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A little Christmas ditty for the Ctowners
Hudson and Landry
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 16:56:45
E-Mail: dzlizzy31@hotmail.com
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 69
Message: Yes, there was a narrow walkway between those buildings....I remember that.
Thanks Liz.....
Name: Adrianne DeAlejandroa () on Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 16:09:04
E-Mail: addy57@msn.com
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Maiden: Longpre
Class: 63
Message: Until today, I had no idea that for over 15 years I've had an indirect Cougar connection. My dog's groomer was raised as a child in Hawthorne. Her mom and aunt graduated from HHS. Marlene (Effie) and Carol Hart. You just never know. As for Thrifty's and Food Giant, I can't remember which one had the high mountain of whipped cream on their banana split boats. Haven't found any that good, since.
Does anyone remember if there was a walkway, East to West, between Food Giant and Thrifty Drug?
Name: Jerry Simpson () on Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 13:09:55
E-Mail: jerypat6244@yahoo.com
City and State: Santa Clarita CA.
Class: 62. TOP OF THE HEAP.
Message: Hey John, Happy Holidays.... Ya.! I know I'm late, but been working, 12-7.Thank you and Addy and all the great Cougar's out there for the Holiday wish's. The new movie S.W.A.T. has some scene's from the Hawthorne Airport, and mentioned Hawthorne. But I'm guessing thats it was the Hawthorne Airport; hard to tell. I have not seen the old Airport in a while. But I was wondering if you remember a toy rifle that fired one ping pong ball at a time. Seem's that you had to pump the rifle. The front half slid forward and back to put air into it, and you had to a ping pong ball in the front of the barrel. Then put a cap over the barrel, and pump it up with air, then remove the cap and fire. All this talk about Taco Tio, brought a fun memory. My first Taco Tio Humburger I ate while sitting in the front seat of my car, never again, all those little piece's of Hamburger, falling out, what a mess. Hope to make Cruise night. Hope Don Scheliga got an extra cigar. Jeremiah P. As Mr. Respashy nicknamed me. Do we have any other Cougar's out there, with nickname's given to them by Teachers??
Hey Jerry, You mean a nickname other than moron or idiot, don't you?
Yes, I remember the ping pong ball shooter. It had one tube sliding inside of another and you'd put a ball in the front and pull the front tube back, building pressure inside and POP, the ball would come shooting out. Great Toy!! See you on Cruise Night.
Name: Bob Brophy () on Saturday, January 17, 2004 at 11:57:19
E-Mail: rbrophy8@cox.net
City and State: Phoenix AZ.
Class: Serra 63
Message: The best mexican food in Phoenix is at Poncho's on South Central in South Phoenix.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 22:03:41
E-Mail: dzlizzy31@hotmail
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 69
Message: Uh-oh...bad news for me. I'll be in New York the weekend of Cruise Night, celebrating my 49th birthday, again. But, I'll be thinking of you guys. We'll have to do the fabulous flan feast at the next gathering. Have a great time....oh yeah, Wayne and Donna will be with me so no accordion either. I know that just breaks your hearts too. >smile<
Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 21:45:20
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Class: 6OH
Message: Paco you're still crazy:)Tom Burroughs, you mentioned some car's that are classics. Judi, my lovely wife of 42 1/2 years, had a 54 Chevy convertible when we got married. It was black with red and white tuck and roll sort of vinyl(really cool at the time, but burned the crap out of your leg's when you left 26th st.) with a white top and really a bitchin car, that most of us guy's would have loved to drop in a 300 hp 327 that would really scoot. But I guess that's one of those "wish I had her now thing's". Now don't get your skirt's in an uproar girls. That's just some car talk :0) Wish we could make it to cruise night, but have other issue's that make it impossible. Pat Underwood... I asked once before if you had graduated with a guy named Tom Greenup. He graduated from Lawndale in the first or second grad class. Would like to know if you knew him.
John, wish we were there.:)) CHARLENA!! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! Jake N Jude.
Hey Russ, I understand completely and wish you could be here too.
For all you early 60's people there're a couple of pictures for sale on eBay that you might be interested in. Looks like the class of 63 to me. Please check them out.
Name: doris () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 20:21:25
E-Mail: Yes of course
City and State: Dr. Zhivago Land, ID
Maiden: donaldson
Class: '57
Message: HEY JOHN! Almost page 600!!!! WOW! Unbelievable! AND!! I see you've posted CRUISE NIGHT #10. WOW! Doesn't seem possible. So guess it's time to talk up CRUISE NIGHT #10. Come on you "old timers" ... get the lead out and show up! Let's make this one about the 50's and early 60's. Oh, all right ... we'll "let" the rest of you younguns come, too! And I see that the DZ Flan Fan Club (try saying that one really fast!) is working overtime and rumor has it there will be TWO (yes 2!!!) Flans so there will be a bite or two for all! Got a hunch DZ started something with the Flan ... poor girl. I've heard tell an official Flan Fan Club meeting has been called and the Flan Fan Club is growing by leaps and bounds! CRUISE NIGHT, CRUISE NIGHT, CRUISE NIGHT. GO COUGARS!
