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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Raymond Smith () on Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 02:45:48
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 81
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: As I was spyng on who new on the e-mail list I notice a long long time friend. Lisa Flood Dickinson, Class of 84. I played baseball with her brother "Ken Flood" for 2 seasons and at 1 time we were all in High School together(Lisa was a freshman, her brother was a junior and myself a Senior). Lisa was partly responsible for getting me together with Debbie Pregler(who they happens to best friends). LISA, WHERE ARE YOU? I looked up for you email and I cannot or did not find it. Write me back. My Mother is asking how is your mom and dad are doing? I could call Debbie to get ahold of you but maybe this is more convient? I have 2 jobs and a 1st baby(who's now 3 months old)little girl who has stolen my heart! I would like to get back in touch with you and your brother. How is he? Is he still a good ol' beffer? So much to say I may just as well get your phone number. I could call you folks but I havn't called them in what, 12 years? Gosh your kids must be in High School by now? Are you still living in Lawndale? I'm sure you have moved around so it is very important that you get ahold of me or I'm gonna have to blackmail you on showing your picture of you and David kissing each other on Prom night in 1981. Ooh would your kids would love that. Anyway hope to hear from you soon. Love ya!
Name: Mary Wells () on Sunday, January 23, 2000 at 01:50:44
E-Mail: lwells@gte.net
Maiden: Fee
Class: 61
City and State: Brea,CA
Message: John Baker I would like to thank you for Cougartown which brings back many good memories. This feedback is in to let Mike know that Tommy's Burgers is not out of business I know of 3 that are in my area alone La Habra, Pico Rivera and Rowland Heights.
Name: Christine () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 22:39:44
E-Mail: carissa58@yahoo.com
Maiden: Chirstine Penny
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock Texas
Message: Okay, Elizabeth C., You really had me going there for about 5 minutes! I jumped up and said WOW! WOW! somebody remembers me and by name too! oboy, oboy, oboy! I ran and got the year book, and couldn't imagine what I could have done as a freshman to leave an impression on a senior, but oboy, ...to coin a 'Steve Martin' phrase...I'm somebody! But I was concerned that I had gone totally 'ROOT BLONDE' when, I, for the life of me could not place your face. I was tempted to lie (cause I do it so well) and say 'hey I remember you' and just wing it,....then I read the rest of your message, and realized that it was because we lived in the same state. My sanity was restored. ha ha ha LOL. I ran in the bedroom so fast to get that yearbook I almost woke my husband. ha ha ha LOL I have not received your email, but I will email you tomorrow, when I am done laughing!
Name: TRICIA SOKOL MCDOWELL () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 22:03:24
Maiden: SOKOL
Class: CA
Name: GINNY SHOREN () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 21:51:38
Maiden: LUTZ
Class: 66
City and State: HERMOSA BCH,CAL
Name: Janice Mastropaolo () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 21:20:03
E-Mail: emeraldbay@earthlink.net
Maiden: Dorman
Class: 1974
City and State: Dana Point, CA
Message: This is for LouLou St. George!!!
Tried to e-mail you but, apparently your e-mail address isn't working. I used 1stgeorge@yahoo.com
Send me a message and I will contact you!
Great to hear from you via Feedback.
Talk to you soon
Thanks John for playing "Postman"
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 21:16:57
E-Mail: wayne@salisbury.net
Class: 69
City and State: Salisbury, N.C.
Message: Well today it snowed 8 inches here in N.C. and I am missing So. Cal. a whole lot more. When you grow up with out the snow, you just can't deal with it. I just got back from Calif on the 11th of January. Where I spent 2 weeks with Donna Cook. We had a great time. Betty, she was out of thigh highs!!!!!! So I had to come back to N.C. My first of three trips planned to move me back. I hope everyone is having a great new year. John B, I sorry I missed the Froster's cruise night, but I will soon be out there to stay. So I will be at the next one. I visited with Coach Yost when I was out there. He has a T-shirt shop on Aviation, near the beach (Dallas's T-Shirts). I'm sure he would like to see some of the old wrestlers. John Crotty, good to see you back on line. How's that new house? Bill Sloey, Where have you been? I'm busy packing for the move. See you all when I get moved. Wayne
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 21:03:49
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: John, Doug got the computer up and running again. It's so nice to be back. Royal it was nice to see you at Cruise Night. You have a lovely wife. If, you guys go on a Pinks' run over a week-end I'll see you there. It really is a great place. Jan, I'm glad you enjoyed the hot dogs and diet coke! Jim Norman glad you found the site.
