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This one, very few of you will recognize. It's from 1955. Janis Martin
Name: Patty Valencia () on Friday, October 22, 1999 at 01:22:02
E-Mail: peterpanrobinhoodkingarthur.com
Maiden: v5
Class: 1974
Message: Well Peter, Allie and I just had the pleasure of eating at Pinks with the 'in crowd'. Wow. Robin, Marsha, Barbara, Judy, Mo, Sherry, John - that was fun to see/meet y'all. Peter and Allie were still rockin' out to the music of the 60's all the way home. I finally quieted them down with "The Chronicles of Narnia". Whew. My favorite moment was looking at Sherry's pictures of the picnic while Allie was so proudly naming the people she recognized "King John, Mo, Sharon - that's Mikey's momma, Peter Pan, ummm I mean Robin Hood." :0) Thanks guys for including my family tonight. We had a great time. Watching the King and the Prince jamming up front to the Ventures was pretty fun. And Judy, you look great 8 days out. Good job!! Pinehill Lodge here we come...
The Chronicles of Narnia!!?? That would put anyone to sleep. Now Link Wray or Dick Dale.... Now you're talkin'. Thanks for going tonight Patty. I know you had a great time with the early 60's Cougs.
Name: Janice Waters () on Friday, October 22, 1999 at 00:53:05
E-Mail: JunboGreen@AOL.com
Maiden: Fulton
Class: 64
Message: For everyone who missed the picnic you missed a really good time. It was wonderful seeing old friends. Thanks to every one who worked so hard in getting it together. And a special thank you for my "MOM" tee shirt, you can bet that I will be wearing it at the next gathering.
Thanks Jan and see if you can get Art out to the next one. He might run into an old Monarch or two. It was nice seeing you again.
Name: Fraz () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 23:08:15
E-Mail: scFraser@webtv.com
Class: 66
To: Sloey...OK! You're forgiven!!!! Is Robin Hood, the Prince of Thieves, Race Tracks, Picnics and the internet still in town?
It was good seeing you Butch, keep in touch. To John...accolades around on the tremendous job you did putting together last week-end. Bravo!!
Steve Fraser
Hey Steve, Thanks and yes, Butch is still in the "Hood". We went to Pinks tonight with Judy, Marsha, Barbara, Mo, Patty, Allie, and Peter. Fun night as Sherry and Ed showed up too.
Name: Sharon MacDonald () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 22:26:48
E-Mail: rmac@genevaonline.com
Maiden: Badger
Class: 63
Message: Just returned from Cincinnati - Records Managers and Administrators may sound dull, but - second only to Cougars (so it sounds after looking at all the feedback) - they know how to party. Study by day - party by night. One Hospitality Suite was shut down by hotel security! Hoping to make a trip for the wine country cruise and looking forward to ordering a shirt. For all of you who are interested in Hot Wheels - made by Mattel (a Hawthorne product) - a prototype taken home by an employee 30 years ago and never produced in that configuration (called the Beach Bomb, in pink paint) has reportedly sold for $72,000!
Name: EL/ID () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 21:08:03
E-Mail: I-DY-HO
Maiden: YOU KNOW
Class: 60/61
Message: First of all let me thank Alan Hauge and Staff( of excellence), what a wonderful expression of the thoughts and feelings, of "One Hell of alot of Cougars" that still feel the same way today, as they did yesterday. To rephrase a little saying from around the late 50's era Alan, that your "ART AND TALENT" are "SO TOUGH"! To Royal, Jim West, Howard DOO-4, Sloey, Robin, John B, B-girls, V-Girls and the rest of the COUGS who contribute to this site, thanks, it makes us jealous that we aren't in CA.(well almost) to enjoy some of the fun. But they "WON"! And thats really cool. More later. Thanks EL/ID! MAY THE COUGAR BE WITH YOU!
Name: dreamin' of blond roots () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 19:52:31
E-Mail: carissa58@hotmail.com
Maiden: Christine Penny
Class: 76
Message: No ....RONI....not insanely busy....just INSANE!
I'm still out here....aren't ya glad!? ")
The executive was intereviewing a young blonde for a position in the company. He wanted to find out something about her personality so he asked, "If you could have a conversation with someone, living or dead, who would it be?"
The blonde quickly responded,
"The living one, of course!"
