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Name: Susan King () on Friday, December 22, 2000 at 09:36:57
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: Wanted to catch you before you ran out the door, John. I wish you and JB2 the merriest of Christmases. You and CT have been like having our own private little Santa Claus - gifts every day of the year! To Cougars everywhere - give yourself and others a special gift this season - track somebody down, look somebody up, invite somebody in to CT. It will be one of the best presents you've ever given or gotten! I know!! And to my very dear Class of '74 - Merry, Happy and see you at George Hunter's in 2001!!
Thanks Sue, you Darryl Stuey and the rest have a great Holiday. I LOVE YOU GUYS MAAANN!!!
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Friday, December 22, 2000 at 09:15:12
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: Gladtobehomeagain
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Well, may I just say this about going out with Marsha & Robin Hoodstien last night--to view the Torrance Christmas lights... The lights were just beautiful..however~Robin managed to get us lost for the sole reason that he had to take only roads that went "down hill" to save on gas..and all the "downhill" roads got us nothing but "lost for 2 hours!! If it wouldn't have been for a few hot choc. & cookie stands in that maze we would have starved. Then, Marsha decided to sing "Oh little town of Bethlehem" and cars actually pulled off the side of the road waiting for the ambulance to pass.. the noise also broke 2 blocks of Christmas lights.. At the end of the night, Robin charged Janny and I $1.00 extra for the gas as we've gained a little weight this year and Robin said he's driving a V-6 now..and it was only fair.. Geesh.. tis the season. I say this with much love..we're all very close..those Hoodstiens are "pigs"
Tilly Noodleman (back to Prom Nite plans) bet you thought I'd get through a feedback with out metnioning it--didn't ya!
You four have the best of Holidays. We'll see you back here next week, then after New Years; the holiday DIET season.
Name: Janet Burkett () on Friday, December 22, 2000 at 08:27:55
E-Mail: jmburkett@att.net
Maiden: Humphreys
Class: 62
City and State: Mission Viejo, Ca
Message: One more email, then I'm outa here.
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Be safe, happy and WARM!
And, don't forget, those sales start early Tuesday morning! Hoping you all enjoy the true meaning of Christmas with your families and friends this season.
Would that be TOYS-TOYS and more TOYS????
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Friday, December 22, 2000 at 07:45:48
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, Wisconsin
Message: To John and all other denizens of Cougartown, Happy Holidays! May each of you enjoy the best that the Season has to offer and prosperity in the New Year! Mele Kalikimaka!
P.S. For anyone who enjoys Hawaii, try out www.melekalikimaka.com
Yeah don't you WISH you were in Hawaii this time of year.
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Friday, December 22, 2000 at 07:40:06
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Bob Jensen,
Regarding the following:
"For Don DiTomasso, a pair of Snippy Scissors so John won?t have to cut and paste anymore."
It's ok Bob, I finally bought myself a pair of right-handed designer URL, hyperlink scissors...have a good holiday...
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Friday, December 22, 2000 at 01:05:55
E-Mail: wasntit1966likejustmaybetwoweeksago.com
Class: 66
City and State: redondo beach, ca
Message: Happy Birthday to a wonderful Lady, Mrs. Duran!!! There were a few years in my life that I spent a lot of time with Doc Duran lifting weights, going to swap meets and out of the way places, in search of that perfect item for the gym, then for the boxing ring. Although the Doc was a great person, who I respected greatly and loved, Mrs. Duran was the real gem! May you have great health and happiness for a long, long time to come! Happy Birthday!
Love The Sloey Brothers
Hey Jim, You're up awful late tonight. Wrapping my gift are ya' huh?? YEAH RIGHT!!!
Name: John Baker () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 23:59:14
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, Ca
Message:OK Cougs, Paco has an idea that sounds like a winner. Anyone who has a Christmassy picture of friends or family or both. Or a snow scene, please send it to him at doo4usc@home.com
He will post them on his picture page for a real Cougartown Christmas.
Sounds great Paco. I hope we can get a few dozen Cougs to join in. We don't care if they're recent pics. Go for it Cougs.
Name: Elizabeth () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 23:51:25
E-Mail: christmasgoddess@casaestrada.com
Maiden: Estrada
Class: 69
City and State: Redondobeautifulbeachycalifornia
Message: Just when I was about to get into the "get out of my way blues" I sat down at the computer to escape the insanity. I logged on to CT for salvation and I, of course, found it. The stories, sentiments, remembrances and friendly teasings have surely brought my blood pressure back to normal....In the last 20 minutes I laughed out loud and I quietly wept. I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! This is the best part of Christmas so far......... right here with you all.....Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to the Estrada clan, Liz. Have a safe one.
