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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Eddie Braun () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 18:17:19
Class: 79
City and State: MB CA
Message: Hey Dianna Libertini i still have not heard from Don "we'll meet this week for lunch" Dallons, so wheres the patio? is it a local el segundo hang spot? ill come seen you and cindy, what a trip, after at least 20 years.....cool, just lemme know where and when and ill try to make it...and as for the ellusive Don, i guess ill see you when i return from my work trip... Eddie
Name: Jeanne () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 17:12:14
E-Mail: HCarr74215
Maiden: Burk
Class: 69
City and State: Carlsbad, CA
Thanks everyone for the nice messages. Does Sherry Kriens have an email address? I will try to look her up in the desert. She was a looker, then and I suppose now. I better get a make-over or something before I try to contact her. What did she get her Phd. in? That might help me locate her. Damn, I am sorry I missed the 30th. sounds like lots of folks were there. Got to cut it short, at work, talk at you all later.
Name: Patti Smith () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 16:35:44
E-Mail: grnidL80@aol.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: So shall I make the 2nd Decade 63 to 72? No problem. I've had one response already. Anyone else?
What the first decade reunion committee did was get at least one representative from each class and that rep was responsible for getting their respective class together. There were about 730 people that showed, but I thing you should have a better turnout than we did.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 16:03:56
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: WeddingreceptionattheVFWhallWHEN??.com
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: This one's for PETEY SMITH.. My bro, Tom, can still take a V.W. completely apart and put it back together in and hour.. he now is a one man show and owns his own portable welding biz.. And just for the record~~I remember the first record players for cars.. (not tapes either) real records.. everytime we hit a bump they would skip like crazy..and they were installed "upside down" Played songs like CC Rider~Cinnamon Cinder~ & Mr. Peppermint Man (what did they all mean??) (and you guys thought all I could do was cook!!) & now I'm off like a prom dress.
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS
Mr. Peppermint Man??!! I think you just made that one up.
Name: Joe Webber () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 15:25:00
E-Mail: jwebber@acuffrose.com
Class: 70
City and State: Nashville TN
Message: I KNEW it was only a matter of time before you got around to "that" picture John....!
Name: DeeDee () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 12:37:33
E-Mail: Avon2DZ@aol.com
Maiden: Terry
Class: 1965
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: looking for Paula Smith, Sally Graham, and Linda Finley. Anyone know where they are?
Name: Patti Smith () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 11:34:08
E-Mail: grnidL80@aol.com
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: I've heard that the First Decade reunion went over great! Would anyone be interested in a 2nd Decade reunion ('64-'73)? If I get enough response, I'm thinking about planning one for next year. Please e-mail me at GrnidL80@aol.com if you're interested.
Hi Patty, Actually the first decade reunion included up to our class (62), so you should include the class of 63 in yours. Great Idea!!
Name: Joe Webber () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 11:13:34
E-Mail: jwebber@acuffrose.com
Class: 70
City and State: Nashville TN
Message: WAYNE DICKEY: Wayne, I've been meaning to say hello to you quite sometime since seeing your name in these pages sooo...HELLO! If you remember, I was in the Hawthorne Area Youth Band too. I played trumpet and was in it for a number of years. That experience WAS truly a great one and we DID do a lot of traveling and learned the value of team work. I remember being the youngest one on that big trip to the Calgary Stampede in Canada in the summer of '63 (did you go on that one?), we (kids), also stayed with some of the townspeople of Cranbrook British Columbia in their homes before we got to Calgary and on the way back, stopped at Yellow Stone Park. We would always play (and march) in the Hawthorne, Memorial Day, and Ingelwood Christmas parades, the Los Angeles County Fair, not to mention the numerous concerts around the area like the Hollywood Bowl('63)and the Shrine Auditorium ('64) with Meridith Wilson. I also remember your parents, your brother Tom, the Wickline Bros. (Wicky and Bob), Dennis (and later Donald) Noday, Jim Fox and many many others. Some went into the high school band as well such as you and myself. It was a great environment for kids. I read what you wrote about Fred Morgan in the "teacher pages" of cougartown and I have to say that your experience with him is the same as mine EXACTLY! He was more than just an instuctor or a teacher to me as well. He was (is), a great family friend and was even there for me when my father died. I WILL say however that at my very FIRST rehearsal with the Youth Band, he made me so nervous (he could DO that),that when he pointed to ME to tune...I dropped my trumpet...right on the floor!! (I was 10, what can I say??!) Anyway, I vowed I'd NEVER go back. So much for THAT vow!!! I went back the next week and was in the Youth Band from 1963 to 1970!! Great experiences and great memories...the BEST to you and Donna.
Name: Penny Prouty () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 11:00:12
E-Mail: penny_prouty@usw.salvationarmy.org
Maiden: prouty
Class: 62
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hi everybody,
Just popping in this morning to see if my computer will let me start writing to you again!
