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"Hawthorne's own" "Chris Montez"
Name: Glenn Crist () on Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 07:01:54
E-Mail: gfcrist@pop.sonic.net
Class: 1964
City and State: Sonoma, CA
Message: Naming Cougartown's best athlete is sort of like a beauty contest. How do you choose?
Dan Dye played center on the offensive football team, as well as playing defense. Like so many Cougars of that era, he usually played pretty much the entire game. He was also one of the best high school shot putters in state and country in 1962, held (and probably still does hold) the school record at 59' 5") in that event.
Big Dan was also a very good wrestler.
Name: Bobbie Spencer () on Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 02:04:15
E-Mail: BTinlizzie@aol.com
Message: Hello everyone out there in Cougartown. I just finished reading some of the feedback and it brought back some memories, All the talk about kites, I remember making the kites and going over to the field by Dana, with my dad and flying them. It was so much fun. I also remember going to the Fire Station to see Santa at christmas time. I wish my kids could see something like that today, instead of going to a mall to see Santa. Here is one, How many of you out there remember the parades during the summer to kick off Hawthornes Fair every year. I used to look forward to the parade. Are they still being held? Well thats all for now. Bye all.
Hi Bobbie, I don't think Hawthorne has a fair any more. I do remember the parades though.
Name: Roni Kobel () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 23:40:07
E-Mail: rskobel@aol.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Dan Dye, did you say that Clark Millman sent you some Cougar Talk??? You mean to say that Clark Millman is READING Cougartown and NOT POSTING any FEEDBACK??? Clark, if you're out there, let us hear from you!!!!!
Name: Elizabeth Castanon () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 23:06:19
E-Mail: lizcastanon6@hotmail.com
Maiden: Cary
Class: 1973
City and State: Amarillo TX
Message: Hi JB and all Cougs, Well it looks like I missed another great time at Pinks. My head is spinning from all the cool feed back I've been reading. Congrats to the new couple Jan and Judy. I dont know you all but in Cougartown we all are part of each other in one big way. Was Jan a Rowdy Guy before he paired up with Judy or is he Rowdy by contact? Anyway, my stomach has been upset for three days from the Chilidogs you ate for me JB. I know they must have been yumms. Bye the way, I make a mean SOS, cook in my crock pot and still try to keep a clean house and I make tortillas from scratch. Am I too domestic to be a Rowdy Girl? Catch you all later and my thoughts will be with Cheryl and family this Sat. God Bless. Liz
Was that chili dog I ate for you? I had two and one was for Sharon Branigan and now you say one was for you. No wonder I'm still hungry. Thanks Liz.....
Name: Lynn Chase () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 22:39:24
E-Mail: ronlynn@pacifier.com
Maiden: Lynn Gruber
Class: 59
City and State: Warrenton, OR
Message: I just got 40 years younger when I heard the Cougar Alma Mater play. How many of you still remember the words?
Hi Lynn, I do.
Name: Carol O'Brien () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 21:32:11
E-Mail: Iresheyes1@aol.com
Maiden: Barry
Class: 1963
City and State: Thousand Oaks,Ca.
Message: The best of times! Russ's tacos, "I have to go to the library to study. Mom, can I borrow the car? Decorating cars for the football games, the wonderful friends.
Hi Carol, I remember you. Welcome aboard.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 20:48:17
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
City and State: Burlington, WI
Message: Rowdy Judy and Jan! Congratulations. Sounds like a match made in Cougartown....
Name: Ron () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 19:42:28
E-Mail: bigrat1@silverlink.net
Class: 1981
City and State: Bremerton, WA
Message: Hello to all fellow cougars. Does anyone know Marjorie Berkel's whereabouts. If you do, please email me.
Name: Dan Dye () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 19:34:53
E-Mail: danadye@earthlink.com
Class: 1962
City and State: Torrance Calif.
Message: Hello class of 62 . Did you ever think we would be this old ? Clark Millman sent me a copy of the 9/14/99 Cougar Talk . That brought back old times.
I am looking forward to more Cougar Town.
Dan Dye
Hey Dan, So you FINALLY found Ctown. Welcome aboard man and BTW no one's old in Cougartown. We are all Seniors. Glad you're here man......
