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"More Early R&R" "The Dell Vikings"
Name: Bonnie McCoy () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 17:11:48
Maiden: McCoy
Class: 78
City and State: Blanca Puerto Nuevo, CA
Message: Hey Dan Johnson: In regards to your question about the Hawthorne Intermediate Cougars being treated like poor stepchildren by the Dana-ites, I remember the St. Joe's Cougars calling us Dana-ites the "Dana Twinkies"!!! To me, that was worse than being treated like a poor stepchild!
It's fun remembering all that trivial stuff from 25 years ago..........
Name: Mike Mc Cann () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 16:56:03
Class: 1980
City and State: Moreno Valley,CA
Message: I noticed a new arrival on the Alumni List, Lisa Elliott class of 1992.
Lisa, did you spend anytime growing up at the Funship Daycare Center on El Segundo Blvd. I was a summer counselor there. Just wondering if it was the same Lisa.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 16:33:06
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Dan Johnson, whoever made you feel like you were a poor stepchild Coug to us Danaites? Hell, I had a lot of Hawthorne Intermediate friends at HHS. I didn't distinguish from the two...if you were fun, had a good sense of humor and liked to party, you were my kind of person, no matter what part of Hawthorne you came from. And, even though I went to Dana, we were poor. My mom was a single mom who supported 4 of us on her own. Tough job now but more so back then. So, I may of went to Dana, but I was no rich kid!
And for the hill on 130th someone mentioned...I used to know 2 families that lived on that hill....the Keel's (Tim and Larry) and the Silveira's. I still keep in touch with Margaret (Megan) Silveira-Weir, but does anyone know what happened to Tim and Larry Keel? I think their dad was a lawyer and city councilman of Hawthorne at one time.
Name: Donald Scheliga () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 15:44:55
E-Mail: des249@yahoo.com
Class: 62
City and State: West Covina, Ca.
Message: I was reading Sherry Ward's message of July 12th wherein she mentioned Melody Music. Do any of you "oldsters" remember who the music teacher at Melody Music was? And who was his famous student? JB, I had a nice chat with Doug Robertson. He is quite a guy.
See Ya, Donald
Hey Don, Yeah Doug's a great guy, and I know your dad, Frank, went to IHS; I bet Doug remembered him too.
Sorry, but I don't remember the music teachers name at Melody Music, or the famous student, but I bet someone does......stay tuned
Name: Patti Smith () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 15:26:46
E-Mail: GrnidL80@aol.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Regarding The Block at Orange, it is a "shoppertainment" center where The City Mall in Orange, CA used to be. It is located on City Drive in Orange, and is easily accessed by either the 5 or 22 freeway, exit either at City Drive (which is an extension of State College Blvd.). The candy store is near the north end of the center. I work at The Block (or right next to it) and know it well. There is also a very cool store called Glow - everything in it is glow-in-the-dark (no rosaries, though), and a Hilo Hattie's Hawaiian store. Drop the kids/grandkids off at Van's skatepark and check out the shops! And yes, I remember nose whistles VERY well. I used one in 58 when my father had his heart attack and I needed to signal to my mother that the doctor's car was in sight. Dad passed that night, so nose whistles will be burned in my brain forever. Now does anyone remember spud guns?
Thanks Patti, for the info, and yes I LOVED spud guns.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 15:20:22
E-Mail: marilynross@altavista.com
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Message: I remember the National Market although not the name. A couple of eighth grade classmates at Hawthorne Intermediate went there at lunch and ripped off a few things. They came back with "hot" soda and gave the teacher a scarf. Miss Johnson, she was very nice but a little naive. A girl chastised them until one gave her a pair of earrings that he also took, then she thought it was o.k. I was upset with myself that I was too shy to tell the teacher it was stolen goods. I think that's the only reason I remember that market. They all went on to Leuzinger. Of course we know no Cougar ever did anything like that. The Block at Orange is a shopping mall that replaced the old City Center in Orange. It is at the City Dr. Offramp of the 22 Garden Grove Freeway just east of the city of Garden Grove.
Those Leuzinger kids were always "Trubbel" huh. Thanks Marilyn for the Block of Orange info too.
Name: SAMMIE KOONTZ () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 13:17:22
E-Mail: RS42173@AOL.COM
Hey Sammie, I'm sure you've got lots of school chums on this website. I hope you hear from dozens of them.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 12:59:20
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: Was it always true that Cougars from Hawthorne Intermediate were treated as the poor stepchild to the "Dana-ites"? Also, I went to Hawthorne Christian School for kindergarden and was there when JFK was shot. My sister was in 8th grade (we later moved to Inglewood and she went to Morningside). Was anybody else at HCS on that fateful November day?
Hey Dan, I was at HCS when Lincoln was shot......
