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"Here's some 50's Elvis" "The KING"
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 12:37:43
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
City and State: San Pedro, CA
Message: The chat about fishnet stockings and pantyhose brought back one particularly embarrassing memory. I have been a musician since the 4th grade, I began with the violin (which I played until 7th grade) then switched to flute which I still play today. Those of you who went to the Wiseburn School District remember the district had the Beginning Orchestra and All-Star Orchestra. At each concert one of the musicians was chosen to "introduce" each piece of music the Orchestra was playing. Sometime around 6th grade, it was my turn to address the audience and explain what music we were playing and who composed it. I was very excited about my first "Public" speaking engagement.
Here's where the stockings come in. My mother would not allow me to wear pantyhose or stockings until I was in 7th grade. However, fishnet tights were all the rage in the lower grades so I was allowed to wear those. Only one problem, I was a tall kid, it was very difficult to find fishnet tights for someone of my height and weight. My mom decided to make them for me by cutting off the "panty" part and some of the leg portion of a pair of tights that were too short for me and hand stitching them to the Fishnet stockings that were also too short for me. It was the mid 60's we were wearing our dresses just a tad shorter then over the knee. As long as I was standing up, you couldn't tell I didn't have fishnet tights on, however bending over revealed my mothers little secret.
It's time for the concert and I'm ready. I had worked on what I was going to say adding as much humor as I could to the introductions. I get up to approach the microphone and give my introduction to our first piece, the audience is polite and laughs at my little jokes appropriately. I approach my chair (I'm first chair) turn to pick up my violin (bending over slightly) and the audience burst out laughing. I was oblivious to it thinking that they were still responding to my presentation of our next piece of music. Mr. Upton is grinning from ear to ear and I take that to be total and complete approval of my introductions. I smile back still oblivious to what the audience is finding so entertaining. No one in the Orchestra has a clue that anything might be "amiss". All they know is the audience is very entertained! Each time I introduced the music I got the same response. At the end of the evening, my mother was beet red with embarrassment and said nothing until we got into the car where she gently broke the news to me about my "presentation". I decided right then and there to give up my career as a stand up comedienne.
Great stuff Kathleen, thanks......
Name: Mike Shay () on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 10:16:46
E-Mail: theshays@earthlink.net
Maiden: Slim
Class: 61
City and State: Cerritos, CA
Message: Hey Dude;
" Glad to be of service " Now that's funny!!
In case anyone doesn't know, John and Joyce have gone through so many difficult times in their lives and have stayed great friends, Says a lot about what kind of people they both are...John says he and Cliff Chance (Joyce's present husband) are "Husbands in law"
Stay Cougars;
Thanks Mikey, You're a Great Friend yourself.
Name: Judy Degrazia Blomsterber () on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 09:25:26
E-Mail: JUDYWUDY@att.net
Maiden: changeisgood!!butI'mstillnotsheila
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: For all the ROWDYS~I have a new email address of JUDYWUDY@att.net Please don't lose touch with me.. My life is just changing everyday in a new way and this is one of them. CHANGE IS GOOD!
Well John Boy, welcome back. I thought I was going to have to go to Leuzinger or Morningside website for a fix. Isn't it funny how John & Janet never tell the ROWDYS where they're going for days on end.. wonder why? Now, I have to start getting ready for the PINK'S RUN..where I understand that Colleen & Terry O'Ryan are "finally" going to show up. YEAH!!!! See you there.. stay ROWDY
Sheudy DeGrazia Blomsterberg..(with a new summer wardrobe)
Hey Judywudy, I think your email address is judywudy@WORLDNET.att.net
Name: Rinaldi () on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 08:57:20
E-Mail: Fred
City and State: Manhattan Beach
Message: I don't think the toe head was Don Hammervold he was in my class "62" and would have been in the 5th or 6th grade in 59. The team was 7 & 8 graders if my memory serves me right. Can you list all the guys that have been identified ?
Ummm, the ones that have been identified have their name emblazoned across their bodies.
Name: Cal McDougal () on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 07:31:58
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Al
Message: I just realized that I have let everyone here know that my professional life is up in a Creek without a ...John, help me out here will ya'?
Where are Carol Marker, Bob Gregory, Bob Schull and the rest of the class of '62. There are literally hundreds of folks we haven't heard from yet.
