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OK Judy, Here he is....... Tommy Edwards
Name: Mike Mecey () on Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 06:29:28
E-Mail: mmecey@rcsis.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Roseville, CA
Message: John, Just saw in our local paper (Sacramento Bee) that the Beach Boys will be playing at Konocti Harbor Resort Spa...June 16. Konocti Harbor is at the South/East side of Clear Lake in Northern Cal.... If anyone is interested the number is 800-660-lake...
Thanks Mike, There you go Cougs. Sounds like a good excuse to get out of LA for a weekend.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 00:53:48
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Doris Donaldson...thank you for the compliment regarding my writing. In answering your options (Or are you just gifted? Or what!!??) I would have to state "What". I don't want to perceive myself as gifted lest I draw too much attention to myself. Seriously, no I don't write for a living. I love to write. Thank you again for the words of praise.
Name: Sharon () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 23:20:11
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: Ryan's Jewelers! Boy does that bring back memeories. I didn't know they had a mens shop too. When I got engaged in 1966, my ex-husband purchased my engagement and wedding ring there. Seven years later I traded it in for a diamond cocktail ring and a pair of cameo earrings. Ryans was great about trading in diamonds you purchased there. It was a great way to upgrade a ring or dump a bad memory. They were very good jewelers. They were honest and had good quality items. Thanks for the memories. Nick-names I've only had two I can remember. The first is termite because I was a pest and always in trouble. Later in college my friends called my Farnsworthy. Still not really sure why, but it stuck and many of my friends from that time still call me P.C. Farnsworthy.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 21:39:38
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: comin'afterthe70'speople
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Playing Tommy as we speak!
New day, new quest.. just went over my PROM NITE list..and it looks like so far the 60's alumni are making this a "cake walk." (God, the 60's were great!!) But I have to be more focused on the 70's people now.. so, how about if I conjure up a Saturday Night Fever lighted dance floor and/or paint the walls with daisy power...then for the 80's and 90's people, we'll have tattooing in the west corner of the ballroom.. Hey, wait a minute..what a concept-just a coincidence, but that might attract some more 50's people. See, we've come full circle again.. Tomorrow, I'm going back after Mr. Bill Dana. (he's a hard man to track down) Then I'll go get Mr. Wally Nyman. (whew, this ain't easy ya know) Just to update ya.. I have people coming from Arizona - Idaho - Oregon - Nevada - Missouri - Wisconsin - Colorado - Washington - & North Carolina--and of course all over the state of CALIFORNIA. Don't forget that if your booking a room at the Marriott Manhattan Bch, be sure to mention that you're with Hawthorne High's Prom Nite for a better rate. And yes, HHS will be using the same Marriott for 3 different occasions that week: The 70-73 reunion; The 66 reunion; and the grand finale' PROM NITE. (How come I always get the leftovers) Oh well, I just think we're saving the best for last. Now, back to counting tickets.
Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg On a quest!
Just heard from HHS 62er Dan Dye today and his name has been added to the list of Prom Nighters. Come on 70's, 80's, and 90's people.....we need you there too.
Name: Cindy Colby () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 20:14:37
E-Mail: cindymcolby@aol.com
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Message: You guys all had nicknames that were derived from your given names. To my embarrasment (at the time) when I went to HIS my sister Vicky had a boyfriend who would always say "Hey, what do you say triple A" in reference to a part of my body which didn't develop until much later, at the time I had the shape of a little boy, I hated that name, luckily I grew UP.
Name: Chris Hood () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 19:51:08
Maiden: Hoodystardust
City and State: Coosbaynia
Message: Hey Hey Petedog, on that list of Cougar nicknames I believe that all have graced us with their presence in the Pacific Northwest. At least 18 of them, at different times, have lived in Beautiful Bandon by the Sea with the majority of them still scattered throughout Southern Oregon. Even that low down, no good, Charles (upchuck) Currie stepped off his throne long enough to get his feet wet. And as for his anticipated return to CT, he's just being coy, needing to be needed, wanting to be wanted. I figured I would have to dig up a little dirt to get him to respond, but after spending considerable time pondering past adventures...I got nothing...no drunken debauchery, no drug induced euphoria (never inhaled)...no scandalous affairs (at least not that we know of)...So he chased a few of my girlfriends (half his age), hey they were babes and the only ones around, I’d be concerned if he didn’t. Other than a little vanity, poor draft dodging skills, youth camp until the age of 19 and some shady banking practices, the guys been a Boy Scout. I got nothing, NOTHING I SAY!!!... Oh and Chuck, I hope you got the same from Rosie!!!