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 12:42:09
Class: 66/84
City and State: BEND, OR
Message: Are we doing a 300 page something? How about PG WEAVERS? And Sharon Madam Chairwoman I didn't realize you were in that movie. I am going to watch it tonight to see if I can determine who you are?
Sorry, Will be in Mariposa at the County Fair with Janet and her grandkids, Wes and Phillip, that weekend. How's the 66 reunion coming?
Name: Mike Riley () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 11:49:01
E-Mail: mcriley@mtnhomr.com
Class: 65
City and State: Moutain Home AR.
Message: Hi to all of you still in Hawthorne.
Hey Mike, Glad you checked in. Actually just in time for the Class of 65's Reunion in October. Check the Reunions page for more details.
Name: Marsha Russell-Hood () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 10:23:08
E-Mail: RussellMG1
Class: 64
Message: Hey I still wear the wax finger tips with nails, it sure beats having to get a manicure every week.
Does anybody remember "Groves" a little store on the corner of Inglewood Ave and 120th. Groves had a great candy selection.
Hey JBs, are we still on for our bike ride tomorrow? We can start at our house and ride to the old Marineland and back, I know a great short cut through PV....see you at 6 a.m.
UHHHHH.....Janet, is there something you haven't told me here??
Name: Ruth Watson () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 10:22:08
E-Mail: ruth_watson@customchrome
Maiden: Kara
Class: 64
City and State: Morgan Hill, California
Message: I remember going to Roths grocery store on Saturday mornings with my Dad and getting two loaves of fresh baked bread (one to eat in the
car on the way home), and then going to the deli
to pick up salami, cheese and whatever else my
Mom wanted us to. We'd head home and pick up my
sister and Mom and then drive to Alondra Park (Lake?) for a day of swimming, laying in the sun, and eating those delicious salami sandwiches. I think Alondra had a big pound with ducks if my memory serves me right. Thanks, John, for a great Website--it always makes my day. Any word on a reunion for the 1964 graduates? I know there was a combined reunion a year or two ago that my sister, Theresa Kara Armijo, attended. She had a blast.
Hi Ruth, No word on a 64 reunion yet, but you aren't due for one for another 4 years so stay tuned.
Name: Joyce Chance () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 10:11:45
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
City and State: Anaheim,Ca.
Message: FYI
There is a candy store in the Block of Orange that carries all of that nostalgic candy that we all liked so well.
What is the "Block of Orange" and what is the address?
Name: Charlene Meyer () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 08:10:09
E-Mail: bread4@pacbell.net
Maiden: Chapline
Class: 60
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: John, Thanks for that picture of Roth's market, we always parked out back. Do you remember George and Mary at the bakery there? I used to buy bread for 20 cents. I also remember when it was totally safe to walk to the store from my house on 130th, go down the hill and walk through the alley. Thanks for the info on the National Market too. We used to shop there for fruit and veggies.
Bill and I have been around Hawthorne for a few years. His grandmother lived in the big spanish style house on the hill (130th St.) across the street and up the hill from our house. She knew my grandmother who lived on 129th St. For our 30th wedding anniversary I gave Bill a picture that was taken when we were 3 and 4 years old in my back yard. (We currently live in the same house on 130th St.) Bill went to Ramona school up to 6th grade and then on to Hawthorne Intermediate and LHS. I might be mistaken but I think Ramona School used to be called Fifth Street School. Do you know anything about that????
When you get to reading the feedback here the memories start just rushing in. Thankfully I can still remember.
Hi Charlene, No, I don't know if Ramona was called 5th St. or not. Anyone else know?
Name: Lori Ahrens () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 02:12:30
E-Mail: purplepridegal@aol.com
Maiden: Holmes
Class: 81
City and State: Carson City,NV
Message: Hey there Eddie Braun! Long time no hear from...I know you've been busy doing another movie. I haven't been visiting the site here at CT for a while, I guess I need a "spanking" for being so remiss! HA HA! Anyway, things are settling down here after buying the house and "retiring" from my State job after almost 10 years. I feel so released! No more stress from that job from hell. Now, I am gearing up to become a student again (Karen Kristich, kindred spirit!) for a long wanted second degree. I'm already employed as a Graduate Student with the United States Geologic Survey in the Spatial Analysis unit learning and doing exactly what I am studying. Great experience and flexible hours. I love it. Haven't talked to Karina in a while, but I will send her a note and tell her you would like to hear from her. She lives in El Segundo and her last name is now Walsh. She still works at Hughes if you want to look her up. Talk care! Let me know when you are on-line doing the chat thing, I'll try to catch up with ya! TTFN!!
Name: Gina Peck () on Friday, August 18, 2000 at 00:07:03
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: John, if your mom's paying, I'm traveling!! I'll be her companion to anywhere except the Orient.
