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"More Early R&R" "The Dell Vikings"
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 16:09:06
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Sharon Johnson, I lived across the street from Joy Grandy? If it`s the same Joy Grandy , she had a sister named Arlene. She went with a guy, name of Rubin Lawnmore. Drove a maroon 52 Buick 2 door hardtop, straight 8, with the loudest pipes around. He sold that & then had a black 57 chev belair 2 door hardtop lowered to the ground. Stick shift & louder pipes!!
John, you said you rode your schwinn until 1960? Weren`t you a Soph. then? My 1st bike a 24 IN. JC Higgens from Sears in Ing. Got a new speedo. for it, so rode up the hill at Ramona & 131st. Came back down to 130th as fast as I could pedal! Turned the corner heading towards Ing. ave. looked down to see how fast I was going & BAM!, right into the back of a parked car!! Picked up the front wheel in one hand & the bike in the other & carried it home. Thank God no one saw me! My next bike also the deluxe Schwinn from Phils. Tank horn with button & all. Knee action forks the works. Then one day I announced I was stripping it down, bobbed the fenders & put chrome ends on them, long gooseneck & riser handle bars. It took a while for my folks to get over that one! What was the all chrome bike at Phils? A Silver King? Then came the Cushman! I was only 12 & rode it for 3 years. I remember Jan`s brother Carl jumping off the back at his house, while we were still going about 35. He survived! We were lucky! Welded a set of riser handlebars on it . Put a throttle off a Whizzer on it. I thought that was just about the coolest!! Does any one remember a little hamburger hot dog joint on either Ing. ave. & Arbor Vitae or Hardy? It was just around the corner. Seem`s like it was an old trailer they had converted? Great food. Any one from Ramona know what happened to the Lanksburys. Lloyd, Sandy, & Harold? Lived just down from the corner store. I know Baker will agree with me, I am forever greatful to my parents & Hawthorne CA, for giving me a great childhood & the best place in the USA to have grown up in!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!! TB from AZ
Hey Tom, Yeah, I was riding that bike until I was about 15 (not to school of course....that wouldn't have been cool).
Did Ruben have a younger brother named Eddie Longmore?
I remember Harold Lanksbury. He and Charlie Hunter used to hang together in about 1963. I worked at a Flying A station in about 118 and Inglewood Av, and they used to hang out there a couple of times a week. I think Harold was married to Donna Hare HHS61 for awhile. Don't know where he is now. Might ask Mike Shay.
First Name: Cal () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 14:55:43
Last Name: McDougal
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Al
Message: John, them memories just keep rolling in. Saw the picture of Nurse Lucey as I was scrolling down the page and instantly flashed to some one's tale of an aspirin on her forehead "to think about". Then when I read the message I was laughing all over again. What a wonderful bunch of characters we had to learn from in High School. They really cared about our welfare and helped us to make a life with wonderful memories.
I want to pass on one of those favors that I received in making a happy career choice... If anyone wants to be a helicopter pilot, the Army is short of Helicopter pilots and is accepting just about anyone into flight school who is under 30 and can pass the tests. Free flight training, good instructors (I'm one of them) and the job opportunities are getting better all the time as us Vietnam era pilots are retiring. Course there is a down side, you gotta talk to an Army Recruiter to get in, and they want you to stay in the Army for a few years after flight school, but gee, did you really think it would be totally free? Anyway, one of my students told me that helicopter flight training on the outside costs nearly $200 an hour and it takes about 300 hours to get a commercial license as a civilian. So, if you know someone who might want to fly...
Thanks Cal......
Name: Richard Hanson () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 12:33:59
E-Mail: reh2469@aol.com
Class: 56
City and State: Simi Valley, CA
Message: Hey Michael Dragoo, was your older brother named Monty and did your Dad have a auto repair shop on Inglewood Ave. If so, Monty was in my class (56) and your Dad kept most of my early klunkers running.