*Blonde jokes (blonde joks) n.
jokes that are short so men can
understand them.
") cha-ching
Name: JIM SLOEY () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 17:07:47
Maiden: PINK
Class: 66/84
Message: Hey Fraz what picnic? We won you mean there was more? Steve you look great, don't worry I am not wearing green and yellow, are you Robin? Susan Walling you are a very talented person, and I didn't even go to the picnic! My brudders told me how great it was. So did others. John you are exceptional! Cougartown.com, its not just for dinner.
I'll see you tonight at 7pm. You ARE going, aren't you??
Name: Howard Duran () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:58:59
E-Mail: doo4usc@aol.com
Class: 61
Message: Good luck to all those in this weekend's Cancer Walk!!
Name: Lori A. Rettinger () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 16:34:13
E-Mail: twohatts@pe.net
Maiden: Brewer
Class: 85
Message: Hello Alumni,
To all of those who graduated in 82, 83, 84, 85 feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you have been up to the last 15 years. I'd love to hear from you.
Name: Susan King () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 12:34:27
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: Well KATHLEEN NIX!! I was lamenting that I didn't get to see you this weekend and THERE YOU WERE! Why didn't you introduce yourself?! I saw you and Hubby Fri nite and Saturday and thought what great smiles you both had - wondered who you were!! Now I know! I was telling John how underrepresented our class was....but not next time! I didn't get enough time to talk to ANYBODY but sure still want to. Next picnic I say we post markers around the park with our class years so we can gather and sign in before, during and after mixing with the others! Can't go to Pink's tonite as nephew Mikey has finally hit double digits today - 10 years old and time to Celebrate! Next time, though.....
Happy Birthday Mikey..........
Name: Shanda Campos () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 10:45:10
E-Mail: scampos@webtv.net
Maiden: McCutcheon
Class: 88
Message: Had a great time visiting with old friends on Saturday! CeeCee, Ryan, Scott, Gilbert, TERRENCE, Darren, Sherry, Alfredo, Trina...it was great seeing all of you again! (I know I'm missing someone) It was very nice to meet the infamous Eddie & fiance, Patty. I'm still upset about being disqualified from the coloring contest though! ;)
Melissa - what happened to you??
The whole Johnson clan honored us with their presence. Rhonda, Jacki, Ronny - it was really nice to see all of you. Rhonda - your baby is adorable! Where was Randy?
Darren - please email me, I'd really like to see how your pictures came out. Especially since I was unable to make it to Stick & Steins.
...And WHAT'S THIS I HEAR??!! I missed Mr. Williams?! Does anyone know if he's still in town?
John Baker - you wrote down my mom, Pamela Newman '66, for a "mom.com shirt". Thanks in advance!
Great job Susan & all volunteers!
Hi Shanda, Yes, there are a few cougartown.mom shirts that have to be made up. I will get to them, but have been catching up on other things first. I will order them next week.
Name: Kathy Stonebraker () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 01:16:28
E-Mail: stoney@qnet.com
Maiden: Lorig
Class: 76
Message: I think I've finally recovered from last weekend! What a party :) I would like to thank my sister-in-law (HHS '89) Linda and her husband Neill for coming through Friday night and helping out with DJ duties. Neill, you did great!! Sue Bierman King, you were wonderful as our game announcer Saturday! And to all the "cheerleaders," thanks for letting me in on the fun!!
John Baker, I hope you can take one more reunion story, this one entirely unplanned. Friday night at the game I was headed for the ladies room when I looked up and there was Melanie Andrews!! We used to be neighbors when our kids were little and spent MANY mornings together having coffee while the kids played. IT WAS SO GREAT TO SEE HER! After breakfast Sunday morning I spent a couple hours at her house getting her to log on to CT and check it out. MELANIE - I know your out there so sign in!! Let's not wait 9 years to get together again.
See ya' all in Wine Country...
Thanks Kathy and thanks to Neill too, for filling in for Killer at the Stick and Stein.
Yes, Melanie do not be shy here. Please sign in and add yourself to our email list, so others can find you.
Name: Roni Kobel () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 01:15:12
E-Mail: kobel@gnsys.com
Maiden: Treckman
Class: 76
Message: Wow - sounds like I missed a good one! I'm especially bummed that I didn't get a T-shirt! Boo hoo! Are there any left??? I've been checking the site regularly, wishing to see more from the class of '76! Are you guys out there, or are you insanely busy like me? I think I caught the Cub Scout bug from Sharon... SIXTEEN boys in our den! Doesn't leave a WHOLE lot of time for posting feedback, but I'm never far away!!!
