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In honor of the mid 70's HHS gym incident.... > Ray Stevens
Seriously though, I was lucky enough to be invited on a real life safari in 1985. We were in central west Africa for most of the 3 weeks. The highlight of the trip was the last week. We were in actual Wurari country, which as you may or may not know are one of the few cannibal tribes left in the world. As we got closer to the last week we were a little more worried about going back in there. I mean the "These guys love white meat" stories were really getting old. One morning we came to this huge clearing and there they were. The guide stopped us and we looked at this tribe of people that must have been there for thousands of years. I looked off to my left and there was a younger looking male. In front of him was a huge pile of fresh dung left by one of the Elephants in the area. He would lean over and take his index and middle finger, plunge it into the dung and bring it to his mouth. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He did this about three times and finally I asked the guide what was going on there. He said he didn't know, but would go ask. He walked over to the man said something in his best Wurari. The young man answered him and satisfied, he came back to the group. I asked him what the deal was and he said, The young cannibal said he'd just eaten a lawyer for breakfast and he was trying to get the bad taste out of his mouth.
Name: Michelle Drapeau () on Thursday, June 3, 1999 at 00:14:31
E-Mail: havnfun@qnet.com
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 78
Message: Hey John, maybe the slow down is outta respect for all you're doin for us, what with setting up reunion pages and now mailing lists, not to mention yearbook pictures....whew! and sooooo much more!!!! You've gotta be the hardest workin Coug here! I've gotta say I'm one of the guilty ones who peeks in all the time, but just can't muster up some amusing feedback! But I WAS in San Diego this weekend with my kids and a friend and her kids. Well there was the biggest beach party, drinking, jungle music, the flashing of body parts just to describe some of the excitement. My friend and I carried our lounge chairs w/cushions and all down to the beach, got all cumfy to watch the kids boogie board, and play. But the excitement at the party kept destracting our relaxing day at the beach. Then right across from our beach house, a fight breaks out, drunken guys about to fall off the balcony, cops, etc. The funny thing about all this is it's exactly how I remember my latter teens!! Shameful!!! It made me feel sooo old and yet a whole other perspective of how stupid we were! Yeah, yeah you can all admit it here, you were one of them too!! Who were we then? I'm kinda thinkin, like, maybe that's why my memory is kinda, sorta, not real good!! Anyway, blah, blah, blah, I'm trying to fill up some space here!! Cindy? Cindy? Help, I've started typin and I can't stop!!! Now I'm a typin fool!
Michelle, You just reminded me about the reunion pictures. I knew it was going too easy around here. I think that's Murphy's 3rd law. If things seem to be going well, you've obviously overlooked something. I will get back on that project too, I promise.
You crazy 70's people might have done some weird things when you were in High School, but us 60's people were far more reserved. Thanks girl
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 23:25:06
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Boy, everyone says that they will help but when you put out a call for help the whole feedback page gets quiet! John, if you will e-mail me at my work address with your problem I will talk to some of our people in Information Services to get you the help that you need. (That is if you haven't figured the problem out before then.) I will also e-mail you my work telephone number at your john14@cougartown.com address. I hope you get this problem fixed soon.
Hi Chris, Actually I've been getting help from lots of Cougs. I think we're making some progress here. This Access form that we need is going to help keep track of our Newletter mailings. That's why I don't want to put the form up until I get this Access file completed. We're getting there. Thanks Chris
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 22:23:15
Class: 66
Very Funny James. Yahno, maybe everyone thought that, as we've had 7 messages in the last 2 days and 2 of them were from me. It's feast or famine around here boy.
Name: John Baker() on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 20:14:54
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Was it something I said??
Name: John Baker() on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 12:10:49
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Help. Does anyone work with Microsoft Access. I'm trying to make a form, and am not having much luck. Please email me at access-help@cougartown.com and let me know if you have this expertise. Thank you
Name: Alan Nelson () on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 10:22:19
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Maiden: Looking Forward to Empty Nest
Class: 73
Message: Well, here it is 26 years after my classmates and I donned the Cap and Gown and made the last walk across Hal-Cap field. Now I am getting ready to watch my youngest child make the same walk. Even though it is not the same field, I wonder if he is feeling the same differing emotions that I did. Joy, sorrow, anticipation, fear, all at the same time.
But now Kathy and I will also be entering into a new phase in our lives. One without bicycles in the yard, clothes left adrift, and the ever present yell of "MOM". We are also feeling those same pangs of Joy, sorrow, anticipation, and fear.