Name: Loren Heath () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 19:26:23
E-Mail: lheath@gtbicycles.com
Maiden: SOS KYD
Class: 64
City and State: Anaheim, CA
Message: Judy, Judy, Judy, Congrats to you and Jan. I'm sure we will have a special batch of SOS on Sunday morning for Jan. Nothing warms a mans heart more than a full stomach.
How is the ranks of N.O.W. going to cope with you marching down the aisle???? Just think of it, I'm getting out of mine (Will have a party for that I assure you) and you two are just getting into yours (we'll have parties for you two also). This is going to be one big party year !!!!!! Who needs the wine country??
I can't wait for the wedding of the new century, will it be yours or Marsha's first???
On Sunday, I will be starting a pool at $5.00 each date submitted and we'll see who can come the closest for the grand prize.
See you all SUNDAY !!!!
Loren, Make the SOS something other than GREEN.
Name: Sherry Wingo () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 18:54:45
E-Mail: dscwingo@pacbell.net
Maiden: Peppers
Class: 1964
City and State: Haw. Ca.
Message: Congratulations Jan and Judy.
Name: Harry Plotkin () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 15:45:05
E-Mail: hcharry@pacbell.net
Class: 52/97
City and State: Harbor City, CA
Message: There must have been a large turn out at Pink's if people didn't get to see everybody. How disappointed I was that I missed seeing Jim Sloey get his award last night. I must have missed Keith also - was he to have been the presenter?
Joe Webber: Kathy Brooks is my lady friend. She taught kindergarten at Cabrillo school for 36 years - just down the street from Dana. I'm still waiting for the story you are going to tell about me - maybe you thought better of it. Hope things are well with you.
CONGRATULATIONS TO JAN AND JUDY!!!! Will there be an engagement party?...and will I be invited?
Jan, if you are feeling weak for lack of sustinence I will be happy to take you to lunch or dinner or even breakfast...OK Judy, you can come too. My mother and dad were married on Valentines Day so I'm sure it is a good time to become engaged. Love to all, HCH
PS Judy, I promise not to bring cooking utensils as a gift!
Name: Loretta Cuiper () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 14:57:37
E-Mail: LCuiper@aol.com
Maiden: Morelli
Class: 62
City and State: Hawthorne, Ca
Message: A Big Congratulation to Rowdy Judy and Jan, what a great Valentines Day this was for you both!
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 12:11:48
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: changingsoon!!!!
Class: 64
City and State: Torrance, CA
Message: HEY- SADIE, SADIE..MARRIED LADY. (Marsha Russell) & SHY GUY (Robin Hood) move over.. Judy Wudy is getting married here.. The ring was a big surprise and what's not to love here.. I'm a very lucky gal..(Janny cooks!!) No date is set yet, we're just gonna enjoy this for a while. The ring goes in for sizing today and I hope to have it on for VFW BREAKFAST on Sunday. To Ed and Linda Chesson.. Welcome to the ROWDYS, and yes, THE ROWDY GUYS have existed for quite a while.. First Rowdy guy was Robin Hood. Requirements-all you really have to do is be in love with-married to-or hook up with a Rowdy Girl..and you're there kiddo.. Linda is truly ROWDY!! FYI-A Rowdy can use a food processor-blender-or egg beater.. whatever whips food up into a frenzie in 1 bowl is just fine.
Now that I'm engaged..can I still say "I'm off like a prom dress?" (I think I just did)
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS
Name: Ed Chesson () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 10:07:43
E-Mail: CaPTChess@aol.com
Class: '63
City and State: Norco, Ca.
