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Everly Bros.
So Sad

Name: Anita ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Apr 27, 2008, 4:43 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
City & State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Message: Hey JB -When most people think about salsa, they think about using it as a dip for chips. There's so many things you can do with salsa besides dipping. It's good on steak, hamburgers, hot dogs, burritos (obviously) and even fish. Add a little salsa music playing in the background, a pitcher of margarita's and enjoy!
Sounds bueno to me....

Name: Dewey ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Apr 27, 2008, 4:24 pm - HHS Time
City & State: Chandler,AZ
Message: It?s funny how smells and music bring up old memories, somebody gave me a CD of old Allman Brother?s music. The first person that came to mind was Mike Jaqua(SP) ? I know that he is gone ? so we toasted him a few times weekend ? thanks Mike for another music lesson. Melanie says cheers to Holy Glen park!

Name: Larry Bach ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Apr 27, 2008, 4:03 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Torrance, CA
Message: No, I'd be happy if Armand would bring a big pot of that Chili and fixins to the next "Cruise Night". It would make a nice side dish to one of those Foster's Freeze cheese burgers. I'll bring my bottle of patent remedy I picked up in Chinatown that cures everything up to and including (quoting the label) "wind evils".

Name: Jerry Miles ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Apr 27, 2008, 1:50 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Fair Oaks, CA
Message: Jim Fox, Happy Birthday and I hope your commemoration repast went as well as you anticipated. I?m one of your fellow impending ?66?ers and eagerly await my indoctrination into the sexagenarian club in just a few short months. Because, as I?m sure they have not figured out a way to regress in age, there is only one other valid alternative. But as that is one I do not find acceptable, Sixty here I come! But I also think I have to agree with JB. Most of us guys were at least a little sexagenarian way back in high school. Unfortunately my dates all suffered from ?No? it is, and were expert at slapface. They were Hawthorne girls after all. But I wouldn?t have traded a minute of it and I hope we're all around another sixty years. Well? thirty anyway? haha.

Name: Armand Vaquer ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Apr 27, 2008, 7:42 am - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Tarzana, CA
Message: Larry and his beer. LOL! He'd be happy to know that whenever I make chili, I use beer instead of water when cooking it. Don't forget sharp cheddar cheese and onions!

Name: Jon Sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 8:13 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: Hawthorne
Message: Happy Birthday Jim Fox hope that you and your family have a great evening. May you be blessed with many more.

Name: Steve Fraser ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 4:51 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Laguna Woods
No E-mail
Message: I saw the HHS pool last week and "remodel" is a understatement. The pools we knew are gone. The largest pool had been leaking for years and dismissed the leak until the Water Dept. sold it to the California Water Co. Now the city pays water, mucho dinero. The new pools will reconfigure ($10 word) to two pools. The kiddy pool will be same. The large pool and the diving pool will be a "L" shape. The diving area will be 12'(?) and somehow will gradually into shallow depths. I think this is a bad idea!! WRONG!! I worked there for 6 years and the diving pool was busy enough but now guards will have to watch the kiddies wander into deep waters. OK that's my soapbox today!
Hey Steve, Thanks for the information on the new pool....

Name: Larry Bach ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 3:53 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Torrance, CA
Message: Clicked the dratted button too soon. Must have been thinking about beer, I mean Chili & Salsa, or Armand's gun show memories. Where is that bottle opener anyway? Happy Birthday, Jim! It seems only a few years ago that you were marching in front of the HHS band with that snappy uniform and tall fur cap. If you're turning sixty, would that have made you forty-two when you graduated Hawthorne High? Nah! Best wishes!

Name: Larry Bach ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 3:44 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Torrance, CA
Message: Salsa AND Chili on a baked potato... and beer.
YES....Salsa IN Beer!!!

