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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Rowdy Myrna Bizzell() on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 23:26:46
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Message: Well, KingyPoo, how can a bet be over when the person in question has not divulged necessary information to both parties in question after hearing what the wager really is?
Name: Gary Kooken () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 22:29:44
E-Mail: gpkooken@yahoo.com
Class: 81
City and State: Bellflower,Ca
Message: My sister told me about this site. Cool!
Name: Rowdy Myrna () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 21:36:06
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: nowiunderstand
Message: AAAaaahhhhhhhh, Jimbo! Now I understand!!! As soon as I read that you were involved in the wager, I knew it had to concern male bovine defecation, because who knows the subject better than an attorney!
Myrna, Living near the Harris Ranch, do I detect a case of "Fertilizer Envy"?
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 18:10:33
E-Mail: REDONDO612@aol.com
Maiden: ROWDY
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: John boy..& Janet, Well, us ROWDYS are starting our beauty treatments early for the WINE COUNTRY WEEKEND..starting April 14. I understand that ROWDY MYRNA BELL is gonna be there too. Here's the ROWDY DRINKING RULES FROM THE 60'S: If I remember correctly, we have to drink oil..or milk..before embarking on the wine tasting part..---and drink the wine through a straw or lap it up from a saucer to get the full benefit. We ROWDYS always get our money's worth ya know. Now..we only have 30 lbs to lose in a month..back on the treadmill. See all of you there.
I'm off like a prom dress.
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS
Name: patty valencia () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 16:17:00
Maiden: neverknewthebeachboysnevergotwrittenintooneoftheirbooksorsongs
Class: 1974
Message: Finally discovered one problem with Cougartown. I was driving and the kids were riding in the back seat. Allison was making strange noises and I turned to her and said "Allison, stop making that noise, you sound like the FISH RIDE". She and Peter just looked at me like I spoke nonsense. Now, of course, no one really knows about the FISH RIDE unless they experienced it at Kiddieland or refreshed their memories about it in Cougartown. The problem - CT makes it feel as though Kiddieland still exists on that little corner and the Fish Rides are still making that Swoooosh-slip sound daily. Well, ok, maybe I like that kind of problem. :0)
Patty, Kiddieland IS still there. Just because you can't ride on the rides, doesn't mean it's gone. Just close your eyes and picture the ticket booth right next to the ferris wheel and right behind you is the fish ride.........or is that the boat ride.
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 15:03:21
E-Mail: dontpickonmyrna.com
Class: 66/84
City and State: redondo beach
Message: John,
I have to call you on this about Myrna. The bet as I understand it was that Myrna only bakes with organic materials that we agreed upon. The bet was how much organic male bovine defecation did she use in her cakes as opposed to presifted bleached flour. As I further recall, you said 30 pounds wherein I said she could not lift 30 pounds of male bovine defecation and hence your call to Myrna's brother and my lost of $20. Myrna we would never keep it from you, honest and the last I remember John was defrosting that third cake you had sent him last summer. It sure gets dark with age! Gillespie and Mix were both present but Curtis was in Chicago packing. Be a coug!
Jim, I think this whole Feedback was about 30 lbs of O. M. B. D.
I'll save this cake and send it to your next Bruin Party.
Name: Howard Graham () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 14:35:22
E-Mail: bassing6@aol.com
Class: 1960
City and State: New Orleans, La.
Message: Great web site, have enjoyed reading some of the feed back, and seeing some names I haven't heard for along time. I have a question, is anyone planning a 40 year (my god has it been that long) reunion for the class of 1960. Please send me an e-mail if anyone has any information. I would really like to try and make it. I miss my old home town. Keep up the good work on this great site.
Hi Howard, Nothing as of yet, but stay tuned as the reunion info is coming in a little slow this year.
Name: Howard A Duran () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 14:30:06
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Maiden: Sherman
Class: 61
City and State: Lake Forest, Ca
Message: I taped the Beach Boy mini series and watched it this past weekend. Brian, all I can say is, "thank God for mothers". I'm collecting old 50' and 60's surf music, anyone who would like to share MP3's, let's get together...
