To all the people who went to the Ctown Picnic and Cruise Night Green Day
Name: Walter Holt () on Monday, October 31, 2005 at 16:00:12
City and State: Surf City, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Sharon...Having been a participant and graduate of Woodstock U, The only thing Country Joe and The Fish will ever be remembered for is the "Gimmie an F" Etc. chant he did there. There were and are several other Performers from that era that will go vertually unremembered but by a few. Mountain, Bert Sommer & Buffy St Marie only to name a few.
Name: Teri Hoenig () on Monday, October 31, 2005 at 13:53:12
City and State: Paradise, Ca
Maiden: Klein
Class: 1973
Message: Class ring story; People often ask me why I never take off my class ring and still wear it to this day... Here is the true story. I had only had my class ring a few months when by boyfrined and some friends decided to go to the snow at Jacksone Lake (near Hawthorne Youth Camp) and do some innertubing on the ice and snow. I put my class ring and another ring on a gold chain and wore it around my neck that day. It was not until I got home that I realized the chain with the rings were gone and lost in the snow forever. About 3 months later I get a message to come to the front office at the high school. The front office lady was giving me the 3rd degree on my class ring. Did you lose your ring? What year do you graduate? What are your initials? As it turned out, someone did find my ring in the mud as the snow was melting and was able to see it was from Hawthorne High and sent it to the school. I was the only one in that class year with the TK initials. So I got my ring back and I have not taken it off since.
Now THAT'S a great HHS/Cougartown story, Teri, thanks for telling it here.
Name: Debbie () on Monday, October 31, 2005 at 12:09:08
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Maiden: Miles
Class: 1977
Message: Is Peter Max considered a "hippie-era" artist? I still have my beloved pair of Peter Max shorts.
Anyone remember the Peter Max milk cartons?
Name: Jim Sloey () on Monday, October 31, 2005 at 10:37:30
City and State: SOLVANG, CA
Class: 1966
Message: I want to wish Bill Young a happy birthday. If you are ever looking for a friend, this is one guy who should be on your list. Have a great day Billy! And Happy birthday Tom. Have a great one. Dennis Shelley a non-entity? Not in my book, not with that smile. Hope all is well Dennis!
Happy Bday Bill....
Name: Ray () on Monday, October 31, 2005 at 09:52:20
City and State: Mena, AR
Class: 1958
Message: John, Happy Halloween from Mena AR. I also would like to wish my brother Tom a great day, Happy Birthday brother. My brother Dennis said it all when he said this is a GREAT web site. Recently, I had the pleasure of communicating with Glenda Wilson, class of 58, via e-mail. The last time we spoke, was graduation night, 47 years ago, as we bid each other a good life. Thanks John, You're the MAN, man. Ray
Hey Ray, Thanks and Happy Halloween, and Bday to brother Tom.
Name: David Logan () on Monday, October 31, 2005 at 08:28:48
City and State: NYC
Message: Can't access the A's in Miss Cone's Slang dictionary...?
Hi David, I was never given the "A"s in that dictionary, sorry, but it's funny after about 7 years someone finally asks. Name: Dennis Shelley () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 23:03:56
Email: Dennis.Shelley&
City and State: Santa Teresa, New Mexico
Class: 1967
Message: John,I hope you don't mind me using your GREAT website to wish my brother, Tom, a happy birthday. I have only posted 2-3 times since my brother Ray told me of your site several years ago. It really brings back memories when I see names such as Steve Fraser, Kelly Currey and Jim Sloey. I was pretty much a non-entity at Hawthorne high but have wonderful memories of my youth in Hawthorne. Thank You for posting this and happy birthday to a Great brother. Thanks John. Dennis
Hey Dennis, Thanks for dropping by and Happy Birthday tomorrow to Tom.....
Name: Pat Underwood () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 22:37:02
City and State: Hawthorne, California
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: I remember the sixties and I was there. During the sixties I was in high school and my experience in high school was the best time of my life. During the sixties I was in the Navy and boot camp sticks in my mind. During the sixties I married Hawthorne High School?s Cheryl Cordy (class of 1966). During the sixties I turned 21 and I had my first child. During the sixties I tried my first Marijuana cigarette. That?s when I found out smoking and Asthma don?t mix, so that was my first and last bout with drugs. It was during the sixties that I went to Hawthorne Highs graduation party at the Palladium. I remember the sixties like it was yesterday and those times were ?Far Out Man?.
Name: Larry Bach () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 19:43:20
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: And if you can't remember whether you were there or not there, then watch reruns of "The Partridge Family'.