Name: Dick Dixon () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 11:01:35
E-Mail: indyteamwinner@hotmail.com
Class: 63
City and State: La Verne, CA
Message: Bob Brophy, we did have some good times at St Joe's. We were most likely dooking over a '59 Vette. We most likely weren't scraping over babes, much to young or stupid. The midget races were a blast. Check out our Indy car with Airton Dare driving at the IRL Indy race August 27 on either ESPN or ABC. Thanks for remembering. My schedule is a little crazy but my bud Gary Nelson e-mailed me with the St. Joe comment. Be cool. Also, has anyone seen the new Dennis Wilson bio. Titled Dennis Wilson, the Real Beach Boy. I have the contact if anyone cares to know. Just e me back.
Hey Dickie, Where've you been boy? Haven't heard from you in ages. Thanks for the shout.
Name: Hoody-1 () on Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 09:54:28
E-Mail: sportsandsnortsofallsorts
Message: Well, I see the level of conservation has elevated to nose whistles. Kinda slow is putting it gently John. But while were on sports?, how about Dennis Miller on Monday night football. I'm giving odds he will insult the wrong defensive lineman and end up in traction before mid-season..any takers sports fans.
Yeah, I went out last night, so although it looked real slow to you, this High Quality Feedback was just rolling in.
Name: Sharon Leach () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 23:02:05
E-Mail: slleng
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach
Message: Well, it's really slow in Cougartown tonight. Where is everybody? I'm sitting here with my foot up after having some minor foot surgery and thought I'd see what's happening. Remembering the wax lips and mustaches brings back a lot of memories. Does anyone remember the wax fingertips with long nails, or the candy cigarettes? I also remember they came out with a toy cigarette for kids that if you blew through them a powder that looked like smoke came out the end that had a red foil tip, which looked like a lit cigarette. Talk about terrible things for kids to play with. Of course that was before they found out cigarettes killed. One thing I really like when I was a kid was flavor straws. You dipped them in your plain milk and when you sucked through the straw you got chocolate flavor. That's about all I can remember. I think those pain meds are starting to take over, so I'll say so long before I become totally incoherent
Great stuff there Sharon, Thanks......
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 21:47:56
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hi John Boy.. Just a quicky reminder that the Haw. VFW on 131st street is having their SPAGHETTI DINNER this coming Sunday from 3 - 6. As you well know, I'm still a practicing ROWDY and so Janny and I will be there around 4:30..(I'll do anything to get out of the kitchen) You don't have to belong to the club..or the VFW.. just have $5.00 and come hungry.. see you there.. Loren Heath..please advise us on the VFW BREAKFAST. Last word was that it'll start up again in Sept. (I simply will not cook!!!!)
Judy Blomsterberg THE NON-COOKING, BUT MARRIED ROWDY aka: Sheudy aka: Tilly Noodleman with a fall fur. (he called me Sheudy again!!)
Name: Sharon Kettering Johnson () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 20:24:25
E-Mail: sharon.johnson72@gte.net
City and State: Nampa, Idaho
Message: LHS class of 61. message for Charlene Meyers.
I used to hang out with Judy Kruger, do you know anything about her now? Thanks, Sharon
Name: Chris Fall Knight () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 19:14:54
E-Mail: artzlady@unnet.com
Maiden: Fall
Class: 71
City and State: Mich
Message: John,
I typed this long letter and then got disconnected. I really need to get better at this but it is fun learning and hearing from other cougars at the same time. I was in Columbus all last week at a Decorative Painting convention taking painting classes and I really missed not being able to read the Feedback. You can really get hooked on this, waiting to see if someone you knew long ago is writing in.
Does anyone remember the old nurse we had in say 69 or 70 that would tape an aspirin to your forehead to cure a headache? Some of the "slower" kids thought she was crazy but most of us knew that it was just her way of skirting the system as she knew that as soon as we walked out the door we would take the aspirin. She was not allowed to dispense it to the students.
How about the flying saucer cookies that were available in the cafeteria? I loved them so much that I asked the cook for the recipe when I graduated. It took me years to break it down as it called for 20 cups of flour, 6 dozen eggs, etc.!!!!!
Does anyone know what happened to Miss Sake the gymnastics coach. She was such a wonderful person?
Thanks again John, for making this site available to us.
