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"More Early R&R" "The Beach Boys"
Name: Mike Shay () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 16:44:14
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Hey John and fellow Cougars;
Happy to have you back in town. Hope your B-Day wish came true. A couple of weeks ago You and Robin called in the middle of the night (9:30) and asked if I remembered who drove the "Freight Train" Blown Gas Dragster, with twin chevy engines?? One of you remembered that it was Lefty Meudersbach even before I could think of it. We weren't very good at remembering some of the other cars from that period but a few have been coming to mind, I don't remember the drivers very well but how about the Howard Cam Special, Reath Automotive, Chrisman & Cannon, The Albertson Olds Special, The Hustler, The Chisler, The Bounty Hunter, TV Tommy Ivo, Tony Nancy's 22jr. ( may have been a roadster ) the Pisano Brothers, Chris Caramasinies, (please forgive the spelling), The Arfons Brothers and the Green Monster, John Butera's Shark Car, and the well is now empty. Sure would be neat if you other fans from the days when drag racing didn't hurt your eyes, wanted to add some more...
Happy Labor Day Weekend to All
Hey Mikey, you KNOW this is one of my favorite subjects. How about:
Stone Woods and Cook and Ohio George Montgomery, The Dons of Dragracing-Garlits and Prudhomme (the Snake), The Mongoose Tom McKuen, Big John Mazmanian, Bourgeous and Wade, Greer Black and Prudhomme, Jay Watkins and Joe Pisciotta, and their F/stock 58 Chevies out of Bills Service in Manhattan Beach, Dandy Dick Landy, Hayden Proffitt, Don Nicholson, Lloyd Cox and his Pontiac, and the Drag-On Lady-Shirley Shahan, Sox and Martin, Gas Ronda, Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins, Tom Grove and the Melrose Missile, Les Ritchey and Performance Associates, Jack Pelican and Pelican Automotive, Bill Golden's "Little Red Wagon", Butch Leal in a Thunderbolt, and Jack Chrisman in Sachs and Sons Comet. I'm now running on empty.....more later.
Name: "Kathy" () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 16:15:53
E-Mail: LPurch6636@aol.com
Maiden: Hamler
Class: 68
City and State: Phoenix, AZ.
Message: Did someone mention Pat Burris? I think I might be related to him too. Through marriage. My husband's cousin's husband is Craig Burris. They live in Lawndale...
Name: Ray Hahn () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 16:15:50
E-Mail: JetdriverRH@cs.com
Class: 62
City and State: Encinitas, CA
Message: Looking for some old class mates. If anyone has any information please pass it on to me. Nancy Parker 62, Chuck McCabe 63, Sharon Wetmore 62, Tom Long 63. Thanks
Name: "Kathy" () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 16:12:04
E-Mail: LPurch6636@aol.com
Maiden: Hamler
Class: 68
City and State: Phoenix, AZ.
Message: First of all, let me add my congrats to John for his birthday this month. And, way-to-go, Mr. Plotkin! I loved seeing your pix- you look better than ever! Gives me great hope for being - gulp- 50! Also wanted to add a "Welcome!" to my nephew and incoming HHS Freshman, Brian Purchase. That family has a literal stronghold in the area!
Thanks Kathy for the birthday wishes and Go Brian.....Be a Coug boy!!!
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 15:48:38
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message:I want to thank all the people at the birthday dinner at the Cheesecake Factory on Friday night. I had a great time with some pretty special people in my life. Thanks to Jan and Judy, Big and Little Hoody, Deb and Jim Sloey, Mr. P, and of course, THE favorite person in my life, JB2. Janet, thank you for an extra special weekend. From the Cheesecake Factory to Morro Bay, Morro Rock, and Windows on the Water; to the towns of Harmony and Cambria, to Hearst Castle; to the York Winery, to Shell Beach, Pismo, and Geoffries, thank you for it all. It was a very special weekend from the most special person in my life.
Name: Joyce Chance () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 13:39:20
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
City and State: Anaheim,Ca.
LUVYA',(former JB)
My dog is crippled,
Stevie Wonder is blind,
You're not my age,
but you're not far behind.
