Out of all the musicians that HHS has had through the years. From Chris Montez to the Beach Boys to David Marks to Ted Gioia, there's one GREAT musician that stands out. Yes, It's Bob Rierdan HHS61. Not because of what he's done on the Top 40 Charts down through the years. Nope, he's the very FIRST HHS musician to write a song about Cougartown. Yes, all the others had their chance, but NOOOOO, it was Bob Rierdan who came through. Bob, I thank you for your beautiful rendition, and lets all Give It Up for Bob Rierdan, and "Cougartown Blues". Cougartown Blues Great birthday present Bob. Thanks a bunch. The early 60's guys have still got it.
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Name: Ed Chesson () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 09:41:54
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
Message: I just made contact with another classmate; Bob Dunlap ('63). I found Carolyn Dunlap Calkins ('61) in the alumni list and emailed her hoping she was Bob's sister and it turned out she was. Bob telephoned me last night and we had a great conversation. I saw Bob at the 20th reunion and haven't seen him since. Bob sounds just like his old self, although he claims he doesn't remember even going to the 20th! :) Glad you made it to Cougartown, Bob, now get your wife to teach you how to use that computer!! :)
Thank you Carolyn for helping us connect; and of course, thanks again John B.
Hey Ed, See, a small Cougar world out there.
About a million years ago when I was married, we'd go Jeepin' on the weekends. Carol Dunlap HHS61 was, and still is, one of Joyce's best friends. Well Carol and hubbie Jim Calkins HHS61, Bob Dunlap HHS63, and Terry Leeper HHS63, were all in on those fun weekends in Anza Borrego, Hemet Lake, or maybe Frazier Park. We had some great times too Ed. I'm glad you and Bob have found each other. He was, and I'm sure still is, a Zany Coug'. Welcome back Bob (CB handle: Red Rooster) Thanks Ed......
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 09:31:44
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Happy Birthday to Al Jardine, September 3, 1942 (57). See King John you're still young!
Yes, Happy Birthday Al. I'll always be an underclassman to you.
Name: Terry Trefz () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 08:09:46
E-Mail: treefuzz@hotmail.com
Class: 61
Message: Some of these items may have already been mentioned but as I hung around Hawthorne waiting to be of High School age I remember............. -Being terrified by CRISSWELL PREDICTS
-Listening to the organ playing of CORLA PANDA
-Hanging out ON THE WATERFRONT with Preston Foster in his tugboat Cheryl Ann
-Flying around in the Song Bird with SKY KING
-Tooling around town with BOSTON BLACKIE in his Kaiser Darrin sports car
-And last but least, exploring the new frontier with Buzz and Hap while on SPACE PATROL.
Great memories Terry, I remember my Grandma thought Criswell was sent by God!!
OK Cougs, how about Joe Pine and Tom Duggan?
Name: Maureen () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 08:03:43
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
Message: Janice Fulton,
There are still some of us 1964 cougars in Hawthorne. I'm on 138th St. Where are you?
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 08:02:18
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: My sister's husband, Gary, wonders what was so special about Hawthorne. His problem was very simular to what Leeroy would have had if he, Leeroy, had not come to Hawthorne. Living in a town where all of your classmates are your sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, or cousins there is too close relationships. You know, where Gary grew up, the only reason it was on the map was because there was a post office. There weren't any roads. I think that the mail was delivered by a crop duster! I don't think they could write so there was no reason for the plane to stop. Oh yea, there was a railroad that crossed through town but townsfolk thought it made too much noise (a train came through once a month or so) so they tore out the tracks. Finally Patt and Gary moved to the "Big" city. Yea, they're in 3-cities (try to find that on the map) the only reason there are phone lines are the were left over from the telegraph lines that went to the railroad (that the town's folk tore down). You know, Gary could have some great stories to tell if he only knew that what he did was any different then the rest of the world!
GREAT STUFF Chris!!! Man, Dean Martin could've used you on some of his "Roasts".
