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"More Early R&R" "The Beach Boys"
Name: Bob Melendrez () on Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 10:55:19
E-Mail: Strongheart@pacificwest.com
Class: 1971
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: John, I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, Sandy Bottai. My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family. You know, Sandy and I worked together many years ago at the B of A in Hawthorne. She had a great contagious smile, and a heart that belied her diminutive size..... You're right John, today is the day to reach out, because tomorrow is promised to no one. Take care.
Thanks Bob....
Name: Petey () on Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 07:21:00
E-Mail: konniesmith@home.com
Maiden: Honduras
Class: 1972
City and State: Salem,Oregon
Message: Does anyone remember playing "mush ball" in Mrs. Duffy's P.E. class? Or when she would put this huge sheet over the volley ball net so you could not see the other team. We called it "jungle ball"
part II. I thought I would keep with the sports theme in honor of Gary Lents. Also Carly Hegg would like a ride to the North West picnic if any Cougar around the Bend area is going. Just email me for his phone number. Carly is computer free.
Name: Gina Peck () on Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 00:25:58
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hey, Gary Lents!! Get a freakin' life!!! There is more happening in life than SPORTS (PAST or present). Yes, they are important to you and we can tolerate your stuff because it makes you happy. But, CHEESECAKE makes us happy. Learn tolerance, buddy (trust me, you are NOT too old). We are all here to SHARE, memories and reunite with old friends and make new friends with Cougs who maybe were and maybe were not in our same class. So please, for your own sake, broaden your horizons.
Name: Ron Reinholdson () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 23:50:03
E-Mail: r_reinholdson
Class: 65
City and State: Claremont, CA
Message: You guys really did the drive in movie thing the hard way. I, along with some friends, the names Tom Litton, Bob Daman, Dave Holden, and Mike Spensko come to mind, would take lawn chairs and a bottle of Red Mountain Vin Rose and sit outside the chain link fence at the back of the Century Drive In. Every so often, one of us would hop the fence and turn on the speakers that the guy in the white coat had just turned off on his rounds. We didn't pay any admission at all.
Name: Lisa () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 22:21:29
E-Mail: ledsea123@aol.com
Maiden: Graham
Class: 67
City and State: Ramona, CA
Message: Happy Birthday Pat Burris.......
Name: Diana Calabro () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 18:02:03
E-Mail: joe_diana
Maiden: Thompson
Class: 1961
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Skippy's oh yes, Joe and I meet here he was getting lunch and I was sitting in the car of my friends Gary and Charlotte I was looking out the back window and there he was, Joe, we have now been married 36 years, 3 girls and four grandchildren, can you imagine. I would love to hear from Charlotte Arnold, are you out there?
Name: Lori Padelford () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 17:24:01
Class: 81
City and State: OC
Message: Juan Bustios you are so funny in saying that to Keith. Is that why you keep so quiet these days. I remember Mario using you for a human punching bag when you didn't keep your mouth shut.
The moral of the story .....you learned your lesson. Have a nice weekend:)
Name: Gary Lents () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 16:57:37
Class: none
City and State: hastalaVISTA
Message: JB, I had an older brother, and always was a sports junkie....this "little kid" got to play with those guys when in 7th & 8th grade (at H.I.S.), and Monkey Carpenter and Rooster Lents would take me, Ben Baruch, and Steve Pettit to the football games when they were played at El Camino (as long as we didn't try to hang around em), and Ben's dad would always load us into his Jeep for "road trips".
Does anyone remember playing vs. the faculty at Intermediate in softball. We beat em as 8th graders. Supposedly, that was the first time the students ever won.
As for streets that were hot: Ramona, just north of Broadway had Henry Cooper, Dave Hobart, Jan & Suzy St. Martin, the Boesinger clan, Ralph Wright, Carol White all within shouting distance, and just a fence climb to Lents, Hoffman, Yama, Richmond, Gardner, and more...my Gawd, we could stay at Eucalyptus park till after dark as kids, and never even think about the stuff we must consider now as parents. Did all the elementary schools have square dances, and how about Rollerama nite for H.I.S. Did Dana go too?
Always a Coug!
Name: Anita Young () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 16:46:03
E-Mail: amyinor@webtv.net or youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Newberg, OR
Hey Juan Bustios, are you related to Carmen Bustios? She and I went to grade school together at Juan Cabrillo and also at Dana ( won't tell ya what they called me when I got to HHS....don't think John would approve!) If you are related to Carmen, hey, give her a shout for me, O.K.
And, as for Keith Jones coming in here with his past exploits....KEITH JONES....where are ya, dude? We miss the hell out of you! Who else do we know in here that so righteously let's us know all about the neat and stupid things he did with equal aplomb and doesn't care if we laugh or are entertained by it! You are a crack-up, my dear! Did you ever reach that cousin of yours yet, kiddo? Come back real soon, Keith and crack us up! We need it!