Hi Sherry, Glad you're back on line. That Doug's a keeper aint he.
Name: georgia Fiorante () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 20:37:52
E-Mail: GFiorante@aol.com
Maiden: Cook
Class: '68
City and State: Buena Park, CA
Message: To Wayne Dickey and Betty Kean- Hi Wayne and Betty: Donna, Debbie and I are here. Told you Wayne, we were going to do this. Betty....this is Donna - I am not on line yet because when the kid's left they took the computer (and everything else that was worth anything) I still have my Mustang though how thoughtful huh...Here it is Saturday night and were over at Georgia's house on this computer, every since Wayne left California my life is a little dull...Right Wayne????? But I ran out of nylons and cigarettes so I sent him on his way to North Carolina to restock that truck....aannywaay.....Georgia is going to be 50 soon so were looking at different retirement homes. You know "Miss Classy" use to that Country club living and all. So it's been quite the ordeal. (She's in the other room and doesn't know that I wrote this) I have to go now hope to hear from you both soon. Bye Wayne ....I Love You.. Debbie & Joe say "hi".
Name: Patti Barry () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 20:15:59
E-Mail: barry4pack@aol.com
Maiden: T4
Class: 79
City and State: Long Beach
Message: Hi Wendy Frye! Thinking about you makes me remember being in gymnastics! When I tell my kids about that they laugh - not quite so flexible these days!
Hi Tracy Turner! I don't see Hawthorne Youth Camp people much these days - but I did run into Gilligan when I was out in Temecula a few years ago. He and Smoky got married and have kids. I think about us as counselors and think thank goodness I didn't have kids entrusted to us!!!!
Good to hear from you.
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 19:49:19
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Maiden: Same as above
Class: 1961
City and State: Cerritos, California
Message: Howard Duran, Where have you been lately? Where did you get that picture of me on the phone that was in your Picture Section. Do you know when and where it was taken? Great addition to CT.
Mo, Great to see you at the Cruise Night 2. Wish we could have talked more, maybe next time. There was sure a lot of people there! See you next time. Thank God I'm a Coug. R. Lord
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 19:09:17
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Maiden: Same as above.
Class: 1961
City and State: Cerritos, California
Message: Frank Romano, Hi Bud! Where have you been. My e-mail as listed above has been working fine now. Hope to here from you soon.
Tricia Sokol, Are you related to Don Sokol of Middle League fame. He was a Coach with Mr. Adams who managed the Redman in the Hawthorne National Middle League located in the Holly Glen area. The first year the league started I was a 15 year old and I played on the Braves.
El Rojo, I was a Ram fan every since I first learned what a football was used for until Georgia took over and fired her Step-son, Steve Rosenbloom Then when she moved them to St. Louis I Cristened them the St. Louis "Scrams" I also was not a fan of the L.A. Raiders every since Al Davis Benched Marcus Allen for five years in the prime time of his career all because the Players Association used him as a test case for "Free Agency". So When they left L.A. I was elated and I Cristened them the Oakland "Traitors" So now we have the "Scrams" and the Traitors".
Talk to everyone again soon. Thank God I'm a Coug.
R. Lord
Name: Mom B () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 15:43:53
E-Mail: gonore@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Tommy's didn't go out of business. They relocated...to Thousand Oaks. They still have the same extra large and high hamburger and the meat still goes all the way to the edge and yes John, the tomato slice is still too thick! They serve the onions chopped instead of sliced nowadays. The reason I know this is because I just went down and had a hamburger. They have been here for several years. There was an article about them in our local paper when came to town. I mention this because you all might want to make a Tommy's run? We would welcome you to our fair city! I almost went for the Chili Fries but knew that would take a real man to eat all that food. By the way, they started as Tommy's and now call themselves Super Tommy's.
