I found out that Susan Ciampa Walling's husband Bill, is a big fan of LK. He's one of my favorites too. I don't know how one guitar can make all that music with no overdubbing, and just one operator. Leo Kottke
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Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 02:10:45
E-Mail: itsquartertothreenobodyinthejointexceptyouandme.com
Maiden: napasonomaandmendocino
Class: 66butididn'tgetmydiplomatil84
Message: Well a confession and a question and its late so it may not be too gramatically correct since Judy the Rowdy Girl (singular) keeps telling me I have been butchering the English language, sorry Joe, I have been a little reluctant to post any messages for fear of ridicule and obloquy, among the royal diadem that only GOD knows why I would be a part, but be that as it may, its the coffee talking here, I must confess that although I am listed as a class of 66 alum I am much younger than that, I never received my high school diploma until 1984. A big thank you to Mike Escalante for that too! The reason is another story and I need some sleep so it will wait or if you really need to know email me at jb1@cougartown.com. The question is unrelated and it is "If Robin was with all of you, who may I ask was I transporting around Napa Valley last weekend? HUH? And it didn't look like the picture next to Patti's aka v-5 latest post either but he went by the same name. And hey Patti does this mean I am younger than you? And when is the class of 84 reunion? I hope they all recognize me! I just can't picture a soul!
Robin be a Prince!
Jim, I received the above picture from a police sketch artist in Mendocino Co. this morning. Seems as though this guy was running around with a lawyer from the LA area last weekend and was robbing the local vintners of their finest Merlot. He was overheard saying that he was going to give the stuff to the good people of 6th and Los Angeles St. Are you SURE you were with OUR Robin last weekend?.
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 01:34:11
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:Here's what I did on Saturday last. Joyce and I went to the Orange County Labor Day Weekend Car Show. We had a great time and ran into these HHSers too. From left to right it's Jan Chauncey Norton HHS71, Richard Norton HHS60, Gary Nelson HHS60, John Baker HHS62, and Joyce Savisky Chance HHS62. I heard Dickie Dixon HHS63 was there too, but we couldn't find him. Thanks Gary for showing us around and for sending the pictures, and NO, Robinwasn't at THIS event.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 00:41:57
E-Mail: atoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Larry Biller - Just spent the weekend with my brother Dick and asked if he remembered you. He said he remembered a Larry that hung out with Kathy Rodgers and friends. Is that you?? I remember the Rodgers owning the apartments across the street from us. Also there was a Sally ??? a few doors down.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Thursday, September 9, 1999 at 00:19:47
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Robin, John, Mom B, Sharon, Mikey, what a blast!! Gloria and I have not stayed up so late gambling like that in a long time. Heck, we've never done the conga bit in the casino before. Robin, you look the same - it's amazing. John, the nine-hour trip back to LA was, well, nine hours :). Even Mom V. stopped pulling out family credentials after a couple of hours. Cynthia didn't stay out until 4 am like the rest of us, but there's the class of '66 for you. I loved jumping down for the photos Mom B. You're the greatest!!! And then on Tues morn, what to my wandering eyes did appear but DEWIE Storie at the airport at the break of dawn. Thanks for the company Dewie. I couldn't have wished for better conversation to start my day. :)
Robin, it IS uncanny how youthful you are. Maybe a couple of pounds but that is it.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 16:42:53
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
Message: FYI, I just stumbled across a web-site for Lennox High (Just what IS a Lancer, anyway) Some of us may have known a few folks from our sister school to the north. Go on over and show them what School spirit really is.
BTW John, the check's in the mail.
It seems that there are lots of schools in the So Bay area that are coming up with websites. Thanks Alan.......
Name: Rebecca Kabwasa () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 15:40:17
E-Mail: rebecca.j.kabwasa@aero.org
Maiden: Donohoe
Class: 61
Message: Can the bathing beauty be Carolyn Dunlap Calkins?
YES YES YES!!!! We have a winner here folks. Carol and Hubbie Jim live in Big Pine CA now, actually the whole picture was of her, after she "beat the tar" out of her younger bro, Bob Dunlap HHS63. Bob, I think Carol could still take you.