Name: Dewey () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 16:07:25
Class: 74
Message: Come on Gary .. take a chill pill, CT’s focus is always changing that’s the beauty of it. As for folks coming out of nowhere, it will happen again, its still summer and people are out and about. Have you contacted everybody you know that you went to HHS with to tell them about CT? I wear my CT shirt all the time and get asked about it all the time (I am on a plane almost every week) do you wear yours? I was on east coast a few months ago and a girl at 7-11 saw the shirt and said that she went to a high school in CA where mascot was a cougar she said that it was in Hawthorne and asked if I had ever heard of it..then she got a closer look at the shirt… so just hang in there Gary …OK I am off my soapbox now
Man, I love those stories.....
Name: Cindy Colby () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 15:21:33
E-Mail: cindymcolby@aol.com
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Message: Addendum to my original e-mail, Edith Thompson teacher at York Elementary, AKA, Edith Schall, AKA Edith Nolet.
Thanks, Cindy
Name: Paco () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 14:41:49
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Hackett
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest Ca
Message: Well Jake, it's that time of year again, when our Trojans feed " Bear meat to rover our favorite Bulldog" I know you've been a long time TROJAN supporter...May the Gods of Troy be with you."Fight On!! and be a Coug!
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 14:10:18
E-Mail: impalawayne@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: La Palma, Ca
Message: Gary Lents! We all love you. Your popularity will never cease. feedback is for those of us who choose to utilize it. Don't ever think that what you have to say, doesn't count. We all come from the same background, (HHS). Some people have different views as others, but that's what makes the world such an interesting place to be. Without this variety, life would be boring. I know there are many of you almuni who read CT, that never write in to feedback, so this is my challenge to all of you. Write in and be heard. I'm sure all of you have some great stories to tell. Be a Cougar!
Name: Dewey Storie () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 11:55:17
E-Mail: Dewey_Storie@msn.com
Class: 74
City and State: Canoga Park,CA
Message: Remembering the Leuzinger farmhouse, I remember that two brothers and the younger brother’s wife lived there. The older brother is the one that drove the Chevy convertible with the special controls and the younger brother and his wife drove a Ford Galaxie. The stories of being shot with rock salt were always
told, but the real truth was, the family were really nice people. When we used their field as passage or try to shoot rabbits with bows & arrows or bb guns (those rabbits were fast, we never did get any) they would come out and talk to us. When I got out of the Navy in 78 I heard that the wife was the last person living in the house and had past away the year before. The state of California was trying to get farmhouse and buildings donated and it would mark it as an historic site, but from the looks of it, it never happened. Alan Hauge I remember sitting in the field behind your dads Richfield station and waiting for who ever was working to go the island on the aviation side so we could run down to the cigarette machine and buy a pack with out getting caught!
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 11:41:43
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Gary Lents.. You go boy!!! You're my latest ROWDY HERO..and I agree with your thoughts. CT is such a rare and wonderful forum for H.H.S. memories and connections..for finding old friends and making new ones. Why waste it!! Gina, don't worry kid, the fur comments are all a joke. You're talking to an animal lover here...
With that I'm off to put on another layer of hairspray for the DOO WOP CONCERT tonight.. I've teased my hair with a toothbrush every day for 3 days and it's still not high enough. & I still have to find my angora collar and matching cufflets.. my dyed dark brown nylons are just about ready to come out of the hot water..and on to the clothes line..and where oh where is that white lipstick. This ain't as easy as I thought it would be. Janny, are my seams staight?
Judy Wudy Noodleman (don't make me explain Noodleman) THE ROWDYS.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 11:37:55
E-Mail: marilynross@altavista.com
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Message: I have to say Gary Lents seems a bit testy. Maybe it's male menopause. He has contributed to this site quite a bit and I bet he will still be around, cheesecake or no. I rarely see anyone from my era but I still enjoy reading feedback. If it gets a little mundane you can just skip through. Not everyone enjoys all topics but everyone can talk about whatever interests them. Gary we love you anyway because you are a Cougar always and you share a lot of the same memories with us all. I would like to add my condolences to the Rohwedder family. I didn't know her sisters but I knew Mary Jeanne as a very sweet girl. It's seems to run in the family. The death of someone you love is very difficult and the more friends share the grief the easier it becomes.
Name: Gary Lents () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 04:24:24
E-Mail: glents3030@aol.com
Class: none
City and State: Vista
Message: I wanna preface this with the fact that I love this site.....however, I liked it much better a while back. It seems to have become a forum for your current "in click" ....geez, didn't we do enuf of this before (doesn't matter what era)? Not that long ago, folks were coming out of nowhere and contributing to this site.....now it's degenerated to...excuse me, I won't go there, but it seems that the focus has changed.....Please help me, Coach Chauncey, we need you now as we did then.
