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Another late 50's classic. The Skyliners
Name: MYTMO () on Tuesday, November 9, 1999 at 17:59:28
E-Mail: omittheshortonewillyou
Maiden: homecookedmealonhold
Class: always
Message: Shy Robin, Shy Robin.....how soon we forget the little, (but mighty) short ones. You mentioned you did not have any home cookins while you were here. Welllll, you would have had one before you left, but we decided to wait (so you and Maid Marion could spend all your remaining time together) until your return. I have a meal all planned...hehehehe. That includes you King. If my memory serves me correctly, I do believe you did have a HOMEMADE pie after Pink's (maybe it should be forgotten... is that what you're trying to tell me, ha..ha). Anyway Robin, I still lov ya (OK, Maid Marion?) Robin here is the name and address of the resturant I told you about in Coos Bay. The BLUE HERON BISTRO, 100 COMMERCIAL AVE. (541) 267-3933. Like I told you, if it's the same owner, they have the bessst apple pie. If you go, ENJOY!!! :O) See you soooon...I'll keep my ears and eyes open for a job (with the City) for you. Lov ya, be a coug. MYTMO
Hey Robin, How about Mayor.........
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Tuesday, November 9, 1999 at 17:50:39
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: To the alumni of HHS and all CT readers?Thursday, November 11 is Veteran?s Day (Armistice Day, as it was originally known). I would like to take this opportunity to send my deepest and most sincere thanks to all former, current and future members of our armed forces and their families for the sacrifices and support they have shown and given to this great nation of ours. These men and women, who give of their time and energy?and ultimately, their lives have provided for why Americans are able to live a life of freedom. Again I say a big thank you. And to my brothers and sisters of the United States Marine Corps, tomorrow is our 224th birthday?Semper Fi?Jan Blomsterberg?class of ?68-?70
Here here.......
Name: Chris Prewitt () on Tuesday, November 9, 1999 at 15:00:24
E-Mail: cjprewitt@juno.com
Class: 1967
Message: Seeing Mr. Nyman sitting in the refurbished seat reminded me that Sweeney Todd starts tonight at HHS Nyman Hall. If you haven?t had a chance to see the refurbished hall now is your chance. For those who like to go out on Friday or Saturday nights November 19 and 20 are for you. Click here for more details.
Name: John Baker () on Tuesday, November 9, 1999 at 13:35:01
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: Here's a picture of our first principal, Mr Wallace Nyman, taken in one of the restored seats in Nyman Hall. This picture was taken on October 17th, the day of the Nyman Hall reception. Mr. Nyman hasn't changed much at all. He still wears his wall to wall smile and is still as witty as ever.
Name: Mom B () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 22:27:33
E-Mail: gonore@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Message: You dance too, Robin? You should never have let that slip out. A guy that dances and enjoys it is hard to find and in damand when found. Next event, all the girls will be lined up for their turn. Is it legal to dance in the aisle of a moving bus? Just wondering. Any of you guys who want to give Robin a little competition better start practicing. I wish someone would write in and describe the night that Mike Colbern caught for the Chicago White Sox at Angel Stadium and Hawthorne had a whole section filled to the brim between home and first base. We stood and cheered every time Mike merely caught the ball. It was hilarious and a night to remember. Maybe Mike could tell us his prospective of the evening. I have always wondered what his team mates thought of the whole thing. The rest of the stadium must have wondered as well. Mike?
Name: sherrie moyers () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 21:15:29
E-Mail: rsmoyers@earthlink.net
Maiden: driggers
Class: 76
Message: Hey Sloey, 4 or 5 years from what? Jr High graduation? You hit puberty? What? What do you do for a living?
Name: Mo () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 15:05:51
E-Mail: momo90250@aol.com
Maiden: Trott
Class: 1964
Message: Hi everyone! I just want to let everyone know, that I have started a scrapbook of all the different events we have had (including PINK'S). There are some pics I am missing and if any one would like to supply them, please e-mail me and I'll give you my address. Some of the pics I don't have are:
1. The first breakfast (August ?) at the VFW (misplaced mine). Also pics in September with Marsha's B-cake.
2. Pics at Homecoming game and Stick n Stein.
3. Pics of the Valencia Arctic Slide, the Trott Tripod Trott, and Hawthorne Blvd Chinese Fire Drill.
Thanks for your help....MYTMO
Name: Robin () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 13:28:55
E-Mail: "IleftmyheartinSo.Redondo".com
Maiden: Cantwehave2homecomingsthisyear?
