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First = Eirik
Last = Moen
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1971
Message = Hi, there! Many thanks for your mail the other day - and yes, I went to HHS in Hawthorne, California. The website you have arranged was therefore great fun to see - and brought back many fond memories to an "old" Norwegian exchange student to HHS (class of '71). I was in Hawthorne for one year through the American Field Service exchange program - and it was a fabulous year, thanks to the Workman family (with whom I stayed), good friends on and off campus and fine teachers at Hawthorne High (in particular Mr. Goodfellow, Mr. Orrell and Mr. Grahamer - but they came perhaps after your time?). My present work as Secretary General of the Conservative Party of Norway (Hoyre) is very internationally oriented, with frequent travels abroad and close cooperation with likeminded parties both in Europe and other parts of the world. Respect and understanding of other cultures and ways of thinking is a must in all such international cooperation. My stay at HHS taught me a lot about international understanding and gave me a better understanding of American culture and way of life (as well as being great fun!). I am forever grateful for what I received through the AFS experience, thanks to Hawthorne and Hawthorne High School. So, thank you again for your mail - and best wishes to you personally.
Sincerely, Eirik Moen

First = Jean
Last = Robertson
E-Mail =
Maiden = Barry
Class of: = 1967
Message = I did, I did go to Hawthorne High and graduated from there in 1967! I think they've lost me, however, cause I never hear about reunions and such! Thank you for this message! I'll check it out!!!! Jeanie

First = David
Last = Hannon
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1968
Message = Yep, I attended Hawthorne High. Graduated in 1968, then went to El Camino for 1 1/2 years before moving to the Seattle area. I will check out your site. Been wondering what happened to a few of my classmates.

First = Frank
Last = Romano
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1961
Message = John... the web site and details brightened my day. At the present time, I'm recovering from a heart transplant at UMC Tucson. My home is at Las Vegas, and has been for the past 20 years. I would like to receive a list e-mail addresses from the class of 61 reunion, or contact telephone numbers.
Snail 4900 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, Nv 89119
Phone 702-798-6100
Fax 702-739-0427
Temporary during recovery till Mid December, 520-624-8757
Again... thanks for the bright spot...

First = Cathy
Last = Satter
E-Mail =
Maiden = Gumtz
Class of: = 1970
Message = This is the best Web Page - great job John and thanks Tom for the pictures. There are so many memories on this page. Thank you so much. Other memories: Gillis Beach Party's, The Boston Store and Ryan's Men's Store on Hawthorne Blvd., what about the Hawthorne Fair at the Memorial Center every July? The Drop-In dances Friday nights with Casey Casem and the Turtles (1968 and 1969). Answer to question of week: The Plaza Theater was located on Hawthorne Circle?? (across the street from the old fire station).

First = Tom
Last = Simon
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: =
Message = John, great web site, keep up the great work.

First = jim
Last = crowell
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: =
Message = My father delivered mail to the Beach Boys during the early 1960s, he thought they were loud.

First = John
Last = Printz
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 69
Message = I'm now living in Simi Valley with 5 kids ages 13 to 20. My brother Steve Printz (class of '67) lives in N.C. close to Charlotte.His email address is:

First = terry
Last = hare
E-Mail =
Maiden = nalbandian
Class of: = 65

First = Rich
Last = Wolverton
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 65

First = John
Last = Miranda
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 65
Message = This is great! Fair rolls one back to the "good old Days" to view this web page. This is a great idea John.

First = Judi
Last = Storie
E-Mail =
Maiden = Zaccaglin
Class of: = 1967
Message =Chris, I read the note about Mr. Fix. Danny Fix was married years ago to my sister-in-law Jensea Storie. They had two children and then were divorced. We still see him at family functions. He is alive, well, and riding his Harley around Manhattan Beach. It is true that he played Weaser on the Little Rascals.

First = Loreene
Last = Terry
E-Mail =
Maiden = Terry
Class of: = 1978

First = Tyson
Last = McPherson
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1985
Message = Hey, I also had Mr. Fix. I also remember the rumor that he was in the Little Rascals, but still do not know if it was true.

First = Joyce
Last = Chance
E-Mail = none yet
Maiden = Savisky
Class of: = 62
Message = I just love this website! Does anyone know the whereabouts of Mr Wing, the music teacher or Mr. Kirkpatrick? These were two of my favorite teachers. And hi to all of the alumni from the Class of 62. This website makes me want a reunion right now.

