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Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 18:46:44
Maiden: WATTS
Class: 76
Message: School's out for two weeks!! Thanks so much for the site, I just received my 1973 cheerleading sweater in the mail from Sharon Bierman!! What a kick, to have it back. I was waiting to see Jekyll & Hyde in NYC (I live in NJ), spoke to a teacher from Leuzinger!! It's a small planet,,,please send burritos from Taco Bill's in Hermosa!!
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 16:08:19
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: Tesa, Let me see do I remember you.......da no kinding I remember you. You were my first. I forgot what first but I'm sure it was the first. Living at your place was a blast. How's Johnny? I get email from your mom sometimes. I talk to Don all the time. I saw Paul when I first got back from Hawaii. I remember practising with my nunchucks in your front yard. I was breaking a couple of bricks with them. Getting real good. Then the third one I was trying to break I guess something didn't hit right and the nunchuck rebounded and hit me in the forehead. That was the closet I've come to getting knockout besides the time out in front of Carl Clines house I was working on my 66' Mustang (without the hood on) and as I was leaning looking into the engine compartment the hood bracket snapped up and whacked me in the forehead too. Other than that never came close to getting knocked out. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. And, if you're heading to Las Vegas...turn around and save your money!
Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 14:18:08
Name: Sally Rand
E-Mail: fandancer@hotmail.com
Maiden: Rand
Class: 1960
Message: Dear John,
Thank you so much for your gift to all of us. Here's wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
I have been on medical leave since the 23 of November. I had a diskectomy, and two chips removed from my spine. So I have not been able to keep up with all the feedback. What I have read today many classmates agree with me. YOU ARE DOING A GREAT THING, AND WE APPRECIATE YOUR HARD WORK.
Thank you,
Always Sally
Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 13:54:26
Name: Pam Betraun
E-Mail: pbetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: A few pages ago someone asked where Leo LaSala is living. I spoke with his sister Maria(class of 65) Leo is now living in Long Beach.
Everyone have a Merry Christmas!!!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 12:27:05
Name: Tesa Riggs
E-Mail: Cin2513870@aol.com
Maiden: Dallons
Class: 77
Message: Dear Keith Jones:
I know you remember me since you and Don were such good friends. I know you remember living at our house for a while! That was pretty wild. My mom would get a kick out of hearing from you. She hasn't changed a bit. Only getting younger. Sounds like you are doing great and you are very happy! Great! We are doing very well at this end. I have 2 children ages 11 and 9.
Well, happy holidays to you and hope to hear from you soon!
Tuesday, December 22, 1998 at 13:36:10
Name: Keith Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Well Jodi T. I've been called awesome for quite a few things but never my memory. Thanks! It's pretty easy to remember good times. I have the luxury of forgetting the bad things. I am always positive and try to keep away from the negative. It makes living so much easier and fun. When I look back at my days at HHS I realize how much I missed by not thinking about my future. I definitely took the hard road to be where I am and done what I have done. If it weren't for my physical strength and abilities I don't think I would have made it. I was lucky, I had something to fall back on. The teachers at HHS were all great. They truly cared about the students back when I went there. I didn't see it then, but I see it now. My oldest daughter is a very good athlete and loves her sports. She is an All Star soccer player and softball. She plays tennis and basketball too. She is counting on her physical abilities like I did. I'm working getting her to include the academic part too. She is doing very good at that now too. I don't want her struggling like I did at first. High School is so important. HHS was very important to me, but I was too stupid to take advantage of it. Enough serious stuff. Just reflecting. Anyway, John again you are something else. This site is beyond description. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.
Tuesday, December 22, 1998 at 02:15:52
Name: Ricki
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: To All Cougars: I may not get another chance before Christmas and I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New year. All of you have brought back a part of my life that meant so very much to me. Bob Melendrez said it all, and very articulately too. I hope that he is in the writing field. If you see this Bob, I really enjoyed your post.
John, I cannot thank you enough.
Ricki Valencia Farrell
Monday, December 21, 1998 at 19:01:34
Name: Jodi Alexander
E-Mail: IBJodi@AOL.com
Maiden: Torgerson
Class: 75
Message: I would like to thank you John for all the happiness that you have created for alot of people. You have taken us all back in time when the world was alot kinder place, and Hawthorne was a wonderful
town to grow up in. My children roll their eyes every year at Christmas when the conversation always goes back to Hawthorne and my brother (greg Torgerson class of 78) remembering our childhood and the happy times we had with dear friends and their families. They always say " Are you sure you forgot a brother named BEAVER". No
we weren't the Cleavers, but we had a wonderful
family and a wonderful childhood. Thanks again John for this wonderful treasure. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
And Keith Jones, my goodness, where did you get that memory!! You are awesome!!
Note: Jodi, Thank you for being a part of this "Whatever It Is" we all have going here. I truly enjoy everyone and everything going on here on this site and I feel I've known you all for decades. Thanks to all my brother and sister Cougs out there for making this site what it is, cause without you, there'd be nothing here.
Monday, December 21, 1998 at 17:21:38
Name: Alan Nelson
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Merry Christmas and Best Wishes in the New Year to all Cougars across the land. John, you have given all of us such a gift that you will never know the scope and breadth of our gratitude. You have reunited us with old friends, lovers, almost lovers, and even enemys. Time has a way of smoothing out any bad times and embellishing the good. You have given us all the gift of youth and the joy of memories re-emerged.