Thanks Becky........
Name: Dewey () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 15:35:34
Class: 74
Message: Ry Kooder, boy there is name you don't hear to often, loved the sound track from Crossroads (AKA the Karate Kid meets the devil)
Hey Dewey, Yes, that's THE movie for great guitarists, as far as I'm concerned.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 14:34:34
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: ST. JOE'S INFO..
Class: 64
Message: Ok all you St. Joseph's Alumni..are you looking for the Beebe Clan? Thanks to Bill Trenkle (oh no..Mr.Bill ) I just had a great conversation last night with my best friend from Catholic school, Margie Beebe. So here's her e-mail address for those who want to contact her or any of her sisters and brothers. (9 of them to be exact) MBPM@cts.com Margie said she'd be happy to pass any info needed to make the connections.
Good work Rev. John B....on the collections for "Save the Seat" fund. Did your new Lear Jet arrive yet?
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS
Don't go there Judy.......
Name: Howard Duran () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 12:58:07
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: Is it Judy Kiester?
No, but another nice try. Thanks Howard......
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 10:57:10
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: John Darlin, regarding the picture of the little girl from the class of 61, could this be page 85 of the 59 Molino and could you be throwing us off by saying she had a son, when it is a daughter instead? On page 59, I see Diana Thompson Calabro, and I know she has been married for many years to Joe, would you be playing one on us or am I not looking at the right page and it is someone else? I know there are alot of Cougars, who still live in our town and it is always great that some of their children also are Cougars too and when you hear that there are others who are still married to their High School Honey's even makes it "Sweetier"!
Loretta Darlin', It's not Diana, but nice try. This one had 2 sons and no daughters.
Name: Melinda () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 10:49:34
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@TRW.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
Message: The fond memories for me at HHS in my 4 years there were with my boyfriend Gilbert Manriquez. Never married like we intended after high school, but we have remained best friends since. Now our kids, his son Evan 13 and my daughter Kasey 14 are good friends. HHS holds one of the best memories for me. Also with all the friends I had there, Marion Jaikowsi, Nancy Riley, Raymond Smith and all those party animals we hung with! Miss you all.. Melinda (Linda)
Name: Melinda () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 08:48:23
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@TRW.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
Message: Aloha Drugs.
Name: Melinda () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 08:23:19
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@TRW.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
Message: The Class of '82 reunion is near, so fill in your information in the Cougar guest book so you can to be located for our 20 year!
That's how to have a successful reunion. Start planning it early. It's sometimes difficult to keep track of your class members, from one reunion to the next. Please go to the Student Info Page and fill out the form. You don't have to become a member, but please let your class know where you live. It's VERY important that they have your address AND that you update it when you move. Thanks Melinda.....
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 08:01:55
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Well, I have been meaning to get in on the "group" seat restoration thing, and the challenge from Ed Chesson finally got me going. A check for $10.00 is in the mail for the Class of '63. My husband thought restoring the auditorium was a great idea, so he sent a check to the Parents Committee and restored a seat in my name. He was in some high school theatre productions and we have often gone to local high school theatre productions, so he appreciates the big job that the Parent's Committee has undertaken. He hopes to get a chance to see Nyman Hall after the restoration.
Sharon, If everyone in Cougartown would donate 10 dollars, then Nyman Hall would be restored. Thank you for your donation. I will add your name.
Name: Larry Biller () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 05:58:34
E-Mail: 1967
Class: 1967
Message: Thanks for the LEO KOTTKE tune. He's close to be-
ing my all time favorite right next to Mark Knopfler, Larry Carlton, Tony Rice and Phil Keaggy.
Hey Larry, YES!! Mark Knofler, but you left out my all time favorite, Ry Kooder.
Name: Carl Rilling () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 02:19:04
E-Mail: cycleist@earthlink.net
Class: 59'
Message: Hey John, How about a hint on the 60's Cougars picture. Would she be on Page 88 of the 59' El Molino. Burnin brain cells, that I can't spare....