Class: LX
Message: Sherrie Moyers c/o76: I dont know who that Jim Sloey guy is either, or if he even graduated but he gets on my nerves in this feedback too.:o)
JB, I finally drug myself back to Oregon but not without bringing more great memories than one Prince can handle. From Friday night Oct 1st with Judy D standing on the curb waving me home (pre-op) till last tuesday Nov 2 when I stopped at Celesti Gelati to say goodbye (post-op), I could have never asked for a better hostess....She kept me nourished and rested for the plethora of activities in a schedule that had to be meant for 3 people..Thanks Judy :o)...
To anyone and everyone that had anything to do with the Homecoming game, the Stick and Stein, the picnic, (I still have bruises from the football game Susan...canning the center was banned in the 60s but Im not complaining as we won handily :o), the VFW breakfast, visiting the HHS campus and Nyman hall, I thank you all...it was a total blast...
To the Rowdy Girls and the dinners (none cooked of course:o) a great night at Tonys though, with Sandy, Marsha, and Barbara, the shows, the walks on the beach, Tofu, Jamba Juice, Good Stuff salads, Protein drinks, Starbucks , The Spot (JBs favorite:o), and of course the runs to Pinks ....It just couldnt have been any better...
And a big thanks to Rich Sloan ...The Brian Wilson concert was a total gas and to have 14 classmates and friends at our table made it all the better...also great to see Parnelli Jones and Dean Thompson a few times for lunch...Thanks again Rich for all the pics...
Mom B and the B girls (geeze that Sharons a dancer!)
Patty V , nice to meet you..
Angel Karen... finally!...
Debbie Sloey you need to cheer up but that guy you hang with seems nice:o)..
Joyce and Janet, my pleasure...Aunts, uncles, cousins, pets...NEVER had a better month Cougs...more range of emotions than a monster hot flash brings (so Im told)...
John, Thomas Wolfe couldn't have been a Cougar because you certainly CAN go home...And I for one could get to like the So.Bay...so stay tuned :o)...
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 12:35:26
Maiden: moyersbeincharge
Class: mcmlxvi
Message: Judy Judy Judy! Blue flamers have to do with the gas flame usually on a counter top, when the flame is blue too much gas, when it is yellow not enough, but the flame can emanate from other areas that are way to gross to mention here. Dingle berries are best left unsaid. Sherrie Moyers you are it and the game is over! Do you want us to put it to a vote? All of you in the class of 76 who want Sherrie Moyers to chair your reunion write in with a yes. Since that is the only measure on the ballot Sherrie, we are not counting any ballots, you're a cinch. And anyone else who wants to vote. And Sherrie I can't believe you forgot who I was already, it has only been 4 or 5 years or more
Hey Royal get well! El Rojo thanks for the email!
Good answer on the "Judy question". Glad that one's off the table. Now on to more memorable subjects. Thanks Jim......
Name: Linda Stevens (maiden nm: Anderson) () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 12:27:19
E-Mail: lstevens@arapahoe.edu
Message: I've been looking for a HHS graudate by the name of William Fredrick Thomas for a long, long time. I'm an old girlfriend. Smile. He was born 10/24/44. Forgot my math so please calc his class year. Help!
Hi Linda, That would have been the class of 62 or 63. I looked in the 62 and 63 senior pics and didn't see a William Thomas in either. Maybe someone out there will remember him. Can any of you early 60's people help here??
Name: Becky Smeltzer () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 12:15:52
E-Mail: rsmeltzer@torrnet.com
Class: 71
Message: Anybody know where Patti Reynolds is (class of 76)? Susy Smeltzer is looking for her.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 11:19:56
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: time'swastinghere!
Class: 64
Message: Tap..tap..tap...tap..tap... Now come on fellas.. doesn't even one of you have the guts to come foward with the "BLUE FLAMER/DINGLEBERRY answer. Ya all did it at one time or another, and I can name names, ya know.. and regarding "having my hands full after January 4th" Well that's when Janny Wanny Chicken Fanny checks into the DeGrazia Arms.. - figure it out!
Judy DeGrazia.. THE ROWDYS
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 11:12:08
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Yo Ricki... shop the tire size, not the car... Try Big O... They will order up anything. Also check the web for VW they may have a parts supplier listed. Hey you! ROWDY leader DeGrazia. For someone that doesn't cook, you sure know how to stir the pot pretty good. Of concern is this need to expound upon "BLUE FLAMER'S & DINGLE BERRY'S. Just what happened during your surgery? Your comments would indicate that there maybe a new growth problem. It's good that you don't cook! Could you just imagine if there happen to be any confusion. What's for dinner? Chile dogs at PINKS.... That should do it.
