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Here's another one from the late 50's...>Bill Doggett
Name: Ted Gioia () on Monday, May 17, 1999 at 10:58:44
E-Mail: tedgioia@hotmail.com
Class: 75
Message: Gotta keep Keith with the rest of Feedback, to keep the rest of us inspired. Just think of what we have learned about him in just the last few days. Head in a bike rack? Hit by a moving van? Hand through a glass window? Cow tongue in his mouth? Even worked at the Goose (did I get that straight?)! Keith, can I get rights to the made-for-TV movie?
Man, I want the Book, Movie, and Stage rights!!! Hey, how about a sitcom. "Leave it to Keith", "The Keith D. Jones Show", "Back off Rambo", "Keith Jones, Male Prostitute". Hey work with me here babe!!!
Ah gee Keith, you know we're justa' ribbin' ya' here doncha'??
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, May 17, 1999 at 10:44:27
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: I guess it depends on "when" you are talking about my posture. At the time it happened I was on my knees and when I wrote about it I was sitting at my desk.
Name: Frank Romano () on Monday, May 17, 1999 at 10:12:11
E-Mail: US-RENT-A-CAR@worldnet.att.net
Class: 1961
Message: Yo! John... It's good that you put a starting time on the polls for the Mr. Jones web page. Although I feel about the matter much as "oh just take a guess" It seems prudent to place a closing hour on the vote also. Since I don't know Mr. Jones, it would be unfair to judge him on the actions of his head stuck in a bike rack! However, one must consider his posture in telling the story in the first place. Or was it just a slow feedback page day?
Name: Rose Williams () on Monday, May 17, 1999 at 03:47:19
E-Mail: c2ndsoul@aol.com
Maiden: Cason
Class: 1979
Message: The Wall (on campus)
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, May 17, 1999 at 01:46:19
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Denise, It's funny but I was just thinking about asking you if you remember Richard Hawks. His brother Bobby was my brothers best friend (one of them) and Richard was one of mine. Remember he had that blinking problem. I always found myself blinking like him after being around him for awhile. My mom hated it. I haven't seen nor heard from them in 25 years. Do you remember when I got hit by the moving van out in front of Mikes house. It was around when he first moved in.
Name: Melanie Martinelli () on Monday, May 17, 1999 at 01:26:33
E-Mail: Melanie_Martinelli@msn.com
Maiden: Howell
Class: 76
Message: I have been going backwards reading all these pages and its taking forever, when I came across others talking about Peter Burnett and Miss Findlater and what a fine teacher she was. I was taken back to learn that she is no longer with us. She was one of my favorite teachers as well. She did have the ability to make each student feel like they were her favorite. I had her for 4th grade. My other favorite teacher was Ms. Hay. I had her for creative writing and she is no longer with us either. I had one other favorite teacher and that was Mr. Weiss. He was my 6th grade teacher. I don't know where he is today, but its a good thing I didn't have any other favorites or there would not be any teachers left. Not only did I have Keith Jones as a neighbor, I also had him in my 3rd - 6th grade classes. I remember him being the class clown and everybodys friend. I am amazed at how many people know Keith and how many people Keith knows. Keith do you remeber Richard Hawks? Do you know where he is today?.
Name: Cyndi Hewitt () on Monday, May 17, 1999 at 01:22:16
E-Mail: chewitts@ao.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: Sorry, I can't confirm if Ted Hastings was one of the streakers. If he was I guess he didn't leave a big impression on me. OOOPS! That's not exactly what I meant...I mean I was sitting on the west side of the gym and the streakers ran through from west to east so.....well, let's just say I wasn't looking at their faces.
Name: oh just take a guess? () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 23:23:00
E-Mail: me@jones.com
Class: 46
Message: jones you got your head stuck in a bike rack and you told everyone?
did you ever flush your head down a toilet? i vote we give him his own website!
Now, now children. You'll be clapping erasers for days if you keep this up.
This voting isn't going to work like this either. There's ballot box stuffing going on Cougars!!!. In the time it takes for the Feedback page to get 10 hits, I'm getting 25 votes. Let's wipe the slate clean and NO stuffing the ballot box. Redondo Beach and a couple of AOLers, are you listening?? Voting starts at 9:45pm Pacific Time.