Why he's so clean, the boy makes Colin Powell look like Reverend Jesse.
Name: Paco () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 16:46:49
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: My 8th grade graduation suit came from Robert Hall's on La Brea in Inglewood.
Mine came from Ryans Jewelers and Mens Shop in Hawthorne.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 16:36:11
E-Mail: ingridl@fdgdesign.com
Class: 74
City and State: Long Beach
Message: I DO remember where my graduation outfit came from. I had participated in a "spring fashion show" for some group like Athenians or something. Anyway, we got to go to JUDY'S and pick out outfits to "model" for the Mother-Daughter Tea (or some such). The deal was, we could get the clothes at a discount, if we wanted to after the fashion show. My outfit was a lovely totally 70's style pantsuit - mostly white, with a tiny blue and green flower print to it. The pants were cuffed (of course) and the jacket/top had short puffy sleeves with cuffs. I wore white wedgie sandals with it - too cool! Well, at least cool for me (I never really felt completely cool in high school).
Name: Doris () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 15:42:57
E-Mail: raydori@micron.net
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
City and State: Twin Falls, ID
Message: FINALLY! I got an afternoon off work! YES! Glad to hear, Don Di Tomasso, that your arm is doing so well. I would say that "90% functional" is GREAT considering it's been such a short length of time since the break and subsequent operation! :-)) Incidentally, I really enjoy reading your posts ... your writing ability is excellent and makes any subject interesting reading ... why is this? Do you write for a living? Or are you just gifted? Or what!!?? I'm serious, now ... I want an answer! Go ahead JOHN ... tell us to put our "hip waders on"! ha! Oh JOHN! How can I get hold of DON HINZO? Would love to know where Harold is and how he's doing.
Don is not Internet active. I'll send you his phone number.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 15:24:00
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Maiden: Icangetitforyouwholesale
Class: 71
City and State: Los Angeles, Ca
Message: As I prepare for the PROM I have been going through some of my momentous and ran across a few names of stores. Who remembers Zachary All (my 8th grade suit) and Standard Shoe Store? I remember my friend Roland Poltash worked at the Standard Shoe (outlet store) on Broadway and Hawthorne Blvd. What cheap shoes! Can anyone remember where their graduation outfit came from?
Name: Walter Holt () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 13:35:42
E-Mail: walter_holt_hhs66@hotmail.com
Class: 66
City and State: Mission Viejo, CA
Message: Joe Weber...Congats you got both of them. Blake mentioning Motorcycles reminded me of when Dale Frum HHS 66 got his new Honda 90 Scrambler, I believe back in 1964. Well ole Dale used to ride the heck out of that bike until one day when he was riding in the Field Across from Dana Jr. He was playing like Evil Kneivel jumping the mounds going about as fast as that bike would go when he wound up going A_ _ over tea kettle wrecking his bike & receiving 150 stitches in his face. It was a good thing he was wearing a helmet because a rock was embedded in it right in the temple area. Of course that was the end of that bike.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 11:13:31
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: none yet
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Judy Wudy, how did you come up with the name "Ivan" for a body pillow? Surely, "he" is not "terrible"?
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 10:45:48
E-Mail: ingridl@fdgdesign.com
Class: 74
City and State: Long Beach
Message: Realizing that Feedback should always have something to do with HHS - I hesitate to write this, but I have to tell you all about a friend of mine, his last name is Early. His father actually named his brothers Brighten Early and Leighton Early - Top THAT!