Hi Penny, Thanks for letting us know you're still out there.
Name: Manny Fernandez, Jr. () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 10:31:14
E-Mail: DrManny@aol.com
Class: 65
City and State: Montecito, CA
Message: Hi to anyone who remembers. Hope all is well. Hard to fathom the big 50. Still feel like I am 25. Best Wishes
Name: LYNDA KIMES () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 08:41:51
Maiden: OLDES
Class: 1966
City and State: COLO. SPGS. CO
Message: I JUST GOT A COMPUTER SO I can talk to everybody.
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 07:04:45
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
City and State: Kansas City, MO
Message: Jeanne Burk, Sherry Kriens was at the 30 yr. reunion and her address was in the book we got. She is more beautiful than when she was young. Could of been a movie star for all we knew. Now for Gaylen, he hasn't changed much. Still a nut. At the reunion we had a nice visit with him and his wife Cheryl Baumgardner. He was such a bully to me in school but I still had the biggest crush on him all 4 yrs. JB thanks for making everyone here at CT feel special and important. It sure wasn't that way in school. Kids were so cruel back then!!
I think the cruelty was part immaturity and part feeling a part of your own group. If you made fun of someone and your group approves, then you were closer to them. So much for my El Camino semester of psychology 101.
Name: Petey Smith () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 05:47:22
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem, don't inhale'em
Message: Did anyone ever have a record player in their car? My older cousin had one that played 45s and we thought it was pretty boss. It must have been around 1964.
Also remember when Knotts Berry Farm was a farm? I was so young but it was pretty rustic then. Lots of live animal rides.
Judy Judy Judy please tell your brothers howdy for me. Tom was always helping me with my 1954 VW,
and I mailed Drew when I first found CT but at first you don't succeed. Anyway have a great wine country get away. Oregon has some pretty good wine country as well. We need a Northwest get together.Peace Love Cougars
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 02:07:54
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Jeanne, yes that'd be me...toga,toga,toga. I believe i took a 'trip' or two with Sherry K..She has her Phd now and is still in the desert. Let's chat sometime and catch up.
Name: Dennis Campbell () on Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 01:41:29
E-Mail: ddcampbell@Compuserve.com
Class: 61
City and State: Today Bangkok Tomorrow ?
Message: I just wanted check in and say hi to all out there in CougarTown Land, Howard I'm in Bangkok and I picked up the Golf clubs we talked about, there not to bad I played a round over the weekend! Let's play a round when I get back Ok!
Hi Robin & Marsha, Eileen & I can't wait! Your big day is just around the corner OoO Hawaii here we come!
Hey, Janet & JB will you guys be attending the Big event? Let me know.
I hope to get home in time to make the Pinks run.
Later, from south East Asia
Hey Dennis, We'll be there. See you then.
Name: Gina () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 23:30:13
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hey Jeanne! You got teased for having red hair, too? So did I! We lived on Stacy Street, behind Aloha Drugs, and we would cross the railroad tracks to go to "The Big T". Well, sometimes the fences would be repaired and we would have to cut through the gas station (I think it was a Chevron on the north side of El Segundo, just east of the 405). The boys who worked there had me in tears! They were much older than I, very intimidating, and they should have known better than to pick on a little redheaded girl!. One day I came in through the backgate, crying my eyes out and my dad was in his work shop. He came out, all concerned, and wanted to know why I was crying. I told him about the big boys and the names they called me. He told me next time they did that to tell them they were just jealous. I did, and they were stunned. Their mouths dropped open and the golden silence that followed was heaven. It gave me great satisfaction to stump the big bullys. Thanks, Dad!! Now a days all these women get the dye job and get off scott-free!! I think we should make it a law. You must be born a redhead and SUFFER childhood as a redhead to be able to have it as an adult. What do you say? I wonder....if just maybe, those big boys are reading this right now and feeling a wee bit guilty.....
Name: Cindy Gindlesperger () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 22:38:06
E-Mail: otptoy@msn.com
Maiden: Same 4 now.
Class: 78
City and State: El Segundo, Ca
Message: Okay Dianna Libertini... See you Friday at the Patio, you don't have to twist my arm! :o)
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 21:30:33
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
Message: I remember trying to look like Cher with the flowered bell bottoms and granny dresses. My friend Jackie Weiser had curley long hair. She actually ironed her hair to look like Cher. I never had to do that as mine has always been very straight. They always said blondes had more fun, well that wasn't always the case. I bleached my hair blonde all the time in those days and Jackie had all the boyfriends. Her parents were so strict that she would come to my house to see or call them. We'd also meet the boys at the library. Boy that was the place to be. We'd go in the back of the library to make out. Did anyone else do that or were we just the odd ones?
