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"More Early R&R" "The Gentrys"
Name: Sharon Leach () on Sunday, August 6, 2000 at 12:33:17
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 1966
City and State: Long Beach
Message: JudyWudy, it was Andy Devine aka Jingles. I really liked Froggy and Andy, so I don't get the balloons either. He was a funny but mean little frog. My sister always said he reminded her of me. But of course, that's sisterly love. Judy, it was great meeting you. Hope to see you at homecoming. John, again as I said and it's been repeated many times, WE LOVE YOU AND THANKS FOR COUGARTOWN. Now Lyn Biggers Neal are you logged on to Cougartown? How's it going in Oregon? Karen Hare has been asking about you as did Bill McDonald, so write something and let everyone know how your doing. Gotta go and read more feedback.
Hey Sharon, Great meeting you last night too. I think you already had tha Jingles thing nailed back a few feedbacks. There was a pre-Jingles guy on that show too, but I don't remember his name and how about "Midnight the Cat" on that show; I think all that cat said was "Nice".
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Sunday, August 6, 2000 at 11:48:19
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: HamburgerHangover
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Re: FOSTERS CRUISE NIGHT.. Let me start out by thanking Alan Hauge for saving me from eating Mo Trott's Heavenly choc cake... boy, that was close.. (Jan & I will be home most of the day Mo, so bring the surplus over anytime) So good to meet Sharon Moore (I still owe ya 10 balloons Sharon) and Rowdy Pauline.. Zelma Pino..and Gloria Velez..ya still look the same.
Thanks Tommy Burroughs, for the dinner and the fun. Couldn't believe that "CHIPS" closed early & we couldn't follow through with pie and coffee afterward at another local hangout. (no Alan, I didn't have pie as I didn't want to stimulate my pancreas & get that ol' sugar rush) Now, one last question. Who use to say, "Thump your magic twanger, Froggy." to the frog that lived in the grandfather clock. (can I say that~~can anyone say that!!) hint: also plays in Wild Bill Hickock. 10 balloons to the person that answers.. and Janny doesn't count. FYI~ I heard there's a place called "THE HOP" in Lakewood that us old folks can go and dance to music from the 60's,70's & 80's. I think we should make that a date soon as Oct Homecoming is just toooo long to wait for another get together. Oh ya, Janny called me Sheudy again last night, so I'm off to shop again. (I like this second wife thingy a lot) Now, I'm off like a prom dress. Sheudy Noodleman with an Autumn fur
I want the 10 balloons but I'll let someone else answer it.
Name: Wayne Dickey () on Sunday, August 6, 2000 at 11:48:01
E-Mail: impalawayne@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: La Palma, Ca.
Message: The other night, Donna and I were reading through some early feedback. Some days John, there was no feedback at all. Now everyday there are many people contributing. Cruise night was a testament to all the hard work you have put into Cougartown. After last night, I can put many faces with names. From 1956 (Richard Hanson) to Lori Padelford 1981. There were Street Rods, Classics, Convertibles, Originals, and 2 Viper's; from the 30's to the 90's. Whether you were from the class of 69 or 58, or 74, it didn't matter. We all seem to be bonded as Cougars. As time goes bye, I would hope to see more and more Cougars coming out to events like this. In our busy schedules, we should take this time to enjoy our roots. Be a Coug!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Wayne's figured it out. That's what it's all about, and it DOESN'T matter when you graduated. Come on out.......I swear you'll fit right in.
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Sunday, August 6, 2000 at 10:51:28
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: What a great turn out for cruise night...Royal I think that's you up front in the JB Picture.... Lookin' very good and up on both pins. Patty, the actor was doing the cartoon work was I believe "Edward Everet Horton" a wonderful actor who's face you would know. And yes it was Jonathan "Harris" as the not so "good" guy on Lost In Space. Jonathan's wife ran the professional beauty products division of the DEP Corporation at Culver City for many years. Both really very nice folks.
Yeah Frank, that's Royal all right. You'd have seen lots of your old chums there.
Name: Ray Nelson () on Sunday, August 6, 2000 at 07:52:29
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 1973
City and State: Fayetteville, Ga
Message: Hello ya'll
It sounds like cruise night was another success. We would have cruise nights out here in Billy Goat Acres but the darn mule keeps dying. (There's a joke there, someplace.) I just returned from the Redneck Riviera East (Myrtle Beach, SC.) I still have a hard time adjusting with the sunrise coming off the ocean. It's not natural. The beaches out here cannot compare to the West Coast. I miss the real surf and clear water. The surf out here is very mild and soupy (sandy). I also miss the tar balls and that rich tar aroma. One thing I don't miss is the 400-yard dash on the hot sand.
