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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Linda Dietrich () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 19:34:04
E-Mail: leonard-linda@juno.com
Maiden: Dawson
Class: 69
City and State: Kansas City, MO
Message: When I was a little kid which seems like 100 yrs. ago my folks took me to the fair and there was a clown there that scared the daylights out of me. I don't think it was Bozo the clown. Was there a clown named Chuck-o? He tried to shake my hand and had me come to the front of the crowd. I just remember crying and running to my parents. I did also see the Lennon Sisters sing there when I was older. It was the place to hang out during the summer during my high school years. I did get sick on a couple of the rides too. I would of never thought of these memories on my own. They were locked away in cobwebs until Cougartown came along. Thanks JB.
I'm Chucko, I'm Chucko, I'm Chucko the birthday clown,
I'm Chucko, I'm Chucko, I'm the happiest clown around
That's all I remember but yes Linda, there was a Chucko.
Name: Margaret Harding () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 19:29:35
E-Mail: Lagunamarg@aol
Maiden: Sweeney
Class: 1967
City and State: Elk Grove,Ca
Message: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Terry Mazzotta? I believe he was either class of 64 or 65....
This is a Great website. You've done a wonderful job....
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 18:20:46
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Maiden: Old Codger
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: Joe Webber: Thanks for the story...sounds just like me. They didn't call me Mr. Potato Head for nothing. As 8th graders you knew how to behave. I just gave you the opportunity to be altruistic or do otherwise - but not without consequences!!
I remember the circus animals going east on 120th Street from Aviation. The Los Angeles circus was held between Broadway and Hill and South of Washington Blvd. My Dad said the side shows were a gimmick and we couldn't see them.
Mrs.B: I'm glad to see you are OK and didn't get into a rainy day accident.
John: When are annual dues to be paid? I must start saving my money. Love to all, HCH
Hey Mr. P, Thanks to you and Kathy too for coming to Mom B's party too. The annual dues are due on June 1st. Thanks Harry
Name: Robin () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 17:38:09
E-Mail: Spursweremadeforhorses.com
Maiden: "Stormwatch 2000"
Class: MCMLX
City and State: RB,CA
Message: Hi John...I'll be checking out of Torrance Memorial in an hour or so...50 some stitches in my flanks but the Doc says I should be back running in a week or so...Great party Sunday, thanks...Hey I was watching CNN this morning during breakfast. It seems this guy who picked his bride on "Who wants to marry a millionaire" has a restraining order on him from one of "Barkers Beauties" from "The price is right" ,that he dated at one time. So this guys attorney tells him he can get it (the restraining order) removed if he can get the girl to rig the show for his (the attorneys) son...a UCLA student I think they said...so the kid wins big, the beauty rats him out and I guess its really a big mess....I feel fortunate to be part of the C-T family , where life is so less complex with good honest people...Later Cougs :o)
Yeah, I heard he was some RE lawyer from the beach. HEY, maybe Sloey knows the low life. Jim, are you out there?
Thanks to everyone who was at the VFW for coming to Mom B's party on Sunday. Sorry Mom B missed it.
Name: Dan Dye () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 16:29:38
E-Mail: DanADye@earthlink.net
Class: 1962
City and State: Torrance , Cal.
Message: Thanks Cheryl Courtney for the plug on my old record . Sorry about Kye , They say only the good go young. I have only heard good things about Kye .
This is my 3rd week on the Internet and 2nd week on Cougar Town . I didn't know what a big family Cougar Town was. This is great. I feel like I have a lot of new friends and old friends I didn't think I would see again.
