Name: Janet () on Wednesday, July 13, 2005 at 06:37:32
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: I graduated from Aviation High School in 71, but I did know someone who went to Hawthorne High.
Hi Janet, We'll give you honorary Cougar status seeing as you're a girl without a school. Feel free to share your memories here anytime.
Name: Tammy () on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 22:37:51
City and State: Aliso Viejo, CA
Message: Marilyn, I remember the TipTop Dancing Hall on the corner of Imperial and Prairie. Many moons ago my uncle used to live in the Imperial Trailer Park, on the south side of Imerial.
Terry, I think you mean Denny's BBQ on the corner of Imperial and Prairie? It was across the street from Tip Top Dancing. BBQ Pete's was on Hawthorne and 111th St(?) Tropicana Lanes I remember, but no sheep farm next door, just apartment buildings.
Name: Old Cindy Colby () on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 20:45:03
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Thanks Jan and John for the B-day wishes. I was thinking it was really hot here today we made it all the way to 73. I caught the tail end of the Brian Wilson special, I wish I had seen the whole thing, it looked like it was really good, he seems to have made a comeback, he seemed to be pretty normal for an old fart.
Name: Jan Peterson () on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 19:42:42
City and State: Carmichael, CA
Maiden: Freeman
Message: Hi John.....I hope that everyone is staying "cool". Here I thought that we were going to have a comfortable summer up here in NoCal. But I no sooner said it, and the words were still in the bubble above my head, and we got triple didget temps. &^%*!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CINDY MAXSON COLBY, tomorrow. You are a big part of my past and I am happy that you are here in my present!! Hope everyone is having a great summer. Hugs, Jan
Man, it's hot here too. Got up to almost 79 in Lomita today. Happy Bday Cindy....
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 17:50:34
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: I saw the Pet Sounds concert too. It was great. For anyone who remembers radio shows in the 40's and 50's. I found a web site that plays old radio programs for free. I read that Francis Langford had died and they mentioned her and Don Ameche's old radio show the Bickersons so I looked it up on the net. They have several of those plus the old dramas and comedys including commercials. Boy it really takes you back in time.
Name: David Neuschafer () on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 17:44:14
City and State: Vista, Calif.
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: Being from LHS but trying to understand... Yes Penny, I was Lucky enough to get to see the Pet Sounds concert. I though Brian was great too! If anyone figured he was finished well re-figure! Man! I think it sounded as good as the original album I have. Left me wanting more! How about you Penny? Seeing him in London and knowing he came from HHS also made "me" proud! Thanks JB1/Everyone Name: Penny Prouty () on Tuesday, July 12, 2005 at 13:07:17
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message: Did anyone see the Pet Sounds concert, "Brian Wilson in London" (something like that) last week and replayed again on Sunday (KCET)? Brian was soooooo good!!! Was a fantastic concert!
Missed that one too....
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 19:12:33
City and State: Thousand Oaks
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1976
Message: Mikey and I visited the Hawthorne Airport museum a few years ago. I vaguely recall that there was some talk on CT about the flying wing being at the museum. I don't think I'd have stopped in otherwise. It was not in working order but was in the warehouse. Or maybe I was dreaming?
Funny, I don't usually dream about airplanes. What do you think, Dr. Freud?
Didn't know Hawthorne Museum of Flight had a Flying Wing. If they do, it's a small one because all the bigger bodyless birds (13 YB35s and 2 YB49s) were destroyed by the Air Force.
Name: Clare () on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 14:21:14
City and State: London, UK
Message: Hi my name is Clare Rathbone
Hi Clare, any relation to Basil... Name: Mary Ann Martin () on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 13:06:40
City and State: Nashville AR
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
Message: Hope all of you airplane buffs attended the Hawthorne Air Faire during its heyday. It was co-hosted by the city and Northrop. I worked for the city and Tom Quintana then and was staff liaison for seven events. Still miss it. Had a ride on a P-51 Mustang one year. Lots of beautiful websites for those vintage and WWII aircraft. Just pick your plane and enjoy!