I think you're referring to our own Nurse Lucey, affectionately, though irreverantly known to us as "Luce Nursey". She was as sweet as they come.
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 19:07:59
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
City and State: Mountain View, Mo.
Message: Hey, Michael Dragoo - I sure remember those early morning swimming lessons at Centinela Pool - "Ten O'Clock, Lesson are Over," I still hear that announcement in my head every once-in-awhile on a cold morning!
Name: Matt Peterson () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 18:20:57
E-Mail: mattpete6@yahoo.com
Class: 74
City and State: El Dorado Hills
Message: Hello. Just checking in. Are there any wrestlers out there? I would like to put together a reunion of all the wrestlers that wrestled under Coach Yost. Does anyone know when Yost started and stopped coaching at Hawthorne? Dan Beebe had the idea of all the wrestlers videotaping a message for Yost. That way those that cannot visit can say hi. We could pass around a video cassette for each to add to and then we can give it to Yost. I have heard from some wrestlers but I don't know many of the wrestlers beyond my time. If interested send an email to me at mattpete6@yahoo.com or mpeters2@dtsc.ca.gov. John, if I write something up, will you post it on the reunion page, even though we don't have any dates set? Thanks, Matt.
Sure, if you want to promote a reunion; that's what the page is for. Just email me what you want to say. Thanks Matt
Name: Bob Brophy () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 16:51:53
E-Mail: amirish@att.net
Class: Serra 63
City and State: Phoenix, Az
Message: Hey John do you remember the little whistle that were made of metal and plastic that you would put in your mouth and whistle with.
Also Dick Dixon, do you remember having a fight with a guy over in the circle by Kenneth Chevrolet when we were going to St. Joe's. It seemed like the whole school showed up for it. That other guy was me and to this day I can't remember what it was about. I know I used to go to watch the midget races that you drove way back many years ago. Bob Brophy Serra '63 St. Joe's '59
Yes I do remember that mouth whistle, and the fight was over NOTHING!!! I had a ton of 'em. Thanks Bob
Name: Charlene Meyer () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 15:50:19
E-Mail: bread4@pacbell.net
Maiden: Chapline
Class: 60
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
I haven't looked at the the feedback section for a long time. I noticed names that bring back memories. Irene Callahan (pg. 276), Mike Bollin, Bob Milazzo and Irene mentioned Shoreen Hotchkiss. I also saw a grade school picture of Dickie Marquez....I remember him from Hawthorne Intermediate when I used to hang around with Madelyn John and Judy Kruger who both later went to Leuzinger. Nice to see more of the '60's class signing up.
Someone mentioned the little store on 134th and Ramona. I used to stop in there to buy wax lips and those little wax bottles with juice inside. Many times Barbara Paliani and I went there together. Do you remember Barbara??? I know Robin remembers it.
I didn't live over there, but when I was going to Hawthorne Christian School in the mid 50's, I used to hang out on 136th St and Ramona at George Gates house after school, and we'd buy the same wax lips and wax mustaches. Does anyone remember the nose whistle? You'd blow through your nose into this thing and it would whistle.......a very unsanitary invention, be real cool. Thanks Charlene
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 14:15:59
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi John, since everyone is talking about the Watts Riots, I remember that night so well, We both worked nights and got up late that day and did not know what was going on. As I traveled the freeway, I could see fires off the side, also there were hardly any cars on the freeway. When I got to work, my boss wanted to know why I was there, then she told me what was going on and to get back on home. Getting on the freeway was no problem, but when I got off on El Segundo Blvd the National Guard was there checking all cars, it was scary as they questioned me and checked out the car. Seeing so many men with those guns was a night not to be forgotten, also at this time they were not allowing any cars on to the Harbor freeway. I could not return to work until it was all over, now Larry worked right here in town, so there was no problem with him, but for those who lived out side in certain areas, they could not return to work until it was all over. That was a time in all of our lives that we will never forget.
