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The Shirelles
Foolish Little Girl

Name: Gary Miller ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 2:58 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1964
City & State: Concord, Ca
Message: I thought George Hiller and I were on the Tigers in 1958, but I don't see him or myself. We played over on Van Ness, our caps wre maroon with A gold T, I am not sure if it is the same team, we practiced at HHS most of the time?
I think this was 56 or 57 now that I think about it. I'll change that. Thanks Gary.

Name: Jessie ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 2:41 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Corral
Class: 1974
City & State: Los Angeles
Message: That's funny John! The coach does look alot like a young John Wayne...I was thinking more like a wanna be James Dean ha!

Name: Ruth Bescherer ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 1:44 pm - HHS Time
City & State: Mansfield TX
Message: I'm an Inglewood High School graduate (class of '66), but Highland Elementary School on Venice Way in Inglewood is having a reunion this September for students who attended there from the 1950's up through the mid '70s. If anyone from HHS went to Highland or knows anyone who did, please have them contact me so they can be notified of the reunion plans. Thanks! (P.S. I love this web site - sure wish Inglewood High had one!!)
Hi Ruth, and thanks for the information on Highland. Inglewood High DOES have one. Its run by Bill Banks IHS56, and he does a great job of keeping IHSers together.

Name: Dawn ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 12:20 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Stevenson
No E-mail
Message: Hi John,Okay I entered all the info for him. He is not much on computers. I was wondering who the coach is. I guess I could wait until I got home and showed Bob the picture. He said it might be his dad or his late ex-father-in-law or another guy whom he cannot remember his name. Thanks, Dawn
Hey Dawn, I see you did, and I sent you the picture. The Coach, who I think looks a bunch like an early John Wayne, is Alex Schmidt.

Name: steve fraser ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 10:21 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Laguna Woods
Message: Bisabawl bean berry, berry good to me. Two to the left of James Howard looks like Bryce Barbosa.
Thanks Steve...

Name: DAWN ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 9:05 am - HHS Time
No E-mail
Message: Hi I just saw the baseball picture. I would love to get a copy of it. I can pay for the print. Thanks!!!Oh and my husband says hi! Take care Dawn Stevenson, Wife of Bob Stevenson
Hi Dawn, I would send you a copy but you never leave an email address. Please email me at and I'll send it to you. Also seeing as Bob attended HHS, please have him add his info to the Cougartown Info System. Thanks...

Name: Kelley ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 7:33 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
City & State: Englewood, OR
Message: A very Happy Birthday to my Cuz Steve Fraser!!!!!!!!Class of 66. Be careful, you aren't as young as I am. Hee Hee
Happy Birthday Steve....

Name: Jim Schroeder ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 7:26 am - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Central Point, Or
Message: Jim & Jim both got Jim correctly. Now if we could get Jim Penilla and Jim St Hilare to write -- we would have a James Gang quorum from the HHS '66 baseball team. Nice try Sloey, but that's not Schlimmer. I don't know either but it may be a safe bet to think his name was Jim something.

Name: Kyle Jokela ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed-Mar 21, 2007, 2:34 am - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Irvine, Ca
Message: To Patty Valencia Saville ~~ Hi Patty. Valerie is the youngest of us all and my baby sister. I can remember her first birthday with one candle burning on her birthday cake. I was wondering what grade did you know Valerie? She went to Eucalyptus from Kindergarten to the middle of 2nd grade. Then we moved from Hawthorne. We moved back to Hawthorne four years later, so she attended Eucalyptus for most of the 6th grade. The following summer our family moved from Hawthorne again and up to the Seattle area. Valerie went to college at Willamete University in Salem, Oregon. She is now a high school teacher and counselor at San Pedro high school. She's been working for LA Unified since the early 1980s (I think since 1983). She now lives in Manhattan Beach. She drives one of those nifty VW Bugs with the flower on her dashboard. I can see why you called Valerie one of your "dearest friends." She really cares about the feelings of others, and is so much fun to be around. Thank you, and I'll let Valerie know that you asked about her. If you want to contact Valerie, her e-mail address is:

Name: Jim Sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Mar 20, 2007, 10:44 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Solvang, Ca
Message: Front row left side Darwin Schussler, back row biggest kid has to be Gary Lee's brother Bob Stevenson. And next to last guy in back row from the right is Mike Schlimmer.
Thanks Jimbo, have you been talking to Jim Schroeder? I'll add Loren Heath to the mix.

