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Friday, April 9, 1999 at 11:00:13
Name: Bill Sloey
E-Mail: wsloey@aol.com
Class: 69
Message: A big HI to Kathy & Barbara Duran, to bad Keith Jones was so young he missed Barabara 's workouts..:) go Cougs.
Keith I don't know if you know me but I know you know my brudder, Jim. Well , you said DOC Duran was every bodies HERO, NOT TRUE, DOC was more than that!!!! He was an inspiration, he was hope, he created a place for all of us to pursue our goals & dreams in athletics. DOC took it to the next two levels and then some. He was there to counsel and lend a helping hand as well as to motivate your spirits. Of course you know all of this because "YOU WERE THERE" but for all the other readers I can honestly say that DOC Duran and his family contributed an whole bunch to the memories of HHS. Thank you DOC and the Duran Family from one grateful HHS cougar.
Friday, April 9, 1999 at 10:59:04
Name: Too embarrassed to admit
Message: "Put another candle on your birthday cake, we're gonna bake a birthday cake. Put another candle on your birthday cake you're another year old today. Happy Birthday to you, you're another year old today." - Sheriff John
Note: Do not be embarrassed. You're contributing to the site. I'm not embarrassed and I started this whole thing. :o) Thanks whoever you are.
Friday, April 9, 1999 at 01:11:21
Name: John Baker
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Here's a sad day in Hawthorne history. I can remember many Saturdays in this building. What a tragic end to a proud structure. I think this, more than anything marked the end of Hawthorne as I knew it, and an "end of the innocence".
Friday, April 9, 1999 at 00:16:36
Name: Jan Peterson
E-Mail: JP1732@AOL.Com
Maiden: Freeman
Class: 67
Message: I did not graduate from HHS as my family moved after I completed my sophmore year, but I went to school in Hawthorne from K-10 and I sure enjoyed seeing all the names. Great memories.
Friday, April 9, 1999 at 00:13:01
Name: Ricki Farrell
E-Mail: farrell@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: What memories!!! This is soooo cool. Bob, you're right about Engineer Bill. His name was Bill Stulla. I remember Timmy Tooth. We all ate our free toothpaste after he left. Who remembers Mrs. Boucher, the vocal teacher at Hawthorne Intermediate? I hated being in Chorus. I wanted to draw and paint. By the way John, I think Spin lost all of his hair very early in life. He was still sexy.
Keep up with this stuff. I wish that the kids of today would have good clean memories.
Note: Hi Ricki, I too remember Mrs. Boucher at HIS. A large buxom woman, and very nice. I don't know how Bob Reagan, George Gates and I ended up in the choir. There must've been some girls in there that we were looking over cuz God knows we can't sing to this day. :o)
The last thing I remember Tim Considine (Spin) playing was the cowardice soldier in Patton.
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 23:06:15
Name: Tonya Braham(&Cheryl)
E-Mail: tdbra@aol.com
Maiden: Hobson
Class: 62
Message: Hi John and fellow cougars, Tonya and Cheryl here, up to no good as usual.
CHERYL HERE: I am showing Tonya our wonderful HHS page.
TONYA HERE: I am very impressed with cougartown. John, you should be a writer, you have a special way with words. Who knew all this was inside of that little blonde kid with the flattop.
Note: Tonya, if you want to be a writer, you're going to have to learn to use adjectives.... as in "that CUTE little blonde kid with the flattop".
I have to confess folks that I've known these two longer than I care to admit. True "joined at the hip friends" here. I went to lunch with Tonya and Cheryl, and their husbands today and had a great time. Thanks girls for a great lunch. You're the greatest.
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 23:04:51
Name: Mike Shay
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Class: 61
Message: "Mile High Curries Store"
"Mile High Ice Cream Cone"
"Mile High Malts Double Thick"
"Hurry To Curries Double Quick"
Note: I AM impressed!! Oh...and "Mike" has left the building.
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 21:47:08
Name: Keith D Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: Miss Duran, remember me...Les's brother who bought the house next to your dads. I live in Vegas now moved from Hawaii in 1998. Email me. I remember your dad very much. He was our hero. I worked out there before my brother and got him to start there. And my brother and John Dye, Chris Curtin, Bill Gray (or Grey)and that tall guy I forgot his name were the gym regulars. That gym had more history than any gym in southern california. It was small but got the job done. Imagine doing pulldowns with pulleys made from bicycle rims, and weights made from gears, clutch plates or whatever. That place got me started in lifting which later made me quite a bit of money as a profession. I remember he would have all those workout books and setup the next day workout for us. He was really a great man and that was a great time of my life. I think everyone who ever lifted from HHS started at Doc's.