Hey Carl, Nope, but she WOULD be 3 pages short of page 88 of the 59 El Molino. Her oldest son has already answered the question, but he's not eligible. He also graduated from HHS.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 00:18:32
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Dear Ctown Royal Subjects: I think we need to do a Royal Intervention on King John and Prince Robin. These two are becoming dangerously rowdy!
Our kingdom could be in jeopardy!
Myrna, Robin and I have another job for you. Betty, Robin and I can't help it. When someone says let's have a Margarita.....WE ARE THERE!!!
Name: John Ryszka () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 22:40:48
E-Mail: ryszka@gateway.net
Class: 1974
Message: I really enjoyed the website. It was good to see some familiar faces from way back then.
Hi John, Don't leave as this stuff goes on continually in Cougartown. Thanks.......
Name: sharon branigan ( () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 22:36:00
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: LOSER!!!
Class: 76
Message: The Smeltzers treehouse... now THAT brings back some great memories! Susie and I were best of friends for several years at York Elem. and then my 1 year at HIS. (Mom close your eyes.) (Used to play spin the bottle in that treehouse with Suzie, Aaron Bonnett, Glenn Vickers, and Steve ... Gillette?? Becky Smeltzer was class of 70 or 71 as I recall. Mr. Smeltzer was very talented; I can see that fish pond and waterfall when I close my eyes. My dad was an artist of sorts as well - his medium was iron - so I appreciated the talent and hard work that went into his creations. Didn't appreciate it as much as Joe; I never worked for Mr. Smeltzer. But I can easily believe that he would call 12 hours a half-days work. One night Susie had a slumber party and 6 of us girls were playing in that wonderful yard of theirs- Susie saw a guy in the bushes by the side of the house and thought it was Tommy (her bro) and marched over yelling "Whatta you want, boy??" When she got about ten feet from the guy she realized he was a total stranger and BUCK NAKED!! I laugh now remembering all of us running screaming into the house! Yeah, that was a great tree house. The last time I saw Susie was at our 20th reunion; she looks WONDERFUL! Haven't seen Mr. S since my senior year. Quite a man.
PS; Robin, glad you could make it; it just ain't a conga line without you, babe!
Frank, we paid the electric bill for another week or two... glad to be of service...We left town at 8 am and were home by 1:30. (Next time, leave your chauffeur at home...)
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 22:09:59
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: JB...I'm in for another $10 for the class 1963...check's going out in the morning! Janny Wanny
Hey Jan, YOU are Covered, and thanks.......
Name: Ed Chesson () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 19:15:01
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: All right all you fellow 1963ers, we can't let the Rowdy Girls be the only representative from our great class to restore a Nyman Hall seat! So, let's get at it and do another. John, as the saying goes, "the check's in the mail" :)
Thanks Ed, I'll put yours up. Also, all you class of 64, 66, and 68 people out there. You have seats to fill also. Please don't be shy.
Send your check, made out to HHS Parents Committee to:
John Baker
PO Box 1406
Lomita, CA 90717
Thanks for supporting Nyman Hall and HHS.......
Name: Ed Chesson () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 19:15:01
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: All right all you fellow 1963ers, we can't let the Rowdy Girls be the only representative from our great class to restore a Nyman Hall seat! So, let's get at it and do another. John, as the saying goes, "the check's in the mail" :)
Thanks Ed, I'll put yours up.
Name: Myrna McGuffin SUMMERS () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 17:36:34
E-Mail: ediebug@jps.net
Maiden: McGuffin
Class: 1955
Message: Sad to have missed First Decade Reunion. Please inform me of the next one!! Also looking for Joy Jolly, Frances Irwin and Bootsie Stieferman and others from class of 55.
Myrna McMuffin
Hi Myrna, Sorry you missed the Big Reunion. You'll never miss another one as they'll all be posted on the Reunions Page. Thanks for checking in too.
