In honor of the Beach Boys and their beginnings
Here's how it all started.... Beach Boys
Name: Keith Jones () on Monday, May 23, 2005 at 14:54:58
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: I want to thank Michelle Drapeau for sending me the pics from the El Molino. That was so nice. I want to thank Sharon and the others who emailed me and offered. Brings back memories. Again thank you very much. Cougartown comes through again. I Love it. Aloha Keith
Name: Peggy Madrid () on Monday, May 23, 2005 at 14:13:35
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Maiden: Noakes
Class: 1970
Message: I was just curious what ever happened to Robert Emmett - Class of 1968. He was quite popular, yet I never hear a peep about him. If anyone has heard anything, please e-mail me.
Thanks!! Peggy Madrid (Noakes)
Hi Peggy, I'm sure someone here knows the answer. Good Luck
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Monday, May 23, 2005 at 11:22:03
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Class: 1977
Message: Wade and Bud did a great job with the golf tournament! It was a lot better than last years. Our team lost, we came in last place but we had a blast! I believe the Effler brothers came in first(again). I am undefeated in the Ladies longest drive, but then I was the only lady playing. Girls, next year please play. Not that I mind having all these good looking Cougar men to myself, but I am only one gal. We had music after golf performed by a Cougar alumni, I apologize, I don't know who it is. Thanks Shannon Keyes for carrying our butts on the course. JB, we missed you, but from reading the posts I guess you had too much weekend on Friday. Again Wade and Bud, you guys did a great job on organizing this tourney. I look forward to the next one.
Thanks Jill for the update. Sorry I couldn't be there. Hope we have a few pictures for the website.
Name: Sherri Skanes () on Sunday, May 22, 2005 at 12:50:52
City and State: California
Message: Hey John....just wanted to say it was great to meet you and all the other Cougartowners, and thanks for all of your support!! Y'all looked like you were having a blast, despite the sunburns. And for the gentleman with the Resto-mod Stang, I have to On our way back in one of the sweet little woodies, that gorgeous piece of blue steel went blazing past us, and my 14 year old son exclaimed, "Hey mom, we should have waited for THAT car!" You guys made the event extra special. Thanks again!
Hi Sherri, Yes great to meet you face-to-face, and just want to say you and the committee did an Outstanding job, from the Memorial and the dedication ceremony to the after-dedication get together at the Betty Ainsworth Center. Thanks so much for everything, it was a truly fun and memorable day for Beach Boy fans around the globe.
Name: Tom Buckingham () on Sunday, May 22, 2005 at 00:54:14
City and State: Clovis,CA
Class: 1964
Message: What a great day for Brian Wilson, the Beach Boys, Hawthorne, HHS and Cougartown. I met a lot of old and new friends at the ceremony. Best of all my old buddy, Bill Trenkle flew in from Tulsa on two days notice to be there. Bill was the bass player for the original Dave and the Marksmen. He got a short reunion with Dave and was invited to the soundcheck for the All Star Beach Party tonight. How great is that. Two of original Marksmen are in the heavenly HHS rock band in the sky with Dennis and Carl. Gene Fetko, HHS '65 (rhythm guitar) and Mark Groseclose,
HHS '64 (drummer and artist extraordinaire) were also great friends with the Beach Boys.
Name: Lee Ann Roehm () on Sunday, May 22, 2005 at 00:51:10
City and State: West Linn, OR
Maiden: Nixon
Class: 1964
Message: Just wanted you guys to know that I switched over a Calif. bank account to one up here in Oregon. I go to Washington Mutual Bank and was told that they have a program that, through my debit card, I could have a small amount of money every month go to any school of my choice (with no cost to me). Guess what school I picked? Who else, of course.
This is their way of doing their thing for education. I was surprised that such a program existed and I just wanted to pass it along.
I see that the Beach Boys thing was a big success and wish I was there.
Name: Dewey Storie () on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 23:44:38
City and State: Chandler,AZ
Class: 1974
Message: Watching the Fox News tonight here in Phoenix, they reported the Beach Boys Memorial dedication as being today ? now I understand the sign when I was first came to Phoenix 6 months ago ?. Welcome to Phoenix, set your watch back 10 years
They didn't miss it by 10 years, but they did miss it. Name: John Baker () on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 22:13:14
Email: jb1 at
City and State: Lomita
Class: 1962
Message: ATTN Class of 1976... I just talked with Sharon Bierman Branigan and she said your reunion is filling up fast. There is only "so much room at the INN", and I know you're thinking it's a long way off, but do NOT be left out. You do not want someone from another class taking your spot, so please email her at and CONFIRM NOW if you want a spot at your own reunion. Thanks 76ers and have a great reunion.