Name: Dawn Moffett ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Mar 20, 2007, 8:51 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Koch
Class: 1978
City & State: Simi Valley, Ca
Message: Just a quick Cougar Sighting - I had a nice conversation yesterday with Bob Ferguson class of 60 something. I teach at the same high school he has been teaching at for years now here in Simi Valley. It's sure a small world! Happy Vernal Equinox!
It sure is Dawn, thanks for the sighting, and here's hoping you can make your egg stand on it's tail.

Name: Kyle Jokela ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Mar 20, 2007, 6:44 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Irvine, Ca
Message: To Jim Peppers ~~ Hi Jim. Sharon is my sister, and the eldest sibling in our family. I'll tell her you said "hello" to her here on Cougartown. How long did you know Sharon? I remember her studying Russian at home while she was in high school. It must have been very beneficial for you to study Russian with her, because she's so smart and put so much enthusiasm into whatever she did. I also remember Sharon as Captain of the fencing team at HHS. My dad told me that the HHS team went up to UCLA for a match, and that Sharon beat the best fencer at UCLA. When Sharon went to Greece as a Foreign Exchange Student, she actually went to Crete, which you know is an island of Greece. She brought back some neat gifts for us from Crete. She's such a thoughtful person and such a great sister to have. If you want to see her business website, just Google in "Sharon Jokela" and you'll see her "Jokela Arts" website. Her e-mail address is there also. By the way, I was also wondering what you do in Greece and what attracted you there? Take care.

Name: Jim Gibson ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Mar 20, 2007, 6:01 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1967
City & State: Redding, CA
Message: Looks like Jimmy Schroeder front row, far right. The left hander's glove is a pretty good indicator. Am I right , Jim?
Yep, you're right but Sloey beat you to that one

Name: Jim Sloey ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Mar 20, 2007, 5:45 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Solvang, Ca
Message: Back row first guy on the left is Gary Stevenson the original owner of Blackjack and bottom row far right Jim Schroeder the funeral committee for Blackjack. I thought the #2 QB was Ron Petch also the place-kicker for the 59 team.
Not in football year 1958... Thanks Jimmer...

Name: Jessie ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Mar 20, 2007, 9:32 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Corral
Class: 1974
City & State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Yes Steve...I am Lupe's little sis' Thanks for asking.

Name: Patty Saville ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Mar 20, 2007, 8:42 am - HHS Time
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 1974
City & State: Laguna Beach, Ca
No E-mail
Message: And Valerie Jokela - one of my dearest friends in elementary school - I'd love to hear an update! Patty
Well there you are. Where have you been??

Name: Jim Peppers ~~~~~~~~~~ Tue-Mar 20, 2007, 1:02 am - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: Athens, Greece
Message: To any knowing Cougar! Is Kyle Jokela any relation to Sharon Jokela? And Kyle, if you read this, please tell Sharon "Hello" from me should she be a relative. Sharon and I studied Russian together, and she went to Greece before I did. Take care, Cougars! Jim Peppers
Hey Jim, Yes, Sharon is one of Kyle's siblings. Now I have a question. My Mom wants to know when did "that Guy that lives in Greece on the website" move there and what does he do? Thanks Jimmy.....

Name: Kyle Jokela ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Mar 19, 2007, 10:44 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Irvine, Ca
Message: I was wondering if any of the Beach Boys played football at HHS? I remember on one of their albums, there's a picture of Brian Wilson running with the football in the sand at the beach. He looked pretty big.
Al was a fullback and Brian was a third string QB behind Steve Anderson and Mike Wood.

Name: Paco ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Mar 19, 2007, 2:38 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1961
City & State: LF
Message: Mike Gillespie(HHS58) gets my vote for best QB!
Also, how about Joe Contestabile HHS54? He held the high school TD passing record (39), which stood until Pat Haden broke it while at Bishop Amat.

