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"More 50's Classic Do Wop on the way" "The Corsairs"
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 14:17:38
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
It`s 10 an here & I just got back home. Great car show! I think I may have parked my Nomad in the wrong section. I seem to be the only car in the area that didn`t have hopping ability`s. I wanted to enter the hopping contest & I told Terry Leeper, Louie Marotta & Pete Terp that if they could lay under each end of the car & each time I hit the horn they would push there respective ends of the car as high as they could, we could win this deal!! I mean, 50 inches won the thing. I think we could have given them a run for thier money. The 3 guys felt we were 1 man short to pull this off. I felt John was the missing link to our team. But alas we could not find him & the contest was over! Oh well there always next year! Just before leaving a guy with a camera asked if he could take some shots of this gal by my car. I said go for it. I could end up in either Low Rider Magazine or Play Boy. I don`t think the young lady was an HHS student. But then it`s been a while since I was in school & I realize the dress codes have changed. Here`s to the new look Cougars. Fun time, thank`s to all. AZ Tom
Hey Tom, I figured out that you were the owner of the Nomad (only car in the front lot worth looking at) but I couldn't find you. I found Terry Leeper and Judy though. Great car Tom, and maybe we'll see you on Cruise Night III.
I didn't approve of the Lowrider Porn murals. Don't these guys have mothers, wives, or daughters? I found it totally degrading to the female persuasion. Also where are the school officials?? Wasn't this supposed to be a family affair? And they wonder what's happened to moral values. This wasn't the school I attended. I saw naked ladies painted on bicycles. Where's this kids parents? You can't smoke on school grounds but it's OK to depict women as cheap slutty tramps with no morals. Sorry for going off like this, and it's just my opinion, but it's easy to see where the values of youth have gone. Right in the toilet!!
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 13:20:32
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore
Message: Hey, fun time last night! Jim Pasternak looks like he just graduated! Missed you, Goddesses! And about the Hood families. On the corner of Broadway & Sundale there were 4 Hood kids - Sharon, Randy, Ricky & Byron (Beeper) - all in the 70's. And I finally figured out who Ando is - duh!!!! He used to hang out with my mom while my sister and I were out on dates. She'd sell him Phillip Morris smokes - 3 for a nickel!
Name: Ron Dokken () on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 13:04:07
E-Mail: rdokk@yahoo.com
Class: 1955
City and State: Endwell,NY
Message: Just found this site by chance. Haven't seen or heard from anyone since graduation. Go figure! My favorite teacher was Ray Garza, I see that he went to that big Latin class in the sky - too bad. Friends I remember, Ed Dorsey, Norm Gaut, Bob Hawkins and others. Saw a picture of Bill Cooper at a reunion. Knew him in grade school and on, surely I can't have changed that much! Good luck to this years grads. Ron
Hey Ron, Thanks for checking in and NO, you haven't changed at all.
Name: Christine () on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 10:43:17
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: Just an additional note to my most recent post...if nothing else John, I need to catch up with you and get some Cougar T's, so I'll need to get your phone # so I can call ya when I get to town. I say this because our schedule is pretty packed with fam and Disneyland and San Diego Zoo events etc..... and we'll be staying in at a beach house in San Clemente. At least I can meet you, ehy? Thanks. ")
Christine, I do not handle Cougar T's. They're ordered through the Ctown-store page and sent out to you from Thousand Oaks. I think we can have a Pinks run that week.
Name: Christine Baird () on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 10:34:50
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock, Texas
Message: Well, folks.....it's one week and one day and counting down. That's when we hit the road and head on out to California. We should be there the first weekend in June and stay until/through the next weekend. Hope to meet some of you some how. ")
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 00:21:43
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Michele McCrea Elsey and Mike Flatten from class of '64' welcome. Glad you found the site.
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 00:18:07
E-Mail: Strongheart@pacificwest.com
Class: 1971
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: John, it was great to finally meet you and Janet at the car show! You are right that we have all become more like a family than merely alumni scattered to the four winds....
