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Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 14:47:05
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
Message: I'm back but I've got a real problem with email from last week. If you sent me email from last Wednesday to yesterday, it's GONE. Yes, please resend it. I'm sorry but while I was gone I had my computer upgraded. I downloaded the email yesterday when I got my computer back and then found another glitch. They reloaded from my old hard drive so I lost ALL the email, alumni list, and email change information that I downloaded yesterday. If you had sent ANY of these and I didn't respond, please resend the information. I don't want to miss a thing. Everything is working good now so send away, and thanks for hanging around all week.
Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 13:43:00
Name: susan king
E-Mail: ueing18
Maiden: bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK John!! It has been 8 days without CT - Patty and I are in major CT withdrawal!! WHERE ARE YOU?? I told you we needed the contingency plan....and a support group.
Sue : )
Note: Sue, Deep breaths....deep breaths.......there now see, you'll be all right.
Thursday, January 14, 1999 at 11:01:06
Name: Ingrid Larson
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Maiden: Larson
Class: 74
Message: John, perhaps it was a "blessing in disguise" that you had to close down input to the Feedback section while you were out. It gave me a chance to get all caught up on past comments from everyone in Cougartown. As I was reading the comments from Watts, Bierman and Valencia (et al) I was swept back to the early 70's when I transitioned from a goofy 8th grader coming from a small parochial school, into a goofy high school student where only a couple of people knew me. Boy was I miserable the first few weeks, trying to make friends, trying to make the best impression, and trying to find a place where I could go to the bathroom without having to inhale a bunch of second-hand smoke. In time, I managed to make friends with a number of people. I find it interesting that some of those who were too cool to hang with me then, are some of my best friends now. Time is a great equalizer.
But, back to the subject of the Green Phantom. I'd love to hear more details from the perpetrator(s). Whatever sparked the idea in the first place? How many people were involved? How did the identity remain a secret all these years? Oh, yeah, I remember walking into Nyman Hall for "English films" like we did almost every Thursday (remember The Red Balloon, and The Lottery?)and seeing those distinctive green footprints along the walls and ceiling in the lobby, leading into the main room, where they went from one end of the auditorium ceiling to the other. Well done! Kudos!
But who was it? George Hunter? Joy Rassmussen? Kim Soldis? Dan Kurowski? Jeff Roy? Dave Butner? Will the real Green Phantom, please come forward.
Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 19:20:46
Name: Sandy Wheeler
E-Mail: sandys00@earthlink.net
Maiden: Snyder
Class: 62
Message: Boy I am glad you are back, I have been waiting for my e-mail address to show on the alumni list,
I actually heard from a classmate the day after I registered, still trying to figure out how she got the email address so soon... I am spreading the word to people I know from class of 62 as well as
other classes, my son has also registered under class of '80 Troy Wheeler... Hope to hear from everyone soon, this is a great site. Thanks for all your hard work.. Sandy
Wednesday, January 13, 1999 at 18:07:55
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Are you back yet? My entire routine is disrupted by this flagrant display of a personal life, JOHN. My cougar friends' lives have been disrupted. What do you want from us? Hellloooooo. :>)
Note: Patty, Yes I'm back and am ready to roll. Take it easy and take slow deep breaths. You'll be back to normal in no time.
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 22:23:08
Name: Sandy Wheeler
E-Mail: sandys00@earthlink.net
Maiden: Snyder
Class: 1962
Message: This is so cool...just found out about this site. It really brings back some great memories. I am now living in Las Vegas, NV. I would love to hear everyone.
Note: Sandy Snyder.....AT LAST, A CLASS OF 62ER!!!!! Sandy, how have you been girl?? It's good to hear from a friendly girl. You never hung around with those "V" girls did you?? Anyway, it's always special when THE class checks in. Now don't be a stranger Sandy. You have lots of friends here.
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 21:31:39
Name: Frank Romano
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 61
Message: John...after fifty you may apply for pvc, or replacement parts...but there's no sure way of enjoying the time without living each minute. I was smoking my last cigarette waiting for the response from 911... I figured they wouldn't share any smokes with me so why not! Besides it was only my first heart attack that I knew about. Happy New Year John and to all... and John enjoy the steak, its the ice that get you! Honest.
Note: Frank, Happy New Year to you there in sunny Las Vegas Frank and I will order my drinks without that vile ice from now on. Thanks for the tip. :o)
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 21:09:56
Name: Patty
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1974
Message: If we are voting out of our class times, I vote that Olivia Harrison rep for 1965. Maybe Greg and Danny can rep for 1974 (as it was supposed to be) or Sue and I can co-rep. Have a safe and fun trip John. That's an order.
Note: What ever you say Patty Maam. :o)
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 20:34:04
Name: Mike Shay
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
Message: Hi John and all Cougars:
Thanks for the nice comments about the boys. They really enjoyed being in Ricki Valencia's art classes at Mayfair High School. I visited their class for a couple of art shows and got to see some of Ricki's own work......absolutely breathtaking (especially the Humphrey Bogart portrait).
Enjoy your trip to up north and say Hi to Gordon and Bob. If you go to that steak house we all went to, don't worry about your arteries clogging up or anything.
Note: Mike, Thanks and I will say howdy from you. If you're talking about Jack's Place, YES..... I AM GOING!! You don't need your arteries after 50 anyway......do you??