First = Delia
Last = Garza
E-Mail =
Maiden = Yawnick
Class of: = 86
Message = This is a response to Chris Prewitt. Danny Fix was still a speech teacher back in '86 when I was there. He wasn't teaching drama anymore. The rumor that he was in the Little Rascals was still going strong back then too. As for its truth, I don't know. There were a few rumors about him floating around.....not sure if there was truth to any. I don't know if he is still teaching at HHS. Maybe someone from a more recent class could tell us. -- Delia

First = Chris
Last = Prewitt
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 67
Message = You did a great job at finding a student now how about a teacher? I have just been going through my "El Molino" and could not find any reference to Mr. Fix. Mr. Fix taught speech and drama. Why weren't there any pictures of him? What happened to him? It was once rumored that he had been in some of the "Little Rascals" films is that true? Thanks again for helping me find Ezra. Chris Prewitt

First = Cathy
Last = Griffith
E-Mail =
Maiden = Krause
Class of: = 65
Message = This site is too much! The 1965 Reunion Committee is finding a great new way to keep in touch & find lost classmates through the net. We've just started collecting Email addresses from classmates & I'll be sure to send them all a message about this site. Our class is a very active one. We have bi-yearly newsletters, a current address list of nearly 300 classmates, and a blow-out 3-day reunion every 5 years with occasional mini reunions in between. If you're looking for a lost friend or want more info, I'm the committee "secretary" and will share whatever I have.

First = Delia
Last = Garza
E-Mail =
Maiden = Yawnick
Class of: = 86
Message = John, You've out done yourself again!! Thanks for the wonderful c/o 86 reunion area. It looks great! Hope everyone else enjoys it as much as I do!

First = Jay
Last = Fernandez
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1976
Message = Great site! It brings back a lot of memories. I'll try to get the URL to my brother John, who attended back in the 60s, he'll get a kick out of it. I'd love to hear from others who may remember me, I'm always curious as to what happened to people I knew.

First = kevin
Last = gonzalez
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 98
Message =wow i did`nt know hawthorne high school had a web site thats cool, i think that its great. i also think more current stuff should be added.

First = Steve
Last = Bouffard
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1986

First = Dan
Last = McNeill
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1968
Message = Great site! My wife likes your surfer. I have a 1964 Slang Dictionary that was an English class project in Miss Cone's class. I'll try to find it and send some of the entries. I tried to download the audio "viewer" to listen to Fun, fun, fun, but the Microsoft site that you link to isn't there.

First = CARLA
Last = JOHNS
Class of: = 1965

First = Lisa
Last = Caughlin
E-Mail =
Maiden = Caughlin
Class of: = 1981
Message = Very Cool page. I only wish the school would get a page with alumni contacts and teacher e-mails!!

First = Kathy
Last = Hunn
E-Mail = not yet
Maiden = Salisbury
Class of: = 1969
Message = Hi to all the kids from Mr. Morgan's band from '64 to '69.

First = Tyson
Last = McPherson
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1985
Message = Yes, I know I was a little late, class of 85, but I like what you have done with this HHS home page. During the early 80s not many of us were into cars, but my, 68 Fastback Mustang, keep me on the right track, and out of the drug scene. I can remember my father talking about the Witch Stand and A&W on Hawthorne Blvd, but when it came time for me to cruise the streets things just were not the same. Cool page, Tyson

First = LIANA
Maiden = EVANS
Class of: = 66

First = Don
Last = Watts
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1971

First = Peggy
Last = Ouellet
E-Mail =
Maiden = Conlon
Class of: = 1966
Message =Hi Fellow Cougars!! And thanks John for getting this started. It's so cool to take a trip down memory lane and recall the great times we had, like at Gungaden (later Hawthorne Youth Canteen). and as many have mentioned cruisin' Hawthorne Blvd. between A&W and the Wich Stand. Hi Myrna Bell and Chris Prewitt, fellow classmates. What happened to our 30th???
More later...Peggy

First = Lyle
Last = Tucker
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 77
Message = Wow! What an incredible site! You are to be commended! Here I am in Roswell, New Mexico, reliving my childhood in sunny Hawthorne! Great to see some of the teachers I remember. Hopefully with time others I knew or had will show up {Bob Atkins, Gil Gaier, Cindy Crum, Mike Sloan, John Claypool--to name a few}. A memory I cherish is the music booths at Melody Music on Haw. Blvd. and that patient white-haired old fellow who used to fetch every 45 you asked for without the slightest wince! And what a treat to see Chips Restaurant again. My mother and I used to go there for hot chocolate every Sunday after mass at St. Joe's {if I was good!}. How about a photo of the ol' Hawthorne Water Tower? For awhile I used to live right under it on Truro. Great site! I'll be returning often. If anyone from 74-77 wants to get in touch, don't hesitate to e-mail.