Name: MoMo () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 07:49:40
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Class: 1964
Message: I would just like to take the opportunity to wish my twin sister and her husband, Colleen & Terry O'Ryan (both 1964 grads) a very happy 33rd Anniversary! Love you both!!!
Name: Carol Shih () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 03:50:33
E-Mail: Carol.Shih@juno.com
Maiden: McClintick
Class: 75
Message: Well, I've looked more at my yearbooks in the past week than I did in High School. Glad to see my brother added himself to the e-mail address. Still waiting for John Liang and Greg Korelich to sign on. Guess I'll have to keep bugging them. This site has been real fun for me since my daughter just started high school this week.
Polly Beach I have a copy of Donna Billingsley's wedding announcement and the envelope. It's many years old. I don't know if you could search the web for her. Anyone in the class of 74 know what happened to Patrick Michael Fair? Bill Barmore? Danny Bebee? My brother and I lived across the street from the Bebee's. We played an many a game of red rover, red rover send somebody over, and Mother May I? And lots of cowboys and indians.
And there were a lot of summers where the bedsheets were turned into tents on the clotheslines. carol
Name: Patt Prewitt-Deckard () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 01:54:53
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: I am really looking forward to seeing everyone at the game and aftergame VICTORY PARTY!! After the week we have had I need to have FUN.
It is 1 day after my birthday so my brother is supposed to bring me cake!!
Christopher are you reading this??
My husband is really curious as to what is so special about HHS!! He grew up in a Snobby farming community in Washington!!
Hi Patt, Looking forward to meeting you face to face. I feel like I already know you. We'll see you in October, and an early Happy Birthday to you.
Name: chris rankin () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 01:25:51
E-Mail: TheShape3@webtv.net
Message: Hi, it was nice to see where some of my role models went to school(The Beach Boys)! I want to visit sometime!!
Name: Bobbie Joyce Spencer () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 00:50:34
Maiden: Spencer
Message: Hi, This is a question for Kathleen Griffin (Nix).
Were you in Mrs. Harjes's 6th grade class the year she moved away? Your name sounds very familiar. I went to school with a Kathy Nix. For most of my day's in Hawthorne. Did you have Mrs. Car for Math in 8th grade?
Thanks, just wanted to know.
Bobbie Spencer
Name: mike angle () on Friday, September 3, 1999 at 00:13:29
E-Mail: mangle4@aol.com
Maiden: tvjunkiewhenachild
Class: 1967
Message: Misters Gosden and Correll(sic.)did make it to the
small screen in the "radio" format that they had
become accustom. Their voices and "Amos 'n' Andy"
charactors starred in the very early '60s prime-
time halfhour cartoon show CALVIN AND THE COLONEL
which aired on saturday nights at 8:00 p.m. from
1960 or 61 through at least 2 seasons on KABC,
channel seven. My saturday night lineup included
Calvin and the Colonel followed by Man and the
Challenge and finally Men into Space which ended
at 9:30, my bed time... Good night....zzzzz
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 23:31:01
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message:Now here's a couple of pre-Cougs that maybe some of you early Cougars will recognize. I know the big one, and will give the hint that he graduated in the early 60's, but the little one has got me stumped. Anyone??
Name: pauline matthew () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 23:10:41
E-Mail: sockser@hotmail.com
Maiden: spencer
Class: 1969
Message: john: any word on the t-shirts for homecoming? will they be pre-orders taken? thanks
pauline matthew
Hi Pauline, Yes, we're shooting for pre-orders as some will want them for that weekend. They will also be sold after the game and at the picnic on Saturday. I haven't heard from Alan on the status of the artwork yet, but he'll let me know when he's got something to print. I may see him Saturday at the Car Show at the OC fairgrounds. I'll keep you posted.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 22:54:41
E-Mail: desilulu4 u @aol.com
Class: 81
Message: I think the name of the Romper room lady was Miss Maryanne. Did anyone go to pre kindergarten at Prairie Park and have a teacher Mrs. Munsey? Hey Susan (SKwarpath) are you a Warrior from WestHigh? I had to go there my junior and senior year because my parents moved. But as soon as school was out (1:30) I zoomed back too Hawthorne High to hang out with my friends. I may not have graduated from HHS but I sure did leave my heart there. I couldn't wait to get out of West High. I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and be safe!
