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"More 50's Classic Do Wop on the way" "The Corsairs"
Name: Patty, Pah tree si ah () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 19:38:22
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1974
Message: I want to know if your motorcycle drawing needs some fig leaves, Jorge. Or is it a moving picture due to the mental imagery that is ingrained from the 1974 graduation?!! In which case - curtains would be most appropriate for the August Cruise night. Lots of people have checked in - how exciting. Update us again John, on the humble beginnings of this website to today's number of CTown citizens. How's Mike McClain? How's Frank Romano?
Hey Pah-tree-si-ah, Yes the growing number of Cougs has risen to a whopping 2847 and rising. Its just too cool, yahno....... Let's keep it going and who knows where we'll be this time next year. Last year on this date, we had 1151 signed up. We are on our way to findin'em all.......
Name: Tom Buckingham () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 18:17:29
E-Mail: buckinghamtom@netscape.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Clovis.CA
Message: Hi Cougs-Did any of you watch the Santana--Supernatural--concert on Fox last night. Boy, that took me back to 1968 when I first saw Santana in concert at the Hollywood Bowl. He was the opening act for Janis Joplin. Made me want to go out and buy a new pair of bell-bottom Levis!
Nope, I missed that one, but if it came down to Janis or Carlos tickets, I'd be in the Carlos line everytime. He's in my top 10.
Name: Omar Azze () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 18:07:41
E-Mail: omarazze@hotmail.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Downey, CA
Message: Any one know how I could get a hold of Jackie Phillips please leave e-mail or e-mail me directly.
Name: Sherry Ward () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 16:12:23
E-Mail: ecomroad@icx.net
Maiden: Rout
Class: 65
City and State: Home of the Manhattan Project
Message: I want to add my guess to the St. Joseph picture.
Top row, next to Rich Decuir, is it Sonny Sangil?
He also played Birdie in the 1964 production of
Bye Bye Birdie. Am I right, Bro?
Sherry, YES!! That's another one.....
Name: HHS CLASS OF 75 REUNION COMMITTEE () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 16:00:48
E-Mail: ruggi@hotmail.com
Class: 1975
Name: Art La Mere () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 15:33:58
E-Mail: lamerea@home.com
Class: 73
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Message: John the check is in the mail. thanks for all your time and know how. keep it up. Well here in Iowa we got some California weather with out the smog so it is time for a swim in the pool with my daughter Sara. Thanks again John for all your hard work.
Thanks for your support Art.
Name: Charlie Fox () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 15:13:28
E-Mail: Foxhaus@aol.com
Class: 1969
City and State: R.P.V., CA
Message: As some of you may remember, my father, Del Fox, took ill two days after Christmas, while visiting relatives in Little Rock, Arkansas. After much hard work on dad's part and a lot of prayer on the part of many others, I'm happy to report that Del is finally ready to go home. He'll be leaving Torrance Memorial sometime tomorrow to continue his recovery from the comfort of his own recliner. Thanks to all Cougars who extended their prayers during this long and sometimes frightening odyssey. Please continue to remember Del in your thoughts and prayers as he works on getting his feet back under him.
Thanks Charlie, All our prayers go out to Del. He must be feeling better as he just answered the QOTW correctly. YES, I know, it's time to change the question of the week. Get Well Del!!!
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 12:22:07
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Hello Lynda. This really is a great site. We're going to have a cruise night at Fosters (120th) sometime, I think in August. Be sure to come I would like to see you. Like you said the last reunion was a few years ago.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 10:08:32
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: This is the first week in June...so welcome to Southern California Christine Penny Baird (CARRISSAAAAH) wherever you are. I hope you enjoy your visit. Love to all, HCH
John: Today is the beginning of the second year of membership and from what I have been reading they should be rolling in (thank goodness for snail mail). John, again a big thank you for your efforts on behalf of Cougartown-and Mom B was right.
Thanks Harry, Yes, I've been receiving first and second year memberships from lots of dedicated Cougartowners. Thanks to all for your support of the website.
Name: Anita Young () on Thursday, June 1, 2000 at 04:22:13
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Come on, all classes of HHS! Most of the years that I check for new people, there are hardly any stars! I am on a very tight budget, so I know things can get kind of hard now and then, but I agree 100% with all the folks in here who have brought this up....$10 is a small price to pay for all we get out of this website. I went to Classmates.com before my friend, Terrie Kostiszak, told me about this place. At Classmates.com, you get to see who is on the list, but in order to get their e-mail address, you have to pay $25! And, their type of Feedback bulletin board is a pain in the rear end to use, and I've only had like 2 people ever answer anything to me, and it wasn't even about me, it was about my brother! And, no one from there ever contacted me through there, only from here! Granted, at Classmates.com you get a newsletter and a few other things for your $25, but John here at least let's us see this stuff for free first. Don't any of you think it's worth $10 now? Come on....I've seen the competition and I know the difference. This site wins, hands down. Thanks so much for re-uniting me with some great old friends and making me quite a bit of new ones!