John, what is the pinks run? Later ,
Dan. Class-62
Hey Dan, Glad you're with us again. Yes, this is a very big family. Over 2400 at last count and growing every day. Pinks is a hot dog stand on La Brea at Melrose. We just cruise on up, get a dog, and talk about the good old days. It's easy and fun. We had about 25 last time. You and Ann please try and make the next one on the 31st of March. Be a Coug boy.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 15:45:40
E-Mail: marilynross@altavista.com
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Message: I have really enjoyed the walks down memory lane, especially the ones by Tom Burroughs '58 and Denny Unfried '55. I thought I would add some of my own. My sister Lorraine Wisham was in the class of '55 she doesn't have the Internet but I have sent her some printouts of this site. She was pretty excited. The first yearbook '53 was called the Ephebian. '54 changed the name to El Molino. There were no ads and I believe it cost $3.00 and Ralphie Valadares was in it in the freshman class. I was also a BIG roller derby fan. Tom listed all the old theaters but left out the Academy and the Fifth Ave (maybe they were before his time). Then there was the Century drive in where guys would hide in the trunk so they wouldn't have to pay or you could go to the Roadium and pay one price for a car load. What a cheap place that was. We went one time and they showed 2 half hour reruns of the TV show Racket Squad. John, you mentioned the big rabbit on prairie and 115th. It was a butcher shop, my mother used to buy fresh rabbit for dinner until one Easter. They sold live bunnys and my sister and I got one. We never ate rabbit again. The great Rhythm and Blues radio hosts Hunter Hancock, Huggy boy and Johnny Otis. Make-Believe Ballroom with Al Jarvis and of course the early American Bandstand. And those wonderful classics like Sh-Boom, Rock around the clock and Blueberry Hill. Remember when guys would chip in .10 cents or a quarter to help buy gas. Does anyone remember Space Patrol? It was one of our favorite shows. Today it would be classed as a real corney comedy. Oh the good old days!
Space Patrol with Buzz Cory.
Name: Mark Bishop () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 13:28:41
E-Mail: Mcbish@jps.net
Class: 71
City and State: Placerville, Calif
Message: In Response to Lily Craig's feedback, Here is what I do for a living while living in northern California
Name: Royal Window Maker () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 11:11:44
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: IF ... I do it tonight, after sitting by the pot belly stove with a nice fire warming up the shop while we eat dinner, the window will be finished. I have to putty one side of it and then clean it. Jim says he likes it! Now, the question is ... do I mail it to you or wait for you to pick it up on your way to the WCW or do I take it to the WCW?
Things are great here in Coalinga and I love the memories of the parade and circus. I remember the "big top", we never missed it. I also remember the tubs that spun around and I would ride with my friends then try to hide when I threw up afterwards. They had those same tubs up at Kiddie Land on 116th and the Blvd.
Myrna, Please mail it. I need it soon and I can't wait to see it. For all you people wondering what the heck we're talking about, Myrna does stained glass work and she's doing something for my front door. There's a big hole there now with plastic taped over it. Thanks Myrna, and I'll stop on the way to WCW, if I come up I-5.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 10:50:02
E-Mail: Chris.Prewitt@emulex.com
Class: 67
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: John,
Hi, I am back in this country. While reading the feedback about the
Hawthorne parade I remembered I still had a participant ribbon from there.
They could be used for admission to the fair/carnival. I would walk up and
down the parade route looking for the ribbons and often find them. We used
to love the "hammer head" ride. I can remember walking home from Prairie
and El Segundo to west of Inglewood and El Segundo while feeling quite
green at the gills. It would have been the "ultimate chop" to ever get sick
after being on a ride.
Hey Chris, Glad you're back on this side of the border. Great memories from the Hawthorne Parade too. I remember that the Hawthorne Fair was the first place I ever saw a Frisbee. It was in the vendors tent and two guys were about 30 feet apart, throwing this amazing saucer back and forth. I think they were a dollar, but in 1957 I didn't have a dollar to spend on one item. A dollar would go along way outside on the "one chance for a dime, three for a quarter" games. Thanks Chris....
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 08:18:45
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: Joe Mailander,
It was nice seeing you at Pinks. I won't be there on March 31 since I have a SQL class that night. I'm sure there will be other times. A DSL line? I wish you the best. My ISP billed me before I got the service and then after several months I was told that they could not provide the service. It was a bear to get a refund.
Mary Magnuson: Glad to see your posts. Yes, I knew that there were lots of people from Trinity that moved down to Vista (a nice area). I don't go to Trinity anymore. I did attend a reunion there several years ago. It was surreal to see some of the people again.
http://dondt.homepage.com (California Travel link added)
Name: Lori Ahrens () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 03:44:47
E-Mail: purplepridegal@aol.com
Maiden: Holmes
Class: 81
City and State: Carson City, NV
Message: What happened? All you 81'ers let off some steam to whine about cheerleader's not coming to track meets, a few "who's got the skinny?" write ups and then y'all disappear? C'mon, man, this is great, don't be slacker's! Look at the fun and the memories being relived, the friendships rekindled, by the classes of the 60's and 70's happening here and JUMP IN! I see so many "oh so good to see c/o 81 folks" comments, but those same people don't return and offer up some good talk. Don't just check in and scan the headlines man, let's start some talkback! That's what will keep us comin' back. I for one miss waiting in Senior Square those first few weeks of school for OUR turn to slam dunk the unknowing freshman who dare to trod on sacred ground....or to relive those traumatic moments like when we came back to school one Fall and the beloved drab Army green our school was notorious for, had been painted over .....in 4 different shades of pastel yuck...