Message: Well, our first PINKS RUN was thoroughly enjoyable last Saturday night despite the indigestion! :) Linda and I had a great visit with fellow '63ers Terry Leeper and his girlfriend, Bill Ward and his wife (sorry, I can't remember their names) and Jan Blomsterberg. Also, Tom Burroughs and his wife Sande who drove all the way from Prescott, Arizona just for the Pinks Run. And, of course, King John and Rowdys Judy, Marsha, and Mo and many others that we just didn't have time to talk with. Judy and Jan: CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT!!!! I think that is great. Have you set a date yet? Also, Judy, I wanted to thank you for inducting Linda and I into the Rowdys. My question is, can a guy be a Rowdy too? After all, I do cook, clean and have a real food processor rather than a blender!! :) Maybe the "Rowdy Guys" could be an off-shoot of the "Rowdy Girls!" Linda feels honored, I think, but hasn't completely read the Rowdys Code of Conduct yet! John, this is an honor, right?? :)
Yeah RIGHT!!! It's a REAL honor. ED, if you want to be a Rowdy, you'll have to chuck the food processor and pick up a rusty paring knife at a yard sale. By cleaning, you do mean with a broom, and you can't own a dust pan. All sweepings have to go under a throw rug. The Rowdy Code of Conduct and Deportment was actually written by the frat members of Delta in Animal House so you get the idea. Good Luck
Name: Joe Webber () on Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 09:28:12
E-Mail: jwebber@acuffrose.com
Class: 70
City and State: Nashville TN
Message: STEPHANIE ROGERS and JOHN BAKER: Hi Stephanie! It's good to hear from you. As for the double date, you were right about you being with Bruce but my date was Janet Long. Although Debbie Euring and I were good friends throughout elementary and high school as well as in band. I see you're in touch with Mike Allen. Tell him hello. We were both in 9th grade English and the last time I saw him was at Clark's Drugs in the early 70's. I had Mr. Sloan for Modern Media in 9th grade too, but I also took an advanced guitar course from him AFTER graduation. Speaking of teachers, John is the Ms. Brooks that you sometimes refer to here, (HHS teacher) Wendy Brooks?? Also, my sincere condolences to the Courtney family.
Joe, It's Kathy Brooks. I'm not sure which westside school she taught at, but I think it was Dana.
Name: John Baker () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 23:41:39
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
City and State: Lomita ,CA
Message:Well here it is Valentines day 2000. I just got the word that another Cougartown romance have ended in engagement. Yep, our own "Queen of the Rowdys" Judy DeGrazia HHS64 has accepted the proposal of Jan Blomsterberg HHS63 to love, honor, and obey.......wait a minute, I'm not sure about that "obey" part, but nevertheless they're gettin' hitched. Congratulations Jan and Judy. May you two have many decades of happiness together. Judy, can he eat now? I love you guys MAAAAN!!
Name: Ron Dickson () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 18:36:15
E-Mail: ron201@linkline.com
Class: 67
City and State: Norco,CA
Name: TRICIA MCDOWELL () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 18:31:28
Maiden: SOKOL
Class: 70
City and State: 29 PALMS
Name: steve sturges () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 18:04:08
E-Mail: steve122751@aol.com
Class: 1970
City and State: la palma calif
Message: paul crotty, i am now on line at the above #. e-mail me just to make sure. thanks stu-dog
Name: Keith D. Jones () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 17:25:49
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas
Message: Ingrid, You missed something. I actually hired a Pope look-alike. Everyone knows that the real Pope hates hot dogs. But me and Elvis made up for it. Everyone, watch the ESPY awards tonight. Our very own Jim "Thorpe" Sloey is receiving a special award that's given to very special athletes. I received a phone call this morning at the phone booth at the market and it's Jim calling from his jet helicopter just arriving in Vegas. I wish him much success and hopes he has fun tonight.
Jim's got so much money, he's got a phone on his jet SKI.
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 17:20:55
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
City and State: Wilmington, CA
Message: Stephanie Rogers you brought back one great memory for me. I too had Mr. Culbert for sixth grade. I was in the final class he taught before he retired. It was a difficult year for him as our class gave him the worst time (It was the 60's and we were rebelling even in the sixth grade). Anyway, I vowed that I would not be part of the problem with that class (kids can be cruel) as a result, he noticed me. I was musical back then (played violin and was switching to flute, which I still play in the Peninsula Wind Ensemble) and Mr. Culbert offered me guitar lessons after school. I took him up on the offer, he provided me with his own guitar and even allowed me to take it home so I could practice there as well. We got started rather late in the year and he announced his retirement a few weeks before school ended. On the day after school ended, I went back to Sepulveda to help him pack up his classroom and return his guitar. I had learned only three chords (those who play know which three and how many hundreds of songs can be played with them) but I was very grateful for the opportunity he gave me. I only had one problem with continuing my guitar study, I couldn't sing worth beans.