Name: Doris () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 23:08:44
Maiden: Donaldson
Class: '57
Message: GOLLY! Guess I'd better get on the bandwagon and wish all COUGS everywhere a very safe, healthy and MERRY CHRISTMAS! And just in case I miss you next week, HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Love and hugs to all in Cougartownland!!!
P.S. Where are those McQuitty brothers???!!!!
P.P.S SO GLAD to hear Coach Chauncey will be at PROM NITE 2001!!!
Same to you Doris.
Name: Cheryl & Grappa John Nicocia () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 21:39:13
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 58&62
City and State: Keno,Or(ontheriver)
Message: Heads up everyone..we are on the road again. Headed for Christmas with the kiddies (ages 36,35,&30) Leaving Keno about 5:30 am 12-22. ETA in Redondo Beach Calif. about 4:00 pm (god willing) Yes we packed the chains.
We wish everyone of our friends out there a Wonderful Christmas and a Fruitful ($$$$) New Year. We hope all your prayers are answered and all your wishes come true.
God Bless You & Keep You Safe, Love John & Cheryl
(PS salad at El Torito JB?)
Cheryl, Janet and I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon......we think. It depends on when she gets off work. We'll be back on Tuesday. We'll see you when we return.
Name: joseph mailander () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 19:20:04
E-Mail: dbahuitclos@yahoo.com
Class: 75
Message: John, just curious, who was supposed to dress V5 this morning? Somebody missed a turn I think. Somehow I got blamed, but I swear it wasn't my fault--more later...joseph
Huh??!! This should be good......
Name: Eric Freutel () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 17:45:29
E-Mail: efreutel@dshs.wa.gov
Class: 1968
City and State: Fox Island, WA
Message: Hello! I'm trying to find the following classmates : Jack Dicus and Frank Kohlmeyer, both class of 1968. Any information would be most
appreciated! Thank you!
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 14:59:29
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: A poem for the holidays:
Name: Bob Jensen () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 14:51:15
E-Mail: robertjensen@satco-inc.com
Maiden: mymotheralwayscalledmeabieinsteadofbobbie
Class: 71
City and State: Ladera Heights
Message: Dear Santa;
I have been a good boy all year (except mentioning Cheesecake too many times and talking about Tilly?s unmentionables). I ask for nothing for myself but I would appreciate you fulfilling the wishes of a few of my friends and family.
For Pearly, a snow cone machine by Hasbro so she can experience the snow this year.
For Paco, a pair of Snap Locks from Thom McAnn so he won?t have to bend over to tie his shoes.
For Susie Kling, a Schwinn Stingray with a sissy bar so she can ride all over Leuzinger?s field.
For Sidney, an Etch-a-Sketch so he can take his work wherever he goes.
For Art LaMere, a Hasbro Microscope so he can examine his hair follicles.
For Don DiTomasso, a pair of Snippy Scissors so John won?t have to cut and paste anymore.
For Gary Lents, The "Famous Chocolate Cake" recipe from the Cheesecake Factory.
For Tilly, a Susie Homemaker refrigerator so she can continue to be perky.
For Brother Bill, a Mystery Date game from Milton Bradley. I hope he gets a princess.
For Morty, a Whammo Water Wiggle so he can have fun washing Idala?s car.
For Idala, a round trip ticket on Western Airlines to Goddess country. (?The ooonly way to fly?)
For Sister Kate, A Chatty Cathy Doll by Mattel.
For Howie, a pair of Chukka Boots so he can be in style.
For Leeroy Felderruster, a new toilet seat for the outhouse and his very own Knucklehead Smith doll.
For my mother, anything but a labor saving device.
And for everyone else I forgot to mention a wonderful and prosperous New Year.
Hey Bob, That's a very nice gift list, but you forgot:
El Rojo, Season tickets to the Idaho Potato Heads home games so he won't have to be frustrated by pulling for UCLA any more.
Jim Sloey, An 8X10 glossy for his desk of his idol, Johnny Cochrane.
Ed Chesson and Chuck Currie, a map so they can find their way back to Cougartown.
And to all the rest, a large piece of Big Mac's Heart, so they can feel, and give, the warmth and love of their fellow man, just like Mike.
Merry Christmas to everyone of you Ctowners.
Name: Jodi Alexander () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 10:43:11
E-Mail: Jodi@Farwst.com
Maiden: Torgerson
Class: 75
City and State: Bakersfield, Ca.
Message: It was so good to see familiar faces from Hawthorne attend Mike's memorial service. I think they all might have been surprised at all the people from all walks of life who's lifes were touched by our friend. It was a sight to see hard core bikers, crying like babies. We all new he was a wonderful man from growing up with him, but when you see an outpoor of love from a community like ours in Bakersfield, you feel fortunate that your life was touched like ours was to know the man as he was. A giant among men. A heart that was so big and so full of love for his fellow man and of course his "children". It just makes me proud to have called him "my friend" and I know I am a better person for just knowing Mac.