Yes, the Hawthorne swimming hole. Spent plenty days and nights during the summer for just a dime. Does anyone remember his or her first jump off the high dive? It was a rush!!! Or, about going to Taco Bell after swimming for a taco or burrito for a princely sum of $0.19 each.
Hey Ray, Didn't like the high dive AT ALL. I could do a mean belly flop off the platform though. I just came by the pool on the way to cruise night yesterday, and they've got a sign out front saying the Hawthorne pool is back in business as of June, though I'll bet it's more than a dime now. Does anyone remember the chlorine smell in the pool locker rooms?
Name: John Baker () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 00:58:44
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: Another Cruise Night and even MORE people this time. Where are all the Cougs coming from? Leo, the food was great as usual and the Cougar company was fantastic. Royal Lord is back along with Alan Hauge, and Dennis Lord showed up too. Gary Mykkanen was there too, and lots of fun people from the 70's. Lori Padelford, did you find any 80's people? Sharon Bierman Branigan and Mom "B" were there, but no Sue and Daryl tonight. Patty V and her kids were there along with Cynthia V, her kids, and Mom "V", but no Ricki. Tom Burroughs was there all the way from Prescott AZ in his Nomad. Janet was there with my favorite guys, Wesley and Phillip. Mr. P and Cathy Brooks, Angel K, the Spencer girls, Richard Hansen HHS57 and Mike Shay HHS61 along with Jim Essner and wife Karen Boll HHS61. Dickie Norton and wife Jan Chauncey Norton, Tom Shelley, Bob and Karen Fraser, John and Ann Rout, the Rowdys, Robin and Janny, Gary Miller, Ken Huthmaker, Karen Graham Kuehl, Norval (Norm) Vorhis and brother Jim, Bobby Milazzo, Debra Lee and many many more. Thank you all for showing up tonight to make this a grand event. To Patti Smith. I'm sorry you didn't get a ride tonight, but don't take it too badly as I didn't get your feedback onto the page until the wee hours of the morning and the feedback page is real slow on Saturdays. I think the next Cruise Night will be in February, but now we'll concentrate on Homecoming and the Stick and Stein party on the 6th of October. All of you out of town Cougs please make plans to be here on that weekend.
Name: Gary () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 17:35:18
E-Mail: toomuchtoansweralready
Class: none
Message: Well John,
I don't think a coach should take responsiblity for young men...I was there for hockey, but how do you control 20 hormoanal boys. If parents think the kids need a controlling agent, they should attend. So I guess your grandkids are safe, we won't recruit em, ok?
And, also, maybe I should say this, just qualifying for this event places you amongst the top 10% in the nation. We took 1st in the Western USA, and I also coached the San Diego County High School Champions, so I guess I had a decent year. Sorry if I took your comment the wrong way, but HEY LET'S HAVE FUN, they are kids after all......
Name: Patty Valencia () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 17:24:32
E-Mail: pvalencia2@AOL.COM
Class: 1974
Message: YES! I do remember that witch with the big wart on her nose - we thought she was pretty hokey even back then. And- NO it was not fractured flickers - wasn't that the actor, can't remember his name either, the old memory is losing it. Anyhow, he reminds me of Dr. Smith on Lost in Space, Jonathan something. No, the witch is a true trivia buff memory. Wanda or Zelda or hobo kelly type...Also, the other day I forced my kids to watch two episodes of "Dark Shadows". They felt TORTURED. Black and white and H-O-K-E-Y...Later gators. Cruise night or bust. Even Cynthia's coming.
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 17:22:04
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: Judy... Queen of the Rowdy's.... Send the $10.00 too JB for the Direct mail program.... The dogs name was.... "I'm Buster Brown, I live in a shoe, this is my dog TIGE he lives here too! Early Saturday morning radio show.... Froggie with his magic twanger.... Wish I could hit Foster's and just enjoy the company of all the cougars tonight. Maybe next time! RCG, Frank
Name: Janny B () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 16:05:37
E-Mail: j.blomsterberg@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: nowthatiammarriediambeginningtohearmoreaboutthepast.com
Class: 63
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Sheudy...you said something about that "combo working"...ya got some 'splaining to do, Lucy!!!
