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......back to the 50's with some early rock..... Chuck Berry
Name: Colleen O'Ryan () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 20:41:30
E-Mail: KtyKats1@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
Message: John, Here are two more names for the "Memories" page.
Leonards (clothing store for girls) and Ivys coffee shop on the corner of Hawthorne Blvd. and El Segundo Blvd. By the way, YOU have done an OUTSTANDING JOB on Cougartown. Truly, you should be very proud of your many accomplishments. I enjoy it more and more each time I visit. Thanks again for all your time and effort it certainly has NOT GONE UNNOTICED!!!!!
Thank you Coleen, I'm glad you're enjoying the site, and I never tire of the "attaboys" either.
Name: Christine Baird () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 20:32:29
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: can i add another slogan?
I was thinking the other night, that night I didn't send in a slogan.. ") and with all this talk of being 'OLD', and you know what 'they' say about being old...."the memory is the first thing to go" well... I thought of this other slogan ..
using brain cells not losing them
log on to cougartown.com
or any variation you can think of that might sound better.
Hows that one?
Thanks Christine, I'll add it to the list. We will vote on Monday.
Name: Karen () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 20:25:58
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: Mary, you would know I was no angel, since you were always right there with me raisin hell.:o) I just appeared to be one.
King Darlin are you going to throw me out of the royal court now? I'll try to bake you a cake..:o)
Man, This King gig is sumthin' huh. I love it!!!
No Karen, you will not become an "Un-Royal". joe, please check that last sentence for me, and see if I said what I think I meant to say. That's the first triple negative in Cougtown history.
Name: Christine Baird () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 20:16:57
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: hey king! what was wrong with my chyphering? i do believe i chyphered joe's words first... where's my T-shirt??? or was my chyphering errored? large please.
Hi Christine, The only one who knows if it was properly ciphered is joe m
Name: Glenn Crist () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 19:02:18
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
Message: For those interested in things automotive, I saw a promo for Hot August Nights on Fox TV tonight. Up here in the SF Bay area, it's on at 9 p.m. Check your TV Guide to see if it is playing in your locality.
Name: LEEROY FELDERRUSTER () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 18:48:14
E-Mail: leeroyfe@yahoo.com
Class: 55
Message: I's gonna skip da greetin and gits rite to it. I knews dat Robin fella wuz his reel nams and now dat guys sultin him, dat bern me up to rite all ya tinks i ain't Leeroy and call me mainlander and all, i's gits up sets to. Robins i's liks your stile fella youse can bees my frend to the end fer shore. Beulah saids it best bout that mainalander and dat utter guys Gioia, is dat rite, whats Vise Presdent Spirow Agnee said 'effete impudent snobs' tanks Beulah, I donut knose wat it means but it shore sounds like dem fellers. So fer all us youse been doudin we's exist Royal, Robins and Jack, puts a sock in its. And annutter thing mainalander whys youse makin funnin my Beulah. Youse ain't neber goin find a womin likes her no where. yer welcome Beulah, ok ok I's calm.
Ps BEulah sez I cain't vote fer my entry on the slogan. dat rite?
Hey joe, I've seen Beulah, and if "demimonde" means "King Kongish", I think you've pretty much got her pegged.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 18:36:06
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: MARY DOYLE-YOU GO GIRL!!!!! You've been reading Feedback since last December and you've finally logged on!!!!
Welcome, Sis!
See Mary, It went right on over my head. I guess I was thinking about Miss Zalowski.
Name: Frank Romano () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 18:08:49
E-Mail: fromano@us-rentacar.com
Class: 1961
Message: O'boy I figured that reading Felderruster was a reach...Robin, what happened to the easy stuff that was learned at the Tyson fighting school. "What ever get into your mouth, bite off"
of simple Have Louie the hat whisper in the nice mans ear! With this face that's worked well. Myrna, I'm just going to have to do a couple of cakes and try different stuff. I'll donate the cakes to the gang at the office... they're always a good test ground for cakes. I will give the ice cream a try, thanks for the tip. Yo! King JB... Keep up the kingly stuff... You're doing real good. That should plum up a few English majors. Sorry Ginger!