This is of course, Howard and his baby sister Barbara. Whose that OTHER kid in the picture though.
Name: Rowdy Myrna () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 12:42:20
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: kingypoomaybeintroublethistime!
Message: Ok, any of you Rowdies who may know. It seems like a wager was made - a wager about me - I would like to know exactly who(m) was involved in this wager, and what exact terms of the wager were established. It seems to me that the financial fate of the KingyPoo of Cougartown may very well be in my hands.................. e-mail me, we can have private conversations...... our KingyPoo doesn't have to know who is talking to me and what I am telling you!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bet is OVER!!! The fate of a certain Rowdy has been sealed. Be a Coug Myrna........
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 12:01:16
E-Mail: pacowasthere2.com
Class: 66/84
City and State: rb, ca
Message: Robin, Jono said he thought you were really funny. John, Paco was there! But notwithstanding the UCLA cheerleaders, Robin, John Wooden was my favorite part of the evening. Thanks to all who attended! Brian your welcome anytime thanks for be apart of it!
Yeah, and I suppose Mike Gillespie, Curtis Conway, and Ron Mix were there singing the Bruin fight song too. Thanks Jim and I'll try to remember the old adage, "If you can't trust a LAWYER, who can you trust." I LOVE YOU MAAAANN!!
Name: TRICIA MCDOWELL () on Monday, March 6, 2000 at 10:34:04
Maiden: SOKOL
Class: 70
City and State: 29 PALMS, CA.
If not married, they were VERY serious.
Name: Myrna () on Sunday, March 5, 2000 at 23:18:21
Maiden: Bell
Class: 66
Message: When we first moved to Hawthorne, I was about 3 years old. We lived on the East side of Prairie on some street near 116th, I think. Don't really remember. When I was four, my folks bought our house on Cedar, just south of 120th. I can remember my brother Tom riding his bicycle with me on the handlebars and we went to Sunday School at that white community church on the East side. We did that just a few times then my family started attending Calvary Presbyterian. Fours years old was a loooonnnnggggg time ago!
Yes Myrn', but you've aged well.
Name: Royal Window Maker () on Sunday, March 5, 2000 at 23:15:24
E-Mail: windows4mybiz
Maiden: Bell/Bizzell
Class: 66
City and State: Coalinga,CA
Message: Hey Kingy Poo! Is it true that you called my brother in the middle of the night and he gave you some information about me that caused you to have financial gain?????? If that be, shouldn't there be something in it for me?????????????? Love Ya!!!
Why yes, I believe I did do something like that. In fact I feel like I just hit it big on the Price is Right too. No need too, but I'll buy you a wine cooler at WCW, Mrs Bizzell. OH, what is your boyfriend Jim's last name?
Name: Ernie Nixon () on Sunday, March 5, 2000 at 19:26:03
E-Mail: ErnBren@AOL
Class: 63
City and State: Bakersfield Cal
Message: Hi everyone.I just wanted to add a little to the Beach Boy remembrances. Dennis was in my P.E. class when we were to run the mile for time. As I was just starting cross country at the time, I was considered the one to beat. Dennis told me he was going to wax my butt. I had been working out all summer and was in decent shape, however, he won while we were lapping the class for the second time. He ran a 5.23.5, not bad for someone who didn`t train for it. He beat me by a second and a half. While working at A.W. I remember Dennis coming in,first,with his 63 Stringray, then in his Jaguar. Well those are some of my memories of the Beach Boys. I still have a copy of their first hit Surfin`,on 45. MR. Dan Dye, do you remember when you posed as the track coach and you and the relay team went to an invitational and won. It caused a bit of a commotion, if I remember right.
Name: Nick Stewart () on Sunday, March 5, 2000 at 18:31:02
E-Mail: stewartnick@erols.com
Message: John, you have an outstanding web page. I've recently spent over three hours on several different days going through all the nooks and crannies of the Hawthorne site. I've never seen another page like it, nor one with so much attention to detail.