Hi Ingrid, Very interesting names. Feedback doesn't ALWAYS have to pertain to HHS or Hawthorne. It just seems to stray sometimes.......for days.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 09:43:23
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Thanks John boy..for the Tommy tune.. the only bad part is that I just can't sit while Tommy Edwards sings that song..so I'll grab Ivan, my body pillow and stroll around the bedroom just one more time.. Don, you never offend anyone kiddo.. You just sounded like Rosanna to me. (not a bad thing, she's one of my favorites) and Sharon Moore..& Sloey--Congrats on getting the Marriott Manhattan Bch the day before.. I have a feeling that this summer will be just unbelievable.. hope the staff at the Marriott can take it.
Now, back to Ivan, the body pillow, Judy Wudy.. I "do" what I can..so I'm an Italian "Dooo Wop" on a quest
Name: Joe Webber () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 09:14:24
E-Mail: jwebber@acuffrose.com
Class: 1970
City and State: Nashville TN
Message: Walter,..Stevie Winwood (then of Traffic/soon Blind Faith) and Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin). Also John since HHS is pretty much "taking over" the Marriott for two weeks in August, hopefully they'll give us a decent discount!
You'd think so huh. If you're planning on staying at the Marriott that week, be sure and mention that you're with the Cougartown group. You will get a better rate.
Name: Petey () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 08:27:38
E-Mail: theypavedparadiseandputupaparkinglot.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem,
Message: Butch you Are never left out. So Hoody III doesn't count??? How about Chuck??
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 08:26:51
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: inagaddadavida.com? So Petey of Salem Oregon...you are the Yamma Ramma?
Name: Blake Withell () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 01:52:56
E-Mail: withells@idirect.com
Class: 67
Message: JB. I didn't have a problem with Officer Murphy, (professional courtesy), I just got caught.
In fact, I bought my 65 Barracuda from Floyd (RED) Hayes, also of the HPD. He also did extra duty at the A&W but I dared not do burn outs, I still felt like it was his car.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 00:55:58
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: JudyWudy...I think it is interesting that you equate me with the ROSANNE-ROSANNA- DANNA character however, I lack the talent to publically
carry myself with such humourous detail in such a Gilda Radner skit without a wave of intense embarassment...and a tragic end to such a gifted actress..and end I wish on no one...my questions to John are meant as no offense...and it seems that none has been taken...
Name: Blake Withell () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 00:25:24
E-Mail: withells@idirect.com
Class: 67
City and State: Toronto Canada
Message: Fellow Cougars.
The most frightening just happenned.
My daughter is about to turn Sixteen."
Guys, remember when your girlfriends were 16?
Suitors are not welcome.
Sheriffs got a shotgun.
There goes my Mactac Olds Woodie.
On a lighter note.
Remember Officer Murphy of the Hawthorne PD.
By the time we graduated in 67
all "us" motorcyclists, Bridgestone, Yamaha, Hodaka, Bultaco, Honda, and all.
Had at at least received one ticket from Officer Murphy.
I lasted until 1969, when my neighbor asked me to
take his 650 BSA Spitfire MK3 for a ride.( because
he had injured his ankle.
To cut a long story short I also got an invitation to court from Officer Murphy 46 in a 30 He said, I still don't believe it. Right on Inglewood near El Segundo what can I say. Right in front of old HHS.
It's only life.
(she doesn't even know about daddy taking the
T Bird away).
Stand tall
It's only life.
I never had a problem with Murph. In fact he used to moonlight at A&W on the weekends and one night ask me to burn rubber out of there......and I did.
Name: Lori Padelford () on Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 00:23:21
E-Mail: Whataname
Class: 81
Message: Well I had to add my two cents on the name calling thing. With a name like mine you can imagine that I got alot of the "hey Lori did you paddle your ford today?" and related names to Paddleboard, Padidleford, Piddleford, Lpadel and others I would rather forget. Oh well it was all in fun. Now I look back and wouldn't trade those days for anything. Also where are all the late 70's early 80's people. There for a while a few people were posting in feedback and now you've all gone into hiding. What gives????