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 21:32:07
Name: George Key
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Class: 80
Message: Hey Robin Hood- Thanks for reminding me of Ina Ray Hutton. I always caught her show when I came home from teaching night school at El Camino. Fortunately it was my Wifes night out bowling with the ladies so I could watch without interruption. Sweet dreams tonight--- JORGE
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 21:28:27
Name: Loretta Cuiper
E-Mail: LCuiper
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
Message: Hi all Cougars------Yes, I remember the Plaza Circle. In that Circle you could see the Fire Dept, the Plaza show, Hawthorne's Women's Club was around the corner, there was a little cafe, a hair dresser and I beleive a Dentist. A few streets up there was a little circle park and they had a Beautiful Memorial of all our boys and men that had died in World War 2. That little park was a short cut for many of us who had to walk to school, and even one New Years Eve after we were married, Larry took all of us for a car ride through and around the park that night, a little crazy, but it was fun. When they tore down all those places to make way for the Mall, They took away a little history of Hawthorne.
When they tore down the Hollyglen Park and the Smith School, that too was a little History taken away. On a happier note I can remember Sheriff John singing that "Put another candle on my Birthday Cake, my Birthday Cake" God Bless that man not only did we get to have him in our lives, our daughter had the pleasure to see him on TV during her lunch times. Since we are talking about old TV Babysitters, and they were for us, they entertained us and kept us out of our parents hair for a half an hour or more. When we had a couple Foster Children, Hobo Kelly was their favorite lady to watch in the mornings and does anyone remember the "The New Zoo Review", that used to drive me nuts, but those little ones loved watching that show too. Larry's folk favorite place to eat was at Raymonds's and yes that fresh bread was the best (My Down Fall) Larry and I are trying to remember when the Helms Bakery stopped there service, Late 50's or early 60/61. Joe was a wonderful man and yes seeing those donuts lined up and that fresh smell, my favorite was there Lemon Pies. Years ago we brought our children to the LA Museum and they had many old cars, trolly's and there stood a Helms Truck, was fun to tell our children about the Helms Truck. I really do not know if they have it there any more. John, Im still not sure if that Dance TV show was the right one and Sandy Tully-Perry am I mistaken were you not one of the Dancers on that Show?? Have not heard anymore news about that Dance show, someone else out there must remember too.
Note: Yes, our Helmsman on Cedar Av. was Charlie. We called him "Charlie the bread man" for obvious reasons. My Grandmother, God rest her soul, had a joke that she liked to tell about why the Helms bakery trucks stopped running. "Because too many women were getting Bread". Pretty racy joke for someone born in 1888. Thanks Loretta
How about the Good Humor Man. Does anyone remember where the Curries Ice Cream parlor was located in Hawthorne?
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 20:06:33
Name: Loretta Casey
E-Mail: Lcaseyea@aol.com
Maiden: Casey
Class: 1971
Message: Thanks Rick & Dolo for telling me about this site!!!
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 19:07:54
Name: Cindy Matthies
E-Mail: cindym@penlite.org
Maiden: Whittaker
Class: 1976
Message: Oh gosh, I could read these messages all night but I'm at work and I have to go to my mother-in-law's to play with the grandchildren (okay, step- but they're still ALL mine!). The family is visiting us up here in Washington from California. This web page is great fun! I haven't read them all yet but I do recognize Sharon Bierman (remember Suzie Smeltzer and Aaron Bonnet from when we hung out together at York School?). And Gloria Valencia! Jim and John Bistolas live in Oregon last I heard and I even had John's e-mail address but lost it! Anyone remember Snooky (Carol Levis ... now Peck)? I worked with her at Northrop for 10 yrs before moving up here. Oh shoot ... gotta go! Great job on the web page.
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 18:25:24
Name: Kathy Duran
E-Mail: Kuchacho@aol.com
Maiden: Duran
Class: 1964
Message: It's me again. I just read J. Sloey's. What memories. Thanks for the nice memory of my dad Doc. Anyone remember the Plaza Theater?
Oh my gosh!!!!!!