Name: Anita Young () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 13:16:52
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberger, OR
Hey all N.W. Cougs I hear in here talking about the reunion....if you are, indeed coming, can you PLEASE e-mail me and let me know about it? I did put an RSVP in there, ya know. We ( myself, Raymond and Mike) are going to need a head count to make sure we organize this thing right, and well, so that all of us can have the BEST REUNION EVER!!!! O.K. Thank you! We have another meeting to finalize everything on September 9th at 10 a.m. so it would really help us out a lot if you let us know if you are coming and if you are bringing a significant other, and/or kiddies. Thank you very much!
And Chris...ssshhh....no one was supposed to know about us, ya knucklehead....so much for a quiet summertime fling! LOL!
So, John Boy....hope the birthday time spent in Morro Bay was all you hoped for and so much more! Glad you found some much needed time to get away. Lord knows you deserve to as much as this web page keeps you damned near married to it! But, we all love and appreciate you for doing it! All hail, KING JOHN!!!!!!
Thanks Anita and yes, Janet and I had a great weekend in Morro Bay.
All the Cougs that are planning on attending the Pacific Northwest Reunion, please check the reunion page for the details, and please let Anita and her committee know you're coming. It should be a great time for all in attendance, so make your plans to be there.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 12:44:36
Class: 66/84
City and State: RB, CA
Message: The Class of 66 is beginning to plan its 35th reunion. Where did the time go? Schroeder you arte officially a member of the committee as is John Abraham and anyone else who would like to help. With fax machines, emails etc we are all within helping distance. So please email your availability to either Madam Chairwoman Sharon Moore Leach at SLLENG@aol.com or myself at sloeylaw@msn.com. We would invite everyone to participate in the planning. We have received a lot of suggestions although the flying leap one has been discarded for now it could be resurrected in the future. We are also inviting any members of Cougartown to participate in the reunion and planning. Thank you for your support.
See ya at the 35th!
The underling to her majesty
Thanks Jim and good luck with the 66 reunion bash...... Here's a picture of the Sloey machine wrapping himself around his Friday night meal at the Cheesecake Factory. His lovely wife, Debby, is trying to get his attention but nothing seems to distract Jim as he takes aim on his entree. Thank you both for being there.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 11:31:44
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: Re: Marie Gardner - As of now Marie Gardner is planning on attending Wiseburn's annual retirees' breakfast on the 1st day of school, September 6th,
at Hof's Hut in Torrance. On September 7th she will be 99 years old. You might have read this on feedback from Keith Peters. It means so much to teachers to hear from former students and Mrs. Gardner would love to hear from any of you. I know Bob Melendrez and Jan Blomsterberg were in her class. Her address is:
Marie Gardner
573 So. Boyle (Hollenbeck Home)
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Bob Melendrez: I'm pretty sure Dana students started dressing and showering in '66-'67. We had to have two male and two female PE teachers for adequate supervision.
King JB- happy BD plus one (you know you are in your 57th year which is still not a prime number!)
Love to all,
Thanks for the information on Mrs Gardner. I know she's got lots of students that would love to send her a card for her birthday. Thanks for helping me celebrate mine on Friday too Mr P, and if I can just make it to that 59th; that's my next prime BD.
Name: Pat Bagby () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 18:44:36
E-Mail: disc0pat@aol.com
Maiden: Kavanaugh
Class: 64
City and State: New York
Message: Have a very happy birthday!! I have been thoroughly enjoying this site. Thanks again so much for this wonderful site, John (I brag to those from other schools about it.) You must put in an ENORMOUS amount of work on it, and it is all much appreciated. Though New York certainly has a lot going for it, I miss California so much (California Dreaming from NYC).
I also have a request for help in finding an old boyfriend (later friend) from S. Calif., named John Warren. He was from Leuzinger, but is better known for his wonderful Sandal-and-head shop called Greekos. He sold it a few years back and I lost contact with him about the same time. I heard he lives in Palos Verdes, but I'm not sure.
Meanwhile, on the personal front, my hubby Jim is much better, no further sign of his cancer. So we are celebrating by going to Bermuda on the original Love Boat. Anyone have any suggestions for the visit there?
Thanks Pat for the nice thoughts. I think I remember John Warren from Intermediate don't I? Anyway I'm sure someone will know his whereabouts. Have a blast in Bermuda too.
