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"Here's some 50's Elvis" "The KING"
Name: John Baker () on Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 13:22:51
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message:Well folks, another fun time at Pinks last night. Not quite the normal turnout but we had a great time nonetheless. Bob Rierdan HHS61 came all the way from Mountain View, MO to join us. Well actually he was out here to see his kids but......thanks Bob for being here. It was nice seeing you for the first time in about 35 years.
Colleen Trott O'Ryan and hubbie Terry showed up for the first time and added to the fun also. Another newcomer was Andy Degrazia who lives in San Mateo and came down for the fun. Andy's a genuine nice guy and brother of our own Rowdy Queen. OH, and the ultimate Low-Rider, Wayne Dickey, was there too. Thanks Wayne for adding to the conversation.
To the rest of the regulars Janet, Judy and Janny, Mytmo, Ernie "Bakersfield" Nixon and his wife, Donna, Liz and Zorro, John and Anne, Sherry and Doug, and anyone else I missed, thanks for being there and for sharing in the fun. I LOVE YOU GUYS MAAANNNN!!
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 12:54:45
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo Tx
Message: Hi CT, Hope you all had a great time at Pinks and I expect that JB had the usual two chili dogs on my behalf....si...no???, anyway...JudyWudy, my email is lizcastanon6@hotmail.com, I will also email you some funny stuff as always so you can have it that way too. I need some info...when is the homecoming game for HHS and the 50 year festivities...Jose may bring me out for that and to pay respect to my folks in Inglewood Forest Hill. I need dates asap to plan for the trip if possible...You all take care and not too much fun at the after-Pinks parties...you know who I mean... God Bless Liz
Hi Elizabeth, Homecoming this year is on October 6, so plan on being here that weekend. Thanks.....
Name: Anita Young () on Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 11:44:43
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newoldenberger, OR
Raymond Smith...I like that new radio station too, but I have a problem with the radio station it replaced. I personally really liked KBBT. I think they got it right with the new good music that can be considered New Wave...whereas KNRK to me, is too rauchy and I wish would of been the one to of bitten the dust to of made way for this mostly 80's station.
I,too, got into Devo, Flock of Seagulls, Stan Ridgway, Missing Persons, The Motels, etc. I still like listening to that stuff. Reminds me of KROQ when I still lived in L.A. and up here in Oregon when I lived in Beaverton and went to Portland State University! But, truth be told, I was a HUGE R.E.M. maniac in college! Couldn't get enough of those guys, and still just love them!
Yes, let's do something really cool for John, but what? Any suggestions out there? Let's all put our heads together, people, and do this right!
You people are doing it for me now by showing up here. That is all I want. Thanks Cougs......
Name: Raymond Smith () on Sunday, June 25, 2000 at 02:29:29
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland,OR
Message: A new Radio Station popped up here in Portland and all they play is music strictly from the 80's. Now I'm in heaven because Portland really didn't have any great radio station until NOW! They play almost like KROQ (106.7) here it's 107.5 Makes me think of alot of memories like Punk Rock Day where I dressed up in honor of DEVO with my black boots, cut off t-shirts and bandana(Hey, didn't some of you guys wore that in the late 50's?) They say the trend rotates every 10 to 20 yrs? A question comes to mind how we can honor John for his hard work on CT. How about voting for him for the Nobel Peace Prize? He has reunited alot of people and memories and I forever am grateful especially on the history part which I can never get enough of. Keep it up. Hey Linda, what ever happened to Gina and Susie Tanori, Pat Varady and Gail Catalan??? When you have your 20 yrs reunion be sure that everyone sign up for Cougartown! love ya bud.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 23:07:52
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Al
Message: Sharon MacDonald has a intriquing idea...To have a contest to see who pays the most for gasoline. Sounds like Wisconsin might fare well at over $2 per gallon. It might not be much of a contest, but since this is vacation time we can share our local prices for those interested in driving through this great land of ours. In '64-65 I worked for Standard Stations at Century & La Cienega and in El Segundo on Main & Grand. Then regular was $0.30 per gallon. Times have changed! Here in Southeast Alabama we are paying $1.48 for regular. Of course our town of Enterprise built a statue in a fountain holding up a Boll Weevil, a bug that destroys cotton crops. Go figure, or better yet send some of that rain this way. The fountain is getting pretty dry. Cal
Name: Shelley Sivoli () on Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 22:26:28
E-Mail: Shelley2@ccnmail.com
Maiden: Sivoli
Class: 77
City and State: Hawthorne,CA
Message: Hey fellow cougars! What a great idea this is! some of you have E-mailed me and I apologize for not getting back to you. I've been without a computer for awhile, please forgive me. My new address is on the alumni list. I'm sooo excited to be able to write some letters. God bless you all!! Shelley
Name: John Rout () on Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 17:38:16
E-Mail: Jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 63
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Terry O'Ryan - Let me try again. Who is the guy next to JAMES Hammervold? That's ME! Yes, we went to the CYO finals, came in third out of all of the Catholic grade schools in Los Angeles, and the tournament finals were played in December, 1958. Remember, I was a starter on that team. The picture was taken at Hawthorne High while we were practicing for the start of the tournement. As far as which Hammervold it was, I will show you James graduation picture at Pink's. You tell me who you think it is then. I may have lost my hair, but not my mind. Not yet anyway!