Hi Roni, Yes, the T girls, save Peggy, were all but missing this weekend. Totally understandable that you were off with the cub scouts, but we had plenty of events for the youngsters too. Maybe next year. Are you CLOG dancing yet??
Name: Johnson, Dan () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 00:50:34
E-Mail: wch1ispink@aol.com
Class: 1977
Message: Kathy -- thanks for the kind comments and I hope the birthday party for your grandson is a smashing success! On the Mike Colbern front, I recall that the Hawthorne American v. Hawthorne National Middle League all star game was actually a doubleheader and that National needed to win both games which they did. The games were both played at Prairie/Cordary -- home of Hawthorne American. Later, Middle League folded and by the time I got old enough to play it was Pony/Colt and then "Big League" I remember striking out Kurt Morlock three times at the old Wiseburn field when I was 14 -- but some guy who was on the wrestling team at Lawndale hit a HR off me that must have gone 400 feet to the opposite field. That's when I switched to basketball!
Name: Lori Padelford () on Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 00:30:19
Class: 81
Message: John it was so nice finally meeting you Friday night. I felt like I have known you for years. Thank you John and Susan and all the rest of the alumni that put together this wonderful weekend. There are so many regulars that write into feedback that you get to know their names and now I finally was able to meet them. This website has really created one big family and you never can have to many friends or family members. Thanks again John for all your hardwork, you'll never know how much your appreciated.
Lori Pa-DEL-ford, I won't forget.Yes I know what you mean about seeing someone after you've emailed them for a year or so. It's like you've known them all along, and actually you have. You too have figured out that we're all tied together as one big Cougar family. Thanks Lori......
Name: Steve Fraser () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 23:20:01
E-Mail: scFraser@webtv.net
Class: 1966
To: The "Prince of Pinks", Where did you disappear to after the game Friday. You missed a good picnic, just ask you brothers!!
Name: John Baker () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 22:22:21
E-Mail: jb1@cougartown.com
Class: 62
Message: I just received the following email. If anyone is interested, please take a look.-----------------------------------
Dear John,
The Carl Wilson Foundation-Auction
25 items are available from "The Carl Wilson Walk Against Cancer II" for
auction on eBay for the next 9 days. Donated items range from a Brian
Wilson autographed "Pet Sounds Poster to CD's autographed by Robert Lamm and
Elton John. All donations will benefit The Carl Wilson Foundation. Please
search under Seller CWWAC.
If you have any questions please e-mail me at bcrd@earthlink.net
Thank you,
Name: Kathleen Griffin () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 20:09:03
E-Mail: Spirithart@yahoo.com
Maiden: Nix
Class: 74
Message: I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who put together the Homecoming Weekend! Michael and I had a wonderful time and really enjoyed meeting many of you. There's something special going on here at Cougartown. It's unlike any place on earth and it's amazing how the community has grown. I've heard of alumni associations for University's but never heard of alumni getting behind their school as much as this group has done. My husband Michael (the Gerry Garcia Look-alike) was very impressed with the sense of family that everyone exhibited. He didn't graduate from his high school, (he dropped out and took his GED instead) so he will never attend a class reunion for his old school (in the midwest). Dan Johnson, what a treat to meet you! Unfortunately we won't be able to make your Birthday bash at the Troubadour this weekend, our grandson is having his first birthday party on Saturday. Do keep us posted about your band though, we would love to come check them out where ever they play next.
I got to meet Konnie Krislock for the first time and really regret not having her as a teacher in High School. She is an amazing woman with an amazing memory. She really took a personal interest in her students and it shows. John Baker, let's do lunch?just say when.
Kathleen, The guy I saw would make Jerry Garcia look like Peewee Herman. I'm talkin' turbocharged Haight-Ashbury here. Yes, give me a few days to get caught up with the site and my REAL job, and we'll do lunch. Sounds great Kathleen and it was great to finally meet you face to face.