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 22:07:43
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: I remember there was a Miss Frances (sp) on Romper Room, but that might have been before the 60's. "Romper, Bomper, Stomper, Boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me do. Magic mirror, tell me today, did our friends have fun with us at play?" Collectively, we Cougars seem to have the answer to almost any questions posed - I love it.
Yep, Set me down in front of that 10 inch B&W Philco and I was a happy guy. Especially if Beanie and Cecil were on. You later Cougs remember the cartoon show, but I'm talkin the early 50's puppet show. DJ, Captain Horatio Huffnpuff, Clowny, Beany, Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent, and my all time favorite character name and the scourge of the jungle......Tearalong the Dotted Lion. Bob Clampett was the brains, and a puppeteer, behind that show.
Name: EL ROJO () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 20:44:20
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60/61
Message: You know you guys, I really resemble those remarks that you've made. I mean the EL ROJO DOME? Come on, lets give it a little class. How about The EL ROJO CHROME DOME. That should be on a par with like the (i'm gonna choke) Kingdome. Oh well, some things can't be helped. If thats my legacy, so be it! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! EL & ID QUEEN.
Thanks EL. You and ID have a great weekend.
Name: Denny U () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 20:18:08
Class: 55
Message: Howard wins the prize whatever it is but who is that cute girl with the pigtails?
Name: Cal McDougal () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 20:09:07
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
Message: I think that "Amos and Andy" on radio were Freeman Gosden and Charles Correl (sp?). Interestingly, they were white so they didn't make it onto the television show. Great stuff here John you deserve more kudos.
Thanks Cal and welcome home.
Alvin Childress was Amos on the TV show and Spencer Williams Jr. was Andy. Actually this was one of my favorite TV shows in the early 50's, and I collect the episodes today. Tim Moore played George "Kingfish" Stevens. He was really who most shows centered around. Ernestine Wade played his wife, Sapphire and Johnny Lee played everyone's favorite lawyer, Algonquin J. Calhoun. Amanda Randolph played the Kingfishes mother in law. She was one MEAN woman on the show, and in the immortal words of Sammy Davis Jr. and Dean Martin, "If all the women in Texas looked like Sapphire's Mama, the Lone Ranger's gonna be Lone for a Looooong time."
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 18:40:08
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Hey yall, I just want to say, before you all make an early retreat this long weekend. Be safe out there, WHEREVER you go. Lots of strange ones out there on these long weekends (LeeRoy, stay off the freeway). Have a fun Labor day weekend and I'll see you all back here on Tuesday.
I love you guys MAAAANN!!!
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 18:25:34
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: Matt Peterson, The student who made that wonderful movie was Tom Valentine. I always hoped to see more of his work, never did though.
Name: Howard Duran () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 16:31:47
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: Dorthy Gardner and Dick Garten.....Maybe
Hey Howard, I think you've got it..... Denny, can you verify this one?
Name: Susan () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 14:01:57
E-Mail: SKwarpath@aol.com
Message: Okay Cougars......Got two questions for you.
1) Who played Amos and Andy?
a) Radio?
b) TV?
2) Who was the teacher (1960's) for Romper Room the one that looked through the mirror to see all the Timmy's, Patti's, Debbie's and Johnny's?
Just a "Warrior"
Class of "75"
I know, I know.........me, me, me, here, me........ pleeeeeze!!! MEEEEE !!
Name: kostiszak () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 12:32:41
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
Message: Hey...I finally saw an 1980's pupil on the feedback pages...Hello Shannon Keys, I remember you, you were big on HHS Track team. Randy Darnell is a familiar name too! Did he have a brother Gary Darnell I think. It's great to see some 80's people hope more join us!! Terrie
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 11:55:45
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Some people wonder what ever happened to the Helms Bakery. As I was told some of the demise of the company was due to a law suit that has been part of California law ever since. I think that the suit was brought because of some children who heard the whistle, stopped the truck and told the driver they would be right back. During the trip to get money to buy the goodies one of the kids was hit and killed by a car. The jury found that since the driver stopped and waited for the kids and it was a policy of the company to stop, the company was liable for the accident. Two years later the company closed their doors. Maybe one our lawyer friends can shed more light on the case.