There you have it folks, ANOTHER satisfied customer.
Wasn't classmates.com the website that sent an email to the whole Cougartown email list and ask them to come on over to their side? Thanks Anita for the nice comments.
Name: Lynda Evans () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 23:40:56
E-Mail: toot731@aol.com
Maiden: Wood
Class: 64
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif.
Message: Was glad to see this page about my old school it has been a long time and the last time I saw or heard from any of my class was at the 25th reunion, keep up the good work and hope to find some old class members.
Name: Pete () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 23:18:27
E-Mail: peterterp@earthlink.net
Message: John....I am not a graduate of HHS but I have attended a couple of functions with Tom Burroughs and Terry Leeper and enjoy reading the feedback page. Would I be able to donate my ten dollars? It's a small price to pay for the entertainment I get from Cougartown.
Hey Pete, Of course you can donate your 10 bucks to our humble website. Even though you DO hang around with the likes of Tom and Terry
Let me know where you went to school Pete. You can send it to John Baker PO Box 1406, Lomita, CA. Thanks for joining in.
Name: John Rout () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 23:06:05
E-Mail: Jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 63
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: John, you almost got it right. Paul Busby is front row third from left. The one you picked out is Rich DeCuir (HHS, 63). Oh yeah, that's yours truly in the back row on the right end. And yeah, that is Mike Conway in the front row, right end. I don't know if any of the others went to HHS, some went to Serra and some went to St. Bernard's.
I'll leave the rest to the others, but the only one I don't remember is the back row left end.
I stand corrected. Thanks John
Anyone else want to take a shot at the picture?
Name: Reuel Callahan () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 23:04:17
E-Mail: Reuelcallahan@aol.com
Class: 65
City and State: Westlake Village, Ca.
Message: John, I just finished reading the notes from 5/31 and you know the one true message I saw was the fact you have the only true site that all our peers can go to. My wife Linda graduated from Leuzinger in 1967 and has been terribly dissapointed that her school doesn't have what the Coug's have. I guess what I am saying is thanks and my $10.00 will go out to you this weekend. I am sure there are people that may have known my wife her maiden name was Dillard.
Thanks again John.
Hey Reuel, Thanks for the help, and tell Linda she can use the Feedback page any time she wants.
Name: Donna () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 22:55:02
E-Mail: DNelsonCro@aol.com
Message: Anyone know the where abouts of Bob Schroeder class of 1972? I recently moved back to CA and would like to get in contact with him again. E mail me at DNelsonCro@aol.com
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 22:33:28
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message:Here's a picture of the 1959 football team at St Josephs. It was sent to me by the Rowdy Queen herself. Can you name any of these guys? I can name Bill Daquila (front row 2nd from left); Gary Boll (back row 2nd from left); Paul Busby (back row 4th from left). Is that one of the Conway boys (front row extreme right)? Help me out Cougs.
OK Carol O'Brien says the one on the front row extreme left is Bill O'Brien.
Name: Kathy Frankforter () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 21:56:41
E-Mail: frankforter@earthlink.net
Maiden: Tom's Wife
Class: 79
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: John, I'm actually going to send you a check for $10.00. I visit this website more then my "Cougar Spouse" and get the biggest kick out of it. Don't be so coy (I know you are batting your eyelashes and rolling your eyes, right?) but, you do a fantastic job on this website. You're sense of humor is a plus as well... I must say as an outsider, coming to this website makes me wish I attended such a "Cool High School." West High has a website and the faculty is on there along with their email addresses. I wrote to my PE Teacher and never got a response. (She's still at West) Needless to say I was disappointed! I read the feedback here and see HHS faculty interacting with past students and I think it is great. I know what kind of work goes into this and I really do respect you. Now pay up! I said what you asked me to say....Show me the money!!!!!!! (Laughing)
Very Good Kathy!! I almost believed you myself.....
We do try to have fun here all right, and we do have "The Old Coach" Hal Chauncey and "HCH" Harry Plotkin and Our Miss Brooks adding their versions of what it was like. It really is the 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's all over again. You, being married to a Coug, also have the honorary status and can give up that "Warrior" thing any time you want. I kid about other schools, but like I've said, we all came from the same valley. The Centinela Valley and we have the same streets and the same hangouts in common, so you feel free to add to the Feedback any time you want. That's what it's here for.
