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Dr. John
Dr. John's slightly upbeat
version of Silent Night.

Name: Patty ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Dec 18, 2007, 8:26 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1974
City & State: laguna beach, ca
Message: Shannon Keys - very funny. I laughed a lot, cried, and then laughed again - good job!!! Uhhh, ummmm, uhhhh does this count toward my new total???? or am I a tea-totaller????? Merry Christmas!!
Hey Girl, tell me you aren't on the stuff. Merry Christmas to you, the kids, and the HB.... Where's George Key been??

Name: JIM SLOEY ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Dec 18, 2007, 6:02 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: SOLVANG
Message: Here is a great Christmas web site especially if you have grandchildren or young children. It also has a recipe section for cakes, pies, breads, and every cookie you could ever imagine. Merry Christmas to all the Cougars and their family and friends.
Thanks Jim, I got the CHOCOLATE CHIP PEANUT BUTTER COOKIE RECIPE!! Not for me you understand. I'm on a diet....

Name: Al Rocca ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Dec 18, 2007, 9:24 am - HHS Time
Class: 1970
City & State: Mesa, AZ
Message: Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas
Hey Al, Well Merry Christmas right back to ya and thanks for being here.

Name: Howard "Paco" Duran ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Dec 17, 2007, 10:14 am - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: Lake Forest
Message: Now that you're all decorated,take a pic and send it to me!!
Paco still needs your Christmas pics folks (old pictures or new). Thanks Cougs

Name: Debbie ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Dec 16, 2007, 5:51 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
City & State: Del Aire, CA
Message: In case anyone wants to read an article about Earl "Madman" Muntz' an icon of many a Coug's youth, the LA Times printed an article. You can access it online here

Name: doris ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Dec 16, 2007, 3:35 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: donaldson
Class: 1957
City & State: Twin Falls, ID BRRRR
No E-mail
Message: Hope I'm the first to wish our very own ROBIN HOOD a WONDERFUL 65th birthday tomorrow! Yes "new kids on the block" ... his name really IS "ROBIN HOOD"! And he's a great guy with a great sense of humor and we don't hear from him often enough on Cougartown. He not only has some wild stories, but has a very unique fashion of telling them. COME BACK TO THE FOLD HOODMAN! We love ya maaaan! BTW, what ARE you doing for your birthday? And may we join in???!!!
Hey Happy Birthday Hoody....

Name: Walter Holt ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Dec 16, 2007, 5:18 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Surf City, CA
Message: Well John for being 59 years old and still being able to get out in waves like that, I feel pretty darn good about it. You talk cars, I talk surf...LOL.... Now about that how to build a surfboard......My best Christmas was the year I got my first Greg Noll surfboard, that was only slightly better than the year I got my first HO train layout....BTW fellow Cougs since the mortgage industry went on it's ear (nice to go to work one day and find the doors locked), I had to change careers so now I am selling Nissan autos in HB...Anybody need a new car? Have a Happy Safe Holidays Cougs!!!!
Thanks Walter and keep on surfin boy, it'll keep you young.

Name: John Crotty ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 5:00 pm - HHS Time
No E-mail
Message: Keith, that was the most honest, noble admission you have ever posted here and that is admirable. Takes guts to admit that...hope you steer young hopefuls away from the practice in your gym.
John, You musta' missed it, take them or be prepared not to win. And how the heck did we get on this subject?

Name: Keith D.Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 4:38 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Las Vegas
Message: All this roid talk in sports is unreal. When I competed at first I was beating guys who were on steroids. One day one of the guys asked me what I was on. I said absolutely nothing. He couldn't beleive it. He said I should start cause if I was that strong without them I would be unbeatable on them. So for six months I took Testosterone Cypionate 200 mg. for 6 months straight. One shot a day. Needless to say I got unreal strong. After my last match I never used again. 10 years laters I was still benching 500 lbs. and even did a 505 lb incline. I kept most of my strength. But I did for the one stretch and never again. And I DO KNOW plenty of guys who used to take them. No big deal back then cause they weren't as illegal as nowadays. But, in some cases if you opponent is taking them the only thing you can do is take them or be prepared not to win. Cause they defintiely give you a HUGE advantage.