Except for four years I spent in Palo Alto (ages 3-7) I grew up in Coral Gables, Florida, a suberb of Miami. I graduated high school in 1966, so I'm a bit younger than you, but it seems our schools and neighborhoods were much the same: the ever-present sun, the beach, the girls, the cars, the strip, the drive-ins; the biggest difference was probably that we got a lot more rain. In 1964, I had a 1960 Chrysler 300F (413 long ram) the first of many fast cars and motorcycles. Now I'm just into motorcycles.
Anyway, I am enjoying your site immensely. Keep up the good work. I only wish that Coral Gables had a site like yours, as I live in Maryland now (and have for a dozen years) and I sure miss those days -- and, of course, my youth. Sites like yours are a pathway to the memories of days gone by. Thanks for the help.
Hey Nick, I received an email from your friend Jerry a couple of days ago and it does look like our areas parallel. It's fun to reconnect with long lost friends and to meet new people who were in other classes.
I remember the old 300's too. Mostly white with tall gears and lots of top end. Yours sounded like a real fun car. Thanks for all the kudos too on the website and feel free to lean on this site anytime. Hey, if it takes you back, that's all that matters.
Name: Tammy Tagami-Reeves () on Sunday, March 5, 2000 at 17:07:03
E-Mail: r2t2@msn.com
Maiden: Tagami
Class: 76
City and State: El Segundo, CA
Message: Hi Cindy Whittiker and Carolyn LeMonde! Wow...it's been a long time. How are you? Hey Carolyn, remember when we lived around the corner from each other and hanging out at Kathy Warner's house? Seems like ages ago. Tammy
Name: Ben Tollison () on Sunday, March 5, 2000 at 15:02:18
Class: 79
City and State: denver, co
Message: Hello cougars, I just found this site and enjoyed reading some of the messages. Yea, dan dye I guess you still hold the shot put record but, I almost beat it and I only threw my senior year. any way, I think you may remember my mother. she went to york, intermediate and H.H.S. her name...Helen teague at that time. and it was great to read messages from don dallons and keith jones. but I have to get off this computer so see ya folks.
Name: Tina Ferguson () on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 23:33:15
E-Mail: sfandtf@juno.com
Maiden: Koerner
Class: 1968
City and State: Simi Valley, CA
Message: Okay all you CLASS OF '68. At our class reunion, many of you spoke of getting together for a 50th birthday party! I was asked to put together some numbers for a week end cruise. I was able to find a great rate for the November 3rd sailing of the Viking Serenade. The price starts at $224+ taxes per person, and goes up to $294+ taxes per person, depending on inside or outside cabins. Whoever is interested in this cruise, please e-mail me at sfandtf@juno.com for details. This is open to class of 1968, or anyone who wants to join us for our 50th birthday party! You can also call me at 805 584-2295 after 3/8/00.
Name: Carolyn LeMonde () on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 14:18:00
E-Mail: sparkles2025@hotmail.com
Maiden: LeMonde
Class: 1976
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: My co-worker found this site and I am delighted!
Anyone who would like to E-Mail me I will respond back to you!
God Bless all you Cougars !
Name: Anita Young () on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 13:53:14
E-Mail: youngun39@yahoo.com
Maiden: Aceves
Class: 1978
City and State: Hawthorne, CA
Message: Hey There:
Hello to all my old classmates out there! I'm up here in Oregon with my hubby and my little girl. I have been up here since 1980. If any of you are interested in e-mailing me, please do! A blast from the past would be fun in my life right now!
Name: Laura Porter () on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 12:52:44
E-Mail: dsnycrw@ivic.net
Maiden: Twitchell
Class: 79
City and State: Hemet, CA
Message: Christine...as an El Molino staff member I will share that we often had little jokes hidden in the yearbooks I worked on. In 78 and 79 we had a student named Herendo Mendoza that was always missing from pictures but qouted in stories. He is listed in the index and even popped up as a missing classmate for our reunions. In the '79 yearbook in page 16 there is a picture of an "ice cream sundae". If you look close it's really a salad with cauliflower and a cherry tomatoe. I'm sure there's more that just don't come to mind right now...Any other staff members want to spill the beans?
Name: jmann () on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 12:00:07
E-Mail: punkie4144960@cs.com
Message: the site is great..able to see some of the old places we hung out at, as well as the things going on at the time.