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 16:45:10
E-Mail: Strongheart@pacificwest.com
Class: 1971
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Hey John, happy birthday, big guy!! I've got the sound system covered... 20,000 watts of pure stereo heaven. Dick Dale will never sound better!! Hey, you mentioned "dodge ball". My older cousins introduced me to a version of dodge ball that today would be considered an "Extreme" sport. It was played on the handball court with the "dodgers" lined up against the wall. Dodgers could only take a half step in either direction, jump vertically, or duck. We used one of those hard "kickballs", and the guy who was "up" could aim at any part of the body, and throw as hard as he wanted. A lot of guys came out of those games singing soprano, and my nose looks like it does today because on more than one occasion I didn't quite duck low enough... Ah, the tender memories of youth....
Sorry Bob, I'll pass on that one. I wasn't quick enough to get out of the way in REAL dodge ball. Thanks for the birthday wishes too.
Name: Mo () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 16:41:26
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Someone a few pages back had asked about the Hawthorne Mall and what was being done with it. Well, the Hawthorne School District was negotiating the purchase of the property with the anticipation of putting two schools, a movie theater (I believe), a restaurant and a couple of other things there. But, then there was the plane crash on El Segundo Blvd and about Birch. After that, they backed out of the purchase. As of now, I don't believe there are any definite plans for that property, it's just sitting there, which is sad because it could be (depending on what they do descide to put) a good source of revenue for the City. I hope that helps answer your question a little.
TO MR. BAKER: May you have a Very Happy Birthday the 28th and may all your wishes come true! It was mentioned earlier you are celebrating YOUR day in Morro Bay this weekend with your love. Enjoy, it is a very delightful town, besides the fact that there are MANY wineries in that general area.
Hey Mo, Maybe they could extend the runway on down to Hawthorne Bl and wipe a few hundred more houses off the tax rolls.
Maybe we'll look up a winery or two while we're there. Right now we're playing the weekend by ear so anything might happen. Thanks for the BD wishes.
Name: Hoody-? () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 16:32:40
City and State: Backin Oregon
Message: Howie- Who's on 2nd…I was considering laying low after redeeming myself with a somewhat respectful and almost literate appearance. But hey, it's so good to see ya. Nobody but John will talk to me, and sometimes not even him. Sometimes I just sit in my room and listen to In My Room over and over again. Oh, I take that back Elizabeth E. called me a little stud, I strutted for a week on that one, she's so sweet. And then there was that little fling with Anita, how I love that little vixen (that's a good thing now!). They say any press is good press on the way up! Is Portland a serious consideration? Kell and Petey have been after me to call-up the local-yocals to make a respectful appearance? Oh, that's right you said Ando, Well, I guess any appearance will do. Missy T. says she's going. Stevenson, Blackburn, Fish, Big Hoodie Mazz? Could be a classical gas. Look up my E-mail and lets get buzzed, I put it under the class of 71 so someone that doesn't know me might think I actually graduated from something. P.S. Keep it quiet, but there is a rumor the king and his princes may make a royal appearance in Portland.
Name: Linda Farrow () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 15:22:39
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow @trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: Man the issue about HHS and the school system has really been the subject here.
It is really sad to read some of the stuff that's being said what happened to people lives. But just to note: YES TIMES HAVE CHANGED, whether you want to believe it or not. I think the problem is that allot of people are having a hard time excepting that things in Hawthorne/HHS as we knew the good times back then are just not the same.
I dated a Hawthorne police officer a few years back and heard all the stories about everything and he told me how sad it was that Hawthorne was not the city of good neighbors anymore. I had a hard time with that, I was born and raised here and love this city. What the heck happened...
just a li-ttle deuce coupe with a flathead mill yeah she'll walka thunderbird like she's stand-ing still. she's ported and relieved and she's stroked and bored......she'll do a hundred and forty on the top end floored....she's my li-ttle deu.........
Name: Wilson () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 15:13:41
E-Mail: BWilson@AOL.com
Class: 1960
City and State: Malibu, CA
Message: Hey I just heard about John's birthday party at page 300. Is there room for me to stop by and play one of my "Pet Sounds" for any of the dogs or party "animals"? And I may have a better sound system than the one used by the Stones in LA. Do I need to bring it? It fits in a 40 foot semi truck if I leave behind two mikes. Fun, fun, fun 'till her daddy took her T-Bird away.....sounds like lot's of fun. Can't wait to see the surprise on John's 39 year old face.
Brian W.
