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"Here's some 50's Elvis" "The KING"
Name: Howard and Sharon Duran () on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 10:30:20
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Schleper
Class: 61/62
City and State: Lake Forest Ca
Message: Hi everyone! 38 years ago today, Sharon and I got married, first she had to graduate then we tied the knot...What a night, Dennis Morris best man and Barbara Norris was the maid of honor.
Hey Howard and Sharon, Congratulations on the Graduation Nuptials and on your 38 years together. It also means that this is the HHS 62ers 38th Grad Anniversary, so congrats to all you 62ers out there. Somehow it just doesn't seem that long ago.
Name: Lee A. Christopher () on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 10:21:51
E-Mail: lee.a.christopher@aero.org
Class: 68
City and State: El Segundo, CA
Message: Lots of effort obviously went into this page. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks Lee, Come on back anytime.
Name: Marsha Russell-Hood () on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 10:07:38
E-Mail: RussellMG1@AOL,com
Maiden: halfofwhatitisnow
Class: 64
City and State: Redondo Beach
Message: John boy, I really don't mind that Robin is starting to look like me but he has now taken over my standing eyebrow waxing appointment and that does upset me. John you always keep me laughing, I am so glad you are in our life......it is just the best!
Thanks Marsha, I feel the same about you two too, but I'd keep an eye on Robin and whatever you do, don't let him stretch out your teddys.
Name: Melinda Farrow () on Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 09:44:48
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: Ray I just wanted to thank you for that Happy Birthday wish.. I don't feel 36!
Having lunch at Olive Garden this afternoon and leaving for Palm Springs Friday morning, so I imagine Pina Coladas by the pool all weekend long! Wish you were here to help me enjoy it.
Thinking of you all, kisses and hugs to all of you. See ya Linda
Happy Birthday Melinda. Have a great weekend.
Name: "Janny" Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 23:23:56
E-Mail: j.blomsterberg@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: DeGrazia
Class: 63
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Thanks, big guy...if the drinkin', smokin', gamblin', 900 numbers and some of those other unmentionable things I do, now I seem to be into some type of women's makeup or something like that! What's next...cross dressing? Oh, yeah, right, that is left up to my dear old seventh grade teacher Mr. P...sorry Mr. Plotkin...I won't intrude into your fantasy world...oops, here comes Sheiiiudy...I'm outta here! Janny
Ahh yes, you two really DO live in your own little world huh.
Name: Ray Nelson () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 20:53:00
E-Mail: prnelson@prodigy.net
Class: 1973
City and State: Fayetteville, Ga (Billy Goat Acres)
Message: John, Your wizardry with the pictures is just too much. By the way, I'm sending my check for the dues.
Hey Ray, Thanks for your support. I'm doin' a rain dance for you as I'm typing this.
Name: Irene Fernandez () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 20:27:19
E-Mail: nanairene
Maiden: Callahan
Class: 60
City and State: LA, Calif.
Message: Hi John, spoke to John Blankenship today and told him you had asked about him and also told him to get on class of "60" email list. He wanted to know if a 40 year reunion was planned for our class.
I haven't heard anything on a reunion for your class yet. The persons to ask would be Rich or Mary Sloan and they don't have an email address. I'll ask around.......
Name: Norma Jean () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 19:49:23
E-Mail: Leejleonard@aol.com
City and State: Haw
Message: JB,
Yes, newlyweds do start looking like their spouse as they become 'one', but later in life you look like your dog. That is one of the funniest things I ever seen. Looking forward to Pink's and Cruise night...we'll be there.
Hey NJ, Thanks for the shout. Yeah, that Robin has been HEAVY into the Cashmere Bouquet again. Hard to believe they let him in the pits looking like that. Anyway, we'll see you two at Pinks and now that Lee has seen Robin's new beauty secret, try and keep the Victoria's Secret catalog hidden.