How sad his family is at his passing, but how proud they must be at having such a wonderful man, that they could call Son, and Big Brother.
It was a privilege for me, that I was blessed with a friend like Big Mac.
I will always cherish your friendship and will love you always Mike.
I will miss your bear hugs on Wednesday Night @ Chuy's.
Cougars, don't let another day go by without letting those close to you know how much they mean to you, cause ya might not have the chance to say it tomorrow.
Ride on Big Buddy,
I love you,
Jodi's right folks. What a perfect time of year to call, email, write, or have lunch with that certain someone you'd love to contact. It will make their day too. It's very special to know someone was thinking of you.
Name: Barbara Duran () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 10:34:22
E-Mail: BJD2354@aol.com
Class: 72
City and State: El Segundo CA
Message: Happy Holidays to all and Happy Birthday to my Mom, celebrating her 80th on Dec 22. And John, you deserve a really good gift from Santa for all your hard work.
Thanks Barbara, I got a great fireplace screen from Janet last night. That's pretty much all I wanted. Happy 80th Birthday to Mom "D" from Cougartown.
Name: Lillie Rutledge () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 08:28:58
E-Mail: Marlie1014@aol.com
Maiden: Gallego
Class: 1970
City and State: Colorado Springs Co.
Message: I have not heard anything from any classmates ever since graduating.
Well hang on to your Cougar Rooter Cap Lillie, because you will now. Thanks for finding us.
Name: Kell () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 00:41:33
E-Mail: k.k.currie@att.net
Maiden: cur
Name: Don Di Tomasso () on Thursday, December 21, 2000 at 00:02:39
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Maiden: N/A
Class: 75
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: John Baker - thanks again for modifying my URL. I will try to review your website to verify before offer a new suggested HHS-related link. Perhaps the search function will resolve that issue (ref. HHS 1971 alumni link)...sorry about that...
Debbie Lee McGregor, it is great to see your post on Cougartown. I hope you have a wonderful time off from all those kids. Wall-mart should give you a good break as long as he is puppy trained...hope to see you some time when you come down to the LA area...particularly at a Cougartown event....
**I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday...
Here's a new poem I wrote, I hope you enjoy it...Follow the link through cyberspace....
(or copy/paste in your browser text box and select ENTER or call customer service...:))
Thanks Don, you have the same.
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 22:20:36
E-Mail: ErnBren2@Aol.com
Class: 63
City and State: Bakersfield Cal.
Message: Hi,Everyone,I just got home after the services for Big Mac, as he is known here, and it is apparent that he was well loved here in Bakersfield. There must have been around 300 to 400 in attendance, ranging from bikers to businessmen, with everyone in between. He will be missed by us all, both here in Bakersfield and in Cougartown, Good bye, Mike.
Thanks Ernie, and you can bet Big Mac will be at our next Cruise Night.
Name: Sharon Branigan () on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 21:42:04
E-Mail: srbranigan@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 76
City and State: Thousand Oaks, CA
Message: I just got home from the memorial service held in Bakersfield this afternoon for Mike McClain. The house was packed! Standing room only for us Hawthornites but we didn't mind and it was worth the trip. Mike was a remarkable man and I learned this afternoon that he touched many, many lives in his short time here on earth. I'm so glad that so many of us could make it today. George Hunter, Danny Dews, Bill Johnson (all the way from Texas!), Greg Goode, Rick Perius, Terrie Farrely, Nancy Petros, and of course all three of the B Girls. It was moving and touching and Sue (Bierman) King's eulogy was especially heart-rending. Mike had some true-blue friends.
Let's not wait too long for another Cruise Night.
Cruise Night is Friday, April 6th. It will be on a Friday this time because of the out of towners coming to the Class of 59-60-61 reunion on April 7th at the Sheraton Cerritos. If you haven't made plans for that one, please check out the details on the Reunions Page.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 21:28:34
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: ChristmasCarrols.. ugh
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Sorry to mention PROM NITE again..but it's my duty to say something about it everytime I write until Aug 18th.. (ok.. so I made that rule) But I just got email from Ol' Coach Chauncey and his wife, Cathy. They're making plans to be there..as our chaperones along with Mr. Harry Plotkin and Kathy Brooks and Julianne Dicus. Now, for that Robin Hood.. how dare you call me a pig!! You're not so smart yourself..anyone that thinks the words to "Walking in a winter wonderland" are really "Walking round in women's underwear" should not be so sure of himself.. Oh ya Robin, did I mention that your PROM NITE tickets just went up to $250.00 per person. Sticks and stones..bla bla bla bla..but a ROWDY always wins..
Now, I'm off like a prom dress on a quest
Judy Wudy
You guys better hide those flasks and cigarettes in a good place or the Ol' Coach will have you runnin' laps around the Marriott.
