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"Here's some 50's Elvis" "The KING"
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 18:48:36
E-Mail: ingridl@fdgdesign.com
Class: 74
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Hey King John - I wanted you to hear from another voice of the mid-70's. So here I am checking in. Actually, I want to see if you've scanned in my senior picture from the El Molino. I didn't like it very much back then; don't like much more now. But you don't really have any alternative shot of me, do you?
By the way, the other day, I got my bank statement and my check for $10 for annual dues STILL hasn't cleared. Have you misplaced it? Should I put a stop payment on it and send you another one? Or have you just been way too busy with other stuff to get it to the bank?
We Love ya MAN!
Hi Ingrid, Yes, I will get your checks in the bank real soon. Also I am 10 pages from getting your El Molinos back to you. Thanks for your patience.
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 17:37:52
E-Mail: Dawn7@aol.com
Maiden: Koch
Class: 78
City and State: Simi Valley, Ca.
Message: Hi Cougs! I saw the post regarding those old Beach Boys albums. You'll be glad you went out and found them! I get really sentimental in June and dig out my old albums for some summer tunes. While going through our vinyl collection I found Murray Wilson's album! It must be something either Randy had when we got married or something we picked up over the last 22 years. Wonder if it's any good. After watching the movies I don't know if I care to listen! By the way..my kids think it's hilarious when I talk about "albums". Boy they can really make you feel old! Always a Cougar! P.S. Anyone who likes the Beatles, Saturday, July 22nd at the Crown and Anchor in Thousand Oaks there will be a great Beatles band playing. We'll be there having fun..if you're in the area stop by. If you need directions drop me an email.
Name: Anita Young () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 16:32:59
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Matt Petersen....you look so familiar! This is freaking me out! Did you know or hang with my brother, Mike and/or his close buds in high school? They also graduated in 1974 like you did. His close buds were Rick Porter and John Field. Also, our neighbors in our apartment building were Fred Austin and Pete Photos, Pete has 2 sisters, Marcia and Nicki. Like I said, you look so familiar... did you or do you know or hang with any of the people I mentioned?
Name: Anita Young () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 16:22:57
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Hey John, can't remember who you all said was responsible for the dancing jukebox, and too damned lazy to scroll back and look, but whoever it is....THANK YOU!!!!!
I was pleased to see that it also had songs on it from the years I attended HHS....1974-1978. A lot of those songs brought back so many good memories for me. Anyone in here who really knows me knows that I am a music FANATIC!!!!!! I am always into it, tape stuff for people, belong to many music related BB's etc. and that music also helped me to check on an artist whose music from that time means a hell of a lot to me, Cat Stevens. His first album, Mona Bone Jakon, is hard to find ( so I have been told) and most of it is featured in one of my all time favorite movies, Harold and Maude. Well, I went to CD Now, and guess what? Not only is Mona Bone Jakon available, but so is all his other early stuff I love so well...Teaser and the Firecat and Tea For the Tillerman, who also has some songs from it on Harold and Maude. Now, I can order this music, go and buy Harold and Maude ( which I should of done long ago) and play these C.D.'s! Thanks, to whoever did that jukebox! You just made my day (maybe even week) and things for me have been pretty shitty as of late!
Hi Anita, It was ME who made the dancing Jukebox and the Jukebox page. The tunes listing was put together by Allan Sniffen, who has the great WABC website.
Name: sherrie moyers () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 16:22:07
E-Mail: rsmoyers@earthlink.net
Maiden: driggers
Class: 76
City and State: gilbert arizona
Message: Class of 76, is anyone interested in going to a 25 year reunion? Is anyone interested in starting it? I will volunteer if the desire is there and no one else steps up to the plate.
Name: Matt Peterson () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 15:08:21
E-Mail: mattpete6@yahoo.com
Class: 74
City and State: El Dorado Hills, CA
Message: Hello everyone. Question to Gary Lent. Why are the hockey nationals in Canada? Good luck and watch out for the parents. Wasn't that such a tragedy that happened this weekend. John, I really enjoy Cougartown. I still read it everyday, even if I don't post often. I also just wanted something posted that wasn't from a 60's graduate. Any other 70's people out there? Matt
It runs in cycles doesn't it Matt. Thanks for being out there.