To all Cougars who are doing the same thing this month, and those who have done it before, I share your kinship, and hope that the future holds great things for you and your families.
Name: Patt () on Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 01:06:42
E-Mail: pdeck17@3-cities.com
Maiden: Prewitt
Class: 65
Message: Waiting for address to send check!!
I am really enjoying your work of the COUGAR WEBSITE!!
Keep up the good work, John!!
Patt, It's not quite ready yet. I think tomorrow though. Thanks for your patience.
Name: Bob Veach () on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 16:52:38
E-Mail: annijoro@aol.com
Class: 1972
Message: Is that a picture of Cindy Laird c/o '76. Allthough I was a few years ahead, I remember her as I graduated with her brother. When I first saw her in her freshman year and somebody told me who she was, I couldn't believe it. Nobody had a sister that pretty.
Ahh Bob, You ARE a charmer. Yes it is HHS's own Cyndi Laird Hewitt and the lovely Marisa. Thanks Bob
Name: DON DALLONS () on Tuesday, June 1, 1999 at 14:49:24
Class: 1979
Message: Hi Sue, I remember going to Van Nuys Bl. for cruise night with you and the Miller Brothers. I also worked at Boys Market with you. Remember the Dodger Games we all went to with the employee's of Boys Market? I also remember that price check story and recall it, Do you want the ones you push in with your thumb or hit in with a hammer. I still tell that story from time to time, It's a classic. Do you remember Bruce Schwartz, Mike Moran, and Vic Morgan ? What ever happened to the Corvette ? Great hearing from you. John I think you should post a address for those who want to donate money to help you maintain this web page. Keep up the great work !
Don, Still working on the page. I said it would be up by last Friday, well maybe by tomorrow. Thanks
Name: Glenn Crist () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 23:06:04
E-Mail: gfcrist
Class: 1964
Message: Speaking of cams, my seester, Sheran (Crist) Gertsch went to school with Sig Erson (Iskys head cam grinder for years) kids (I think they were twin sisters and I don't know if they went to HHS or moved away) but I remember her say that they "ate cams" for several years while he was getting his business established.
Another (move over Mattel, Max Factor) Hawthorne business success,
Sig Erson Cams..... Now there was a Camshaft Decal
Name: Jorge Llaves () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 22:37:50
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Class: 80
Message: Yes John I remember Patmars well. I graduated from Narbonne High in 40 and packed eight grads into my dads 1937 Terraplane and had a ball at the drive in. Pretty high living in those days and our terraplane was the fastest car in Lomita. The next day we all went to Catalina and spent the night dancing to Benny Goodman , Lionel Hampton etc.
I pulled my Harley into V25 driveway this morning to see if she was OK. She was in her nighty dancing with her niece. I am happy to report her butt looked beautiful to me.
By the way Gloria-what is a Tampax? They didn't have them when I worked as a box boy for 25cents an hour. Buenas Noches---JORGE
Pretty hard to beat those old Hudsons for speed. My dad was a Hudson man for a lot of years. V27's butt should look ok. It's been frozen for about 35 years. Kinda like finding one of those frozen guys in the Himalayas. Everythings still perfect.
Thanks for the Patmars story Yorghee. If you have, or know where I can find a picture of Patmars, please let me know. Dewey Storie has provided the picture of the Terraplane.
Name: B WITHELL () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 21:35:09
E-Mail: withells@idirect.com
Class: 1967
Message: wandering through your historic pages, I also remember Dempsey Wilson Cams on Rosecrans Ave.
Ahhh Yes, Dempsey Wilson. He had a couple of those old tin buildings on the North side of Rosecrans between Inglewood Av and Hawthorne. He ground a few cams for our quarter midgets too. I wish I knew where I could get one of his decals. Thanks B
Name: Roni Kobel () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 21:11:44
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Hey, John, FYI: T1 is Beth, Class of 75, volleyball player extraordinaire; I'm T2; T3 is Peggy, Class of 77, volleyball player extraordinaire; Patti is T4, Class of 79, volleyball player extraordinaire (and Sophomore Sweetheart), and Mandy is T5, Class of 81, track star extraordinaire...
Roni, Thanks for the T girl Bios. Now we know.
Name: John Baker() on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 18:54:09
E-Mail: john14@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Being as it's such a slow day on the Feedback Page, maybe this will wake you dirty old men up. Does this HHS beauty ring a bell to any of you who were lucky enough to be in the same class with her. I'll give you a hint. The one on the left is Marisa. Enjoy...