GREAT!! A Tommy's Run. We'll plan one for a weekend. Thanks Beverly, that sounds like a fun one. And Jerry Miles wants to clarify that he was talking about the Tommys in Hawthorne closing down. He knew that there were other Tommys burger stands around.
Name: Rowdy Myrna () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 13:38:07
Message: I've finally figured out why the rowdiest Rowdy's don't cook. Have to admit to almost being ashamed to call myself a Rowdy (although, a lesser one because I cook well) because it took me so long to figure it out. If you don't cook, then your kitchen and/or stove is/are always clean!!!!!
You could do Brain Surgery on Judy and Marsha's stove.
Name: Larry Reese () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 03:11:23
E-Mail: Drakjaeger@hotmail.com
Class: 63
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
How can everyone have forgotten the A&W Root Beer Stand on Hawthorne Blvd? Or is it a forbidden subject because of the reason it was torn down?
It was the first place I headed for when I came back from my AF tour in Germany in 1969, and it wasn't only not open it was like it had been erased! I even worked there for three weeks one summer taking people's places so they could go on vacations.
Hi Larry, I've got pictures of A&W to put on the site if I can find them. No one has forgotten about the "A". Check out Hangouts.
Name: Paula () on Saturday, January 22, 2000 at 01:24:17
E-Mail: ADeadbug@aol.com
Maiden: Lutz
Class: 76
City and State: Buena Park
Message: Kelly Currie and any other class of 60's folk who asked. Yes, I am related to Danny, Edward, and Ginny Lutz. We are of the Lutz clan who all successfully graduated from Hawthorne High despite ourselves! Rah! Give me a C..... Give me an O...... Give me a U....... etc.
Also, for Gloria Valencia Herlosky. Hard to keep up with you straight folks. I appreciated your post. I was a little worried about some responses I might get after I posted what I did. I did not think about it much at first. It does, however, dredge up some old feelings that were not too swift at times. I always found you to be a very dynamic spirit to be around. You have a great spark of enthusiasm and honesty. Great to hear from you. I am still an athlete at heart, and definitely stuck at seventeen in many ways. It's rather frightening at times. Paula
Name: Jerry Miles () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 22:45:52
E-Mail: jfmiles@pacbell.net
Class: 66
City and State: Fair Oaks, CA
Message:John B.,
We're up here getting our rain out of the way so it will be nice and dry for the wine trip. Speaking of the trip, I sure hope you have explained to all the Rowdy's that this is a wine trip, not a whine trip. You know how they sometimes get confused and three or four days of "I'm
toooo hot, are we there yet, I want some toooooo", would be a little too much.
In the mean time for your reading pleasure, I've found some information on Pink's I'll attach. I've never been in Pinks although I've driven by it. But John in your heart you know for an early morning desire for a real bad case of heartburn, you couldn't beat Tommy's. How the heck
did they go out of business anyway?
Take care. See you in April.
It's called Pink's, and although it looks like a dump, it's one of the most popular spots in town for grabbing a late-night snack. After almost 60 years in business, the walls of Pink's are lined with photos of the many Hollywood celebrities who have dropped by at 1 AM or so to grab one of their famous chili dogs.
