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Out of all the musicians that HHS has had through the years. From Chris Montez to the Beach Boys to David Marks to Ted Gioia, there's one GREAT musician that stands out. Yes, It's Bob Rierdan HHS61. Not because of what he's done on the Top 40 Charts down through the years. Nope, he's the very FIRST HHS musician to write a song about Cougartown. Yes, all the others had their chance, but NOOOOO, it was Bob Rierdan who came through. Bob, I thank you for your beautiful rendition, and lets all Give It Up for Bob Rierdan, and "Cougartown Blues". Cougartown Blues Great birthday present Bob. Thanks a bunch. The early 60's guys have still got it.
Name: Andrea Guglielmo () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 15:47:19
E-Mail: agugie@yahoo.com
Maiden: Guglielmo
Class: 96
Message: Just wanted to say hi to my fellow cougars! Hope everyone from class of 96 is doing well and following their dreams.
Welcome aboard, Please go to the Alumni list and sign in under "Add Me" you signed in under "Change Me". Thanks......
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 15:02:27
E-Mail: ROBINSS#IS552789878.COM
Class: ONE
Message: MEXILUCY-you are still special. Patti you look younger than 419. Frank it comes with the profession. By the way need a new car? See email address above, enjoy! Annie Oakley is dead? What a bummer. Next you guys will tell me Gene Autry or Walt Disney is gone or Heaven forbid, ROY ROGERS. And if they are don't tell me! Robin what is October all about? Do you have plans? What are they? Are you coming to homecoming? Bonehead huh? Only you get away with it Robin!! Hey by the way, get John's payment in the mail. Royal you guys must have won oh=therwise the running would have been on the wya home.
Name: sheree klingenhagen () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 14:57:27
E-Mail: sklingenha@aol.com
Maiden: same
Class: 75
Message: just wondering what happened to page 131? Did it got lost or have I misplaced it? Any help John?
Sheree, It's working now, thanks
Name: Shannon Keys () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 14:06:41
E-Mail: skeys@uswest.net
Class: 81
Message: Awesome!! I was so giddy going through the '79' reunion page Janet set up. Thanks Janet/Laura/remaining reunion team. Even though I was just a kid when the 79ers departed HHS, it was so special seeing the pictures. Cindy Anderson, Leslie Martinez, Laura Ramirez (big grade school crush) Mike Thomasson (hope Chris is well), Anders Plano (I remember playing hockey endlessly in his driveway), OK, I enjoyed seeing his wife more (shhhh), the collection of lovely Rah, Rah's, and all the others who's name didn't spring out at me, it was special seeing all of you! More pictures to come? Did Rany Darnell make it?
Bring on '01' baby (God that sounds funny). That's all! Hi to anyone who cares.
John - Did you mention homecoming HATS too?
Hi Shannon, I'm working on them.
Name: Frank A Romano () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 11:27:11
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Dennis Unfried. The news of Betty Jeanne's (Boots)aka Annie Oakley passing was very sad. And although I only knew her through a business acquaintance, she was a very sweet and warm lady that always took the time to say something that would brighten your day. Robin, even with an attorney we must remember our basic people skills. "Bonehead" isn't much of an endearing term, let alone correct for a member of the bar. No matter how well qualified they may be for the title. Your idea for a retractable dome for HALCAP is wonderful. I do however, begin to wonder about "EL ROJO." Was that a HAIR shot?
No, that was a BALD shot!!
Name: Lyman Moss () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 07:36:43
E-Mail: SMTP:Lyman.Moss@PSS.Boeing.com
Class: 59
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 07:25:16
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: No, Pancho's horse was not Angel.....Just think about how Pancho sometimes acts and then translate to Spanish - that will give you the horse's name.
It's amazing the things we can remember about the "good old days" while not being able to remember where we parked our car at the local mall.
Drove to work today in FOG that was reniniscent of the way it sometimes was in SO Cal - clear as a bell one minute and so thick you can't see the fog line the next. Had to detour around a big accident and almost got lost. Remember driving down to San Diego one morning in the 60's when you had to switch from one freeway to the other and the fog being so thick that all we could do was follow the reflector "turtles" on the road and keep track of the miles driven. Took the exit that came up at the appropriate mileage and then pulled over so someone could run over and read the signs to be sure we were in the right place.
