The History of Hawthorne by Robert S. Hartman |
Acknowledgments - Page 2 of 33
This history embraces four periods: A large number of people helped on the project. A special tribute must be given to Leila Schlimmer, Rose Schwabauer, Cleona Crozier, and Grayce Kmieciak who served with me on the Golden Anniversary Historical Committee and opened many doors for interviews with citizens who lived and worked in Hawthorne during its formative years. All of them helped organize or were members of many clubs and took a prominent part in many civic functions. Mrs. Schwabauer was city treasurer for twenty years and treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce for seven years. Her scrapbook contained a goldmine of information. Thanks must be given to C.D., "Pop" Morgan, Dr. Cecil Garton, the French brothers, Wayne, Jack, and Holt, and Walter Hawley for supplying pictures and documents. I am grateful to Wesley Simmons, Lou O'Rourke, Richard Kessler, and Hank Desmond for their assistance on information about annexations, city government, the municipal airport and the water department. My thanks also to Ethel Odgers, Nina Fraser, Dr. Leo Fate, Dorothy Anderson, Viola Isaacs, and Bessie Carroll, who spent many hours relating to me the many incidents of early history appearing in this narrative. I must pay special tribute to Mrs. John Scheliga, who gave me free access to her voluminous files of pictures and documents which she has been collecting for many years with the intention of writing a Hawthorne history. I sincerely hope Mrs. Scheliga will complete her worthwhile objective. This history is not as complete as I would like; much important information has been precluded because of the limited time to get it ready. It is my hope that the information contained herein may be helpful in future stories of our city.
Robert S. Hartman
General Manager, Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce 1959-1971
Published by: Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce
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