First = Andre'
Last = Mitchell
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1987
Message = Hello, John How did you find me? I'm glad that you did. If there is any one out there from the classes of 1984 to 1988. Please contact me at Thank you Dre'

First = Cathy
Last = Satter
E-Mail =
Maiden = Gumtz
Class of: = 1970
Message = This home page is great! Looks like many hours of time and effort. Thanks John! Favorite Teacher I will always remember: Josephine Roth - Shorthand Teacher Over the years I recall some of the things she would share with us about the working world. Anyone know where she is? My e-mail is: (I hope you will only use this e-mail address to send messages about HHS, and not use this for sending me any junk mail). Thank you. Cathy Satter (Gumtz)

First = Curt
Last = Satter
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1967

First = Belinda
Last = Knoll
E-Mail =
Maiden = Barraza
Class of: = 1984

First = Kelly
Last = Knoll
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1985

First = Clay
Last = Jordan
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1969

First = Sally
Last = Rand
E-Mail =
Maiden = Rand
Class of: = 60
Message = John, I don't know how you found me, but thanks for sending me a message. Would love to here more. Thank You, Always Sally

First = Colleen
Last = Almas
E-Mail =
Maiden = Stevens
Class of: = 1991
Message = Great page. GO COUGARS!!!!!!!!!!

First = Rosanne
Last = Adams
E-Mail =
Maiden = Garrisi
Class of: = 1972
Message = I would thoroughly enjoy hearing from friends and classmates from the class of '72.....

First = Bob
Last = Melendrez
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1971
Message = Hey, what a "bitchin" site! I was "stoked" when I found out about it! Great job, John, thanks! I'll turn this URL over to my musician buddies: Ken Sheldon ('69), Don Watts ('71), Dan Melendrez ('70), Mike Taylor ('71), Eric Evans ('71), Keith Young, ('71), we're still rockin' after all these years...

First = Margie
Last = Melgares
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 72
Message = Hi Everyone! I grew up in Hawthorne but moved to Torrance at the end of the 10th grade. I would love to hear from anyone who went to York, Hawthorne Intermediate and Hawthorne High.

First = Gregg
Last = Dean
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1964
Message = Hello, I hope this reaches all you "surfers & surfettes" in high spirits and good health.

First = Ronald
Last = Harrison
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 85
Message =

First = John
Last = Fowler
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 72
Message = I'm from the class of '72, had a great time. Talked with Mr. Goodfellow a couple of months ago. Have lost track of some of our neighbors: Jerry Scott, Dean Morris, Chester Buguy, Joe Quinn, etc. My parents still live at 5412 W. 134th Place in Holly Glen. Oh, I'm teaching emergency medicine in Turkey - fun, come and visit! John Fowler

First = Dewey
Last = Storie
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 74
Message = Hi

First = Richard
Last = Senecal
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: = 1970
Message = I was a great time. I would love to hear from others from HHS!

First = Manuel
Last = de la Mata
E-Mail =
Class of: = 1983
Message = Although I'm not a graduate of HHS, I did attend my sophmore year (80-81). This is a great web site, and will pass the word.

Chris Prewitt ( writes:

I would like to know what happened to Ezra Dame (class of '66)+ lots of others.

This feedback from Ron Stowe (

John, The moonie animation is cool. A true throw back to the good old days. We had a guy in highschool that could drive and moon people at the same time. He mooned the drill team's bus after a football game. One of the girl's parents threatened to sue him. All the other parents wanted to know how she knew it was him since all she saw was his ass. Malcom became a legend in his own time and was the original streaker before streaking was invented. Rumors said that he once swam nude under the glass bottom boat in Catalina.

This Feedback from Patt (Deckard) Prewitt (Class of 65).