Name: Olga Blanco() on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 15:44:16
E-Mail: OBlanco@BANCARD.com.py
Class: 79
Message: I was trying to find out about my class and "this" is something that
makes me feel so in touch with a special year of my life.
My name is Olga Maria Blanco, I was one of two foreign exchange students
with AFS at HHS that school year of 78/79.
Your life in high school was, I guess and hope is much more intense than
back here in Paraguay, South America where I'm still living.
I have improved my english, thanks to all my classes at HHS and with a
great help from my teachers.
I have now the information related to my 20 year reunion and I will try
my best to be there.
Thanks for this Cougar town
Olga, I want to say that I'm so happy that you found us. I've forwarded your letter on to your class representative and sincerely hope you can make your 79 class reunion. They shouldn't EVER be missed. Thank you Olga....
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 12:01:16
Class: 66
Message: There are others among us. In fact we have a Judge in our class.
Anyway since we started lawyer joke week at Cougartown here goes my favorite two.
A lawyer and a pope die and appear at the pearly gates. St. Peter gets there identifications and authorizes their entry into heaven. He then escorts them to their places. He drops the Pope off at his quarters and Pope enters. The one room apartment is very sparse, a bed a toilet a sink and a hot plate and a BIBLE. That is it not even a window. The Pope thinks nothing of the spareness thanking God that he is in Heaven. Finally the Pope decides he wants to brush his teeth but alas no tooth brush. He walks down the hall to the lawyers room and rings the doorbell.
The Butler opens a door to a palatial estate fit for a king. The Pope smiles and says well, there has been a mistake forgetting about the tooth brush. The lawyer is summoned and he denies any mistake saying St. Peter assured him it was his, so they summon St. Peter to clear up what is now a full scale debate.
St. Peter enters the quarters looks around and assures the POPE that first we make no mistake in heaven and there is certainly no mistake in this instance.
The Pope is dumbfounded. "How can that be I am a Pope he is a lowly attorney?"
"Well St. Peter said, "You are our 434th Pope, He is our first attorney."
Now that's LOW Jim. Using the words "Pope" and "attorney" in the same story. You really ARE a lawyer aren't you.
Name: Dave Krikac & Family () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 11:36:21
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Happy Memorial Day All!
Thank you all HHS grads and families that have suited up in uniform and served this country in pride and valour. We can never ever repay you for your incredible sacrifice, our family remembers you and salutes you this day!
In Freedom-The Krikac's
Name: Richard Urquhart () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 10:42:43
E-Mail: urquhart69@rmi.net
Class: 1957
Message: Hey, pretty cool site. I'll be back, even though you did not go back to the 50's. The GREATEST in and around Hawthorne. Your site brought back some cruizin' memories about Hawthorne Blvd hangouts I'd forgotten about.
Hi Richard and welcome. Yes, we go back to the 50's here. If you have something to add from the 50's, please let me know and I'll add it to the site. That's what makes this site unique. The Alumni add the memories. Thanks Richard
Name: Frank Romano () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 09:59:35
Class: 1961
Message: Yo! John.... Don't let friendships stop a good story or two.... besides, Johnny would be the first to laugh about whatever it is. I would point him to cougartown, but he's not even close to computers.
Frank, I think I'll pass on the stories on Dilaberto. I'll see if anyone else remembers them. Thanks Frank
Name: David Barboza () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 09:51:14
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: To All Cougars:
Today is Memorial Day. I wish each and every one of you and your families all of my best and hope you enjoy this day together. I myself would personally like to thank my Dad, his 4 brothers and my uncle Joe who all served this Country during WW 2; My brother Robert who served 2 terms in Viet Nam; My cousin Luciano who died in Nam; My son Christopher who served 4 years in the Marines; fellow Cougars who like myself and all of the men and women who have served and or given their lives so that we may enjoy this day in peace with our families. I urge all of us here at Cougartown to at least take a moment to give a thought, silent prayer and Thank You to those who we all should remember on this day.
Thanks David
Name: Dewey Storie() on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 10:50:34
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message:I knew this was going to happen !....this is what happens when people stop
Name: Patricia Griffith () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 04:00:17
E-Mail: pgrif35538@aol.com
Maiden: Martin
Class: 86
Message: Great web site! I even recognized some names. I guess all those quarters games didn't do any permanent damage afterall! Hi Ricky, Bob & Delia!