LOCO!!!!! not you Sharon, the Horse.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 00:36:01
E-Mail: jburkett@compaq.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
Message: Hey Cheryl,
I'm in for $20 for a '62 seat in Nyman Hall. How could we ever forget West Side Story and Lil'Abner there? John, the checks in the mail.
OK, JB the elder's down for 20. You're covered.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 00:32:01
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Maiden: always been Jones
Class: 76
Message: 1. hey batter batter batter
2. Does anyone have any S.S. Catalina stories
3. I remember Miss Stephan. She took 3 months off and we had a beautiful substitute teacher instead
4. skateboarding down Glasgow towards Off Ramp Liquor
5. having a sore throat and having my mom make me drink warm water with salt
6. being able to fit in the sewer gutter next to the little field and retrieve foul balls
7. when the huge helicopter delivered the air conditioning unit for the Xerox building across from Dana
8. tying fish string around my loose tooth and pulling it out
9. having a bad dream and climbing into my mom and dads bed for protection
10.Climbing the telephone pole to get away from my brother when he got mad at me
11. Chris Montez's mom would make carmel apple for the kids she knew for Halloween
12. learning to whistle with two fingers in our mouths on Mike Krstichs front lawn
13. a Cougar lap
14. alumni baseball game (wish they did that again)
15. the whole football team and baseball team would stop everything and watch Lori Wilson walk home
16. Get Smart (my hero), Gunsmoke (Festus could fight), Gilligan's Island (I wore a hat like Gilligans), Wonderful World of Color (Disney), The Night Stalker, Road Runner (can't beat it),
17. shag carpet (green ugh!)
18. making lots of money at HHS off my biggest hero of all time Muhammed Ali and later becoming friends with him.
19. watching "Guten Tag" films in German with Mr. Grahamer
20. Watching those great films in Aerospace History in Mr. Macha's class
21. sharpening my pencil down to just an inch or so in length
22. Levi corduroy pants (loved them)
23. Hang Ten shirts (loved them too)
24. eating the erasers off my pencils
25. digging in the trash cans at Mattel and discovering hot wheels before they were on the market.
I love trying to remember memories
Name: Patty Valencia () on Wednesday, September 1, 1999 at 00:22:17
E-Mail: pvalen...yadayadayada
Class: 1974
Message: Brother, I look at Robin's feedback and see that he thinks everyone has Cynthia's phone number. Well that sounds like a personal email. Then, what do I find down below but, whoa, mexilucy's phone number!! I remember when it was new. My loving sister Gloria told me I could remember it easily - 433 plus, my age and my IQ. You know what? She was right. I'll always remember that number.
That's the way I'll always remember it too.
Name: dansmith () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 22:29:19
E-Mail: dansmith@hotmail.com
Message: were are all the up to date news like the teachers li vicente bravo, jennifer garcia,barbara takumi?
Name: Cheryl () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 22:19:29
Class: 62
Message:Are You Old Enough To Remember??
..all soft drinks came in bottles and you could get a deposit back.
..cars had no air-conditioning.
..there was "free air" at all service stations.
..there were S&H green stamps.
..you could go as a child and buy your mom a pack of cigarettes.
..there was one light (red) on top of police cars.
..there was only AM radio.
..everyone took the bus to town.
..you could go and see a live Jan & Dean concert for $3.00.
..gas was .26 a gallon and ethyl was way too high at .30.
..Typing Class was noisy.
..girls had big hair.
..you only had GM, Ford and Chrysler making cars in the US.
..most of the change in your pocket was pure silver.
..no one ever heard of Bankruptcy, Divorce or KY jelly.
..football helmets came without face guards.
..the Network News was only 15 minutes long.
..motor oil came in metal containers.
..toothpaste came in metal tubes.
..the balcony at the movie theater had the best view.
..Cracker Jacks had a decent and unusual prize in it.
..every one you knew had a Smallpox scar.
..you believed everything the Government said.
..the worst you could do socially was drink a beer.
..every house had a tall outside TV antenna.
..you could call a Doctor and he would come to your house (the same day).
..men put on a suit, they also put on a hat.
..Atomic War was a real everyday thought.