Hey Doris, sounds like you'll be here. Hope everyone makes it. Let's make this the best Cruise Night ever.
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 19:57:25
E-Mail: ARizTom@webtv.net
City and State: Prescott AZ
Class: 1958
Thrifty Drugs & Food Giant where I spent many hours working as a box boy to support my 51 Merc. Gathered many a shopping cart in that parking lot!!Worked with some great guys; John Cooper, Joe Costanza, Joe Lustro who lived on top of the hill on 131st. I think I remember his Mom married Sherry Carpenters Dad or vise versa? Before that I think he & Sherry went together? Cars of the guys who worked at Food Giant; Tom Grindstaff white 58 Impala, Joe Lustro's black 54 Olds, Lenard Freeman's 52 Olds, JB Banoit's 56 Victoria, Ray Williams 54 Chevy, Don Hilton's red 54 Buick Century stick shift!! As a kid I remember Gorgeous George living at the top of the hill on 131st? Cruise Night, YES!! I have one suggestion, if it is rained out can we get some kind of alternative place for those of us that come a distance but want to see all the folks. I don't have any real good ideas, the middle of the South Bay Mall? Where ever? Still recovering from OU's loss to LSU, but am doing better! I hope Feb. Cruise is the best yet!! TB from AZ PS, Wayne bring your accordion!!
Hey Tom, YES, alternate place to meet will be Chips Restaurant on 119th and Hawthorne. Good idea.....
Name: Baxter Dodd () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 17:47:27
E-Mail: baxterldo@aol.com
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 57
Message: Wow!! John, these ?street scenes? sure jar the memories. My wife worked at that Thrifty?s when we got married, ?63. Before that she worked at Kress about a block north as I recall. She was sorry to see the Thrifty?s stores become Rite Aids. Seeing that half a van reminded me that there was a blind corner where that alley empties onto the street. Cars would be across the sidewalk and into the street before they could see if anyone was coming - walking or driving. There were some close calls and a few accidents there. While attending HHS I lived on the next street over, 131st, near the top of the hill across from the ?Castle? (VFW hall). Stood on the neighbor?s garage one afternoon and watched the Food Giant burn down.
Lots of memories for many between Food Giant and Thriftys. Thanks Baxter....
Name: Dana Salley () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 16:05:04
E-Mail: dana501@msn.com
City and State: Simi Valley California
Maiden: Salley
Class: 78
Message: Hi Michelle:
I look forward to seeing you and everyone else! Sent u an email with my contact info. Mike Castro has responded and will be at Cheesecake Factory on Sat Feb 7 early afternoon as well. Anyone interested in seeing him again join us there!!
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 15:57:46
E-Mail: dzlizzy31@hotmail
City and State: Redondo Beach,CA
Class: 69
Message: I learned the art of shoplifting at that Thrifty's. It was only one block from our house and had a toy aisle that could keep a kid dreaming for weeks, not to mention the best wrapped candy section of any store around. I remember that the comic books were right at the back entrance and the ice cream counter was just the other side of that. We must have driven those poor people nuts waiting for us to decide what flavor ice cream we wanted or what candy our nickel would buy. Great memories in that photo, John. Thanks.
Lots of people can relate to Thriftys and Food Giant.
Name: Paco () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 15:26:24
E-Mail: doo4usc@cox.net
City and State: LF
Class: 61
Message: John, looking at the pic of Thrifty's, wasn't there a Boston store close by? Dan brought back an unkind memory for me. I always liked to look in the hardware section of the store and my favorite was the section that had locks(?),while mom shopped I inspected all the locks and magnets and when it was time to check I would stand by mom and carry out the goodies..One day while waiting for bags the cashier and the manager asked me to empty my pockets to show them all the goodies I had stolen! There was nothing there just moms embarrassment. Have a good weekend Cougs, Dennis and I playing golf...FORE!!
Hey Howard, Yes, the Boston Store was one block north of Thriftys. I think it's a 99 cent store now.
Name: Cheryl Costello () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 15:11:16
E-Mail: Fantacheyy2k@aol.com
City and State: Lawndale,Ca
Maiden: Jansson
Class: 1978
Message: Wow! I went browsing through the Alumni list 1954-60. And found out that my favorite Aunt had visited this Web page and never even let me know it existed.
Shame on her for not mentioning it to me sooner! She had even put in a feedback search. I will have to find out if it was successful. I still Love you Auntie Bobbi! She was Class 1960.