(Schwartz v. Helms Bakery Limited (1967) 67 Cal.2d 232, 238)
Another oxymoron: "Lawyer Friends". Sorry Jim, but I couldn't let that one go by.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 10:21:26
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: Janice Fulton is that you. I'm still living in Hawthorne too. I'm closer to Leuzinger now!
Name: MoMo () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 08:01:03
Class: 64
Message: I finally took the time to listen to Cougartown Blues by Bob Rierdan. I must say TERRIFIC!!! Bob, you really did a great job. King John should be very honored. I always knew people from the 60's were the best!
Name: Tim Long () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 02:12:36
E-Mail: tlong@vcnet.com
Class: 74
Message: Well everybody - I finally broke down and pulled out a few old photos from my box still stored in the garage. Sue Bierman - one of them is you! I probably can find more given some time. I took tons of photos during my picture taking days at HHS and I still have all of my negatives and slides, just few of the photos are printed up. I'll try to send a few pictures every once in a while.
Speaking of memories (I know some of these have already been mentioned):
- Pound Penny market on Prairie avenue
- McDonald's on El Segundo
- Mr. Dana in 8th grade at Hawthorne Intermediate
- B&B camera in Hawthorne
- Taking pictures with Dave Galemore (wonder what happened to him?)
- Hanging around with Cathy Koerner, Jeanene Bowman, Steve Nill, Jeff Roy
- Cougar staff with Konnie Krislock
- The Hawthorne Plaza Theatre (my first walk in, 101 Dalmations)
- House of Raymond, the 'fancy' restaurant
- Trying to figure out where to buy HHS shorts and top for P.E. (and what is a jock strap, anyway?) Side note - Sidney Semon made great jokes here that would be politically incorrect today
- Sidewalk laps in P.E.
- Friday night football games
- The HHS marquee sign getting changed 'mysteriously' - the one I remember is 'Goose her rear on farm hill'
Great stuff Tim, Keepem comin' Cougs.....
Name: Waters () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 01:36:01
E-Mail: JumboGreen@aol.com
Maiden: Fulton
Class: 64
Message: I was just catching up on the August feedback and just had to say I laughed out loud at Joyce's "silly rabbit, cliques are for kids" it made my day. Am I the only one that graduated in the 60's still living in Hawthorne? Thanks John this website is the best!
Hi Jan, Thanks for saying so, and feel free to join in anytime.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 00:24:33
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: I mentioned the SS Catalina because I recently read they are trying to raise money to bring it back to CA. I have never been on it when it used to do the San Pedro to Catalina trip. But as you might know it quit doin that back in the 70's. It was my uncle who bought it and tried to make it seaworthy and do the trip to Catalina again. Well from many legal battles and other crap he took it down to Einsenada and for about a year was a popular dance place. Now it is slowly sinking. My uncle died in 1995 and the shipp was abanonded. I heard it will take close t0 $200,000 just to get it back to CA. Still many legal stuff though. He lost about $5 millionon the project and I remember he really wanted it to go and be a landmark again. Hopefully something will come of it.
Name: Ted () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 22:55:42
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: Here's a toast to one of my favorite nostalgia items from the past -- PEACHEE FOLDERS! I recently purchased a stack of them (yes -- believe it or not -- they are still being sold, although they are usually hidden WAY BACK in the deep recesses of the stationery store). I suggest all of you do the same. They set the right tone for any high level meeting, with bankers, lawyers, accountants, etc. -- and the multiplication tables on the inside sleeve can really come in handy. However, I was distressed to discover that the folders now come in many colors, not just peach. And they have the audacity to call them PEACHEE folders even when they are purple or blue. (Now all I need is a ditto machine, and then I could REALLY get organized.)