..men carried metal lunch boxes to work.
Name: karen () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 21:46:11
E-Mail: kuehl
Maiden: graham
Class: 59
Message: No, I'm not related to Sheila (Zelda)!! Sorry, I missed your B-Day bash, it sounds like you had a good one, King JB. Gordon Michael Baker's name was mentioned. He was a member of the same church youth group that I was in and he was called Mike. He was swimming in Joan Bradford's pool when he died and yes, he was trying to see how long he could hold his breath and Joan was timing him. Jeff was his younger brother. Does anyone remember Joel's Apparel? I worked there as a Christmas wrapper, wrapping packages for presents, not singing Christmas rap music!! That was my first job. Does anyone remember on Sheriff John's the swing set that was given away as a contest prize? My dad made the swing set and donated it to the show. I too was a Hoppy fan. I had such a crush on him when I was little. Then one day my folks and my cousin, Char and I were at LAX waiting for Char's dad to arrive (back when the airport was no more than a quonset hut) and there he was, Hoppy, buying an airline ticket. I felt faint, my hands were sweaty, I held my breath. My dad went over and told Hoppy what a great fan I was. He thought my cousin was me and bent over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and spoke with her a few moments. He glanced at me once then turned and left. I was crushed!! And I guess I wasn't such a big fan of his after that.
Hey Happy Printer, that was a great Blues piece you did there. I bet you're a good printer too!!
I think the class of '59 should pay for a seat in Nyman Hall. There should be at least 10 of you '59ers who can afford to send in $10. Whadaya say? Can we do it?
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 20:31:09
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 11961
Message: to JB: Another Beach Boys memory! During the 1960 baseball season, our coach was Sid Semon and he got permission from the school for the team to be transported to games by designated drivers, (Seniors), instead of a bus. We would dress at the school and ride in our cars to each away game. We would always ask Coach Semon what the best route was to the game. Then we would make sure we would go a different way. Just a sidelight, our definition of a "Chinese Fire Drill" was different from the definition in the Cougartown web site. When we did a "Chinese Fire Drill", we would jump out of the car, once around the car and back to our seats. Well on this afternoon Brian Wilson was the driver of the car I was in and when we came to a red signal, Steve Andersen's 52 chevy was stopped in front of us. Well Brian didn't just go around our car he ran up the back of Steve's car over the top and down the hood and then back to our car. Just when he was on the top of the car Coach Semon pulled up beside us. The coach didn't say a word to any of us until the end of the game and he told us that when we got back to the school we were to get out of our uniforms and meet in the gym in shorts and tennis shoes. I think we ran more laps around the gym than the basketball team did in two seasons. Needless to say a bus arrived for each of our away the rest of the seasons. Oh Well!
R. Lord
Great story Royal, Thanks man......
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 20:30:02
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Cisco's horse was Diablo. Now what was Pancho's horse named?
Remember the Range Rider (Jock Mahoney) and his side-kick Dick West? When I was about 8 or 9, I took my little sister Patti (HHS '68) to Sunday School on "bring your little brother or sister to Sunday School Day" (or something like that). The Nun asked all the little kids to introduce themselves. When it was my sister's turn, she told the Nun that she was "Dick West". Everyone laughed and I slowly slid under my desk. Well, I guess it was better than the year before when she wore a bow tie everywhere and introduced herself as Gary Moore.
YES, DIABLO. Was Pancho's Horse named Angel?
Name: Dennis Unfried () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 20:26:36
Class: 55
Message: A few cougars mentioned Annie Oakley. Tried to contact Bob Davis who was married to her in the 50's. Sadly, Annie Oakley (Betty Jeanne Grayson) died of cancer in 1997.
Name: Robin () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 19:54:06
E-Mail: Islawschoolacorrespondencecourse?.com
Class: Only in public places
Message: Sloey: A social security # and a name can do wonders yes, but did you have to use mine you bonehead!! Attorney/client privileges only go so far...and Joyce said you picked some ugly Red instead of the Green and Yellow I asked for..So much for the new retractable dome I was hoping to put over HalCap field...It was gonna be soooo kewl. When the two halves closed it would have spelled "EL ROJO"...I guess I can use it for a pool cover...Enjoy the Y2K plastic car John..Too late for a midlife crisis but fun to wash on Saturdays:o)...Hey lets all call Mexilucy tonight...ATT is down to .07 a min and we all have her phone number...Paco Duran...yes thats me (pre surgery)..didnt think you remembered that far back...And John..was it Dorothy and Dick Gardener? Ricki said so but Im still not sure...Good bye August...Octobers a coming! later Cougs...