Hey Brian, Thanks, but if you want to play at this party, you'll have to pay the cover like everyone else. Also we're planning a little street football game and I know you were an HIS guy, and backup to Big Steve Anderson (another HISer), and since Ron Petch (still another HISer) can't make it, we want you to QB for the Intermediate side....how bout it?? .....li-ttle deuce coupe......you don't know what i got.......
Name: Schroeder () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 14:31:28
E-Mail: chezwizz@yahoo.com
Class: 66
City and State: Oregon
Message: Lest we forget Intermediate graduate Sandy Durko who achieved Professional Jockdom -- I shall recall his presence for you. Capt. of the winning 8th grade all-star FB squad --he roamed the defensive backfield for USC and a few pro teams. I've got his football card.
The Intermediate graduation party from 1962 just recently got over. That's the kind of school WE had.
Sloey, I recently heard from John Abraham --if you want particulars & and Hoodie -- will you quit leading us astray? I hope not! Who's up for the reunion in Portland? I may bring ANDO for a rare personal appearance. Phil Wow? John and Wayne Miranda. They are Oregonians.
Back from summer vay-kay. Tall, tan and teasing. (maybe one out of three) Keep up the good John, work.
Hey Scrote, Glad you chime in once every year or so. Nice to hear you're going to be at the PNW reunion too. See Sloey, Another fine upstanding HIS Grad. God love ya' boy, and don't wait so long between feedbacks.
I think between you, Hoody1, Sloey, and Hoody, why there's gotta be a vaudeville act in there somewhere.
Be a Wildcat boy......
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 13:15:56
E-Mail: hawthorneintermediatevdanajuniorhighschool inthejockstrapcontest.com
Class: 66/84
City and State: RB, CA
Message: What is all the fuss. Granted Dana had its athletes, Myk, Goodman, my brudders, Mike Scott, Laidlaws, but didn't Pat Burris go to Hawthorne Intermediate? Nuf said.
Sloey-an out of stater.
You left out the NFL Hall member, Ron Mix. OK so we HIS people were a bunch of "Sissy Marys" that liked to make whistle lanyards, and played tether ball, caroms, and dodge ball. I'd just like to get some of those muscled up Dana Jocks in a serious "4 square" match with us HISers, and see who comes out on top.
Name: Betty Boop () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 11:41:50
E-Mail: Boop Two@AOL.com
Maiden: Clark
Class: ?
City and State: Warner Brothers animation department, Burbank CA
Message: Janet needs to bring her home made apple pie, without John knowing and Judywudy....five gallons of John's favorite ice cream. I think Jan said that was "Carmel, stick to the roof of your mouth, peanut butter". The same stuff that dog eats on the TV spot...and that's not the dog's name either. Stick and Stein in El Segundo is providing the beer, free of charge, a truck load in return for John booking all the HHS parties at their place. The HHS Cougar drill team will be there to cheer John on if he's there, if not they will provide a distraction for the neighbors starting after 10pm. Oh yes and we need someone to find the sound system used by the Rolling Stones the last time they played LA...maybe Robin can locate that...just to make sure we can hear the music over other noise...I also got an e-mail from Mr. Clark, a past teacher in Ohio who is coming and bringing pictures of John mooning Mr. Nyman in Senior Square. I'm sure he'll want to personally autograph each one so Mr. Clark is bringing two thousand so at least every couple has one. Hopefully that's enough. If not someone can make a run to Kinko's in Torrance and make more after midnight. What fun this get together is going to be for all Cougs..and Rich Sloan phoned this morning about bringing two formula race cars so we could have some real drags on John's street. Could anyone locate trophies? The police have agreed to block off the street so spectators won't get in the way and they have restricted air space over that area so the same channel seven news team can't cover the party like they did that Brad Pitt wedding in Malibu...Did I miss anything judy? Other than the prom dress.
Hey Alan er Betty, you forget the Klieg lights, Limo line, and the Red carpeted runway. Also the fly-by missing man formation by the Blue Angels commemorating LeeRoys remaining brain cell, Billy Crystal as MC, and what's left of the "Beach Geezers" doing their 1965 rendition of Sloop John B.......What a night it'll be. Everyone get here early as parking on my front lawn will be at a premium.