Name: Linda Farrow () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 10:48:33
E-Mail: Linda.Farrow@TRW.com
Maiden: Elia
Class: 82
Message: Message to John Baker: John I just had a question regarding the Cougartown Newsletter, how often does it get sent out? Also, I sent you a check over a month ago and I noticed it hasn't cleared yet.. please advise, thanx Linda
Hi Linda, The first Newsletter has yet to be sent out. As of now, we don't have the funds to get it off the ground, but as more and more people find the website and become members, we're slowly building the money to generate the first Newsletter. Also, we need more snail mail addresses of Cougs who do not have Internet access. Your check is here and will be deposited soon. Thanks for your concern and please be assured that the Newsletter is still very much in the works. It's just going to take longer than anticipated to get it going.
Name: Alan Hauge () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 03:21:42
E-Mail: GMT333@AOL.com
Class: '61
Message: Aloha!
Just read all the feedback from my cousins in Makaha about 40 miles out of Honolulu. Heading back tomorrow. This web business is cool. I'll be ready for another trip to Pinks any time soon.
Name: blondie () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 00:50:03
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: Judy,....I guess I do know what a 'blue flamer' is! Sorry I cheated, I just couldn't help my self. Just between you and me....I cheat at monopoly too! ") As it turns out, shortly after my husband and I were married, his best friend came for a visit. They had known each other for years, highschool and all that. He hadn't been at our house for very long when, low and behold he is on the floor all rolled over doing a 'Blue Flamer'! Needless to say, I was cracking up! I am saddened that I am now disqualified for the 'prize', seeings how I cheated and all. Oh well, I guess it's just another one of lifes little disappointments I'll have to get over, somehow. Maybe I'll do better next time. ")
Name: Christine Baird aka: sometimes i'm blonde () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 00:31:37
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: christine penny
Class: 76
Message: dingleberry.....hmmmm, isn't that a cartoon??? no,no, that isn't right, it's the Thornberry's, that's the cartoon. Sorry, Judy...not a clue
Name: Norval Vorhis () on Monday, November 8, 1999 at 00:12:18
E-Mail: olds88coupe@juno.com
Class: 59
Message: With my hectic schedule, I don't have time to checkout feedback only once or twice a week,
let alone get in on the action. When I saw the reference to my "dump truck", I couldn't let it pass.
Myrna, you were close Tom didn't have the same sense of humor as some of us, but neither did Jim. I do remember John B, Bob R, and George G. I always wondered about those guys in the Ford pickup (I never saw it again). I remember wondering how much those two motorcops were going to inconvenience us that evening. Of course, you know, that my "dump truck" is a story for another day.
Hey Norval, Great to hear from you. You're just going to have to MAKE time for the Feedback page. That's all there is to that, and thanks for showing up tonight. Yeah the "dump truck" (55 Chevy pickup) made a fine eggin' vehicle too.
Name: sherrie () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 23:04:54
E-Mail: rsmoyers@earthlink.net
Maiden: driggers
Class: 76
Message: John, how do you send pictures to post in feedback?
You "Attach" them to your email. I see that you're using Outlook Express for a mailer and I don't know anything about that mailer. If anyone has attached pics to that mailer, please email Sherrie and clue her in. BTW, for everyone, please send "ALL" attachments to john14@pacbell.net Thanks
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 22:34:58
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.net
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Hi everybody! I hope that you've all made it through halloween healthy and full of energy. Do any of you guys who work on cars, specifically VW's, know if there is a local place where I can get some white sidewall tires for my '65 bug? (local means L.A. or Orange Cty.) I currently have Firestone S60-15, I think. I can order the tires from Coker, but I need to know if anyone will mount them. Actually, I wish that I could do the whole thing in one place. My car is almost done, but the tires have been a nightmare. This ain't my bag, but I luv my bug. Thanks.
Hi Ricki, S60-15 doesn't sound correct, but I would think you could get WW's to fit a 65 VW without paying the "Coker Price".
Name: sherrie moyers () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 22:03:31
E-Mail: rsmoyers@earthlink.net
Maiden: driggers
Class: 76
Message: Sorry folks, I do not want to be in charge of the 25 year reunion, I did the 20 and I think it could of been a little better. I will volunteer to help, but I don't want my name as in charge. It's really not hard. So if anyone is interested, let me know. If you plan early, it's easier, plus, it gives you time to find everyone.
Also Jim Sloey, who are you, what class are you from?