Tell'em Lori.....
Name: Stephanie () on Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 00:34:10
E-Mail: salhanati@aol.com
Maiden: Rogers
Class: '70
City and State: Lake Forest, Ca.
Message: Hi Cougs.
Kathleen Griffin: Yes, Melody is my sister. Also, Kitty Beal, '66(?), Steve Rogers, '72, Jo Dee,'74, and Robin.
We grew up on 119th st. between Isis and Judah. Del Air Park was our second home. HYC holds lots of memories for me, and we lived right down the street from the tracks where the circus unloaded. Good memories brought to mind from the recent feedbacks. Thanks to all. Hail to the King!
Always a coug. Stephanie
Name: Bob Brophy () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 22:22:36
E-Mail: amirish@worlnet.att.net
City and State: Phoenix, Az
Message: In the 50's the fair was held at the park located at the corner of Prairie and El Segundo. It had the big tents and all the animals. We would go help set it up and get free admission to it. I didn't go to HHS but knew a lot who did. I graduated from Serra High in '63 and St. Joseph in '59. Hawthorne was a great town to grow up in. I now live in Pheonix Az and when I moved here 15 yrs ago it was very similar to Hawthorne and the whole LA area back then but it is changing just like LA did. This web site is awesome. Keep up the great work. Will always remember the BLVD.
Hey Bob, That's exactly how I remember the Circus. Under the big top with all the animals inside. Thanks for sharing, and come on back any time.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 21:36:21
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Message: One of my favorite stories concerns the day my younger brother, Kelly ditched school and went down to watch the circus unload on Aviation. He rode a unicycle that someone converted to a ten-speed. One of the clown taunted him, saying, "I can ride that." "I bet you can't," Kelly's reply came back . They proceeded to trade bikes, Kelly, riding the "clown" bike down to the Forum with the parade. My mother worked nights at the hospital, slept the day away oblivious to the entire matter. The next day, Kelly came home from school and received a quizzing, "Kelly, what did you do yesterday?" I went to school, Mom. "Kelly, are you telling me the truth?" "Yes, Mom." At that point, she held up the newspaper and there on the front page is a picture of the clown on a unicycle and Kelly on the "clown" bicycle. So much for a credible excuse; his cover was blown by the smoking gun.
Great story Glenn. No way out of that one.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 19:28:22
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1958
City and State: Prescott AZ
To Carole Anderson. The circus I remember & possibly the one you are thinking of was Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey. It seems like it was somewhere around Olympic & Fig. Somewhere close to the Olympic Auditorium? I`m guessing maybe even in the late 40`s? Oh my God, I cant be that old!! Do any of you Ramona School alum. remember Tommy Graves & his brother doing authentic American Indian dances in full costume. I think it was maybe at the May day festival? Also can anyone remember what color the cardboard ticket was that got you ice cream in the cafeteria. Seems like a light green for lunch & a white one for milk. When you get my age all this stuff becomes real important, so I hope somebody out there knows!!
I remember Tommy Graves doing a skit with some other counselors at HYC. In the skit he was playing the part of "Tummy Tommy". That's all I remember (God knows why I remember that). I've been informed by Jim Sloey that Tommy Graves is retired from coaching and is living in Montana. The Circus that I remember was in Hawthorne Park. It was under the "Big Top" in those days.
Name: Susie Russelle () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 17:45:00
E-Mail: mustangsusie
Maiden: Klingenhagen
Class: 71
City and State: Albq.N.M.
Message: Shoutout to my sister, Sheree, and former classmates. It was a sad day for me hearing about Mr. Courtney , from my sisters message, to the article in the Daily Breeze.I had the pleasure of his company the summer of 1970, gov't class. What A man, What a teacher, What a coach!!! Cheryl you're in my thoughts...Susie...