Name: Raymond Smith () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 19:21:32
E-Mail: Kawabunganorth@Juno.com
Class: 1981
City and State: Portland, OR
Message: Well, I gave off a few days warning and now it's here! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA! C/of 82 is still alive I take it. Hope you'll have a blast tonight (Weds) and head on out and have a good cold one at one of our hangouts. Wish I was there. Stay young and sweet (forget that innocent part) and you'll live long. Love ya bunches, Ray, Teresa and lil Terra.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 18:54:33
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: makeagoodlookin'man
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: HEY..is that my Janny..?? and I didn't realize that Robin had such fine features.. All I can say to the look alike newlywed pics is, "Time to cut back on their hormones in the wheat grass smoothies" Oh well, it's better that they start looking more like us gals than the other way around.. (don't go there John) Loved it!!! And this proves once more that in the valley of the blind~the man with one eye is "KING" (we ROWDYS have no control in CT)
Judy in disguise Blomsterberg
Name: Irene Fernandez () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 18:42:33
E-Mail: nanairene
Maiden: Callahan
Class: 60
City and State: LA,,Calif.
Message: Thanks John for the GREAT website!! I've enjoyed all the feedback and memories. It's brought back many fun times like the Sport Nights followed by our races to Fosters. My Junior Prom that I went with Brian Wilson, the Clean Campus campaigns and most of all the friendships!! It's great to see how many of you also went to St. Joseph's where I graduated from in 1956! John, I believe you had asked about John Blankenship, I haven't seen him since our last class reunion but I do know that he and his wife are still living in Santa Barbara. They were out of the Country but I will try and let him know you were asking for him. Keep up the great job and let's hear more from the class of "60".
Thanks Irene, It's nice to hear from people that have the same memories as I do.
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 16:32:18
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message:It's a little uncanny but did anyone else notice how much the newlyweds are starting to look alike? I just noticed it and thought I'd see if you all agree.
Name: Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 16:18:02
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: What a riot.. I recognize that hula dancin' gal as the Cougartown Queen herself, Janet Humphreys Burkett. FYI that was a wall hanging with tassles that she's using as a hula dress. (boy, can that girl find a bargain).
As for Elizabeth Castanon, we span 9 years difference in age, but I have a few memories to throw out that may have still been going on when you graduated..
Scarpellino's pizza on Manchester.
Wienie roasts at night at El Porto Beach.
Aloha Drugs with lots of tables of bricka bracka.
Tamale & chili from the cafeteria.
The fellas wore Brogans (shoes) to school.
The gals had pointed tennis shoes & we dyed our own nylons (Rit dye on the stove ) get them dark brown.
Kresges five & dime on 118th & Haw. Bl. and they had a lunch counter.
J.J. Newberry's in Inglewood..another lunch counter that served malts with a vanilla wafer.
Harbie the Seal statue..(Harbor gas station) on 118th & Inglewood Ave.
"DANCING AT" The Tom Cat on 190th & Haw. Bl.
& The Century Room on La Cienega and Century. (featured Richard Berry that wrote Louie, Louie)
After game dances at the Eucalyptus Hall or Gunga Din.. (hop in's they were called)
And talking a cute gas station attendant into diconnecting the odometer so dad couldn't tell how far you drove the car. (for cruising the blvd.)
Now.. I'm off like a prom dress again.. See you all at PINK'S & CRUISE NIGHT.