Name: David Neuschafer () on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 11:15:59
City and State: Vista, Calif
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: So John, why do we need to go to the State Fair? We've got all the things that Anita listed in her post, right here on C'town! Surfers, Sharks, Music, Surfboards, cars...Hey,guess I don't need to go anywhere! "We" don't, but lots of Cougartowners live in Central and Northern CA that don't get a chance to participate in Cruise Nights, Pinks Runs, etc. The State Fair is a good central location and just a good excuse for Cougars to see and meet one another. Being from Leuzinger, you wouldn't understand. Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 09:50:03
Email: cjprewitt at juno dot com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: If anyone is going to the Orange County Fair, now through July 31, a group of Disney Enthusiasts that I belong to have a display in the Collectors Corner. Since Sunday July 17th is Disneyland's 50th Birthday our display is based on Disneyland and not the other parks. Look for the NFFC Chapter at the Park's display.
Happy Bday, Disneyland..
Name: Steve Fraser () on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 01:36:47
City and State: Laguna Woods
Class: 1966
Message: More than likely the State Fair will be featuring "Dean Torrence and the Surf City All Star Band", now touring locally.
Name: Anita () on Monday, July 11, 2005 at 00:14:39
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: The word is out that the California State Fair is throwing a beach party and already a swell of excitement is being generated about the beach-related exhibits. Attendees at the 2005 State Fair can look forward to exhibits like PURE SURF, an elaborate tribute to all that is surfing. The exhibit is complete with a surfer's slang decoder, an authentic vintage Woody car, and even the one-and-only Intel Surfboard that boasts a built-in and web-ready computer.
Also the LIVE SHARK ENCOUNTER SHOW, featuring real sharks at the Fair. And the DUELING PIRATES HIGH DIVE SHOW where salty buccaneers will perform a spectacular duel 70 feet above the ground.
Special beach-themed events and activities will include the TREASURE MAP to GOOD HEALTH where participants follow a treasure map to claim real prizes, all in an effort to promote healthy living; the GOLDEN BEAR ALL-NATURAL BODY-BUILDING COMPETITION, a throw-back to the famous times of Muscle Beach; and the CALIFORNIA BEACH PARTY CONCERT on Saturday, August 13, headlining such classic favorites as the Surfaris, The RICKY NELSON Legacy, and the Jan & Dean Show.
Would love to see as many COUGARS there that day (in CT t-shirts of course) as possible.
For all of you native born many of you have ever attended 'your' State's Fair? And if not.....what are you waiting for?
I agree...although I don't think Jan Berry will be there. This is taylor made for all you Norcal Cougars, so let's all head for the State Fair on the 13th of August and turn it into a Ctown reunion....
Name: nick pappagiorgio () on Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 22:54:55
City and State: LV NV
Maiden: rusty
Class: 1975
Message: Happy Birthday Marla Crane
Happy Bday, Marla....
Name: Dani Lassetter () on Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 17:28:34
City and State: Yucca Valley, CA
Maiden: Griffiths
Class: 1965
Message: I recently read a message from Rich Clark asking when/where the Class of 1965 would be having their reunion. Here is the information: Oct. 28th-30th. The 28th is the Homecoming game between Hawthorne and Inglewood or join the group for a no-host cocktail party at the Manhattan Beach Marriott hotel. We will continue our Saturday night dinner/dance activities at the MB Marriott as well. Sunday brunch for those interested and able too. Make your own hotel reservations by calling 1.800.228.9290 or thru the website at http:\\ Dinner/Dance reservations and info can be made by contacting Cathy Griffith at or Dani Lassetter at We look forward to seeing many of our classmates again!
Name: Mary Ann Martin () on Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 09:14:13
City and State: Nashville AR
Maiden: Walton
Class: 1961
Message: The late Doug Robertson published Hawthorne - A Portrait Of Hawthorne. I've a copy of the 1987 fourth edition and it's a wonderful reflection with photos dating back to the 1920's. The Hawthorne Library might have a copy or a member of the Hawthorne Rotary Club. Does anyone remember the old library? Does anyone remember the #5 red trolley cars that began at Hawthorne and El Segundo Blvd's and ran to downtown LA and back? Finally, does anyone remember the median parking lots from Imperial to Rosecrans? The Kiwanis Club always had pancake breakfasts near where BofA and city hall are today. The Centinela Valley was a booming agriculture area when I was a child. The farms and fields of veggies and produce slowly gave way to commerce and subdivisions, but I do remember that Holly Glen used to be soybean fields. Heck, I'm getting so old that I remember when there was no HHS!!!
Hi Mary Ann, There's still parking down the middle on the Bl. and someone told me the other day, they once took the red car from Hawthorne to Eagle Rock and back for a dime. Now that's cheap transportation...