Name: Dan Johnson () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 13:57:59
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
City and State: Sherman Oaks
Class: 77
Message: JB, love that composite photograph! The mini-van looks like its been cut in half! I can't tell you how many times I shoplifted that Thrifty during my delinquent years (mostly baseball cards)
If you'll look farther down the alley, the mini-van continues to roll.
Name: Michelle () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 11:38:38
E-Mail: havnfun2@sbcglobal.net
City and State: Palmdale,CA
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1978
Message: Hey Dana, count me in on the mini reunion!! Sounds like fun. I'll get with Jeri (Duren), Donna (Ricks), and Lori (Salazar) and make them go with me. If you need any help let me know. Will you be getting a room reserved?
Name: Kelley () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 09:56:41
E-Mail: kelleycurrie@charter.net
City and State: Englewood, OR
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
Message: Green Farms ..Gone.. but not forgotten..that picture of Thrifty is great..I remember when that wasn't a parking lot..We would walk though the field to Thrifty and Food Giant just for a loaf of bread..I agree with Elizabeth. Gonzalas in Wilmington was the best Mexican food until the fateful day they closed it for using dog food!!! I love El Sombrero in Coos Bay....I don't believe they use dog food...My Dad and Leo Estrada used to have jalapeno eating contests..They would sit in our kitchen drinking beer and eating jalapeno's sweating like it was 100 outside..telling each other the peppers weren't hot! It would crack us kids up!!
Name: Pat Underwood () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 06:12:39
E-Mail: onefamilyhistorian@socal.rr.com
City and State: Hawthorne, Calif
Maiden: Lawndale High
Class: 1963
Message: Imagine the year is 1957 or 58 and your mom takes you with her on Sunday to Thrifty Drugs. That?s where I would be by the back door selling my Sunday Examiner. You couldn?t miss me either because I would wear my brown and blue striped tee shirt and my red Keds.
Name: Baxter () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 03:49:16
E-Mail: baxterldo@aol.com
City and State: Riverside, CA
Class: 57
Message: Believe it or not, some of the best burritos - including chile relleno burritos - I have ever had were off a lunch truck that stopped behind the office building where I worked in Huntington Beach. Always fresh made to order. The lady cooking in the truck got marriage proposals at least 3 times a week. ..Of course there are horror stories about eating off those trucks as well.
But we won't get into those unless they happened in Hawthorne, right?
Name: Lori Garcia () on Friday, January 16, 2004 at 01:40:26
E-Mail: Desilulu4u
City and State: West Garden Grove
Maiden: Padelford
Class: 81
Message: Cheryl C. my husband and I are locals at the Casa Gamino in Westminister. I am 2 blocks from Seal Beach and trust me It will be much closer to go there than the one in Anaheim. I'ts at the corner of Springdale and Westminister next to the Fireside restaurant., Lori
Name: Konnie () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 21:00:34
E-Mail: konniewithakay@comcast.net
City and State: Salem, Oregon
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
Message: Best Mexican food in Portland...Casa You Betcha... Portlnd is beautiful at night with all the water and the lights.
Hey Keith ...Don't tell anyone but it gets very warm here in Oregon. We just happen to have a winter as well, which makes us really make the most of our Summers. Here in Salem everyone in my neighborhood has AC.
We also drive our cars around and around like we were on a small island. Go figure. That's why I live in Salem.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 20:31:32
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
City and State: Honolulu, KOna Hawaii
Class: 76
Message: They have great Pastrami's and Philly Cheese Steak Sandwiches at a place in Vegas on Valley View across from Arizona Charlies. It is awesome.
Name: Joyce Chance () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 19:39:41
E-Mail: jsaavisky@yahoo.com
City and State: La Habra,Ca.
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: My addition for best Mexican food voted #1 in Orange County: Casa Garcia 31 Chapman Ave. Anaheim (Chapman & Harbor)
A family run business established about the same time I was, 194- something ?
Good food, good service, no frills. Check it out.
Sounds good, thanks Joyce
Name: Kell () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 19:30:54
E-Mail: kelleycurrie@charter.net
City and State: Englewood, OR
Maiden: Currie
Class: 67
Message: Pastrami..Green Farms..oh yeah..couldn't beat it...
Name: Cheryl Costello () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 18:48:26
E-Mail: Fantacheyy2k@aol.com
City and State: Lawndale, Ca
Maiden: Jansson
Class: 1978
Message: I want to thank Dana Salley for giving me the website address. Wow! I spent the the whole afternoon browsing.
I also want to wish Dana much success on planning a mini reunion. Hope all works out! See you there.
Hi Cheryl and glad you enjoyed the site. Join in anytime.
Name: Dana Salley () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 18:41:19
E-Mail: dana501@msn.com
City and State: Simi Valley California
Maiden: Salley
Class: 1978
Message: Anyone interested in getting together at Cheesecake Factory Redondo Beach on Saturday, Feb 7 early afternoon? Several old alumni from classes 75 to 78 are getting together and wish to extend an open invite....