Judy DeGrazia Blomsterberg (not Sheila)
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 14:09:14
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo Tx
Message: Hello JB and all of CT, I've been getting caught up with feedback today and felt it was time for some good old Cougar town memories. How about the chilicheese burgers in the cafeteria, the sweet smell of Jack in the Box when a good west ocean breeze would blow in over campus, corn nuts from the snack machines and sneaking them into class, the tarzan swing at Centinela Park, long summer days at the parks with the teenage coaches and the fun arts and crafts, riding bikes down Imperial highway to the beach at the end, then swimming all day long ( boy those were the days when parents didn't have to worry about kids being gone out of sight!) Like someone wrote earlier cougartown makes it possible to go home again because we all share many of the same memories and because we can relive them through each other, they can become real to use again. There are not enough ways to thank John for this venue that he has allowed us to share, to join old friends together, and help to make new ones. Providing all of us a way to time travel back to a simpler day and a happier time for many of us, in order to balance some of todays challenges. If I haven't said it before, I thank you, because through this site I have been reunited with some old friends that I would perhaps have never heard from again. Thanks JB and all of CT, because of the cougar spirit within all of us, this site is the greatest!!! God bless, Liz
Thanks Liz, and I do remember riding my bike down Imperial Hwy to the sand dunes with a bunch of others. Jimmy Norman, Ronnie Edie (Indian), Bob Reagan and more, with BB guns and Bows and Arrows. We were going rabbit hunting. Can you imagine doing that today. It would never happen.....
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 12:59:49
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita, CA
Message:Here's a picture of someone at Marsha's wedding shower doing something.......with something. Is this some kind of "ward off the evil spirits" wedding mask?? Or maybe it's just one tee many martoonis. Anyway thanks Mo for the pictures. I still haven't seen the ones taken in the mens restroom.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 12:56:02
E-Mail: ambulanceandlawyersrus.com
Maiden: i dy ho
Class: 66/84
City and State: REDODNDO BEACH, CA
Message: el rojo sorry i didn't respond too busy with your new idea. You are a genius!!! We are doing franchises now. Absolutely a gold mine! happy anniversary to you and your lovely wife, and i know how lovely she is, having been with you for 39 years. [this was meant as compliment to you both so don't even take any other way!] It is always good to hear from you. And Larry and Loretta to another GREAT couple, happy anniversary, and hey ERIC Congratulations on your graduation, you da man, WELCOME TO COUGARTOWN! Robin be careful.
Name: Mona Cruz () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 10:24:57
E-Mail: mcruz@aol.com
Maiden: Leon
Class: 81
City and State: Hawthorne, ca
Message: Good Job on the website!
Name: Larry/Loretta Cuiper () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 09:04:01
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 60/62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: John, we are one of the long married ones, not as long as 39 years, but on the 15th Larry and I will be married 37 years and I believe Cheryl and John are there already! So a big HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to all!
And a great big Happy Anniversary to you and Larry too.
Name: Sherry Ward () on Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 00:01:16
E-Mail: ecomroad@icx.net
Maiden: Rout
Class: 65
City and State: Where the natives glow in the dark
Message: Hi all you Cougs! The Beach Boys were in town last night, and put on a really great show. What a treat after all these years to see them again. They played all of our favorite songs plus some great old "doo wop" stuff. Like "Duke of Earl". The great sound that is unique to them was just as good as ever. There were some new, and unbelievably talented people playing with the old guys. It was a night I'll never forget. Mike Love was super funny, and made the show really entertaining. I took my 14 year old daughter with me, and being that I'm a really good mom, I did my duty and taught her what it means to be a real groupy. Being that it was her first concert, she had a lot to learn. She didn't know about screaming your brains out until you couldn't talk anymore. She also didn't know just how hard you can dance in those little rows. We shared a very special moment during "Surfin" when I taught her how to do the "surfer stomp". Great stuff! She had no idea that you didn't leave just because the concert was over. Sooo, I showed her about getting down to where the stage was and hanging out there til everyone was gone. It worked, too.
She got some autographs. Then, just to make sure she had all the key points, I showed her how to find the bus and hang out there until the band came out. Then how you get to scream all over again as you wave good bye to them as they drive away. I gave some thought to chasing the bus, but decided that she had enough to process for one night. I'm not sure she got it all, because she kept looking at me like there was something seriously wrong with me. Go figure! Well, here's to OUR "Boys" We will always love them!
