In honor of the Beach Boys and their beginnings
Here's how it all started.... Beach Boys
Name: Jan Peterson () on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 12:25:31
City and State: Carmichael, CA
Maiden: Freeman
Message: I have a few musical memories from my early life in Hawthorne. I lived next door to Bill Boyd and his best friend was Zeke. (Chris Montez) He was always there so I just assumed he lived there too. The Boyd family were wonderful people and Zeke was the best. I remember sitting on the couch listening to him sing. Then years later one of my greatest memories of the BeachBoys was with Carl. While at the Swallow's home in Hawthorne, where they practiced at times, I was sitting on the piano bench next to Carl while he played and sang the song "Lana". I babysat Scott (Dennis & Carol's son) a few times when I was in High School. (I hope I got those names right). Then, I was getting ready to leave the house one day on my way to Paula Steiners (HHS67) and my Mom was sitting in the living room with Ron Swallow and 2 other guys talking. They were there to pick up my brother Tom. Ron introduced me and I left. I noticed a brand new JAG in the driveway, but went on my way. When I got home, my Mom said that there was a gift for me that was left by the 2 guys with Ron. On my bed was the Louie Louie album, signed. The 2 guys were 2 of the Kingsmen....We Haytowners are all pretty famous by association! sigh!! Jan
PS: I would love to connect with Zeke. Does he ever sing in here, or does anyone have an email address?
The last I heard Chris lived in the Valley (maybe Encino?)
Name: Jan Peterson () on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 11:41:58
City and State: Carmichael, CA
Maiden: Freeman
Message: Happy Memorial Day to all!! As we all celebrate with our family and friends today please say a prayer for all of our brave military here and abroad that are protecting us every minute of the day. They are our Hero's! The Freeman's lost our 19 year old son/brother in Vietnam almost 33 years ago. He is with us everyday, but especially today as he is honored with ALL his brothers and sisters.
On a lighter note, I see that someone hit the 220 million dollar PowerBall in Idaho yesterdday. Could it be one of our beloved Cougars that live there?
Hugs to All....Jan
So THAT'S why we haven't heard from JakeJude....
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 11:17:22
Email: cjprewitt at juno dot com
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Class: 1967
Message: I have a question of all of the cougars out there; Does a welcome sign hung backward mean your not welcome?
Hey Chris, I don't know, but I think El Rojo can answer your question. Name: Baxter Dodd () on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 03:46:26
Email: baxterldo@aol,cim
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 1957
Message: Thanks, Chuck, Lest we forget.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Monday, May 30, 2005 at 02:18:31
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: I had a Cougar sighting tonight, well once removed. I was at my son's house for dinner, one of the guys that he works with was there, I was telling him about the Beach Boys Monument, he said "Oh my neighbor told me about that, did you go to school with them too?" I asked him what his neighbor's name was and he said Joyce Chance, small world. So Joyce if Scott tells you that he had a Cougar sighting, he really did, it was me.
Good one Cindy, thanks for that one....
Name: Paco () on Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 22:27:20
City and State: LF
Class: 1961
Message: House prices..In 1954 Sharon's family bought there house for $14,000 and the state bought it back for $28,000 in 1970. The address was 5234 w 126th st. My family's house cost $3,000 in 1945. Our address was 5167 w 134th st.
My parents, in 1946, bought a house at 364 Cedar for 1900.00 and sold it months later for 2100.00, and bought the house next door, where I grew up. My Mom sold that house in 1963 for about 25000.00
Name: Mary Ann () on Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 20:12:03
City and State: Del Aire, CA
Maiden: Stanley
Class: 1977
Message: Sharon Williams Clendaniel and Larry Biller I just thought I'd let you know that both your old houses are for sale on 124th place in Del Aire. Asking price? $630,000! How much did our parents pay in the 50's...was it between $10,000 and $15,000?
Name: Alan Nelson () on Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 18:39:46
Email: See Alumni List
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: 1973
Message: Had a (kinda) Cougar sighting this morning. Went into my favorite Java spot for my morning espresso and muffin, and after the owner said "Hi Alan", a girl (lady??) at the end of the counter asked..."What's your last name?" Turns out it was Linda Muise, my best buddy and compadre from 5th grade at Eucalyptus. She moved sometime in 6th grade. Spent some time catching up before I had to hit the River.