But anyway, I wanted to throw a little bit in...I was lucky enuf to have played ball with some of the guys that, to me, were the best athletes in HHS history. Myck was the best (or, at least, the high achiever), this dude stuffed at, what 5'10" as a freshman; Who from that era can't remember Mykkannen, Mykkannen, he's our man, but if he can't do it,etc.) Nobody ever talks about Gary Bickers.....now that dude could play; and I don't care what sport you're talkin. Bill Duck was a smallish QB that could put the ball right there. Jim Reale & Gene Faye; need I say more? And why doesn't anyone ever talk about Dean Stafford?
I grew up bleeding Scarlet & Gold. My family moved to Memphis in 63...Can you imagine hearing "Surfin USA" there after growing up here? As a punk kid, I was there when Willie Brown and the rest of LB Poly took the cinderalla team from HHS down in the Coliseum...but not bad for a team that had just moved into that division. And then I was fortunate enough to be a member of the team that went to Poly and beat em in their crib in '65 (66 graduating year)
Im sorry, but your cheesecake (no offense), etc. talk ain't what I come to this site for. I love the rest.....cheeseburgers in paradise, belly whomping in the rain, hmmmmmm...how about Senior Ditch Day; any of the stuff that really pertains to the great days we had at HHS.
So now, I will, most likely, say adios to this site (cause I ain't into the cheesecake)....since I am sure my POPULARITY will cease to exist.
Hey Gary, You said what you wanted to say. That's what it's all about. Thanks Dude......
You're a little young to remember some of those guys. You must've been an HHS sports junkie......
Name: Juan Bustios () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 02:50:16
E-Mail: mjbustios@aol
Class: 1980
City and State: Torrance CA.
Message: KEITH JONES what the hell are you telling everyone about your wrong doings remember what happened to Vance when he opened his mouth to the wrong person your little bradda Juan Bustios.
Name: MoMo () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 01:35:39
E-Mail: MoMo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 64
City and State: City of Good Neighbors
Message: JudyWudy....Yes, It was DON DYE that lived on Sundale with us. From what I know, he is currently living in Lawndale and still in law enforcement. He was once a Hawthorne Police Officer and is famous for the number of T/C's (accidents) he had while working for the Hawthorne PD. His record has not been broken (some have come close, but no one has broken it ...yet).
John, sorry to hear about your classmate. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family. And, from what I have read, yes, she is in a much better place. I have an extremely nice poem I would like to post in her remembrance, but will ask your permission first.
Your friend....no matter what!
Thanks Mo
Name: Gina Peck () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 00:55:58
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Judy!!! FUR?!?!?!?!?! Get real, as a rowdy queen, you wouldn't be caught dead in a fur, now would you? If you get an Angora dust bunny for your 5th month anniversary and don't want it, I'll take it. I hope you get a French Angora dust bunny!!!!
Name: EL ROJO () on Saturday, September 9, 2000 at 00:06:31
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Message: On a lighter note than the previous one. Someone mentioned "drive in movies". I think the best story I can tell, was that a bunch of us guys were at the Sepulveda Drive In to see the "movie"! But as most of you know, some of us were always trying to get in free. They were wise to the "one guy in a car",open the trunk stuff and so forth, or even two guys in a car routine and open the trunk. Well there were six of us in all. 4 of us were dropped off on the north side of the drive-in, we had all pooled the money for two. If you remember there were eucalyptus trees all around that place, with leaves all over the ground. We were trying to be cool and sneak up to a spot that we knew we could all get in with no probs!... I was the tallest, so I slipped down the fence, trying not to crunch too many leaves. As I slitherd down the fence line, I found my spot to survey the situation. My hands grasped the fence carefully. I slowly pulled myself up and peaked over... There, to my dismay, was a "drive in", ranger!! He was looking me straight in the eyes and grinning! He had us cold! I dropped off that fence like a wasp shot with Raid! But the Coug spirit did prevail. We spread out and attacked them from all sides. We went over the fences in a bunch. We all got in and went every direction. You could hear them yelling "there he is". No he's over here! I see them! We had learned from previous experience, to pick up discarded ticket stubs, so if they checked you, you were clean. Amazing as it was with all those guys watching and chasing ( Jim Hoel) had to dive under a car and stay there until the movie started. He came up with grease all over himself. He was grinnin like a Coug when he found us and Bruce Johnson said, "you can't get in the car like that unless you have a ticket". Coug that he was, he had found a stub on the run! Seems untrue? Absolutely true! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! JAKE N JUDE.