Hi Patricia and welcome. If you know where any other class of 86ers are hiding, please let them know we're here. Thanks
Name: bill () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 02:38:24
E-Mail: wsloey
Class: 69
Message: John; Having a brother that charges me everytime I call to see how he is doing, you sure put the spin on the lawyer jokes with that last cannibal joke, I am hurting on both sides of my ribs and it is very hard to type, your up to $12 bucks, keep it coming. this site is great!!!!!! c ya Bill
Oh Geez Man!!! I forgot about our resident Cougartown Attorney, Jim Sloey. Jim, I apologize for that little cannibal story. I guess I can forget about all that pro bono for Ctown huh...
Name: Potty Valencia () on Monday, May 31, 1999 at 00:52:42
E-Mail: PValencia2@aol.com
Maiden: More "potty" humor
Class: 1974
Message: Okay, I have a story that isn't quite up to V6 standards, but you may enjoy it just the same. Many years ago, in my first job, I accompanied two senior executives to a Century City law office, (the one that was used in the LA Law series), for a meeting with a high powered attorney. When we exited the elevator on the 36th floor, both the executives excused themselves to go to the mens room. While I was waiting for their return, the attorney came out to greet us. We went into a very "posh" conference room, with a breathtaking, panoramic, city view. My associates were taking longer than anticipated, and he and I were hitting it off quite well. It was at that time he suggested we exchange business cards. I grabbed my purse and pulled out my card, and he reached into his elegantly tailored suit pocket and handed me a hemorroidal wipe...we both stared at it in disbelief. He exchanged it rapidly for "another" business card, just as my associates walked into the door. I am not sure what they thought had been going on, but I must say, that everytime I saw an episode of LA Law, I thought of that poor attorney in his underwear on his doughnut!
Patty, He's an attorney. A Lawyer without a hemorroidal wipe is like Zorro without his sword.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 23:12:31
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
Message: A classic Gloria story if ever there was one.
No embellishing required - True Life is once again funnier than fiction! Glo I just wanna know how it is that I NEVER heard THAT story before??!! Hammer- INDEED! (OUCH!)
Okay- out with the rest of 'em! (Stories that is!)
Name: David Barboza () on Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 22:01:18
E-Mail: iliketrains@usa.net
Class: 74
Message: I have to tell Glo. I have read the Boys Market Story a dozen times and read to everyone that comes over. That has got to be one of the funniest stories I have ever heard. John, I think it should rate as laugh of the week.
Yeah, I thought it ranked right up there. I'm not sure if poor old "Jack" thinks it's too funny, but.... Thanks David
Name: Cynthia () on Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 22:00:25
E-Mail: Mexilucy
Maiden: Valencia
Class: 66
Message: I am so glad that I am not the Rec Leader that numbed V-5's butt! I thought it must be V-1!
I guess it is to late to call CPS---Not to worry, Patty has her butt back in control.
I am in the process of purchasing a home close to V-6. I am willing to join the July 3rd event.
How do you make the happy face move? I want to do that!
Mexilucy, Where have you been? This is the first time you've checked in since LV. We need the 60's group yahno. Are you at V6's now?? I think it's getting awfully, well......."FUN" over there by now.Thanks Cynthia...
Name: Janet Falkenstein () on Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 21:22:38
E-Mail: janran@ns.net
Maiden: Kinder
Class: 79
Message: Well, out of sheer boredom and not much on the feedback page today, I will finally give in and add a couple of memories! Hi Patti Treckman and Ellen Bulder! Remember the time we got to laughing so hard and uncontrollably during volleyball practice that Coach Judy Friedman made us go run laps? Having three girls of my own now, I finally realize how exasperated we must've made her! Another memory I have is of The Dairy on the corner of Broadway and Inglewood Ave...Hunny Buns and chocolate milk on the way to school in the morning! Remember the vending machines on campus? My fave was getting a paper cup of Coke with crushed ice between classes. I bet there're no vending machines there now?
Have a great weekend all!
Oh, and thank you for the belly-aching laugh last night with your Boys Market price check story, Gloria! I was laughing so hard, my husband came running in from the other end of the house because he thought I was crying! He about died too, when he read it! Did "Jack" ever realize his mistake?
Name: Frank Romano () on Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 21:22:30
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 1961
Message: Nice talk about Ole Fred Moore... He was always a sport about handcuffing a guy to a street lamp if he was with a girl Fred hadn't seen before. Most of those guys, Danny, Stonebraker, Billy Glass, and yes...It is John Dilaberto not Al, if you're talking about the Hawthorne cop. John's doing well retired in Orange County.... he was here at our home for Christmas the past two years. John was always giving me problems at the A&W. For the most part though it was all in fun...
Frank, You're right....it was John. Well, if he's a friend of yours, we won't go there.
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