We will "discuss" this when I get home from work in about an hour...you have until then to come up with a darn good excuse.
Who said the honeymoon lasts forever? Howie
Tilly, you're in trouble now!!!
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 15:23:43
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: SHARON LEACH.. short and sweet...$10.00 says Buster Brown's dog was RAGS..
I'll take that 10 bones. Rags was Crusader Rabbit's sidekick.
Name: Alan Nelson () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 15:12:14
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Class: '73
City and State: Parker, Az
Message: Glad to hear they're fixing the pool back up. I think I spent more time in that thing than I did in class. For all those who griped about 1st period swimming, I usually had 2 hours in before that 1st bell rang. Then to the snack shack for 2 cinnamon rolls dripping with butter, and a carton of milk. Only to do it all over again, 8th period to 5 PM. Then return at 7 PM for Hawthorne Swim Club. I think I STILL sweat chlorine.
Alan, You still have gills don't you.
Name: Sharon Leach () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 14:20:08
E-Mail: slleng@aol.com
Maiden: Moore
Class: 66
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: White Shoulders perfume. Still wear it to this day. Ben Casey, Dr. Kildare, 77 Sunset Strip ("Kooky, Kooky lend me your comb.") Froggy and Jingles on the Buster Brown Hour ("Hi Ya Kids, hi ya, hi ya.") or ("Hello I'm Buster Brown. I live in a shoe. This is my dog ????. He lives there too. Okay Cougs what was the dogs name. That's it for now, but first hear ar two fun Baby Boom sites. http://www.wanderers.com/wanderer/tvshows.html and http://www.geocities.com:0080/Heartland/Woods/7822/page17.html
Was it Tige?? Thanks Sharon and I can personally vouch for the Wanderer's site.
Name: Ray Shelley () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 14:19:37
E-Mail: rjshelley@yahoo.com
Class: 58
City and State: Mena, Arkansas
Message: John, I don't know how I missed this great addition to your home page.. It will take a while to catch up on all the postings..
I recognized several faces from the past.. Especially, Millie Roberts.. Millie, life has been good to you.. You haven't changed a bit.. Still have that pretty smile.. and Tom B. are you STILL wearing that cap and gown..ha..
I remember spending time at the Gunga Den. Did Bill Haley and the Comets play there in "54, 55" or am I having a memory relapse???
Keep up the good work John.. I'm trying to get Don Allen to break down and buy a computer.. I know he would enjoy this site.. Take care.. Ray
Hey Ray, It great to hear from you, and glad you found the Feedback Page. This is by far the most important page in Ctown, as it keeps all us old Cougs close.
Yeah get Don a computer and get him up to speed. We need more early Cougs on the website. Brother Tom Shelley is going to be at Cruise Night tonight too. At least that's what he said yesterday. Anyway, catch up on the back Feedback and stay tuned, as this is where you'll hear from lots of your old buds. Thanks Ray......
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 14:03:57
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Hey Goddess Dizzy Lizzy.. I was not an "Evening in Paris" kinda gal in high school.. the only scent I ever reeked of was more like "lacquer and hairspray" from spending all day at Inglewood Beauty College. OY VAY.. I do remember however, that if my date was wearing Canoe or Jade East and I put on "Wonderful" or "Chances are" by Johnnie Mathis.. well.. the combo worked for me! ( I heard that!)
RE: DINNER AT FOSTERS. That's a no brainer.. when we go to Pink's..what do we eat.. Fosters burgers are just as great now as in the 60's..so.. "when in Rome, do as the Roman's do" only now we all have to take our cholesterol pills, medimusal, beano, previset, tagamet, and make sure we have a lactate tab or two at hand.. to ensure a good middle of the night.. but what the h*ll.. how often do we get this chance... so FOSTERS~put those burgers on the grill..with cheese.. charge up that malt machine~extra thick.. dunk those fries twice.. double dip that cone... but hold the onions.. they give me gas.. Tommy Burroughs.. I'm holding you to that promise to buy me all I can eat! (that boy's in trouble)
(hey, I heard that!!) Judy Wudy aka Sheudy
Pass those onions my way.........Vapors be damned!!!! I lovem.........uh, the onions, NOT the vapors. See you all tonight.