Thanks Frank, but I want to do gooder.
Name: Mary Doyle () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 17:08:39
E-Mail: Mary.Doyle@usa.xerox.com
Maiden: Kean
Class: 66
Message: Ok, at this point I must step in. Karen Hare is a sweetheart but she is NO ANGEL!
One other thing - someone mentioned Miss Zalowski a couple of weeks ago. I remember one day in freshman world geography class (the 2 story building) she fell off her chair right on her butt and hit the back of her head on the concrete wall. The whole class just sat there dumbfounded while she recovered enough to get back up. Does anyone else remember it? I also remember she was Ukrainian.
Hi Cusac!
Name: susan king () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 15:57:55
E-Mail: sueking@aol.com
Maiden: bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK, that's it!! I feel compelled to defend my buddy Joe Mailander against the crowd (remember we're ALL Cougars here kids)! After all, we were Journalism Junkies together under the tutelage of Konnie Krislock. It's actually probably KONNIE that you all want to get after! Her influence on him was not lost tho I suspect dear Joe that she might give you hell for a few of those lines....HOWEVER, Joe is simply the antidote to Old Leeroy and vice versa. I love them both. Oh, and my submission (and Mom B's) for the slogan for homecoming t-shirt is simply: Welcome Home - Cougartown.com.
Sue, There's no need to defend anyone here on the old feedback page. There's lots of clowning, but no one's mad at anyone. Joe.... I, and all the rest, love your verbage. Nuff said........
Sue, go to your room!!
Name: "Cant be real names" Robin () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 13:34:46
E-Mail: Itrustawomanwithgoodcognomen.com
Maiden: Dubious
Class: LX
Message: hey Ted...Royal Lord and Robin Hood were Cougars long before you could stand up to go potty, which was probably your best luck. Had you coined us "dubious" in our day , you career would have been stuck in tenor...As for your 25 years of experience with Joe...nah I wont go there, especially today...Whats "Gioia" anyway and can it be cured with an antibiotic?......
JB lots of good slogans...Can we vote for the best 3 or so, or just pick one?..
Myrna has my cupcake turned green yet? Address is in the mail..:o)...
Prince Jim and King John , Id fly down for lunch with you guys Sat, but all the planes are Boeing made (Angel Karens place), so Ill pass till the next crop duster shows up ...later Cougs
Robin, I'm not too sure but I think you "slammed the seat on it" that time. But hey, we're all Cougar brethren through and through, so lets turn a.........
Name: Schroeder da younger () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 13:30:47
Class: 66
2 sense worth
My vote goes to the creative lug who came up with "From Intellects to Derelicts". Great capsule of HHS Alum.
Good to hear from Bill Cusac. At least he's alive, which can't be said for (or by) his former classmate Andrea Malfi. I hope to be the only one at my classes reunion in 2066. (Though I'm sure that Robin Hood will be parking my car (and stealing the hubcaps) at that gig. Hopefully I will have that 54 Chevy restored by then.
The 1959 CIF Championship game. What a flashback. I thought Brian Wilson was on that team? Backup QB? confirm /
Memories of the game at the Colosseum vs Long Beach Poly : Willie Brown of Poly ran back the opening kick-off for a TD. Jim Reale
countered? then what? (Now the long term circuits are sparking) any one ???
The group, Bare Naked Ladies, do a song about Brian Wilson if anyone is seeking new music. Is anyone?
On that line-up card -- A. Jardine listed at 165? Coach Chauncey would use that weight as a universal number to intimidate the opposition. Any one weighing in at less that 150 was listed as 165. (except the cheerleaders -- whose weight was usually never revealed -- unless you lived with one -- which I did(?))
But I digress -- continually.
The pictures from Fosters really twiked the memory bank. Does any one recall the two youthful lads who 'streaked' Hawthorne Blvd
from Fosters to the used car lot across the Blvd and then back? (Sloey wasn't one of them-- though it might be fun to have him try it now)
"From Intellects to Derelicts"
Lastly, Karen Hare, I stand by the angel comment -- but that was 1966. Are you still the divine sprite you once were? I'm sure you R.