I know Mike Shay and I will never forget opening night on Central Ave
Name: Michael Dragoo () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 12:58:13
E-Mail: magoo@syix.com
Class: 59
City and State: Colusa, CA
Message: John, when I was about 10 or so (1951 or 1952) my older brother and I rode our bikes down Hawthorne blvd, over Palos Verdes, back through the beach towns and home through El Segundo. There were, of course no bike lanes then but there were no cars to speak off either. I was one tired kid.
I also remember riding my bike to Centinela Park in Inglewood early in the AM to take swimming lessons. I guess this prepared me for my daily 3 mile bike commute that I made for 15 years prior to retirement in 1997.
I wish I still had that old red Schwinn bike with the chrome fender mounted light and snazzy built-in push-button horn and rubber streamers that hung out of the hand grips.
....and gooseneck and risers, mud flaps with reflectors, speedometer, and a paper rack. I had the black version (Schwinn Panther) of what you had. I rode that bike into the ground. Got it for my birthday in 1952 at Phils Bike Shop, and was still riding it in 1960. I sold it to Jim Norman's dad, Leo, for 5 dollars, and he moaned and cried at the price.
Janet and I do enjoy riding on the weekends as long as it's not too painful the next day. Thanks Mike for the memory flogger.
Name: Jan Brown () on Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 07:30:16
E-Mail: home4ua@yahoo.com
Maiden: Dorris
Class: '63
City and State: Jonesboro, Arkansas
Message: John, the site is WONDERFUL !! Thank you for all of your hard work to give us the enjoyment of walking down memory lane. Best wishes and "Thanks Again"
Looking for classmates of '63...Laura Butler Garvin, Bill Garvin, Paula Jackson Ash, Barbara Brew Carpenter anyone who may know how to reach them please give me a email..will be deeply appreciated. Thanks again John...
Jan Dorris Brown
Hi Jan, Hey I remember you. Glad you found the site. When looking for your friends, be sure to check other classes for the same last names, then email that person to see if they're related, and can help. Good luck.....
Name: Mary Ann Evarone () on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 23:27:13
E-Mail: maevarone@delnet.com
Message: Currently teaching at Hawthorne High. Just visiting the site to see what's up!
Hi Mary Ann, Not much tonight. It's been a little slow today but that'll all change. It always does. Thanks for the shout and add yourself to the Faculty list.
Name: Max Roelen () on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 22:57:49
E-Mail: mardel@jps.net
Class: 74
City and State: Citrus Heights
Message: Sorry I couldn't make Cruise Nite. I'm sure many of those who attended knew my cousins Jay and David Roelen. But I would like to know when the Homecoming is, that I'm reading about. Also, is there a reunion planned for class of 1974?
Max, Homecoming is on October 6th. The reason that there's nothing posted as of yet, is because the school is closed for the summer. I will get the information soon. The year 2000 would be a 26th year reunion for the class of 74, so I doubt it. If I hear anything, I'll post it on the reunions page.
Name: Sharon () on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 18:57:49
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach
Message: Well I must say Wolfman's looking pretty good. Must have just gotten back from the groomer when that picture was taken. JB you'd better watch out PITA (?) might get after you for that one. Gina, sorry to hear about your food poisoning experience. I spent three days in the hospital after dining at that same restaurant about five years ago. Took me a long time before I could eat chicken again. Hope you're feeling better. Prince Jim and I are looking to get more e-mails from '66 graduates who have not yet responded to our reunion e-mail. We will be sending out an update in another couple of weeks. Look forward to hearing from you 66ers.
Name: Gman () on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 13:48:59
Message: I know that Debe Schweikert McKain & Paula Steiner are near Seattle and are listed in class of 67....Melissa Thralls is up there too
Name: Joyce Chance () on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 11:44:44
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
City and State: Anaheim,Ca.
Message: Cougartown Strand Bike Ride
Sounds good to me. I'm a biker, can I bring some of my friends?????
UUhh Joyce, You mean your biker friends like "Fast Bear" "Heavy Louie" and "Killer" ?? I don't think they allow "HOG" members on the Strand.
Name: Linda Farrow () on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 09:48:34
E-Mail: lind.farrow@trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: to the Northwest Cougars ~ I dated Mike Bowie 10 years ago or right after the class of '81's 10 year reunion. And he does live in Vancouver Wa. He works at Clark County Fire Dept. and is a Captain at this time. I know that he would have information on Tom Laplay and John Boulder, they used to hang out together in that area. Good luck!