My prayers are with all of you, and my heart is with others - you know who you are!
Many Happy Returns to all. I hope that the New Year brings you the joy and happiness that I know I will have.
Monday, December 21, 1998 at 14:58:50
Name: Bob Melendrez
E-Mail: Strongheart@pacificwest.com
Class: 1971
Message: John,
I wonder if you realize what you have done. By creating this small outpost in cyberspace you have touched many lives and have rewoven the threads of a fabric frayed by the passing of time.
It is a finite number of people that will enter this "campus of memories" that you have created. But all of us who do so are united in our passage through our respective moments in time known as our HHS Days. We all have our eras; the Eisenhower years, the birth of the Space Program, the Cold War, JFK, the "British Invasion", Martin and Bobby, Viet Nam, Neil Armstrong, Watergate, a non-elected President, it goes on and on. Of course our perception of events differs with our ages, as does our recollection of Hawthorne itself and of Hawthorne High. But we were all there. At some point, we were all there.
You have allowed us to reach out to moments and places long forgotten. You have allowed us to honor those teachers and mentors who gave of themselves such that we might be slightly better prepared for life beyond HHS. You have given us an opportunity to rekindle friendships that had scattered with the wind. And, you have allowed us to honor classmates and friends who exist no longer in this world, but only in our memories.
Thank you, John. Your so called "labor of love" is a reflection of what must surely be a kind and generous spirit. From where else could come such a gift to so many of us?
Best Holiday wishes to you and to all my fellow Cougars, past, present, and future....
Bob Melendrez ('71)
Note: Bob, Yes, you too have figured out Cougartown's worth. The Internet IS more than a "Giant Shopping Mall" and you've said it all so eloquently. Thanks Bob for your kind words.
Monday, December 21, 1998 at 14:44:42
Name: denise
E-Mail: laking3535@???.???
Maiden: pickle
Class: 1993
Message: Thank you for the memories of HHS it was cool to go back to school.
Note: Denise, I would love to add you to the Alumni list, but I need the last part of your Email address. laking3535@???.??? Thanks John B
Monday, December 21, 1998 at 13:22:51
Name: Wendy Walchli
E-Mail: WWal833579@aol.com
Maiden: Rideout
Class: 64
Message: Just spoke with another alumni of 1964, Jane(Mitchell) Reinholz. She wanted me to put her name in since she does not have a computer at this time. She is living in Redding, CA and works at Redding Medical Center. Anyone traveling through or in that area can call her at (530)243-8594.
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 21, 1998 at 13:16:10
Name: Keith Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: I remember on senior ditch day (for the class of 77) which I had so many friends in) We went to the pool (12ft) and threw benches in. Well dropping one off the high dive was a bad idea because it crack the bottom of the pool. It cost some good money to fix. I remember someone called the police and me and Greg Staffon were hiding on the top of Nyman Hall. So much detruction happens on senior ditch day. I think it was our class who put crazy glue in all the locks of all the doors. And it always took the janitors just a couple of hours to clean it all up. Amazing! Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.
Monday, December 21, 1998 at 10:02:36
Name: Dick Dixon
E-Mail: accessrd@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: If there are any street rodders from HHS (any year) who would care to have a FREE copy of the ACCESS Street Rods & Trucks Yellow Pages sent to them E-mail me or call 888-231-2272 and I will have one sent to ya as fast as you can push your pedal to the metal. This is a national directory and consumer book for gearheads, builders, those needing parts and wish book.
Merry Christmas from me to you and the ACCESS staff send a hearty hohoho. John, a special thanks for the site, it is greatly appreciated each day.
Dick Dixon
Sunday, December 20, 1998 at 23:05:24
Name: Jack Hammer
E-Mail: jhammer@rosenet.net
Class: 68
Message: Hello again, I guess I'm going to keep pestering you until I can get some results. I know the class of 68 had a reunion last summer but we're still not getting any info about said monumental event. Please any of you guys that made it send something. Also John you mentioned something about a gathering up here in oregon (K Falls I believe) no info there either. Also any info on Andy Degrazia, Kenny Angelini, Jimmy Wilcoxin, Ray DeLacruz, Frankie Padillia?
Note: Jack, Pictures were taken at the class of 68 reunion by Garnett Pollard (HHS65). He said he was going to email them to me. That was on 10-5-98. I haven't heard a thing since. I will post the Oregon reunion after the first of the year as I too have been busy. Thanks, and stay tuned.
Sunday, December 20, 1998 at 16:32:38
Name: Ronald A. Teh
E-Mail: bigrat1@gte.net
Class: 1981
Message: Common class of '81, log in. Our 20th class reunion is fast approaching. If anyone knows an alumni from this class or any class, please encourage them to log in. Mahalo and Aloha from Hawaii!!
Sunday, December 20, 1998 at 14:10:54
Name: Susan King
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK, now I'm looking for Cindy Young and Nancy Petros and Patti Bolkow. These are three very important and influential persons from my adolescence. Marsha Malonsen - does Cindy have email? Sally Upegui and John Fenton live out here in Thousand Oaks near me - been a few months since I've seen either of them. Ken Bianchi does too. Found out that Betty Wright East lives just about a mile or so away - FOR MANY YEARS! Rocky Wilson where are you? Did you marry Sherry from our college days? Does anybody recall Joan Gove Mahoney - the chorus teacher from our years at Hawthorne Intermediate? I want so much to find her......
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