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 04:00:05
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: My mom worked at Northrop during WWII testing and installing instruments in the P-61s, Black Widows--AKA Night Fighters. My dad worked in San Pedro?s shipyards. We lived near Northrop on 134th street near Lemoli. As a kid I remember seeing the flying wing take off and land at Northrop. It may have been early tests because it did not look stable to me. I also remember the camouflage netting over Northrop. In the early 50s mom worked at North American testing and installing instruments on F86 Saber Jets & F100 Super Sabers. During that time we moved to 131st near Ramona so that-among other reasons-I would be in HHS?s district. Even though they are both gone I have to say it, Thanks, Mom and Dad! ? Baxter
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Sunday, July 10, 2005 at 03:12:51
Email: baxterldo@aol,cim
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Nothing personal, but who gives a rat?s__ where ??Graffiti? was filmed. I think we all realize and appreciate the fact that it froze a short but special time for all of us who lived it. It accurately collected everything that was important to us at that time and recorded it so that we can re-experience it whenever we switch on the DVD. Our kids can see what we did and we do not have to explain a thing. Todays? high-tech kids are experiencing the same fears, joys, frustrations, and doubts in the future that we did and I hope they all see this film and realize that the feelings they are currently experiencing are not new and that they have a lot of company and understanding from those of us who lived through it. That movie belongs to every small cruise town in this country including Hawthorne. It does not matter to me where it was filmed... Baxter
I was kinda wondering what the filming fuss was all about too. I'm sure viewers, like me, just relate it to their little cruisin' corner.
Name: Sheran () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 23:10:45
City and State: Palo Cedro, CA
Maiden: Crist
Class: 1968
Message: Have not visited Cougartown in a long while, but my brother e-mailed me a feed-back message from Jim Gibson regarding the speaker system setup at Whiskeytown Lake. Vetoing the idea was a good move. The speakers have already been stolen.
So much for the myth about the Redding area being Paradise. Thanks Sheran....
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 22:10:08
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 1956
Message: I grew up on Imperial down the street from Prairie. I left in 1959 when I got married. I don't remember any sheep farm either. The Tip Top club - one of many names - was right on the corner. The Air Turf market was on the north west corner at one time. I think the Tropicana was built after my high school years. My dad started bowling there after many years being away from the sport and did great but died in 1959. If it hadn't been for him I don't think I would have even remembered the Tropicana. Imperial Farms I could never forget. A great place for produce and great people that ran it.
Name: Glenn Crist () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 21:48:21
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Class: 1964
Message: I?d like to chime in here on a couple of things if I might.
Last Fall, I visited the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center near Washington Dulles International Airport (actually closer to Manassas, VA). It is an extension of the Smithsonian Institute?s Aerospace Museum. While I was there I bought a copy of a book that chronicles the history of the Flying Wing and Jack Northrop?s company. One of the late chapters of the book covers the ?stealth fighter and bomber,? and one might say the ?wing? wasn?t a success but it?s design certainly was. I know my dad always felt that the Flying Wing was the most superior plane that was ever built. It?s a must see for anyone back that direction.
Parts of American Graffiti was filmed in downtown San Rafael in Marin County and Petaluma in Sonoma County. George Lucas grew up in Modesto and had a life changing experience about the time he was to enter his senior year of high school. Coming home one night he crashed his car and spent the better part of the next year in bed recovering. He spent a great deal of time reading and honed his talent for story writing and telling. There is a monument to him in that city: several teenagers sprawled over the hood of a ?57 Chevy. I worked in a peach cannery there the summers I went to college, and every Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, McHenry Boulevard, a main thoroughfare was clogged with hotrods and old cars from all over the ?Central Valley.? It came to be known there as Graffiti Night. Modesto banned cruising and the celebration moved to Reno in August.
Hey Keith, call Lucas and get the REAL story for us, willya...
Name: Terry Allen () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 20:30:24
City and State: Salem,Or
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1974
Message: Anyone remember next to the Tropicana Bowl, was a sheep farm. We would go to the bowling place and snag sugar cubes to feed them. The Tip Top was across the street and down a few , Ike and Tina use to play there. Across from that was Pete's BBQ. The other side was Imperial Farms. J.B.correct me if i'm wrong....
That was Dennys BBQ when I was a kid and don't remember any sheep farm next to the Trop...