Name: Steve Fraser ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Mar 19, 2007, 1:57 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1966
City & State: Laguna Wood, Ca
Message: Jesse, my daughter thought it was pretty cool that her dad was a fireman! I worked with almost everyone in the picture above early in my career. Debi's dad "Bucky" is in it. Other HHS grads who worked for the HFD were, Dick Odgers, Sheldon Bliss, Mike West, Bob Guy, Dave Stark, Ray Gorospe, Jim Pasternak, Craig Bradford (son and grandson of HFD firemen), Tim O'Rourke, Mark Roberts, and our ever faithful sex-a-tary MoMo Trott. Some Cougs whose dads were Hawthorne firemen and followed their footsteps include Jim Doersam, John Doersam, Craig Reinhardt and Danny Bliss. Jesse, are you related to my old buddy Lupe Corral?

Name: Sharon Branigan ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Mar 19, 2007, 12:06 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
City & State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Invitation and reminder: the Hawthorne High School Alumni Association (HHSAA) meets this Saturday, March 24, at noon, at 23670 Hawthorne Blvd. Please join us, as we organize opportunities to promote Cougar spirit and traditions. We need your ideas and your assistance! I think Clark has lined up some interesting speakers for us. So far the class of 76 has brought more members to the HHSAA than any other class: "We've got spirit, yes we do! We've got spirit, how' bout YOU??!!" We look forward to seeing all the familiar faces and hope to see a few new faces as well!
Hey Sharon, I'll be there. Hope to see lots of you on Saturday.

Name: Jessie ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Mar 19, 2007, 12:04 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Corral
Class: 1974
City & State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: So did anyone's dad, uncle, or brother work for the fire dept? I remember Debi Jones' dad did back in the late 60 early 70's. I remember thinking how great it must of been to have a fireman for a dad!!
My dad was a volunteer fireman in Hawthorne in the late 30s and 40s. No volunteers now. Thanks Jessie...

Name: Keith D. Jones ~~~~~~~~~~ Mon-Mar 19, 2007, 1:02 am - HHS Time
Class: 1976
City & State: Kona, HI
Message: I would have to say Curtis Conway was definitely HHS best quarterback ever. I saw him play a few times and talked to him a couple more and I gotta say this kid was unreal. He was so fast and had such a great arm. I think he lead the league in rushing yards one year. And this was as a Quarterback.

Name: Kyle Jokela ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Mar 18, 2007, 10:46 pm - HHS Time
Class: 1971
City & State: Irvine, Ca
Message: Hey, since we're on the topic of Firemen, I'm certain that alot of people here remember the fire at the Food Giant back in the '60s. I remember being in my front yard and looking eastward, seeing a big black funnel of smoke billowing upwards, marring the beautiful blue horizon of Hawthorne. I think it was late afternoon or early evening when it started. It was sad. Didn't this fire burn the store down? Just thinking about the Food Giant smoke cloud, it's a bit reminiscent of one day when I was in the 9th grade. A lightning bolt came down and hit an oil tank in El Segundo, causing a fire and huge smoke cloud which cut across the sky. I was in my room, and I remember seeing a lightning bolt come down to the west of me. It didn't come down in stages, like some lightning will. It was one of those that come down like a lazer flash. It was one bolt happening super quick and all in one motion. I could slightly feel it jar the earth. It seemed that it hit something, and it wasn't very far away. I don't recall any thunder associated with it. It was kind of eerie. Just minutes later, I noticed smoke slowly rising into the air from the same area of the lightning strike. Wow, it grew into a big black smoke cloud that drifted eastward and went across LA. I remember hearing on the radio people talking about the big black cloud going across the sky. Thank goodness that there are brave Firemen who will put themselves in harms way to put these fires out, saving property, and most importantly, saving lives. They are a galant group.

Name: Loretta Cuiper ~~~~~~~~~~ Sun-Mar 18, 2007, 8:56 pm - HHS Time
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 1962
City & State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: I'm not sure if this counts for a Cougartown Sighting, but this afternoon we were having a little get together with Eric's Girlfriend Heather's family. We met a man by the name of Ron Stier class of 79, he also has two other brothers, Pete and Ralph(75 and 71), and Pete's girl friend Tonya(75) I forgot to ask her last name. They were talking about old Hawthorne and how much fun they had living here in Hawthorne. Ron still lives here in Hawthorne. You just never know who you will meet in your very own home no less.... ALWAYS A COUG.
Yes Loretta, that IS a Cougar Sighting. Thanks very much....