It was an odd feeling stepping back onto the campus this morning. It has been at least 27 of the 29 years since graduation that I have been away from it. Although there are some changes, I instantly remembered every building and landmark. I must say that the old campus looks as if it's running out of layers of paint to peel off. The tall fences, the barred windows; none of that was there in "my day". There was one sight, however, that brought a smile to this old Cougar: The Kye Courtney Memorial Gym. If there were ever a teacher or coach who deserved such an honor, it would be Coach Courtney.
As for the car show, there was some awesome rolling stock on display at Cougville today. My daughter liked the "pony cars" (we have a '72 Mustang with a 351C). My favorite was a beautiful tan '48 Chevy. Man, what a "drive-in cruiser" that must have been!!! 8^)
Take care, Cougars. And John, those two words again: Thank you!!!
Bob "Strongheart" Melendrez '71
Hey Bob, Glad to meet you today too. I met lots of Cougs today at both the car show and at Connies BBQ that I'd talked with before, but never met face to face. I'll agree with you on the Pony cars Bob. At least that area of the campus where the 2 32 Fords were and the Studebaker with the Paxton Supercharger was.
A good time was had all around.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 00:12:01
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Connie Jax Beverly's picnic was so fun. It was a great park, and the food was terrific. A real bargain at just 5 bucks. A big thank you to Connie for organizing such a great affair.
Yes, Thanks Connie
Name: Pat VanPatten () on Saturday, May 20, 2000 at 22:25:20
E-Mail: Birdlgs2@aol.com
Maiden: Pino
Class: 1972
City and State: Santa Clarita, CA
Message: I'm looking for Ruth Murray and Margie Melgares, Class of 72? If you're out there or anyone who sees this and knows where they are, please give them my e-mail address. Thanks. I'd love to hear from the class of 72
Early memories - Ben's Market on 118th and Freeman
Name: Rowdy Goddess of schlep () on Saturday, May 20, 2000 at 21:18:04
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: estrada#4
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo beach
Message: Hello to all! I should be at the bar-b-que right now but What's-His-Name-the second was supposed to move his personals from a certain La Palma residence on the 15th. True to his nature, however, he shirked his responsibilities and let the women folk schlepp his shit to the curb. Way "NOT" to be a Coug! Hey, Karen, some things never change. LOL (Good Luck, Prairie Girl) So The Pole Princess, The Rowdy Goddess and Zorro are not at the bar-b-que. My apologies to Connie Jax, Gary Lents, Betty, Karen, Becky, Bill, Tom, Steve and everyone else we missed. Hope you all are having fun! :) We'll be there next time and we'll bring the big guy, Wayne. He'll be here tomorrow and the earth is gonna be shaken!!!! I love you guys. thegoddessofnomorelosers
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Saturday, May 20, 2000 at 10:42:55
E-Mail: Dawn7@aol.com
Maiden: Koch
Class: 78
City and State: Simi Valley, CA
Message: Hey Cougs! Sounds like you all had lots of fun in Maui and up North. Glad someone out there has some time for fun! My time will come, if I live that long! I was just wondering if anyone out there knows whatever happened to Glen Fick, Choir Director at HHS. I know his first year was 1977-78 but I've never heard how long he stayed and where he went. I was getting married right out of High School and he counseled me in my Yearbook "not to waste my talents". I'd love to drop him a line and assure him that I turned out ok. Hope someone has some info. Thanks Much! Always a Cougar, Dawn
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Saturday, May 20, 2000 at 07:22:08
E-Mail: Iwishidneverleftcali@imhomesick.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo Tx
Message: Here I go missing all the fun stuff again! If it weren't for the emails I receive from time to time, I would really be a lost soul. Hope all has a great time at the BBQ. Have a few for me John as always. Judy, if you break in some porcelain try to remember to do it in memory of me as well. ha! I may be breaking some in myself tonite. The "Big Taco" and I are escaping to the lake and I know there is a sink out there calling my name! lol... Any way more congrats to the newlyweds!! And if anyone out there knows how to reach Donna Johnson (Carll) class of 74, please let me know.