Name: John Baker () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 13:18:17
Class: 67
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message: Hey all you Cruise Night people, by the email and the feedback, it looks like this is going to be the biggest Cruise night yet. Lots of new faces are going to be there so plan on having a great evening, reminiscing for hours with your old buds. Also, please plan on eating at Fosters. Our gracious host, Leo Kim is giving up a lot of his Real Estate for us on these Cruise Nights and it'd be nice if he could sell a few burgers, malts, fries, cokes, etc. After all, they are still the best burgers in Hawthorne. Everyone be safe and we'll see all of you tonight.
Name: Gary Lents () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 13:02:57
Class: 67
City and State: hastala Vista baby
Message: Just back from Canada, and this site has been going wild...good stuff (mostly).
TO CINDY...Didn't know you were related to Adam till I got back...his team took 2nd I think. Cali teams took 15 medals, 7 Gold and was top overall; Ontario (the home of hockey) took 15 but less gold.
My teams didn't fare too well (s*%t happens), but we had the most fun. There was a place two blocks away that reminded me of the Wild Goose, and since the legal age in Ontario is 19, go figure! Liz, there were many "pole goddesses" there. I was thinking of changing our team name to the Vampires, cause my kids only slept in the daytime. I know that many young men experienced their "firsts" there....seemed like to many prom dresses in use.
Anyway, USA took 6 of 9 platinum (top division) gold medals.
Let's see Gary, did you take the kids to play hockey or have their first "Pole Goddess" experience. No wonder the team "didn't fare too well". Remind me to make sure my grandkids don't play on your team. Hope to see you at Cruise Night tonight.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 10:36:11
E-Mail: @CasaEstrada.com
Maiden: The Goddess
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach, CA
Message: Dear Queen Rowdy.....I thought you wore "Evening In Paris". I was a Channel #5 girl, (stole/borrowed it from sister, Sharon) Donna, The Pole Princess, was heavily into Heaven Scent and I think most of my dates back then where wearing Jade East and English Leather......I still love Old Spice, Daddy's favorite....I can remember getting into a certain Cougars car and having to roll down the window because I couldn't breathe with all that cologne in the air.....JS? Are you coming to Cruise Night tonight????? I'll be there with my Channel on.....Love, The Goddess
I liked Hai Karate and Canoe.
Name: CHERYL () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 10:21:35
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Class: 62
City and State: KENO, OR (ontheriver)
Message: Hey Joyce, thanks for the validation. I also have a picture of Billie Jean Hansen and myself wearing "Bunny Shoes".(it's around here somewhere) I think we were polishing them, as we did every day. Yes, we will have to "do lunch" again next time I'm in town....
Name: Christine Baird () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 09:58:30
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock, TX
Message: Okay.....TV shows. Can anyone remember the name of the show that featured a witch with a large wart on her nose, dressed in black. Her side kick was a large black spider and she stirred at a caldron. She was the between act and announced the next cartoons. Who remembers that one? Probably mid to late 60's. Gotta go
Was it Fractured Flickers??
Name: Norm Vorhis () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 01:07:36
E-Mail: olds88coupe@yahoo.com
Maiden: Norval
Class: 59
City and State: Monrovia, Ca
Message: Hey man in blue: the check is finally in the mail. Couldn't take it out of my Olds fund (I keep breaking things). Haven't had any beer money in 25 or so years. Puter fund is overdrawn.
Now I Can't remember the punch line I was leading up to. Brother Jim will try to make Fosters. I'll be there if I can find enough gas money, after sending you that check (that wasn't it).
I wonder how many people will recognize AB33905.
Myrna: Its taken me this long to give up trying to write a good story about my short stay at Hawthorne Christian (first half of 8th grade).
It was part of the Gardena to Intermediate transition. John: maybe we T&W alumni can get up a touch football game with St. Joes alums. Somebody asked about any one who worked at Northrop (done that, also). Had lunch at Chips a few months ago and met a little old lady named Frankie Ayers, she recognized my C-town T shirt. Got to pull Mommas Chevy II out from under its tree and try to clean it up for tomorrow night. See you there. Norm V
Hey Norv, I know how hard it was for you to pry that 10 spot out of you moth ridden wallet, but I just want to say thanks dude and we'll see you tomorrow night all right. 33905.....isn't that exhibition of speed. I got a few of those in my early driving life.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 01:00:38
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: John and everyone else, looks like tomorrow nights get-together is going to be a winner. I have been looking forward to it for weeks. Unfortunately, I am going to have a hospital procedure (not serious, but scary) on Monday and I have 2 days of fasting and other "stuff" so I will be bowing out of this one. Sorry Mom "V" won't be there either 'cuz I was her ride. God willing, we'll be at the next one. I'll miss you guys.