Name: Max (Ed) Roelen () on Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 16:14:09
E-Mail: mardel@jps.net
Class: 74
City and State: Citrus Heights
Message: Hello Kathleen Griffin. I was in your 6th grade class and a few other classes through the 10th grade. Yes indeed I do remember you making some anouncement in those stockings. You must have been the tallest one back then. Although I do remember Patty Sims (I think that's the name) was pretty tall her self.
Name: Judy Degrazia Blomsterber () on Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 15:25:30
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Quick like... WAAAAAAA I've lost my internet at work..and along with it ..all my email addresses. All my CT friends ~ please email me at JUDYWUDY@att.net so I can attach your email address to my address book very easily. Hey.. "necessity is the mother of invention"..
( quoted Pop DeGrazia ) See ya tonight at PINK'S.
Judy Wudy DeGrazia Blomsterber..THE ROWDYS.
Name: Art La Mere () on Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 15:05:41
E-Mail: lamerea@aol.com
Class: 73
City and State: Bettendorf Ia.
Message: John, I asked my wife to write the check for this fine cougartown and she told me to go and get a money order because you have not deposited the checks yet. So the check is not in the mail the money order is in the mail. Keep up the good work. Have fun on the pinks run.
Thanks Art
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 15:04:01
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: stillnotSHEILA-butworththewardrobe
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: DeGrazia update..~~ Well, my brother Andrew just blew into town from San Mateo, CA and he's going to take a nap and try to make it to the PINK'S RUN tonight. This is his first, so I have to be good and uphold the family name..he dosn't know about my ROWDY alter ego ~ so I'll sneak on the sink while he's getting his condiments. Mo is baking the cake..and I've just taken the apple pie out of the oven and it's cooling on the window sill. Now I have to run to Coco's and get a box so it doens't get crushed on the ride over. Hey..I'm a ROWDY.. what did ya expect.. See you there Terry O'Ryan and John Rout. Maybe we can think up some old Irish songs from Catholic school. (I still can't believe I'm not Irish) Now that's brain washing...!!
And, once again..I'm off like a prom dress.
Sheudy DeGrazia Blomsterberg THE ROWDYS
Name: Sharon () on Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 07:11:38
E-Mail: MacDonald
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: Here in Southeastern Wisconsin it's raining again and gas prices are up to $2+ dollars a gallon. Maybe we should have a contest to see who pays the most for gas! Remember when they would have the "gas wars"? Ironically, in those days I drove a Simca 4 cylinder with a manual choke. After filling up our GMC1500 to the tune of $55.00 on day, we bought a 4 cylinder Cavalier to tool around town and drive to work. We figure what we save on gas almost pays our car payment but we have something tangible to show for it. Have fun at Pink's - we'll be eating Chinese food with our friends from up North.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 22:17:24
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: In answer to your question, John. "What do you, Santana and a 200ft oak have in common?" You're all frickin old, man. See ya'll at the Wild Goose at 6 o'clock tomorrow night for a caravan up to Pink's....Later Gators, The Goddess
Carlos and I are so old, we were carbon dated. We'll see you all at Pinks.
Name: Terry O'Ryan () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 21:31:50
E-Mail: Sno Pony1@aol.com
Class: 64
City and State: El Segundo CA
Message: To: John Rout
Football is played in the fall, but that year the team went to the CYO finals and the and they were after the first of the year and thats when the picture was taken so it was 1959. Now I still think the guy in the picture is Donald, I will know for sure after I get into some old stuff at my Mom's house next week. See you tomorrow at PINKS.
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 18:20:26
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: Hello, Steve... thanks for the kind words... Nice to see you're going and doing. Waco Texas. Ah yes, beside a lot of press. Some wonderful BBQ ( no pun ). Here at Las Vegas, we have been dealing with gas prices between $1.69 to as high as $1.89 since February. Makes you happy that we had the healthy V8's when we had gas at 19 and 23 cents a gallon. I remember being very proud that my 61 FI vet was getting 8 mpg in town and 11 mpg on the road. Some bargain that we all shared. Not to mention that we cut the shank right out of the 20th century. I don't believe any generation had the experience of so many wonderful times. Sure we took some ugly hits, but all in all, we had the very best of the best. Even today, we have opportunities that could not have been dreamed of not too many years ago. I personally can attest to the wonders of science, combined with the fore thought of my donor and his family. In any case, I regress to far. God bless you all, TTFN, RCG Frank.