I remember one time getting sent home from school for wearing a dress with spaghetti straps. Why were they so strict with the dress code and then a year or so later after we graduated, kids could wear anything they wanted? Not fair at all.
I just want to say to Donna and Wayne what a great couple you too make. At the reunion we were getting ready to leave and say good bye to Wayne but you 2 were dancing, just melted together on cloud 9. Did you guys know each other in school? Best of luck to you both!!
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 21:05:55
E-Mail: marilynross@altavista.com
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Message: TOM BURROUGHS saw you are from Prescott. I have in-laws there. I've visited several times, its a beautiful place. Would you happen to know Stan Klein? He is a builder there. Just wanted to say this site encouraged me to search more for my old high school buddy Jeanne Musgrave class of '57 and I found her on the Internet. We hadn't seen or heard from each other for about 40 years. We got together this Saturday and did some reminising. We don't live too far apart. She worked across the street from me for several years. Who Knew! So keep trying you never know what the Internet will dig up. Just to add a little trivia about Hawthorne, the first two classes '54 & '55 graduated on the lawn by the Sr. Square next to Nyman Hall. The gym that was built in '55 - which you referred to as the boys gym - was the Only gym we had, and my class of '56 was the first to graduate in the gym. The swimming pool was built the year after I graduated.
Hi Marilyn, I'm glad you've found your school buddy. It's happening every day here too. Thanks too for the history of graduation. I believe this is vital info as this stuff is not written down anywhere.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 19:25:35
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.com
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Jimmy, glad you found the site. It's too bad you're not close enough for our Pinks runs. I never knew about the place before Cougartown. Did you? Become a regular at the site. It's really fun. Can you still hold that pose!
Name: Ron Householder () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 19:24:08
E-Mail: r8896077@earthlink.net
Class: 59
City and State: Agoura Ca
Message: Peggy W. Sarvis My name is Ron Householder class of 59 if you need any help on the reunion please let me know my Email is r8896077@earthlink.net Thank you Ron H
Peggy, Your email address is not working. If any of you have changed your email address, please go to the alumni list and let us know, because we don't want to lose any of you. Thanks Cougs
Name: Jeanne () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 18:15:49
E-Mail: HCarr74215@aol.com
Maiden: Burk
Class: 69
City and State: Carlsbad, Calif
Message: Hey, John Crotty. You were my very,very first date in 6th grade. Girl Scout/Boy scout dance. Boy that girl scout stuff didn't last long for me. Anyway, good to see you on the feedback. I just love this website. I saw you at the 25th reunion, don't know if you remember me or not? You were a bit tipsy. Hector really loved the emails from everyone at the old neighorhood, he was surprised so many people remembered. Hi Liz E. I have a vague recall of a toga party somewhere, was that you?? Also does anyone know where Sherry Kriens is? Last I heard she was in Palm Springs. She and I took a few "trips" together. To PIEBOY, yes, Dennis Burk is my brother, lives in Placentia and has a place in Rancho Mirage. Has done well for himself. We are real close. In fact we are going to Cancun in September. Donna Cook, Hell--o. Hector still talks about Georgia, tell her hi for us. I am looking forward to attending some activities with HHS. Missed the 30th , had surgery. Love to all
Name: Denny Unfried () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 17:55:27
E-Mail: denunfried@hotmail.com
Class: 55
City and State: Del Aire and proud of it
Message: I remember the ice man. My father had a route in the Wilshire district. Some celebreties and a few theatres. That's how he paid $20 for me when I was brand new and I was worth every penny. He said his biggest deliveries were to the theatres because the ice went up on the roof into the fresh air vents in the summer. I still have his ice tongs and I've heard they're handy to take the chicken out of the oven.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 16:54:31
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: usuallymudd
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: For the "kids" asking about my brothers, Andrew and Tom.. Andrew & his wife live in San Mateo & will join me in Sanoma at Wine Tasting Weekend.. and his email address is: handyman176@juno.com Tom is living in Buena Park but is puterless...
UPDATE: Just heard from an old friend from St. Joseph's school, Nancy Sexton, (Joanne's sister) and are we in luck..she's gonna mail down 3 glow in the dark rosaries that she held onto from the "olden days" in Catholic school.. looks like we've found more great prizes for the next ROWDY contest.. Thanks Nancy-- OK Linda Chesson.. start practicing the p**ing through a st**w. (if you can fill in the blanks, you are now a ROWDY) Contest held March 31st at the Pink's run. John and Anne Rout..how good to be with you at the VFW Breakfast last Sunday. Looks like it's confession time for me again.. and...then...I'm off like a prom dress.
Judy DeGrazia~~THE ROWDYS
Name: DIANNA LIBERTINI () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 16:45:46
Maiden: same
Class: 78
City and State: ca
Message: Cindy Gindelsperger, How about the patio after
work on Friday? Let me know. Eddie Braun, HI!