Name: Petey () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 22:24:56
E-Mail: inagaddadavida.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem, Oregon
Message: You mean not everyone has a nickname?? I know a Bebop, Carly, Sweaty, Montobon, Big E, Big Kell, Bottle Neck, Yorkey Dog, Mini, Lyle as Larry, Eddie (I won't go there), Valdouche, Fitzy, Missy, Pilgrim, Duck, Face, Bobby Knobbie, Goustoff, Doobie, Ling Ling, Phil Wow, Big R, Puff, Crazy Craig, Red Devil, Wally, Butt Man, Mexican, Joe Mama, Raminez, Coach, Ando, Righteous John, Tripod, Box head, Boss Ross, Fish, Mazzola, Boom Boom, Dangerous Dave, Willie, Hoody I,II & III, Chuck, and yours truely, Petey, or Petedog. See you in the future.
Petedog, You left out Butch.
Name: Bob Jensen () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 22:19:49
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Maiden: Theycalledmeleadballoon
Class: 71
City and State: LA,CA
Message: The girls have a nickname for Brother Bill and that is "DIMPLES". Now don't let him know who told you.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 21:47:15
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey, Don DiTomasso... WOW! all those questons being riveted at our John Boy... like: "are you??? will you..?? did you??? do you ever think of?? did that come outta me or what???!! have you ever has a little, tiny piece of paper stuck to your.." You're starting to sound like Rosanne Rosanna Danna from Sat Night Live. & Sharon MacDonald. Yes, I've thought of just never moving any nic-nacs around..but the English translation for DeGrazia is: "People that keep moving crap around" (just ask Janny or anyone that knows my brothers) so I'm doomed to dust. And again for Sharon MacDonald, up til today you won the prize for the person that is traveling the furthest (Wisconsin) for PROM NITE..but I just got a confirmation from HARRY PAPAGIKOS '66 and he's hailing from Charlotte, North Carolina. "GO HARRY".. another glow in the dark rosary is boxed and ready to be given away.. I've also just seen that another Catholic school gal, Sheila Henely is making it too...Here comes those Catholics. (Sid..can you put the communion pic in here somewhere??)
Now, I have to start building up the hairspray in my hair so that French twist with a glittered wing stays in for PROM NITE. (I hear you laughing girls)
Last note..I still want to hear "THE MORNING SIDE OF THE MT"
John.. don't make me start whinin'.
Judy Wudy.. moving crap around
Name: Sharon () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 21:32:07
E-Mail: hawthornehigh66@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: HHS Class of 1966 -- We finally have arrangements made for our 35-year reunion. It will be on August 17, 2001 at the Marriott Manhattan Beach -- see reunion page. We are very excited about this reunion for several reasons. First, our class has not had a reunion in 15 years. Secondly, Cougartown is making it possible for many of us to get in contact with old friends to tell each other about class activities. Therefore, this will most likely turn out to be a very big reunion indeed. Thanks to you JB! Third, we have some great activities planned. There will be lots of surprises. Last, but by no means least, this reunion falls the night before Prom Night, which is great for everyone concerned, as the mailing we did in August of 2000, let us know that almost all of our out-of-town classmates expressed their desire to have the reunion the same week as prom night so that they could attend both events and save the expense of travel costs to California twice in one year. The plan is to have a casual dinner dance reunion on Friday, Prom Night on Saturday, and a picnic on Sunday. This works out very well for most people. We are making the reunion casual so we ladies won't have to buy two formal or semi formal dresses for that weekend. The cost of the reunion is estimated to be $70 per person for people who sign up early, $75 for late registration, and $80 at the door. Also, Golden State Reunions has a payment plan so that it will not be cost prohibitive to attend the reunion and the prom. For the reunion, Golden State will take $25 down and $25 a month so long as the total amount is paid off one month before the reunion. This is a great deal! We, the reunion committee, look forward to having the biggest, best, most relaxed and most enjoyable reunion ever. So sign up early and tell your non-computer literate friends to contact either Sharon Moore Leach at hawthornehigh66@aol.com. Jim Sloey at sloeylaw@email.msn.com, or tony@goldenstatereunions.com
Thanks Sharon, This is going to be a great weekend for all concerned. Please make your plans NOW 66er's. Actually the classes of 70-71-72-73 are having their reunion the weekend before, so you too plan on staying the week for Prom Night AND the Sunday get together.
