In honor of the Beach Boys and their beginnings
Here's how it all started.... Beach Boys
Name: Patricia Hydo () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 19:47:08
City and State: Lake Elsinore, California
Maiden: Lee
Class: 1964
Message: Hey John, So sorry for the long absence.I have really missed Cougartown. Hopefully I'll have more time to visit now that work has slowed a bit. I did my dues paying with to say I love it and all its simplicity. Hi also to all fellow Cougars out there. I really enjoy reading about all of your memories of Hawthorne. Take care all. And John?, TY for all you do for us.
Hi Pat, Glad you're back and enjoying Cougartown again and thank you very much for supporting the website.
Name: Myrna () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 19:28:48
City and State: Nevaa City, CA
Maiden: Bell
Class: 1966
Message: Hi John - it's been quite awhile since I've been on here. I like the changes! Now, I need to know - how many years has Cougartown been here? I want to catch my dues up-to-date, as I'm sure I'm at least a couple of years behind. Catch me while I'm willing to spend the money! Happy that Gordon had a chance to visit and you all had a good time!
HI MYRNA!!!! Where have you been girl? We've missed you here on the good old Feedback page. Yep, brother Gordon and I had a fun time here a few weeks ago. Hope all is well in Nevada City.
Re your dues: You are 3 years behind, probably about the length of time you've been gone from here. Please join in more often, Myrna, I miss you long lost Feedbackers.
Name: Jillian Woodsmall () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 19:18:40
Email: Jillian.woodsmall@usa,
City and State: Williamson,NY
Maiden: Woodsmall
Class: 2002
Message: Hope all is well with all of claas of '02.
Ahhh, to be 21 again... Name: Rebeca () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 17:22:51
City and State: Lawndale, Ca
Maiden: Bernal
Class: 1992
Message: Hey class of 1992. Hope everyone is having a good life. Let's get our class on the feedback page!
That's the way to do it Rebeca. Welcome Class of '92.
Name: Tressa () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 16:34:49
City and State: Tustin, CA
Maiden: Gerkin
Class: 1961
Message: Ok.....are you only showing one picture at a time, John? or am I just getting senile??????
Hi Tressa, yes, a picture a day.
Name: al rocca () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 16:13:27
City and State: Mesa,AZ
Class: 1970
Message: Where was TOPS located??
Right on the corner where Market St and La Brea come together. You can see Century Chevrolet across the street.
Name: David Neuschafer () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 15:48:35
City and State: Vista, Calif
Maiden: Leuzinger
Class: 1959
Message: JB...Myself and a good friend were just saying that we though the post from Tom Burroughs (June 8th) and your reply to him was just beautifully written about the good old days..."We Just took it for granted that that's the way the whole world was..." Man, you hit the nail right on the head with that! I hope people will drop down and read that post again! Great words guys! Hi Dave, Thanks for the nice thoughts and thanks for the donation to Ctown too. Hey, Olympians can donate too. Name: Penny Prouty () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 15:44:15
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message: John, I've been keeping tuned in, almost everyday, and have been enjoying the photos of those many places from our past...there are a couple of those photos that have been mentioned, that I've somehow missed (for example, the Christmas lights). Thank you, so much, to Mike Hinsche! John, would it be possible to post these photos, permanently, in your "Hangouts" or "Memories" page for everyone to see?
I don't know what it would involve, so hope you'll excuse my asking (out of ignorance) if it is too big a project.
Thanks, John. Penny
I was thinking the same thing, Penny, I'll add it to the to-do list, and glad you're enjoying them.
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 15:33:04
Email: baxterldo@aol,cim
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: The other name for the Rex theater may have been the Reo or Rio. One thing that was interesting about that little theater is that it was about the same size and had a seating arrangement similar to a single theater in the new multi-theater chains. It had a fake balcony - a raised section of seats in the back half of the theater. We entered the theater on the right or left side of that section. Every time I enter these new theaters, I think about that old one except then we knew most of the other kids in that ?balcony? and looked forward to having lots?a fun. The air was filled with flying popcorn, juju bees, dots, milk duds, etc.... Baxter
Thanks Baxter, I remember that layout too and the last movie (or maybe the ONLY movie) I saw there was The Boy With The Green Hair, with my Pop.