OUT ----- Schroeder
JB (yet another one), you are climbing to the top of the Feedback "wit ladder" and tugging at the pantlegs of our own Robin Hood. Thanks for it all.
......and what happened after Jim Reale's TD run?? We lost..... I still like Jack Rabbit meat!! Go Optimidgets!!!
Name: Karen () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 13:30:12
Maiden: Hare
Class: 66
Message: WOW Billy Cusac glad to know you are still alive.
You were just being talked about not to long ago, all nice .:o) Glad to see you on board CT. I am looking forward to seeing you Saturday afternoon at Mary's...
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 13:25:22
E-Mail: youmayhaveagrasponthewordsbuttheflavorofthe messageismissingkingster.com
Maiden: tshirtplease
Class: baxter'senglishclass
Message: Having taken Dr. Jerry Baxter's English class for two semesters, and suffered through endless vocabulary tests (thanks Jerry I withdraw all my earlier condemnation that I had spoken about your teaching prowess) it is worthy indeed to understand the words utilized in a sentence structure but also the intended meaning or obvious meaning from either custom, habits, innuendo etc. Although I do agree with your assesment in most instances Kingster, I disagree with your literal interpretation of Mr. Mailander's last attempt at humoring us all with his, as Ingrid Larsen termed it, pleonastic erudition. My interpretation is correct in that he has eliminated the likes of Beulah, (after all she may be the class of our generation Joe and probably carries the torch that most women in our society would subscribe) and eliminated "the cognomen we might more likely attribute to a demimonde" eliminating, I would assume, what may be left of the female population except the Debutante. Now John your interpretation is fine as far as it goes, however, do you know anyone, or even heard of anyone who would wish to hang (Ingrid it is no longer What's up, the new version is 'sup') with someone or something that would refer to itself as a Debutante rightfully or otherwise. No, Joe does not, pursuant to his own statement hang out with women. T Shirt please.
OK, OK, let me see if I've got one here that you can get your chest into.Thanks James......
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 12:57:30
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: John and Ingrid-
I now officially have a "Mailander Headache". . .
My mom used to talk like that - she could cuss you out and you wouldn't know it till the next day!
Myrna-you're still the Royal Baker to me! Let's swap recipes! Some of my favorites are from a cookbook put out in the 70's by American Martyrs Church in Manhattan Beach. Good stuff!
Had a good chat with Bill Cusac this morning - made me think of lots of old neighbors - anyone remember the Riggs? Lance, Steve, Kenny???
Betty, I remember Steve Rigg. This is from the 57 Intermediate yearbook. Is it the same guy?
OK Myrna, you are the Royal Baker again. i've been getting hate mail from lots of people an.......
Name: Patty Valencia () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 12:53:06
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Class: 1974
Message: Stop the big words. You guys are going to hurt yourselves. Your arthritis will flare up. Stop it. Admittedly, saying things simply is harder work, but come on cougars, we're worth it.
I'm for that. My ears were starting to get warm.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 11:49:28
E-Mail: earthlink.net
Class: 74
Message: You know, I feel bad for poor ol' Joe Mailander. He's got a reputation for being pleonastic (you know; pedantic, verbose). And now the poor guy knows that he can't simply sign on with a brief, "What's up?". He's been shackled with Cougartown's expectations of superior erudition and now he can only provide us with recondite Feedback. Poor boy!
I concur, Joe has enjoined with ecoclasmic adherance, the vilitudes of copiousness and now must quidate his own homogenestatic purplatude. Joe, or I think you prefer, joe....please quantify your own rectavence by enjoining with great herpulotic and phosphoric frollescence, our group, and never, EVER congrammulate on these pages again.
Name: Pam Betraun () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 10:21:52
E-Mail: pbetraun2@PhilipInc.com
Maiden: Heath
Class: 78
Message: This could be going really crazy with the T-Shirt idea, but we should have T-Shirts for the spouses that did not go to HHS. Their slogan could be
"Unforunately I am not a Cougar, but at least I married one" My husband graduated from Aviation in 76, but he spent 77 and 78 at Hawthorne hanging around me. On certain days he would come and have lunch with me, he would stand in the lunch line like he went there. (OOOPs am I going to get in trouble? Outside people were not allowed in the cafe.) He helped Mrs. Courtney at football games to keep everyone out of the drill team section. He was the only guy she would let ride on the drill team bus when we went to parades. So I really think that he is an honorary cougar.