Name: Dan Johnson () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 19:25:47
Email: wch1ispinkATaolDOTcom
City and State: Petaluma not Rohnert Park
Class: 1977
Message: But in the "making of" documentary, they indicate that the Mel's scene at the beginning with the Vespa was shot in SF. According to the documentary, they shot the basic "crusing" scenes the first night in San Rafael (Marin) and the city fathers revoked their permit the next day. Petaluma (Sonoma) stepped into the breach -- thus the closing credits.
Name: Steve Fraser () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 14:44:28
City and State: Laguna Woods
Class: 1966
Message: The ending credits of "American Graffiti" says the movie was filmed in Marin and Sonoma Counties and was finished at the American Zoetrope Studios (Coppala's) in San Francisco.
Name: Richard () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 13:54:36
City and State: of Long Beach
Class: 1969
Message: Music for the Monument, and protection for the Monument. How about and endless loop of Mike Love singing in the shower?
Name: Ray Shelley () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 12:45:49
Email: rjshelley&
City and State: Mena, AR
Class: 1958
Message: Mike Shay; You were a good sport, and a nice guy in school. John; thank you for the compliment, I knew both EF and BB, I think I have their phone numbers some where! Just kidding. But, on a serious note, I do know Tom Shelley, I could e-mail his number if you wish?? Ray
Hey Ray, Thanks, but I already have Tom's. If you were a REALLY good sport, Mike could mail you a pair of number 12s and you could shine'm for HIM, just to show there were no hard feelings... Name: Cindy Colby () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 11:43:31
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: My parents moved from 80th. and Vermont in LA to Hawthorne in 1947 when our tract was just built, we lived at 4840 W. 122nd. Street. I was 2 years old and don't really remember that time but there are lots of pictures somewhere of my sister Vicki and me standing in the front yard of the framed house. I would be interested in hearing some stories of where some of the other Ctowners came from before Haytown and how and when you got there.
I was BORN in Watts, but lived in Hawthorne all my life. First on Ramona and Broadway, then on the circle by Kenneth Chevrolet, then, about 3, we moved to Cedar between 122nd and Broadway, where I spent the rest of my youth.
Name: Carl A.Rilling () on Saturday, July 9, 2005 at 05:23:23
City and State: Airplane Ore.
Class: 1959
Message: Just a little on John(Jack) K. Northrop. He was a head designer at Douglas El Segundo until 1938. He and his co designer Ed Heinemann were responsible for the SBD Dauntless a torpedo bomber that sunk tons of Japanese ships in the early 40's. JKN left Douglas in 1938. We all talk about the flying wing. The bread and butter of Northrop Aircraft that kept everyone working was the P-61 (Black Widow) Over 700 were made at Hawthorne. When my family moved to Haytown in summer of 1949 my father rented a two bedroom house at the n/e corner of Doty and El Segundo Bl. I could walk 100 yrds to the chain link fence. I spent many a day that summer looking at the planes there. My Favorite was the all Black P-61 that sat there. One of JKN's toys. Also he had a Ford tri motor that was flown all the time. I lived in that house til the late fall, I never saw a Flying wing take off and the only one there was in a hangar at the east end of the buildings. The wing would be out of the hangar when they would do engine run ups. Most had been moved to Edwards as someone had mentioned. I loved that time and when we moved to 5312 w. 119th Pl. I was over at Douglas and North American. To this day I still love planes. I still have to run outside when I hear one overhead. Does anyone know if the Planes of Fame Museum at Chino Airport has a flying wing. Northrop Aircraft a great piece of Hawthorne History.
Yes, the Planes of Fame has the N9MB Flying Wing AND they fly it at lots of Air Shows. It's not the B49 version but it's the only early Flying Wing that remains to this day. Great piece of Hawthorne history, indeed. Thanks Carl...
Name: Jim Dally () on Friday, July 8, 2005 at 23:45:45
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: Some American Graffiti FACTS! (Trivial perhaps but, facts). Last night I was in San Francisco on business and decided to have a light supper at the Mel's Diner on Mission St. near 4th. Inside there were huge posters and photos from the movie in question. After I finished eating I took a closer look and found out that George Lucas the director was searching for a 'drive-in location to film and the Mel's on Van Ness near Mission was set for demolition. Lucas leased the property to shoot related scenes for the film and the day the movie came out that Mel's was demolished. There has been some controversey as to where much of the film was shot. I think the best way to find out is read the credits at the end of the movie and they'll thank the "City of so & so or the county of wherever" for their cooperation.
Name: Lisa () on Friday, July 8, 2005 at 21:39:27
City and State: Ramona, CA
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1967
Happy Bday, Richard....