Name: Chuck () on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 21:53:20
City and State: Orcutt, CA
Class: 1967
Message: Jim, your words are very kind. In regards to Artie, I?ve never heard him sing. I don?t think he was allowed near a microphone back in the day. Artie, can you sing? Or was Jim the one ?smokin?? : ) Did you ever see Artie play Wipe Out by the Safaris, while standing on one leg on his drum stool? That was smokin! Wipeout was in the Top 20 during the summer of '63, and it was a must learn for Artie. I'm not sure how he came up with the acrobatics.
Name: Don D. () on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 19:02:59
City and State: South Bay
Class: 1975
Message: Hope you feel better, John. I got a strong dose of 'sun' myself. Glad you had some good connections there to get into the VIP area. I just finished putting something together regarding the landmark. Here's the link with a clickable pic:
Folks who could not make it can see the landmark virtually...
Hey Don, Great job. Thanks a bunch for being there and for the pics.
Name: Jim Sloey () on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 15:05:58
City and State: SOLVANG, CA
Class: 1966
Message: Was sorry to hear of the tragic loss of Norman Haddad-I thought his name was Monty. I never will claim to be a music expert but I think it's like art, I know what I like, and I always thought that Monty and the Crystals were a really good group. Artie Verduzco sang at the class of '67 reunion, parts of MY Girl, he was still smoking. You guys were really good in my meager opinion. Chuckie I think we're virtually neighbors.
Name: Dick Dixon () on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 14:06:12
City and State: La Verne, CA
Class: 1963
Message: Man, was yesterday a hoot or what. So good to see my friends John Baker, John Rout and Mo, Rick Sloan and of course footballer Bobby Hunter. Extra special was sitting with you folks at the VIP Party deal and listening to the Beach Toys, yakking with Al Jardine and appreciating that we are here to enjoy and share in spirit with other classmates. Extra special was being the taxi-driver for Dennis Wilson's daughter in my, just almost completed, Roush stroked '66 - 410 HP restomod Mustang. Be true to your school. Thanks again JB and company. See ya on the next lap.
Hi Dick, Yep, we all had a fun time and your Hot Rod Mustang is AWESOME. Thanks for bringing it and maybe we'll see you at the next cruise night.
Name: Elizabeth Aleccia () on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 13:45:34
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 1969
Message: John, so sorry to hear you are sick. Want me to bring you a beer? They say you need to drink lots of fluids in your condition. [grins] Get well soon.
I have an announcement. My mother is retiring from the Hawthorne School District on her 85th birthday, June 8th. She served her community long and well. I don't know what she will do with all of her energy but I do know she'll not sit in a rocking chair to pass the time, she's still way to hip for that. Congratulations Mom.
Hi Liz, Congrats to your mom for her many years of service. I just took a nap and feel a little better. Maybe I'll stick with water for now. Thanks for the beer offer though.
Name: Don D. () on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at 11:10:16
City and State: BeachBoysville
Class: 1975
Message: Glad to see you got a VIP pass to the BeachBoyFest, John. They should have asked you to put in a plug for Cougartown...:)
Yes, we got in thanks to Carol Wilson, Dennis Wilson's first wife, Al Jardine, and Rich Sloan. Had a fun day all the way around. Thanks to Al, Carol, and Rich for the help.
Got a nasty dose of sun poisoning yesterday and don't know if I'll be able to make the Golf BBQ today. I'll see how it goes.
Name: Keith Jones () on Friday, May 20, 2005 at 22:48:16
City and State: Kona, HI
Class: 1976
Message: i was wondering about taking a shot in the dark here. Is there or can anyone email me pics from the 1976 El Molino of me. I have like 4 pics in there. I think mostly all baseball. I want to show my daughters. thank you if you can. you can email them to mahalo nui loa
Name: linda huthmaker () on Friday, May 20, 2005 at 20:05:10
City and State: torrance, ca.
Maiden: huthmaker
Class: 1963
Message: What a beautiful day we had at the BeachBoys Memorial Dedication (I got sunburned!)-Brother Ken and I were able to sit very close to the stage, with John Baker and Bob Hunter (who I hadn't seen since graduation), John Rout (from my clss of '63), and Rich Sloan. Al Jardine and Brian Wilson looked (and sounded) absolutely great, as did Dennis Wilson's kids and grandson, and Carl Wilson's son, who has formed a new group "In Bloom". Wonderful entertainment, thanks to Larry Bender and others from Hawthorne, and just a great time had by all (and there were many).
Good to see Mo Trott, as well, and Bob Fraser from the class of 60. Thanks to the Beach Boys for their great music, and we know that Dennis and Carl were looking down, in Spirit.