Name: Stephanie Brito ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 3:32 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Hall
Class: 1961
City & State: RPV, CA
Message: Being a Docent inside Point Vicente Interpretive Center is fun but on a day like today going out on the patio to see if gray whales are passing by is hard to resist. I stepped out and was focusing my binocs when a young woman stepped up beside be and asked for coordinates. I tried to orientate her to that spot where something was in the water. When we discovered it was a group of sea lions and not a larger mammal, the lady said "Aren't you Stephanie from my high school?" I looked and there was Penny Prouty. Beautiful Penny. Beautiful Cougar sighting. Sure glad I went out! She asked about Lucy Wolfe. We all want to make that sighting. Thanks, John. As always, our luck at having you build this site came up.
GREAT Sighting Steph, and especially Penny Prouty from my class. Penny, I know you live in the area, so please get yourself to a Cruise Night sometime, and bring some Cougar friends with you. Thanks very much Stephanie

Name: Jim Fox ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 10:04 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Hawthorne
Message: On the occasion of my own birthday, I would like to congratulate my fellow sixty-sixers on their new (or impending) status of sexagenarian. As for me, I plan to celebrate by going to dinner and plying my 60 year old circulatory system with a bit of LDL cholesterol. Remember folks, we're not getting older, just more worldly.
Hey Jim, Congrats on your BD. 60 doesn't hurt a bit. Just being a guy, I think I've always been a sexagenarian

Name: Eric Larson ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 8:45 am - HHS Time
Class: 1970
City & State: Rosamond, CA
Message: Greetings Jim, Your memories of summer and the HHS pool sparked similar memories. Vivid in my mind was the walk home after a day at the "plunge", eyes recovering from the pool chemicals and stopping to buy some shoestring licorice. I think they were 2 for a penny. Does anyone else remember the special way we would roll our swimsuit inside our towel so it didn't drag on the ground on the walk home? I drove by the pool a couple weeks ago and the front of the building was gutted. Yes there is major construction going on there. I guess it's time for a remodel. Those facilities are older than we are. Maybe we need major construction too!!!
I remember going the first year (56-57). What a swimming summer that was.

Name: Armand Vaquer ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 8:35 am - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Tarzana, CA
Message: Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the Great Western Gun Show at the Pomona fairgrounds used to have a chili cook-off and the participants would also make salsa for people to sample. Lots of good stuff and some also sold it. Those were the days!
Salsa in chili sounds good too.

Name: Karen Kuehl (KK) ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 8:26 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1959
City & State: Vista, CA
Message: Jim: I was just back in Atlanta and went fishing at Lake Lanier. Beautiful lake but didn't catch anything. Tried Stone Mountain too but no luck there either. The weather was really nice while I was there. No humidity, thank goodness! While living in Santa Maria, home of the Santa Maria Style BBQ, I learned to eat salsa on BBQed tri-tip and top sirloin. Very good with steak, especially when it's BBQed. Try it, you'll like it!
Today is BBQ day at the Baker casa. I will try that too.

Name: Dean Karels ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 8:11 am - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: tustin,cal.
Message: been awhile but noticed salsa's being talked about, try it on a baked potato instead off the other fixin's
Sounds good Dean, I'll try it today.

Name: Jim Armour ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Apr 26, 2008, 6:14 am - HHS Time
Class: 1970
City & State: Atlanta
Message: Wish I could try some of your "killer Salsa" John. What is your favorite thing to eat salsa with? Man, I love those fresh hot chips in the restaurant. Omelets are good too. Things in Atlanta are warming up a bit and its getting to be time to "summer up" I will be an official at an all woman triathlon in June at Lake Lanier. Thats always a good way to jump start the summer :). Back in the day in Hawthorne, summer always started for me by taking swimming lessons at the HHS pool. I wonder, do they still do that? Oh yea, margaritas are always a favorite with salsa.
Hey James, I like salsa burritos. Ground turkey or beef with salsa and cheese wrapped in a tortilla. Salsa on an omelet is great too.
Someone said they were revamping the pools at HHS. Not sure what they're doing but I bet someone knows.

Name: Patty Saville ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 25, 2008, 8:43 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1974
City & State: Laguna Beach, Ca.
Message: I'm here I'm here, Susan! Yes, I think George Key was the finest principal. I miss his postings. I had a nice talk with Mr. Clayton Williams the other day - what a nice chat. He's the same as ever and doing well. Hard to believe that Kris and Krista are, well, mature adults. I like looking at the familiar names signed up for the golf tourney, always looking from back here and happy that there are so many people getting together. (I can't play golf. People pay me to stay off of the course :0) ) Joe Mailander, hold up those standards, you are a wonderful representative of the olde alma mater. Ok, I'm done. Patty
I just made to KILLER salsa of the CENTURY!! I wish I could give you all a bite or two....