Name: Dewey () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 19:17:09
City and State: Chandler,AZ
Maiden: Vodka and Squirt
Class: 1974
Message: I know I don?t post much anymore but, I just got off the phone with a long time friend Tim Fisher and learned that Jim Bollinger passed away a few weeks ago ? Jim I were not close after HHS. But whenever we would see each other after HHS we would laugh and joke about the time we spent in Mr. Hall?s (3 years) photo class.
The cannons don?t thunder, there?s nothing to plunder, I?m an over-forty victim of fate Arriving too late
Thanks Jim
Hey Dewey, Sorry for your loss and that's one of my favorite Jimmy Buffet passages too. Thanks for letting all of Jim's friends know the news.
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 15:58:33
City and State: Simi Valley, Ca
Maiden: Koch
Class: 1978
Message: Hey Dan, "the Krislock learning laboratory" - is that what that was??? Will you ever spell the word receive incorrect again? I bet Mr. Key still remembers that one. We sure learned in that class! Those were the days. Have a great week Cougs!
Uhhh Dawn... that's, spell the word receive incorrectLY again.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 15:55:13
City and State: Bruceville, Texas
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: Hippies and flower power ... there were huge flowers printed on just about everything. For my grandparents 50th Anniversary I wore a mini-dress with flowers the size of dinner plates. When I look at those old photos, I really wonder "what was I thinking?". Hey, I was in Irvine, CA on business week before last and it rained every day except one that I was there - glad it was a business trip!
You'll see pictures of you today, years from now, and say I really wonder "what was I thinking". That's why I stick to good old Levis and white Tshirts...TIMELESS!!
Name: Larry Biller () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 15:30:55
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: If you were there but can't remember
then check out
Name: Dewey Storie () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 13:50:32
City and State: Chandler,AZ
Maiden: Stoned Again
Class: 1974
Message: I guess if you can remember the sixties ?.. You weren?t there!
Name: Jean Macernie () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 13:35:40
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: that I think of it....I didn't count the cases....everyone kept saying 9 you got me wondering....but it was a lot of cases of beer....The MacErnies were wrestlers...and I think the oldest one did some weight lifting....maybe it wasn't quite nine....cause you know how some guys like to brag....You are right 150 lbs is a lot of beer...I gotta do the math!
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 12:05:34
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: Well I guess its my turn to add to the hippie era.....remember the huge afro hairdos that a lot of people wore, Nehru jackets and medallions...Bell bottoms, even striped in your hair and even between your toes....cruising the strip in Hollywood was interesting....All those paraphernalia stores...with beads....Glow in the dark posters...Bongs, roach clips....Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix...MacArthurs Park is melting in the rain....Haight Ashbury....peace signs....bra burning....Dylan and Joan Baez...a case of beer for 5 something. Speaking of beer...When my ex husbands oldest brother turned 21 we (of course) had to their cousin from Espanola NM was in town...He told the birthday boy he would buy him as many cases of beer that he could carry out of the liquor store...Well I wouldn't have believed it...but then I was there so....He carried 9 cases....but believe me he was well slumped over and dragging his hands on the pavement!! Now I am thinking....gee didn't they have kegs back then? This was 1969. I too believe that the most used phrase back then was FAR OUT!!!!
That's 150+ pounds of beer. That guy was BUILT.. Name: Jean MacErnie () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 01:39:24
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Class: 1968
Message: In response to Glenda Wilson, Class of 58....Sally Hahlbeck is Dale Jrs Aunt...and the sister of Dale Sr. According to what my sister, Roberta has told me, Sally passed away many years ago from cancer. I do not know a lot about it. I do remember Sally though. I know she married and had at least one child...I have many memories of visiting the Hahlbeck home on 123rd as a kid. Most of my memories are of my Aunt Lucille....But I do remember George, Dale, Joanne and Sally. I also remember my uncle Bud...Though I was only 12 when he passed away. Also wanted to let you know I have really enjoyed the borrowed car and Hippie memories. I love it all...Thank you again John for creating this for everyone. Someday I hope to meet you and thank you in person....
Thanks Jean...
Name: Sheree Klingenhagen () on Sunday, October 30, 2005 at 01:05:44
City and State: Crestline, CA
Maiden: I'm still a Klingenhagen
Class: 1975
Message: Just looking for a little change in my mind set and I see we are talking about hippies, well what about Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull, what was in that little satchel he carried on his tights? I'd like to know. As far as I am concerned there will never be a better band but of course I'm a bit crazy aren't I. Hey Dale, heard the old car broke down on the way and you didn't make the reunion either. E-mail me some time I need the laugh! Rock steady and wait for the beat.