She recognized you from 39 years ago in the middle of no where? MAN Alan, you HAVEN'T changed, have you. Name: Sue Melvin () on Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 13:10:57
City and State: Denver, CO
Maiden: Hammond
Class: 1956
Message: Mary Jean Rohwedder please send me an email with your new email address. Thanks, Sue
AND Mary, and all who've changed email addresses and forgotten to update it on our list, please go to the Alumni List page and click on "Change your email address" in the upper left corner. Thanks all....
Name: Chuck () on Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 12:52:42
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Class: 1967
Message: I walked among the crosses where our fallen soldiers lay. And listened to the bugle as taps began to play. The Chaplin led a prayer and I stood with my head bowed low. I thought of fallen comrades I had known so long ago. They came from every city across this fertile land. That we might live in freedom they lay here beneath the sand. I felt a little guilty my sacrifice has been so small. I only lost a little time but these men and women lost their all. Now the services are over for this Memorial Day. To the names upon these crosses, I just want to say, thanks for what you've given, no one could ask for more. May you rest with God in heaven from now through evermore.
Name: Jean MacErnie () on Sunday, May 29, 2005 at 00:40:46
City and State: Albq NM
Maiden: Caldwell
Message: I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of the Beach Boys, all those bricks and everything. I would love to see it next time I go to Ca. I wish I could have been there for the ceremony...Looks like it turned out to be a great event.
Here's a little memory to share....The big wedding on 122nd st....This is way back in the 50's...It really only involved the kids in our area....The wedding of Laura Maxson and John Freeman....They were verrry young of course (like under 10)....The wedding was held in my front yard...The aisle was the long red paved sidewalk from our front porch to the street....the 'ring' was a rubber band and a little yellow flower. I think I was the one that married was a big event....but it was over and done with by the next day...and we were off to some other adventure. I also remember the Maxsons Avocado tree...Laura and I would hang out by the tree a lot....It provided a lot of shade...She had a cute little dog named Frieda too...Laura and I shared a lot of child hood memories together...from all night barbie doll sessions to meeting our first boyfriends...Floyd and Dan MacErnie. My sister, Roberta, keeps in touch with Laura...Who is living in Simi Valley Ca I believe....I wonder what became of John Freeman...John is the brother of Janis and Tom Freeman...and Laura is the sister of Cindy Maxson Colby. I love hearing Cindys memories of Hawthorne....Happy Memorial Day to everyone!!
Name: Pat Underwood () on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 18:53:00
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: When you guys were posting about the ?Shoe x-ray? machine, I thought Ctown was hallucinating until I saw the photo of the thing that you posted. So I went digging in the net and this is what I found. Two different sides of the x-ray machine and test results. I was a military brat and mom bought all my shoes from the PX. I was such a sheltered child. LOL.
Thanks Pat
Name: alonzo young () on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 17:54:42
City and State: compton,ca
Class: 1986
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 15:32:11
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: 1961
Message: Dearest Cougs, when I got back from vacation friends, neighbors and co-workers called about my son Randy Duran who they thought had been killed in an automobile accident. The newspapers listed him as living in Irvine and was 31 years old. It wasn't my Randy, thank God!!Thx for the well wishes anyway!!
Name: Dennis () on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 03:13:15
City and State: Dana Point, CA
Class: 1979
Message: Hey Terry, You just brought back some memories. I haven't heard the name Lockhaven Christian in a very long time. My family used to attend church there when I was in like second grade. As a matter of fact if you were to look at my 2nd grade school picture from York Elementary, you would see a big goose egg on my forehead from when I fell off the slide in the playground at Lockhaven, while trying to show off after Sunday school one day. Or maybe it was during one of the many potluck dinners we went to. I bumped my head, I don?t remember for sure.
Name: Jim Dally () on Saturday, May 28, 2005 at 01:26:54
City and State: Carson, CA
Class: 1963
Message: Hi Everyone: This is perhaps too little too late or not but, on May 20th I was in Juneau, Alaska where the weather was 80* and clear! A beautiful day just like the one in Hawthorne during the dedication. Last evening I visited Robert Doster on Menlo Ave. near 118th and he drove us to the site. I was able to put my hand on a couple of the bricks; Scott Wilson and crew did a remarkable construction job. It's a classy monument that will last "Till the end of time" (yes, from another artist) and the paving of the street was a nice touch as well.
