To all the people who went to the Ctown Picnic and Cruise Night Green Day
Name: Dan Johnson () on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 01:44:53
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Here's a fun Haytown story. There is currently a very well regarded young rock band from Hawthorne called "Dios Malos" They used to be called "Dios" until they were contacted by lawyers for Ronnie James Dio (70s/80s solo artist and lead singer on a couple of albums by Rainbow and Black Sabbath). Although there was absolutely zero possibility that anyone in the public would confuse young rockers Dios with dinosaur rocker Dio, Dios didn't have the money to put up a fight and changed their name. Don't you just love lawyers?
Name: Joyce () on Wednesday, October 12, 2005 at 01:43:55
Maiden: Terry
Class: 1972
City and State: Haw, Ca
Class: 1972
Message: I thought the slot car place was on Haw Blvd about two stores off Broadway going North. Anyone remember the swimming school behind the church on El Segundo & Ramona which is now Shaw's Marine since they moved from Rosecrans & Ing ave.
Hi Joyce, Yes, that was the one about Chaneys. Don't remember the pool, and that was my grandmother's Church.
Name: Larry Bach () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 18:28:22
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Sixties Brat
Class: 1972
Message: Both Ed and Steve are correct. The better known slot car track was the one in the area where the bank now stands. That one had a few snooker tables as well as the race tracks. There was another slot car track on Hawthorne Blvd., several doors north of Folb's Toyland but before Winchell's Doughnuts. This one was located in a small store front and was less commercial looking. In addition, there was yet another slot car track in Hawthorne: the first shop off of the Bodger Park tract on the east side of Prairie, just North of Compton Blvd.(now Marine Ave). This location was a nail salon the last time I noticed. This slot car track sold some liquid called "Tiger's Milk". This juice went on the slot car's 'slicks' to give them better traction. The owner liked to tell kids how difficult it was to squeeze the milk from the female tiger (I won't repeat his actual description but it was very funny, also something kid's moms wouldn't have approved of which made it even more funny). The coolest slot car track was operated by the Revell Corp. over on La Tijera near La Cienega. A feller my parents knew from their dance classes held at the Northrop recreation club (then located off of El Segundo Blvd. near Crenshaw) worked for Revell in some sort of public relations or promotional capacity, "Big Daddy Roth", etc. so we were able to spend a deal of time there. Fun times, no worries, except that one's slot car might spin out in a race or the pre-paid time meter might run out before the race was over. Anyone else collect those plastic hot rod "Fink" characters: "Rat fink", "Angel Fink", etc. There was even a contest to name the latest (and last) character. The winning name was "Scuz Fink", no kidding.
A name Ed "Big Daddy" Roth probably picked. Now THAT guy was a marketing genius...
Name: Stephen Wolfe () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 16:32:35
City and State: Ashland, OR
Class: 1960
Message: Hi classmates of 1960... I would love to hear from you... Steve Wolfe
541 601-5528
Name: ed schatz () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 16:06:57
City and State: lakewood, calif
Class: 1970
Message: John, you've a better memory than I, didn't know there were three of them! They were real popular at the time, but I don't know if slot cars still are manufactured or ran anywhere. They were fun though.
Name: Steve Fraser () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 15:27:46
City and State: Laguna Woods
Class: 1966
Message: Ed's right about the slot car track where the bank is now just north of El Segundo. In the "Early 60's" , for the few of us who can remember, it was in the old Northrop Rec Club.
Name: ed schatz () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 13:32:59
City and State: hell
Class: 1970
Message: Keith, naw, the sizzler's no longer there, nothing stays forever, unfortunate for some things. Somebody help me here, but I think the slot car track was on the west side of Hawthorne Blvd, somewhere between El Segundo Blvd. and 120th? I think it was just beyond where Washington Mutual now presides?
All were on the west side. 1 about El Segundo, 1 about Chaneys and 1 about Folbs Toyland.
Name: VICKY INSCOE () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 13:29:58
City and State: DeLand, Fl.