Great Drive In story EL. Why weren't you guys with girls??
Name: Alan Hauge () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 23:17:09
E-Mail: GMT333@AOL.com
Class: 61
City and State: PDR, CA
Message: John:
At CT we are all here to have fun and remember together the great times and those we loved...we are also here to stand by you during this time of loss....we are here for you John and our prayers hopefully will fill that empty void in your heart.
Alan and the rest of CT
Thanks Alan
Name: EL ROJO () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 21:58:52
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: DANA, THE GREAT 56!!!
Message: They say time heals all wounds...! John... I'm truly sorry for the loss of your friend. Time... is a misnomer to everyone. To each and every person, time seems to reach to lengths that most of us can't bare. Especially with the loss of a friend or a loved one. It may vary to all. Yet it seems eternal. No matter the length of the grieving. But it will pass, in "your time"! Take care JB. Jake N Jude. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU.
Thanks Jake.....
Name: Cindy Colby () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 21:57:44
E-Mail: cindymcolby@aol.com
Maiden: Maxson
Class: 63
City and State: Laguna Hills, CA
Message: Hey John,
I have just been reading the past pages of the feedback, what a crack up. I just realized that a lot of Cougars came from York Elementary, my ex-mother-in-law taught there for many years, I think it was fourth grade, her name is Edith Thompson, I know that Brian Wilson was in her class but, I don't know who else (Brian is the only one she ever mentioned), anyway she is still alive and well, she lives in Seal Beach, Leisure World, she is in her early ninetys, I see her quite often at my son's house, she has two grandsons, and two great grandchildren, I was married to her son Don Wernicke IHS 59. Anyone wishing to contact her can e-mail me and I will get you in touch with her.
Thanks Cindy, I know there are lots of Cougs who went to York school.
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 21:26:27
E-Mail: LCuiper
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: Our prayers are with Sandy's Family. Sandy's cute little ways will be missed.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 21:02:57
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: andtheysaiditwouldn'tlast!!!!! ha
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: One last note, before my husband takes me to ARTURO'S for our 4 month anniversary dinner.. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JANNY.. I LOVE YOU AND YOUR HEART HONEY.. & Now, who told him that a 4 month anniversary is "COMPOST!!" I was thinking more on the lines of a fall fur.. Judy Wudy.. THE ROWDYS
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 20:50:04
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: DANDYEorDONDYE.. justolderthanI.
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: To Chris Hood..(Morty Hoodstiens bro) I'm so glad that Phil Christiana spoke "well" of me as I've seen him naked many, many times.. I wouldn't want to have to give special reports for "payback".. the truth is that being the oldest of the group, use to babysit and was in charge of all these younger fellas at least twice a month when my pop use to drop us all at the Plaza Theater for a scary pic or two. Phil C and my brother Tom were so small that they took turns sitting on my lap. We also went to Yosemite each year, hence the nude reports.. Sorry about the Dan Dye mix up...(first time I've ever been wrong!) I believe it's Don Dye that lived on Sundale..(help me here Mo Trott) John, sorry to hear of your friends passing.. always a shame to leave so young...and we are all still so young. Not to worry, we will all meet again.
Wait a minute, back up the Forestry Service pickup truck here. Whattayamean, "We also went to Yosemite each year, hence the nude reports".
Name: carole () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 18:51:19
E-Mail: carole42@ca.freei.net
Maiden: anderson
Class: 60
Message: John,
I'm really sad to hear of the passing of Sandra Bottai. Sandra's older sister Nancy was married to my older brother David Anderson. Nancy passed away about 4 years ago. I was not close to Sandra but I did know of her problems from Nancy.
To Sandra's family: Know at least she is at peace and she and Nancy are with their dad right now.
Name: Joyce Chance () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 18:11:28
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
Message: To Sandee's Family & Friends
Name: Ray Nelson () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 18:01:52
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 1973
City and State: Fayetteville, Ga
Message: John, my thoughts and prayers are with you and Sandra’s family. Losing a childhood friend is difficult.
Thanks Ray, I feel the same way. I'm sure Sandy would be trying to cheer us all up by saying, let's get on with the living part and not dwell on that other part. I do appreciate all of your thoughts and I too say let's get on with the living part. If you haven't seen a friend who "one of these days" you're going to stop by and surprise..... do it now!! None of us are getting out alive.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 17:36:07
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Pappers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: My prayers go out to the family of Sandra Rohwedder Bottai.
Name: Ray Nelson () on Friday, September 8, 2000 at 16:42:57
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 1973
City and State: Fayetteville, Ga (very wet - Billy Goat Acres)
Message: Hey Alan Hauge, I remember your father's gas station on the corner of El Segundo and Aviation. In fact, I still recall that Atlantic Richfield sign.
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