Name: Marylin (Bonczkowski) Hemenway () on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 11:59:00
E-Mail: Mhemenway1@earthlink.net
Maiden: Bonczkowski
Class: 74
City and State: Hawthorne CA
Message: Greg Jones, I was so suprise to get a E-mail from someone in the past! I am still looking for Mary Ramirez (74) It sad when we leave school and loose touch of everyone. Thanks for making remember Hawaii and good times. Last time I saw the guys was at Mike Scotts retirement party. Please if anyone knows where I can get in touch with Mary please E-mail me! Wade, my heart still longs for you!!
Name: Christine Baird () on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 02:27:16
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock Tx
Message: I was wondering if anyone else noticed this, or maybe it is for real....but.... I was flipping thru the '75 year book and in the graduating class there is an "Andrew Crawford". Then if you flip to the sophmores ,page 111, there is an "Andy Crawford", and unless my eyesight is much worse than I have been told...they sure do look like the same person. Does anyone know the skinny on this one? ")
Name: Glen Mancaruso () on Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 00:12:27
E-Mail: gmancaruso
Class: 78
City and State: Torrance,CA
Message: March 04, 2000
Bret Keys
Or e-mail Glen Mancaruso at gmancaruso@aol.com
Hey, it's that time of the year again, when we see if KISS or Elton John can
knock Zeppelin off throne as....oops!, wrong story, wrong year, wrong decade,
who am I kidding, it's the wrong friggen' century. It's amazing though that these
bands can still be mentioned some thirty years later.
With that in mind we, as the Jams Unlimited Committee come to you with the
hopes of creating or bringing back a slice of the seventies. If Keith Richard can rock in 2000, then why can't we. What with we're looking to do, is stage an event with as many Heytown (can we still use that term?) musicians, and those from surrounding cities, as possible. The venue and date would depend on the response we get from this letter.
We would like to hold the the event in the Hawthorne, Torrance, El Segundo,
Beach area, and a few dates are Labor Day weekend, or sometime in late summer-early fall. The proposed format is to start the gig during the mid-afternoon and run into the wee hours of the night. Music sets would last 30-45 minutes depending on how many would participate. Slots would consist of established bands/acts, slots. The event would be taped for purchase and some sort of memento would be available to commemorate the event. The price of tickets would depend on all of the above and the number of people attending.
We are not trying to profit from this event, but would like to see this, hopefully turn into an annual event. If this sounds like something you and /or yours would like to be a part of, please write back, answering these questions-
2.Instrument played (if any)
3.Proposed number in attendance
4.Are you coming as a band or solo Jammer
5.Date you would like to see event take place
6.If called upon,could you help to put event together.
7.Return address and/or e-mail
When we get your initial response, we will send you more info on the event. Thanks J.U.2K
Name: Christine Baird () on Friday, March 3, 2000 at 21:38:31
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock Texas
Message: Marilyn....you might be right, about that white church being a community church. I wasn't real sure, and I just couldn't remember. At any rate, I agree, it was white. Ha ha ha
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Friday, March 3, 2000 at 19:38:30
E-Mail: j.blomsterberg@worldnet.att.net
Class: 63
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: Regarding the BB's and the military...the only one I know about is Carl and I believe he was a C.O. and refused to be drafted. His punishment, if you can call it that, was some type of community service. For the rest of the fellas I have no idea.
Name: Marilyn Ross () on Friday, March 3, 2000 at 16:23:28
E-Mail: marilynross@altavista.com
Maiden: Wisham
Class: 56
City and State: Garden Grove, Ca
Message: Hey TOM, thanks for sticking up for me. When you get this old you're not too sure of your memory but I knew we hung out at "Fosters". John there is a picture of the first Fosters on page 67 of the '54 yearbook. Also a picture of the Hamburger stand on pg 130 of the '56 yearbook with a lot of my 56' classmates. I didn't remember the name Nip and Zip. We just called it Russ' place or Fosters. Fosters wouldn't let him sell his hamburgers in their place so he built his own on the back lot, they were real good too. I haven't read anything about Russ. He was a real great guy. He always came outside and got to know a lot of the kids. He kept tight reins on the kids, he wouldn't let anyone hang around outside their cars. They had to sit inside their cars to keep fights from breaking out. A lot of Leuzinger kids hung out there too.