Name: Patty Valencia () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 19:23:54
E-Mail: pvalencia2@aol.com
Maiden: v5
Class: 1974
Message: Wow, it sounds like we missed the big one -- I am so sorry that we were out of town. (Although I think I am glad to have missed the PV arctic run - by the way, what was the activity called that was dedicated to Ms. DeGrazia?) Susan Walling and family - You guys are remarkable! Thank you for putting this reunion party weekend together - I like the opportunity to attend even if at times I am unable to. Same goes for you King B - thank you for CT. I love reading feedback and also feel so close to home just knowing that I can access it- whether I do or not. I travel a lot and it's nice to have a virtual home that's exactly the same regardless of the location from which I access it. I, too, have met so many people through CT and I love the fact that I receive email from fellow cougars, some of whom I've actually met, others only virtually. It feels like I know you all. Hey, Mom B, didn't you miss the twins jumping down for a picture?!! Last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN B-K!!!
It was going to be the Judy DeGrazia Melon Launch and we were going to use her old bras for the launcher, but we couldn't find any cantaloupes that were large enough.
Thanks Patty for checking in and you missed, Without A Doubt, the most fun one yet. I know you'd have been there if you could. We'll see you next time. BTW folks, anyone wanting to do Pinks II, it will happen tomorrow night. Be there about 8pm at Melrose and La Brea for hot dogs and good Cougar company.
Name: Royal Flogger () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 18:40:03
E-Mail: mybizz@thegrid.net
Maiden: Royal Baker
Class: 66
Message: Mom B - I happily capitulate the Royal Baker title to you. Can't think of a better person to possess that title, and YOU BETCHA! I'll meet you at Harris Ranch!!!!!!!!
Nancy Ashburn - not only do I remember Nancy Jefferson and Diana O'Neil, I remember you. But, I'm sorry to say that I have no idea of their whereabouts! Anyone know where Genie Elshire and Kathy Bowker are??
John, I may still have the title of Royal Flogger, but from the sound of the feedback, this site is not in need of such a threat. The weekend was terrific (I know I missed it, but reading about it makes me feel better and worse!) Our family is growing by leaps and bounds, and by next homecoming I think the alumni will need the whole stadium. I'm looking forward to April and the wine country. I've written down the date, and it will be placed in front of Jim tonight with "NO EXCUSES ACCEPTED!" He has 5-1/2 months to find someone to work for him. (Besides all that, I lost a bet two weeks ago, and payoff is a weekend in the wine country - that'll get him there for sure!) Love this site, and my whole Cougartown family.
Myrn, Yeah we missed you but no excuses next spring. I'm holdin' you to it now. This is just too much fun. I'm still floatin' from last weekend.
Name: Nancy Montague () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 17:23:51
E-Mail: nancy.montague@trw.com
Maiden: ashburn
Class: 66
Name: Reberta Ruth Young () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 16:11:46
E-Mail: rebertar@hotmail.com
Maiden: Gerkin
Class: 59
Message: This site is really cool and I don't remember shady acres.
I think it was about Long Beach Freeway just south of Artesia.
Name: MYTMO () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 15:42:05
E-Mail: MOMO90250@AOL.COM
Message: John....Hey, what a terrific idea, a bus trip to the wine country! The person who thought that one up must be really intelligent. I wish I'd thought of that....I DID :O) so you can't take credit...gotcha big guy!
Name: Billy Cusac () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 15:17:59
E-Mail: pieboy65@webtv.net
Class: 1965
Just a thank you note to Karen and Butman (R.B.) for the T-shirt, it is really neat looking, Alan great job...I'm feeling better, just have to stay low for about 3 more weeks then I'm up and rolling again. Thanks for all your prayers. John, I will see and meet you the next get together. "PIEBOY"
Hey Billy, We were
wondering about you. It's good to see you running the keyboard too, and yes, we'll see you at the next one. Thanks Pieboy.........