My brother, Chris, said class of 67 Reunion is Aug 30th. He reminded me of our H.S. hang out. Art's Market (132nd and Inglewood Av) home of 20 cent tacos. Also Wich Stand had a 20 cent per person cover charge. I always had a Suicide which was about 25 cents. Thanks again, Patt

Editors Note: They must have added the 20 cent cover charge after we stopped going there. I would have noticed, since we were always trying to scrape up a dollar for cruising money.

First = Delia
Last = Garza
E-Mail =
Maiden = Yawnick
Class of: = 86
Message = I'm amazed to read the feed back from Bob Rierdan with the names of teachers who I remember. I was not fortunate enough to have Ms. Mark as a teacher but I have friends who did and adored her. I believe she passed away during my 4 years at HHS (maybe in '85) and I know the school felt the loss. Chauncey is also a name I remember... I'm wondering how many other teachers we shared! I'm pretty sure Mr.Williams (Art class), Mr Lyles (math),and Ms. Baugh (history) had been teaching at HHS years before I entered the school... It's fun thinking back to that time... --Delia

This feedback from Brother Alumnus, Bob Rierdan Class of 61. He also said Mrs Mark was his favorite teacher.
He writes....

John, You've OUTDONE yourself... I never thought that I would see those teachers again. They all look surprisingly good. I knew Coach Chauncey from childhood because my older brother used to talk about him all the time when he had him in school, then of course he was my PE coach for about 9 years of high school. As I wrote before, Mrs. Mark was also one of my favorite teachers, but in all fairness John, I think you should add a line or two from my remembrance of her. (Trading grades etc.) By letting me make her a wrought iron address bracket for her house, in trade for a passing grade, she taught me (no kidding now) that there is always more than one way around a problem. That lesson has come in handy over the years! She was one of the few teachers that I had had who actually let the fact that she was really a human-being come through. Your site has been a real pleasure to find. I hope a lot of others from Hawthorne will find it, too. See you later, Bob

First = Delia
Last = Garza
E-Mail =
Maiden = Yawnick
Class of: = 86
Message = I HAD to sign the guest book to tell you how much I enjoyed this page. I graduated from HHS in '86. I can only hope that when I see my 30 yr reunion, my classmates and I look as good as the class of '62 did! It was nice to see someone else with good memories of the school. I only hope someone from my class would make a page like this. Anyone from my class out there abouts who recognize me, drop me a line! --Delia

Ron Stowe writes: In our circle a Hoedad was anyone that didn't surf or someone that had a board went to the beach but never went in the water and may or may not have been Hispanic.

First = Myrna
Maiden = Bell
Last = Bizzell
E-Mail =
HHS Class of: = 66
Message = Hi all!!!! I love this homepage!! I look forward to hearing from anyone who may know me, may have known me, or perhaps wants to know me!!

First = Kelly
Last = Hudson
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: =
Message = I'm with Ron Stowe on the Hodad description. I think your description is a Low-Rider, man.

First = JJ
Last = Rassler
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: =
Message = Didn't Go to Hawthorne, or even grow up in CA. But grew up on the other coast in Philly where we hung at Gino's or Big Boy's at night. Summer weekends were spent in NJ (South Jersey) usually in Wildwood or Atlantic City. Saturday dances in AC on Steel Pier, Sunday drag races at ATCO (Va Va Va Voom) Speedway. I'm sure the mid-west and the south-east all had their own. It was the Spirit of America.

First = Darin
Last = Bell
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: =
Message = Gee, I never thought my Uncle Gordon would end up some type of celebrity! I saw a number of his pictures here. I enjoyed your web page. I am Thomas Bell's son and Gordon Bell's nephew. I see my Aunt Myrna was here also!

First = Kevin
Last = Bizzell
E-Mail =
Maiden =
Class of: =
Message = This page is kind of a flash back to me eventhough I am 26. Reminds me of all of the storys that my mom, Myrna Bizzell (Bell) and her brothers, Tom and Gordon Bell have told over the years. Thanx!

First = Bob
Last = Rierdan
E-Mail =
Maiden =
HHS Class of: = 61
Message = Would like to hear from anyone from HHS during the early 60's. John is a well of information about Hawthorne High and Hawthorne in general, particularly Hawthorne in the good old days. Let him know how much you appreciate his site.

If you have comments or suggestions, please email me at