Name: Bryan Ellerman () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 15:02:46
E-Mail: bellerma@avtron.com
Class: 62
City and State: Akron,Ohio
Message: Hi John, Just found the HHS website today. You have done a great job designing the site, have not seen better. I also noticed Keith Pulcifer's e-mail and made contact with him. As you might remember, Keith, Don Scheliga And I were the best of friends during our years at HHS.
I reviewed the entire site and had allot of memories (good and bad) return. I did attend the 20 year reunion but not the thirty year.
Say, do you remember the night you raced your 58 348 chevy against Hartmans mom's 60 Chevy Impala? I believe we promise to keep it to ourselves.
Hope to hear from you.
Bryan Ellerman
Hey Brian, How're you doin'? Man the 62ers are just taking over the Feedback Page this week.
Glad you found Cougartown and made contact with Keith. Don Scheliga is also on the Alumni List, so be sure to give him a shout too. Welcome aboard Brian, and hope to see you at our 40th.
About that "Mommys car" and my 58 Chev. I think I must've missed a couple of shifts that night. Thanks again Brian and stay tuned.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 11:41:08
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi John, With all this talk about our 40th class reunion, makes Larry and I wonder what happened to the class of 60's 40th reunion? There is only 5 months left of this year and no word yet, does anyone know if Richard and Mary Sloan are planning the reunion, as they have in the past years. I'm sure there are other 1960 classmates who wonder what has happened! Always a Coug!!
Hi Loretta, I haven't heard a thing. If I do, I'll pass it on. Robin, do you have Rich's new phone number?
Name: Joyce Chance () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 10:09:51
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: 62
City and State: Anaheim, CA
Message:The schools involved in the Palladium party were Hawthorne, Morningside, Lennox, Leuzinger, and Lawndale. I think it was Les Brown and his Orchestra at the 62 Palladium party. My date for the 61 Palladium party was Frank Romano. Frank I know it's belated, but I had a wonderful time.
Name: Jim Peppers () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 10:04:24
Class: 61
City and State: Athens, Greece
Message: To Sharon Kettering,
I saw your picture on the feedback page, and believe we were in Mrs. Jonson's 8th grade class at Hawthorne Intermediate. If it is you, I'll never forget a phrase you coined way back when.
Wouldja Don't! If it wasn't you, wouldja don't anyway.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 08:30:08
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, WI
Message: Yeah, John, I also remember after graduation in '63 we were lucky enough to have the Lawrence Welk Orchestra led by Myron Floren (sp) as at least part of the entertainment at the Palladium. Funny, I really don't remember the music ..... Wunerful, wunerful......
"Ah Turn Off Ah Dah Bubble Machine Ah".
Speaking of that, does anyone remember those bubble machines inspired by Lawrence Welk, that would blow tons of bubbles automatically??
Name: Cal McDougal () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 06:38:15
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Message: I really think it was Lawrence Welk's orchestra at the Palladium Party. I don't know who arranged that, remember that it was a whole bunch of schools that went there. Was it the Centinela Valley Union High School District? For our Senior Prom we did much better for band selection. Can you ever forget Sandy Nelson playing "MISTY" as a drum solo. There was romantic music to remember for a lifetime. Sorta seems like we had our prom and grad party bands switched around doesn't it?
I know Morningside was there along with us, but I have no idea who the other schools were.
Name: Larry Biller () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 06:30:08
E-Mail: LBiller49@yahoo.com
Class: 1967
City and State: Portland , Oregon
Message: I have a confession to make. On July 4th I came
to the realization that I did not have one single Beach Boy record, tape, or C.D. This of course was not acceptable so I, without delay and a great
deal of enthusiasm, drove off to the local music store and purchased not one, but two used Beach Boy vinyl 33's full of their earliest tunes.
But come to think of it there's a lot of other groups I don't have recordings of either. But then those guys didn't go to HHS.
Congratulations Larry, confession is good for the soul. I hope your life will be much better now that you've purchased a couple of scratchy vinyl BB discs. I know I love to "Pop and Click" to the oldies myself.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 01:32:41
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: Oh my gosh, Cal and John, WAS it really Lawrence Welk's band??? That sounds more like what we should have at our sixtieth reunion! I know I wasn't hearing that kind of music that night!!
Cal..good to hear from you, even if you are in a steam bath in Alabama somewhere! Start planning now for our 40th. George Rea...where are you?? Count me in for the planning committee.
Yeah George, Step up to the plate......