Hey Sherry, I won't look at you like there's something wrong with you........can I go next time?? Sounds like you had a good time. I mean heck, it's the Beach Boys!!! How could you not have a great time??!!
Name: EL/IDA () on Monday, June 12, 2000 at 21:49:44
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Message: J.B.. Checks in the mail! Sorry we haven't sent it in sooner, but we would like you to make the connotation that COUG-ART is still available! Is your COUGAR still alive? We know he must be if he's in your hands. You have to give him lots of feedback to make him feel good. Sloey..... No response about my perpetual motion machine? A Lawyer who owns an ambulance company? Hey, I thought it would work. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! EL/IDA.
Hey Russ, Yes, the Coug is still alive and well, and is in the place of honor in the living room. I love the guy and would not part with it for anything. I'm telling you guys, you should be selling these hand made Cougs to Cougartown members.
Thanks for the shout too and congratulations on the 39 years of wedded bliss. Can anyone else from the class of 60 match that longevity, and by the way, which Cougs have been married the longest? I would have to say that Dale Sr and Madeleine are in the running. What other two Cougars have been married to each other longer?
Thanks El and Id.......be Cougs
Name: EL/IDA () on Monday, June 12, 2000 at 21:29:35
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60/61
City and State: STATE OF BLISS!
Message: Ok J.B., we're at that time of year that JJ and I like to brag! Married 39 yrs. on sat. the 17th. Any Cougs out there from the class of 60/61 been married longer or do we still hold our title? Until someone fess'es up, I guess we are the champs! Robin it will only take you until you're 97 to make 39 yrs. :) Hey you and Marsha and Jan and Judy, go for it!!! We're going out to dinner and a movie for our anniversary and Dads Day. Will fill you in on the night on the town in the city of the Kavemen. Take care you COUGS. MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU! EL AND IDA.
Name: Gina Peck () on Monday, June 12, 2000 at 20:02:46
E-Mail: rjpeck@pacbell.net
Maiden: Black
Class: 80
City and State: Los Angeles, CA
Message: Hi everyone!!
Mary Mugnuson, did that Farrell's have hot fudge nutty nutty on the menu?????? If so, I'm in the car and on my way to Temecula!!!
In defense of the Y2K "Kid", you GRADUATE when you get your 200th credit. That's what I DID! I GRADUATED early, you know, mid-year.
So, congrats to the "kid"! You worked hard and now that you are FREE you are going to work harder than you ever dreamed. Oh, and now when you take a "sick" day....it's gonna COST you. Enjoy life after high school!! My suggestion, TAKE THIS SUMMER OFF!!!! It's the last one you'll ever have. That is unless the parental units are paying for the college thing...
Ray Smith - How are the Emmus coming along? Are you going to do it?
Name: Dan Johnson () on Monday, June 12, 2000 at 13:47:29
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 77
Message: Re: Pink's Run. The other day my wife asked me if I wanted to go to a hot dog stand. I replied, "yeah, which one, Pinks?" We both burst out laughing because, as some of you know, my Pink Floyd tribute band is called "Which One's Pink?" after a lyric from the song "Have A Cigar" (now featured on the Mission Impossible 2 soundtrack in an excellent version by the Foo Fighters). Anyway, I found it funny (and I'm sure most of you wont)
Hey Dan, Not funny, but thanks for the commercial.
Name: Melinda () on Monday, June 12, 2000 at 09:19:27
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@trw.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
City and State: Redondo Beach, Ca
Message: Message to Ray Smith: Ray what a sweet message, thank you..and so looking forward to b-day 36! YUCK. That is totally funny what you said about Kasey and I looking like sisters, we are always asked that when we are out, people never believe that we are mother and daughter. That's the advantage of having your kids early in life I guess. And I can't wait for that video of the family, I bet it's sweet!