About the little WHITE CHURCH on DOTY. That was one I had forgotten about. I remember it as the COMMUNITY CHURCH but I never went there.
Another landmark I haven't seen mentioned was the Air Turf market on the northwest corner of Prairie and Imperial, that was early '50's. When I moved to that neighborhood there was only the Palace market, Imperial Farms was only a produce market then. My sister and I would get popcicles 2 for a nickle from the Palace, and diced ice cream remember that one? The little individual squares of ice cream. O.K. somebody stop me I'm on a roll here.
"Thank's John for all you do"!!!!! It's understandable that you would be wrong ONCE in a while, nobody can know eveything.
Name: Debra Lee McGregor () on Friday, March 3, 2000 at 15:34:53
E-Mail: mcgregord@la.lancaster.k12.ca.us
Maiden: Lee
Class: 72
City and State: Lancaster, CA
Message: Feedback this week has sure brought back a lot of memories about growing up. I didn't realize so many Cougs were in my neighborhood throughout the years. That little white church was right around my block and I remember roller skating in the parking lot. There was a brake shop two doors down from me that had a huge parking area and we use to roller skate (and later skateboard) on it. Crozer Machine Shop was right across the street and in later years, we used to wonder what names would show up on the graffiti that was always splattered on the front. (what a shame) I too was forbidden to ride my bikes near the drain ditches, and remember well the airport on 20th St. W. This last week has been tough for me out here in the lousy desert, but feedback brought me back to a happier time! Have a great weekend everyone - maybe I should go roller skating this weekend. God bless...
Name: Christine Baird () on Friday, March 3, 2000 at 13:33:55
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Penny
Class: 76
City and State: Round Rock Texas
Message: Hi Liz...You know, I think that I too lived on 115th at one time. I'm not sure if it was 115th or not. But I do remember we lived on the east side of Doty, where the street would dead end. We lived in the second house from the corner on the south side of the street. I was in ...oh, I want to say 3rd or 4th grade. So that would make it about 1966-67. We only lived there for a year or so. I do remember lots, I mean lots of kids lived on that block. So maybe we ran into each other and didn't even know it. I also went to that little church at the corner or 117th and Doty. A Baptist Church, if I'm not mistaken,...1st Baptist, or 1st Southern Baptist, I'm not sure. I don't remember if I went to that church when we lived on or near 115th street but I know that I went to it when we lived on 119th place. I use to walk to church. I was probably in 6th or seventh grade then. So that would make it...1969-71 or so. I replied to your e-mail. ")
Name: Robin () on Friday, March 3, 2000 at 12:54:21
E-Mail: ThePriceIsRightwasfixed.com
Maiden: Santana
Class: MCMLX
City and State: RB,CA
Message: John since Monday I have checked over 700 taped price is right shows (Been watching TPIR since Janice got her first wrinkle which is now behind her left ear)..Anyway, Mondays show was the first one I could find where the big prize winner backed into everything...IE: The two wheel spinners before Jono go over a buck, automatically making him the winner..then the gal in the final showdown overbids and isnt even upset..I can only hope that the good ethics and moral fiber Jono was raised with will shine and he gives at least half of the winnings back, or to me ....:o)..Kidding Sloey boy!!, good job! Great party last night Jim..thanks for inviting all the A listers..Those Bruin cheerleaders were a real surprise...Later Cougs...PS..I have a beachboy album cover...
BRUIN CHEERLEADERS!!?? No wonder Paco and I weren't invited. Thanks Robin Dude!!! We've missed your wit. OH if you see Jono, tell him my trade offer of the Mustang for a Vice Presidency in Cougartown still stands. Be a Coug boy.......
Name: Petey () on Friday, March 3, 2000 at 08:32:30
E-Mail: beedyboink@msn.com
Maiden: smith
Class: 1972
City and State: salem, oregon
Message: Linda Yorkey my good woof (as Be-Bop would say) where are you? Your e-mail address is wrong. Also has anyone heard from the Lavens? John keep up the great work.
Love, peace, Cougars
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