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 01:09:16
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
Message: To: Patti Smith: Sorry I'm not related to Randy Smith. I have a sister who graduated in 1966, Billine Spencer Flynn.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 23:26:35
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Alabama
Message: Is this a Roll Call for the class of '62 or what? Sure doesn't seem like we should be coming up on the 40th reunion year so soon. Seems like only yesterday that we were rehearsing our graduation exercise and looking forward to Lawrence Welk's Orchestra (Under the direction of Myron Floren) at the Palladium Party. Dang, I haven't made a class function since then. Hope I can make this next one. I have one of those jobs that requires vacation plans ten months in advance for May and June. By the way, if anyone needs a steam bath, Southeast Alabama is hot and humid this summer.
Myren Floren?!! Is that who we were listening to in 62??
Name: Kell () on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 23:02:14
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
City and State: Coos Bay, OR
Message: Sloey not my bottom, but actually i have a picture of my.............I won't go there. Paco, thanks for the 26st picture. be a coug!!!!!!!
Name: Karen () on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 19:53:48
E-Mail: karen.h.kusumi@boeing.com
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
City and State: Anaheim, Ca
Message: Hey Betty I am still around, just not doing much writing in. I see some more Cougars from 66 checked in. Hi Jeanette McClain and Lyn Biggers, how are you guys.
Lynn you and I go way back to Brownies and living in the same neighborhood.
John how are you doing.....:o) Angel K
Hey Karen, I'm finer than frog hair. How're you doin?
Name: Sharon Johnson () on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 19:08:37
E-Mail: sharon.johnson72@gte.net
Class: LHS61
City and State: Nampa, Idaho
Message: Hi John, have a question for you, do you have to
be a graduate of HHS to become a member? This
LHS alumni would like to help with the funding needed for whatever. :-) Thanks also for the
address for the site, I know it took me quite a while to find this, think I took the long road.LOL
Also, if you look just a little harder maybe you
could find a worse picture of me. LOL.
Thanks, Sharon
Hi Sharon, No you don't have to be an Alumni to become a member. I have people donating from Westchester, Lawndale, Inglewood, Morningside, etc. Please feel free to step right up to the plate, and thanks in advance.
Not having access to your Pylon, I got the picture from the Hawthorne Intermediate book. Thanks again Sharon
Name: Joyce Chance () on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 13:43:34
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
City and State: Anaheim,Ca.
Message: Hi Bob Bunim, how the heck are you?
It's good to see more of our class getting into Cougartown.
Our 30 year reunion was great and we had a lot of fun planning it. I think we should form our committee now and start making plans for our 40th! Cheryl, Don, Linda J., George, Sandy, Linda M, Joyce, Carol, Ray, Sue, Paul, how about it???? Or whomever, let's do it!!!
Name: Patti Smith () on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 12:47:25
E-Mail: GrnidL80@aol.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: Pauline Spencer Matthew, are you related to Randy Spencer, class of 67?
Name: Janet Burkett () on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 00:29:40
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: 62ers RULE!! (Oh God, I think I'm spending too much time with the grandkids!!) However, our 40th should be a real kick. Will look forward to seeing everyone from our class again.
Glenn Crist, thanks once again for all the hospitality!
Man, 62ers all over this page. Question.......Do you still have that flag girl outfit??
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Monday, July 10, 2000 at 00:26:47
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno,Or (ontheriver)
Message: I am headed to Redondo Beach tomorrow, & will be in town Tuesday afternoon. Just me! No Grappa man! I'm coming in to help daughter Gina and grandson Ryan move in to their new home in Long Beach. Gather all my old (& new) buddies and we will have our favorite salad at our favorite place. Can't wait. Just sorry I missed Myrna ..See you soon...I miss you madly....
Dan Dye, Are you up for another lunch at El Torito??
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 23:52:14
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
City and State: Chatsworth, CA
Message: Bob Bunim!! How nice to see you checking in on Feedback! Where are you living these days? I've been in the Valley since 1970 and love it here.
I remember when you took me to the Christmas dance in 1961 and you forgot the tickets and you left me at the door of the Gym while you ran home to get them. Memories. I'm also looking forward to our 40th. See you there!.....Linda Jones Reynolds
Lots of 62ers checking in on the Feedback Page. I Love It!! Keep'em Coming......
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 23:24:49
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno, Or (ontheriver)
Message: Hey John, how'd ya like to buy me lunch this week????????