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 02:27:51
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
City and State: Portland Oregon
Message: NORTHWEST REUNION HELP: I know a Mike Bowie brother of Rebbecca Bowie of HHS that is in Vancouver and is a paramedic is that who he is speaking of I dont know his email or phone number though. I also know a Carla Neilson from HHS whom is in Vancouver but dont know her phone No. Also I heard from someone that Tom Rice lives in Seattle so if people know of HHS people in Seattle let Anita Young know how to get a hold of them for the Northwest reunion. THANK YOU
Name: Janet Burkett () on Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 00:22:24
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Hey Tom Burroughs, I think you've really hit on something! A Men of Cougartown Calendar!! Hey if the firemen and football jocks can do it..... John, come on, you can be the centerfold, Mr. July!! I keep tellin ya, all this exercise and biking is gonna pay off. However, the margaritas and nachos at Panchos afterwards may have to go!
And to the product of a cougartown Mom and Dad, Happy Birthday to my daughter Tammy and HER son, Phillip!! Love you guys!
I don't think the "Buns of Cougartown" would sell. Especially the 60's version. Now let me do a little...... a LOT of photo doctoring and maybe we can work something out.
Happy Birthday Tammy and Phillip. Yes, daughter and grandson of two fine 60's Cougs.
Name: Sharon Kettering Johnson () on Monday, August 14, 2000 at 22:04:57
E-Mail: sharon.johnson72@gte.net
Class: 61
City and State: Nampa, Id.
Message: LHS class of 61. Have another, "it's a small world" story.
My son-in-laws grandmother just moved up here from Lancaster. At a family BBQ, we got to talking and guess what, she grew up in Hawthorne, went to LHS in 55 and HHS in 56 & 57, her maiden name is Romona Joy Grandy. Amazing isn't it!
Have a great day everyone. Sharon
Truly a small world. I can't find her picture though.
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Monday, August 14, 2000 at 21:29:12
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: Alan (Hauge).... Thank you so very much for making the attempt to contact me on your recent visit to Las Vegas.... I appreciate your efforts even more than words can express. That you made such a great show out of the project at Thrifty RAC makes it better. At our office it may have offended someone. I mean who cares besides Gary Paxton if you got a Thrifty customer or employee nuts. Next time you're heading up... give a call and we can hook up. JB... I can't believe that you have put over twenty years between a bike ride and yourself. That's somewhat of a long time between visits to the well wouldn't you say. Robin.... the next time they think your off line... nail em from your other office.... Kinko's or go for a demo ride at a cyber cafe. Mom "B" Thank You. It was good to hear from you. Everyone at the cruise night looked great. Well its that time again. Meds are calling. RCG Frank
Hey Frank, The reason for so many years between bike rides:
It took that long for my butt to heal.
Name: Sharon () on Monday, August 14, 2000 at 21:14:43
E-Mail: MacDonald
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, WI
Message: I remember the summer of the Watts Riots. I was working at a Girl Scout camp in Glendora and the riots started just before our "week-end off". A group of us was supposed to be driving home from the camp and dropping off one girl who lived on the edge of Watts. Her brother called up to the camp and told us not to stop. He set up a plan on how we could drop off his sister without getting into danger. We drove down a designated free-way off ramp, slowed down enough for her to get out and into her brother's car, and then we headed back onto the free-way on the adjacent on-ramp. We didn't see anyone or anything but the other car. When we got home we tuned in the TV and saw what was going on (we did not have a TV at the camp), we realized why.
Name: Gina Peck () on Monday, August 14, 2000 at 21:12:27
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Alan Nelson, they had to change all the numbers when the Italians (my ilk) moved in and started building. The apartment you lived in used to be a small white house (single family dwelling), then my Aunt Anna Maria (make sure you roll that R, or she will swoop down and hit you in the back of the head!) tore it down and built your home sweet home. I have a picture of the original little white house if you would like to see it. I'll have to dig it out.
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