There you go Cougs, another reunion. Thanks Dana.....
Name: Jessie () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 17:01:03
E-Mail: mikejessie@yahoo
City and State: LA,CA
Maiden: Corral
Class: The Food Network
Message: Pastrami's!! Now your talking Langer's across from McArther Park and Canter's on Fairfax! Still the best in my opinion. And don't forget those great Kosher pickles!
Thanks Jessie
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 16:53:37
E-Mail: smacd63@hotmail.com
City and State: Sullivan, Illinois
Maiden: Badger
Class: 1963
Message: Yeah, John, I agree about Taco Bell being a pale shadow of how really great Mexican food can be, but when it was tha closest they'd come to a taco in 10 years, it tasted pretty good. Didn't Jack in the Box used to serve a greasy concoction they called a taco?
Hi Sharon, I think they still do.
Name: Ray Nelson () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 16:28:45
E-Mail: prnelson@bellsouth.net
City and State: Fayetteville, Ga. AKA Billy Goat Acres
Class: 1973
Message: John, Mexican food!!!! Out here where billy goats roam freely, I have to import my fixn's from the states and make my own. If you want Mexican food, don't come to Atlanta. The same can be said about pastrami sandwiches. Oh, how I wish for a juicy pastrami with fries!!!!! (Got crackling corn bread?)
Hey Ray, Pastramis we have...good pastramis, well that's another story.
Name: Donna Mains () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 16:08:10
E-Mail: dmains@cle.phoenixintl.com
City and State: Brook Park Ohio
Maiden: Jansson
Class: 81
Message: This is great, Thank you from all of us
who have moved to another state. I now
have a way to keep in touch, and see
whats been going on in my absence.
Hi Donna, Glad you found us. Feel free to join in anytime.
Name: Jessie () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 15:19:36
E-Mail: mikejessie@yahoo.com
City and State: LA, CA
Maiden: Corral
Class: Wanna Be...
Message: All this talk of Mexican Food...I think my mom made the best tacos ever and she always made fresh tortillas every week. Like budder they would melt in your mouth.My favorite Mexican place is "El Cholo's" on Western in LA. They have the best Maggies I have ever drank.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 15:10:43
E-Mail: cindycolby@att.net
City and State: Laguna Hills, soon to be Seal Beach
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
Message: You guys are really making me hungry, I love Mexican food, the best I have found is in Anaheim, Casa Gamino on Brookhurst, they have a lunch buffet that will knock your socks off, all you can eat. Bud, where is that place in Seal Beach? I am moving there next week.
Ron Dokken, I have been on about 4 of those cruises to Mexico, it is really fun. Take advantage of the dinners served in the dining room especially the Captains dinner, the food is really great. Cindy
Name: Howard "Paco" Duran () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 14:15:54
E-Mail: doo4usc@cox.net
City and State: Lake Forest
Class: 61
Message: One more Taco Tio story, when coming home from an evening of cruising, mom would be waiting by the door looking at her watch and would give me a little sniff..."Get to bed before your father sees you". I found a perfect beer mask, you go to Taco Tio and order 2 Tostados and 10 little white cups of hot sauce. Eat the Tostados with 2 cups of sauce and pound the last 8. Now, when mommy would meet me at the door, a little sniff and a big smile..
Great NEWS....only 40 years too late.
Name: Ron Dokken () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 13:28:58
E-Mail: rdokk@yahoo.com
City and State: Endwell, NY
Class: 1955
Message: This talk of Mexican food is getting to me. For the first time in years, I'm coming to LA in the Winter, and I'll make up for lost time. About food, my friend Sy Mandlin (IHS 55) once offered me a bite of pizza. I'd never heard of pizza, and it looked disgusting to me. I sure made up for that mistake in the years since. 31 Jan I go on my first cruise - San Diego to Mexico. Now if I can only find a rich widow to console :)
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 12:52:53
E-Mail: rfarrell@busd.k12.ca.us
City and State: Fullerton
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Hi everyone! I rarely have time to write, but I couldn't resist. The best mexican food I've had in ages is in Fullerton. It's a small family run place just south of Malvern on Euclid. It's called "El Camino Real." Kobe Bryant shows up there once in a while. I realize that he isn't too popular right now...but the place is great.
I grew up on mexican food and my grandma's was the best. El Camino comes in a close second.
Name: Bud Rhoades () on Thursday, January 15, 2004 at 12:40:24
E-Mail: bud.rhoades@fullmerinc.com
City and State: Seal Beach,Ca
Class: 74
Message: Liz,I agree with you on el Burrito Jr.We have a branch here in Seal Beach and it is as good as you say.The best chile relleno burrito ever.It kind of reminds of El Tarasco kicked up a notch,sorry Emeril.
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