Name: Alan Hauge () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 10:39:52
E-Mail: GMT333@AOL.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Playa del Rey
Message: Hey everybody it's party time:
Now that we are almost at page 300 hopefully everyone has their food and gifts about ready for the surprise get together at John's house rather than Frosties. Imagine cool hot rods parked on his lawn. loud music until the wee hours, and the girls using the sink..oh did I say that? Anyway, everyone's invited and it's a good time to bring all those unusual gifts for John's birthday for all he's done for us and this web site. The A-Z girls will be there, Frank Romano from Vegas (in one of his companies very own rent cars) Tom Burroughs with cool black '56 Chevy from Prescott, Arizona. Maybe Judy could bake something special for the best Barbie look a like? And, remember, don't anyone tell John...we'll just all show up at 8pm the night the 300th page shows up. Now I know there is a slight possibility John may find out about his surprise party...and leave town. If he does...let's have the party anyway. Surely we would never leave a mess behind, you know like we never left behind any clues for parties at our houses growing up with our parents out of town. So get ready, we're at 290 and 300, like a perfect bowling game is coming....oh yes and Royal and Robin offered to bring in the dancing girls...the "Rocketts" and Judy found the Del Vikings and they have agreed to leave their retirement home for this special night...and most important, the owner of Frosties is bringing the food.
Be a Coug.
Thanks Alan, but anyone showing up at Bakers Acres for a birthday party'll be a lookin down the barrel of "Old Betsy" here, and I say that with MUCH LOVE!!!
Sounds like a fun party though. Maybe we can do that one in Culver City at a movie studio or something.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 09:59:34
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Neworoldburger, ORwhat?
Lizzy, didn't mean to push a button. Just that a lot of us noticed that once the mall went in and Lennox got closed and they had to go to HHS....well, our little town changed a lot, and not for the better. Heck, I know other people, not just people of color, commit crimes, too. Just the person who jumped me was a person of color, is all. I have too many mixtures in me to be prejudiced, plus, my husband has creole in him from Louisiana. You'd never know it to look at him, though.
On a lighter note....Judy, you are way too funny! Yes, a lot of us "JUST DO IT" like you said, but it's just that in the colder months, we all need more excuses to "JUST DO IT" that much more.....we were talking about why so many more kids were born in August and September, hon....so, when are you gonna bless the world with a Rowdy, jr.?
And lastly, but not least....Have a Hap, Hap, Happy Birthday weekend, King John! I wish all of us Cougs could gather round and sing ya, with the ol' Sherriff himself there, a round of "Put Another Candle On My Birthday Cake" for ya! Now wouldn't that be fun and a sight, gang! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Have a great time in Morro Bay and have some wonderful seafood while you're there. I love that place. Been too long since I've been there...jealous in Oregon! Love ya, King John! = )
That's FUNNY!! Talking about people of color, then opening up the next paragraph with, "On a Lighter Note".
Thanks for the BD wishes Anita. Janet and I are going to have a blast in Morro Bay, and if you want to sing Happy Birthday to me, Click Here.
Name: Gary Lents () on Friday, August 25, 2000 at 09:36:32
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: 67
City and State: Vista
Message: Thanks Liz, and happy Monday to JB....another from Aug 24 is Sandy Imbraile (67). Sandy was born on MY BIRTHDAY!!!
Happy Birthbay to both of you.
Name: Irene Fernandez () on Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 23:58:05
E-Mail: nanairene@hotmail.com
Maiden: Callahan
Class: 60
City and State: Los Angeles, Ca
Message: Hi everyone,
First of all I wanted to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" John, I hope you have a great one!
Charlene it's good to hear from another member of the Class of "60" and all the many memories. Do you remember how we used to dress with all the full skirts, saddle shoes, angora socks etc.!!
John, I, like my brother Reuel, also remember going from St. Joseph's to HHS and not really knowing anyone but once there it didn't matter which school you came from we were all Cougars!! So again Thanks John for this great website!
PS-El ROJO did you make contact with John Blankenship?
Thanks Irene.....
Name: Rosemary Kubeck () on Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 23:40:48
E-Mail: REKubeck1@aol.com
Class: 1979
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: What a great website!!!! I heard about it through the grapevine; however, I am a graduate of HHS's rival: Leuzinger High Schoo. Is there a website for the Olympians?
Hi Rosemary, If you go to the What's New page and look near the bottom, I think there's a couple of Leuzinger sites listed. Thanks for tuning in.
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