Name: Myrna () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 17:58:13
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: John, I have to tell you - I've been to the Vietnam wall in DC on two occasions. The second visit was no less imposing/impressive/emotional than the first. Each time, there were mothers & fathers & sons & daughters & grandparents & aunts & uncles & nieces & nephews. Each of them searching for the name of their loved one. It is amazing how finding that name brings both grief and pride to those family members. I do not think that there is a soul on CT who has not somehow been touched by someone on that wall. For me it was classmates, I was lucky enough to have my brothers go to Korea during that time period, my family did not have the stress of "the conflict" to worry about. That is only one of the things I thank God for in my life. I have a veteran now, my son is in the Army, and in January is looking to get out after 10 years. It doesn't make me sad, but I thank God that there are people like Kevin who willingly go in the service to protect our country and our rights. Kevin would jump and run right into a conflict if need be to protect the United States. It takes all kinds of people to make up our great land, and I am thankful I was fortunate to be born in the USA.
I agree totally. Thanks Myrna.......
Name: Lori Ahrens () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 17:43:36
E-Mail: purplepridegal@aol.com
Maiden: Holmes
Class: 81
City and State: Carson City NV
Message: Thank you for your prompt attention and priceless assistance! (JEEZ! Everyone's a comedian!)I'll ask the question again: "anyone know what became of my sister Varsity Yell Natalie Dancho (Class of 82)? I came home from college the night 82ers graduated and saw her, I know she went to Purdue University, but we lost touch. We were partners in crime in Edith Harris's French II and III class. Be nice to get reunited with her. Thanks Cougs!"
And although the graduation year would be about the same as the fellow you mentioned, my Dad didn't graduate from HHS. He and my Mother were high school sweethearts and graduated from Vista High (San Diego area). We came to the South Bay when I was an infant in early '64. Sorry!
Thanks Lori
Name: Jeanne Carrillo () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 17:42:50
E-Mail: HCarr74215@aol.com
Maiden: Burk
Class: 69
City and State: Carlsbad, CA
Message: Hey, I feel so left out of the "porno" car show. Damn, I should have gone. Actually, I am pretty much a "live and live" gal. There is a difference between bad taste and illegal, or immoral. If you don't like it, don't look at it. I never liked the idea of ANYONE deciding what I can and cannot look at. Parents, if you teach your kid respect, no car art is going to destroy that. I'm a fairly reasonable gal, but there are principles I stand by. Freedom of expression is one of them. Without that, three quarters of the most fabulous art would not exist. Cheers to all.
Name: Underwood, Patrick () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 17:30:08
E-Mail: famhistorian@freewwweb.com
Class: 1963
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Message: I went to Lawndale High, but the majority of my friends went to Hawthorne High. A couple of them were; Lance Scott (killed in Germany), Dennis Wilson (Beach Boys). I married Cheryl Cordy (class of 1966.
Hey Patrick, If you're married to a Coug, then you're an honorary Coug and are welcomed anytime, Cardinal or no Cardinal. Thanks for the shout......
Name: Lori Ahrens () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 16:54:09
E-Mail: purplepridegal@aol.com
Maiden: Holmes
Class: 81
City and State: Carson City NV
Message: The question I asked back around the last week of April about a long lost fellow Cougar, that's what question Mr. Smarty Pants John!!
OK I'll answer the question. "I don't know the answer to the question."
Hey Lori, are you the daughter of Robert Holmes HHS62??
Name: John Rout () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 14:05:26
E-Mail: Jmr812004@aol.com
Class: 63
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: John B - Put my $10 in today's mail. Thanks for all of the new friends Anne and I have made, and reacquainting me with old friends from the childhood days. Without Cougartown we would never have had the opportunity to be so warmly embraced by such great people. That is the great gift you have given to so many of us. Thanks again.
Hey John, I feel the same way about finding you and Anne. There's lots more fun people out there too, just give it time.
Name: Lori Ahrens () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 13:38:30
E-Mail: purplepridegal@aol.com
Maiden: Holmes
Class: 81
City and State: Carson City NV
Message: Hey there everyone, been awhile since I checked in; and by what I've seen while scrolling through to catch up, it looks like I missed a pretty heated topic! Whew! Sure glad THAT'S over with!! Hey there Eddie Braun, thanks for the e-mail and keeping in touch. I was beginning to wonder where you disappeared to. Glad you're staying busy working and that's the reason we haven't seen you for awhile! I know how the life of a Stunt Man is!! Just Kidding, take care!
On another note: how come nobody bothers to answer MY questions, huh? HUH?? I'm beginning to feel a little IGNORED out here!!