Regarding the Lawnmore family, don't tell me they were in the landscaping business!!! I just couldn't resist!!
For those of you who are looking for wax lips, teeth, mustaches, and little wax bottles with colored "stuff" in them - check out an authentic soda fountain and candy counter (better than Aloha's) called Fair Oaks Pharmacy in South Pasadena, on the corner of Fair Oaks and Mission Street. Email me before you go and I'll meet you there!! It's a cool place with tin ceilings, marble countertops, lots of wood. Great malts, phosphates, etc. Past my bedtime...goodnight.
Hey thanks Gina. I think Chris Prewitt has a place for all that stuff on the web. Chris, do you remember where it is?
I don't know anyone who didn't think Eddie Longmore's name wasn't Lawnmower. Maybe that's what made him so tough.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 23:59:45
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mountain View, MO
Message: The Longmore Brothers - Rubin, Tommy, and Eddy are their names. Tommy has passed away. Eddy '62 has been married to Betty George Longmore '62, for 37 years. They live in Westminster.
Thanks Bob.....
Name: Charlene Meyer () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 23:55:54
E-Mail: bread4@pacbell.net
Maiden: Chapline
Class: 60
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Hi Risa!! I don't believe it!! Your mom and I live 4 blocks from each other and I never see her. I thought she moved. I knew she remarried. I have a lot of good memories of Judy. Ask her if she remembers the time her dad took Madelyn and I and I think Cathy Wasley to their place in the desert and we slept on the ground in sleeping bags. It was freezing and we were afraid of critters. Actually, I didn't sleep much at all that weekend.
Does anyone remember, I think it was called, fan-tan gum and the lipstick called "Busy Number?" Do you remember Roth's Market on Hawthorne Blvd. between El Segundo Blvd. and 129th St.? How about National Market across the street from Roth's. It was an open air store-front and I believe a japanese family ran it.
It would be fun to know if anyone remembers any of the above. I used to chew the wax lips and wax bottles too.
By the way, I knew Harold Lanksbury when I was in about 2nd grade thru about 8th grade. Haven't heard his name in years.
I remember fan-tan gum. It was like 3 sticks for a penny and not very good. I also remember Roths Market too.
The National Market, we called the Chinese Market. My dad told a story that back in the late 30's my grandfather owned Bakers CASH Feed Store, and it was about 3 doors from the National Market. The family that owned and operated the National Market were Chinese and they had a new broom that stood right next to where they rung up the groceries. That broom always got rung up. If you said, "that's not my broom" then they would take it off the bill, otherwise they sold that broom over and over again. Very interesting......
Name: Sharon Kettering Johnson () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 23:30:09
E-Mail: sharon.johnson72@gte.net
City and State: Nampa, Id.
Message: LHS class of 61. To Tom Burroughs, passed on your message to Joy, are you sure Rubins last name wasn't Longmore? Seems I remember that name from addressing all my daughters wedding invitations. :-) I'll pass on any message I get from Joy.
To Risa Kubly: How is your mother? I haven't seen her in so many years, (too many to count).
We spent one whole summer at Alondra Lake. Had lots of fun, think I was 12 or so. Is Risa your full name, my oldest daughters name is Larisa, we call her Risa about half the time. Small world!
Looking forward to hearing about your mom, feel free to email me directly, if you'd like.
Name: Risa Kubly () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 22:04:50
E-Mail: Fivekubes@earthlink.net
Maiden: Manriquez
Class: 77
City and State: Glendale Ca
Message: This is for Sharon Kettering Johnson and Charlene Meyers..I dont get a chance to make it to this site very often, but how cool is it to see you asking about my mom, Judy Kruger. I just called her. She was thrilled that your asking about her..She is not on-line but wanted me to pass on a BIG HELLO. She went from Judy Kruger to Manriquez and now Biscailuz. She is still in Hawthorne in the same house I grew up in (134 st) She's sorry she missed the 40th reunion but she was in Pismo Beach at my sisters Pro Beach Volleyball tour. Let me know if there is anything I can pass on to her.
Take care, Judys daughter, Risa
Keep doubting it if you want folks but it's a small Ctown world out there. Thanks Risa.....
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 21:32:41
E-Mail: marilynross@altavista.com
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Message: Hey John, Did Jim Garrison happen to own the Flying A station when you worked there? My husband said his uncle owned it about then.
No, a guy named Earl Cottom had just purchased it from someone...... maybe Jim.
Name: Sharon () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 21:01:52
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach
Message: Yes, Sherry I used to chew on the wax lips and mustaches. They tasted really good. Do you remember there were wax teeth too. Tom Burroughs, I can empathize with your bike accident. When I was about 10 I was flying down the street on my new Schwinn. I was moving like the wind and ahead of all my friends, when I turned around to see how much of a lead I had on everyone. Before I could turn back around, I ran smack into a parked car. The bike was totaled, there was blood everywhere, and I was crying like a baby. I still have the scars from that swift move.