I agree......class of 62, where are you all??!! Thanks Cal
Name: Cal McDougal () on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 07:16:42
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Al
Message: Ray Nelson, Yes, I am a flight instructor at Fort Rucker. Teach instruments in the TH67 Creek which is what the Army calls a Bell 206B3 JetRanger. We got even more rain over the weekend. About an inch and a half total. Darned grass is turning green and growing again! Now I have to mow it!!! I'd complain about my neck getting chafed from a new rope at a my own hanging.
Name: Aconcernedstudent () on Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 00:04:00
E-Mail: ohwhereohwherehasourlittlejohngone
Maiden: ohwhereohwherehashegone?
Class: ofcourse
Funny .......very funny.
Name: Howard Duran () on Monday, June 19, 2000 at 23:42:25
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Kobe
Class: 61
Message: I wonder if it's raining in Portland....?
Name: Greg Jones () on Monday, June 19, 2000 at 23:35:35
E-Mail: gjones1052@aol.com
Class: 73
City and State: Hawthorne, CA.
Message: 116-111!!!!!!!!!!! Pop the corks on the champagne and celebrate!!! Lakers win in 6. Glad the Blazers got to watch this.
Go Lakers!!!
Name: Melvin Guzman () on Monday, June 19, 2000 at 18:28:32
E-Mail: melguz@latinmail.com
City and State: Inglewood CA 90304
Message: Well what's up people I miss you a lot and I'm really happy I had Graduated from Hawthorne High School.
Name: Karen J. Trepanier () on Monday, June 19, 2000 at 02:48:11
E-Mail: KJ054@webtv.net
Hi. One of your missing 1962 graduates, Danny Trepanier, is my ex-husband. If you would like to get in touch with him please e-mail me at the above address and I will get a message to him.
Hey Karen, "Hooker" is your ex?? That's great.......I mean not great that he's your ex, but great that.......well you know what I mean.
Please email me (jb1@cougartown.com) and let me know where he is, and thanks for checking in.
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Monday, June 19, 2000 at 01:40:35
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: Happy Father's Day to all of the daddys out there. You're very lucky to hold that honored position.
Is the kid holding the football in the '59 pic Tommy DeFrancisco? It surely looks like him. Billy Daquila is the only one that I even recognize. Of course I only went through catechism there. Nice to hear from all of the new folks.
Hi Ricki, Nice try but it's not Tommy D. It's Bob De La Fuente. Thanks for trying though.
Name: Dawn Moffett () on Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 18:54:43
E-Mail: Dawn7@aol.com
Maiden: Koch
Class: 78
City and State: Simi Valley, Ca.
Message: It's hard to believe that something as simple as pantyhose can bring back memories. I bought my first pair at the old market on Prairie Ave. and Imperial Hwy. I can't think of it's name but it was like the first warehouse market, a pretty rustic place Imperial Farms. I spent my own hard earned pennies and then my Mom took them away and said I was too young. I think I was in 7th grade! Glad to know I wasn't the only one out there that hid things and put them on at school! Make-up was the same story. Once in 4th grade I wanted the cool haircut like everyone else was wearing, the hair was straight with a mid check cut on both sides in the front then long on the sides and back. Hard to explain but my Mom again didn't like it and told me no. I did it myself and bobby pinned it back daily until I got to school. Until one day she found out and made me have my hair cut all the way around to the same short length! That was awful!!! I never did anything like that again until Susan (Ciampa) Walling pierced my ears in her kitchen. At least that time I wasn't alone while fearing death. We both thought that was it for us. By High School the punishment wasn't as severe and we both survived. Now Mom has pierced ears! Go figure!
Name: Omar Azze () on Sunday, June 18, 2000 at 14:14:00
E-Mail: omarazze@hotmail.com
Class: 1977
City and State: Downey, CA
Message: John,
Thanks to you and CT I had a reunion yesterday with Bill Wadman. I had not heard from Bill for over 14 years, but last year thru these "Feedback" pages I got back in contact with Billy!
Yesterday after nearly 15 years we went to a Dodgers game together. The game in the background was secondary as we caught up on old times. I actually stayed for all 9 innings enjoying the day and my buddy, I only wished the game would of gone into extra-innings.