Name: Terry () on Friday, May 27, 2005 at 23:03:13
City and State: Salem,Ore
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1974
Message: Speaking of shoes, I think it was called Blimans on Hawthorne Blvd. I got my first and only pair of White gogo Boots. I was so cool. We had to order them. I went to Lockhaven Christian, in Inglewood. It was forbidden. I still wore them out. Wow I forgot all about that, Thanks.
Oh, Beatle Boots had just come out too. How fun was this memory. Thanks
Hey Terry, I don't remember the girl's stuff, but I'm sure lots do. Also, good meeting you and Kim at the Beach Boys Monument last Friday.
Name: Kathy () on Friday, May 27, 2005 at 16:11:47
City and State: Redondo Beach CA
Maiden: Duran
Class: 1964
Message: Hi everyone!!!
Speaking of shoe stores, does anyone remember Karl's shoe store? I think it was Karl's..They also had one of the x-ray machines. I can still remember him telling my mom what big feet I had, and me looking in the machine thinking "they aren't that big, are they?" They WERE!!!
Name: gary bickers () on Friday, May 27, 2005 at 10:04:04
City and State: pve cal
Class: 1963
Message: Talk about the Hawthorne uniform; I played in a football game just after graduation in '63. There were 40 guys involved from around The Western United States.
The first meal I attended I wore the uniform; Penny's Towncraft teeshirt, 501's and Thom McAnn "Twisters".
I thought everyone dressed that way; who knew?
AND your 501s had to come only to the top of your ankles so your white socks would show. Thanks Gar'
Name: Gordon Bell () on Friday, May 27, 2005 at 00:49:33
City and State: Downieville, CA
Class: 1962
Message: John, Need more J.B. Vernors & Cigars
OK, so the cat's out of the "you know what". Gordon and I had a great time last weekend, baching it, and yes, we did have a couple of drinks and a couple of Cigars too, Mom. Thanks Gordo for coming down and spending a few days. It was fun.
Name: linda huthmaker () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 23:04:42
City and State: torrance, ca.
Maiden: huthmaker
Class: 1963
Message: To Cindy Maxson Colby-Hi Cindy, so glad to read that you were at the new Beach Boys Monument! Isn't it great? I know we're all proud of it, and especially, of our "boys". Hope to see you, soon.
Kindest regards, Linda Huthmaker
Name: Janet Burkett () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 21:28:02
City and State: Ca
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 1962
Message: Always sad to read about losing someone and especially if it is a classmate you knew well. Condolences to family and friends of Ron Firey.
Last time I saw him, at one of our reunions, he looked older but still had those awesome blue eyes. RIP Ron.
I remember Ron was at my 13th birthday party and lotsa girls wanted to play Post Office so they could give him a LOOOONNG Letter. Ron was a great guy. He will be missed.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 20:23:37
City and State: Prescott AZ
Class: 1958
Message: While shuttling the VIP's over to the Monument in my old Chevy last Fri. I just happened to get Christopher Cross & his wife for passengers..Neat folks, very down to earth. Really a thrill for me to get to participate. Thanks again to Lois Bencangey {Marotta} for making this possible. Proud to be a Cougar!! TB from AZ
Hey Tom, Good to see you there, Sailing. See you and the Nomad at the next Cruise in August/September.
Name: Bob Reagan () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 18:39:11
City and State: Redding,Ca
Class: 1962
Message: Baker, You and I both know that the "GREEN HAZE" you were seeing through the X-Ray machine wasn't from the machine itself, It was the same Green Haze that would clear out the room when you took your PF Flyers
off !!!!!!
It was probably the same color as your thumb ended up looking like when you crashed into the fence with the infamous "murder
scooter" of Tom Bell's
I just KNEW I left myself open with that one, but it was too late to change it. HEY maybe that's why the machines are gone, because they were being EATEN ALIVE by PF Flyer fumes. Tom Bell's "Murder Scooter"? That was a totally different shade of green. Thanks Robert...
Name: Cindy Colby () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 17:15:57
City and State: Seal Beach, CA
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 1963
Message: Today I had to go to Camarillo on business, on my way home I went to the Beach Boys Monument, how nice it is, at first I couldn't find it then I saw a jogger and asked if he knew, he said that he was going that way and to follow him. The people who live in that neighborhood are proud of that monument. I had such a Hawthorne rush, it brought tears to my eyes and I haven't quite recovered yet. John, again I say you are the king and thank you for giving us the time that it takes to put this site together. Some people think that this is "craziness, grow up, move on with your life" I say this is my life and I am all of these things and I am all of the memories from everyone who contributes.