Name: Richard "Rusty" Jones () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 21:25:02
E-Mail: Kylesdaddy@Prodigy.Net
Class: 1988
Message: I must say I was quite happy to have Helen Lee
E-Mail me back. It was nice to hear from a fellow Cougar from my class.... I'd like to know how everyone has been.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 21:00:26
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: quitdancingthe sidestep
Class: 64
Message: OK Christine..and Romano.. talk it cheap.. you all have something to say.. but the answer to the question. Could it be that I was the only gal that saw a "BLUE FLAMER" or the meaning of a "DINGLE BERRY" I just won't believe it.. Marsha..Robin... Sloey... John.. help these unworthy souls out a little. And yes, we ROWDYS don't cook.. (how'd ya guess?)
Judy DeGrazia THE ROWDYS.
Name: Jan Blomsterberg () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 20:17:12
E-Mail: poppy@iocc.com
Class: 63
Message: Judy DeGrazia...as for those "blue flamers"...I have no idea as to what that is (stipulation from my parole officer was that I couldn't carry any matches). The "dingle berries"...won't touch that one with any pole...ain't gonna go there! And please answer Frank's question as to why your hands will be full come January 4th...didn't the surgery "take"? Janny
Name: Alan Nelson () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 20:16:41
E-Mail: anelson@redrivernet.com
Maiden: Me Tarzan
Class: '73
Message: Tarzan say: Here come Elephants!
Name: blonde and proud of it () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 19:00:01
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Christine Penny
Class: 76
Message: JUDY, from all the talk that you do about 'someone else' cooking dinner at your house....
I can rightly assume....you don't cook? ")
Hope your feeling better.
TO ALL OF YOU FROM THE 60's.....I was out front planting today and my 9 year old (Cory) was helping me. He went and got his radio. I chose a classic rock station, but my son says....no mom, put the oldies on. So I did. They were only playing songs from the 60's. After a while he says...I like this music mom. I thought of all of you, and that you would probably appreciate his little comment! ")
Name: Frank A. Romano () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 18:34:38
E-Mail: fromano@lvcm.com
Class: 1961
Message: Message for Royal...Yo! Your old new E-mail isn't cutting it...So I'll say I hope you're really getting better. Judy! ROWDY fearless leader. I've always been the slow one, however, I don't get it... the "winner" gets to cook for a week! What the heck do the losers get? Oh yeah! The dishes...Now there's a contest that I know everyone will just reach for. And then you lead with you chin! "Your hands are full." I thought you recovered from the surgery? When you have a chance... splain that to me please. While I'm pleading I may as well ask EL. What did Tarzan say? RCG.
Name: Judy DeGrazia () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 15:36:04
E-Mail: Redondo612@aol.com
Maiden: holdonagain..moreRowdyness!!!
Class: 64
Message: Gee.. seems like everyone had a "peeing" or "butt in the sink" story to tell..(& they looked down their noses at this ROWDY GIRL ) Now, how about taking a pole as to how many Cougs can remember the "BLUE FLAMERS" & what the heck is a "DINGLE BERRY" 60's people..this is a cake walk for you. No fair going to SLANG either.. The winner gets to cook dinner for a week at my house.. starting January 4.. I'll have my hands full.. OK..OK JOHN B.. LET ME SAY IT FOR YOU, "MMMMM..GOTTA LOVE HER.."
I never thought I'd say this but LEEROY, WHERE ARE YOU???? I MISS YOU MAAAAN!!!
Name: Mike D. Baker () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 12:30:23
E-Mail: EZPZBear@aol.com
Class: 1980?
Message: First son of Kathy Kelley and Daniel Baker Born 12-14-61. Heard of the web site wanted check it out. Wishing things could have been different. Best wishes to all.
Name: In awe () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 11:13:11
Message: Just wanted to say (even though I may be to young for her) The picture of Nancy Lamb is nice (real nice). Was wondering if she looked anything like that now. WOW
Name: Betty Rodriguez () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 10:37:38
E-Mail: tombetty@kelp.net
Maiden: Kean
Class: 69
Message: Hi Nancy! How are you?? How's your twin, Becky? Gosh, you just missed our 30 year reunion! Well, take a day to read all 160+ pages of Feedback, and it will be like one big happy party!
John B, I too like the idea of a 'What Ever Happened To' page. This could have something to do with my nosy nature. . .
I'm not sure I understand that page.