Eddie Murphy has shown up in a limo. Orson Welles used to come by at least once a week; He once ate 18 hot dogs on a single visit. And believe it or not, Bruce Willis (romantic devil that he is) proposed to Demi Moore at Pink's. Kiefer Sutherland is a regular (he likes the hot dogs so much that when he was shooting in Europe, he had Pink's hot dogs flown over to him). Johnny Depp likes their dogs. Diana Ross is another regular - she waits in line like everyone else for a dog. Other faces on the wall include Seinfeld's "George", Jason Alexander, "Spin City"'s Michael J. Fox (who used to refer to Pink's as his 'office'), Tony Danza ("Who's The Boss"), singer/actress Bette Midler, "Wheel of Fortune" 's Vanna White, talk show host Jay Leno, former "Tonight Show" announcer Ed McMahon, and actor James Woods ("Contact"). Other fans include Jack Nicholson, Alec Baldwin, Jerry Lewis, Kim Basinger, Barry White, Ruth Buzzie and Richard Dreyfuss. When Rosie O'Donnell, was in town taping her talk show, she had 1,300 Pink's chili dogs delivered to her studio audience. Tom Hanks ordered Pink's dogs for his wrap party. Matt LeBlanc of "Friends" said his idea of success was to get his photo on the wall of Pink's. He got his wish. Certainly, no one would guess it by looking at this shabby little hot dog stand, which has become a landmark of sorts since it was established by Paul Pink back in 1939. It actually started out as a $50 push cart, with Mr. Pink selling wieners for 10 cents at the then-unpaved corner lot. Three years later they put up a structure, and in 1946 they erected the building which still stands as Pink's. Since Paramount and the other studios are so close, a lot of struggling actors used to come over for a cheap meal, and Mr. Pink would help them out. It's still a Mom & Pop kind of place, although the great chili dogs now cost $2.10, and they sell over 1,500 a day. Paul Pink turned the humble hot dog into a million dollar business, before he died in March of 1996. (Mr. Pink was buried at Hillside. One secret to Pink's success is their unusual hours: Pink's is open seven days a week, from 9:30 AM to 2 AM. On weekends, they stay open until 3 AM for night owls in search of a quick snack. But I should also mention they sell the best hot dog in town.
Thanks Jerry, Now the ones who are a little confused will know the story. Tommys was excellent, but ZI thought they could have lightened up on the tomato a little.
Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 22:19:11
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60
City and State: KUNA, ID
Message: To Terry Leeper, I really did like your story about the "car race". It brought back memories of my brother and his 49 chevy fastback, pea green and slow and 3 on the column. He always exclaimed that someday he would beat one of those damn "cement trucks" that kept blowing the doors off of his hottie! Well his buds said you have to increase your carburetion, so he did. Three one barrel carbs. Well that car really sounded like a jet. A 6cyl, with an attitude and sound to spare. But, he never really got to race any cement trucks, as one day, shortly after he had put the new Carbs on, he had driven to school and was called out of class with a note saying that his 49 hottie was on "fire". It melted everything or close. It was pretty much a total loss! Quite the spectacle in those days. Fire dept, Police, the whole shootin match. Ah...those were the days!
To KELLEY, PG. 198 AND THE REST OF THE COUGS, no I didn't beat the "MONSTER". Stress and strife of life got to me. I'm humbled. But vow to try again! I will beat this thing!
And last, but not least, Dan Johnson, pg. 191, UCLA'S championship is good enough for me in the 90's. I bid farewell to the Rams when the ...rhymes with itch... moved them to St. Louis! But damn, I can't help rootin for em! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!EL/IDA!
Hey EL, I feel EXACTLY the same way about the Rams. Great story about your brothers car too. Those leaky one barrels would drip down on the hot exhaust manifold and it would go off like a flashbulb. Thanks for checkin' in. Be a Coug boy.......
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 22:05:36
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton
Message: Hey Ginny Lutz! I think we were recreation coaches in Hawthorne together. I'm sure it was you, unless you have a twin. I was telling my students about the experience just yesterday. I loved that job.
If you'll make that run to Pink's on a weekend, maybe I'll even make it. I can't do anything during the week because of my awful hours. That story about Frankie really touched my heart. We should definitely do something about it yesterday. What I would give to have an "animation academy" booster like that! People like that are so rare. Cougars are the best.
Name: Steve Fraser () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 21:55:09
E-Mail: scFraser@webtv.net
Class: 1966
City and State: Laguna Niguel, CA
Message: Carolyn Petersen....Good to see you on the CT page....How's your brother Tom? Haven't seen him for a few years...since he was the golf pro at Lakewood!