Name: EL AND IDA () on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 21:00:48
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60/61
Message: And an EL RO JO JO JO TOO ALL. You folks thought that I had hidden my tail because of my BRUINS, but... not so! My BRUINS are going to the Tidy Bowl. sc is in the toilet bowl! Even my BRUINS can take a little hit by some back alley dog's!And survive! The fowl and rodents are going to the, I forget, dotdo whatever you can, sun me fun me viagra bowl! Stiff upper... well you know. But Lymons Big Dogs from the Big "U of W" are going to kick a Bree's up in the air in Pasadena come new years day. There's nothing besides a heart attack, car crash, or gall bladder surgery could keep the two of us from C-TOWN. When it's in the blood, it's in the blood! One thing, Chuck Sperber, the name of that hamburger stand on Centinela and Sepulveda was The Hamburger Handout. Many great early rod's ran out of there and behind the airport before it was LAX. Last of all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the two of us. If you have ever known a G.I. at Christmas who was away from home, or a loved one that you havn't seen in some time...or you have lost someone you have loved, they're still here with us! Let them know. Call them and be in touch. Write a letter even if it's late. E-mails great! Yes, even the ones you think who are no longer here! Isn't that the reason we celebrate this holiday? MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! Glad Ida and I are around for another one! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! JAKE N JUDE!
Well look who's talking about staying in touch. We haven't heard from Idaho since USC CRUSHED the lowly bear cubs. Wasn't that months ago?
I could NOT think of the Handout. Thanks for that one Russ. You two have a warm Christmas and I'll be sittin' right beside you rootin' for MY FAVORITE PAC 10 TEAM, Dah DAWGS, On New Years Day.
Name: George Key () on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 19:18:51
E-Mail: Mathesh@aol.com
Maiden: Dropout
Class: 80
City and State: PVE--CA
Message: Completely stunned to hear Big Mac had ridden his bike off into the sunset. Hadn't seen him since graduation but at the last cruise night saw this big guy pull into Fosters on the biggest white Harley I had ever seen so of course had to go check it out and it was Big Mac. He was a leader of the Shriners motorcycle group which appeared in many parades. We had so many laughs that night that I can't believe he is gone.
Mike reminded me of a day late after football practice when he had a car load of guys and was spinning donuts out in the quad. He figured it was too late for anyone to be around but there I was. He said he guessed his days at HHS were over but I just asked him if he ever had driver training? He said he had and I told him I was signing him up for another session. He got the message and we became great friends.
Thanks Mike for all the fun, spirit, excitement and loyalty to HHS. You were your own man and I admire you for that.
We love you man
Name: Linda Reynolds () on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 18:37:45
E-Mail: linrey@yahoo.com
Maiden: Jones
Class: 62
City and State: Chatsworth, CA
Message: To all of Cougartown: Just want to take a moment to wish everyone and their loved ones a Merry Christmas. It was a fast and eventful year! Happy New Year and may the BEST day of 2000 be your worst day of 2001!
...Linda Jones Reynolds
Very nice thoughts Linda, thanks. You, Rick, Cristy, Tony, and Goldie have a wonderful holiday.
Name: Sharon Stowe () on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 18:29:26
E-Mail: stowe37@aol.com
Maiden: Ritch
Class: 72
City and State: El Segundo, CA
I just wanted to say a big fat HELLO to Debbie McGregor. May you enjoy your holiday time off from work and I hope we can get together during your break. I am so glad the puppy is working out and that you don't have to potty train him in the snow.
It feels like ENDLESS SUMMER to me here, having spent so many winters in Minnesota.
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Wednesday, December 20, 2000 at 17:03:58
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Hey, it's been awhile since I've written. I've been sneaking in and reading FB while at work. My boss is away at the moment and I thought I'd write in. I wish everyone a Wonderful Safe Holiday and the best year we can possibly have. I only met Mike briefly at Foster's and I got a big hug from him. My sister-in-law went to elementary school with him and remembers him fondly. Let's carry on his zest for life. John -I do only mail orders, book faires here at the school, and little bits here and there throughout the year for my Christmas shopping. I could almost see your exasperated expressions on your face as you described your shopping mall experience! I won't even step into a store during this month! I did go to Wal-Mart once two weeks ago and walked out only to pick up one of those cute cuddly puppies they put in a cardboard box and make them look at customers as they exit the store. Yeah - a lab/rotweiller mix. A rot-n-lab. Named him Wally. Anyway ... I'll miss reading FB as I take my two week vacation from work. It's been one year since I've discovered CT, and a plethora of memories and visits to the south bay to reminisce with cougars and cougar events. Merry Christmas and God bless us everyone.
Hi Debra, Merry Christmas to you and yours. Yes I did it again today. Actually it may be my sadistic side, but I'm kinda startin' ta' like it.
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