Wasn't his name Dick Garton?? Someone's got to have a 1952 brain cell left. Come on "Codger Cougs", help us out here. Thanks Robin.....
Name: Bob Rierdan () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 19:43:48
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: I would like to thank everyone for all the nice remarks about Cougartown Blues. I am just sorry that computer audio doesn't offer better sound reproduction so that everyone could hear the true quality of my singing voice - It has been compared as a cross between Sinatra and Armstrong. (Unfortunately, they were referring to Nancy Sinatra and Garner Ted Armstrong.)
- Bob
Hey Bob, In this case, it's the thought that counts, AND that it was done by a Cougar. Very generous man; thanks a million. Now do the flip side and I'll go find us an Agent.
Be a Coug' Bob, and don't stay away so long. You'd fit right in with all these memory floggers.
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 19:23:31
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Yo! King JB, the fellow with all the new toys.... You best stick with GMAC, cause if Joey Baga Donuts finances you, being under water will be the least of your problems.
Bob, that's some kind a blues. Great talent, I mean I can just imagine you in the rocking chair, pickin' and a singin' with good ole Blue keeping time with his tail and the chairs rockers. Catching up on the feedback memories of Dick Lane, and all the others was a lot of fun. The gal that played Annie Oakley? Her name escapes me, but her nickname was "Boots". She worked as secretary to a business associate of mine in the 70's. I don't recall if the Cisco Kid and Pancho have been brought up...but then these days there's a lot I don't recall... anyway JB... as always, feedback is just great.
OOOOH CISCO.........OHHHHH PANCHO!!! Duncan Renaldo and Leo Carrillo. What was Cisco's horse's name??
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 19:12:01
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: OK,CLASS OF 62....Nyman Hall still needs some seats restored, how about it...There are sure enough of us out there, huh? Not mentioning any names but, there's Me, John, Joyce, Janet, JoAnn, Linda, Loretta, Tonya, Sandy, Penny, Bob, Gordon, GEORGE......YOU know who you are......
OK, I'm in for another 10 bones. Come on 62ers. Get your feet wet here. Just email me and say your in for 10 bucks. That's it.
OH, you should please send the 10 bucks to:
John Baker
PO Box 1406
Lomita, CA 90717
Name: Mo () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 19:04:01
Name: Cynthia () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 17:59:15
E-Mail: Mexilucy
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 66
Message: Wow!!!!! So good to hear from you, Becky! I remember all of the friends you mentioned. I wish that I could get in touch with them. Do you talk to any of them? By the way, I didn't consider you "incorrect". I was proud that I could speak another language and that you thought that I was special. I used to work with Sherry Souder at Parks and rec as well as Jim Sloey and many others. Look me up if you ever come to Las Vegas. (702) 433-4197.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 17:35:17
E-Mail: leasepaymentdue9.1.99.com
Maiden: hoodysidea
Class: nah
Message: John, i wish you had not gone public with the vette thing, that is why we had it delivered Saturday night. I must confess 2 things, it was Robin's idea because he knew how much you LOVED the corvette. We decided to get the new 2000 instead of any of the vintage models because we knew the older models you would not drive. So Robin gets 1/2 the credit second talking about credit, your first lease payment is due tomorrow and I have the GMAC book, it is in the mail, amazing what you can do with a Social security number and a name. $848.97 a month. I told Robin we should have put something down but he said nooooooo you will appreciate it more this way! happy birthday John! From me and Robin. Aren't we really the Princes??
Oh yeah we got the bumper to bumper warranty.
WHAT!!! I just checked the Gas Guzzler Tags and they're 855 per year. With 4000 dollar deductible my friend Chui, at Chui's Low Rider Insurance and Tuck and Roll Emporium in La Puente said 8455.00 per year with a 700 dollar lojack......let's see here.....carry the 2 ......divided by 12..... i guess i could borrow that at 32% from my bookie, "vinny dah nose".... Hmmmm that's 3135.00 PER MONTH!!!! just when i thought i was getting my head abov.........