Name: carole ferruccio () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 13:27:55
E-Mail: caroleferr@aol
Maiden: anderson
Class: 60
City and State: newhall ca
Message: hi john,
is it just my computer or am i a day ahead of the world? for the last week or so the date on courgar town is one day off. what? also i seem to
remember way way back to a train coming into town
and unloading a circus. i know there were elephants and such. They would parade down the blvd heading for somewhere else but i cant remember what or why. i think this happened a couple of years in a row. i'm talking early 1950's i think. I know back then the circus was held in a big tent somewhere in LA but dont know where. anyone else remember this?
Hi Carole, First the Cougartown clock reads YOUR clock on YOUR computer.
Now I think your remembering the Circus coming to town. I believe in the 50's it was the Clyde Beatty Circus. The train would unload on Aviation and parade to Hawthorne Park. Great memories there too. Thanks Carole
Name: Mom B () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 11:10:44
E-Mail: Gonore@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: The only surprise Birthday Party that I have ever had in my life and I missed it. Oh, woe is me!
I want to publicly thank all who were involved. It looks and sounds like you all had a great time. I feel proud and honored to have been the impetus for yet another great CT get together. Jim, I know if you had been there you would have added a cutout picture of me to the photo. I have saved a copy of the message on my answering machine as proof that the food and wine did not go to waste. Sounded like maybe you guys were practicing for the Wine Tasting Weekend? By the way, was that the HHS Heavenly Chocolate Cake there? Looks familiar. I will always regret missing my party. Hope my presents are on their way via Priority Mail. I will keep a watch out for them. It never rains but what it pours, literally the story of my weekend! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Mom B, Your present was Robin doing his "Nature Boy" dance with a couple of single ply Happy Birthday napkins taped to his beltline as a loincloth. Too bad we were all out of film by then as Marsha jumped on his back, yelled Hi-yo Silver, kicked him in the flanks, and galloped him down to Ralphs for another bottle of Red Mountain. The neighbors have given me a week to sell the place and get out.
Name: Ed Chesson () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 10:00:06
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
City and State: Norco, Ca.
Message: Attending Cougartown events is sometimes difficult because of my work schedule at HBFD, but I've tried to make them whenever I could. My wife has gone with me a couple of times and we've both enjoyed meeting new friends. It has, however, become apparent to me that the spouses that didn't attend HHS are only experiencing a small part of CT when they attend a CT event and then disappear when it's over. Although *some* Cougars have mentioned a spouse in passing on Feedback, that's just what it's been, "in passing." And I think the spouses can all relate to this. A few Cougs have actually introduced their spouses to the readership of CT. For my part, I think we should all follow their lead and see that our spouses aren't just perceived as the "other half." In this way, they'll feel more a part of what the rest of us are experiencing. Therefore, I'd like to introduce my wife to Cougartown. Her name is Linda (Warrick) Chesson, class of '66 from Lakewood High School, close enough to cruise the Traffic Circle. :) We've been married almost 25 years and have a nineteen-year-old son, Jonathan, who is attending Mt. San Antonio College, majoring in Fire Science. She also has a 28-year-old daughter, Jennifer, [a Computer Programmer for Kaiser Permanente] by a previous marriage, just a year older than my son, Matthew [a Law Enforcement Officer for Paso Robles] by my previous marriage.(whew, that was long). Linda's email address is CHWarwick@aol.com and I know she'd enjoy hearing from you. John, hopefully within a month or so, CT will need a new page just for Cougar spouses! :) Be a COUG!! . . . in this case . . . . . be a Coug Spouse! :)
Hey Ed, You're absolutely correct and I think the spouses ARE included (at least any spouse that wants to be). We recognize Cougar Mom's (and Dad's). Lots of parents show up at the VFW. The spouses that I can think of are Darryl of Los Al (What the heck is a Griffon) High School. Big Mike Branigan, our own Sharon Bierman Branigan's hubby. Doug Wingo, Sherry Peppers Wingo's hubby. Pat Lord from LB Wilson and the spouse of Royal Lord, is included. Teachers from outside HHS, Miss Kathy Brooks and Mr. Harry Plotkin. Janet Falkenstein's hubby Mark, who scanned lots of yearbook pages for us. I know I'm missing lots of spouses, but you get the picture. ALL SPOUSES ARE COUGARTOWN FAMILY!! Also Cougartown Kids too. They're all included in the family. I think the kids had as much fun at the Homecoming picnic as the adults.