Name: John Crotty ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 4:31 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: Hermosa Beach
Message: Hey Walt, last Wednesday, my Brother Paul ('HHS '70), Mike Hopkins (another Hawthorne guy but went to St. Bernard's), and I went to the Mermaid here in Hermosa for breakfast. Through the bay windows we watched some huge breakers. There were a ton of people watching from the berms they had created and from the pier....but not a single surfer in the water......both north and south of the pier for as far as we could see.....they were monstrous, but broke fast.

Name: Walter Holt ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 2:47 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Surf City, Ca
Message: Ray, the waves last weekend were ok....The swell really hit on Wednesday. Tuesday I was out in what was 10-12' Faces an just really fun superfast tubes. Then wednesday rolled around....Mavericks And Ghost Trees up North were Breaking in the 35-50 foot range. A surfer Lost his life at Ghost Trees trying to make it back in. La Jolla Shores was going off in the 15-20 foot range. I first went to Huntington down by 17th St north of the pier. It was too walled up to make it out there. I then went to Bolsa Chica Jetties... Off the jetties looked to be about 9-12 foot and makeable with nobody out. Everyone was standing on the beach or on the jetties. So I grabbed my trusty 9'0" twin fish and headed out. It took me over a half hour to make it past the whitewater Then another 10-15 min of taking it on the head and doing the best I could to duckdive or whatever to make it past the break line. Once I got to where it looked to be safe to stay some outside set waves started coming in. They were in the 15-20 foot face range easy an breaking way outside so I took some more on the head to get outside. Finally I was out there and decided to wait for the set waves which were coming at about 15 minute intervals. I caught a grand total of 5 waves of which were some of the gnarliest drop ins I have been in for a couple years. My 6th wave I took off, dropped in and before I could complete my turn it walled up, closed out wiping me out, I had no where to go. My leashed with the forced snapped and I wound up swimming and taking a ton of waves on the head getting back in. By that time I was too tired to try to grab another leash and head back out. The 5 waves I caught made it all worth while. We got another slightly smaller swell coming in next Wed.-Thursday
Geez Walter, I'm glad he didn't ask "how do you build a surfboard?"

Name: Debbie ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 2:35 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
City & State: Del Aire, CA
Message: Does anyone else remember going to see the terrific neighbor displays in Baldwin Hills? The energy crisis in the early 70's kinda was the end of it, but it made for some great and nearby childhood Christmas memories. As for Santa visiting our house every Christmas Eve, yes it was true. And my brother often missed all the fun cuz Mom sent him to the store to get more whipped cream before Thriftimart closed. Another bit of Del Aire history. There was a tiny bit (the north half of 116th Street and 115th Street that was actually City of Los Angeles. If law enforcement and/or fire services were needed, they came from Venice. I know someone who actually crossed the street to a neighbor's house when he thought he was having a heart attack to get the Lennox paramedics. I can remember neighbors and their big brothers and sisters who had to fight to not go to Airport Junior High (part of LA Unified) , then be expected to go to Lennox High School. A lot of school district changing without moving the family. The side of Del Aire south of 120th uses Hawthorne, but is also part of Del Aire.

Name: Armand Vaquer ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 2:04 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1972
City & State: Tarzana, CA
Message: John, your ex will be happy to know that there's a new "Dark Shadows" movie in the works with Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins. I'm not kidding this time!
Yeah right!!!

Name: Cindy Whittaker ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 1:26 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
City & State: Hawthorne CA
Message: Armand: DARK SHADOWS! It was one of my favorite after school shows. I even bought the theme music and played it over and over. Yea, I know, weird kid! Did you ever see clips of it later as an adult? Oh man, talk about bad acting and effects! As far as performance enhancers to make the top 100, Shannon is right... caffeine and work breaks is all that was (is?) necessary!

Name: Thone Ritch ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 12:07 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 1967
City & State: Placentia, CA
Message: John, would you want to add the stories I wrote in about Mrs. Ton to the teacher section? Either way, thank you for printing them in the Feedback section.
Sure, I can do that. Thanks Thone....