Hi Sheree, Glad you're still out there. Dale, you've used that car thing 3 times now. Come up with a new one, willya... Name: Jim Raines () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 23:10:32
City and State: salt Lake City Ut
Class: 1962
Message: Well John, all this talk about "Hippies" brought back some memorries and feelings. Back in 1965 I was excited about being back home after two years in the Navy. A group of us sailors were heading north from San Diego when we noticed a very large wall of smoke dead ahead. We turned the news on and found out that the Watts riots were well underway. What was supposed to be a happy to be back home experience, instead, became a very anxious and tense experience. We drove North through Hawthorne; there was an erie, ominus feeling about the place. The town was closed down and the Blvd. was near deserted. I really was not prepared for this.
After things simmered down for a couple of weeks, I went over to Danny Kieffer's house. He had the TV on watching the new dance program, similar to American Bandstand or Al Jarvice of an earlier time. I was totally taken back by the scene. You'll remember, John, Go Go dancers on pedistals around the dance floor. The thing that got me was how the camera would be focused on the girls in skimpy outfits more than the kids out dancing on the floor. It seemed to me stange, lewed and burlesque. An "in your face" attitude. I remeber feeling that society seemed to be loosing something important as to what it meant to be an American. Now, I was no saint by far, but the revolution had begun and life would never be the same.
Right after that I saw three or four girls in front of Boy's Market, and because I had been out of circulation for two years felt it my duty to check these chicks out. When I drove up closer I thought I was seeing things! These were not girls at all!!! At first I thought they were just ugly girls. Instead they were funny dressed boys with long hair!!! (No beards yet). This was almost too much for this Hawthorne cruiser to take in all at once. Those who came along after, grew up without the 'slap in the face' changes that were going on but those who grew up at an earlier period had to decide just who they were and what they believed. In 1968 I went back into the Navy and found myself gong up the Mekong River on a river boat. I've long come to understand that many of those who got caught up in the times were just like you and me John, just taking life as it came. I feel fortunate to have had the experiences of living in Hawthorne at that crucial period of history.
Name: Larry Bach () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 22:36:21
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: Y'all win. You lived there, I just hung out as a bratty kid. My mom must have known about the Sundale Avenue parties because I missed out on all the fun. The only time I remember being there at night (legitimately) was when someone's VW wouldn't start (either Billy Cusaks's, my cousin Cindy's, or Chuck Thevany's, I don't remember) and a whole gang of kids pushed like hell until the proper velocity was reached, the clutch was popped, and the crotchety VW sputtered to a start. Not exactly a history making party. Someone who married a very famous celebrity once lived across the street from Jeff Campbell.
Yes, the Arias family lived on that street too.
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 19:59:35
City and State: Lake Elsinore, CA
Maiden: Kean
Class: 1969
Message: Dennis Campbell's house! What do I win! See Larry, we had plenty of fun. Did you ever come to the parties on Sundale? Made history, we did!
Hi Betty, You could have won an all expense paid trip to So. Lake Tahoe, but Billy Cusac from So. Lake Tahoe, already one it. Lucky for me. Name: Bill Cusac () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 19:52:35
City and State: South Lake Tahoe, Ca
Class: 1965
Message: How about Dennis and Jeff Campbell's house?
Early TRUE hippies were Larry & Janet (White) Porter.
YES!! You've cracked the case and won an all expense paid trip to beautiful South Lake Tahoe. Thanks Billy Name: Cousin Fraz () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 18:58:47
City and State: Laguna Woods, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Speaking of "Hippies", where has the "Duke of Cool" retreated to? Log in C.E.C. We miss your input. Chris Hood mentioned seeing Dylan. His brother Tim and I saw him at the Santa Monica Civic in '67. The year he went electric. Shortly after the Newport Jazz Festival back east. He was greeted with boos after intermission when he appeared onstage with a full band. He introduced them only as "The Band". Later, Robbie Robertson, Lavon Helm and the rest would gain fame as "The Band". Dan Johnson - I'll compare "The Last Waltz" to some Pink thing anyday! LOL!!
Come back Chuck
Name: Dawn Hansen-Baxter () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 17:37:06
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Maiden: Hansen
Class: 1981
Message: Sad news to report...Jamie Ross class of 1993 passed away on Wednesday, October 26th. Services will be held on Sunday, November 6th. Refer to for more information.