Thanks again John and Billy lets not let 15 years go by again.
Hey Omar, That is GREAT!! Now that's what this is all about. People not only finding people, but actually getting back together. Keep the stories coming Cougs.
Name: Greg Lynne () on Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 21:24:44
E-Mail: gplynne@bealenet.com
Message: I have a Rusty-brand, custom-made surfboard autographed by four of the Beach Boys with indelible markers. I won it in the Tone Soap Sweepstakes (1995 or 1996): it was one of four given out nationwide. The surfboard sells for $490. (new) alone. It's in the box the UPS delivered it in to me when I won it. I guess it's about 6' tall. I'd like to sell it. Make me an offer... Greg Lynne
Hey folks, I'm just sayin' I don't know this guy from a load of hay. Be careful when buying something like this on the net.
Name: Terra Smith () on Saturday, June 17, 2000 at 11:53:44
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@juno.com
Class: 2017(maybe sooner or later)
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: Happy 1st Father's Day dada (Ray Smith). Love ya, Terra
Name: Terry O'Ryan () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 22:48:14
E-Mail: SnoPony1@aol.com
Class: 1964
City and State: El Segundo, CA
Message: The 1959 St. Joseph football team, the second from the right in the back row is Donald Hammervold.
Terry, Are you sure? I have Mike Hammervold.
Name: Francine Hall () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 21:54:01
Maiden: Boucher
Class: 1978
City and State: Charlestown, RI
Message: This is a nice place to come to re-visit old memories. Thank you.
Name: Ray Nelson () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 21:32:44
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 1973
City and State: Fayetteville, GA (Billy Goat Acres)
Message: Hey Gang,
Them goats and dawgs came home because it RAINED this afternoon. It RAINED a grand total of .02 of an inch. Not much RAIN but the good folks of Billy Goat country will take anything they can get.
Hey Cal, yes the goods folks at our water department, which is right down the road apiece in Bugtussle, require us to follow a water saving scheme. Billy Bob can shower on Monday, Billy Sue on Tuesday, Ma and Paw can shower together on Wednesday. On Thursday, Sweet Pea can finally shower. On Friday the hound dawgs can sip a drink. Saturday, it's the goat's turn. Sunday is off limits. However, it appears that if we don't get anymore rain we will not be able to water outside at all. That means no showers. Bubba might get a little smelly this summer. (Really, we are on an odd-even water ban with no watering between the hours of 1000 and 2200. The Georgia Natural Department of Resources has indicated that more severe actions such a complete watering ban might be in the cards.)
One question Cal, are you the one that is doing rotary-wing (helicopter) flight training at the Army Base.
Name: Joyce Chance () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 20:39:49
E-Mail: chancesR@pacbell.net
Maiden: Savisky
Class: '62
City and State: Anaheim,Ca.
Thanks Joyce for the Happy Fathers Day greeting. I guess I could say, "Glad to be of service!!", but.......you're welcome.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 18:43:16
E-Mail: myemailsaresolongcauseidonthaveanypicturesto sendintoctownlikepeteysmithdoesevryotherdayofeverbody.com
Maiden: SMITH
Class: 66/84
City and State: RB, CA
Name: Cal McDougal () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 17:50:46
E-Mail: Phoenix@snowhill.com
Class: 62
City and State: Enterprise, Al
Message: Ray, Standby for rain in Fayetteville, Ga (Billy Goat Acres). The last two days we have had about a 1/4 inch here in Southeast Alabama. Brings our annual total up to almost as much as the dust bowl. Another five feet of rain and we will have as much as normal. Do you have odd and even billy goat watering days?
Name: Colleen O'Ryan () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 16:55:40
E-Mail: KtyKat1@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 64
City and State: El Segundo, Ca.
Message: 6-16-00
Just returned from lunch with my Sis, Mo, and Sherry (Peppers) Wingo. Had a really nice time. Thank you, once again, John for creating "Cougartown" It has been nice renewing "Old Friendships" with "Old Classmates. " Terry and I are looking forward to Our First Pink's Run on the 24th..................Never was one to turn down a good "Weenie"
Hey Colleen, There's never a "Bad Weenie" on a Pinks Run. We'll see you there next weekend.