Pam, So what you're saying is, he wanted to be a Cougar SOOO BAD that he'd ditch school at Aviation to hang out with the elite at HHS. Guess he knew, even back then, that Aviation was sinking into the Pacific. We'll see what we can do for the spouses.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 10:12:23
E-Mail: igottagetanewdictionaryormailanderhastostart talkingcougartalk.com
Maiden: heyswhatshesayinganyways!
Class: vocabulary
Message: So Mailander is Leeroy, he doesn't hang out with women and he has some weird fire fetish. Elementary my dear Baker. T Shirt please.
No, I distinctly read it as "any woman whose cognomen we might more likely attribute to a demimonde than a debutante" Chew on that line for a while, Algonquin......
Name: Royal Mother Flogger () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 10:07:40
E-Mail: i'mnotgoodenoughtobetheroyalbakeranymore?????
Maiden: Myrna Bell
Class: 66
Message: OK JOHN!!! You are so darn fickle. I bake and send you the first test of this "heavenly cake" and you tell me that I'm no longer the Royal "MF". Now, you tell me I'm not good enough to be the Royal Baker - so..... what do you expect, a quadrant of chocolate cake weekly???? Frank - I haven't had the cake with frosting so can give a valued judgement as to toppings. I do know that it goes VERY well with chocolate mint ice cream. DONNA KLUSMANN, don't sit on the outside, venture into the feedback format, it's great!!! (That is if you don't mind all the ROYAL bull!!) You know how royals are, we can get a might testy now and then.
YES!!! Since you live in close proximity to the Harris Ranch, you have your choice. It's the Royal Mother Flogger OR the Royal Bull Slinger.....the Bull is in your corral Myrna, take your pick.
Name: Valerie () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 02:24:54
E-Mail: mami2b@aol.com
Maiden: Urbina
Class: 93
Message: Great Web Page! e-mail address to change very soon, as it no longer applies! :)
Congratulations Valerie on your little baby Cougar. When you get a new address, please go to the Alumni List and click on "Change Me". Thanks. . . . .
Name: Christine Baird () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 02:08:02
E-Mail: Bairds1@juno.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
Message: J.B. ....Correct me if I'm wrong...but I think that Joe Mailander was trying to say ...he wouldn't be caught dead putting any other name but his own to anything he took the time to write and he denies being Leeroy and Royal or any other...other than himself, but I did notice he never claimed not to play dress up...hmmm. Next there is some gross tale we are to hear at a later date concerning Ted's memory loss concerning Mario Estolano. Next he says that Gioia is right...'I don't know no Belluh', and that he only associates with women whose names are suitable for a debutantes. Last, but I'm sure not least....If you have wings ....stay away from the fire.
So how did I do? ")
I've decided to give you a rest and not send any slogans tonight....arenchya glad?
Christine, You're asking the wrong Cougar. I think Joe is really the only one that knows.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 02:07:52
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: King John - Not to interuupt those important kingy (or is it kinky?) things you are doing but I'd like to put in a suggestion for the graphic. How about we use the cougar but with a crown instead of the hat and maybe the crown could have "Hawthorne High Alumni" on it. Just an idea. You may go back to whatever :):) you were doing now.
Kathy, Sounds good, but talk to Ricki and Alan. They're doing the art. I'm sure they will take all suggestions into account and then do it the best way.
Name: Mike Angle () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 01:55:27
E-Mail: mangle4@aol.com
Class: 1967
Message: Reply to Julie
Nice to see another friend on "FEEDBACK" (I was going to say old friend but I'm sure that means something like...OLD). Anyway I'm glad you've discovered THE SITE TO SURF. Kind of makes those memory cells squeek a little, but I think it's worth the effort (and age is relative). Hi from
Mike and Chris Angle...
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 00:54:44
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: John,
I was looking over some old email and the reunion page and found information on the class of 1979 reunion at "The House of Blues on Sunset Bl.". That was the same day as the Fosters party. I have seen the photos of the Fosters party but what has happened to the 1979 reunion? I haven't seen or read much about the reunion. Can we get the Royal Flogger to apply a little pressure to get some photos sent into Cougartown.com (John Baker, PO Box1406, Lomita, CA 90717)?