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 19:18:38
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Yes, John, have a good and SAFE trip up north - tell us, is there a contingency plan in the event your return to Cougartown is delayed?? Patty and I have become feedback junkies and this is really going to test our endurance! Oh and I vote for Patty for 1974 class rep - after all, she WAS our 2nd semester Senior Class President!! (No pressure PV) ; } - and I vote for Alan for 73 class rep - can I vote out of class?? C'mon folks -oist up - check in - the party is beginning!!!
Note: Sue, You know the "V" girls.....GULP...... You can pretty much do what you want. :o)
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 18:56:41
Name: Jim and Carolyn Calkins
E-Mail: jccalkins@earthlink.net
Maiden: Dunlap
Class: 61
Message: John this is really great to be able to go the web site any time we want to. Talk to you later.
Note: Well, if it isn't the Calkins clan checking in to Cougartown. Nice to hear from the Bishop area of CA. Come on back once in a while and see what's happening and thanks for stoppin' by.
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 11:16:37
Name: Patty Valencia
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Well now, this good cougar-bad cougar team approach seems to be working. George Hunter, evasive? No, that is hard to believe. John, have a delightful trip up north. Who are you leaving for us to contact in case of emergency feedback withdrawal? Can you just rerun some old feedback a la Ann Landers? Make it look like new feedback? My god, don't tell me I will actually have to TALK to my sisters. Egad, no way to start a new year. P.S. What might a class rep have to do? : o }
Note: Patty, "Good cougar-bad cougar"......That's Funny!! Yes I will have a great time, BUT... I will miss doing this everyday. I KNOW I WILL!! Yes, feel free to go back into the old feedback pages and pretend that it's all new.....AND if you have to ask what a class rep has to do.....most of it is see that I have hot coffee and cinnabons in th......... no wait, I forgot that I was talking to a "V" girl. Why ANYTHING you want to do would be fine with me. :o)
Seriously now, In general, the class representative will be responsible for getting the word out to their class on that classes planned activities, newsletters, etc. That is very general. I'm sure it will entail a little more than that, as we get into it. These are uncharted waters. Don't be afraid.....CUSTER WASN'T AFRAID!! Get your feet wet here girl! If you can't handle it, then come out and say you're too much of a wimp to be a Coug........ Oooops.... sorry, I again forgot just WHO I was talking to ahhh Ms. Patty Maaaam. You don't have to make a decision yet. I have penciled you in though. :o)
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 09:43:22
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: John Baker enjoy you're trip up north, the ACCESS Street Rods & Truck Directory is on its way to you. Jim Schroeder, thanks for the info on Mike Conway, perhaps he is finally at peace, what a life on this earth. Miss him and his bro, Bob.
I remember you're family were friend with them through the years and what ever happened to Bob.
I heard he went into law enforcement 25 years ago and would like to contact him. Have tried over the years but breaking into the cop files is a zero way of finding a friend. Help! Joyce really looking forward to seeing you next week and your helping hand with the nineteen '99 Spring Fling.
I may be spending more time in Vermont so this web communication is a blessing. You cougs of '63, where are you??? We had the 35th reunion and promises of communication. Pound out a few keys and let people know you don't have arthritis of the typing fingers. Would love to hear from my
ole friends and some of those I could be friends with. BEAR, how cool of you to e-mail me with
you're comments and street rod contacts. And John Baker, BIG JOHN would be proud of you pal.
Note: Dick, Thanks and when you get a firm date on the nineteen 99 Spring Fling, let me know so we can get it on the reunion page.
Tuesday, January 5, 1999 at 01:21:23
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Geez Patty, I had no idea that tact and diplomacy were not an effective tool with John - from now on I just go for the throat!! Hahahahaha! Ok John, no more Ms. NiceGuy! Thank you for the info and detail. And watch out the rest of you - any evasive answers from any of you (George Hunter) and I'm sending my "hit girl" out after you! Go V girls!!
Note: Sue, I guess when you and the "V" girls go for the jugular, you HAVE to come clean. I remember what "GV" did to that poor little girl in the transcript office at HHS. :o)
Monday, January 4, 1999 at 22:17:17
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: John: Whew guy, what a bio. I think that what you've done is given a whole lot of people a heaven here on earth. I never expected to see or hear from so many of the people who have signed into this site. The beauty is that it has grown so fast, even since I've been aware of its existence. Sign me on to help for the class of '61. I don't know what I can do, but I am pretty good with computer graphics.
Man, if you ever find yourself free of work and you need something to do, come to Lakewood and come talk to some pretty inexperienced kids about the computer world. They're young, talented and think that they know everything. My computer animation class needs some real pros to come in and share about the work. They have little websites of their own...but I've yet to see anything like what you do. By the way, do you still live in the area?
Have a great trip, and I'll check in when you return.
Note: Well thank you Ricki. That is humbling, coming from a true artist and teacher like yourself. I too have seen the artistic works done by both of Mike Shay's boys Pat and Tim, and know they've been truly touched by the best. Mr. Clayton Williams really does teach through you. I will also pencil you in for a class rep. You are already a true asset to this site.
Yes, I live in Lomita, which is not all that far from the HHS tree. And yes, you are right, that since you and the rest of the Valencia clan has shown up, the site has really taken off. Are you doing a little strong arming out there?? :o)
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