Name: Carolyn Bainton () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 15:55:57
E-Mail: cjb67@webtv.net
Maiden: Petersen
Class: 67
City and State: Torrance, CA
Oops...just wanted to state for the record that we used to use Cocoa butter NOT coca butter. My goodness, everyone knows that coca is a South American shrub containing alkaloids including cocaine! I simply wanted to clear up that minor spelling detail...these senior moment things do crop up from time to time.
Carolyn, It's been changed......thanks
Name: Petey () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 15:40:34
E-Mail: istandcorrectedwhoeverhasthelongestemailADDRESS.com
Maiden: Smith
Class: 72
City and State: Salem
Message: Too hot for nylons but love those fishnet stockings.
Name: Carolyn Bainton () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 15:34:03
E-Mail: cjb67@webtv.net
Maiden: Petersen
Class: 67
City and State: Torrance, CA
Just wanted to say once again how great this site is. I just heard from another lost cougar, Sandy Aahkus C67, I didn't know if she was still alive or what! Kelley how do you remember all these things...coca brown nylons! Those were definitely the "in" color. Remember those little packages of cocoa butter...we'd set them out in the sun at the beach then smother our bodies! That stuff looked like white hershey bars. Of course there were times when I couldn't afford to buy cocoa butter so I'd just whip out the crisco...no joke! Were we nuts or what. Okay I've got to go finish preparing my 15 pound brisket (marinated in Claude's BBQ Sauce, available only by mail order from El Paso, Texas) for my big LAKER party tonight. Hope it will be ready by then I've been cooking it since 9:30 A.M. this morning. Later Cougs
Thanks Carolyn, We'll all be there by game time.
Name: Petey () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 12:55:35
E-Mail: sloeystillhasthelongestemailincougartown.com iveneverhearditcalledanemailbefore.net
Maiden: Smith
Class: 72
City and State: Salem,Oregon
Message: Kell the UFO turns out to be the sun here in Oregon. The temperature at night is in the 40's and by mid afternoon it's in the 80's. It tends to slow things down a bit. We're off to the coast. Have a good weekend.
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 12:17:08
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: '67
City and State: Fullerton, CA
Message: OK John,
You want people to check in well it's my turn to gripe. Your link to Brian Wilson's WEB site (What's New) is old. The new one is here. By the way Brian's Birthday is June 20th. Happy B'day Brian!
And the QOTW/QOTQ maybe needs to be changed. It has been almost 6 months. Maybe you should put a question like "In what year was the 'golf ball' water tower installed in Hawthorne?"
Well Chris Prewitt, You've been out of action for months. Where have you been boy?? Thanks for the Brian Wilson Link. It'll be changed before you know it. On the Water tower installation, I'll say 19....well I'll answer it myself, as I've redirected the QOTW to YOU. Thanks Chris and happy birthday Brian.
Name: Irene Fernandez () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 12:16:05
E-Mail: nanairene
Maiden: Callahan
Class: 60
City and State: LA, Calif.
Message: Thanks John, I had guessed right! I told my brother (Reuel Callahan, Class of 65) that I thought it was Russ because of the hair and Jude but just wasn't sure!! I guess my mind is still okay even after 40 years!!
Russ, I will say hi to John for you and Jude. I did tell him he should visit the website. After all we need to hear from more of the great class of "60".
I agree. Where are you early classes?
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 12:12:58
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo TX
Message: Hello...I'm in here!!!...The pantyhose subject reminded me of my first week at Hawthorne Intermediate. My mom was real old fashioned and she still had me in Bobby socks the first day of seventh grade. But when I went to school and saw that I was in the minority, fashion wise, I took some of my allowance money and stopped at Clarks on the way home and bought my first pair of stockings. The next day I hid them in my lunch box and wearing the bobbies again to please mom, I changed into my hose in the bathroom. Of course I didn't realize I needed a garter belt to hold them up with so I took the rubber bands off of my braided hair and held them up with them. Of course they kept falling all day and it was the worst experience of my life until my friend and social mentor, Debbie Hill, gave me a garter belt. What a bud!!! Boy the crazy memories this site pulls out of the closet!!! Thanks CT... God bless Liz
Parents didn't want their little angels to change, but there was no stoppin' that freight train called puberty. How about makeup?