Also I am getting a little mixed up on all of the royal names. Now if I understand correctly the Royal Lord came first then the king? I thought the "royal baker" was King Baker; maybe you could change the name to the "royal culinary ". You would need to check out other creations by the chosen one and I am sure that you could find a lot of candidates for the royal taster.
Going back about four or five pages I saw something about Leeroy's cow-a-sock-e "rice rocket". Leeroy does that thing use solid or liquid fuel? Does it produce solid waste?
V1 see what you get when you make suggestions about T-shirts. Now you have a job that may not end for some time. I agree with Patty and will vote for Joyce Savisky's slogan "Let friendships begun stay true till the end" Cougartown.com. We could always start with something like "cougartown.com's first annual homecoming party". Who knows it may even be the last if we get too rowdy! Looking forward to seeing everyone on October 15, 1999.
Hey Chris, Glad you checked in. The class of 78 and 79 reunions are being assembled as we speak. I'm waiting for something on the 79 reunion. I forget what it is now, but I think it's more pictures from Janet Falkenstein. I'm sorry, but here in Cougartown, King John comes before Royal Lord.Myrna, you are now the Royal Flogger again. One cake does not make you a "Baker". Chris, Voting comes later. I am assembling the Slogans page, even as we speak. Be patient and I will correct all of these problems. Thanks Chris for being out there. Now please pick out a title for yourself, as I am very busy doing "Kingy" things right now.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Thursday, August 19, 1999 at 00:00:03
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: CUSAC-Okay, now we're talkin! Search your memory bank and start sending in some stories! Danny Petty will help, and Nancy, and Karen, and Mary, and maybe Donny Matteson will finally log on!
Finally, some stories from our neighborhood!!!
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 23:13:26
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: To Jim Sloey: No, I wasn't invited to the Bar-B-Q, I thought it was because I was new to Cougartown. Maybe my invit. got lost in the mail also, or maybe it just hasn't arrived yet, you know how slow the Pony Express is these days. Oh well! I'll keep looking for it!
R. Lord
Royal, Your 7 day initiation period hadn't come and gone at the time the invitations went out.
Sloey Dude...........You Weren't InvitedI know, "GO Dorsey"
Name: pauline matthew () on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 23:12:51
E-Mail: sockser@hotmail.com
Maiden: spencer
Class: 1969
Message: john baker-the t-shirts for the homecoming game, are you going to take pre-orders?
Hi Pauline, That's what we're shooting for. They will also be sold at the Stick and Stein and at the Picnic.
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 23:02:25
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: To John Baker: I know I'm new to cougartown and new to the Royal Court and I assume my invitation was also lost in the mail to the Bar-B-Q, but what I don't understand is HOW DO I GET MY NAME AND E-MAIL ADDRESS ON THE ALUMNI LIST? Thanks for your help! If you need information about Carol Wickwire I can see what I can do, I know the family real well.
Royal, I added you to the alumni list. For anyone else; just go to the Alumni List page and click on the "ADD ME" graphic.
Yes, please let Carol know about the site. I think we lost her since our last reunion. That's right, as I recall, you and Carol WERE "High School Sweeties". It's a small Cougar world folks. Thanks Royal. . . . .
Name: Glenn Crist () on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 22:46:05
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
Message: O. K.
I've been following along here and I think I've seen all of the slogans; don't remember seeing this one:
Endangered species?
I do think our trusty mascot in the crosshairs, however, might be going just a bit too far. The Pink Panther might be another matter.
Glenn, Where have you been the last month or so?? We missed you here.
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Wednesday, August 18, 1999 at 22:45:25
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: El Rojo alias R.J.: I knew it was "sen" and I was testing you. You passed the first test. I wasn't throwing you a curveball on the nicknames, I was tagged "Jesus" and my brother was called "little Jesus". We have heard from 4/7 of the offensive line (2 guards, 2 ends) I know we can't hear from the center, but where are those tackles? Have a good day, Be a coug!
R. Lord
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