Name: Howard A Duran () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 16:48:06
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: The photo that Denny sent in was Robin Hood, waiting for his merry men....
Name: Terrie Kostiszak () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 15:09:29
E-Mail: kostiszak@yahoo.com
Maiden: kostiszak
Class: 83
Message: Memories:
staying at the beach until the sun went down, then watching all the guys with their metal detectors scan the beach at sunset.
Mr. Haight, Hating to teach Art, but loved teaching History. At Dana School.
Joes Bakery (the guy in the yellow truck my mom bought bakery items from him when he drove by)
Mrs. Youngs HomeMaking Class at Dana. I wanted to take shop but could not as a girl. But we could during summer school, so a few of us girls took shop during summer school.
Edelbrock stickers EVERYWHERE
Skateboarding at Venice Beach
Riding bikes on the strand to Santa Monica Pier
SCROC classes in Torrance for extra credit
The Baseball/softball cake auctions to raise money for your teams at some auditorium.
Taking team soccer and softball pictures at Dana and cabrillo fields.
Making ALL STAR teams. and playing different Divisions.
Keith, I remember Mr. Frye!
Name: Laura Risner () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 13:34:26
Maiden: Risner
Class: 2000
Message: This message is from the Drama Department:
We want to thank all of you who have donated money in order to help fix the seats in Nyman Hall. This is my senior year and it means a lot to me and the other graduating seniors to leave Nyman Hall looking nice!!!!!!!!!
The theatre has been a big part of my life at Hawthorne High, along with everyone else in the Drama Department, so this donation is greatly appreciated. Once again Thank You!!!!!!
Name: Mary Weiler () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 13:26:18
Maiden: Risner
Class: 76
Message: Roni, & all other past St. Joseph's/Hawthorne High Students,
I'm still in Hawthorne, in fact back at the same house I grew up in taking care of an invalid parent. My daughter Laura Risner will be H.H.S. class of 2000!!!!! My youngest son and my grandson will both be class of 2016!
I have been working at Little Company of Mary Hospital for almost 15 years. Where are the rest of you???
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 12:42:32
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
Message: Chris Prewitt: I just read over the phone your apology to Miss Stephan and she forgives you. You spelled it correctly but not Mr. Haight's name.
Bobbie J. Spencer: I remember the Spencers. Mrs. Harjes Came to Burnett School in 1965 and was gone by 1970. I don't know what happened to her.
JB: What's happening with the seats. I would guess that time is running out.
Love to all,
RE the Nyman Hall Seats
I spoke with Melanie Chacon a couple of weeks ago, and they're going to get as many seats restored as possible BEFORE school opens. They will continue to ask for pledges and hopefully finish the restoration during Christmas vacation. She also said that they're planning a day in which all the donors will be invited to see their seats. She's trying to set that up for October.
Name: Matt Peterson () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 11:31:06
E-Mail: mattpete6@yahoo.com
Class: 74
Message: Memories of Nyman Hall. Some of the great plays over the years in Nyman Hall that I remember are: The Miracle Worker, Winds in the Willows, Everyman, Of Thee I Sing and The Wizard of Oz. I also remember that a HHS student made his own film. I think it was called "Stepping Away". It was about flying a glider airplane. Does anyone remember his name? I always thought he would become a famous movie director. Another memory of Nyman Hall is that when the lights came up there were all those pencils stuck in the ceiling. I hope they restore the ceiling when they restore the seats.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 10:21:33
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Betsy Wright wrote about a first grade teacher at Cabrillo who used to literally throw kids. I remember that I was not the most perfect pupil in junior high. In 8th grade at Dana, Mr. Height picked me up by the shoulders and tossed me. Yes, he did convince me to complete my constitution notebook! There was another incident that I was involved in while I was in 7th grade. I wrote a poem about Ms. Stephan (I don?t think I spelled her name correctly). She was new to the school district and I knew I could get to her. Well after 35+ years it still gets to me. Mr. Plotkin you said that you are still in contact with her, please tell her I am sorry and I ask her to forgive me.
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