If Don Dallons flakes on you I'll have lunch with you. Don, How is Tesa? Say hello for me.
Keith Jones, call me tonight if you can. I'll be in Vegas on 4-15-00. Hope to spend more time than last time with you.
Name: Jeanne () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 16:42:19
E-Mail: HCarr74215@aol,com
Maiden: Burk
Class: 69
City and State: Carlsbad, Calif
Message: My god, I spoke to Lynn Eggum on the phone and we had some pretty scary memories. Steve, It was so good to hear from you. We really used to have a good time. There are so many people I remember, parties and going to Hermosa. What a great website. Hi to everyone. I'm pissed, I remember Gaylen Lundquist teasing the hell out of me for my red hair... Now everyone wants red hair.. go figure. I was born too soon. Hi to everyone. Love getting the emails.
Name: Karen () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 15:22:37
E-Mail: kebbie7025@aol.com
Maiden: Considine
Class: 70
City and State: Manhattan Beach, CA
Message: Hey, where is the class of '70? Lets leave some feedback folks! C'mon Steve Sturges, and Cathy Jenks Burris and JoAnn Sexton Dickson and hey, Paul Crotty, John can't say it all! And for all of you complaining about the time spent in Cougartown, it's cheaper than spending that much time at the auctions $$$ on line! Liz, I have the cutest picture of you and Roger Ridings going to the prom! And to the dear man-in-blue, bless you! This is SO MUCH FUN! Also, my mom still lives on 133rd St. 2 houses from the Estradas house, 3 from the Curries, and the Spiveys etc, the Considine's are the only family left on 133rd from the old gang!
Hi Karen, Glad you approve, and thanks for being out there.
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 14:42:50
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
City and State: Chatsworth, CA
Message: Oh....John B., there were parties at the Reagan's?? I never knew about them, was never invited and after ALL Bob Reagan and I meant to each other when we were 10 years old....!
It was nice having six Class of 62'ers all together Saturday night! (Even though we're considered the "old" people!!) XXX
Linda, I said they were GREAT parties. We didn't want them to go COMPLETELY off the charts, and they would've if you and Judy Derr would've been there.
Yes it was lots of fun at John Nicocia's Birthday Bash Saturday night at his sister's in Anaheim Hills. Actually it was closer to Cheryl's Birthday. Happy Birthday to you both and thanks for inviting us. There were HHSers all over the place. Some guy from the first grad class was there (sorry, I didn't get your name), Leo Pino 59, a Colucci sister 55, John Nicocia 58, Cheryl Christensen Nicocia 62, Janet 62, Me 62, Linda Jones Reynolds 62, Loretta Morelli Cuiper 62, Tonya Hobson Braham 62, Larry Cuiper 60, plus a bunch of the Nicocia girls sans Maria and Ana. Had a great time folks and thanks again for the invite.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 12:51:23
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, WI
Message: I remember when I was in Girls Scouts, we would have dances where we would invite some of the area Boy Scouts. The dances were at the little scout house in Inglewood. I seem to remember that Al Tatro was an attendee.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 12:45:51
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
Haven`t sent any feedback lately` my walkers been out for repair` so I can`t get over to the computer! I get a kick out of some of the letters that talk about the old people from the 70`s & 60`s! I guess being from the 50`s is somewhere beyond old! Marilyn Wisham I do remember getting the ice chips off the ice truck! Norm Vorhis, did the 40ty Ford you were trying to remember from auto shop belong to Denny Reading? His folks owned Reading Tire & sponsored a middle league team. I remember Little Stevie Wonder at the 54 Ballroom at 54th & Broadway. It was upstaires on the southwest corner & as I remember he recorded Fingertips there. It was done live & thats where the audience noise & echo effect came from? John you are AWESOME!! See you soon. TB from AZ
You know, I still don't remember the Ice Man, BUT I do remember Loren Heath. Loren lived right across the street from me at 365 Cedar in those days, and his dad, Otto, was a Milk Man and worked for Adohr or Arden Farms. Sometimes Otto would stop by home while making his rounds and that's when we'd grab the ice off the milk truck. I can still remember that ice as being real grainy or slivery. It was the best eating ice going.
Name: Tricia mcDowell () on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 12:17:42
E-Mail: triciarokn4m@hotmail.com
Maiden: Sokol
Class: 70
City and State: 29 Palms Ca
Message: Donna- I too remember Angel blouses and hooded black sweaters (worn off the shoulder)Do you also remember Black and White patent leather oxfords, squaw boots, and black knee boots (to go with the hooded sweater). My mom made Roxie and I a new outfit every week. I loved my clothes back then. She doesn't do that anymore. It's off the rack for us. Tricia
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