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 17:59:55
Name: barbara
E-Mail: natl098@aol.com
Maiden: duran
Class: 72
Message: hello to all. this web site is wonderful. hello to jim & bill sloey. hello to bob veach (do you remember me?). i'm looking for barry catalano also. does anyone know his whereabouts?
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 16:16:39
Name: Betty East
E-Mail: bettye@amgen.com
Maiden: Wright
Class: 74
Message: Keith, I remember Joe Joe the baker man too. And the field trip to the Helms Bakery. I loved that cute little loaf of bread they gave us. When Helms went out of business, Joe bought the truck and continued the route until he became ill.
Name: Robin Hood
E-Mail: RHood10542@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: "The prices low ,the quality high..for upholstery call T R O Y"...(another sleepless night on that one John)
Dont know Captain Jets name either Bob..but how bout "Ha ha, the new flex straw..one for the kids and ma and pa"..Drinking all my Bosco threw my new flex straw":o)
And .06 for a jelly donut..I owe that Helms guy so many pennys...
And Ricki..Modern DNA technology would prove Ina Ray Hutton had a thing with Spade and she did in Mrs Cooley ( I cant reveal my sources)..
And lastly..Did anyone have the Timmy Tooth puppet visit grade school? This lady came to Ramona every year with this molar head puppet "Timmy Tooth" to show you how to brush your teeth. Not only was she the worst ventriloquist ,but could probably eat corn on the cobb through a picket fence...yet she was there to teach us dental hygiene.Oh the irony! later Cougs
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 15:35:11
Name: Kathy Duran
E-Mail: Kuchacho@aol.com
Maiden: Duran
Class: 1964
Message: Wow this is soooo cool. I'm having a ball looking at it all. I'm telling some Hawthorne High friends. Thanks!!!!!!!
Note: Welcome aboard Kathy and enjoy.
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 15:22:36
Name: Bob Veach
E-Mail: annijoro@aol.com
Class: 1972
Message: Who REMEMBERS-
Sheriff John and DiMaggio carrots?
Hobo Kelly and her stupid looking glass?
The annual Hawthorne parade that opened the carnival at Memorial Park?
The home-made bread from House of Raymond's?
Being able to buy cigarettes for your parents by just giving the clerk a note signed by one of them (the clerk had to know you)?
The idiots who tore down Hollyglen Park and Smith School to build houses?
Note: I remember DiMaggio carrots, or was it Maggio Carrots. Remember those little wind-up race cars that Sheriff John would give away or sell on his show?
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 13:51:15
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: There was an early LA TV show called ?City at Night?. The host (Stan Chambers) would visit different businesses around LA that had a night shift. One week they went to the Helms Bakery. Although we took the school tour in fourth or fifth grade the TV tour did some different things - like those trucks, were Really old. They were powered by 4 cylinder Model A Ford engines. Mr. Helms had the trucks custom built and the gears and cooling systems were modified for those 5 miles-per-hour all-day routes. There was a crew of mechanics that kept them in tip-top shape at night. When that show was on I asked our Helms man about it and he pulled the floorboards up on his truck and showed me the little 4-banger under there. Remember the cooler that was up front near the steering wheel where they kept the CREAM PUFFS? YUM!
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 12:26:24
Name: Keith D. Jones
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
Message: God do I remember the Helms man. His name was Joe (I would call him Joe Joe the baker man). I remember he would let us go in his truck and he would slid out those drawers with the pastries and donuts. It smelled so good. I remember in 3rd or 4th grade we had a field trip to Helms Bakery in Culver City. That was awesome. Anyway had to put my two cents in about the Helms Truck. Do the athletes still have to do that Cougar Lap. And I remember Miss Crum and Mr. Hoy disappearing during films. How about Miss Carr and Courtney. Mr. Clark (the math teacher) and one of the older teachers were together allot (can't remember her name). Oh, and how about Mr. Stucker and Mr. Noel Smith together....just kidding. Even though they were together allot. Remember Mr. T. He was one of my favorite teachers because I really believed in his philosophy. He would catch us cheating on a test or something and would say he would rather catch us cheating than not doing it at all. He figured you might remember the answer if you cheat but if you don't answer it at all you learn nothing. I love that. To bad the other teachers didn't believe that way or I would have had a 4.0 and a scholorship to Stanford. Oh well!