Name: Mike "Big Mac" Mc Clain () on Saturday, May 20, 2000 at 02:06:24
E-Mail: layent@worldnet.att.net
Class: 1974
City and State: Bakersfield, CA
Message: Hello Cougars! I just wanted to say hello to all of the good Cougars who supported me through my recent operation. I am on the road to recovery feeling better than I should feel one week after triple by-pass heart surgery. Thanks again for all the cards, calls & prayers.
Big Mac
Hey Big Mac, Glad you're on the mend and we'll see you down here for the next Cruise Night.
Name: Gina Peck () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 23:23:18
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hi everyone! I've been under the weather for a little while. But I'm back!! Are you SURE that is Sam Friddle in the picture? My "crazy" sister was married to Sam for a couple of years. He was such a nice guy. And I liked his Grandma Pearl very much also!! When they got divorced I wanted to keep Sam and give "crazy" to the Friddles. But my Mom wouldn't let me....
Congrats to the newlyweds!!! And, everyone have a good time tomorrow. I wanted to attend, but I'm still weak like a kitten. Next time, I'll be there with bells on.
Name: Diana () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 22:34:19
Maiden: Pricelessbutdidn'tknothatmeantatreasure
Class: 64
City and State: Ogden, Utah
Message: Ok already . I'm ready to quit my job so I can be at the mini reunion. Sounds like it will be great fun. If you are in the area and you don't go, shame on you. I'd fly in from Utah if I could take the time off. I will try to make the next Pinks (CRUISE NITE III) Run, no matter what. Might even quit the job. Sandy and Lee Roy Mills I haven't heard a word from you even though you are the ones that told me about COUGARTOWN. E-Mail me. Sharon Rout do you have any idea where Rosemarie Padilla is? Last time I saw Mario was at our 20th graduation. Anybody know where Diane Whiley is? God I am so envious of all of you that are able to go to Irvine tomorrow, can't wait to read the feedback on this one. Wishing much happiness to all the newlyweds, loved the pictures. Remember be a COUGAR through and through.
Name: Lisa () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 21:51:18
E-Mail: ledsea123@aol.com
Maiden: Graham
Class: 67
City and State: Ramona, CA
Message: I LOVE ANDO - Mike you are in my thoughts a lot. I have great pictures of you, Lyle and Timmy in front of my house that were taken in l967. Blows my mind the things I have saved from my days at HHS. Lloyd's is closed - what happened? Chris Hood e-mail me please I want to thank you for helping me in Bandon and I am not sure I ever did.
Hope you all have a good time tomorrow night at BBQ have family obligation and can't attend as planned. Bye
Name: Petey Smith () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 20:35:06
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: yes
City and State: Beaver State
Message: Sub races have nothing to do with under water scientists Kell. But there's some making out involved indeed!!
Name: Laura Porter () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 19:39:23
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
City and State: Hemet, CA
Message: Just a quick reminder to the Class of '79 and anyone else who wants to join in...the informal get together is tomorrow night, May 20 at Cirivello's Sports Bar in Long Beach (4115 Viking Way X-Bellflower and Carson). This is the same place we met on the Friday night before the reunion last year...It's for anyone and everyone who wants to show up...
Sorry Laura, too many events in one day for me. Next time.
Name: Gary () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 19:33:38
Class: none
Message: Hey, who remembers "I had to much to dream last night"...I dream every time I open this site...the babe in the bar is Betty "Boop" Knobalaugh (scuse the spellin)...John McKenzie and I lived together too much after he came back from Nam! But I sure would like to see him...gawd, we traveled the USA in his van one summer; now that was punishment for both of us... Country Joe-met him up in Boulder Creek. I was doing something he liked alot. Did any of you ever hang at the Town & Country Lodge up in dem redwoods? Dennis Higgins-whadda guy; has he stopped fighting with the Belly Up Tavern yet? Last I heard he was working for some TV station down here???? And Tim Hood-what do you have to say about Lucille? Fess up padner!
Who are you?
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 17:44:27
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: I'magoodgirltoday!