Name: Jill Jaynes ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 25, 2008, 2:04 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: McFarlane
Class: 1977
City & State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Hey Everyone, I have been receiving a lot of checks from our golfers, thanks to everyone who has sent their checks in. You guys are great! We have had two golfers drop out, so we need two more to take their place. Actually, we could use about 6 more golfers! Please sign up today! It is so much fun, and it should be a really nice day. I noticed you guys talking about the weight room back at HHS. I use to go in there and lift weights every now and then. I forgot why, I don't think it was a way for me to meet boys, I just may have been ahead of my time. I think it was coach Plum who taught me the right way to lift and the wrong way, or it could've been Mr. T. It could've been the Easter Bunny, my memory is swiss cheese. Point is, I liked lifting weights and I do remember the weight room smelling like a cross between sweaty boys and rotten food.

Name: Jim Magrini ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 25, 2008, 8:41 am - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Littleton, Colorado
Message: Long time since I was here. I am on a networking site called It lets you connect with co-workers and friends. You can join for free and meet people that may be able to help you grow your business, find customers, etc. I am currently looking for a business development position. If you join, please invite me to your network, and we'll start a Cougartown group on the site. You can find me at
Thanks Jim

Name: Lori Dixon ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Apr 25, 2008, 5:26 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Terry
Class: 1978
City & State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Cougar sighting - I went to Von's at Inglewood Ave & Marine for a sandwich yesterday and the lady making it asked me if I went to HHS. Turns out that she is Margo Manel (Class of 78). It's been 30 years since we last saw each other. She got married and has a couple kids. Her name tag said Christine and I asked her why she changed her name. She explained that another girl had the same name. During her reply, a coworker named Christina walked by. I'm doing good. I received a cochlear implant last summer and am still adjusting to my new hearing. This world is LOUD! I'm able to easily understand an audiobook "The Ride Of Our Lives: Roadside Lessons Of An American Family" and am listening to other audiobooks to try improving speaker independence. I'm hearing better than I ever did in my life. I can now hear 's' with my CI which I couldn't with hearing aids. I continue to have an aversion to phone calls & parties. I still have a way to go, as I was prelingually deaf, but my hearing will continue to improve. Cochlear implant technology has come a long way since 1978 and exciting advances are in the pipeline. I am still with Xerox which underwent tough times in the past several years. Our El Segundo campus dwindled from 10,000-15,000 (from 1980's peak) to approximately 500. This is my 23rd year so I get 5 weeks vacation and my 9 year old kid and I will be going on a 8-state RV trip this summer. Glad to rejoin Cougartown which is an awesome site. Take care.Lori
Hi Lori, Great Cougar Sighting and thanks for the update on yourself too.

Name: Keith Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Apr 24, 2008, 8:01 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas
Message: Dan, I played on the All-stars two years. I remember the first year I think we smoked the team from American. The next year American merged with us and we went to the last Middle World Series in Santa Maria. We won the whole tournament that year. I had 10 home runs in 11 games. I sat out one game because the coach Terry Mack thought I was seeing his girlfriend. I know that was the reason. We were unreal that year. The press came and asked me and Staffon how we were going to handle one of the players on the Santa Maria team who was an all American sprinter or something. I said we'll throw him out. When he tried to steal second I got the ball to second before he could start his slide. I also set some record or something hitting 16 foul balls in a single at-bat. One of them broke Walt Duvall's windshield of his car.

Name: Dan Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Thu-Apr 24, 2008, 11:16 am - HHS Time
Class: 1977
City & State: Sherman Oaks
Message: Seeing that my old step brother Dave Whippo has signed up for the golf tourney makes me sad that it conflicts with my vacation to Mexico this year! Will one of you golfers convey my greetings to Dave? Still among my most vivid memories as a child was serving as "bat boy" for the Hawthorne American Middle League All Stars in their epic battles with Hawthorne National (who had fair to middling talents like Mike Scott). Are there any CTers who played in or watched those games (I would say it was circa 1969-1970)?