Why, are you heading this way?
Name: Myrna () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 21:58:26
Message: I forgot to mention that I was thrilled to see Del Fox in church this morning. His first outing without his wheelchair! He is so happy to be out of the hospitals and back into the real world!
Name: Myrna () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 21:55:58
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: Well Cougs, I drove past our old high school yesterday, and although it didn't look quite as bleak as I imagined from feedback, it's a whole lot different than "way back when". Actually had Jim down in LA (it helped that we were part of a surprise birthday party in the Gold Cup Room of the Turf Club at Hollywood Park races yesterday). He survived, but I may never get him down there again. Had a great dinner at The Warehouse in Marina Del Rey last night and lunch at Captain Kidd's in Redondo today. I'm about 30 pages behind on feedback, it will take me awhile to catch up. Hope everyone is doing great! The Royal Flogger
AH yes!! The Turf club.....takes me back to Senior Prom night. Actually that was the last time I was in the Turf Club. I wish you would have called while you were here.
Name: Pauline Matthew () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 20:35:21
E-Mail: pmsockser@aol.com
Maiden: Spencer
Class: 69
City and State: Oakhills, CA.
Message: Betty- I'm still here. Just real busy with summer school. Trying to get all my classes done so I can graduate in May 2001, then go to law school. Have not heard from Lupi in a while but I know she is still around.
Name: Michele Romeo-Abbas () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 20:30:56
E-Mail: mikaela1968@hotmail.com
Maiden: Romeo
Class: 1986
City and State: El Paso, Texas
Message: Hi Everybody, hope all is well with each and all of you. Say hi to California for me.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 18:19:55
E-Mail: rhoodisnowheretobefoundbutwewenttopgweaversanyhowhuhjohn.com
Maiden: hoods
Class: zero
City and State: REDONDO BEACH, CA
Message: Robins you back yet? If not when? What did Kelly say she had on her left bottom? I read that six times and kept scrolling down for a picture???? Come on Kelly you got pictures of everything and everyone else! Cougartown what a country!
Name: Dewey Storie () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 17:59:04
Class: 74
City and State: Canoga Park,CA
Message: OK, just back from a week at the river (Parker, AZ and someday will never have to come home) got to meet Dale at the Rio, but didn't get a chance to meet up with Allen Nelson, but after the film is developed, I am sure we all will see some of Dales handy work as a bartender.
Hey Dewey, Long time for you too. Where is everyone?
Name: Anita Young () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 15:07:58
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newoldberger, OR
Kellie Currie:
Yeah, that Petey...isn't she the coolest person? She has been such a good bud to me. She and my sis, Mary, used to hang at HHS when they were there together. Now Mary thinks she's too good for Petey and her other classmates, so me and my brother, Mike, have been hanging with Petey via internet. She is fun, smart and a good woof to have around when the times get tough. She knows just what to say or send ya via e-mail to make your day. Hear that Petey....WE LOVE YOU, MAN!!!!!!!!! = ) Couldn't make it a day on the internet without ya!
Hey Petey, I just forwarded your pics to Paco......
Name: Robert D. Bunim () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 12:06:24
E-Mail: ccm4logos@aol.com
Class: 62
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: This is terrific. Are we going to have a 40th? Where is it going to be? Who is heading up the committee? How do we get in touch with that person?
Hey Bob, How're you doin'? I would guess that you could email George Rea. His email address is on the Alumni List. I haven't heard anything yet, but it's a little early. Add yourself to the list and stay tuned. Welcome aboard.
Name: Reuel Callahan () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 12:02:29
E-Mail: Reuelcallahan@aol.com
Class: 65
City and State: Westlake Village, Ca.
Message: Well John everyone tells you how great this site is, well I just read a note from Carol Hudson, who is my wifes cousins, wife, so HI CAROL AND DOUG HOPE YOU GUYS ARE DOING GOOD . WE GOT YOUR E-MAIL ADDRESS SO WE WILL SEND YOU A NOTE.
Reuel and Linda
Name: martha amour () on Sunday, July 9, 2000 at 10:59:29
E-Mail: mamourm@aol.com
Maiden: amour
Class: 1962
City and State: las vegas,nv
Message: Betty George Lonmore............Betty please, please e-mail me again. Lost your e-mail address. Really want to talk to you. Much to catch up on.
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