John must be right, you girls must have had the strongest necks in the world to be able to hold up that 60's beehive.
Cuz Kelly...Hi babe, how you doing? Well I'm off...but not nearly as fast as a Rowdy's prom dress!
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 20:14:59
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Message: Tricia- So. . . Shall we threaten her? I know - we'll have John B put her senior picture up. I hung around with Roxie, Debbie Clark, Donna Cook, Denae Miller, Elise Chilton, Cathy Hoffman - the list was long. All those fun parties on Manor Drive! None of us could drive yet, but we always managed to hitch a ride with someone. Your sister was such a blast! I think we could start our own ROWDY group.
Name: Myrna () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 20:14:11
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga, CA
Message: Ginny - I've thought about you a lot since your sister came on-line - happy you're here too! Danny Oldes was on and I asked if he is brother to Lynda but got no response. Lynda's mom was one of my girl scout leaders, along with Carolyn Jones' and Marie Damon's. You didn't go to York, did you Ginny? I can't remember when I got to know you!
Name: Gloria () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 20:05:43
E-Mail: Gpork@aol.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas
Message:Dear Paula, it broke my heart to read your feedback. I remember you being an
excellent athlete and a really sweet person. How sad that you were so emotionally tormented over your identity. I am glad to see you have kicked the alcohol abuse and drugs -Congratulations! You deserve a good life you are a good person. Also, none of us "look" the way we used to. But personally, no matter how fat we get, how bald we get or whatever, as I have said before, when I see someone from HHS days, they ALWAYS will be 17 to me. Hello to all my fellow 76ers. And a special hello to Sherrie Driggers who was sooooo sweet to me as a freshman at El Camino College. I have always remembered her kindness to me during that tough year for me, and my religious crisis. She was a true friend, and I will always be grateful.
Name: ginny shoren () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 18:32:38
E-Mail: vshoren
Maiden: lutz
Class: 66
City and State: hermosa bch,ca.
Message: Just found about this town. What a trip. My sister paula is getting all kinds of responses. Betty Owen told me about it. I'm still in touch with Lynda Oldes and she wants to hear whats going on or if anyone is looking for her.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 18:27:48
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Hi John, We know you are planning a Pinks run for a week end night, do you know when this will be, because Larry and I would like to make the Pinks run with the Rowdys. It has been awhile since we went to Pinks. Let us know when this will happen.
Hi Loretta, It'll be in a couple of weeks. I'll post it up here.
Name: Carolyn Bainton () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 17:47:08
E-Mail: cjb67@webtv.net
Maiden: Petersen
Class: 67
City and State: Torrance CA
Thanks so much for explaining the "Pinks" story...sounds cool as long as I have a couple shots of Pepto first! You had to go put that great senior picture of me on the board (naughty, naughty) nice "doo", huh...what do you think ladies... was that about l/2 or l full can of Aqua Net?? I just spike it now days with tons of gel (hey maybe pomade would work better!). Seriously, thanks for the info John.
Hey Carolyn, Your neck muscles must've been killer balancing that stack on your head. Kinda' like a Conehead with hair.
Name: Risa Kubly () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 17:32:15
Maiden: Manriquez
Class: 77
City and State: Glendale Ca
Message: Hey Peggy,,How are you..Im on my way to my mom's right now,, S he is still in Hawthorne on 134st. Marla will be there and I will let her know you said HI... she's not on-line yet.. Keep in touch.. Take care.
Name: Tricia Sokol McDowell () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 15:45:16
E-Mail: triciarokn4m@hotmail.com
Maiden: Sokol
Class: 70
City and State: 29 Palms, Ca.
Name: Susan () on Friday, January 21, 2000 at 15:11:07
E-Mail: funds4kids@yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
City and State: Santa Rosa, CA
Message: The name of the little market on Freeman and 118th was Ben's Market. The Treckman's lived next door to the owners of that market.
I knew if I threw out any old name someone would give the correct answer. Thanks Sus'
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