Maiden: COOMBS
Class: 1968
Hi Vicky, Glad you found us and yes, your friends are here.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 10:37:46
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Yes I think I remember the slot car track on Hawthorne kind of by where Sizzler is (if thats still there). I think the one up on La Cienga was bigger. Talked to Dennis Campbell yesterday. A great guy.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 08:43:33
Email: See Alumni List
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: 1973
Message: For Tammy: Bruce Lee lived near Crenshaw and Imperial, before his death. I can't remember exactly what street, but it was in the neighborhood a block north east of the shopping center. My cousins lived next door to him, and he once gave all us kids honorary "Kung FU Master" certificates. Signed by him and everything. I wish I still had mine, now. No telling what it could bring on Ebay. I didn't know Butch Patrick lived in Hawthorne. As far as I knew he lived on Valley Drive in Manhattan Beach in the early '70s and drove a black Dodge Van named "Vanpire".
Name: Paula Lutz () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 08:25:27
City and State: Long Beach, Ca
Class: 1976
Message: Friends of Ed Lutz have successfully obtained the Moose Lodge on 132nd and Inglewood Ave for this Saturday the 15th from 4:00pm to 12:00am. Located in the city of Hawthorne. Pls bring laughter and memories. It will be a pot luck as well. Thanks, Paula
Name: Kurt Newman () on Tuesday, October 11, 2005 at 02:16:13
City and State: Livermore,Ca
Class: 1978
Message: I remember Eddie Munster (Butch Patrick) He dated my oldest sister a few times and I remember him driving a really cool black Vette. I was pretty young at the time and he didn't look anything like what I remembered seeing on t.v.??! ;)
Name: ed schatz () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 19:56:53
City and State: lakewood, calif
Class: 1970
Message: For all of those comments concerning Eddie Munster (ne Butch Patrick) yes, he did live in Hawthorne and had spoke to him several times at the old Boys Market, as well as the black youth from Room 222, but neither really wanted to about the show, rather, just their day to day lives. Susan (Ciampa), the name strikes a familiar chord, you worked at Boys didn't you? Where did I know you from, there? Keith, might be in Kona in December, at the Onion House (check the web), will come and start some trouble over there and likely be banned from ever coming back to the Islands. Will yake picture for all if I get over there. Glad to see the fire's receeded. And Keith, used to be a slot car track on Hawthorne Blvd, near El Segundo Blvd, back in the late 60's -70's.
Gary Ozenne- what a great choice for an eulogy remembrance, and a damn fine scotsman too.
Name: Don D. () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 18:15:45
City and State: South Bay
Class: 1975
Message: JB, Here's a nice article about Walt Dixon and his book about Hawthorne in today's Daily Breeze: Hawthorne resident is the keeper of city lore.
Thanks Don....
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 17:26:44
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: I remember the slot car track way up in Inglewood of La Cienaga I think. We went to that one mostly. My brother had one of the fastest cars there. It was a McClaren and it was fast as heck. I remember the high banks. That was fun back then doing that. Is there anything like that anymore.
None around here....
Name: Teri Hoenig () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 13:30:15
City and State: Paradise, Ca
Maiden: Klein
Class: 1973
Message: In response to the Eddie Munster guy... I don't know if he actually lived in Hawthorne, but I do remember him at our house a few times. My brother, Rick Klein, built slot cars for him and they would race them at the slot car track on Hawthorne Blvd. Remember the slot car place?
Yep, I sure do, but that was after my slot car days. I raced at a place, in the early 60s, on the east side of Hawthorne Bl (La Brea) and about Arbor Vitae. Don't remember the name.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 13:03:33
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Opps I meant "Farthest"
Name: Sherrie () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 11:52:07
City and State: Mesa Az
Maiden: Driggers
Class: 1976
Message: Any Arizona cougars interested in a reunion in Arizona? Maybe a get together at a local restaurant or something? Email me if
Great idea, Sherrie. Gettem together....
Name: Blake Withell () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 09:43:14
City and State: Toronto Canada
Class: 1967
Message: Regarding the Great Water Heater Launch.