Name: Cyndi Hewitt () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 04:59:26
E-Mail: chewitts@aol.com
Maiden: Laird
Class: 75
Message: Hi John and all! Just checking in and catching up. I haven't had a chance to read Feedback since August. I see you are still keeping busy with this website. The Homecoming Pix are great. Looks like it was a lot of fun. MomLester -- did you know my dad, Bill Laird, at IHS? He was class of '52 too. My mom was IHS '53-- Darlene Miner. Keep up the great work King John and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks Cyndi, Glad to see you're back on site and thanks for checking in. You too have a happy holiday......is it that time already!!
Name: Royal Wm. Lord Jr. () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 03:06:13
E-Mail: lord@ugsolutions.com
Class: 1961
Message: A big HELLO to everyone in Cougartown! I have been off the air for a few days because of some computer problems that we now have solved, but I have had to go back to my old e-mail address. So if you want to e-mail me please use, (lord@ugsolutions.com). I am already in the process of getting it changed back to the old one on the Alumni list.
EL ROJO/IDA QUEEN-- Thank you for the kind words! I am on the mend but very slowly. It never goes fast enough to suit us, does it? I owe you an e-mail and now that my computer is up I'm trying to catch up.
Mary Ann (Walton) Martin--It was great to see your name come up in Cougartown! I guess quite a bit of water has flowed under the bridge since we were in the same First Grade Class at Ramona School. I am going to send you an e-mail as soon as I get caught up.
Kathy (Tift) Mandel--I owe you an e-mail also, but you know why you haven't received it yet. I didn't want you to think I forgot!
Name: Ricki Farrell () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 00:55:31
E-Mail: farrell8@worldnet.att.com
Maiden: Valencia
Class: '61
Message: Hi Chris P.: Yes, I know about the house at Brookhurst and Southgate. It's great. Sorry to say that I missed halloween. Christmas is incredible. I was making reference to the complex in which I live. Some of my neighbors are really creative. Ginger, thanks for the email, it was good to hear from you. I'll try to respond some time this week.
Name: Bill Gordon () on Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 00:51:38
E-Mail: yaya@lightspeed.net
Class: 57
Message: yes jake, Bill is the track man you remember. We wish we lived closer so we could join some of your activities, but we don't, so we just read all the good stuff and enjoy the feedback.
Name: Pat Williams () on Saturday, November 6, 1999 at 20:28:46
E-Mail: hbwilly51
Class: 1969
Message: Bob and Shirley Williams, my dad and mom, owned the Yukon Market, 135th and Yukon. The guys that played baseball in the mid-sixties, might remember a couple of trips south of the border, as part of a sister-city program between Hawthorne Parral, Mexico. Bob Williams organized these trips. In our family, cars were cool, but a couple of record holding drag boats was where it was at. It was a great time and town to grow up in.
Great stuff Pat. Thanks
Name: Cheryl Nicocia () on Saturday, November 6, 1999 at 20:12:16
E-Mail: chernico@cvc.net
Maiden: Christensen
Class: 62
Message: OK "Jorge", Now the Husband wants the recipe for the Pomegranate Wine. Pomegranate Grappa, he makes.
I, personally, eat them whenever I get the chance.
John Boy, are you missin me??? I am almost ready to make the trip down south again. Still got some work to do, but getting closer.
Let me know Cheryl......El Torito and the antique shops are waiting.
Name: latimes () on Saturday, November 6, 1999 at 13:39:05
E-Mail: aintanybetterinthispapaereither.com
Maiden: hoodyisgoneback
Message: Leuzinger 46, Hawthorne 15 wait til next year!
How's the JV team doing??
Name: LGW () on Saturday, November 6, 1999 at 13:26:04
E-Mail: lgeelew@pacbell.net
Maiden: Geele
Class: 76
Message: Now I know why you let us make off with those burlap bags at the picnic -- they made great trick-or-treat bags for Halloween. And my comeuppance is that I now have 35 tons of candy in my house.
So, in the spirit of giving back to the community, and because you've given us so much entertainment John, would you like your snickers and jolly ranchers (about 20 lbs of them) mailed UPS or USPost priority mail?
Consider it a small housewarming gift (although some claim milky ways make a terrific stuffing for turkey . . . .)
Thanks Laura, but I've been looking at my waistline and think I'll lean more towards the veggies. Please spread them out in your neighborhood to the little ones who can burn those calories. OK, give Dave one Snickers. Thanks Laura........
Name: EL/IDA () on Saturday, November 6, 1999 at 10:26:20
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60/61
Message: OK COUGS, it seems this page has gone a little stale. Elephant joke, "what did Tarzan say when he saw the Elephants coming"? EL.
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