Name: Laura Geele Wang () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 23:07:34
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: I had to check to make sure the statute of limitations had run out on this. Here is the shed story:
The night (morning?) before the class of 76 graduated, Taimi Crowell, Julie Keen, and I painted the roof of the utility shed on the football field with "Class of 76" in red, white, and blue (how original).
We had to paint the shed roof because when we arrived at the field at 2 a.m., there were guards in the announcer's booth overlooking the field--guess they figured someone might want to paint the wall facing the field. Luckily, the lights were aimed at that wall, and they sat in the booth listening to music, so we worked across the field for 2 hours in the dark and they never saw us. The entire time they played "Jeremiah was a bullfrog" and blasted out over the field. That alone, might have been enough to discourage any other potential artists. To this day, I cannot stand that song.
Not many people noticed our sign during the graduation ceremonies, but eventually someone saw it and by the time of the 4th of July fireworks (do they still have those at the high school?) that summer, the roof had big grey paint squares on it to cover our sign.
Meanwhile, it makes me wonder how many of us were able to spend at least half of our high school years running around in the middle of the night and still graduate and go to college. Seems to me high school was a long series of 2 a.m. parties all over LA, or am I remembering properly? :-)
Thanks John - great pages!
Yes, "Jeremiah was a Bullfrog" and "Joy to the World".....The downfall of Three Dog Night!!! Thanks Laura
Name: Dave Krikac () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 20:08:53
E-Mail: dadkrikac@aol.com
Class: 76
Message: Hey: John Hastings Class: 79
I will call Karen and have her surf to read about your inquiry and answer herself, it will be fun for her. "Hey Sista in Law" (Cindy Hewitt) was Ted Hastings a streaker?
He would not admit it? You know?
Name: Dewey Storie () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 19:22:00
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
Message: My vote is to leave Keith right where he is, he adds to the good mix of the Cougar Town feedback.
OK Dewey, Please add your vote a little later. Thanks
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 18:15:15
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Well, I'm happy that my stories are good reading. They are true but I need sometimes that little help to jog my memory. Like, Denise Howell or Lori Padelford. I've had so many things happen to me before and after HHS. Here is one I just remembered (I might have mentioned this one before though). Remember Thriftymart. After baseball practice sometimes I would go there with my friends on the way home. I remember I saw "Cows Tongue" in the meat dept. I always thought that was the most disgusting thing there was. One day (I don't know why) but I saw someone in the store that I wanted to impress (I think). Well I took one of these cow tongues out of the package. It is huge! I somehow got it in my mouth. I was walking around the store with this long cow tongue in my mouth grunting and growning. I remember the manager asking me to leave and made me buy it. I would never do that again (cause Thiftymart isn't there anymore). About the Keith Page. I guess it is up to John but this is really the HHS site. I don't want to interfere with the great job John is doing. I really enjoy thinking about my past. To think, my future is even better.
No problem Keith. We'll put it to a vote. In fact I will put the voting machine at the top of the Feedback Page and whoever wants to vote can vote. The only thing is you can only vote once and we'll let the vote go until next Friday.
A vote of "Yes, give Keith his own Page", means that all of Keith's Feedback will go on a separate page so it's easy to find.
A vote of "NO leave it like this",well....... you know what that means.
I will add the voter box a little later. Right now I'm painting.
Good Luck Keith
Name: Alan Nelson () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 17:55:43
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: 73
Message: Sharon, working at the "Goose"??? Hmmm...anyone got change for a ten?
Name: ernie samega () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 17:19:18
E-Mail: ubcool@aol.com
Class: 66
Message: someone in someplace recomended that a Kieth Jones page be added to cougar.com I believe this is now warrented as all the other dribbles get in the way and are space fillers anyway. I want to hear true accounts and the very funny stories that Kieth comes up with. How he can remember all of these stories and be all of those things is beyond me. John it is time! Build it and they will come. good luck . Ernie
Name: Cindy Matthies () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 16:08:04
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Lemme see if I've got this straight ... Sharon B. used to sell cigs at the Wild Goose (and she prefers Marlboros, right?) and Gloria V. was (is?) into handcuffs? Oh man, and I thought I was the one who hung out with the wrong crowd! You guys were the good kids!! Anyone else out there with a secret life they were hiding from the rest of us? Krikrac ... I mean, Link ... now that I look at that HS picture of yours again ... you DO kinda look like you coulda been a customer of Sharon's. Yep, uh huh ... Mr. Swayve & Deeboner!