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance
Message: Here's to SEAN FITZPATRICK..for finally stepping forward and confessing to be a CT voyeur.. always reading but never gave feedback before now~~you've been healed my friend~~.. no more logging on..rubber necking to see what everyone has to say..and sitting in the shadows.. lurking..staring at the puter screen day after day.. This condition is a sickness that has to be addressed soon. Now that you've taken the first step into feedback, you're one of us in CT~~& yes, if you stop cooking right now, you're an instant ROWDY! YOUR LIBERATED! I'll even bet you remember my bro, Tom DeGrazia, from '72~& how about Jeff Willis..or Phil Christiana. Now, next step is to leave the house..and get in on some of the functions.. (1 step at a time) Hey..a bunch of us early 60's Cougs are showing up at Irvine.. for the late 60's people's BBQ.. Now get crackin' (don't go there John)
Name: Raymond Smith () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 17:15:06
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: You know, I was just thinking when the title "Submarine Races" was invented? My only source of information tells it's making out out in P.V. Was this the true location? Or was there some exclusive place that the few "Chosen" knew about?
Making out at PV overlooking the ocean. Waiting for the Sub Races to start of course.
Name: The Rowdy Goddess () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 16:25:45
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: stillsouthredondotillidie
Message: Hey Big Kell, Thanks for the auto portrait. Believe it or not it looked alot like how I felt that morning! Wish you Oregon Cougs could be here for the bar-b-que tomorrow night. I'm looking for your cuz Steve Fraser. His email is being returned. He needs to come out and play with us. We'll be singing the "Give me an 'F'....Give me a 'U'....etc ......What's that spell? WHAT'S THAT SPELL?" We used to lock arms and sing that through the halls at HHS, wearing the number 96 jersey. Rowdies to the end. HEY STEVE! Tomorrow night. Be there or be square. Calling all Cougs. Love, The Rowdy Goddess.
Name: PAT BUSH () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 15:41:31
Class: 80
City and State: BUENA PARK
Name: Robin () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 15:35:17
E-Mail: Diatribe.com
Maiden: Not Byron
Class: 60, was there another one?
City and State: RB,CA
Message: Anita Young: You should of bought those El Molinos... We always called Tim Hoods little brother Chris (amoung other things)..but then who knows, I just lived there. I think there is also a Randy Hood but they lived across the tracks from the 133rd st Hoodys..Petey: Good pic of the Doe and his bro. And of course we love him. He was of course the 1987 frisbee jock of the year at Ma Hoods labor day gig in Bandon..I remember fondly presenting the coveted trophy as one Jim Schroeder interviewed him, tears flowing from Andos cheeks as the cameras rolled. A more humble athlete you will never find...Sloey: Your diatribe has never offended me, but then I try to sit at the other end of the table:o)...and Country Joe a DA??...He has really changed his ways as his music was so honest:o)...Have a great weekend Cougs..car show, mini-reunion, VFW breakfast..dont miss the fun...Later Skaters..:o)
Name: kelley () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 15:28:10
E-Mail: bigkell50@yahoo.com
Maiden: currie
Class: 67
City and State: coos bay,ore by the ocean
Message: Wow what weather we are having on the beautiful oregon coast. But its just a one shot deal. I just love peteys pics. She need's to do a Petey's Pics page like Howards. Actually I believe that is Bobby Knobby and his sister Carla with Petey and Mini min yoso, in the new bar scene. Blando, he can keep it real interesting, Bandon didn't know what hit them for about a year. Sad to say but i believe Lloyds is closed. Where oh where can Ando be?
Name: Sean Ramey () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 15:03:39
E-Mail: sean_ramey@toyota.com
Maiden: Fitzpatrick
Class: 72
City and State: Corona, CA
Message: I feel like a pervert! I've been quietly reading the feedback page and decided to turn myself in. Guilty as charged! I hope the Rowdys will forgive me. (I don't cook any more, does that count?) I have seen so many names from the past that I have lost touch with. For those of us who have made it this far a great big Cougar Hug! For those we lost along the way, may God Bless!