Name: Susan King () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 14:40:40
E-Mail: sueking18@aol.com
Maiden: Bierman
Class: 1974
Message: OK, I too need to send some accolades....Little Susie Ciampa (Walling) is one heck of a gal!! She's got 5 kids, hubby out of town, activities of their own to do and the whole gang writes, produces and directs a fabulous weekend for the rest of us!! WHAT A CREW! The Stonebrakers, Steve and Kathy were wonderful as were Joyce Savisky Chance and Janet Humphreys Burkett -- Cougars through and through! I LOVE THIS GROUP! It is nothing short of amazing, this coming together.....we're like a tribe, with a common bond, a kinship we didn't know existed. I had the opportunity to meet, face to face, the fun personalities I have only known online, to reacquaint with some long lost ones and have a marvelously fun weekend with Mom and Sister Sharon. What a blast! My dear Darryl, of the Los Alamitos High Griffins was a good sport to the end. I keep offering him honorary Cougarhood but he's hanging on with the Los Al crew for now : ) -- The V's were badly missed though we did invoke your names on many occasions - both sober and not.....don't miss the next one girlies! My own class was underrepresented but I'll work on them. Was fortunate to get a quorum of Journalism Junkies and yes KK presided.....Joe, Geno, Mike, George, Bob, Barry & Jill, Danny & Judy, Karen, Ingrid, The Drill Team : ), the Rowdy Girls, Robin, there was not enough time. When can we do this again? And lastly, dear John, you know how the B's feel about you. Come see us soon!
I LOVE YOU "B's" MAAAAANN!!!!! Thanks Sue, Yes, we are a tribe with a common bond, and that Kinship is what holds us together. Last weekend was like a great family reunion and let's face it, we are family whether we like it or not. Thanks Sue for being there this last weekend. You and yours are THE BEST of what Hawthorne had, and let get away.
Name: Tony Frink () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 14:34:30
E-Mail: tfrink@spacestar.net
Class: 78
Message: Boy, did Dan Johnson's recent email regarding Mike Colbern and Mike Scott bring back a flood of memories. I was just a little, snot-nosed 7th grader back in the Spring of '73 when my dad and I used to go to all of the HHS varsity baseball games together. Mike Scott, Mike Colbern, Bruce Phelps (who was just a sophomore)...wow, what a team - arguably, one of the best baseball teams in school history. I may be wrong here, but I seem to recall one game in particular when the HHS third baseman (I may be wrong on this, but I think it was Rocky Thomas) got his nose flattened like a tomato during either warm-ups or infield practice. My memory is hazy on the specifics, but I think his back was to the play, and someone yelled his name and when he turned around...smack, he took a ball right on the nose. As a dumb kid, I don't remember the game, but I do remember the blood and the busted nose. In any case, one helluva team. I especially loved watching Colbern pitch - what a horse. The man could really bring it. Thanks for the memories.
Name: Darla Trent () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 10:24:20
E-Mail: Solowflyer
Maiden: Cuiper
Class: 89
Message: Hi John, nice meeting you and you do a great thing with this Website, keep it up. I had so much fun partying with all my friends and meeting so many of my parents friends and it was great having a few drinks with Kristi Perkins Mom Lupi. Seeing the old group felt so good. Johnny, Terry, and Tim, Michelle and so many more and having Miriam show up. Just sorry that Gregg and Craig, Erica, Heidi, and Bonnie were not at the reunion.. Where were you? This was a week/week-end I will never forget. John, thank you for stopping by my parents home on sunday. We took a later flight out on Monday, here we left such beautiful weather and we returned to 50 degree weather and rain. Oh, how we wish we were back there enjoying that beach life!
Hi Darla, It was nice to meet you too. Yes, I know the Cuiper/Morelli clan from WAAY BAACK. I'm glad you had a great time this weekend. I'm sure we'll do this kind of thing again next year. It was just too much fun for everyone. Stay tuned in....
Name: whatsinaname () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 08:51:08
E-Mail: justsenditillreceiveit
Maiden: hersthenhisthenhersagain
Class: itsjustanumber
Message: On the wine trip...any chance we could also maybe make it a bus trip to the wine country, for those who don't have anyone to go with...plus look at all the fun we could have riding together! Think about it????
OK, now there's an idea. We could hang HHS banners on the side and sing "I Get Around" all the way to Sonoma Co. I LIKE IT!! Seeing as you're too afraid to put your name up.......I'm taking credit for this idea.
Name: MYTMO () on Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 08:39:04
E-Mail: MOMO90250@AOL.COM
Maiden: TROTT
Class: 1964
John....I can help you with that one. Chet Wojciechowski and his wife Charmaine (Knighton?) both graduated from HHS (not sure what year). Chet (known as Wojo) is also one of Hawthorne's finest. He is our lead K-9 officer. I have known Chet & Charmaine for about 25 years, and he is also a good friend of Sloey's.
Thanks Momo
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