Thanks Ed for introducing your family to Cougartown. It sounds like an outstanding group. Anyone please feel free to bring your parents, kids and spouses to any Cougartown event. If you're a Cougar, then your family is too.
Name: Lily Craig () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 01:09:47
E-Mail: crai@chevron.com
Maiden: kattan
Class: 71
City and State: El Segundo, CA
Message: Very sad to hear of Kye Courney's passing. I not only had the privilege of knowing him as a student in the 70's; but I also was able to work with him on a school Pride Day at HHS a few years ago. A great loss!!! What a tremendous tribute the Daily Breeze ran this past weekend in his honor.
John Baker: I have a question for you. What do you think about adding information to your alumni list? (I will be embarrassed if you already have and I have not spotted it) But I think it would be really cool to look an old friend up and find out what they do and how many kids they have and so on. And everyone could be responsible for adding any information on their own profile. Do you think anyone else is interested in that?
Steve Deuel! I'm glad that you checked in. Many questions have been asked about the Deuel family, and it was nice to hear that you are all doing well.
Hi Lily, The Bio idea is in the works for this year. Brief history, family, recent picture, etc. will all be included if that individual wants it included.
Name: JEANA NANEZ () on Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 00:46:00
E-Mail: babylu8@hotmail.com
CLASS OF 1995 OR 1996
Name: Rowdy Myrna () on Monday, February 21, 2000 at 23:38:24
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: I'm just wondering...... since Judy got her boobs done, she isn't Judy Budy anymore, just Judy Wudy, right? But, she's marrying Janny Wanny, so will that make her Judy Fanny??
Myrna, She'll be Mrs. Judy Wudy Chicken Fanny. How's the window coming? I'm drowning down here.
Name: Betty () on Monday, February 21, 2000 at 22:37:13
E-Mail: Bjmangini@cs.com
City and State: Hawthorne,Ca
Message: I remember Ivy's Coffee Shop on El Segundo Blvd & Hawthorne Blvd, across the street was Market Basket.....and Meeks Shoe Shop and the Rexall Grill & Drug Store was next to Meeks on Broadway & Hawthorne Blvd...also Woolworth's on Hawthorne Blvd....on Prairie Ave was the Parish House.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, February 21, 2000 at 22:18:48
E-Mail: happybirthdaysrus.com
Maiden: hoodson
Class: 66
City and State: redondo beach, ca
Message: Mom B Happy Birthday!!!! And that was great standing up your own surprise party!!!!! Takes the heat off me everytime I can't make an event and John says you should be there!!! You are the greatest Beverly MANY MANY Happy returns!!! And this Monday February 28, 2000, all you Cougars turn on the price is right. Big winner in the Cougar family!
Can I drive the Mustang???
Name: Mary Magnuson () on Monday, February 21, 2000 at 21:35:59
E-Mail: memagnus@us.ibm.com
Class: 1975
City and State: Austin, TX
Message: Hey Joe Mailander. Didn't we grow up together on 129th Street and have Miss Mayer in 4th grade at Peter Burnett?
I loved living around the corner from ThriftyMart and the High School. Class started at 8:30am, so I left my house at 8:25 am and Mr. Harvey would chase me into Algebra class just as the bell rang (what memories!)
Name: Loren J. Heath () on Monday, February 21, 2000 at 19:24:04
E-Mail: lheath@gtbicycles.com
Class: 64
City and State: Anaheim, CA
Thanks to all of you Coug's who came to the VFW Breakfast yesterday. I think we even made a profit to help disabled VET's. It is always great to see you all. Bob and Carole Cavanugh (both "64) were there, haven't seen them in a long while.
It is just hard for me because instead of me out there joining in all the chit chat, I'm in there slaving away at the pancakes. Well at least I get to see everyone. By the way Judy, would you and Marsha like some cooking classes? Remember to keep a man happy you've got to feed him.
Judy, too bad you had your "BOOB JOB," you could have used them for ballast for the "ROCK's." My eyes are still blinded. Jan what bank did you rob???
Thanks again all you Coug's, you are the best!!!!
Hey Loren, Thanks for all you do. I know you can't be out there, but you do a great job in the kitchen. Actually you'd make some Rowdy real happy. Be a Coug boy.
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