Name: Robin () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 15:59:00
E-Mail: "MyMotherTheCar".com
Maiden: CongaBoy
Class: LX
Message: Well Cougs, I hope everyone had a great labor day weekend...I just got home myself from one wild non stop Vegas bash...King John calls me Sat with this zany idea to crash the B&V familys gig. I think he just wanted to drive 5 hrs with Patty but thats for another time...So I bit and ended up there around noon Sunday. Just in time to eat too, as Gloria and Mom V had a spread fit for for Kings and Princes (Sloey?,,you werent invited.....AGAIN?) Anyway great to see Mom V again ,to meet Gloria and husband Mike and their children Alexa, Kristen and Lia and Cynthia and her Zak and Analisa. I could have stayed there and have been content but oh no!...here comes Mom B., Sharon, and her son Mikey, and Beverly lets us all know right then that she could have gone to Arbys if she wanted to eat...so off it was...Beverly, Sharon, Gloria, Mike, Patty, The King and I, off to some casino out by lake Mead called the Reserve...Now I dont mind dropping a few shekels into Romanos town but those dollar slots add up...and to hear "Loser!" every time I came up empty smarted a little...Oh yes the Conga line with Mom B at the front was a hoot but by 3:00AM Monday ,the theme song from "My Mother The Car" was getting old...Then there were the casino cuties with less material on than the collar of Joyces old angora sweater...Free drinks and a smile are nice (and ok, they looked good in the Conga line) but they couldnt hold a candle to the company I was keeping (not you John or Mike)...Dan Rather never had a 48 hrs like this one...I bailed about 3:45 and the last image I remember was Patty and Gloria dancing like we had just arrived...I knew I should have flown in...Mike B. sorry about the flu, but I would be ill too trying to contain those animals on a full time basis...Great time guys!...Im hoping the Durango made it home so this gets posted this week...:o)Later Cougs...
Robin, You had it all, but the part about Gloria pulling the handle on that "One Armed Bandit" with her foot. She's tall, be not quite THAT tall. Yeah, thanks once again, for flying down on "C-Dusters Are Us" from the "Roadapple State". I had no idea they flew into McCarron. That's 2 out of the last 4 weeks. Man, those frequent duster miles are adding up. Yes, Patty and I left LV at 10am and pulled up in front of her place about 7:30. Truely THE Ride From Hell. If she'd have called Gloria ONE MORE TIME from her car phone, I think the Durango battery would have melted. Thanks Gloria and Mike for the fun day and thanks to Patty, Mom B, Mom V, Cynthia, Cristen, Alexa, Lia, Zak, Analisa, Daisy and Pongo for the One day SUPER fling. Thanks too, Gloria for kicking the kids out of the red room so Robin and I could have a place to sleep. That's the last time I sleep with him though and NO Robin I don't like "Spoons" with you. What WAS that beeping noise that kept me awake all night.
I had a great time and I WILL do it again !!!!! Thanks all
Name: joseph mailander () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 14:15:01
E-Mail: joseph.mailander@uboc.com
Class: 75
Message: John, you asked if anyone remembered the treehouse north of 120th on Menlo or Oxford. I believe the treehouse in question--which was featured on an old Hawthorne phone directory--was at the Smeltzer's residence. The Smeltzers had at least two children at HHS, Tom of my class and Becky later in the 70's. The residence was on Menlo, actually south of 120th, and was built by Tom's father, who was a very artistic mason (not much of his stuff is in Hawthorne, but among his stonework is the stone to the large apartment complex across the street from HHS on the east side of Inglewood Avenue). I worked for Tom's father between my freshman and sophomore years in high school, and we worked largely on masonry projects in Palos Verdes. I remember well that in Tom's dads parlance, a "half day" meant twelve hours of hard labor, but the money I earned that summer came in quite handy.
I was a good friend of Tom's, and sat with him at the ten year reunion (1985), but haven't seen him much since. The treehouse in question at the Smeltzer's had an electrical outlet and lighting, and often we had a portable TV up there. I remember some nights Tom and I would go up there and watch the Dick Cavett show.
The Smeltzer's also had a koi pond in their front yard. One night we dropped a lit M-80 with an underwater fuse (a dream incendiary device for an adolescent) into the shallow end of it and gave the fish quite a wake up. Of course, we blamed kids from Leuzinger for this wanton act of domestic malfeasance. Regards, joseph.
joseph, Now that M80 trick sounds like ME. The Rusty Bells also had a fish pond and I was trying to get Gordon to allow me the same courtesy with my favorite childhood ordnance, "The Cherry Bomb", but no dice. I think he knew his parents wouldn't buy the "Leuzinger kids did it" story.