If I recall correctly it actually occurred in El Segundo and involved a water heater exploding on the ground floor of an apartment building, propelling itself through the second floor roof and landing blocks away.
Thanks Blake, now THAT one's believable. Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 01:21:55
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: I have every intention of going to our 30 year reunion. I went to our 20 year and had a blast. Was disappointed I didn't win the Alumni who traveled the fartet. I think they gave it to Doug Long who came in from Conn. I think Hawaii is farther. I will check on the mileage this time. I loved seeing all my old buddies. And hopefully if time permits, I can stay for a week and spend some time off the islands. So maybe John can get one of those big reunions going and I can meet everyone. Lets make it the biggest. I do plan on going and the only thing that would stop me is WWIII and it was happening here. God i hope I didn't jinx that
The alumni that who travelled and WHAT?? Name: Gary Ozenne () on Monday, October 10, 2005 at 00:53:27
City and State: San Jacinto CA
Class: 1967
Message: Ed Lutz was my best friend. I am still reeling from his passing so suddenly. Now he is gone leaving us to are own devices. I will post more when I can. At this point all I can say is that he was greatly loved by all who knew him, not to say that he did not infuriate you at the same time. It was part of the package. I close with one of his favorite poems from the 17th Century poet John Donne.
"If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend's or of thine own were: any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee".
Gary Ozenne
Name: terri studer () on Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 23:22:23
City and State: hesperia, ca
Maiden: kluxdal
Class: 1966
Message: my sister nancy (kluxdal) (class of 65)is coming in from no carolina later this month (Oct 19), it would be fun to hear from people who remember us. send me/us an e-mail with some memories if you can.
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 18:43:00
City and State: Simi Valley, Ca.
Maiden: Koch
Class: 1978
Message: Just wanted to let Dan Johnson know that your November show at the Canyon Club was being well publicized while we were there last night. They were showing the line-up for the next three months continually on every TV in the place. There were also two young men passing out flyers. Hmmmm. . . now I feel like we should go to support a fellow Cougar! I can't say that I don't know about it now.
Hope October is starting well for everyone. The fire in our area is now fully contained but with the damp weather we're having everything smells like wet campfire, yuck! Take care everyone.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 17:37:51
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: Class of 76! We are planning our 30th reunion for next summer- August 19, at the Ayres Hotel in Hawthorne. Contact me for more information; there's a lot to share. Gonna be a great time, got some really big names showing up. John B, I promised Keith Jones that if he shows I will introduce him to you, maybe even get him an autograph, whattaya say??? Maybe a discount on an autographed t-shirt? Keith's a tough sell but everyone from 76 is dying to see him... gotta make it worth his while.
Hey Sharon, I'll do whatever it takes to get Keith in the house. Whattayasay Keith??
Name: Marylin Hemenway () on Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 12:39:43
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Maiden: Bonczkowski
Class: 1974
Message: To Patty McManus Olson: Oh my god! I could not believe I would find you listed with your email address at the HHS site. My daughter was going through it and I looked up the year we graduated and there your were! How are you? It has been way too many years since I have seen you. Can you believe the last time we spoke was at your wedding? Where do you now live? Are your parents still over on Isis? We are going on 15 years here at my grandmother old home on 119th Place. When she and my mom died we decided to keep the house for ourself.
Wayne and I will be married 29 years this June. And our baby Corinne is going to be 28! God girl we are getting old. I can not believe in July I will turn 50. Where has the years all gone. I would love seeing you and your family. It's been way way too long. Hope to hear from you soon.
Name: Tammy () on Sunday, October 9, 2005 at 01:10:50
City and State: Aliso Viejo, CA
Message: I heard that Kung-Fu expert and movie star Bruce Lee lived in Hawthorne. Does any one here remember that?
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandro () on Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 23:22:48
City and State: Cerritos,CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 1963
Message: I had 2 planned Cougar sitings today. Janet Brown Hyatt ('63) and her husband of 43 years, were in from Missouri. Jan left HHS in 1962. Her sister, Norma (also HHS), joined us. 49 years of a wonderful friendship. We visited and ate at the Hacienda Hotel in El Segundo. Friendships can stay true.