No,no,no Cindy...... Sharon SMOKED Benson and Hedges but preferred the "Marlboro MAN". Gloria hung out with Sharon, because she could do those cool equations in the library. And Patty??....she's still out trying to prove that Rosy Pachyderm story.
Name: Michael Gustafson () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 15:53:02
E-Mail: KimMike760@aol.com
Class: 68/69
Message: Mr Brown,Tennis coach and special ed teacher were are you now,everyone said i would turn out to be nothen i fooled you all i was a police officer in cleveland,ohio for 13 years and the Sheriff of Holmes County,Ohio in 1996,Jim Collings,Pam Casey,Randy Sharp,Mike Cannon,Richard Frank were are you,anybody in Mr Browns Class contact me and how can i get yearbooks from 67,68,69,
Michael S, Gustafson
21108 79th Street
California,City,Ca 93505
Name: someonesomwhereintime () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 14:54:14
E-Mail: gottabsomething.com
Maiden: maybe
Class: 51
Message: Dear Mr. Baker,
I have been reading this website for a while very enjoyable. May I be so crass as to make a suggestion. We need and WANT a KEITH JONES PAGE! Put it to a vote! We no longer can spend the time going through all the other dribble so that we can get to the Jones story, my favorite! The story about the head in the bike rack did it, i want more Jones all the time! We need a Jones page! Put it to a vote I can't be the only one to want a Jones page, let everyone vote. No I am not Keith Jones and I would not know him if I passed a bike rack and saw his head stuck there, but I just can't get enough of these stories. And Keith if we get this passed and John is good enough, and is kind enough, you must agree to only write in on the Keith Jones page! Ok let the voting begin, Cast mine for KEITH JONES PAGE!
Hmmm, interesting.... I know Keith is, and has been, a very popular subject on the website. What do you say folks...do you want a Keith Jones Feedback Page?? Let's hear from you.
Name: Stephanie () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 12:33:04
E-Mail: SAlhanati@aol.com
Maiden: Rogers
Class: 1970
Message: Hi fellow Cougars!
I need help in finding anyone of the Smythe family, Dorothy in particular, but Vivian, Bernetta, Larry or Stacy will do. I know Bernetta was class of `68, Viv was possibly `66, Dorothy would have been around `71, Larry around `73, and I'm not sure about Stacy, but she was the youngest. Any help would be greatly appreciated. John, I love this site, I have so much fun re-living my youth and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. And to all the HHS teachers, a big thank you, you were the best.
Thanks Stephanie, I'm sure someone knows the whereabouts of at least ONE of these Cougs. Anyone???
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 10:02:05
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: It is great that so many alumni are responding to this webpage. I have been reading the feedback page for nearly two hours now and so many memories have been brought back as if time was yesterday!
In a short two weeks from now more memories will be recalled for many of us as we honor those who gave their all and those who served their country. May I say a special "Thank You" to all those men and women and to those especially from HHS. To all of you please take the time to read the "Vietnam" page and reflect in your own way.
Semper FI - Vietnam class of 69-70
Hi Jan, Well said. The Feedback Page is by far the most popular page on this website. That's because we all get caught up in the memories here. Well it's time to remember our brave Hawthorne men and women who, whether they thought it was the correct thing to do or not, went and served as best they could.
Most returned; some died.
Take a minute this month and click on the Vietnam Page. Look at the faces and the names there. Read what happened to these brave soldiers. These were our classmates, our friends, our neighbors.... I do it every so often, and it somehow brings my life into sharp focus. If you're feeling a little cocky, these images well humble you. If you're feeling down, they will give you strength. It's the memory of these brave people whose lives ended so abruptly, that will help cleanse and clear your own soul. Take a minute this month and reflect. Thanks Jan
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