Name: Barney McArdle () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 11:46:33
City and State: San Antonio, Texas
Class: 1958
Message: Hey Ray Shelley, you mentioned in your comments about the El Segundo State Theater. That's where I saw Korla Panda one time, so I guess he played the Organ there also. I know my mother used to love him. Great pictures of Hawthorne and Inglewood and of Tops Hamburgers. I know we used to go there many times. I think there were a total of six (6) movie theaters in Inglewood at one time; The UA, Fox, Ritz, Inglewood, Academy and 5th. Avenue. Didn't Hawthorne have two at one time?
Hawthorne had the Plaza and one called the Rex (later called something else) on the NW side of the Broadway Circle. It was gone by about 1950.
Name: Mike () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 10:41:03
City and State: North Plains, OR
Maiden: Hinsch
Class: 1977
Message: Hey Ray,
Aren't you thinking of the big bunny that is on T.V. Highway at "Harvey Marine" here in Aloha, OR? He is still there and has been for years!
Name: Steve () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 10:01:08
Email: Eide
City and State: Alexandria, VA
Class: 1966
Message: Many thanks to Mike Hinsch's father for the photos of Hawthorne/Inglewood. Bring back lots of memories. All the talk about the hobby shop on El Segundo. This was a favorite place of my brother David and I especially after getting a haircut from Pat or Lee. There was some talk awhile ago about the city offices etc on Plaza Circle. Wasn't the police station there before it moved?
Name: KIRK C. GREASBY () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 09:16:15
Maiden: Cougar in the Rockies
Class: 1976
Message: To Raymond Smith: I remember a boat sales and supply shop on Rosecrans between Hawthorne Blv. and Ramona on the north side of the street and I think it was called Shaw's Boats, but I dont think there was any Bunny (harvey) Rabbit. Have a good Day.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Thursday, June 9, 2005 at 06:50:57
City and State: Portland, OR
Class: 1981
Message: An old memory flashed in my head and I in need of help refreshing it. Was there a boat shop/sales in Hawthorne or Lawndale that had this huge Rabbit Statue in front of the building? If I recall right, it could hold a boat in its arms. I believe it was on Hawthorne blvd but not sure. Anyone?
Name: Mike Weiss () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 22:40:40
City and State: Arlington VA
Message: Hey Ray Smith!! That hobby shop next to york school was a very cool place. I worked there for a while. Maybe you remember that gas powered blue corsair airplane that I bought. I was flying it on 116th street and it caught on fire! Yea..... those were the days :)
Name: Debbie Miles () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 18:06:39
City and State: Del Aire
Maiden: strawberrylover
Class: 1977
Message: I remember the strawberry fields. I think my Mom would promise to stop there *only* if we behaved at Zody's. Anyone remember the closed circuit TV there?
Name: Ray Shelley () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 15:44:59
City and State: Mena, AR
Class: 1958
Message: It is ironic that my brother Tom mentioned the Town Hall Theater in El Segundo. The owner and organist was Bill Coffman. I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Coffman on a couple of his visits to Mena. I don't remember if he was a native of this area or had family here. I do know on occasion he would perform during our Lum & Abner day's celebration. I could never figure out how he got that Wurlitzer in his car. I pulled some information off the web, that may interest some of you;
Old Town Music Hall is a concept that started in 1958 by Bill Coffman and Bill Field with the purchase of the Mighty Wurlitzer from the Fox West Coast Theater in Long Beach CA. This concept became a reality in 1960 when this fully restored instrument was installed in a small studio in Los Angeles for the purpose of presenting organ concerts and silent films to public and private audiences. Due to inadequate space the instrument was dismantled and stored. In November 1968 search for a new and suitable location resulted in its present home of 188 seats in the original El Segundo State Theater on Richmond Street.
Thanks Ray....
Name: Bob Jensen () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 14:50:50
City and State: Los Angeles
Class: 1971
Message: There was a Clifton?s in Century City for many years. Several times when I was there I saw Marjorie Main (Ma Kettle) having lunch. She also lived down the street from me.
Name: Richard () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 14:07:10
City and State: of Long Beach
Class: 1969
Message: There was also a Clifton's in the Lakewood Mall, which closed about 4 years ago.
Here is the 'Times' story on the Pantry closing.