Thank you Cindy, I like memories of my Hawthorne too.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 16:38:49
Email: dscwingo@pac
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
Message: I'm laughing about all of the X-ray shoe stories. I'm sure we all have 6 toes and cancer from those things. We all did it.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 16:37:16
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Class: 1969
Message: I meant to add in my last post that you, John Baker, amaze me with your supply of artwork. You came up with the Buster Brown logos and so many other things mentioned, that it makes me wonder if you did, in fact, save everything!
Thanks Liz, but I can't take the credit for the Buster Brown logo. Petey sent it along with her post. The picture of Buster Brown was sent by Chuck Armstrong. I found the picture of Dewey and did put those two together. Lots of these are found on the web, so I haven't saved everything. Name: Anita () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 14:36:37
City and State: Fair Oaks, Ca
Maiden: Harmon
Class: 1969
Message: I've been trying all week to find time to post my experiences from last weekend.....finally! Arrived at the Metro Link Lot about 11am. Got out looked around and didn't have a clue as to what direction to take off in. Twenty years.....huge changes! Finally another car pulled into the lot. A gentleman around my age (I'm guessing) gets out. I said, "By any chance, are you going to the Beach Boy Dedication?" He said that he was so I asked if I could walk with him as I hadn't a clue where I was going. He said "Sure." He was from Long Beach and I'm sorry I don't remember his name, but again "Thank You!" . As we started walking up the street to the dedication site I started noticing some CT t-shirts (yes, I had mine on). So, being the social butterfly that I am, walked up to the first shirt I saw and said "Hello, Anita Harmon class of '69." He replied, "Jim Gibson, class of '67". Turns out he and his wife had driven down from Redding. We spent the rest of the day talking. Turns out he had something to do with making the connection with the Beach Boys in arranging for them to play at our prom. Such a gentleman! He gave me his chair to sit in and no matter how many times I offered it back to him, he never accepted.....what a guy!
I will probably be repremanded for this next comment, but I'm sorry.....I'm a big fan of the truth. The Beach Boys were the absolute "Kings" of four part harmony. Back when I was in the choir, all I can say is that neither Fred Morgan (band director) nor Russell Wing (choir director) would have even allowed us to perform at such an event if we had not perfected our performance. Singing off key was not allowed! So that part of the dedication brought tears to my eyes and not in a sentimental way if you get my drift?
What did take me back and touched my heart more than words can explain was when Brian Wilson got up and sang "Surfer Girl"....ahhhh.....sigh!
The next day was spent with a special classmate of mine who generously gave his time to give me a tour through Hawthorne again.....through our old stomping grounds and we relived a lot of wonderful was very much appreciated.
I know this was lengthy, but I'm a detailed oriented kind of gal! Thanks, JB!
LENGTHY!!?? War and Peace didn't require this much ink. You would have been graded down in Mrs. Mark's class too because you're 75 words short of the required 500. Anyway, I met Jim too, but didn't get a chance to meet you. Sorry about that, but when they erect the Chris Montez Monument in Hawthorne, please say hi. Thanks Anita and glad you had a fun weekend.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 14:17:01
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 1969
Message: Hey Chris,...the stilettos are back. Not for me, but I see them in shoe stores all over the place. I wore them when I was a cocktail waitress at The Proud Bird. I wore them for four years and ended up having to have surgery, not to remove any toes, but to repair the damage done during those years on my feet. Sexy shoes but my my my...ya gotta pay for fashion sometimes and it's not always in cash.
Name: Chuck Armstrong () on Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 14:11:45
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Class: 1967
Message: John, it was Dewey, I found this on the Web: David Earl Weber was born in Denver, Colorado, the only child in a German working class family. Dad was a truck driver and Mom worked at the Nabisco factory. Little Dewey took to the water at age three, venturing to the pool with his babysitter and quickly learning to swim. He first gained recognition in Buster Brown shoe commercials where he acted as a little boy who lived in a shoe with his dog Tige. He was also a master with a yo-yo, three times winning the Duncan National Championship. A furious competitor, he excelled in wrestling at Mira Costa High School and became a three-time winner of the California Interscholastic Federation title.
Thanks Chuck, somehow I knew he was a YoYo Champ. Happy Bday to you, BTW....