Name: Tom Stewart () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 16:04:41
E-Mail: tstewart@us.ibm.com
Message: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Tom Campbell class of 72? We grew up together (attended Hawthorne Intermediate together and then LHS for awhile) and would greatly appreciate any information.
Name: Reuel Callahan () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 15:08:49
E-Mail: Reuelcallahan@aol.com
Class: 65
City and State: Westlake Village, Ca.
Message: John,
Where did you get that picture of my sister, Irene Fernandez? I am sure it is out of the El Molino but you know I have never seen her High School picture. Thanks John you made my day!
Hey Reuel, You've seen it now, along with the rest of the world.
Name: John Baker () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 12:15:41
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message:Here's our own Class of 77 Susan Ciampa Walling and her family in Hawaii. I just received these pics from her and thought that I'd share them with the group. Thanks Susan
Hope you all had as much fun as we did. It looks like Graham has grown a foot and a half since I last saw him.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 11:23:35
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Harry Plotkin....is there any wonder why I and so many others love and miss you so much! Not only were you one great teacher, but one hell of a human being! Thanks so much for your words, and next time I get to L.A. (which I hope is soon) we will have to hook up! I want you to meet my daugther, Cassie. She'd just love you!
I love ya, too! = )
What do Me, Carlos, and a 200ft Oak tree have in common?
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 10:31:10
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: Hi to all,
Can't handle two late nights in a row and am going to a 50th wedding celebration Sunday night at the Ritz Carlton at the Marina so I'll miss seeing you at Pinks. Luckily I tried on my suit and it is at the cleaners after visiting the store for alterations (let's see-did I have it taken in or???????) Anita: Life begins ......when you awaken and are thankful for all of the positives in your life, those you love and who love you, your many friends (and former teachers), the relatively good condition of your health, and on and on. No matter what your status it could be worse. Enjoy yourself and take time to smell the flowers. Think often of the beauty salon young lady who guessed your age at 32!!!!!! You can be forever young at heart.
Trevor Song: I hope you read this. I responded to your e-mail on June 20th but it has been undeliverable several times. The notice read that they will try for six days - something about failing MX lookup. Love to all, HCH
Thanks Harry, We'll miss you tomorrow, but know you'd go if possible. See you on Cruise Night.
Name: Bob Brophy () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 09:38:38
E-Mail: amirish@worldnet.att.net
City and State: Phoenix Az
Message: The picture is of the class of '59 at St.Joes. i'm not sure but the guy in the back row left side could be Steve Long but i'm not sure it has been sooooo many years. Does any one have a picture or a list of the grads of '59.St Joe's.
Serra '63. John, as for the worldnet email addreses I just got an email from them saying we can shorten them to just att.net Anyone remember Sams store next to Pound Penny and then moved to 130th and Prairie.
Name: Dennis Kilroy () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 09:06:06
E-Mail: Cabledude1@aol.com
Class: 77
City and State: Buena Park,Ca
Message: John,
This message is to let you know another class member of 77 has sent in their dues (Finally !).
Keep up all your hard work, you are touching alot of lives.
Thanks Dennis.....
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 06:44:44
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newoldberger, Orygun
To Lisa Graham...thanks for the words of wisdom. Most of the time, I feel just that way...lucky to be here when I Know several in my own age group who aren't. There's just some days, but I'm sure we all feel that way from time to time.
You should of heard me at the beauty salon the other day. There was a class of 2000 grad who worked as the receptionist and was talking to and watching the chick doing my perm. Well, she was going on and on how she wished she was older and all....I looked her straight in the eye and asked her "How old do you think I am?" I don't know if she was just being nice, or what and she said " Oh, like 32!" Wow! That made my day, but I also said to her " Now don't be in such a hurry to get older....it may sound like a great thing now, but when you are, you look back and say "Where did all the time go?" and you suddenly start remembering old friends from high school or college that you haven't talked to in ages, and wonder where they are now and what they're doing, etc. Then, I told her how I found Cougartown, and this is how I know all this stuff. I wasn't bashing getting older, mind you, just telling her to enjoy her life in the moment and let life happen to her, not try to make it happen to her, know what I Mean? I sure hope she was really listening to me and not just thinking it was some rambling of some beauty store client high on perm fumes! She just about dropped out of her seat when I told her I was going to be 40 in September!