Name: Ray Smith ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 6:42 am - HHS Time
Class: 1981
City & State: Portland, OR
No E-mail
Message: It's 6:37 am and already a warm trend hits Hawthorne...49'!!!! Only 2 degrees warmer than last night. you guys stay warm? lol. I was talking to a friend of mine in San Diego and she tells me she now has to wear a sweater? I wonder if there any slogan across the South Bay area like...."Stay warm..sleep with a friend". Sort of like the one I saw during the drought in the 80's..."Save water...shower with a friend". Just checked L.A's temps....46'. Brrrrrr. Our daytimes high's is only going to be around 45'. I heard there was some killer waves at the the beach last weekend that some surfers deem it too dangerous. Can anyone tell me about it? I wonder how high the surf was.

Name: Walter Holt ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 6:42 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: SurfCity, Ca
Message: Jerry got most of Tin Can Beach correct...The majority of tin cans came from the workers who stayed there while they were building the railroad trestles across the channel to Catalina...An I got a bridge across L.A. harbor for sale...any takers? the people at the Catalina Museum & Chamber of Commerce are still laughing their butts off.
Thank you Walter, I feel much better now.

Name: Thone Ritch ~~~~~~~~~~ Sat-Dec 15, 2007, 12:55 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 1967
City & State: Placentia, CA
Message: John, I believe the snow arrived in Hawthorne in 1954. I remember trying to make snowballs in it at home and thinking it reminded me of visiting my Minnesota Grandfather. I also remember the day the tornado missed Hawthorne High, but took out Hawthorne High's lights. Strange, how people think Hawthorne never had snow or a tornado in modern history, but it did.
Thanks Thone

Name: Michael Burt ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 14, 2007, 9:08 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Aurora, CO
Message: Checking in-- life has been busy since we left Cheyenne. It's good to have a life again. Yes, John, "George" is my little known, little used first name. Just spent a lovely summer & fall on the Front Range, but now we have to pay the piper-- the snow, ice, cold and dampness are here again until May. I keep running into people who are very familiar with LA or the Inland Empire. Even in Cheyenne, I worked with a guy who lived in the Hawthorne-Gardena area while he was in the military. My current boss was raised in Hawaii and worked post production in the Hollywood-Burbank area for quite awhile. His buddy, a guy who works with me on the swing shift, also lived along the Strand in Manhattan Beach working post in LA for about 12 years in the 80s and early 90s. And a guy on the day shift lived in the Valley and worked post for many years. We swap war stories about the industry, Southern California. What a small world it is. Season's greetings and best wishes for 2008 to everyone in Cougartown.
Hey Michael, thanks for the update, stay warm and stay tuned in to Ctown.

Name: Bill Sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 14, 2007, 7:11 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1969
City & State: R.B
Message: JB, Greg Anderson and Kevin Rodomski are the trainers that supplied the juice to the big named players. This of course relates to prior posting when steroids was mentioned for the top ten CT writers. Go back and read it again you will catch on. Stay with the net pulling because when they start testing everyone for steroids you don't wantabe holding the cup. Merry Christmas everyone... Bill
Hi Bill, Yes, I understand completely but do any NON-sports people here get it?

Name: George Johnson ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 14, 2007, 4:29 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1962
City & State: Spinnaker Cove, Ca
Message: Hey John Boy; Give Sloey a break, you know he's from Nebraska or some place like that. All of those Hawthorne transplants are hard to understand or maybe it's just the thin air up in Solvang?. Sloey, no offense, just stirin the pot LOL.
And who's John Boy?

Name: jim sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 14, 2007, 12:23 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: clemensville, tx
No E-mail
Message: This record isn't tainted. Greg Anderson is just a good friend as well as Kevin Rodomski. It's my workout regime nothing else. I have nothing else to say except how could anybody think you could have a railroad to Catalina. I mean the tunnel to China I understand but a railroad to Catalina? Got to go, my train to china is ready in tunnel 2.
Does anyone but me have trouble following Jim's stuff?

Name: Sharon Stowe ~~~~~~~~~~ Fri-Dec 14, 2007, 11:27 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 1972
City & State: Lawndale, CA
Message: I must admit Shannon Keys is right. I made the top 100 (just barely) due to two performance enhancers, one being coffee and the other, the desperate desire to escape Work for a few minutes.