Spent the morning with Lil and Gil Parra (and was sorry to miss them afterwards), and met a lovely couple from New York-Laura and Tom Smucker. I certainly hope they all enjoyed themselves, as much as I did. Linda Huthmaker
Yes, a fun fun fun day for all the Beach Boys fans around the world. I met people from Houston, Connecticut, Florida, Australia, England and others, who saw my Cougartown Tshirt, had seen the website, and just wanted to talk. Thanks to all Ctowners who showed up. It made it a fun day for all.
Name: Mike () on Friday, May 20, 2005 at 18:45:42
City and State: Mesa Az.
Message: I hear tell that a feller name a Walter Holt been sayin' bad stuff about Arizona. 'Bout how we sit on them cactuses and such and somethin' 'bout horny todes an' all that. I tried sittin on them cactuses but it was real painful on muh south end. Mose-ly tho, we-uns is lots like yall. Me an' maw and the yung-uns likes to watch them ol' dukes a hazzerd on the talkin' pitcher box. Me I'm partial to that flyin' saucer show with the real serious feller with them pointy ears...Star Track or some such. Wees real modern here 'bouts, just like you city folk. Th'other day I got me one a them there newfangled kalkeelators to do muh figgerin' on. Shewt! Ol' Billy up the road, he been real uppity since he got that indoor plummin'. Ol' Billy, he's a odd one. He jest likes to tend them sheeps he keeps in the barnyard. He ain't never been hitched neither. He seems to be a happy feller tho'. Later on we goin' to one o them berbeekews. Yessir, get our fill o 'possum and take us a swim in the seement pond. See Yall Later.............Yeah, Yeah, I know, I know, but c'mon. Ya gotta admit, I am entertaining.
Weez gots LeeRoy ta innertane us ther Mikey....
Name: Lisa Bertolini () on Friday, May 20, 2005 at 17:52:06
City and State: Chico,Ca.
Maiden: Schmidt
Class: 1990
Message: Just needed to update my email address for your alumni page.
Hi Lisa, go to the Alumni list and click on "change your email" Thanks....
Name: Terrence Poublon () on Friday, May 20, 2005 at 11:54:48
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: This is indeed a great day. Finally, The Beach Boys and the city of Hawthorne get some well deserved recognition. I wish I could be at the ceremony myself.
Thank You Brian Wilson for all those great songs!!! God Bless You. Name: Penny Prouty () on Friday, May 20, 2005 at 10:53:41
City and State: Torrance, CA
Maiden: Prouty
Class: 1962
Message: Hi everybody,
Today's going to be a great one at the Beach Boys tribute. I hate to miss this, especially, if Brian is planning to be there.......would've loved to see him and be with you to show our love and support to our guys. I'm having some problems, walking long distances, etc. lately....hope to see the problem go away, soon...I'll be there in spirit and hope to see some photos and hear about it. Have fun1
Hi Penny, Yes, a fun day all the way around. I'll put up some pics later tonight after getting them sorted out.
Name: Lee Ann Roehm () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 22:58:02
City and State: West Linn, OR
Maiden: Nixon
Class: 1964
Message: Like Larry Biller, I also send my regards from the Northwest to all who will be at the Beach Boys dedication tomorrow.
I really wish I could be there as well.
I will especially miss seeing old friends, which would have been the best thing of all for me, had I been able to attend.
Have a good time everyone. The walk will be worth it.
Hi Lee Ann, We'll have a fun time, I'm sure. I'll say hi to all your 64 friends too. Thanks....
Name: Mike () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 22:07:03
City and State: Mesa Az.
Message: Just want to say thanks to all you who sent me private e-mails agreeing with me about a few earlier comments. But please, that was not my intent. So now we can move on to more positive things. Even though I went to Gardena, I have great memories of Hawthorne. My Dad worked there at Progressive Plumbing for years, Mom was an RN and worked at Hawthorne Memorial briefly. Got my first 10-speed at Phil's Bike shop, bought my first GOOD guitar and amp at Melody Music, a Gibson 335 and a Fender Vibrosonic. Tasty. Those were the days. Bought the guitar for $450 and was so proud of myself for getting $650 for it a couple of years later. Today it would be worth about $3500. Oh well, you live and you learn, I guess. Bought a car at Chaffee Ford. My best friend went to Hawthorne Christian. Got my bike stolen at Clark's Drugs at Rosecrans and Prairie, found it and the "fellow" (I'm on my best behavior here) who took it at the park on Kornblum and 135th two days later. Took back my bike and punched his #####ng lights out. Some who saw it were appalled, but believe me, it was really fun. Worked briefly at the Cockatoo Inn. Lived for several years at right off Crenshaw and 139th. Never forget the manager of the apartment building when I was looking at the apartment. He says to me, "Are you the type who drinks a lot and plays loud music all hours?" So naturally I says to him, "No Sir, I'm not like that at all." So he says to me, "Well, you probably don't want to live here then, 'cause that's pretty much all we do." Go figure. True story. While I DO NOT back off an inch from my previous posts, the fact is I love Hawthorne, just like I love my home, Gardena. Best to you all.