Stephanie, are you related to Melody Rogers? If so, I used to hang out at your house off and on during my grade school years.
Kathleen, Stanley Jordan can't sing either.
Name: Mari () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 17:06:47
E-Mail: irishrutter@hotmail.com
Maiden: Rutter
Class: 67
City and State: Lubbock, Texas
Message: Does anyone know the whereabouts of Linda Pettit? She graduated in 64 and married Al Lamb, then Bill Daquila and remarried one more time I believe, but I don't know what her last name is now and I am having a hard time locating her. Her brother, Steve Pettit and I went together for a long time and she is the Godmother of one of my children. Anyone with any information please contact me.
Mari, I think Daq's email address is on the Alumni list.
Name: Mike Wilking () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 15:56:15
E-Mail: mnwilking@t-online.de
Class: 65
City and State: Germany
Message: Happy Valentine's Day!
Yes, Happy valentines Day to all you Cougs out there. Thanks Mike.......
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 15:10:57
E-Mail: jonesisouttarehabagain.com
City and State: rb
Message: Keith Sorry to see the rehab didn't work again! Maybe next time. Call sometime.
Name: Kim Bueltel () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 13:59:34
E-Mail: golfnut32@aol.com
Class: 76
City and State: Palm Springs, Ca
Message: I am also deeply sadden about the passing of Mr. Kye Courtney. He was a great mentor to me. When I was being recruited by many colleges for Volleyball and Basketball, it was Mr. Courtney that helped me choose the right school for me, even though he wanted me to go to USC I attended Pepperdine instead. He always made time for me. He will be greatly missed by all of us. My thoughts and prayers go out to Mrs. Courtney and her family.
Name: Stephanie () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 13:06:25
E-Mail: salhanati@aol.com
Maiden: Rogers
Class: 70
City and State: Lake Forest, Ca.
Message: Hello Cougs.
I haven't had much time to get to C.town, so I am way behind on feedback. Paul Crotty sent me an email and tipped me off that Joe Webber had put forth a question to me. I remember you Joe, very nice guy as I recall. The time spent in band hold some of my fondest memories. Lot's of fun. No, I don't play the clarinet any more, but I still have it. My kids received my musical genes though and play guitar and piano. I barely remember the double date, but my guess would be that you were with Debby Euring, or Cathy Pledger and I may have been with Bruce Bellare or possibly Rick Tennant. Let me know if I am close. Lake Forest is in Orange County, Ca., between Irvine and Mission Viejo. Been here about 7 years now. I really like it. I re-connected with Michael Allen, '70 over a year ago and we write often, went to the homecoming reunion together. He tracked me down through classmates.com. Any one else who remembers me feel free to e-mail.
PAUL CROTTY... The class pictures I have from Anza and Sepulveda have us in the same Kindergarten, First, and Forth grade. The only other class picture I have is Sixth grade, with Mr Culbert, (what a trip HE was)and you aren't in it. You must have had the woman teacher in Sixth grade. Do you remember the time Jean and Janice Miranda, (twins) switched classrooms? They weren't identical, and the woman teacher noticed right away, but Mr Culbert probably would have had her in our class all day, none the wiser. Our class spent lots of time thinking of ways to torture him, but he, speaking for myself, wasn't all that bad. Kathy Pledger, Debby Euring and myself used to stay after school to sing for him. He was taking guitar lessons and needed someone to sing along.
Speaking of guitar, I remember Mr. Sloan playing for us in English class at HHS. I think he was working on a club act and needed to practice in front of an audience. Of course, we were happy to comply. He played and sang songs like "blowing in the wind". It was the "60's" and there were a lot of people who had a song to sing.
Till next time, I am and ever shall remain, A Coug.
Name: Ingrid Larson () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 11:45:26
E-Mail: fdg@earthlink.net
Class: 74
City and State: Long Beach, CA
Message: I didn't realize that anyone noticed that I slipped out early. But I do have a very good reason. After finishing my chili-dog, I decided I needed something to top it off, and I went back out front to stand in line for an order of chili-fries. While waiting my turn, I noticed a huge stretch limo pull up at the curb. Having been to Pink's many times before, I knew that celebrities stop there all the time, so I was interested to see who was riding in this one. You'll never believe who emerged from the back; it was Keith Jones, Elvis and the Pope.