Thursday, April 8, 1999 at 07:07:37
Name: Dewey
E-Mail: Storie
Class: 74
Message: Ok while we are all trapped in the way-back machine... I havent seen anybody say anything about the Helms Bakeries Truck...does any one remember them?
Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 23:34:37
Name: Ricki
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Yes, Spade Cooley did it. At least he spent his time up the river last I heard tell. I remember Captain Jet, never missed it. Does anyone remember Doye O'Dell? How about Buster Brown and Froggggggyyy? I've been reliving "Annette," the "Hardy Boys" and "Spin and Marty" after midnight on the Disney channel. I had the biggest crush on Spin Evans when I was in junior high. He went on to be one of "My Three Sons." Does anyone remember George Newton from Hawthorne Intermediate? He reminded me of Spin. I was crazy about him too.
Note: I remember Mr. Newton at H.I.S. He was another one of the "good guys" at Intermediate. I think Tim Considine (Spin) had lots more hair than Mr. Newton though. Anyone know where Mr. Newton is today?
Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 23:33:25
Name: Bob Rierdan
E-Mail: printer@cheerful.com
Class: 61
Message: Charles Stahl used to jump up and down on the newly upholstered couches from Troy - he weighed about 285 - what an image he presented.
Some more early LA TV: Paul Coates - I think his show was called "Secret Journal" or something like that.
Engineer Bill had a daytime show before he went to work for the railroad. I think it was called "House Party", (sort of an Art Linkletter knock-off), he interviewed 'regular people and kids.' I think his real name was Bill Stella.
Robin, I've been trying to remember Captain Jets' name - I never missed his show - always wanted to be one of the kids that got to fly along with him. He sold a lot of Bosco, to me. Bob
Note: Great stuff Bob. You are the TV trivia master. Keep it goin' How about "I want my Maypo". Was Captain Jet, in real life, Doodles Weaver?
Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 19:29:02
Name: Robin Hood
E-Mail: RHood10542@aol.com
Class: 60
Message: "Troy ,Troy, what a joy..we had our upholstery done at Troys"...(all I can remember Bob)..And did Spade really do it Ricki? Jimmy Cochran Sloey could have set him free...I wonder if Dick Lane had carpel tunnels from slapping all those fenders?...And "Dont forget...Captain Jet on Space Funnies!"...Zooooooooooooooooooom!!!..:o)
Note: Troy ,Troy, what a joy..we had our upholstery done at Troy, the price is low, the quality's high....Somethin', Somethin', Somethin', T-R-O-Y :o)
Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 17:27:04
Name: Karen Gasteiger
E-Mail: SweetDzert@aol.com
Maiden: Barber
Class: 68
Message: Would love to hear from anyone the class of 68. This is a wonderful site, thanks for putting it together...
Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 14:20:00
Name: Susan
E-Mail: funds4kids@Yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
Message: I finally spent some time looking at all of the past feedback pages... what memories! I ran across a couple of names (teachers Cindy Crumm & Don Hoy) in one of the posts that reminded of a very funny incident. One day (actually, it was more often) they put their classes together to watch a film.... and they disappeared. The class spent the entire period trying to figure out where they were and what they were doing! Hmmm... guess I shouldn't be surprised to see that Cindy's last name is now Hoy. :-) By the way... Mrs. Crumm-Hoy is still my FAVORITE teacher :-)!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 1999 at 07:46:44
Name: Ed Haney
E-Mail: EHaney1965@aol.com
Class: 83
Message: Just wanted to say how much i enjoyed visiting this sight, reading all the feedback messages really brought back some good memories. Just like the other alumni from the early 80's, I think it would be great to here from all the alumni (from that time period) that have computer access. I wont be able to attend the vegas weekend that is coming up due to previous plans, but think that kind of get together is a super idea. keep up all the great work.
Tuesday, April 6, 1999 at 19:24:41
Name: Ricki
E-Mail: farrell@att.worldnet.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: What memories!!! Regent Circle, Dick Lane... Dick Lane was Spade Cooley's sidekick. Every time that Dick would hit one of those cars he was selling on the fender, I was sure that one day it would fall off. Remember when Spade Cooley's wife was murdered? Before it was known that he did it, he took the news photographers to the area of the house where it happened and (sadly?)commented, "this is where the tragedy happened." Not too much unlike O.J. Anyone remember Humble Harv? The night he murdered his wife my little sister sang, "Harve at Large," to the melody of his theme song. HH was on KHJ at the time. Keep up the great memories.
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