Great sitings Adrianne, Thanks much....
Name: Susan () on Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 17:44:34
City and State: Santa Rosa, CA
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 1977
Message: Ed Schatz... well, well, well. It's about time you found C-Town. (Don't say it John... I have 5 kids and that means 5 excuses for not posting for 5 years! Doesn't it?)
As I remember Ed, you used to get the people talking and the fire going at Boy's Market too. Nice to see you've found everyone here.
I received an email from someone who was a friend of Karen Cook's at El Camino. If anyone out there knows how to contact Karen's parents, please send me an email. There's some information that needs to be forwarded to them from this person.
Sorry I'm so far away and don't get a chance to come to the C-Town events. Sounds like everyone is still having a great time.
Sharon B. - I now have two Eagle Scouts, both of whom have joined the ranks of the military. One is in the Navy stationed in Pearl Harbor, HI and the other is at Army boot camp in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. He traded in his surfboard for an M-16 and a snazzy set of BDU's. Who would have thought.
Nice to check in and see what's happening in good ol Hawthorne.
Hugs and kudos to John. Keep up the great work.
Hey Sus', Glad you're still out there and tell, Bill, Graham, Melissa, Elizabeth, Thurman, and and....(you do have one more, don't you) that John says hey. Also, now that you've got two out of the house you should have a little time to join in here. Thanks Susan, very nice to hear from you and join in whenever you can.
Name: Carl Harrison () on Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 10:48:22
City and State: Hawthorne
Message: Hi! I missed the last cruise night due to JOB, I thought retiring from the Navy eliminated the need to work... So when is Homecoming? Is there going to be the annual event at Stick "n Stein following the game? See you there!
Hey Carl, Right now no plans have been made due to the lack of interest last year. We only had about 12 people show at the Stick and Stien.
Name: lois () on Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 10:26:37
City and State: casa grande, az
Maiden: allen
Class: 1956
Message: Betty Israel passed away (class of 56). She was living in Florida. She was a good friend in school. I only wish I had discovered this site sooner so that I could of hooked up with her.
Thank you Lois, and sorry for the loss of another Cougar.
Name: Kelley () on Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 10:05:43
City and State: Englewood OR
Maiden: Currie
Class: 1967
Message: Debbie thanks for the web site...I wonder where they get all the information!
Today we a Celebrating the Life of Ed Lutz class of '67. If you find time around 2 OR 3 this afternoon and knew Ed you might join us..AND HAVE A BEER FOR ED!!!!!!!!! OR YOUR DRINK OF CHOICE...
Name: Lisa () on Saturday, October 8, 2005 at 09:37:33
City and State: Ramona, CA
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1967
Message: I haven't been able to get Eddie out of my mind - I find myself laughing a lot during the day. Thanks for the Celebratin of Life today in Bandon. Lisa
Name: Debbie () on Friday, October 7, 2005 at 20:53:58
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Class: 1977
Message: This website is amazing --- they actually have photographs of almost every school in the world. Unless you went to school before cameras were invented, you will find a photo of yourself or at least your classmates. Click on the link below: Enter the name of your school and year that you were there....... :-)
Funny Debbie.... That one has been around for probably 6 years.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Friday, October 7, 2005 at 20:45:11
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: Not sure if I mentioned this before, but I just read about the original Batman cards on here. I met the original Batman's (Adam West) daughter here in Kona. I've known her for awhile but never knew who she was. She told me she has told no one but me. I am doing a website for her childrens book she just wrote. She said her dad will be here next month and we'd all go to dinner. I worked with him one time back in 87' or so. Batman was so huge when I was a kid. They had Batman everything. I had a Batman and Robin lunch box. Did you know the guy who played Eddie Munster lived in HAwthorne.
I did not know that...
Name: Jim Sloey () on Friday, October 7, 2005 at 18:28:18
City and State: SOLVANG, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Just to be clear about Uncle Buck's pretzels, there are directions included that are very easy to follow. As you know, if UNCLE BUCK can make them anyone can!
Yes Jim, I followed the directions and you saw my pretzels. So how about a video?