Hi Mike, If you'd have just said that sooner. Thanks and great memories there. BTW, no one here is going to TP your house. Cougs don't do that....well, except for the Biermans and Valencias.
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 22:04:31
City and State: Keno,Oregon(ontheriver)
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 1962
Message: "Hey" JB, I hope you guys have a great time this weekend, it sounds like a "Cougartown" couple of days for sure. I wish I could be there too. Be sure to take a picture of my old house at 3752 119th St. It was the first house John/Grappaman and I owned after we were married in 63. AND, I have to say, GREAT response to ML from Mesa. You have such a way with words. Love you and see you soon.... (And CAL, be sure to say "hey" to Jake and Jude from John and Cheryl too.)
Hey Cheryl, Yes, it'll be a fun weekend for all Ctowners with the Golf Tournament, BBQ, and Beach Boys dedication. We'll see you and John in June so be ready for an El Torito salad. Love you too, and see you in a couple of weeks.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 21:57:57
Email: See Alumni List
City and State: Parker, Az
Class: 1973
Message: Can't make the dedication tomorrow. It's that time of year again. (Hot weather, boats and drunks) If anyone brings a digital camera, I'd like to know where the brick that Kathy and I donated is located. I think it just has our names on it. A big Cougar "Thank-You" in advance.
Hey Alan, If I can get close enough, I'll find all the bricks and add them to the website. If not, I'll go back in a couple of weeks when this whole thing dies down.
Name: Larry Biller () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 19:41:20
City and State: Portland,Or
Class: 1967
Message: Have fun at the dedication tomorrow. Wish I could be there. Also sorry to hear of Norm Haddad's passing. I was
just telling Chuck Armstrong a couple of days ago how great their band was.
Name: Sandra () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 16:10:51
City and State: Encinitas, CA
Maiden: Perales
Class: 1988
Message: Hey Guys! It's nice to see all the excited posts from people who will be (or won't be) at the dedication, golfing and dinner over the weekend. Back to Hawthorne memories as usual.
p.s. I'm making a trip to HIS June 10th, to take pictures of the murals, mosaic and park that were dedicated in Ms. Leda Griffin's (c/o 69) memory. It's an emotional journey, but one I have to make. Have a great weekend all!
Name: Cal Kappen () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 15:31:36
City and State: Oceanside CA
Class: 1959
Message: I'll be missing the dedication. I'll be up in Kuna Idaho visiting with Russ and Jude Jacobsen. "El Rojo". Jim and Mary Jo Benson have invited me for a BBQ on Sunday. I'll take pictures. I hope you get lots of pictures. It sounds like you might need a telephoto lens! I think you should be in the VIP box. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be a Cougar family. I'll send you some pictures. I'll also send pictures to Howard "Paco" Duran. Have a great Cougar outting.
Hey Cal, Thanks for the nice thoughts, but I'll be just another Coug trying to get a picture. Actually Rich Sloan will be sitting up front so I'll get his pictures. Tell Russ and Judi, John says hey, and get a picture of his hip. Name: Debbie () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 15:28:32
City and State: Del Aire
Class: 1977
Message: I plan on being at the dedication tomorrow. It means working Saturday til closing, but it'll be worth it, I'm sure! Hope to see some other C'Towner's.
Hi Debbie, we'll see you there.
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 14:08:06
City and State: Belmontshore
Class: 1974
Message: Hey Dan great topic.Baseball cards were the center of our summer universe back in the 60's and early 70's. We couldn't wait for the new series to show up at Rite Liquor, 5 cents a pack and that great gum. Thankfully the majority of mine survived many moves and now are in safe storage. We spent this past weekend at a charity event in L.A with my old friend and neighbor Tom Tate, class of 75 and we were talking about our passion for collecting not just baseball but all sport cards. He still has his and we are planning an evening to get together and go through all of those memories. BTW I have the 52 Topps set tucked away in my banks safety deposit box....very cool old cards.
See you all on the links Saturday and at Gaetanos Friday night.
Hey Bud, Yes, great stuff, baseball cards. 1952 set had Mickey and Willie rookie cards too. Those should be worth a mint. See you Saturday.
Name: Jill McFarlane () on Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 13:59:06
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Looks like it will be an "All Cougar, all the time" weekend. With the dedication, dinner at Gaetano's tonight and the golf tournament and BBQ on Saturday. I imagine JB you will be swamped on Sunday with postings of people commenting on these events, and I look forward to reading every word of it. Have fun and don't forget your sunblock!
Hi Jill, Yes, it'll be a busy Cougar weekend. See you all at the Golf Tournament on Saturday.