Name: Marsha Russell-Hood () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 11:24:27
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL.com
Maiden: Russell
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: Kelley, I haven't thought about coco brown nylons in years. I remember dying them with rit dye and the darker they were the better. Of course that is also when we could buy Aqua net hairspray for 50 cents. Happy Anniversary Howard, Sharon, Loretta and Larry. Have a good weekend everybody.
You have a great week, next week, and we'll see you when you return.
Name: Elizabeth Estrada () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 11:21:44
E-Mail: dzlizzy219@aol.com
Class: 69
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: This is weird......but I'm still here. Not much happening this time of year except graduations and proms and vacations and weddings and showers and birthdays and bachelor parties and ......well. That explains it. My daughter's graduation ceremony is tomorrow. My sister, Vicky's Phd. celebration is in the making, and the wedding plans for Ooooops! That's a secret.
Kelly, I remember my dad brought home a huge box of stockings and pantyhose that we dyed in the bathtub. What a mess! I was too young to be allowed to wear them but because the older sisters could I would sneak them out of the house and put them on in the girls bathroom at school. The lengths I would go to to look like I had a tan!!! By this time of year I would have spent every moment slathered in baby oil laying out in my backyard in the tiniest bikini I could find listening to Charlie Tuna on my little transistor radio. That was the life. Sun lamps and baby oil. I'm a dermatologist's nightmare. Well, this has been just swell but I gotta go....See y'all at Pink's! : ) TheGoddessofthesundamaged
Hey Liz, Thanks for the memories and we'll see you next weekend.
Name: Art La Mere () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 10:50:47
E-Mail: lamerea@home.com
Class: 1973
City and State: Bettendorf Ia
Message: Well John we are still in Iowa however it is Raining and Raining. You would think we lived in Washington State. keep up the good work on this fine web site
Thanks for the weather report Art. Maybe you could bottle some up and send it down to Ray in GA. His Billy Goats are getting mighty thirsty.
Name: Steven Poirier () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 09:00:02
E-Mail: poirier1@pacbell.net
Class: 1981
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Just wondering if any Cougars out there would have any Information on 20 year Reunion Plans for Class of '81. Please let me know if anyone knows.
Steven, We probably won't hear about any of next years reunions until February. Check back then.
Name: Sean Ramey () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 08:38:09
E-Mail: sean_ramey@toyota.com
Maiden: Fitzpatrick
Class: 72
City and State: Corona, CA
Message: Happy Friday CT! Congratulations to the class of 2000! The class of 72 went to Disneyland for Grad Nite. If this is still the case, one word of caution. DON'T MISS THE BUS! On Grad Nite 1972 there were 4 of us who missed the bus. We thought it would be a nice night out. Some how that voice deep down inside (mom and dad) told us we better get our butts in gear and make an appearance. So we drove to Anaheim and were made to place that dreaded phone call home to explain why were not on that bus, not to mention the breath test.. Yes, a breath test. One of the chaperone's had to have us blow in their faces. MRS. ROWDY have you ever heard of such a thing? On Grad Nite no less! Like we would really have a drink or something before going to the "Happiest Place on Earth". The other problem was that I believe it may have been one of the 1st years that girls were allowed to wear pants instead of dresses but they had to be a "pant suit". Well here I go again. The outfit I bought was questionable as a pant suit but I think they were happy we showed up at all. After all I did somehow pass the breath test. The next morning we had to leave the VW van there and take the HHS bus back to Hawthorne where our parents were waiting for our story. I don't have to tell you how that turned out, not to mention having to listen how they drove all over town trying to find us. Lesson learned! HAVE A SAFE, SOBER, AND HAPPY GRADUATION!
I'm sure glad us 50's and 60's people didn't do things like that.
Name: Kathy Jensen-Robinson () on Friday, June 16, 2000 at 00:26:47
E-Mail: slavekate@aol.com
Maiden: Jensen
Class: 1980
City and State: San Diego, CA
Message: Hey, Lee Christopher! Are you the one that used to live on 138th Street with the train set in the garage? Boy do I remember playing with the trains or at least watching you and my brother play with them. Nice to see you posting at Cougar Town.
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