Carlos and I don't even remember 40.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, June 23, 2000 at 02:09:39
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton,CA`
Message: Yesterday as I was leaving school, I went next door to say good night to my art academy colleague. He was busy talking to a parent about accepting her daughter at Mayfair. She's currently enrolled at HHS. The reason is our art dept. It's ironic because had it not been for HHS we probably wouldn't have the quality of program that we do. My colleague is young, ambitious and darn good. He continues in the style of teaching that Clayton Williams instilled in me. Anyway, it turns out that the parent was one of my childhood neighbors. She of course was a lot younger than I. Hopefully her daughter will be admitted into our academy. She certainly has the talent. What a small world. Robin, you sly dog, congratulations to you and your new wife. I hope that your marriage is as wonderful as mine.
Did Harvey drop off the Brooklyn Bridge? Glub! Glub! No answer......?????
Hey Ricki, On that other thing. Didn't think it was fair to the other person. Only on the page for 10 minutes. I thought I skated.
Name: John Rout () on Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 23:18:29
E-Mail: Jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 63
City and State: Cerritos, Ca
Message: Terry O'Ryan - The football picture WAS 1958 because football is played in the fall, which would have been the 58-59 school year. Most of the guys in the picture graduated from HHS, Serra, St. Bernards and other schools in 1963. If the picture was the 59-60 school year, most of them would have already been gone. Secondly, it is James because I graduated with him from Serra. Don didn't play football until your last year at St. Joe's. We'll have to hash this out at Pinks on Saturday.
Does anyone remember the hobby shop on Prairie Avenue, north of El Segundo in the late 50's? It was owned by Ray Acord, Lyn Acord's (HHS 63) dad. He would give us models and have contests during the summer, but you had to live on 118th Place between Prairie and Doty to get them.
Name: Lisa () on Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 22:23:34
E-Mail: ledsea123@aolcom
Maiden: Graham
Class: 67
City and State: Ramona, CA
Message: Anita: Heads up you will 50+ one day, and you may realize just how fortunate you are to have lived to this age - life is very exciting and it is happening for me and no I don't play a guitar either. It is all what you make of it no matter what age your birth certificate reads. Have a good one. Lisa. P.S. my dad just turned 87 and he is still the same as when I went to HHS
Name: Steve Kristof () on Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 21:39:23
E-Mail: LKwriter7@Juno.com
Class: 61
City and State: Kansas City,Mo.
Message: Hi Frank! Glad to hear your still around and kicking! Just thought I'd check in and say hello! By the way, I just got off a plane from Waco,Texas last weekend! Paid $1.37 @ Gal. for gas! I thinkest there be so scondugulary going on here! At the moment it's $1.79 @ Gal here in KC!
Name: Jimmie Boice () on Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 21:05:03
E-Mail: casinooma
Maiden: Rowe
Class: 61
City and State: Norco, Ca
Message: looking for Beverly Borland and Clydeene Boenish
It's going to be real hard for people to email you if you don't leave your email address.
Name: Irene Fernandez () on Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 18:37:02
E-Mail: nanairene@Hotmail.com
Maiden: Callahan
Class: 60
City and State: L.A., Ca
Message: Hi Charlene Chapline, glad to see there is another member of the "Class of 60" out there. Hopefully, we'll start hearing from others. I spoke to Shoreen about two weeks ago and she is doing great!! Hope all is well with you. Irene
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 17:10:12
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo Tx
Message: Hello CT, I've been out of feed back for a few and I've been having fun catching up. Yes, the fishnets...my mom let me wear those for some strange reason but not hose. One day I snagged them on my seat at Hawthorne Int and before I new it, I had a hole all the way up my leg..what an embarrassment!!! All this chat about Prairie and that area makes me soooo homesick. I lived on 115th between Prairie and Doty. I remember Prairie Pet store and Imperial Farms with the sawdust on the floor...The Tip Top Club on the corner of Prairie and Imperial, Dennys Burger (damn were they good!!!), Airturf Market and Tropicana Bowl. It was the Helms bakery man in the truck with the little loaves of bread. My aunt worked for Helms and I always got little loaves of bread whenever we would visit her..but the windmills were the trademark for VandeKamp bakery located at various stores in the area. Got to go for now ...more memories later...God bless Liz
Gosh, I hadn't thought of that pet store in a long long time. I think it was mainly fish and aquariums when I was going in there.
Name: Anita Young () on Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 16:07:22
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves ( yeah, sure!)
Class: 1978
City and State: Oldberg, Norgegon
John, John, John, John, John....no,no, NO!!!! You and Carlos and no one else in here in their 50's is turning to dust before any of our eyes! Jeez! Now you're going to make people mad at me and not want to speak to me anymore! And, how, from what I wrote, did you construe that meaning, anyhow? Are you just yanking me or what?
So I guess what you were really saying was, if death was just around the corner, Carlos and I would be in the next city?
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