BTW: Some poor Health Inspector had to work Thanksgiving Day, to recertify the Pantry so it could serve Thanksgiving Turkey dinners!
November 27, 1997-The Los Angeles Times-PETER Y. HONG
Los Angeles County health inspectors closed the Original Pantry restaurant
Wednesday, shutting the historic downtown eatery for the first time in its 73-year existence and upsetting its majority owner, Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan.
According to this story, the 24-hour short-order diner, whose slogan is "We Never Close," was cited for 36 health code violations, including improper storage of raw meat and food kept at unsafe temperatures as well as multiple equipment violations. Mayor Riordan's spokeswoman, Noelia Rodriguez, was quoted as saying that most of the violations involved the restaurant's equipment, and that "there was never any question about the quality of the food."
Name: Karen Kuehl () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 12:35:27
City and State: L.V. NV
Maiden: Graham
Class: 1959
Message: Keith, I do remember when there was an organ player at the theaters! When I was very very young, my grandma used to take me by Red Car to a theater in Huntington Park where they had give aways between shows, like raffle drawings. Whenever my grandma won something, she'd send me up there to get the present. The organ player would play a fanfare for each winner. I don't remember the name of the theater, but I think they quit doing the raffles and the organ when I was about 6 or 7. It sure was fun to go to those movies and I remember how disappointed that the music and raffles were no longer at the movie house.
Name: Tom Shelley () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 12:09:20
City and State: Torrance, CA
Class: 1962
Message: Keith, there used to be a theater in El Segundo with a huge pipe organ in the front. The owner was the organist and would have a 20 or 30 min. sing-along ("follow the bouncing ball") and then "play the action" for a couple of old silent movies. Good fun! But I don't remember the M&Ms. It may still be there on Richmond St. I haven't been that way in a few years.
Yep, The Old Town Music Hall is still going strong in El Segundo. Lots of fun too....
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 08:59:37
City and State: Prescott AZ
Class: 1958
Message: These photo's are just incredible. The Christmas lights & all. If that was not the happiest place on earth I don't know what was!! If anyone wonders why we cling to these memories, just take a look at these photo's! Thanks for making all our lives better with these windows into our youth!! TB from AZ
I agree Tom, but we all just took it for granted that that's the way the whole world was. We didn't know that it was clean and fresh and bright. It was just where we lived.
Name: Keith Jones () on Wednesday, June 8, 2005 at 00:34:12
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: I was wondering. The old theater here in Waikiki used to have a guy up front playing a pipe organ in between showings. I remember going there and sometimes the crowd wuold through M&M at him if they didn't like the song. Did any of these older theaters in LA do this too.
And, does anyone remember the old strawberry stand up on Inglewood Ave.
Name: Cliff Hitchcock () on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 22:07:39
City and State: Palmdale,Ca
Class: 1973
Message: Wow, The Fox Theatre. Right across the street and down a few doors from The
UA on Market St in Downtown Inglewood.
I believe I spent as much time in these theatres as I did in skool.
What I remember most about this theatre is the big red curtain that would open and close before each movie which added an aire of formality. Also folks used to clap if they enjoyed the movie and they almost always did.
Name: George Key () on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 19:08:48
City and State: PVE
Message: I graduated from Narbonne High in Lomita. In 1935 I was inducted into the boys honor club. For our initiation we had to wear long underwear and ride the big red streetcar into LA.
They took us to the Paramount Theater where we had to stand and sing the Alma Mater. Then we went to Cliftons for dinner because one of our gang was a singing waiter there. His name was Lloyd Jones and he later became Superintendent of Torrance School District.
Someone asked about Karna Gottdener. Saw her recently and she is still as beautiful and energetic as always.
Sure enjoy reading about all you kids so keep it coming.
Jorge The Singing Gaucho, Huh.... Somehow I knew you went to Narbonne but I'll be darned if I know why now. Great stuff George, but you'll always be the BIG COUGAR to all your kids at HHS. Thanks, and please come on back and share more often.