Thanks too for the treehouse story. I remember THAT particular "Platform in the Sky", but never knew who lived there.
Name: Joyce Chance () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 12:43:12
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: OOPS! sorry John, wrong Chevy. It was the '66 that had bucket seats. Don't sick Myrna, the Royal Flogger on me :o)
Sickem Myrn.......
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 10:33:08
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Yo! Robin... Very often, "Discretion is the better part of valor" So don't let "King" JB have you walk any plank... Angora or any other finish... Ken Murphy wasn't related to Bill Murphy Buick that I know of. But, his Dad "George" was a very aggressive business man. Not the movie actor or Senator. George purchased Aloha Motors a multi name plate GM point at Honolulu, Hawaii just before WWII broke out. Therefore every GM vehicle that went to the Pacific theater went through that dealership. The Murphy's had a beautiful ranch on Maui and raised a "White" Breed of cattle. Very expensive. Ken nailed one after taking the same archery class that our own Robin aspired too...As it turned out, the hide made for a great rug, and conversation piece. Later today, I'll be going to Tucson for four days to get my two year, 24,000 mile thumper check. If you recall, that's where I was when you located me. Thank you JB and everyone at cougartown for the two years of wonderful memories. Most of all, thank you too my heart donor and his family for giving me the extra time... Peace & Happiness.
Hey Frank, good luck on the lube, oil and filter in Tucson. Also thank YOU for giving US the last two years of your wit and levity. We love you man.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 10:16:15
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: See, I knew someone in Cougartown would be able to answer my question and then add more to the story. Thanks.
John, you are not the only "Couch Potato" in Cougartown, but with you being a Royal, we can surely add that to the list of titles after your name - King John of Cougartown, "Keeper of Memories", "Prince of a fellow", "Couch Potato Extraordinaire", etc., etc., (here is where "friends" can fill in their own thoughts).
Thanks you Sharon, and be kind please friends.........
Name: Joyce Chance () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 01:10:15
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: Hey Baker, You're just jealous that the memory I chose to share about BBS (before bucket seats) didn't take place in a white '58 Chevy. Besides, it had bucket seats, so there!!
And to you Robin, thanks for being a gentleman. I.O.U. 3!!
Hey Joyce, I don't know whose 58 Chevy YOU were riding around in, but ours DIDN'T have bucket seats.
Robin, A GENTLEMAN????!!!! He just didn't want his butt tanned by some Navy Seal !!!!
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, September 7, 1999 at 11:17:39
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:OK, here's another early 60's Cougar for you all to ponder. She graduated in 1961 and has been married to the same Cougar for 36 years. She grew up on the west side of Inglewood Av and south of El Segundo. Anyone??
Name: Bonnie Cozby () on Monday, September 6, 1999 at 21:40:35
E-Mail: captcoz@aone.com
Maiden: Simmons
Class: 71
Message: Just checking to see if any Cougars are planning to attend the "Rod Run to the End of the World" this weekend next - September 11 & 12. It's held in Ocean Park, Washington on the Long Beach Peninsula and we just happen to live within walking distance. Over 1300 cars are registered and many more show up. There is always a Woody or two with surfboards out the back and many more fantastic cars just cruising around. If you're up this way, give us a call - we're the only two Cougars up here spelling Cozby with a "Z". I still remember my old phone number...Osborne 5-7678.
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Monday, September 6, 1999 at 17:15:44
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: RE: Stumped; Bob Rierdan and Little Dickie Pocrant
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Monday, September 6, 1999 at 12:51:42
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: Hi everyone-It's been a while since I've had a chance to check in. I'm still working on catching up!! Just wanted to let you know I'm spending this weekend in the Sacramento area and we're about to leave for a visit with the HHS Class of '76 Valerdic... uh.. you know, the smartest girl in class:) Linda (Stepp) Kobayashi. I'm going to try and get her to check in with us once in a while!! All you mid-seventies people please check in to say hi so she feels welcome :) (and maybe I can get her to come to homecoming)
See ya'all next month...back to catching up....
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