Name: Joseph Mailander () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 20:28:43
E-Mail: dbahuitclos@yahoo.com
Class: 75
City and State: los angeles ca
Message: Knicknames 74-6: Dragotto was called "Rush" on occasion, for obvious reasons. If you ever went to a Laker or Dodger game with him, you were well advised to stand clear of the path between him and his car. Steve Nill was occasionally "Snill" because of an unfortunate labelling on the identifying tape of his freshman football helmet, "S.Nill", but the period was not obvious. Dean Fettig was Fettio, still is as a matter of fact, because that was the way the yearbook printed it one year. Ted Gioia was Sted, and yes that is what everyone still calls him to this day, even heads of state. Mike Crnkovich was and remains Crinko. Cathy Dion and Mindy McIntire were known as the Pep Kids.
We also had some private ones that did not circulate so freely. V5, for instance, was known as PV Valencia, and somehow, in a bewildering forecasting of fate, she ended up living there; however, V6, who was similarly known as GV Valencia, is I think only a current resident of LV NV, not GV (The V's really hate to let go of anything with a V in it, which is why I often wish my name were Victor or Vincent or something). Someone was known as the Moose but I'm not going there, especially as there are now Mooselets involved. Someone also, early on in my matriculation, recalled my early grade school knickname of JoJo, but I clamped down on that one in a big hurry once it was reintroduced into the vernacular.
Joseph, You left out my two favorites. Susan Ciampa calls you Picture Killer and Catsup Darter, among other things.
Also where has Ted G been in the last year? Ted, It's time you checked into Ctown. Thanks Joseph....
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 20:00:40
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Doris Donaldson...nice to hear from you again. Thank you for inquiring about my arm. The swelling is down but I don't quite have full range of motion yet. I am able to go work. I would say I am about 90% functional.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 19:56:20
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: John Baker, how much space do you have for the feedback pages? At what point, if there is such a point where you might have to remove some of the old pages? What are your future plans for the Cougartown website? Are you thinking of redesigning or adding to the site in any way?
Again, I as well as thousands of others are grateful coming in contact and participating in your site...so many memories discovered and contacts made from all classes....
Good question. We have 200 megs of server space and I'm kind of afraid to inquire as to how much is left...... OK I just checked MY computer, which for the most part, mirrors the website and a good ballpark would be 3900 files which include webpages, graphics, and pictures, totalling 161 megs used. I would say we're good for about another year, then we'll have to do something. What to do? Probably trimming fat first. We'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
Name: Doris () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 19:26:32
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
Message: Dear John - I will try to keep this short. I've been getting home so late from work, I've been too tired to even sign on so I had much catching up to do on feedback. WOW! Don Di Tomasso - how the heck is your arm doing? Nicknames - "Scoot" (my Dad) because I never crawled as a toddler, but rather, scooted on my behind! "Lubber Lips" (Harold Hinzo, Leuzinger '57 and my schoolmate through the 1st 6 grades at Washington Elementary) because my lips were large for my small face -- I have since "grown into my lips" and that is nothing like "being on one's lips"! Harold Hinzo also called me "Mrs. Donaldson's daughter". My Mom was a real kick and the kids just loved her! "Dor" (a friend?) whose name was Dorothy and she went by Doro ... never did appreciate that one! Pretty boring, what?
Didn't know Harold, but DID know LHS 58 Don Hinzo. Great family, the Hinzos. Don told me their family had Pylons (LHS Yearbook) from the early forties to about 1960 without missing a year.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 19:00:00
E-Mail: srbranigan.srb@verizon.net
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Nicknames: Tho I never knew him, my brother Steve played football at HHS with Wayne Kamea (not sure of the spelling.) He said that when coach wanted Wayne, he'd yell, "Hey Wayne, comeah!" (Kamea-get it?)
My own nickname was pegged by Mike Rice one (drunken?) night at a party; when I walked into the house, he shouted "Hey! It's Sherman Berman!" I was also called a variety of Beer and Butt names. Valmomski (Valerie Hahlbeck-we used to call her Valski) still calls me "Sherm." I've always called Gloria Valencia "Goya" or "Glow-worm" and Carmen Fischler will always be Fish to me.
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