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Friday, August 4, 2000 at 23:58:53
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas
Message: Well. been driving miles. And that ain't good in my 10 mile per gallon Suburban with a 454. I've spent close to $200 on gas alone in a week. Luckily it has a 40 gallon tank. Wayne, I couldn't bring her cause she said she had a headache...typical woman uh? Anyway, besides getting my Purely Hawaiian going again (bigtime) I also am part of the group that just bought the Golds Gym in Trabuco Canyon (Dove Canyon). It's 20,000 sq. ft. and beautiful. It is off the Oso Parkway. Anyone in the area next week stop by and I'll get you a special Cougar discount. Our grand opening is next Saturday. By the way anybody know of any good condos around that area. I need a part time residence since I'll be there so much. Our Purely Hawaiian corporate offices are in the same shopping center. I'm sorry I won't be at the cruise night tommorrow. I have to go to Tehachapi and pick up my oldest daughter and take her back to Vgeas. I'll be back in LA on Tuesday. Hope everything is going great for everyone. See you all soon Keith
Name: Joyce Chance () on Friday, August 4, 2000 at 23:43:11
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
City and State: Anaheim,Ca.
Message: Hi Cheryl,
I remember Bunny Shoes! And don't forget the horse shoe taps! I remember wearing them when we were at Hawthorne Intermediate. I know I have a picture somewhere of Dorrine Footitt and I, and we are both wearing them. I'll have to see if I can find it.
Hope to see you next time you are down this way.
Name: Susan Walling () on Friday, August 4, 2000 at 23:37:56
E-Mail: funds4kids@yahoo.com
Maiden: Ciampa
Class: 77
City and State: Santa Rosa, CA
Message: Sorry I'll miss Cruise Night III tomorrow, but I'll be thinking about all of you. Besides, it just isn't any fun to cruise in my Vanagon... I need that little red Corvette I used to drive! I had the roofing contractor come out to the house yesterday only to find out the guy lived in the South Bay and graduated from Redondo High School in 1970. His name is Don Currie and he said he had some old surfing buddies out there from HHS. I promised I'd post his name (for a discount on our new roof!) so, if you were a friend of Don's and always wondered what happened to him, send me an e-mail and I'll give you his 800 number.
Have a great time tomorrow night and I'll see you next week JB!
OK Sus', Tacos at El Tarasco. Don Currie huh. Maybe a cousin of Chuck and Kells.
Name: Patti Smith () on Friday, August 4, 2000 at 22:39:56
E-Mail: GrnidL80@aol.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 68
City and State: Cypress, CA
Message: HELLLPPPP!!! I want to go to Cruise Night tomorrow, but car is out of commission. Is there anyone in the OC area who could give me a ride, pleeeeeaaaassssseeeee? I would be ever so grateful!
Cmon OC Cougs, Patti's car is out of commission. Can someone please drop her off a couple a gallons of "commission"? (OK so that wasn't too funny......it's 1:30am) I'm sure there's a Coug on there way right now Patti.
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Friday, August 4, 2000 at 22:19:19
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
City and State: San Pedro, Ca
Message: Hey gang,
Anyone who went to Trinity Lutheran Church in the Late 60's remember a Kenneth Gregory? If you do, do you know where I can get in touch with him? I have something that belongs to him and would dearly love to give it back.
Confession time: Sometime in the mid to late 60's I was attending Trinity Lutheran Church over on Inglewood Ave. I had attended one of the Youth Group Activities and in the room where the activity was held, there was a Bible. The Bible had been laying around for a few weeks and everytime I was in that room I picked it up and looked through it. I really loved it. Temptation got the best of me and I gave in. I stole it. Kenneth, I still have that Bible and it has your name in it. I would dearly love to return it to you.
Do hope someone here at CT can help me return this.
Well Kathleen, Confession is good for the soul and I just know Kenneth is out there somewhere and will get his Bible back. BTW, you my dear will be going straight to hell.
Name: bill harris () on Friday, August 4, 2000 at 22:04:09
E-Mail: blharris23@earthlink.net
Class: 71
Message: Hello anyone from class of 1971
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