Man, those Schwinns were dangerous huh....
Name: Chris Fall Knight () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 20:38:09
E-Mail: artzlady@unnet.com
Maiden: Fall
Class: 71
City and State: Mich.
Message: All of this - do you remember when - stuff is starting to make me feel my age! I remember what it was like before pantyhose and microwave ovens, remote controls for TV ,"fizzies", Whip & Chill and when you could walk across the street to Taco Bell and get 4 tacos and a Pepsi for lunch for $1.00 ! Times sure have changed. This site is good for us, it cleans out the cobwebs and helps us to remember things we have forgotten about for too long. Kinda makes you feel like a kid again, (well, almost)
Chris, you're a mere child. The first Cougar graduating class was 1954. That makes them 64 years of age. That's WAY too young nowadays to be thinking old. I'm very lucky as I don't have aches and pains that would keep me down. I talk to Coach Chauncey regularly, and he's always talking about playing tennis or some other activity that he's into that day. He's very young for how many laps around the Sun he's accrued. My mother who is 80 years old can run rings around lots of people half her age. She still loves to travel and will still go anywhere on this planet if she has a traveling companion. It's NOT how old you are, but how YOUNG you are, that counts.
Name: Gina Peck () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 19:27:32
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hi everyone!! I have a funny story:
This happened a couple of weeks ago and the chicken humor still abounds!
You all know I have my own Zoo in my house, right?
Well, a couple of weeks ago, my across the street neighbor told me that I inspired her. This makes me shudder because I'm more than a little crazy and who knows what I inspired her to do! Anyway, she said that she was more into farm animals than domestic ones and would like to get some chickens. I'm well known at the Humane Society (because I volunteered for so many years) so I told her I would see if they had any chickens. I placed a call and sure enough they had one white hen. Now, you are not supposed to adopt for anyone other than yourself, and knowing this and the fact that we are not zoned for chickens, if I sent my neighbor they wouldn't give it to her, so I went down to get the chicken myself (they will give me anything in the house because of my reputation of taking the "unadoptable").
So, I trott down and do the paperwork and they tell me there is another one that is missing the tail feathers. I look, tell them I will take it. Someone says it might be a rooster. I told them I only want hens. My carrier comes back with two chickens in it. I put them in the van and drive home.
They are quiet as can be until we get to the bottom of the hill, then the multi-colored hen starts to "attack" the white hen.
Now, I have my "farm-girl" friend Dee of "Caca-cow" fame with me so that this city girl doesn't make any country mistakes. I have to inform you that Dee is 1/2 Mexican-Jew and 1/2 black and she is whatever she eats that morning (i.e. bagels=Jewish, grits=Black, chorizo=Mexican). She must have had grits that morning because the black humor was coming out loud and clear!!
She yells to the back of the van "hey, you swartza chicken! Get off that white girl! They don't all hold you down!!" Needless to say, I'm bustin' a gut and trying to get into the driveway. I rush the crate into my grooming room and pull the white hen (who happens to be nearest the crate door) out and put her in another larger crate. Dee sings out, "Hmm, white man always gets his space." I'm dying of laughter! She has the head rolling and facial expressions DOWN!
So, we go about our day, and I get home a little before my housekeeper is finished for the day and I'm writing her check and we hear cock-a-doodle-doo coming from the grooming room.
My housekeeper and I freeze...then we hear it again...then the front door open and my husband walks in laughing and says, "that doesn't sound like a hen!" My housekeeper, my husband, and myself are rolling on the floor!
Like the true coward that I am, I JUMP at the chance to take my housekeeper home (knowing my neighbor should be over any second to pick up her hen. When I return my husband and neighbor are in the front courtyard talking. I ask, "did you see your chickens?" she said "Chickens? You got more than one?" I say, "I got two." She says "that makes four, I got two from the slaughterhouse today". I say, "but there is a little problem with one of the ones I got."
Thinking there was a disability with one of them she asked what was wrong with it....Cocka-doodle-doo comes from the grooming room. We all died laughing.
My neighbor (who knows Dee) asked her why she let me get a rooster, Dee said that he was hiding in the crate and she interlinked her fingers in front of her face and peeked out through the spaces in her fingers and said (in a gravely Mexican male voice) "Cluck-cluck! Senora Dee, por favor, don't tell Gringa that I am a rooster. Cluck-cluck!
Yesterday, the same neighbor was paid, by a client, in chickens. So she now has 5 chickens and one roaster, I mean rooster.
He has his own harem but is quite hen-pecked. And, I'm known as the dumb cluck.
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