Sorry for you loss, Dawn, and thanks for letting friends know.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 16:30:22
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Sherman Oaks, CA
Maiden: "stag"
Class: 1977
Message: Well thanks Lori! That allievates a lot of the pain I've felt for the past 28 years. But as I've admitted here, I was kind of "intense" in High School so I can understand -- from this perspective -- why the ladies weren't flocking around me then! I've made up for it now -- two female children, two female cats and, of course, a wife makes everyday a "backwards dance" (how come we didn't call it a Sadie Hawkins Dance like everyone else in the world?). That was me in the Krislock learning laboratory!
Name: Cindy Whittaker () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 15:09:10
City and State: Gig Harbor WA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Speaking of hippies... not that this particular subject is confined to hippies... ahem... and not to promote its use now, but here's a website that might make you feel better about having imbibed in the past:
Name: Glenda () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 14:42:09
Email: glm_55119
City and State: St.Paul.MN
Maiden: Wilson
Class: 1958
Message: Hi, I am trying to get in touch with Dale Hahlback. I tried to send him an e-mail but the e-mail address that is with his name is wrong. Does anyone out there know what it is??? Or Dale, if you get this message please e-mail me. I am a long lost friend of your Aunt Sally, And would love to get in touch with her. Thanks, Glenda
Hi Glenda, Try Dale Hahlbeck Jr, class of 75, on the list. Good Luck
Name: Larry Bach () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 14:26:40
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1972
Message: The house shown was/is on Sundale Avenue, several doors north of Broadway, across the street from the HHS footbal field. I believe the Strombergs lived there.
Great job Larry, as you sure did peg the location all right. The Strombergs may have lived there too, but who else?
Name: Chris Hood () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 13:11:36
City and State: Coos Bay, Oregon
Class: 1971
Message: John, you still manage to crack me up, ?Why don?t we do it in the dirt?. The Beatles sang ?why don?t we do it in the road? and ?lets get down and dirty? has been uttered in more that a few pubs overtime, but doing it in the dirt, must be before my time, Hmmm? which would make it your time. Now wasn?t there a vacant lot behind Fosters back then, yea that?s it?hey baby, lets do it in the dirt! Now then, a few years ago I had the pleasure of seeing Bob Dylan and one of the Grateful Dead offshoot bands at the Columbia River Gorge Amphitheater, a great venue, where as in the days of past, the spectators camp in adjacent pastures. I think most would agree that it would be difficult to find a group of individuals that more emulate the ?hippie state of mind? (thanks Kelly) than those who proudly refer to themselves as deadheads. And I must say Larry, that I too was somewhat surprised by the row upon row of 50 foot Class ?A? coaches draped with tie died awnings and flying deadhead banner along side the stars of stripes. When will those stinking bums get a job? Hey, the infamous Michael Backus dropped in on the back streets of CT just long enough to leave a cool fifties web ditty and thence faded back into the shadows from which he came. Paco, Sue and I begged for a taste of his charm and witty banter, but so far to no avail. Dangerous Dave Hobart, nice of you to drop by. BTW, never swiped the parent?s car but when you grow up on 55 wooded acres, its amazing how much time you can spend in the back seat of one. Stay cool dudes and dudets, Hoody.
Hey Chris, I think "Do it in the Dirt" came out of the 70s when dirt bikin' was just starting to bloom. Yes, just where is Mike Backus and his cool stories? Mike, come on back. All is forgiven. Name: Chuck Armstrong () on Saturday, October 29, 2005 at 11:40:38
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Maiden: Drop Out Tune In
Class: 1967
Message: Larry Bach: ?Getting high all the time, talking about 'free love' while having sex with anything that walks.? That sounds a lot like the good old disco days in any bar on any Friday night in the South Bay. "Gotta have some hot love, baby, this evening." It seems that sex and hippies, as subjects, go hand and hand. I can?t think about hippies without thinking about the idea of free love. As it turns out, free love wasn?t either free or love. Shoot, I wish I had chosen to be a hippie instead of a white bread, guitar picking, soul man. Talk about your hippie music, anyone remember this awesome song? (last verse) Que linda me la traiga Cuba, la reina de la Mar Caribe. Cielo sol no tiene sangreahi, y que triste que no puedo vaya, Oh va, oh va.
Pretty good topic but let's not copy and paste our favorite songs on the Feedback page. I'm sure we'll remember it. Thanks folks....