I hadn't seen Keith since my senior year at HHS, and I was thrilled to have the chance to see him again. I knew that I'd need some kind of introduction, however, so I struck up a conversation with Elvis and the Pope, who were kind enough to include me in their group.
Before long, we'd made it to the front of the line, placed our orders, and brought our food back to the limo to eat.
So I'm sorry I didn't make it back out to the official Cougar gathering spot, but when you have the opportunity to hang with his Keith-ness, you don't pass it up.
Ingrid, I wish you'd have come and got me. I would've liked the Pope to introduce me to Keith. OH, did Elvis go for the chili dog record? Thanks Ingrid, I guess that LAME excuse will have to do.
Name: Keith D.Jones () on Monday, February 14, 2000 at 03:16:49
E-Mail: cmi50@yahoo.com
Class: 76
City and State: Las Vegas, NV
Message: Best athlete of HHS history. Hands down Jim Sloey. I'll start from the beginning. At just 9 years old Jim set the record at Wiseburn Little League for hitting the most home runs in a game, week, and season. When he got to HHS at just the age of 11 (he was also real smart back then) he not only competed in 6 sports (and lettered) he became the only freshman in the history of HHS (and the US) to play two sports in each season. He was known to sleep under the old bleachers. I remember when I went to Dana we went on a field trip to see Jim play (allot of schools scheduled field trips just to see Jim play) a baseball game where he was pitching a no hitter and in between innings would go run to the track where he won the high hurdles (in HHS record time) then come back again and won the pole vault and then the shot putt and then in between the 7th and 8th inning he won the mile in record time actually beating Jim Ryans record (he was lucky that HHS was on a hitting streak that inning). That was just the day we saw him. I remember our teacher saying that he didn't recommend being (like Jim) so hyper and athletic because it wasn't healthy. When he was a senior I remember watching him dunking basket after basket during an early game against Inglewood and then a guy would run into the auditorium yelling to "Jim it's your wrestling match, up next." We would call a 30 second time out and Jim would run and pin the guy and still be back before the timeout was over. That got a little dangerous when Jim started pinning whatever player tried to steal the basketball from him. I don't even want to get into how good he was at Donkey Basketball. Just say, I'd never seen a guy dunk a ball while sitting on a donkey before. Not sure what happened to him after HHS. I heard that they based the old TV show Doogie Howser after Jim so he might have become a doctor or something that makes him allot of money. But my vote goes to Jim "Thorpe" Sloey HANDS DOWN!
In his spare time on the bench, didn't he work the concession stand too? Great stuff Keith, and I'm thinkin' about changing my vote.
Name: Cheryl Courtney () on Sunday, February 13, 2000 at 22:54:47
E-Mail: Gator67@webtv.net
Maiden: Carr
Class: 2001
City and State: Torrance, Ca.
Athlete Nomination
Mike Marsh
200 meter Olympic Gold Medalist
19.73 Olympic and US Record
Great One!! Thanks Cheryl. Who's next?
Name: Don DI Tomasso () on Sunday, February 13, 2000 at 22:30:58
E-Mail: dond@ix.netcom.com
Class: 75
City and State: South Bay
Message: I am grateful I had a chance to be at Pinks. It was nice seeing you John, Marsha and Judy. Also
saw Joe Mailander and met his wife Lynn and Dennis Gonzales. Nice to see you again, Joe! Royal and Pat - it was nice to meet you too...thank you for the directions. There were others but I don't remember the names...I can't wait till the pictures are posted...
BTW I added two more compositions to my music site. They are titled Given and Afterwards.
Feel to listen to those compositions and others...
Be safe and have a nice week fellow Cougs...
Don Di Tomasso '75
Hey Don, Nice seeing you and all the Cougs last night. I got to talk to about everyone but Ingrid Larson. Ingrid, did you leave early?? Anyway it was a real good turnout and I know it'll be bigger next time. Thanks all for attending.
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