Oh, and I just wanted to add that we here in Los Angeles are very sorry that the Blazers had their butts whooped by the Lakers..man was that an intense game or what! We had people over for that last game and some of us had to leave the room for a while because it was so SCARY!
Well take care bud and I will talk to you very soon. Love you tons. Linda
Name: Tom Burroughs () on Monday, June 12, 2000 at 04:22:34
E-Mail: TB-Sande@webtv.net
Class: 1058
City and State: Prescott AZ
For the record I did not say Lakers in 4 without Kobe. Without Kobe they are an average team with a superstar center. Teams can gamble with double & triple teams on Shack, making it a different ball game. Nervous time if Kobe can`t come back.
Lakers in 6.....
Name: Pat Bagby () on Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 12:21:38
E-Mail: disc0pat@aol.com
Maiden: Kavanaugh
Class: 64
City and State: NYC
Message:Good morning West Coast. I've been reading your Feedback pages for a few
days now and I think it's changed my mind about the phrase "You can't go home
again." Not only have many people done this through this great website, but
some of you never left! It sounds like the Pinks Runs are a popular activity
around there. I don't remember Pinks---is it new, or just someplace I never
knew about way back when? Anyway, hi to all classmates of '64 and friends of
other years. I recognize a few '64 people contributing to Feedback, but many
more don't (unless it was many pages ago----it'll take me a lifetime to go
through it all!) A lot of the people I hung out with haven't even signed
up-----maybe I just hung out with the crowd who wound up computer-illiterate,
LOL. I certainly recognize the Trott sisters----knew them for years! (Hey,
if I'm ever out there, I'll do the cooking, you all can do the cleaning when
you come back here!) Anyway, "back here" is New York for the past 18 years,
where I am a clinical psychologist (no cracks about me NEEDING one!) I lived
before that in N. Calif. and Reno. Are there any Cougs out here. (My
woody's outside, covered with snow! --actually not, we are having a brutally
hot day here.) Anyway, John, I thank you for the site, it is incredible. I
am still looking for a few people, esp. Ann Childress, Ron Caughron, Lee Ann
Nixon, the Grogans, Tom Sangil, -- oh, so many of you. When you finally find
this site, please write to me! (Don't laugh at the screen name, my son set
the computer up for me and Disc0Pat is a takeoff on one of the names my kids
used to call me---Discomom----NOT for my dancing ability, but for my 2 left
feet, LOL). Good to hear about you all. Raise a glass for me at Pinks! Keep
Pat Bagby
Hey Pat, Glad you finally found us and please stay tuned as lots of these ZANY COUGS could use your services. I KNOW I could use a "brain cleaning". Thanks, good luck on finding your friends, and be a Coug girl....
Name: Bill Segard () on Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 11:48:01
E-Mail: wsegard@zdnetonebox.com
Class: 67
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca.
Message: I didn't actually graduate from Hawthorne, I only attended my freshman year. My family moved to Arizona after that. I have always felt that Hawthore High school was my HOME high school because all my buddies from grade and junior high school went there.
Hey Bill, If you ATTENDED HHS, then it's your home High School. Please add your name to the alumni list and welcome aboard.
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 10:57:31
E-Mail: Chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
City and State: Keno, Oregon (ontheriver)
Message: HELLO MIKE DOYLE...Ditto to everything MO said and more. You were a big part of our fun, fun, fun, weekend in Sonoma. Yes, we would like the name of that sweet wine without a label, although "I" didn't taste any wine I didn't like.....
Thanks again for the great weekend, and we are looking forward to the next time. Cheryl & "The Grappa Man"
PS The Grappa man asks if you've gotten any small "grappa" bottles for him????
Name: Glenn Crist () on Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 21:55:50
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Message: MoMo, John,
Mike Doyle is going to check on Kirkland Ranch Winery's website address and the name of the Sangiovese blush wine. He'll check into Cougartown (since he's an honorary member) and post the info.
Thanks Glenn
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