What question?
Name: Mom B () on Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 11:20:36
E-Mail: gonore@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Message: To the man in blue...I love that!
John, You did not know???? We have the answer as to why Cougartown is the number one Alumni site in the country. Ready? It is simple....It is YOU!!!!!!
Hi Beverly, I think it's that we ALL can relate to the stories, it doesn't matter when we graduated. It might be a history lesson to the younger classes, but they still know where Aloha drugs or Thriftymart or Bens Market, etc. was located, so the story makes sense to all Haytowners as well as Leuzinger, Inglewood, Lawndale, and Westchester people alike.
Also it's the closeness felt by the people from all classes' as we all join in and make new friends. We are all connected here as siblings. Thanks Mom B for your kind words, but I think we all deserve credit for making this a top notch Alumni website. Thanks Beverly for being a big part of it yourself.
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 23:34:28
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: I just saw Valen Krimbow's name. I went to school with his bro Dana. Dana was a nationally ranked surfer in Junior High at Dana in Holly Glen. He surfed for Wave Trek Surf Team. He got freeboards and gave me a couple. Dana was your typical surf bum and so was Valen. I remember that the girls seemed to like them allot. His dad was a school bus driver at Dana. And I remember too going to sixth grade camp in the Malibu mountains myself, Dana and Larry Coury were loud and getting on Mr. Krimbow's nerves and he made all us walk up part of the hill then made picked up me and Larry and left Dana walking a bit longer. He was tough. It was just interesting seeing someone else mention Krimbow. Dana went to Mira Costa. John I'm glad that we are off the sex subject. I felt so bad that I now practice celibacy with eyes and body.
OK Keith, who are "Eyes" and "Body" hmmmm???
Name: Glenn Crist () on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 22:54:33
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Message: JB
You've done it again. Two more of my old buds [David McCormick and Henry Cooper (thanks again, to Jim Sloey for helping me to connect with Henry earlier this year) have added their E-mail addresses to Cougartown. CT is awesome (a word I try to reserve for occasions when it really fits). I think I can safely say there is no better HS alum website around. And, John, I hope you know what this 800lb. gorilla you've created for us means. Where else would Enriqueta V, (by the way Ricki, what a pretty name) find Harvey Mandlin for whom she's been searching. This place continues to amaze me. Need I say thank you again. I may not need to, but I will. I think CT has become home anchor for a lot of scattered ships.
See you when the grapes are ripe,
(And, I'm putting my $10 in the mail tomorrow. Indeed, a very small price to pay).
Well thanks Glenn. It's been a great ride for a whole mess of Cougs this year. I also receive email from Cougs who want to keep their finds on a personal level. The ones you know about are only the tip of the iceberg. We now have such a base that it would be hard NOT to find your friend. Someone on the list knows them, their parents, siblings, cousins, or another friend that knows their whereabouts. I've had people looking for friends from Leuzinger, Lennox, Morningside and Westchester, and finding them through Cougartown. Actually Cougartown is becoming the place to gather for lots of alumni from different schools in the South Bay. I don't have the answer to why it's number one, but it is, so let's keep it going for as long as there are missing Cougs on the planet. With everyones help we'll find them all.
Name: Maureen () on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 21:50:03
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: This is really to all Cougs, but I'm going to address this to the class of 1964.
We should all be really ashamed of ourselves. I just checked the alumni list for our graduating class, and we have 114 names listed. Out of that 114 names, only 19 have a gold star (first year membership.) And, out of those 19 gold stars, only 4 have a 2 (for two years membership). Now, don't you agree that is a very poor percentage of participation? I know more of you read feedback, and some actually contribute to feedback. Look at all the fun and laughs John has given us, not to mention all the old friends we have found through this site, that we may never have found. Now I know, that you know, (or should be able to figure out) how much time, effort and work John puts into this site so we can enjoy it. Soooooo is a $10.00 yearly membership fee to much to ask? I DON'T THINK SO! Please, get your membership dues mailed in and to those who did not mail theirs in last year, why don't you just add another $10.00 to this years (I know ALL of you can do it). People keep asking about the Newsletter. Well, John needs money to have it printed and mailed. So, to the CLASS OF 1964, let's help John out and we'll also be helping ourselves out....right? Let's show them (the other classes) that the class of 1964 can have the most/best participation. GO 1964!!!! I'm off my soap box now. good bye now....mytmo
Thanks Mo.....
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 18:41:45
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Mike Mecey, thank you for sharing your story. It made me cry. Sometimes children can get right to the heart of the matter. And thank you for serving. You did the right thing.
Of course Sharon cried when Madonna and Sean Penn broke up so there you go.......
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