For those who remember the Fitzpatrick family, there were 5 kids, 3 of which were at HHS at the same time. (Is that a record?) We are all still in CA and doing fine. Love to hear from you. I'm trying to get Mike going on this site but he works in Haytown and the drive back to Orange County takes its toll. He does get an opportunity to see some of the group. John Laven, glad you checked in. Maybe at the next "Corona Woodstock" John, you and I can work on Mike and get him on board.
Thanks for the memories.
No, the Gross Family had 3 at one time at HHS and I'm sure there were many more. Thanks Sean for coming clean, and now that you've done it, join in anytime.
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 13:48:35
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves ( yeah, you know the drill!)
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: See how brain dead I am all? I forgot about Sloey and his comment about Country Joe McDonald!
The last I knew of Country Joe was his very cool L.P. "Paradise with an Ocean View"! Very cool music on that! Sounds like where Sharon Willis and a few other Cougs are now, huh? Except the one Country Joe referred to in that was Jamaica, and smoking Ganga! Wo, Joe!
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 13:43:43
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves ( can you pronounce that please?)
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: O.K. Now I know what it was I wanted to say to Bill Mears...hey, at least you can say you HAD El Molino's! I was such a party animal in high school and so full of myself that I thought I was too cool to own any of them. I thought they were to "RAH-RAH"! What a pompous, stupid b...h, huh? Boy, do I feel like a total ass now! There are a few people who have gotten in touch with me, and since my memory isn't what it used to be ( some days it's better than others), I haven't remembered them! They must think I'm some brain dead bimbo or something! I'm at the stage in my life now where a picture or just seeing someone jogs my memory. So, if any of you find out how to get the old copies of the El Molino's preferrably the years I went (1974-1978) PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.... let me know about it!
Thanks one and all,
Anita aka AmyinOR
Name: Anita Young () on Friday, May 19, 2000 at 13:37:30
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves ( ah-what's it?)
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Message: Polly, I know what you mean about the class directory....the guy who took my info. and all was nice enough, but he kind of made me feel pressured to buy the thing. I didn't dig that at all! Pushy salesmen of any kind are a HUGE turn-off to me, let me tell ya! The cost is: $59.95 for the softcover one (when it is printed and comes out) and $9.95 S&H. The hardcover, which will be more elaborate, he says, is $69.95 plus $9.95 S&H. To me, that is a lot of money, too, especially since I have no idea if the directory is going to have any more people in it that I want to contact or not. I'm sure glad our guy, bud, Mr. Grand Poo-Bah John boy is going to buy one for this site. We can all just ask him for the info. if so and so is in it. Thank you so much, John. Some of us Cougs are on a huge budget here! : )
Second on my list: Sharon Willis...Hello, dear heart! Did you ever call my sister, Mary back? Did you get my e-mail with her phone number? I sure hope she was more responsive to you this time if you did call her back, and you know what I mean about more responsive, don't you? If not, e-mail me, hon, and we'll talk again. So nice to see you in here again! : )
Third....Bob Brophy...Interesting story about Mt. Hood. Petey sent me an interesting story via e-mail, but I wish she would of sent it in here to all of you! Hey, most things Petey has to say are interesting as hell, so that shouldn't surprise anyone in here! You go, girl! Hint, hint...send it in for the group, woman!
Fourth....Tim Hood...I presume by the last name and feedback with Petey you are Bryon Hood's older brother. Bryon is one of my old HHS bud's ex ( Meg Silveira-Weir). Bryon has e-mailed me once, and now he says he's having trouble with his e-mail. All I know is he's married and living in Alabama! What the heck is a former surf cat like Bryon doing living in Alabama!? Blows my mind! Anyhow...howdy Tim! We are kind of neighbors...Newberg and Eugene...not exactly close, but not as far as where I used to live, Beaverton. How long have you been in Oregon? You knew my sister, Mary, didn't you?
Damn! This went on so long, I know I had something to say to Bill Mears, but now I forgot! I will have to go back in, see what he said, and come back! Sorry John! Bye to all, hope I didn't bore the hell out of anyone! Happy Friday, all
Anita aka AmyinOR
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