Ted, My mom's a shorthand specialist. She'll have to get her 1955 scale though. 1.08 per hour.
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 22:49:26
E-Mail: ErnBren2@Aol.Com
Class: 63
Message: Regarding the SS Catalina We were in Ensenada about three years ago, and I saw this ship that I remembered quite well and it is the S.S.Catalina. I understand it is earmarked for restoration. Also the helms trucks. When I work at A&W we had a Helm's truck that stopped everyday just like the one in the picture. I asked the driver what year it was and he didn't know, so we got the registraation slip out- 1932.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 21:30:10
E-Mail: often
Maiden: Itwas97not7itsacookbookitsacookbook
Class: 1974
Message: Sloey writes about 1 miles worth of feedback and the only thing you comment on is 419? Nice to have friends, JOHN. Here's John's phone number 433-41-- oh wait a sec. That's mexilucy's. But you all already know that. On memories, I used to love to go to Golden West with our dad and eat that free hot dog while we waited. Also, going to HHS swimming pool(s) for summer swim lessons and playing ring-around-the-rosie in the shallow pool when you first started. Cynthia and Carlos would take me and Gloria every day. We used to fight over who got to ride with Cynthia on her bike because whoever got Carlos was bound to get hurt. Also, going to Eucalyptus Park during the summers and getting slushes at the Dairy. Our phone number was OS6-9693. I also remember that boys often got stopped by the police and questioned, then released. Why is it that all you boys are so familiar with the gendarmes and we girls only knew them if our parents socialized with them? Well, except for Joe's mom and aunt.
......"whoever got Carlos was bound to get hurt." SEE, now that's funny too, but not as funny as 419
Joyce, take a look at Patty's phone number and compare it to yours in high school. It's a small Cougar world folks.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 19:38:42
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: ROWDY
Class: 64
Message: OK ROWDY GIRLS.. remember when...
*Hairstyles* Pixie - Bubble - Page Boy Fluff - Flip - Brush Up - Peddle Curls aka: Peddisue Curls - French Twist - Bee Hive with little felt bees - (a little later Sassoon cuts - & ..The Wedge.)
*Necklaces* Every gal had one of the following:
Mustard Seed in a clear crystal ball - A Cross with the Lord's prayer inside - A Plain Pearl - or The boyfriend's class ring on a chain.
*Clothes* Pantaloons - White corduroy pointed tennis shoes - Saddleback pants.
Oh yeah... we weren't allowed to wear pants or shorts to school.. every day was dress up, rain or shine. Boy! those were the days.
Don't forget the VFW BREAKFAST - SEPT 19 (SUNDAY) FROM 9 - 12 Loren Heath is head cook.. Us ROWDYS are anywhere that a man is cooking.
See ya there. Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDY GIRLS
Name: Roni Kobel () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 19:20:06
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Hi, Mary Risner, and welcome to Cougartown!!!! Great to hear from you! I can't believe you have a grandchild!!! Email me sometime!! I'm recovering from a double bunionectomy... fun, with 3 little boys running around!
Roni Treckman Kobel
AKA: Tootsie
Name: Gary Nelson () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 18:50:35
E-Mail: Kruiszn
Class: 60
Message: For all you Hoppy and Cisco fans like me, a little trivia, both were also major developers, (I've worked with them both) the Boyd family was a major industrial builder here in Orange County and now in Utah, they both owned major land holdings (one is now a movie camp in Malibu) all over Ca. For you collectors there is a little shop on the traffic circle (not side) in Orange that has tons of old toys and stuff, guns, sandwich boxes, spurs, pictures, etc. Will bring back your childhood and worth a visit sometime!
Gary, Hope to see you at the Car Show in OC this weekend. I'll be there on Saturday.
Name: Susie () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 16:36:38
E-Mail: ssp1072818
Maiden: Manning
Class: 71
Message: Reenie,
Just wanted to say hi. If you talk to Judy tell her I said Hi to her too.
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