RAIN??? Here in Orange it sure looks like it's going to, and the forecast calls for rain in LA today.
Patti, Yeah, the contingency is, "we play football - rain or shine". We need your stereo so please, if you're not coming, email me NOW. Thanks Patti.....
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