Name: Steve Hutchins () on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 14:06:23
City and State: St. George, Utah
Class: 1959
Message: John,
Thank you for the picture of the Fox Theater. Notice the two stores on either side: Cleo's Lingerie Bar and Cleo's Sportswear. Cleo was my mother and my parents operated those stores from 1956 through 1964. They bought the store on the left from my aunt and her business partner in 1956; prior to that it had been called Guyer's Ltd. My aunt had gone to work there in the late '40s and became part owner. Guyer's Ltd. moved to a bigger store on the corner on Market and Queen Sts. in 1956; that was when they sold the small store to my parents. My aunt had previously been manager of the Academy and Fifth Avenue Theaters on Manchester. She and her partner later opened a bridal wear store called Charbert's between Cleo's and Guyer's, so my family controlled that entire corner, for a few years anyway!
My parents had another store called Cleo's on Crenshaw near 111th for a while in the early '60s. Also my aunt had a store called Cappy's on Hawthorne Blvd, near 132nd from about 1959 until around 1990 as I recall.
The Cleo's stores in the picture were actually in the Fox Theater building, so my parents were Fox's tenants. One of the "bennies" was that I got in the movies free!
Thanks again, Steve Hutchins, HHS '59.
Hey Steve, Great stuff there. I just knew these pictures would spill over into someones life. Thanks....
Name: linda kemsley shropshire () on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 13:36:06
City and State: lancaster, ca
Message: In our search trying to locate long lost friends, located their cousin researching also: joanne hamilton clark elliot (sister sue) in search of arthur skipper clark (graduated 1959), danny clark, mark clark. If at all possible, please have them e-mail their cousin at
dixie kemsley at thanks
I remember the Clarks. They lived right down the street from me on Cedar Av. Haven't heard anything on the Clarks for years.
Name: Sarah () on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 10:52:20
City and State: West Hills, CA
Maiden: Baca
Class: 1974
Message: Hi everyone, haven't been on Cougartown lately, but I'm back. My husband and I just celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary, and went to Cabo San Lucas with some friends, we had a blast! Glad to be back on Cougartown though. Are there any get togethers coming up for the summer?
Hi Sarah, Yes, there's our annual Ctown Picnic that Sharon Moore Leach is handling and will be in September. Then there's a Cruise Night in August or September. Neither of these are finalized.
Name: Terry () on Tuesday, June 7, 2005 at 09:14:25
City and State: Salem Oregon
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1974
Message: I remember The House of Raymond, went there as a kid. I was in Bandon, Oregon this was around 1975 and there was a House of Raymond. Had to go find out if the same. Low and behold it was the same people. They had sold the one in Hawthorne, and moved up to Bandon. It's no longer there. My Mom and I use to meet her friend Judy, and go to Holly's for coffee (mine was mostly milk). Do you remember a place called Poor Richard's, it was in Inglewood? All the waitresses dressed up like clowns. You got plastic monkeys hanging on your Shirley Temple. Trains ran in and out of every room and they had a toy store. For the parents, cocktails. I loved that place. To get there you had to go by this big machinable lady on top of a building washing her laundry on an old wash bord. Was that on LaBrea?
Yes the clothes washing lady was on La Brea and the Poor Richards I remember was on Slauson and Overhill, just across the street from the Wich Stand. Thanks Terry...
Name: Keith Jones () on Monday, June 6, 2005 at 20:40:05
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: I remember eating at Cliftons but not in California. Do they have other locations and is it a buffet style place cause I remember it being that.
Name: Dennis Rigdon () on Monday, June 6, 2005 at 19:32:51
City and State: Killer Dana
Class: 1979
Message: Does anyone know what happened to HHS Art Teacher Karna Gottdener (sp)?
Name: Jorge Menendez () on Monday, June 6, 2005 at 19:31:27
Email: Divotman2
City and State: Redondo Beach
Class: 1977
Message: Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that The Pantry was closed for a day back in the mid 90's for sanitation violation. This was sometime after the Mayor bought the restaurant. He tried to use his influence to stay open, but to no avail. No longer can it claim that it has never closed its doors.
Hey Jorge, I think that's correct, thanks....
Name: Patti Smith () on Monday, June 6, 2005 at 19:01:27
City and State: Cypress, CA
Class: 1968
Message: In answer to Keith's question about House of, sorry to say that it burned several years ago.
Name: Anita Bell () on Monday, June 6, 2005 at 18:51:10
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: If that picture of Clifton's is the same one that was there in July of 1948, then that is the site where my parents and their wedding party went right after they got married.....some party huh? It was for them. I had always been told about that story but had never been there or even seen a picture of it until now.....Thank You.